Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Nov 21, 1999


This is a story contains graphic depictions of sexual encounters between males (or it soon will). If you are located where it is illegal to view such material leave now. If you are under 18 years of age, it is at this time advised that you also leave. The author does not claim to have any personal knowledge of the sexuality of the Backstreet Boy's if they are gay or straight it is their own personal decision to reveal such knowledge to you and not mine. Ok enough of that. In other words, if I knew I wouldn't tell and since I don't; I won't tell either.

Authors notes: Ok everyone here is another new story by me. For those of you confused, yes this is Grayson from BSB-Magic. I will be continuing that story, but I had a good idea; I had to use it or I was going to burst. If you like this, let me know! I have been moving and all of you know about the whole packing disasters and moving thing. All I ask is that you bear with me here. This story as well as several of my other ones are currently being edited by Fernie or better know as Moogleray. Thanks again.

Don't Want You Back


'And the Sun Shall Burn'

By Grayson Scott Vellar

We were now looking at one another as the door flew open and Nick stepped inside, quickly closing the door. He was in shock as he watched us. Neither of us cared, however, as we softly kissed again. When we parted, I was looking back into those eyes of his again as he winked at me. I was now held there a captive in his heart, as he was in mine.

"You know, we are going to have to figure all this out without him in here," I whispered.

"You're right," he said as he turned and pushed Nick back towards the door. I opened it as he shoved Nick back outside to the awaiting Fatima.

"Pick this stuff up, Nick. You made the mess, now do it," she said. He looked sheepish as he stepped forwards and picked up the rack again. I closed the door just as she was beginning to walk towards us.

"This is my office, and I will use it anytime I feel like," she said as she opened the door. We were kissing again. This time there were no inhibitions as we slowly ground ourselves into one another.

"Ok, enough of a show for me. But Mike, I don't think we should put that in the video," she said as she walked across the room and sat down behind her desk.

"Oh, why not Fatima?" I said. Kevin's eyes shot wide open. "Joke my." I almost called him my love as my eyes shot open now. I looked to find him staring at me in a weird kind of awestruck state. He looked over at Fatima and half chuckled as his smile grew.

"I know it was a joke, love," he said. I looked at him, matching his previous expression. He leaned in and kissed me, removing the expression.

"You two should get out of here. I know what it is to work and be in love with your co-worker, and not be able to do anything about it," Fatima said as she picked up the phone and began to dial. "Jerry, I need your team here tomorrow by 11:00. We have got a job," she said, hanging up the phone.

"I take it that means we have to be here tomorrow then?" I questioned her.

"Well, after you are through over at AJ's, I would like to show your brother what we have come up with," She said as she swiveled out of her chair.

"Ok, then I have to make sure we don't start going on and on. We kind of get that way." I said, trailing off and thinking about how much my brother and I chatter when we are together. I was sure it was going to annoy Kevin.

"We will be here Fatima. What do we have set for the rest of the day?" Kevin asked as I hung on his arm, still thinking of my family and how I was going to handle all of this. Suddenly it hit me: all I had to do was call Liz. She would know what to do; she knew everything about my brother, and well, she would understand.

"You're free. But, I want our partner to get the sketches to me tomorrow." She said as I still leaned into Kevin, now taking interest in their conversation.

"Fatima, all the work for this shot belong to me. I bet Mr. Miliken has already prepped the materials and sent them over to my." I paused for a second. "Oh no, he would have sent them to the apartment, and there is a chance that Glenn got them."

"He won't do anything; he is afraid of all of us, remember?" Fatima said. "Well, at least he is afraid of me," she added as we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," she said as Kevin and I remained interlocked. In the doorway stood Glenn, holding a box and flanked on either side by AJ and Howie. `Great, what does he want now?' I thought. Howie saw my mood change as I let go of Kevin, now fully facing the door.

"It's a mission of peace Mike, relax," Howie said, as Kevin took the box.

"There are five more of those in the car. If I could get some help, you can have all of them," Glenn said as Kevin opened the box after placing it on the desk. Kevin flipped through, staring at my initial sketches for the video. He saw my original intent, as I had myself drawn into background shots. He grinned as he saw the couple, AJ and a faceless woman, breaking up. His eyes spoke volumes of pride as he looked over all the sketches, repeating his actions as he looked at each one.

"I'll help you with the boxes," I said as Kevin immediately dropped the stack back into the box.

