Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Apr 6, 2000


This is a homoerotic story based on celebrities living or dead. If you are under the age of 18 or live in a place where it is illegal to read such materials please leave now. When we say celebrity, we mean a person who is famous in reality. This does no imply anything of the sexuality of the people that we intend to portray.

Authors notes:

Okay I announced in the beginning of my last installment that I am working on a novel. Yes, it is true, but I do not know when it will be finished. I am however right in the 10th chapter and the rest are written out in notes. So, never fear Grayson is seriously not just going to drop it.

Again thanks to everyone for writing me. I love the mail and it always shows me who is interested in the story continuing.

To answer one, piece of mail in particular:

No I most likely will not be releasing it in its entirety on Nifties. I am sure you all do not want to read it here. Besides, it would take forever to break it up into installments.

Any comments or questions are welcome send them to

Now on with the show!

Don't Want You Back-Part5

Truth of the hearts.

"I love you too," Jeff replied looking at Chuck. My brother was so content in his endeavors that he had not even noticed Kevin and I smiling at them seeing the same things in them that we now had. Of course they had to look just when I leaned forwards and began to nibble on Kevin's ear as he giggled like a little boy.

"It's obvious you two haven't been together long. But, I think it looks good on both of you," I heard Jeff say in our direction very quietly.

"If it wasn't him it would not look good on me at all. He's the one Jeff. I know it. That much I am sure of," I said hugging Kevin tight in my arms.

"I was thinking about all of this while he was asleep this morning. Trying to sort through how quickly, I have fallen for him. I figured it out when he looked into my eyes this morning. I need him, plan and simple as that. He is the love of my life," Kevin said hugging me back.

"Okay guys no more crying please I don't think I can handle it. I almost broke just listening to you two confess," Chuck said to us as we both grinned at him like Cheshire cats.

Soon enough our little party had to be broken up. There was a car rushing towards us at a rate of speed far beyond safe. We all saw her coming. She apparently could care less what was happening or who she was about to hit. Chuck pushed Jeff and himself into my explorer practically setting in Kevin's lap. Fatima's car stopped abruptly next to us. Kevin groaned at the extra weight. A cloud of dust trailed by catching up to Fatima. The guys shifted around looking at Fatima. Kevin groaned from the extra weight half-laughing at the predicament.

"Fatima's here," Nick shouted as he opened the front door to see what was keep us outside. To his surprise, it was perfect timing for a show.

"Fatima," Jeff asked looking at me.

"Yes Fatima," I said looking back at him directly for the first time since we had met up. He smiled at me reached out and ruffled the front of my hair quickly while pulling himself clear of Kevin and the driver seat of my car.

"Hey watch it he's mine," Kevin joked.

"I had him first, seeing as he is my brother," Jeff retorted. I was laughing at Kevin's expression of loss in the banter game with my brother. It was a very small victory for my brother but it was something I was going to have to watch out for. No jealousy between them was a new rule I was going to have to instill. Just as I thought before the banter was going to be something we all were going to have to get used to weather it was them of us it, it didn't matter. So, I chose to throw caution to the wind on that matter.

"Yeah Jeff is my brother, but he can never add up to you," I said deciding to give Kevin support in his newfound war.

"Can we get started," Fatima asked walking around her BMW to usher us inside the house.

"I suppose we could.." I said, looking around trying to thinking of anything I would need to.

"Just give me a sec," I said reaching over to the CD player and ejecting the contents.

"Chuck do you by chance have your laptop here?" I asked. Knowing he had been known to carry the thing around with him everywhere under normal circumstances.

"Yeah but the power supply is back on sight and I unforttunately ran down the battery pack," he said. I was saddened immediately, I figured there was no way to let them in to my head now. I had hoped to show them my true plans for the video and they all resided on this one disk.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked seeing my disappointment.

