Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Sep 25, 1999


This is a story contains graphic depictions of sexual encounters between males (or it soon will). If you are located where it is illegal to view such material leave now. If you are under 18 years of age, it is at this time advised that you also leave. The author does not claim to have any personal knowledge of the sexuality of the Backstreet Boy's if they are gay or straight it is their own personal decision to reveal such knowledge to you and not mine. Ok enough of that. In other words, if I knew I wouldn't tell and since I don't; I won't tell either.

Authors notes:

Ok everyone here is another new story by me. For those of you confused, yes this is Grayson from BSB-Magic. I will be continuing that story, but I had a good idea; I had to use it or I was going to burst. If you like this, let me know! I have been moving and all of you know about the whole packing disasters and moving thing. All I ask is that you bear with me here. This story as well as several of my other ones are currently being editedd by Fernie or better know as Moogleray. Thanks again.

Don't Want You Back


`Firing the X'

By Grayson Scott Vellar

"Can we please talk without your bodyguards here?" He said lowly as I turned to look at Kevin. Glenn crossed the line to make everyone hate him even more. His lips made contact with my cheek; I turned around quickly and shoved him back. Kevin abruptly grabbed my arm as I drew it back to hit him.

"Don't lower yourself to his level Mike," Kevin said.

"You're absolutely right," I said as I grabbed a tray from a passing waiter. "Perhaps you are still thirsty Glenn." I handed Fatima the pitcher of what appeared to be iced tea. "Maybe Fatima would like to pour you another drink I'm sure you need one," I said, as I walked back around the table. Fatima practically jumped into my place as Glenn tried to move out of the way, only to trip on a chair as he fell and hurriedly crawled away.

He began to stand up and regain his footing, moving at high speed. Unfortunately for Glenn, there was an unsuspecting waiter carrying another order out of the corridor just to the right. The two collided as salads and dressings now covered Glenn.

"Mike, you might want to read this," Fatima said as she sat down across from me next to Brian in the empty chair.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Brian said, as I just waved her off.

"Ok then Brian, you read it and decide if it is something he needs to read," Fatima said. Brian took the small envelope from her hand and opened it. As he read the contents, his expression spoke nothing; he fell silent and stopped smiling. He then handed the note to AJ, who reacted exactly the same way. AJ handed the note to Kevin who passed me the note immediately. I handed it down to Howie and Nick, who both read it with interest. Kevin looked over at me wanting to know why I would not read it. I had no desire to be put through emotional hell right now. I watched AJ for a minute as he stared at me. I got the impression he was now really pissed. Brian looked at me a few times and then down at the floor. I was no longer hungry; I just looked at the food sitting in front of me. Kevin noticed my alarming mood change and placed his arm around my shoulder again. I grinned over at him and he winked back at me.

"Ok, where is he going?" Nick asked. I looked up to see Howie heading over to Glenn, who was sitting back up at the bar now being consoled by the manger.

"Oh, I am sure this is going to be good," AJ said as we watched Howie ask to interrupt. The manger stepped away from Glenn. Soon Howie was sitting there and they looked over at our table occasionally, as we watched him work Glenn into laughter. Howie's trademark smile was across his face as I watched him flirt and play. I had thought Glenn was bad at flirting, but to me it was so obvious what Howie was doing.

"I'm going to get him to come back," Brian said as he stood. I leaned across the table and looked helplessly up at him.

"Brian, just watch. Howie is playing him. It is going to take a turn, watch." I said as Kevin now took greater interest in Howie and Glenn. I thought about asking Kevin why he had such a great interest in this all the sudden. But I knew what it was like to care about someone for so long, only to watch them be with someone else. I relaxed again as Brian sat back down. Fatima was no longer looking at them as she handed me the envelope. As everyone else watched them, I opened it.

'YOU'RE FIRED' was the entirety of the note inside.