"We'll all help," Kevin said. I could see Howie checking out Glenn's ass, as Glenn stood there looking, at Kevin with interest. I supposed he was checking out who had stolen my heart from him. But what he didn't realize is he never had my heart to begin with. At one point in time, I did give it freely to Glenn, but he was not the right owner and I knew it deep down inside. However, myself, being like most gay men, I only wanted love and to be in love. To pay the price of self-betrayal, you oftentimes have to lie to yourself to make it all work out the way your heart wants it to be.

"You know, Michael, with the way you're staring off there, I would have to say you are in deep thought, and I think you should stop. We need to get you your equipment and staff so you can get your video filmed," Glenn said as I quickly snapped back to reality.

"What was that Glenn? I thought you sounded like you were helping us here. And yeah I was thinking, but I think that is the first time you have ever noticed," I said with no hurt or remorse. I was being honest and he could see it on my face. Everyone felt the tension build instantly. If Glenn knew what was best, he would keep his mouth shut.

"Well, I can see you there, thinking about all that has happened. Mr. Miliken and I had a talk this afternoon, I came clean, and I am sorry I did all that to you. We both agree that you are the best person for these guys to be working with and hope the best for you. I only wish I could have seen it sooner," he said. He turned and headed back out to his car. Kevin looked at me as I had a shocked look on my face.

"Glenn, wait up! I have something to tell you!" Howie shouted.

"Oh great, just great. He is going to tell him what he did in the restaurant," I said as Fatima stood up and walked over to me. She hugged me and whispered softly in my ear, loud enough for both Brian and Kevin to hear her.

"You know, you could just let them be friends. I would have to say you got the better deal anyhow, and Howie knows what he is getting himself into," she said. She let go of me long enough to have Kevin step in, and I was embraced again.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," I meekly replied.

"Then let them have their fun. Neither one of them will hurt us; we are to big for that." Brian cleared his throat as Howie and Glenn came back in, carrying two more boxes laughing as they talked back and forth. AJ shot Glenn a dirty look and I knew trouble was brewing. The two set the boxes down and headed back out.

"AJ, stop," I said, but he just looked at me and stormed away. "Where's Nick?" I asked as Brain turned and looked out into the studio.

"Dancing still," he replied.

"He has the right idea, and we have a lot of work ahead of us. Get back out there," I said as he gave me a shocked look. Kevin laughed as Fatima just pointed her finger for Brian to go.

We stood quiet for a few minutes as Howie and Glenn returned with more boxes. They were looking at one another as Glenn stuck his hand out to Howie.

"Truce," he said. Howie looked over at me, but I gave him neither a yes nor a no answer. It was going to be up to him as to how he was going to handle it. I just turned to look at Kevin. He grinned at me, and we both turned to face Fatima. She was talking on the phone again, so we waited to talk to her. The two still stood behind us, exchanging glances and smiles. I began to wonder if it was going to be such a good idea, letting them get closer or not.

"What the hell are you doing!" Brian yelled. We all looked at one another for a few minutes. I turned towards the door and grabbed Kevin's hand, dragging him out of the office and closing the door, leaving Howie and Glenn in the office with Fatima.

"I'm showing you the moves Brian, lighten up," Nick said, as we watched Nick holding Brian's hips, making him sway with the music.

"Just stop, this is getting weird," Brian replied. Nick withdrew his hands.

It was already getting late as the sun had begun to set outside. I could not get the excitement out of my mind as I stood watching the orange rays break through the upper side windows of the studio. Kevin wrapped his hands around me from behind as we stood, listening to the rest of the music on the CD. Soon track 3 came on, and we began to sway in the middle of the room.

Show me the meaning of being lonely....

So many words for the broken heart.

It's hard to see in a crimson love

So hard to breathe

Walk with me, and maybe

Nights of light so soon become

Wild and free, I could feel the sun

Your every wish will be done

They tell me.

I was beginning to sing the lines, but with my voice, I was so unsure, especially with who was standing here holding me. Kevin joined me and I relaxed a bit more as I realized we didn't sound half-bad together. He, of course, is much more soothing to hear. But, I still loved to sing with him.

Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with

Tell me why I can't be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart

Kevin took a deep breath and looked at me grinning. It was now time to hear him up close and personal as he began to sing.

Life goes on and it never ends

Eyes of stone observe the trends

They never say forever gaze for me

Guilty roads to an endless love

There's no control

Are you with me now?

Your every wish will be done

They tell me.

We all sang the chorus as AJ Nick and Brian joined in soon we found we had an audience as Howie, Glenn, and Fatima, stepped out of the office. They were all smiling as Kevin and I kept slow dancing. I felt the true meaning of the song, as it meant nothing more than a sort of way of telling your girlfriend or boyfriend. That you are ready for real Love not just the facade you can get somewhere else. It talks about how you truly feel about one another and how it feels to be away. And how you would like to make them feel.