"Yeah I'll be okay I just wanted to show you what was on this," I said deciding to be honest. I was holding up the CD that I had played last night for him on the way to the hospital. Of course, last night it was only music today it was going to be much more. It was monumentally depressing to think I had no way of actually demonstrating to them what it meant to me other than with words.

"You know if you asked nice I bet you Howie will let you use his. I also bet he will hook it up to the big monitor for you," Kevin said tapping the end of my nose trying to cheer me up and succeed he did. I bolted from the car into the house; the excitement was too much for me to handle. I could hear he and Jeff laughing at my sudden change of heart. I knew they were going to get along fine if they both enjoyed this side of me so much.

"Howie can I use your lap to," I said walking into the house without even saying hello.

"So this is it Michael. You finally get your wish," Glen said in a monotone voice. He was setting on a couch next to Howie on the opposite side of the room. I continued to stare at Howie never giving Glen a second thought. Howie had no idea what was about to happen he just sat there sort of stunned at my ignoring Glen. I had not even heard Kevin walk in behind me as Glen's demeanor totally changed at the new presence in the room.

"Well," Glen asked Howie, but I realized what he had said and answered him and cut Howie off.

"Well, yes my wish does come true Glen. Maybe, someday you will understand this, but right now, I could really care less. I just need the laptop and you can go on about your business trying to stay grounded firmly in my life," Howie was on his feet immediately. No matter what I was not going to back down; Howie did not know Glen like I did. They had probably had sex, which was most likely the extent of their relationship. I could see that Glen understood that I was not going to take his shit anymore, as he left Howie hanging in the brink. I didn't really think Glen was finally going to push the buttons he thought he had control over me with. But, if there was one thing, I did know he would eventually try.

"No, Howie I started this I can finish it," Glen said pushing him back down onto the couch, while standing up. Of course, this surprised me I didn't need this to happen now. This was not the place or time for it. I needed to stop this before it seriously began. 'But how?'

"So do you have the laptop?" Jeff asked walking in the house taking a seat in a chair across the room next to Chuck. Fatima, Brian, and Nick followed closely behind setting themselves down on the second couch facing Howie and Glen. I may not be sure but I thought I saw Howie looking at Fatima closely as she sat down. It was as if suddenly the room, the world, and time itself stopped and so did his anger with me. Howie was suddenly himself again as he looked from Fatima to me. She somehow made him think of the truth again. He smiled as he looked up at me and then over to Kevin. There was a sort of vocal less communication going on here. Glen's power as a boyfriend would never break the bond the guys all shared no matter how much he tried.

"Go ahead Michael it's hooked up to the entertainment center there. You can move it if you want," Howie said pointing at the oak cabinet against the main wall. Kevin sat on an overstuffed loveseat directly between the two groups. I could feel the tension building in the room. I had to break the ice some how. Jeff was to my rescue quickly as he stood up and gave me a quirky grin.

"Here let me help you," Jeff said coming in and taking the videodisk from me, while ushering me over next to Kevin. Jeff quickly inserted it he looked at me for permission but I didn't move. I was about to expose a part of my mind to them all and all they had in them was the intent to fight.

"Michael are you alright?" Fatima asked walking in from what I could only assume was the kitchen. I shook my head yes to her as she sat down next to Nick and Brian on couch. Kevin reached over and took my hand in his squeezing gently to let me know he was there for support.

"Do we get to see the show Michael?" Jeff asked. It was an honest question one that I would have loved to answer, but I couldn't. However, Glen was not going to let it be. He resented me for everything it was clear to me. I had told him of my dreams of telling the guys everything. Here was my chance by showing them the disk. But, honestly I had never expected to be this close to them. Close enough to show them the process and extent this project had come through. Kevin knew I could see it in his eyes. He knew I was trying to stop all the hatred that this was about to bring fourth. I knew from to look on Fatima's face she was still uneasy about Glen she was glaring at him and he only made worse as he tried to coax he to move on.

"Michael go on show them," Glen said grinning.