My head began to spin out of control as I sat there reading the words over and over. Kevin noticed my sudden disinterest in the scene ahead of us. I was reading it yet again as he took it out of my hands and crumpled it up quickly. I looked over at him with tears flowing out of my eyes now. Here I had made a fool out of myself all over again in my life. I had went and opened my mouth for what I believed in and got slapped down. 'Here I am,' I thought, only to have the spin in my head stopped by Kevin as he pulled me into his chest. I was still crying as I pulled away to look into his eyes. A single tear fell as he looked deep into my soul. I wanted to kiss him but I could not here in public; we were taking chances as it was. I pulled back and looked up just in time to see Glenn place his hand on Howie's thigh playfully. Howie stood up quickly.

"Oh look boys and girls, here is where it gets good!" AJ exclaimed as he suddenly sat straight up in his chair.

"What the hell are you doing? What was that for!" Howie shouted as every head in the restaurant turned to look.

"Why are you hitting on me man? We work with you and you break that trust. It takes a lot for us to just be out in public, and you go pulling this shit on me. I'm not gay, is that what you thought? What the hell was that? Fucking answer me before I beat your face in!" Howie shouted as Glenn sunk down in his chair. Howie was now standing tall over Glenn as several of the waiters approached the situation quickly. I stood up to be ready to step in.

"No, Mike, you sit. I will take care of this," AJ said as he got up and started to walk over. Howie was quickly explaining that he had just been having a conversation with this guy when he grabbed his thigh and made some lewd comments about going back to his place. AJ took a step towards Glenn as the waiters now stepped aside. AJ was putting on one hell of a show, acting like he was going to beat the hell out of him. Then it sunk in; he was going to hit him for sure. AJ was like me, but he also was going to kill Glenn for what he had done today. First, what happened in the office, then meeting up with us here, and then the note. I shifted quickly out of my chair and Kevin grabbed my arm.

"No, I have something to do with this," I said, as he looked at me with a puzzled expression. He stood and followed me out with everyone in tow.

"Glenn, I thought Mr. Miliken put a stop to all of your flirting this morning," I said, thinking about them walking down the hall. Glenn shot me a death stare. AJ stepped to the side slightly, still making his presence known the whole time.

"Don't you look at him like that! He's the only person we will be working with from now on." Kevin said, as I looked over to Fatima quickly. She stared at Glenn now. 'Great, seven against one,' I thought as I now looked at Glenn. Just then, Manerva and Mr. Jon Miliken walked into the restaurant. I was at a loss; here I stood with the Backstreet Boys and Glenn was cowering on the floor. Manerva noted what was happening and quickly walked into the bathroom. Glenn still looked up at me from the floor, almost pleading with me to stop all of this from happening. Mr. Miliken saw me standing there and walked directly to us.

"So, you two finally made a mockery of the agency. Congratulations," he said smiling at me.

"Mr. Miliken, I don't know wha." I started to say as I noticed Manerva trying to get by us. "I take it back, I do know what to say. If this is how you all do business? Then I am sorry; I can not work for you any longer. I quit," I said. The Backstreet Boys all cheered. Glenn stumbled as he stood up, but made it to his feet none the less. He was ready to grovel at the boss's feet.

"And here, this is for you Glenn," I said as I handed him the note, which he in turn opened and read the content. This I could not understand; if he had given me the note, then surely he knew what it said. I saw him turn and look at Manerva, who was watching this from the doorway. She bolted outside as he followed.

"Well, that explains that," I said.

"What explains what?" Nick asked.

"Well, Manerva wanted both our jobs it seems. Glenn handed Fatima the note, and well, it was sealed, wasn't it?" I said, looking at Fatima.

"Yeah, it was when she handed it to me," Brian said. I grinned at him, knowing, they had not seen or noticed this one fact.

"And now that I think about it, that was the new stationary from the agency. Manerva is the only one to have it, since she is the one who ordered it. She must have written the note firing me and not even told him what it was all about. I bet she set all of this up and was planning on getting rid of both of us." I said as Mr. Miliken looked at me, smiling questioningly.