There's no where to run

I have no place to go

Surrender my heart, body and soul

How can it be your asking me to feel?

The things you never show

We all swayed now as the song continued. The others had now began to stand in a half circle singing as Kevin and I remained dancing just in front of them. I could see Glenn standing next to Howie making sounds along the way but his singing was worse than mine. I wanted to laugh as I saw Howie give him a weird look as he hit a note off key. But, I refrained as I buried my face into Kevin's neck.

You are missing in my heart

Tell me why I can't be there where you are.

The sun had completely set as we all finished up the song and Fatima walked over and locked her office. I was still swaying as Kevin and I separated from one another. Kevin reached over and took my hand in his as we headed towards the front door. Kevin reached for the door trying to pull it open only to find it was locked.

"Fatima you want to unlock this thing so we can get out of here," Kevin asked.

"Kevin just turn the knob it's not locked," she said. I took a step forwards and turned the knob easily in my hand. Still it would not open.

"Ok so it's not locked but it won't open none the less," I said.

"Let me try get out of the way," She said as she pushed hard on the door. Nothing happened. We were locked in somehow from the outside.

"Guy's why is the sun coming back up. I think we have bigger problem's," Glenn said as we all turned to see him pointing to the orange and yellow flood of light coming in the windows on the east side of the building.

"What the hell is going on now? I don't like this. To convenient," AJ said as he starred hard at Glenn.

"We have to find a way out of here!" I said in my best take-charge voice.

"Follow me," Fatima said. We all headed across the room to her office. Inside, she picked up the phone only to find it dead.

"Great, what next?" Nick asked. I saw flames shooting through a now broken window in the main studio area. I quickly looked at Kevin as he closed the door to avoid a panic.

"Ok, anyone have their cell phone?" I asked. Howie reached into his backpack and produced his own. I hit the power button, only to watch as the "No Service" light came on. "Great," I muttered, as Howie snatched the phone back.

"Ok Fatima, there has to be another way out," Kevin said. "Think, this is you, and I know you!" He looked into her distraught eyes for an answer. Suddenly her face changed from grim to hopeful as she walked over behind the desk. Behind her stood a large wooden cabinet that spanned from the floor to the ceiling. She pulled on the end of it, but it did not budge.

"If we move this, there is a back entrance to this office," she explained. I opened the door to the main studio to possibly see how much time we had left. All the flames so far were breaking through at the front; however, with the amount rushing in, it would be only a short time. There was an electrical popping sound as the lights flickered on and off. We had not lost power yet; the CD player came on and played the beginning of I Need You Tonight', then randomly skipped tracks until landing on Larger Than Life'. I slammed the door shut as the flames rushed across the inside of the roof towards the office side of the building.

There was a roaring sound coming from the studio as AJ, Kevin, and Glenn worked on moving the cabinet. It was now only a few inches out from the wall. Fatima opened the cabinet doors and began to drag all the contents onto the floor, in order to lighten the cabinet. Nick and Brian rapidly moved the desk farther away, as I got on my hands and knees, pulling the dropped contents to the middle of the room. Glenn grabbed the back of the cabinet and pulled. It toppled over towards the center of the room; just missing me as Kevin pulled me clear. I looked up to see the sealed doorway being our only hope of escape. Fatima grabbed a letter opener and pounded on the door.

Another angering roar was unleashed from the studio itself. Brian opened the office door to the flames, burning everywhere. Then he ran into the studio and disappeared. A gasp left my lips, not believing he had just run out into the chaos. We all stared at the open doorway for a few moments, trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly, Brian stumbled back into the room, holding part of the clothing rack in his hand.

"Here," he said, handing AJ the long top bar. Brian fell to the floor and closed the door. The smoke had turned his skin a Grey color, and he wheezed with each breath he took.

"Brian, oh shit! No, you have to breathe!" Nick said as he dropped down on the floor next to him.

Meanwhile, AJ pounded on the door. I picked up a chair and took a running start at the door. As I made contact, it shifted slightly. There was hope in sight as AJ stuck the end of the pole into the crack I had made, and began to pry it open.

"That's it AJ, pry that bitch open!" I screamed as I could hear a beam give way in the main room. A few seconds later, the door popped open. All we could see was blackness on the other side. I turned to grab Brian, but was pushed aside as Nick ran out the opening with him in his arms.

I noticed the boxes for the project still sitting there. As I reached for one, Kevin grabbed my hand and began to drag me out of the office. I was in shock, as I could not get at them. Everyone else had made it clear of the building, but I fought to be freed to get my concepts. "Without them, I am nothing!" I screamed.

