Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Apr 29, 2000


This is a Homoerotic story based on celebrities living or dead. If you are under the age of 18 or live in a place where it is illegal to read such materials please leave now. When we say celebrity, we mean a person who is famous in reality. This does no imply anything of the sexuality of the people that we intend to portray.

Authors notes:

Well all thank you for writing. I hope you enjoy the newest branches of the saga. I am going to now try to pick up the story line a little. There is drama and sex on the way. Not in this installment but soon. Hell, the characters aren't even 48 hours into their little story life here. But, as I said, it is definitely on the way. grin

Narrative update from my roomie:

Two weeks latter and the author has 3 installments. Realizing he has left you all hanging, he quick whitely hands in part 6 .. Okay now I hope you all like where this is going and I thought I would let you know the story line is going to get interesting soon. Really interesting as a matter of fact. I read all of it ahead of time as he writes it and let me tell you..

Comments or questions send to

Don't' Want You Back-Part 6

Dreams of Reality

By Grayson S Vellar

"The only thing we should be thinking right now is what kind of damage Manerva is going to do at her trial," Chuck said not really to anyone in particular.

"What do you mean honey," Jeff asked making me smile at his reference to Chuck.

"Well, does she know about the whole gay issue here?" Chuck asked.

"I had not even let that sink in yet. Your right this could be a problem, for Michael," Kevin said staring straight ahead as he pulled the Explorer into a lone parking slot. "We need to talk to management about all this latter. It would be easier if none of this came out in the papers. But, I just don't see that happening," he said stepping out of the car.

"Oh, look Jeff a news stand," Chuck said trying to give us some space no doubt.

"Look Kevin I don't want to be the one everyone blames for the Backstreet Boys break up." I said as we walked side by side towards the front of the huge building. There was a silence as we walked along. I could tell he was in deep thought. I only hoped his mind would come up with an outcome we would not regret later.