"No," I said as I turned and walked away.

"No what?" Kevin asked from behind me.

"No, I won't go back to work there. It is a dangerous and treacherous world they have made there, and I will not be part of it any longer, being used like a piece of garbage." I paused to look back at Kevin, as Mr. Miliken was smiling. Kevin stood firm with that tear once again rolling down his cheek.

"He was going to apologize. I can't let that happen." I said, as I walked over and sat down in my seat. I took a bite of the salad I had neglected to even start. They all wandered over to the table as I sat the eating and took their seats, not having any food left. Except for Kevin, that is, who apparently had been just picking at his the entire time as well? I looked over at Kevin and saw him finally eating like I was. I smiled.

"Aaww... how cute," AJ said as Brian laughed lightly.

"That's what I was staring at earlier when we were all eating. They were both picking at there food, all nervous. And now look at them. He's right: Aaww how cute! Kind of like a puppy when you first bring it home," Brian said as I heard the table shift and saw Brian's eyes flinch.

"Remind me not to fight with Kevin and sit across from him at the same time." I said as Fatima burst into laughter. She was choking and continued for about five minutes. "Look." She said as she pointed to Glenn holding Manerva by her arm at Mr. Miliken's table.

"OK, Lucy, esplain everything," I said in my best Ricky Ricardo voice, Howie immediately replied.

"But Ricky.Wahhhhhhhhhh!" I was laughing so hard now I could not breathe. I began to grab at my chest and tried to take another breath as Kevin leaned into my ear.

"If you keep that up, I will have to give you mouth to mouth." I stopped laughing long enough to look directly into his eyes and I was drifting into him. I felt a hand push me from behind, as Nick made us slam into one another.

Our mouths met as AJ cleared his throat and Fatima catcalled. Our lips had immodestly met with force but as we began to pull back, it was soft and gentle. No tongue, no force, just sweet soft lips touching mine.

"Thanks Nicholas," I said in a whisper.

"You're welcome," he said loud enough for everyone to hear and laugh. Kevin blushed as we sat, trying not to look at one another now. We both knew we would not keep from doing it again if we sat there staring at each other.

"We should get out of here before we embarrass them anymore. Besides, we have to get back to the label and inform them of the situation. Maybe we could get a new agency," Fatima said, as my mood suddenly saddened.

"Stop Mike, you have a job, just not with them," She said. I looked at her confused for a minute as Kevin hugged me from behind.

"I was serious about not going back there Fatima," I said. I was still shaken by the events, but I knew I was right.

"I didn't tell you, did I? The whole reason he got so mad at me at the bar was I told him you no longer work for them, you now work for the Boys, and your ideas are all they are interested in. He lost it because he was going to lose either way on this deal. If he had of stayed calm, then I would never have pushed him so far. I would have considered him clear of all my suspicions. But then he had to go and make me mad," She said, as she turned and took a drink of her water.

"I don't understand. You mean you had me quit before they even fired me, and still he was mad? That only means he was still going to try and use my ideas and me. Why? I would have never allowed it to happen. I didn't want him back after all that had happened, especially after this morning's performance." I said as I felt Kevin's chin now rest on top of my head.

"Aaww, how cute," Fatima cut in.

"Stop it, you are changing the subject and I am lost now. Oh, I remember. Who do I work for again?" I said. The realization was finally setting in as I sat there contemplating the idea.

"Us," Howie said as he sat there, staring at Kevin and I grinning. "Ok?" He asked the rest of the guys. Kevin did not say a word; I knew he was smiling above me.

"So what do I do for you?" I asked as AJ leaned over the table. I knew this was going to be good.

"Personal sex slave is a good title," he said. Kevin kicked the leg of his chair out form under him while he was leaning forwards. AJ nearly didn't stand up in time. I thought for sure he was going to hit the tabletop, but just at the last second he stood up and did the chest out move I showed him for the video. I began to laugh hard. I was coughing in no time, as I was truly happy for once since I had moved here.