"You're something! I am nothing without this," he screamed at me showing me our hands intertwined.

The flames burst through the doorway as we made it ten to fifteen feet from the entrance. I was awe struck as the building began to collapse immediately. I looked to the front gate and saw it was now closed; it had been opened when we pulled in and parked. The gate quickly dropped as a fire unit plowed through it, laying it flat out on the ground. My car was still parked where I left it up front. Nick carried Brian to the front of the building to get him closer to the fire unit where an ambulance arrived shortly thereafter.

"What the hell happened?" Fatima asked as tears streamed down her face.

"You're studio burned down," I said. "But not by natural occurrences, I fear," I said, taking Kevin by the hand and pulling him away from the fire. "We should get our cars out of the way. They are up front. Thank God we didn't park in front of the door this time." As I said it, Glenn shot me a quick look.

"Mine was," Glenn said as he began to run to check the damage. Just as he cleared the corner of the building, there was an explosion, and we all knew what the damages where. Glenn dropped to his knees, holding his head with his hands, his silhouette showed it all. He was on his hands and knees crying as we continued the trek to the front. Before the rest of us even cleared the corner, Nick had made it over to the ambulance as Brian was laid down on a stretcher and given oxygen. Kevin began to pull me along with him now as they started to place him in the unit.

"Where are you taking him?" Kevin asked.

"Holy Mary Medical Center, on 112th Street," the EMT said from just inside. Nick sat holding Brian's hand as the doors were closed. No sooner had they taken off than we headed over to my Explorer with the AJ in tow. Fatima took Glenn by one arm as Howie grabbed the other. Together they lifted him up and dragged him to her car. He was visibly moving, but inside he was dying. Sometimes I thought that car meant more to him than anything in this world. When we were together, I would have even guessed it meant more than our relationship did to him. I started the car and we were on our way out the gate. I looked over one last time to see the entire structure up in flames.

Kevin had held my hand tightly until we drove across the State Street Bridge. Nothing had been said as I opened the center console and grabbed the burned CD. I slipped it in with ease as I watched the ambulance now turn off it lights and slow its pace considerably. Kevin grabbed my hand, upset again.

"Why are they slowing down?" Kevin asked, grasping my hand tightly in his.

"Kevin, we have to stay calm, everything is going to be fine," I said. He shot me a hurt look.

"Mike, I am a adult and I can take whatever happens, but lets face it, he looked bad," Kevin said, as he let his tears fill his eyes. I only wished I could reach over and wipe them away, but as he had my free hand in his, I could not.

"Kevin, you guys have been through all kinds of things together, you know him better than that. Brian is a fighter," I said as he grasped my hand harder in an almost painful grip.

"He's right, Kevin, and you know it," AJ said from the back seat as he leaned over and squeezed Kevin's shoulder.

"I know he is, but." He trailed off as we pulled into the Emergency Area parking lot. We made a run for it as soon as I stopped the engine. The doors flew open as a security guard came rushing out at us.

"I'm sorry, but you have to slow down for me, fella's," he said, as I did my best to hide my anger. He was right though; if we went running in, we would have been screaming and yelling at some unsuspecting receptionist. Kevin nodded as we walked briskly through the doors now. Fatima and the others were nowhere in sight as we made our way to the desk.

"Excuse me we are looking for."

"Brian right?" The young girl replied in happy sugary tones.

"Yes," Kevin said.

"Well, he has been taken in, and I will show you to where we are going to let all of you wait, since I am sure you do not want the press seeing that," she said, pointing to the fact that he and I were holding hands.

"No, we don't want them to see that. In fact, I would do just about anything for your confidentiality on this all around," Kevin said, as I could see her wanting to reach out to him.

"You got it, on me keeping my mouth shut, that is. Now I am going to buzz the door so you can come back here. We will put you in a office and maybe even clean you guys up a little bit," She said in a sugary sweet tone.

We waited for the door to buzz and I pulled the handle to open it. Kevin was first to go through the door, and I followed him and AJ down the hall. The girl met us inside about hhalf way down the hallway and started to talk again.

"As soon as we have any information, we will come and let you know. By the way my name is Melissa," she said, while walking us down to an office on the right hand side of the hall. "Here we are, and you are the only one I would suggest coming up to ask any questions. I am sure there will be plenty of press here in no time; word travels fast," she said as she directed her attention to me.

"Melissa, right?" she nodded at my question. "There are going to be three more people showing up shortly. Howie is one of them, so you should not have any problems telling who they are." Just as I said it, an elderly woman escorted Howie, Fatima, and Glenn to the office.