Jerry stood fighting with the flashlight one last time before his life was to change forever. He had no idea why but his dream was more haunting him than existing around him. It was his mind trying to tell him to get ready. It was his soul trying to show him the meaning of his loneliness. His haunting began again shouting out to him to learn and live. 'Brian I need to tell you something,' Jerry saw himself telling Brian as they walked through the darkly lit backstage. Brian turned to Jerry and grinned while placing his index finger to Jerry's lips. It felt so good to have him caress his lips. It felt so good in fact that he never wanted Brian to stop. In time the past he had waited for this moment to come. But, now that it was happening, Brian would not let him say it. He would not as he only grinned, his childlike beautiful grin at him. Jerry's frustration grew, as he could no longer wait. 'No, I have to tell you how I feel,' Jerry said while slowly pulling Brian's hand away, not letting go of his hand they now faced one another in silence. His blue ocean eyes stunned Jerry. He felt his heart surge. 'You need to tell me what I long to hear,' Brian said fading into blackness. The Backstage was all he saw now as his dazed mind finally returned to reality. The Flashlight flickered on and off as his hands shook holding it tight. ~~~~~~~~~~~In the theater~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where are the lights Fatima?" Brian asked as they stepped through the doors leading into a main auditorium. "I don't know. But that lantern down there tells me there is a good chance Jerry is here," Fatima said as a dancer suddenly appeared out of no where and pulled her back into the Lobby where Glen Howie and AJ stood. Brian was alone. "Hello?" Brian asked walking down towards the lantern. The low light showed across a set of stairs to the right of the stage. Brian could make out an opening in the curtain leading to the backstage area. He began to head towards them and suddenly thought he should wait for the others to arrive before heading back into an area with no light. Jerry was still tinkering with the fuse box behind the curtain as his cell phone rang at his side. He thought he had turned it off. He wanted no more interruptions he wanted everything else to go as planned. Brian could hear a ringing as he headed in the direction of the Lobby. He turned around and headed back towards the chirping sound, as he was now curious to its location. "Hello," Jerry asked into the phone, but there was no one there. He thought it was strange but there was also allot of steel rigging back here he could have been out of rang or just distorted to the other person he hung the phone back up and placed it in his pocket. Brian had made it to the curtain where he had heard Jerry answer the phone. But, there was nothing more of the noise. He was certain he heard a phone. He was also now more curious than ever. Brian made his way behind the curtain. Pitch-blackness took over his senses as he stood staring off towards the backstage area. Jerry's small flash light blinked on and off in the distance. Brian clearly could see at the light about 25 feet away. It was apparently fading in and out, as the batteries began their path to dying. Brian began to walk towards the flashing. Here he had found the man he simply knew as a friend. What Brian didn't know was this man would change his life forever. "Hello," Brian said as he was now about 10 feet from Jerry. Jerry was surprised to hear a voice as he dropped his flashlight to the floor and jumped. "Are you alright," Brian asked, while Jerry bent down to pick up his fading light. He had heard him again; he knew the voice as he began to shake. It was a dream. It was the dream. "I'm fine but I can't get the lights..." Jerry said as he turned around and shown the light on Brian who stood as he had in the dream last night. "Is this a dream," Jerry asked smiling to himself not knowing if Brian could see him or not. "I don't know is it," Brian played back remembering the banter they used to have back and forth. The flashlight died as he finished his words. He could hear Jerry crying as the light was now completely gone and the dream replayed in his mind. "Brian I need to tell you something," Jerry heard himself say remembering again. "Tell me Jerry?" Brian said hearing the sobs immediately stop while taking an uneasy blind step towards the voice. He didn't know why he was so upset. He only wanted to help him. It was always Brian's nature to help, to comfort. "You'll never hear it, you'll disappear," Jerry said feeling alone again. He was struggling with his reality and his dreams. He knew it would all end in just moments. But this time he was going to say it. He was going to tell him how he felt all this time. "I promise to hear you and understand, what ever it is," Brian said taking a step forwards as the flashlight flashed on dimly. Brian reached out to Jerry pulling him into his arms. Jerry grinned while placing his index finger to Brian's lips turning the tables on the dream as he always wanted to do. Brian felt so good to have him caress his lips. It felt so good in fact that he never wanted him to stop. In the past he had waited for this moment to come now that it was here his heart was melting. "Tell me what I long to hear..." Brian said holding him not knowing what he was saying only reacting to Jerry's tears. He wanted to comfort him. He wanted to make it all right. "You're coming here soon to dance Brian, This may be a dream. I may even be dead. I keep thinking of this moment from the dream I keep reliving it wondering why I never can tell you how I feel. It all started with the fire I saw it I heard it I cried like there was no more living. I love you Brian. I can't hold it back anymore. But I am only left with a dream," Jerry said bracing himself for Brian to disappear. Instead, he felt Brian pull him in tighter. The lights above his head began to flicker as electricity rushed through the lines and filled the bulbs to life. "Dreams?" Brian said kissing Jerry. "Do they kiss?" Brian asked pulling back and seeing a stunned and happy man. "Jerry, a dream is what we all have been