"Glen I have had to put you in your place on more than one occasion since we met you. I would hate to think that since we have gotten to know who you are that you would try to hurt any of us. Because I can tell you at this point it is not going to happen," Fatima said smiling drinking a glass of water. The implication of her throwing it at him was not strong enough. I was going to have to argue with him here and now.

"You know what Glen, so what? I could really care less what you think of me or this CD or this project. Your opinion means little to me any longer. You're only here because of Howie. His eyes grew cold and hateful. "It is your nature to try and ride other peoples coat tails. I know you Glen. So what..."

"You have no idea what you are saying right now Michael! I would never use him. He is my equal," Glen said in a loud voice while staring at me. Kevin immediately took my hand in his and looked over at Howie for a response. But, he said nothing he just remained silent. It was as if looking at myself. Glen had a power about him a power to control without you even knowing he was doing it. But, from my experience with Howie, it seemed rather odd at the same time. 'Why would he be timid over all of this?'

"Howie do you have anything to say before I play out all the cards in this conversation?" I asked hoping he would come to someone's rescue.

"Not really," Howie said standing up and heading towards the kitchen.

"Well, then I guess I do," Jeff said and paused looking at he and Chuck's hands intertwined together.

"Go on, baby you can do it," Chuck said apparently knowing what was to be said but wanting Jeff to do it.

"Glen I know a little about you. You may have wanted to forget me but I have not forgotten you..." Chuck had no surprised written on his face he knew of Jeff's past.

However, that did not stop my surprise. "Yes, Michael, Glen and I have a past. It was not so long ago but it is in the past..." My heart was beating so fast I think you could hear it outside of my own body. Jeff set the laptop in my lap as he turned around and walked back to Chuck. Chuck was shaking his head yes as I sat confused and torn in every direction possible. Kevin was looking on at me with a worried expression written across his face.

"A few months ago before Chuck joined me here on the shoot. Glen came down and found me to talk about you. But." he paused. "I never meant it to happen. He told me about cheating on you and that he was sorry and then he." Jeff was crying now and Chuck pulled him into his arms.

"He tried to use our relationship to get at you. But Jeff here wouldn't let it happen. To much truth had come out between Jeff and Glen that night," Chuck paused rubbing Jeff's shoulder. "So, much in fact that they were drunk and the inevitable happened between a man who is weak and a man who is a slut," Chuck said looking directly at Glen.

"Michael this does not change us. No matter what, I am here. You have to understand I am with you not them. Not him..." Kevin said, point at Glen. " Not them..." He pointed at Chuck and Jeff. "Not anyone else. We are not together because of this," He said tapping his chest above his heart.

"Then there is this," he said tapping the laptop, it came to life and began to play the videodisk.

I looked at Kevin though a broken hearted set of eyes. My life was all messed up all because of them now. Not because of some one night stand, but because I had wanted all of this so bad. I had wanted him to bad. I had wanted it all so bad. Was I wrong all that time to search for the dream that I believed in. Was I such an idiot to believe anyone could love me for real? One day was Kevin going to tell me he never really loved me.

Kevin looked on at me as the room was completely in silence. I was at a loss for words as I went to stand up. Kevin quickly pulled me into his arms holding to me for life as my tears washed away all the hurt I had inside. Kevin wiped them from my cheek with his thumbs starring me straight in the eyes.

"We are together because of us no one else can change that. No matter what the past or their past holds it changes nothing between us. I love you," Just as the words came out of his mouth the music started to pump through the speakers on the television. Howie had, definitely linked me into the Entertainment system in the living room. There was a silence as the beginning of the music played to a blank black screen and suddenly stopped.

'Don't Want You Back'

"What happened?" Kevin asked.

"Just wait Kevin it is starting. But, you got past my password? Michael before you get too into it there are some rather surprising changes going to be taking place so watch closely." Glen said.