"Hello, I am Marcia, and I will help you with anything you need. I am the Emergency Room Coordination. If you have anything to ask, I would suggest you pick up that phone and dial the front desk by hitting '23'. We will bring Mr. Carter in as soon as we figure out how to pry Brian's hand from his. It seems Mr. Littrell does not want to let go. Understandable after all, but it would be best to separate them, as we need to treat Brian for smoke inhalation," she said, sitting behind the desk in an over sized leather chair.

"Marcia, he had a surgical procedure last year, I believe dealing with his heart. Is there going to be any problems with that?" I asked. Kevin sat straight up and waited for the answer. Everyone turned to hear her answer as soon as they found seats around the room.

"His heart is fine, it is his lungs that need help right now. I'm sorry, I do not know your name." She said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I am Michael Vallery. I am working with them on a video shot," I said with confidence.

"Well Mr. Vallery, there will be no problem. We just have to get him on some oxygen, and get his lungs wet again, so to speak. He will be fine." As she said it, Kevin visibly sighed and relaxed back down into the couch.

I reached over and took his hand in mine as she exited the office. I was looking at him as he stared down at the floor, deep in thought. He was beginning to worry me; he did not say a word, and everyone was watching us now.

"Kevin, if it had not been for Brian remembering that rack, we would have never made it out of there alive," I said as he continued to stare off. I was further worried as Glenn stood up and walked over to us. He squatted down in front of us and looked directly at Kevin. Without words, he lifted our hands, and shoved Kevin's head towards my shoulder, where Kevin sobbed heavily. I was visibly shaken as Fatima let tears stroll down her cheeks now. Glenn walked back over to Howie and took his hand, turning to face him.

"I want to say something to all of you." He paused. "I am sorry for all that has happened today. I wish I could have been the one on that bed in there. If it had not been for Manerva and me, you would not all be sitting here right now," Howie was shocked as he looked at me to comfort Glenn. I just held Kevin in my arms, ignoring him. He had made the choice to take Glenn into his life; it was going to be him that would handle this not me. Kevin cried harder as he began to talk to me.

"Well I, for one, am not sure this shit wasn't caused by you!" AJ shouted.

"I wish it was me," Kevin lamented. "He is my cousin. If I had of been doing my job, none of this would have happened. I should have been watching out for him." I was suddenly saddened by Kevin's mood.

"Fatima, I wish I had have never contacted you," I said. Immediately, she sprung straight out of her chair.

"He didn't mean it like that, and you know that," she defended herself, as well as Kevin.

"You know I'm right. If I had of never contacted you, there would be a video next week and Glenn would be directing it. Sure, I would be miserable, but still, you guys would have never gone through all of this. If I would have only walked away, Kevin would have been able to take care of the guys and nothing would be wrong." I trailed off as Fatima stepped away, letting AJ step in.

"You two are perfect for one another. Both of you! Neither one of you putting yourselves first. When you finally do and something goes wrong, you give up. Congratulations on finding one another, but no one said it would be easy," AJ said as he paced back and forth, then walked over to a seat. Kevin stopped sobbing long enough to look up at me in shock.

"He's right there. But." He started just as Brian and Nick walked in.

"But what, Kevin?" Brian asked. He was no longer Grey, except for a few dirty smudges left behind. He was standing there, just as alive as before, only covered in soot. I was about to ask him something when Kevin shifted in his seat and let go of my hand. He didn't get up, he only set there.

"No, this is not how you're going to act. After how you feel about him, you're not going to do this, Kevin. It is time I stood up and said something to you about being wrong. You know what? You have taken care of, and watched out for all of them the whole time we have known each other, but when is it your turn? You deserve a break, Kev. You know I love you when I say this: If you do this, I will not ever forgive you, and you will regret it for the rest of your life," Howie said as he stared at us from across the room.

"Kevin, I did it for you, for us. I'm fine, and so will everyone else be as soon as the day is over. Can't we just forget about the past, and make a new start on you having your time and your space too?" Brian said as he bent down in front of us and placed my hand on Kevin's in his lap. I was silent, but I knew what Kevin was going through. I had done exactly like him most of my life, taking care of people and never leaving any love for myself.

"Kevin, you have to understand we all appreciate what you do. But there comes a time when you need to take care of you too. We are tight, aren't we, Kev? Believe me when I say I know what you need, and it is sitting right next to you," AJ said. I couldn't believe this, only two more to go and it would be unanimous.

Nick was next. "Kevin, we fight because I know that I am making the fights. Most of the time I am doing it to make you think and get your blood pumping, and make you have a better time because, in all honesty, that is how we have always been. I know you want happiness, I can see it on your face. I have not ever seen you this relaxed and happy. Even when you and Howie." Howie cut in.