living. This is reality. But, until we have spent time together, the reality is I can not tell you I love you and mean it truthfully. I want this more than anything. I really do. But, I must be honest and say that we should hold back a little until we are both sure," Brian said all of this while still holding Jerry. The lights died down, as Jerry did not look up. "Brian I give you my heart freely. I will wait for yours to come. Now all I want to do is show you how I feel," Jerry looked up at Brian and could not hold back his smile as tears began to fall down Brian's cheeks. ~~~~~~~~~~Front of the theater~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Kevin what do you have in mind for controlling this?" I asked half in shock and ready to cry. I was scarred of loosing him. Here we were just getting started. "We stand by one another. That is all I can think. Look, you know as well as I do what my life is like. I have the entire world looking at me for mistakes. All they have to do is find one thing and I am done for. That does not mean that we are, that mean my career as a boy band member is over, not us. But, now I have one thing that makes me happier than the band. I can't say that I will be happy losing it all. But, I have you and that makes it all worth it. I have." He said taking my hand in his in full daylight. "You," he simply stated pulling tight to me. "You need to be careful though right," I said questioning his judgment. "Careful yes. Downright disrespectful of what I feel, no," he said sending a shiver through me. Here I had found someone to spend my life with and he was willing to give his all to me. Every second I spent with him, he was proving it to me repeatedly. We lingered only seconds longer and continued to the double doors leading inside. "By the way I love you," he said as reached out to the door with his free hand. "I love you too and thank you Kevin," I said only confusing him as he gave me questioning looks. "You have given me more than anyone has as far as support goes. You always know how to stop my worries," I answered the confusion. We headed into the theater to find Fatima and AJ standing with some dancers talking at what appeared to be a concession stand. "Where's Brian," Kevin asked. "Oh he must still be in the theater Kevin," Fatima answered looking to AJ for an answer. "Lets go check on him," I said just as the lights flickered on. I must have had a shocked look on my face as I saw the complete detail of the gold leaf paining along the ceiling. "Jerry is working on getting the light to stay on behind the stage. This used to be his fathers little project," Fatima said to me as I was leading Kevin towards the doors leading undoubtedly to the main auditorium. What we didn't know was AJ was following us the whole way. ~~~~~~~~~~Jerry & Brian~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian looked at Jerry right in the eyes and found peacefulness there that he had not found in another man in so long. He was longing for this moment. He felt it to be right. He knew it was the time for it to happen. "One promise?" Brian asked Jerry and waited until he nodded his head. "Promise me to talk to me when you want to tell me something. I will listen. I know this life I have is a hard one. I know it can be overwhelming some time. I just don't want you to feel like I love you less than you love me over time. I want us to be able to tell each other what is wrong when it is wrong. I want this to work," Brian said pulling Jerry into a hug. "I promise with all my heart," Jerry said, leaning forwards as the two kissed. Kevin and I walked up to see the emotional scene and both smiled knowing it was Brian's dream coming true. "Well, well, well, looky what we have over there," AJ said clearing the back curtain and standing next to Kevin and I. "Looks like we will be having one big happy family here soon," AJ finished. "Yeah with the exception of you and Fatima everyone is hooked up," I said laughing at my own words since I had seen the way he looked at her earlier today. "Well we all have our own things going on," AJ said looking at me grinning. Kevin tensed as Fatima walked up silently standing behind AJ smiling with an evil grin on her face. "AJ baby could you please go and get Nick down here so we can start. I think I saw him coming in with Mandie in tow, just when I was coming down here," she said in a sweet adulterate tone of voice. "Now" she finished in her more commanding familiar voice. AJ looked like he was about to pass out from embarrassment or maybe it was just the lack of oxygen since he was frozen holding his breath. He had been flirting with this dangerous cat for months unbeknownst to my knowledge. But, never the less Kevin, Fatima, Jerry, and Brian all were laughing so hard they could hardly breath. AJ ran up the isle to the lobby no longer shaken, only laughing at himself along the way. "That will teach him Fatima," Jerry said walking up with Brian. They were holding hands, as they approach not so much in the slightest bit trying to hide it. Fatima saw this as her chance to get at them next there was no stopping her and he slighted humor now. I was watching I could see it coming. Although I had only known her for a short period, I somehow could already read her. To be honest I could already read all of them except Howie and AJ. I mean I could generalize and read them. But I suspect that it was because they were part of the heart of the Backstreet family. But they still had their distance to protect for privacy's sake and that explains my difficulty there. "Oh, so you finally opened your eyes and heart I see," Fatima said directly to Jerry who only stood there confused. I grinned at Brian and nodded towards he and Jerry's interlaced hands. He immediately got the picture and squeezed Jerry's hand. "I.. Uh, I guess you could um...." Jerry stumbled only to be saved by Brian. Brian raised their hand to his face and kissed the back of Jerry's hand. There was a moment when Jerry went completely silent and looked at Brian deep in the eyes. I could see the love building as they intently stared at one another. Jerry turned and faced Fatima directly without letting go of Brian's