"Kevin, that's not such a bad title if you think about it. Of course I do not do windows." I said as he pulled me closer to him. Fatima snorted, as she was drinking water. I laughed again.

"We really do have to get out of here and call the label and management. It would be best if they knew what we just did." Kevin said as he lifted his head off of mine.

"Kevin, what if I told you I might be able to get all of this to work out after all?" I said, letting the wheels turn in my head.

"Since you are so much like AJ, but much better looking," This brought more laughter. "I would have to ask if it is legal," Kevin said.

"Well it is legal, and Fatima could let us use her warehouse to film it, and I do know of a way to get this done. But, it would mean groveling and me telling my brother where I am and about you. But I could have my dream and we could get a good company to do this video. The only thing is I don't know if you guys want to do it, since it would be a no name director and me putting it together, and Fatima I could never afford. But if the label got fully involved, maybe we could pull this off." I did not look up from my hands as I talked. As I raised my head now, Fatima was the first person I looked at. She smiled wide, looking at Kevin. I turned around and looked at him, only to find him smiling and staring at me as well.

There was a long pause as everyone watched us again. There were no words spoken. The chatter of the restaurant did not exist as we sat there silent. I was wondering if he was going to reply. I had no idea what was running through his head as he searched out my eyes. I was still silent, when Fatima could not take it anymore.

"Ok, one thought from each of you, starting with Nick," she said.

"One? Let's see. Will you be able to do this Mike?" he asked and I shook my head at him.

"I think it is a great opportunity. If nothing, we could put together our own video for ourselves as well as the fans," Howie answered.

"I just want this to happen the right way. No second chances with this one. If we make a mess of it, we will look foolish," Brian answered. "Oh, and no nude scenes" He sarcastically added.

"Well, we would have a lot of fun. It would be a lot of work. And I love the moves and the idea so. Yes, I want to do it," AJ answered. "Besides I am the good-bad guy in it," he added. It was now up to Kevin, and in my mind was the most important person.

"Yes, but with some conditions." Kevin paused. "First, we pay for the whole thing. The label does not release the single until the day after it airs. The directions for this will be a joint effort between Fatima and Michael. The whole thing has to be kept quiet, and last, we have to make sure it is legally within our right to do this without Miliken." Kevin said. I now felt like kissing him right there.

"Oh no, Michael had that 'I am going to kiss him' look again," Brian said.

"Ok, agreed by me, but Kevin I want to wave my fees on this one. If this does for me what I think it will, I won't need the change you are going to be paying me," Fatima said.

"Change!" AJ burst out in a hurt tone as I began to feel overwhelmed suddenly.

We all laughed suddenly as the conversation broke down. I noticed Mr. Miliken was waving me over as I sat up now. I looked at the rest of the rest of the restaurant as I contemplated my own actions. I looked over at Kevin, and he noticed my eyes, watching me look over and back quickly.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

"No, I think I can handle this one. But if you would rather come and observe, I would love to have you by my side," I said.

"I have a better idea," he said as he waved for Mr. Miliken to come over to us. With great trepidation, Miliken walked over to our table.

"Well, I am sorry to do this here. I wish it was under better circumstances," The forty-something year old man said as he took a seat next to Brian.

"If you leave the company Michael, not only will you be hurting your career, but your future in the entertainment business. I would like to remind you that when you created the designs for this shoot, you were working for me. As I have been informed, you also had the written ideas copyrighted before you agreed to our contract, which means they belong to you. I know I am giving you a good idea now, aren't I?" He asked as he leaned back in the chair and rested his hands on the edge of the table. Fatima shook her head at me and just looked back at Miliken.