What I couldn't understand was how the password features some how had been disabled when Kevin started the laptop. Howie walked back into the living room to the silence and sat down on a chair next to AJ. Glen looked helpless as he realized he was going to loss. I was only hoping the Howie I had just met could handle the hurt that would ensue such a moment. As much as glen was a prick in heat, he was a good guy at one point. 'Could he actually treat Howie well enough in a relationship?' I knew it was not my question to ask, but it should be asked.

The music began again as a brush of wind hit the speakers. The blackness was soon fading to shades of Grey as Light began to permeate along with the music starting again...

'Don't Want You back...............'

I heard a gasp as a picture of Kevin and Brian flashed up on the screen in all black. Their pale complexion was enough to make them look evil in some way. It was draining to think of them like this. Next Nick and Howie standing side by side as the music continued. They were only flashes of images Flashes of images not like anyone had seen of them before. AJ picture flashed next and held there on the screen. He had small amounts of color, life, and vitality. 30 seconds counted down in the corner of the screen, while the color faded out almost making him as dark as the rest.

AJ was grinning as he watched in anticipation of the rest. I was smiling so big my face was starting to hurt. I looked around the room and watched as Brian, Nick, and Fatima were all leaning in to get a better view.

As AJ first line was to start, the screen flashed bright white light sending the three back into their seats. The effect had been set and the attention was caught. I only hoped that they would like what they saw. I was proud, I was elated.

On the screen, the treatments that had been destroyed in the fire one by one crossed the screen as if a comic or movie was taking place. No one moved an inch. Howie was now leaning in watching closely as the storybook video faded and Glen appeared on the screen.

'Hello and welcome to the Valery mindscape,' Glen was smiling as he turned and motioned to a set of tables that held the treatments stacked high. But this was never part of the videodisk before.

'This is his dream and I am here tonight to help him make it come true. I know what you are thinking. Who are these people to make all of this happen for Michael? I may have stood in his way in the past but I have recently learned that love and life deserve sunshine and growth. He is a great guy and that may be reason enough to do all this for him. It only seems fair for us to do it for someone who does so much for everyone else.' Glen looked down at the black lacquer floor he was standing on.

'Anyhow, we are the cast and crew of his life.' Glen turned and motioned someone to come into view of the camera. 'Lady's and gentleman I would like to introduce you to Jeff, Michael's brother he will finish up our little introduction and then we will try and show you the rest of the treatments.' None of this was there, it was originally all me before explaining what the video was about. But now it was all them explaining their reason for being here for me.

"This looks like a documentary now..." I said only to be shushed by the rooms occupants. I had to laugh at that I just had to. I mean how often do you get to get shushed over something that you created. My brother although it was himself, was watching intently.

'Michael is one of the most creative minds in this business. However, he is not in the business as of yet,' Jeff was quickly interrupted. 'He is now,' Glen shouted at him from a distance, Jeff looked on at the camera grinning before continuing. 'Okay he is now. But, before you take our word for it maybe we should show you why,' And then the camera faded to black as the music started. I was even more confused now as I thought back to what had just happened seconds ago with everyone in this room. How could they look so friendly in this video when had this all taken place. It couldn't have been that long ago. I mean look at Jeff. Then it hit me that shirt. Jeff is wearing it sitting across from me. Right across from me here in the living room. But how?

No more brightly lit room. No more stacks of treatments. Just black and breathing. There was a silence in the room as the stills began to flash across the screen showing the video through drawing. One by one they flashed completing my mind view of the video as it was to be filmed. I was even in awe of the whole experience; my tears were the evidence. Kevin gently squeezed my hand in his as we sat watching. The only difference would be that in the new ending AJ walks back to the girl on screen.

The screen begins to lighten as the blackness fades to me standing there smiling. I was going to give the closing notes just as I had remembered it being filmed months ago. But when did they add the new footage. And another thing I could not understand was the sudden change with the password. How did Kevin get past it so accidentally? I looked down at the laptop and saw a message on the screen it was something I was not expecting to see? In a pop up window, the words "You win! Luv you Howie and Glen" spread across the laptop screen. I leaned on Kevin with a shudder of emotions went running through my body.