hand. "You could assume anything you like. What I will say is my darkest dreams are coming true," Fatima, Kevin and I were completely confused as Brian began to laugh whole heatedly. It was good to see him so happy I never thought it would be so soon after the way he wished for it yesterday. Most wishes in my experience over the years never came true. But in my case, I finally had the best wish of all standing right next to me. "Hey, I know Brian is a nightmare to deal with some times. But, your darkest dreams," Fatima asked turning towards the curtain and holding it open for us. "Pitch Black," Jerry said walking through with Brian in tow. They released hands just as they cleared the other side. "Straight from our hearts," Brian said turning back still laughing. "There is something really strange going on here," I said. "I know what you mean. Did we act like that yesterday?" Kevin asked Fatima while he reached over to my hand. "Worse actually," Fatima paused while in deep thought for only a moment. "As long as their is no fire or other natural disaster today; I don't really care," Fatima said letting go of the curtain and leaving Kevin and I alone in the dim lighting of the back stage. "You know we could just head out the back door over there and um go cuddle up for a while away from everything. Just the two of us with no distractions," Kevin said grinning while leaning on my forehead with his. "You know you could be even worse by taking me in your arms right here and now kissing me and telling me how you love me," I said grinning at him. "To truly tell you I love you," Kevin said wrapping his arms around me, making feeling his entire body as it pressed against mine. This sent shock waves of adrenaline though me. "I would have to have you for a lifetime to express how I truly feel," he said kissing me. Our lips brushed closely as they always had before but the passion and the energy that I felt in such a brief moment was overwhelming. His warmth his depth he heart flowed through my soul as I realized the truth in his words. I pressed my tongue forwards slowly as he moaned opening his mouth to me. There was no struggle, no war of passion, just our moment of freedom and expression as we slowly worked the kiss into love and life. "Excuse me but we could use the two of you upstage here with everyone else," Jeff said laughing. Kevin and I did not quickly break the kiss. We had become engrossed but not ashamed of how we felt. We broke apart never removing our eyes from one another until I began to reply to Jeff's request. "Just a minute we have to finish this first. He was just showing me the meaning of love," I replied in sappy tone. "If you don't get up here Fatima is going to show you the meaning of whoop ass," Nick said appearing out of no where next to Jeff who drooped the curtain leaving us to ourselves for a brief moment longer. "We better go out there you know," Kevin asked looking deep into my soul. "I know but I would rather stay here with you... alone... in the... dark," I said snuggling into his shoulder. I was being way too cute for words and I knew it would never work. I just never expected his reaction. "You me alone in the dark? What should we do?" Kevin said kissing my neck. "Stop before we get caught by Fatima since she is looking through the curtain at us," I said, knowing she wasn't. But, Kevin not knowing jumped away from me instantly trying to compose himself immediately. I was laughing lightly to myself and he saw it in my eyes as he swiftly moved close into me again. "From now on I am going to finish everything I start with you," Kevin said kissing my awaiting lips. Soon enough though Fatima did stick her head through the opening and cleared her throat. "Fatima I tried to stop him," I said as Kevin ignored me and continued to kiss down my chin to my Adams apple. "That won't work so easily this time," Kevin growled as he licked and caressed my throat. "Kevin Scott Richardson!" Fatima shouted sending everyone into a fit of laughter just on the other side of the curtain. Kevin immediately pulled clear of my neck and frowned at me. "Don't look at me. I tried to warn you," I said innocently as I kissed him quickly on the lips and jogged towards the curtain. "But I like to look at you," Kevin whined laughing as he turned around and followed me onto the main stage. I noticed immediate that we were not alone. Not only had the dancers shown up but also on stage with all of us looking out at them was a young girl. He blond hair was about the same shade as Brian's. I looked her over with the intent to figure out who she was just as I was trying to look away I got caught. He eyes met mine showing me nothing but hate. Nick took her hand in his and squeezed gently letting her know he was there. Still nothing changed in her eyes, as her contempt was apparent to me. "You must be the new guy?" She said approaching me. I grinned at her as Kevin held his hand up to her. "Not now Mandie," Kevin said. "So you're Mandy I said sticking out my right hand to greet her," I said watching her eyes turn to anger. "You can pull you hand back I wont be shaking it today or any other day," Mandie said confusing me completely. "What the hell did I do to you?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest closing off any possibility of her thinking there was a chance in hell I was now going to be nice. "It's not what you did per say. It's the threat you pose to my Nicky," Mandie said in a condescending tone of voice. To be continued. I know this one is short. But lets take a look at what you all have learned so far. 1. Kevin is gay and loves restaurant fights. 2. Fires can be dangerous to Boy bands. 3. Manerva is a total bitch. 4. Michael has a brother that is married and BI-sexual who is with a male partner as well. 5. AJ Likes Fatima? OMG! 6. Brian and Nick have a weird friendship over all... 7. Nick and Nurses don't mix well. 8. Is Mandie a total Bitch? 9. Is Kevin going to get pushed out of the closet by Manerva? 10. Is Fatima going to give in to AJ..? 8-10 All coming up in future installments. Oh and my favorite Kevin's gonna get some! E-Mail me

Next: Chapter 7

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