"Thank you for reminding me sir. And I am sure I have a great deal of displeasure with telling you that I will no longer be working with you after this. Mainly because I have been hired by a new company called Fat Boo." It was all I could think of, and it took all I could do to not laugh at my creation. AJ began to laugh as he sat there, watching me enjoying this moment.

"Well then, it is settled. So, is Fat Boo going to be picking up the video shoot for you since you own the rights to it?" he asked.

"Well sir, that is being discussed right now. They were just taking the vote." I said as I looked around the table. "And with the little idea that the rights are in my name, I suppose I am the final vote, correct Fatima?" She just shook her head yes. "And Boo, what do you think of the new turn of events?" I asked Kevin.

"Well, I was thinking I am not fat, but now that you mention it, this is a really good idea. If I am correct, there may be some major publicity, and this could prove to be a good venture for us to get started," Kevin said in a very convincing business tone.

"Well the vote is unanimous," I said as everyone now smiled, looking to one another as I stared Miliken in the face.

"Then it is settled. I will have all the information transferred back to you," Mr. Miliken said as he stood up. I reached over and shook his hand across the table. As I did not get up, he looked down at me and said his final goodbye. "It seems you have won after all Michael. I wish I could be mad for some reason. But you deserve to win Michael, after what we have all put you through. I would venture to say you are a good person to have on the team. If you ever need anything, make sure you pick up the phone and talk to me; I will help you whenever I can." As he turned around, I felt my heart pounding in my chest, as everyone was silent. I looked around the table for something to be said.

"So, this adjourns this first board meeting of Fat Boo Inc. Are there any questions before we make our offer to the label?" I asked. Kevin pocked me in the side and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"No tickling!" I said as I pouted at him.

"Then we had better change the name of this new corporation of ours," Kevin said as AJ just laughed.

"Ok, how about Boo Fat Incorporated!" Nick shouted. Kevin gave me a dirty look.

"Are you going to corrupt everyone?" He asked in mock seriousness.

"No, just you," I said as I reached under the table and grabbed his thigh. He jumped a little and smacked the table with his knees. I laughed even harder as we now were truly ready to go.

We all made our way to the front of the restaurant and started to leave. As I looked over my shoulder before exiting, I saw Glenn talking to Miliken again with no Manerva in sight. Part of me was happy for him; he looked relieved that he was sitting there, and still I wanted nothing to do with him right now. He, in my mind, had been just as much of the problem with the company as Manerva. But eventually Mr. Miliken would replace him as well, so in my mind everything had worked out for the best. Kevin pushed me out the door, and as we headed over to my Explorer, I was wondering what I should be doing now.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked as everyone climbed inside.

"The studio, then we will head over to the Jive," Kevin said, adding, "You are coming with us to that, right?"

"Yes," I answered him reassuringly.

As I turned onto the main highway I realized I had to call my Brother quick and make sure all of this was possible and that we would have the equipment ready and a director. I looked at the time in California. They were 3 hours behind. I would be able to make call him, it was after all only 3:00 here in Orlando.

"Kevin I need to grab the cell phone out of the glove box please," I said as he opened it he noticed my CD's staked inside I was quickly embarrassed. I had every possible CD you could get of the Backstreet Boys in there and they each had different number written on them. I kept them close I had to know my guy's music especially since they had been there for me through all of my good and bad times. Kevin noticed a burned CD sitting with the rest of the stack. I looked over and grabbed it putting it in the center console.

"Latter I will explain. Right now I have to call my brother." I said as I plugged the phone into my external Mic and speaker system.

"He can hear all of you but please just wait until I get everything off my chest," I said.

I dialed the number and watched the road as I was trying to think of a way to start this conversation. It rang several times before my sister-in-law Elizabeth picked it up. Brian sat forwards as he could hear her voice through the front speakers of my stereo system.

"Hello Liz is that you?" I asked knowing it was.

"Michael where are you we have been? We have so worried about you?" She asked, while sounding as worried as could be.

"Liz right now I am in Orlando taking care of some business. But I need to talk to Jeff about a production job I need him involved in," I said.