"We were hoping to surprise you with this today. I spent about three hours on it last night when Jeff got here. No we haven't slept much," Glen paused looked over at Howie who was in shock. "Okay, Howie knew nothing of it. Jeff, Chuck and I worked on it after they got here and I let Howie and AJ sleep. They were so exhausted I just didn't want to wake them," Glen said still lonely sitting on the couch with no one near him. "I may have used people in the past Michael. But, I realized the things I have done wrong. I won't screw this up he means too much to me for that." Glen said standing up himself and walking into the kitchen. There was a silence as I knew what he was doing he was silently crying. If I knew anything about Glen, it was his constitution on emotions. Howie started to stand I knew he was going to go and help him through it but part of me wanted to scream for him to let him be. Maybe Glen wouldn't have the hold over him if he just let Glen act out his own world without an audience. Howie walked over to the couch to where Glen had just left and sat down leaving just enough room for one more.

I secretly cheered in my head as Glen walked back into the room in silence. His cheeks were still wet as he approached the couch. It was not like him at all to come in showing that he was actually emotional. He was breaking new ground as a human being. He was trying to be honest. He was changing in front of my eyes and here I had made him out to be the bad guy less than 40 minutes ago.

"Mind if I join you?" Glen asked quietly.

"Not at all," Howie said reaching out to him and pulling him into his lap. There was nothing but silence as we all watched them. It was something of an emotional moment for all of us. I felt a twinge of guilt as I realized how badly I had treated both of them. Then it hit me. I had overlooked something.

'It was the room they had filmed my brother in; it was the studio from Miliken's!'

"Glen where did you film this?" I asked holding tight to Kevin hand. Glen pulled away and sighed heavily into the air.

"We filmed it at the studio," Glen said answering.

"You mean you did all this in the company studio?" I asked only half shocked at the revelation that Mr. Miliken was keeping his promise of helping me when I needed it.

"Yes," Glen continued to look down at the carpet thinking I was going to be mad.

"How did you get it onto the disk before I got here?" I heard myself asking as Jeff held up a disk in his right palm identical in appearance that answered that question.

"I see.." I paused realizing one other fact about the video. "But the treatments on the table were there when you shot the footage of Jeff. Where did those come from," I asked to see him suddenly look up with a smile on his face.

"Go look in there on the kitchen table Michael," Glen said and I did not move an inch I couldn't. Fatima saw my frozen state and walked in followed by AJ and Nick. There was a moment of silence as AJ came walking back into the room with a packing box in his arms followed by Nick with a binder in his hands.

"What is this guys," Howie asked as I looked at them questioningly there was no way that Glen could have gotten seconds made so quickly. Unless.

"Glen, were these made last night," I asked to his shaking his head no. I was getting excited and mad at the same time. Nick handed me the binder to which I opened immediately and leafed through page after page of storage disks with treatment segments written on them.

'This is Manerva's hand writing on these disks," I said out loud.

"Yes it is," Glen said pausing to readjust himself in Howie's lap looking directly at me.

"She was arrested last night. Did you know that?" Glen asked calmly. This only shocked me as he said it of course. But, why had she been arrested this only confused matters.

"No, um what happened," I asked and Chuck immediately raised his hand to answer which Glen nodded his head to him to go ahead and talk.

"Well, you see last night when we were there at the studio," Chuck started in pointing animatedly at the television. "Um well Manerva decided to dump all of her evil doing in my lap by telling me. So, I acted interested. It was funny all the way up to the point when they put her in the back of the police cruiser," Chuck said grinning.

AJ was the first to laugh at the satisfied look on Chuck's face, followed in suit by Howie, Nick, and Brian. Kevin and I looked at one another and were completely at a loss. It really seemed like I should be upset or something but I wasn't. I mean I had to admit Manerva falling for a trick of her own nature was funny but I just couldn't.