"Kevin, I lost you because I was not right for you. Do you remember when you told me what you wanted in a relationship? I really wanted to give everything you asked for, because you never ask for anything. I wanted to be that person. But, deep down inside, I know I am not that person. You want someone to love you and protect you, just as much as you protect them. Kevin, I am not that person. I wish I were. Are you, Mike?" he asked, turning to face me now.

"I am the type of person who..." I began, but Glenn cut me off.

"He is that guy you just described actually, Howie. I just wouldn't let him get to me. Kevin, he is right for you, and I would know. If everything they are saying is true, you better take hold of his hand and never let it go." Silence filled the room as I sat there holding his hand. He was not responding, and my heart began to break. Still silent, I reached over and pulled him into my arms to hold him. He needed this; whether it was from me or someone else, he needed to feel sheltered for once. He still did not say a word as he let the tears wet his face again.

Brian reached over and stroked Kevin's hair as we all sat there, waiting for a sign of life to escape the man who fell apart. Kevin was no saint, I was sure of it. But he was mine, and no one was going to take that away. I was falling for him, and it scarred the hell out of me. If I was already falling for him and it scared me, then it certainly had to be scaring him too. I had nothing to offer him but my love and myself. Suddenly the song `For The Girl Who Has Everything' popped into my head. I knew if I sang that, he would not look at me again. That in and of its self would be traitorous. But it hit me again: the song that said it all earlier.

"It's hard to see in a crimson love. So hard to breathe. Walk with me and maybe. Nights of light so soon become. Wild and free, I could feel the sun. Your every wish will be done." I sang that to him in a low volume, just loud enough for him to hear clearly, as everyone else heard it as a whisper. Brain was staring at me; he got the point quickly, now seeing the tears streaming down my face. There was no chorus as I sat there playing the song in my head. Kevin shifted in my lap.

"Life goes on, and it never ends. Eyes of stone observe the trends, they never say 'Forever gaze for me,'" he said as he hugged me harder now. As he sat up, he took my hand to his lips and kissed it. There was not a single dry eye as we sat there, staring at one another.

"Yes, it is you that I need, no doubt in my mind. There is no doubt in my mind or heart," Kevin said, gazing at me.

There was silence as I sat there, feeling the love complete everything I wanted in this man. He was the one. There was no doubt in my mind either. "Kevin, I know we can do this. I want us to try and make this work for both of us. Will you give me your heart as I give you mine?" I asked, as tears built up and ran down my face.

There was a silence as we stared at one another for moments of silence and soul searching. Kevin leaned forwards and kissed me lightly, and there was a sigh of relief in the room. AJ leaned over and said the first words to be heard since Kevin made our pact and fell apart.

"Awwww. Now you two. Can we get out of here?" He asked as I lightly laughed at his sarcasm.

"We can all get out of here when Brian is taken care of," Kevin said.

"Oh look, dad's home," Nick laughed out.

"Shut up, Nicholas," both Kevin and I said at once.

"Great, now there are two of them," Howie said as he and Glenn laughed. Fatima sat, staring at us as if ready to speak her mind with some profound statement.

"You know, you two should just go for broke and forget about a lengthy engagement. A courtship, from what I can see, would work better for you," she said, making us both snap to.

"Fatima neither of us, I am sure, are ready.. too... just..." Kevin was not even interested in what I had to say, as he stuck my finger in his mouth and gave me a seductive look.

"Ok, well he is ready and so am I, but aren't we rushing ahead of ourselves?" I asked as he continued to taunt me.

"Remember, your job description with us is personal sex slave!" AJ busted up as Melissa walked back into the office.

"I fear that was not meant to be heard, was it?" she said, as she looked directly at Brian now. "You're ready to check out any time. There is just one thing I must have you agree to," she said calmly.

"What's that?" Brian asked as she looked at him funny.

"Not you, him," she said, pointing at Nick.

"Me? Ok, sure, whatever you want," he said, seeming disinterested.

"A date. That is all I want," she said. Nick looked at her for a few minutes before answering.

"Ok, when?" he replied halfheartedly.

"Ok, now that's what I call enthusiasm. Sorry, I mentioned it," she said as she walked back out of the room.

"Way to go, Nick," AJ said sarcastically.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now, so leave me the hell alone, besides I have Mandy," Nick said as everyone took a sudden interest in his attitude.

"Nick, you're being a pain," Glenn said. Howie pulled him close.

"Ok," Nick said, not even looking up from his space of carpet.