"He is going to be so happy to hear from you Michael. But he is out your way. Actually, he is in Florida in Pensacola I think." she paused. "What kind of filming do you have for him? He just finished up a shot today or at least he is supposed to be finishing up. Knowing the way things are going with Leo, they may be filming for days more. You know that guy is a total pain in the ass? But you also know how stars can be? I mean there are some nice ones out there but." I cut in.

"Liz luv, I didn't tell you but you are on loud speaker in my car and well the Backstreet Boys are here with me so quite with the stars being pains to work with." I laughed as she nearly dropped the phone on her end.

"Hello Liz this is Kevin nice to meet you," he said, as she did drop the phone this time.

"I'm sorry guys but I was mainly referring to actor's," she said sheepishly. "Anyway, what kind of shot and with what studio are you working Mike," she asked.

"Well the name of the Studio is Fat Boo Inc. out of Florida they are fairly new. You probably never heard of them. They are fairly small at this point but they want to make their mark on the public. I have created their newest video designs and well guess what they are ready to move forwards with production but we need a dominant company to do a Professional job here and since Jeff is who he is. I thought that, maybe he would like a shot at it," I said, knowing she was thinking about what I just said.

"Mike it has been several months since we have seen you and four since we last heard from you. I think just to make sure your alive, he would do it. Besides, you two working together may be a good payoff for Kevin and Fatima." I sat there and tried to figure out how she knew what I was up too.

"Um, Liz how did you know it was them?" I asked looking at Kevin and shrugging my shoulders as I pulled into the gated warehouse area. I stopped just inside the gate and parked next to Fatima's Jeep from earlier.

"Well you have him in the car, and there is the whole Fatima Backstreet Boy's thing and then there is the name Boo being Kevin's Nickname. I just figured it was them. Ok, since they are our favorite pop band I can guarantee, if it is with them he will do. Let me get the number. By the way, tell him to call me he has not been home in so long I miss him Mike." She said, with an entirely different tone like there was something entirely wrong between them. I knew it was going gnaw at me until I asked one of them but it was none of my business.

"Ok Liz give Tommy love. I will talk to you latter," I said as I hung up I was already parked and everyone waited to say something.

"Who's Tommy," Kevin asked. "My nephew," I replied.

"We really should consider a name for the Co. Kevin," Fatima said.

"I think Fat Boo is starting sink in. If she figured it out then others will which could lead to other things for you Fat." Kevin said as he smirked over at me and she smacked me in the back of the head.

"Owe. Remind me to tie her hand together next time she sits behind me," I paused to everyone's laughing.

"Well, should I call my brother or do we hold off until we talk to Jive?" I asked.

"Call him see if we can set-up a meeting for tomorrow," Brian replied.

I reached over and tapped in the number as Kevin shifted, when I was done, he reached over and held my hand. I was nervous about talking to him after all this time. I had been hiding from him and myself in some ways. I was not sure I was ready to face all of that yet. But, I needed him I would have to tell him why I left. Of course, it was because of Glenn, that I left and did not look back. In my family to be gay, you would be hated. But, I needed him and here was my chances to mend the fence and hopefully tell him about me, would maybe bring us closer.

"Hello," Jeff answered after the second ring.

"Jeff," I said losing it my face was covered in tears.

"Who is this? Michael is that you? Hello," I could not answer him.

"Jeff this is Kevin Richardson he is here. He is pretty broken up right now though," Kevin responded as he squeezed my hand and Brain reached from the back seat and patted my shoulder.

"Well pleased to meet you Kevin. Mike I know you're upset about something, and if it is why I think it is, you should understand I never wanted you to find out. But when Jack and I got together, he promised me no one would know. I told Liz and we both agree you should just try to understand as she does. I will explain it all. If you will just come by when I get home Mike?" He was practically pleading. I was shocked he couldn't mean what I thought he meant. I was not sure what to do as Kevin spoke up again.