"So why exactly did she get arrested?" I asked and everyone stopped laughing to look at Chuck.

'The fire," he simply answered and there was no laughter this time. In fact, the room remained eerily silent for about fifteen minutes until I spoke up finally deciding to talk to Glen as a person and not a nemesis.

"Glen, I want to say this to you and I want you to listen carefully," Every eye in the living room turned on me immediately. "Glen what I have to say is..." Kevin squeezed my hand gently in his. "I'm sorry for doubting you and I hope you can forgive me," I said looking at him staring into his mind through his eyes. Sparks lit up his eyes as he smiled back at me and shook his head yes. Howie stood up and walked over to Kevin and me. He was reaching out slowly to us as we stood and joined him. The hug that took place would have normally caused me pain from the grip. I relished in it as everyone but Jeff and Chuck joined in. Quickly Fatima remedied this as she grabbed Chuck's hand and he pulled Jeff to his feet following suit.

"Now that is how we all should be acting," AJ said as he squeezed Kevin and I while laughing wildly.

"Okay AJ get off him. I should be the only one to turn him on like that," Kevin said sending a shock through he with his words. He saw my reaction immediately and I knew it was mainly because of my blushing state of being. "I was joking Michael," He said coyly as I leaned in and kissed him. The guys all whistled and cheered as we both now blushed from the attention.

"Guy's we have allot of work to do but before we get going I have something to say," Fatima said. We all looked at her in our mind telling her it was all right to go on waiting for whatever it was.

"Okay, I can see that everything is going to work out now and I must say that Michael has done one of the best jobs so far on convincing all of us to do this. But, there is still a lot of work to be done. We now have the media attention we would have needed after this was done. We will be under a microscope. So, what I'm trying to say is... Be careful with each other and your hearts. This is something I am sure all of you are aware of but, I have to say it otherwise where would my sense be...." She paused long enough for us all to agree with her and began again. "Now we have the work here done. Why don't we head to the new studio for the rest of the day and see if we can make this work. Jerry has already started working out the dancer and we need to get there to show them the actual steps." Brian immediately perked up. I could see it on his face at just the mention of Jerry. I thought it was cute in some way or another. I decided it was time I went into business mode I began to speak ignoring my mind plot for Brian.

"Fatima, you may have noticed that in the background of the shots on the treatments there are no other dancers. I have no idea what we would need them for other than extras. But, if you have something in mind I would love to hear it," I said trying not to sound condescending.

"Yes, I noticed and I do have some idea's in mind." Fatima said grinning at me. As she turned and walked away she placed her cowboy hat on her head and headed for the front door. I looked at her smiling as I realized these people were really my friends. In just two days, they had changed my entire life making forget my problems and making me want to live again. I'm sure Kevin felt it as I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him towards the front door. Jeff and Chuck followed close behind as everyone else just stood there waiting for someone to move. It was funny as I turned around they all looked happy and confused at the same time it must be the way we all work together the timing and the center of the universe attitude we all take together and not separate.