"Wow, he does have a lot on his mind. But not half as much as I have on my mind right now." Kevin whispered into my ear. I grinned as we started to stand up.

"Well, it's time to get out of here," I said. Everyone else began standing to leave, and soon enough, we were on our way out of the hospital through a back entrance. I had to give my keys to an orderly to have him bring my car around, so they would not be seen leaving. The reporters were lined up out in the lobby while we snuck out through the kitchen.

I was sure it wasn't a good idea to be seen leaving the hospital at all. But, to leave through a back entrance when the reporters knew we were there was a bad idea. I was sure of this when I pulled up in front of Kevin and Brian's shared home. `We should have given a report,' I thought as Kevin and I sat in the Explorer. Brian had climbed out of the back with Nick in tow. Fatima had taken Howie, Glenn, and AJ home, and we were all to meet here in the morning. But I also wondered in the back of my mind how they were doing. I mean, Glenn and Howie, what a match! I was still silent as we sat there, and Kevin leaned over to get my attention. His breath in my ear was all it took, but I pretended not to notice as he began to blow softly.

"Stay with me," he whispered. "Just sleep with me. I want to hold you, nothing more for tonight," he whispered again. He didn't have to ask me twice. What a gentle soul for me to end up with! One so caring and comforting that he even asked to kiss me earlier. All the sinful thoughts the world could not describe what he made me feel. I looked over at him and nodded my head. I gently kissed his now quieted lips while reaching for the door. He quickly grabbed my arms and pulled it back.

"The house is probably a mess. We have not even been home long enough to unpack since our last trip."

"Kevin, as long as I am here with you it does not matter."

As we reached the front door, I stood there and thought, 'What am I doing?'. Inside, I was as nervous as I could be. I had only been out of my previous relationship a short time, and here I was, ready to sleep with Kevin. I was falling for him all right, but my uneasy mind was telling me to take it slow. He watched me as he opened the door and stepped inside, taking my hand in his. I was hardly breathing, although it wasn't the house not was it the star. I was the overwhelming fact that he truly did care. It was the overwhelming fact that this was right.

We walked into the front room and stood in darkness. I could see a very nice living room set that had hardly been used. In a house this size, there was most likely a family room more frequently used. He pulled me down the hallway to the back of the house. As we entered the back room, I could see the darkened kitchen to the left. It was not anything small by any means, but it also appeared to be unused. A countertop divided the room, and beyond it, a television electric light washed a blue hue over a family room. Nick sat watching the news on the evening's earlier events. He was staring with the intensity of a zombie.

Kevin and I made out way across the room, walking in front of the television. There at the bottom of the staircase we both took one last look Nick, engrossed in the pictures, sights, and sounds. I was beginning to worry as he switched channels on the remote hidden in his hand. Kevin and I looked at one another for a second and then headed up the stairs to the top floor of the house.

The landing at the top of the stairs had five doors. One, no doubt, led to a bathroom where I could hear the sounds of a shower running strong. It was obviously Brian removing the remaining soot from his body. As we walked down the length of the house, I looked in the second to last doorway. In the center of the room stood a baby grand piano. 'This room is obviously Kevin's area,' I thought as I saw a desk scattered with papers as well. We trudged forwards and approached a door at the end of the hall now.

"Ok, this is it. Home sweet home," Kevin said as he opened the door and flicked on the light switch.

'Nothing too big and extravagant,' I thought as I looked around the room. On the opposing wall was a very well made queen sized bed, covered in blue trimmings. On the right-hand wall was a full length closet on the left a dresser and mirror. As we entered, I noticed for the entrance for the private bathroom on the wall next to the door. That was what I needed but not until he would ask me.

"Nothing big but it is comfortable," he said as we sat down on the bed.

"I like it. It's you, all complete and comforting in a way." I said, thinking that was the dumbest thing in the world to say right now, but oh well.

"Thank you, but there's more," he said. He grabbed my hand leading me into the full sized bathroom. There stood the largest tub I have ever seen. It was a regular shape, like the one I had at home, but Kevin's was much deeper and had jets sticking out of it everywhere. Ok, so it was probably even a little wider. `I could get used to this,' I thought.

"Wow, so when are we going to cuddle up in that?" I asked, hoping he would say right now.

"Now, if you want to," he said, fulfilling my wish. He reached over the side of the tub and turned on the water. After setting the temperature so that we both could stand it, we walked back into the master bedroom. Of course, it only took him one try as we found out we both like the same temperature.

I leaned forwards and kissed him softly as I began to slowly pull his shirt up. His body came into view and I could not resist but to kiss his chest as I pulled the shirt off. His eyes closed as I gently took his right nipple into my mouth between my teeth. A low moan filled his throat as I unbuckled his belt and dropped his loose-fitting pants to the floor.