"Well Jeff, this is Kevin again. I think that you and Mike could talk a little soooner if you will just come to Orlando. You two have more in common then you think you do," I began to sob harder as I knew Kevin thought the same thing I did about Jeff.

"You know if it was that then why have you been hiding Mike. I thought you would never forgive me for sleeping with him. I thought I was the only. Oh, you had no." He paused as he put everything together.

"Mike we need to meet I am going to leave the site here. I need to meet with you where are you at exactly," he asked.

"Jeff could you meet us at 1421 Oak St. here in Orlando tomorrow at about 1:00 tomorrow. It would be best then if you do not mind. I think I can handle getting him back together by then," Kevin said. Everyone remained quiet as I still cried into Kevin's shoulder.

"I will be there. Kevin do me a favor, please take care of him he is all the family I have left. I love him. He is my brother after all," Jeff said as I lifted my head up.

"Jeff before you go I love you too," I sobbed out. We mutually hung up. I hugged Kevin and thanked him as I turned and saw that Kevin and Fatima where the only ones with small amounts of tears as everyone else including AJ looked like they had been crying for hours.

"1421 Oak St?" I asked as Kevin watched my every move.

"My house," AJ said, as we all started to get out of the explorer.

"Why his house?" I asked as we headed back inside the studio.

"Safer and more comfortable over all," Brian said as Fatima and I gave each other quick look, wondering what they were hiding. We walked inside and all headed over to wear I had been dancing just before we left.

"Ok, spill it guy's or I will really make you work," Fatima said.

"Spill what?" Kevin said as he picked up the boulder from earlier. As he placed, it on his head AJ started the music with all of them standing in front of the mirror, I was now curious. Fatima walked over to the guys and stood with her back to them.

"Mike are you going to join us or are you going to keep standing over there." Just then, AJ's next line came through the speakers as I lipped the words. Why is this happening to me?' I thought. Because you deserve him' a voice rolled though my mind.

I put on the sunglasses again and stepped up in front next to Fatima as we made a quick run through of moves. They took the lead now as Fatima and I slipped out from in front of them. Kevin seemed to be moving a lot smoother as he looked forwards and watched the mirror. Fatima moved in front of Brian placed her hand on his hips as he began to blush she swiveled him back and forth.

"Man Brian you're so stiff," she said and I lost it. Brian was now bright red as Nick began to laugh and rolled around on the floor. Brian turned on him and pinned him to the floor. Fatima watched as Brian quickly loosened up all right. He and Nick were wrestling around but it looked like a sex festival as they were moving with the beat of the music still.

"Jesus Brian and I thought you were a Virgin!" Nick squealed from below him now. Brian jumped up and ran to the backroom. I was in shock as no one followed him. I immediately acted and headed in after him.

"Brian you want to talk or is this a bad time," I asked.

He was sitting on Fatima's desk with a single tear running down his cheek, I closed the door to the office. He had not said a word as I walked over and gave him a hug. He tried to pull away as his tears became harder I pulled him tighter. I was at a loss here I was holding someone I hardly knew. He sobbed harder, while at the same time I rubbed his back and held him. I felt the world around me grow cold as I knew nothing and felt nothing. I could not react.

"Sh Brian it is going to be all right," I said whispering to him. I felt him shacking in my arms.

"Brian what ever it is nothing is going to stop us from being friends," I said as I rocked him standing there. He had slowed the tears as he now was softly mumbling something into my chest. I pulled back just enough to hear him.

"My cousin is so lucky to find you. He has no idea what he has yet. I wish I had never done that out there. Nick is never going to forgive me. He will never let me back into his life. I have ruined everything. I should have never done that. I always ruin everything," he said.

"Brian, look at me," I said, pulling his head up to meet my gaze. "You have not ruined anything. You just got carried away. You guy's are like brothers. I can see that," I said trying to make sense of the senseless words.