"Damn it! Why wont you work?" Jerry shouted at the stage lights as he had been fighting with them all morning long. Several of the dancers had showed up and were waiting to be let into the theater. Jerry had managed to find a gas-burning lantern before he made it to the dark theater. It was about 2:30 and he was expecting the rest of the dancers to be there. Sure he had grown up here and he had knowledge of the electrical system but it wasn't working. Frustration over took his senses of security as his flashlight began to die down. The batteries had not been changed in it in months. But, now when he needed it the most it was yet again another thing leaving him alone to fend for himself in the dark. Jerry mind jumped back to the dream he was alone this time screaming to God. "Why? Why do you take him from me? Why is it every time I come so close to telling him he disappears? If only I had a chance to tell him. It may only be a stupid dream but it is mine. Please, let me get this off my chest so I can move on with my life," He shouted to no one in particular. He was engrossed he was enraged. He had been drifting all day in a river of darkness. His mind would spring to the moment of the dream. Every detail had been there each time it returned. It was all in his mind. But, all he wanted to do was tell Brian how he truly felt. For nothing else, it would mean his sanity. It would mean his release. ~~~~~~~In Fatima's Car~~~~~~~~~~ "Okay guys we're almost there. Just a couple more blocks," Fatima said more convincing to herself than to Howie, Glen, AJ, and Brian who were riding in her back and passenger seats. She was trying to remember exactly where the theater was at when she finally saw the marquee come into view. It had been months since she had been here. Jerry had tried to convince her his keeping this theater was only for the good of his father's memory. Now it was all he had left to remember the man by. She was worried about him for so long. After they had met last year, she was sure he would be her greatest nemesis in the dance business. But, instead of just letting it happen she was convinced they needed to work together. They were after all this time friends. "Ah, there it is...." Fatima said half under her breath breaking her own train of thought. "Yeah there it is," AJ smoothly replied winking at her. This of course was slightly unsettling to Fatima. She had seen this boy/man in action with the ladies and was sure he was only pulling her leg. He was not flirting with her was he? They had worked together from the beginning of the Backstreet Boys first video. She had watched him grow up. 'Grow up?' She asked herself realizing he was just that... 'Grown up' He was now a man where once an unsure man stood in his place. She turned her head and smiled at him as she pulled up to the curb in front of the theater. They had arrived at Brian's soon to be destiny. ~~~~~~~Michael's Explorer~~~~~~~~ "So, why did Nick decided to show up latter?" I asked Kevin who was driving. "Mandie," was all he replied apparently deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts," I said making him smile. "Just worried about everything. This has to be perfect or the media will eat us alive. Besides I know I have the best person for the job sitting here and I know he would never steer me wrong," Kevin said still smiling. "Thanks sweetie but....." Kevin cut me off. "Baby, I was talking about your brother," Kevin said still smiling only this time much larger than before. I knew he was joking but then Jeff jumped into the conversation. "Thanks Kevin, we could always use Michael there as a technical advisor though," Jeff replied sending a chill through me. Once he had told me that he only allowed tech advisors onto his sets if they could truly be ignored or pushed aside other wise, he kept them in the dailies room away from the real action. "So I am that expendable?" I asked as Kevin glanced sideways at me. He really thought I was hurt by it because with the look on his face and those empyreal eyes I could swear on it. "Far from expendable in many ways..." Kevin said. "I hope so baby." I said leaning in to steel a kiss only to hear my brother clearing his throat from the back seat. "So why did you two decide to come out here so early. I bet that if Glen hadn't opened the door last night you would have been in shock?" I said half-laughing. "We heard that Brian was in the Hospital and I already knew all of you were together. I called Liz and asked what she knew of all of this. She said that all of you were together working on a project. She knew nothing more. It got me worrying about my baby brother so much I had to get here immediately," Jeff answered. "Besides, if Howie or AJ had of opened the door in their boxers it would have also made the trip more memorable. I was willing to take the chance..." Jeff through in making both Kevin and I burst into laughter. "Kevin I think you just passed the theater," Chuck said laughing hysterically. "Oh, I guess I did," Kevin said blushing as he pulled around quickly and headed for the rear of the theater. "Not to break the good humor and all but we do have other things to worry about. What we should be worrying about right now is what kind of damage Manerva is going to do at her trial," Chuck said not really to anyone in particular. "What do you mean honey," Jeff asked making me smile at his reference to Chuck. "Well, does she know about the whole gay issue here?" Chuck asked. "I had not even let that sink in yet. Your right this could be a problem, for Michael... Well, all of us actually." Kevin said staring straight ahead as he pulled the Explorer into a lone parking slot. "We need to talk to management about all this latter. It would be easier if none of this came out in the papers. But, I just don't see that happening," he said stepping out of the car. To be Continued.. E-mail me please

Next: Chapter 6

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