His hand reached forwards as he opened his eyes and pulled at the buttons on my shirt. In no time, his frustrations grew and he ripped open my shirt. I stood there in awe as he returned my favor, kissing a trail down my chest to my belted pants. Using the gentlest of touch, he nervously opened the belt and undid the top button. I inhaled as I watched him undo my zipper. My cock stood at attention through my silk boxers as he removed each of my shoes and released my pants from my legs. He grinned wildly as he drew the silk slowly down, taking in every inch of the view as if memorizing it for a lifetime of fantasies. He stood again.

I could see the outline of his cock through his boxer-briefs as he stood before me with his pants around his ankles. I made my way down to my knees. He smiled down at me as I removed each one of his shoes and reached for what I wanted to see. I messaged him gently before grabbing the top of the briefs and sliding them down his muscle-toned legs. There was a slapping sound as he snapped up hitting bare skin. I had him step out of each leg of the briefs with gentle care, as I looked back up taking in full view of the 8 and a half-inch prize. I could not fight the urges building up in my heart. I leaned forwards gently taking him in hand. He breathed in quickly as I gently kissed the head and let him go, standing up.

"Tease," he said.

"I know," I replied as I rushed back to the tub.

"I'll get you back," He said as he slowly walked in with his hard cock swaying back and forth.

"I hope you do, but you did promise not for tonight," I said, slipping down into the water.

"Did I?" he said, slipping in and leaning against my chest.

"Yes, you did."

"You're right, I did." He laid his head down and closed his eyes. He opened them again quickly.

"Forgot one thing," he said as he sat up, hitting a switch built in just above the tub. The water jets began the flow of water. He leaned back, and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him tight against my chest. He groaned slightly as I applied more pressure.

"I could get used to this very easily. But next time, I get to hold you in here," he said.

"That would be fine with me. I would love to have a strong.." I kissed his head. "Handsome." Kiss. "Man..." kiss. "Hold me," I said as he leaned up and kissed my lips next.

"No one else is holding you in my tub. It better be me," he joked. As we lay there enjoying the quiet time, we washed and kissed each other from head to toe. It was two hours later that we finally curled up together on the bed, still holding one another. Only this time I laid in his arms, protected and secure as we fell asleep.

"I know Nick, but someone had to do something, and it was all I could think to do," he said looking into Nick's eyes. "You have to promise me you will never scare me like that again," Nick said. "I promise, Nick. I promise," Brian said as he leaned over and kissed Nick on the forehead and pulled him into his arms. They fell asleep cuddling like two lovers as they often did. Unfortunately for Brian, it would never be, but he had grown to accept the limitations they did have in their relationship. They may not be lovers, but they still had one another. In Nick's mind, it was fine that they shared a bed and time together. They had been the best of friends since they had come together. And nothing would ever separate them from one another, or so he thought. ~~~~~~~~~Across Town~~~~~~~~ Jerry Reynolds sat in his living room, crying after hearing the studio had burned down to the ground. He was trying to not let it get him too down when he heard the news that Brian Thomas Litrell had been admitted into Holy Mary Hospital. He was quickly at a loss as his tears flooded his cheeks. The last time they had worked together, Jerry had grown very fond of Brian. Brian and Jerry had become friends over lunch while the others had to struggle through with Fatima. Jerry remembered it had been just after Brian was released from his doctor's orders after his heart surgery. The label tried to get Brian back into the routine of the schedule, but both Fatima and Jerry felt it would be wrong for him to stress himself as much as the others. He was, in Jerry's mind, delicate and needed to be treated as so. Jerry's tears stopped. He remembered telling Brian just how delicate and fragile his heart was still and having Brian telling him. "If I'm so fragile, I bet you I could drop you to the ground right here and make you beg for me." Brian said with his evil grin spread halfway across his face. "Stop, what?" Jerry innocently asked to his own demise, as Brian dropped him onto the mats and began tickling him. As the news report finished up the hour, they announced that Mr. Littrell had been secretly released and was resting well at home safe. Jerry smiled in relief and lay down on the couch watching TV. Soon enough, after crying and the stress of having Fatima in a bad mood for sure, he fell asleep without another word being heard from the news castors and station breaks. To be continued.. Thank you all for being patient. Hopefully now I can get things moving again. If you are curious about what is taking so long, write me I will tell you. Also, if you have any comments on the story let me know as well. The mail has not been coming on like I would have liked it too. But, then again there are a lot more Band stories currently being worked on and read. Grayson S. Vellar

Next: Chapter 4

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