"I am so sorry Mike. But when you and Kevin are together, it reminds me that I have never had that. I know everyone thinks Lee Ann and I have been together. But, she is using me for a cover of her alternative life. I may be BI Mike but I would never put anyone through what she has me," I was shocked as the words came out of his mouth. "Yes Mike she is a lesbian," he matters of factly added.

"Brian if she is using you then break it off, Publicly and Privately. Because as long as you let it go on you will continue to hurt. If she is using you for a cover, you will continue to be single. And in the long run you want the real thing right," I said wishing someone had said those words to me months back when Glenn first started to cheat on me. I knew I was getting through to him, he stopped rocking and wiped his eyes quickly.

"The real reason you are going to AJ's tomorrow is because your coming to our house would be awkward since I have a friend coming into town. I wanted all this to be kept as quiet as possible. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable and think little of me. I want you to think of me as a friend before you get the wrong impression," He said as he now stopped crying and sat there staring up at me.

"Brian I would not pass judgment over you. Besides my brother and you would probably get along well and you might even like him. And since you are both BI, you might be able to get more of an idea of how to deal with that, as far as relationships. It is too bad though that you two won't get to know each other, since there is someone coming into town to meet you," I looked down at him and marveled at the utter shock my words had, had on him.

"I would have loved to meet him," he paused. "You really think we would get along," he asked, with a little too much hope.

"You will meet him if we get him to do the video." Kevin said, as he walked in carrying a towel in his hand as he closed the door behind him. "Brian you need to get back out there before Fatima has a coronary. Besides, I need to talk to Mike here for a minute." He said and I looked at Brian assuring him to that it was all going to be all right.

"As usual you are right Kevin. Catch you two shortly," he said marching out of the office. "Thank you for doing that," Kevin said.

"I know what it is like to hurt and keep everything bottled up. I have been there," I said looking at him trying not to make too much eye contact.

"God how do you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"Care so much and say the right things to give those answers so honest and endearing like you do," He said wrapping me up in his arms.

As we stood there silent for a few minutes I became increasingly accustomed to the idea that this was the man I had been searching for. His heart spoke every word. His soul danced in and out of the vision of my eyes. I was falling hard for him and right there, I realized it. I was suddenly scared as I held him tighter.

"How do you do that?" I asked him this time.

"Do what? He replied, following my lead.

"Say the right things to make me realize how I am feeling without knowing your doing it?" I said as I looked into his emerald eyes. I was adrift in a sea of emotions as my heart told me to make the move; my mind told me to take it slow.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked. Without saying a word, I leaned farther forwards slowly.

We drifted into one another slowly. My eyes shut as my heart stopped. His arms loosened just a little as he moved his hands to the middle of my back. He was not pulling; I was not pushing. We made contact and my heart started again. I could feel the softest lips I had felt again touching mine. My lips quivered as we continued. My mouth opened slightly as he followed my lead. He slid his tongue gently across mine as I met the urges with the feelings building up again. I stood there week in my knee's wanting nothing more than to stay here with Kevin. He pulled back slightly, looked into my Blue eyes seeing my awe, and grinned. I reached gently to the back of his neck and pulled him to me again. Neither set of lips touched softly this time. The passion between us grew, as there was a crash in the main room. We pretended to ignore it as we continued Kissing. My hands trailed down his back as he raised his to the back of my neck. I slid my hands to his waist as he gently slid his around to the sides of my face.

We were now looking at one another as the door flew open and Nick stepped inside quickly closing the door. He was in shock as he watched us. Neither of us cared as we softly kissed again. I was looking back into those eyes of his again as he winked at me. I was now held there a captive in his heart as he was in mine.

To be continued...

Hopefully it wont take as long to get the next one out to you I am working on my other stories here and I have a new one under adult friends called "Jonathan's Secret". But as far as it looks that is the only installment of that one to be made. Otherwise, mail me

Next: Chapter 3

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