Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Jul 10, 2000


Warning! If you not old enough leave otherwise enjoy it, it's fiction!

Well, well, well, we finally make it to the beginning of the third day!

I hope you all enjoy it. Keep in mind that most of this is prewritten. However that does not mean it is set in stone. If you all would like to see something happen that has not as of yet let me know and I will try to work it into the story line. Either way drop me a line to let me know what you think.

Again, read the other great series' out there. There are a lot of them and these are a few of my favorites:

Copier guys (beginnings) Dream Lance Brian's 7 seas of loneliness Open Arm's Superman can't fly Fixing the Backstreet Boy's Kevin behind the scenes We admitted it Lonely Lance My surprise romance Because I love you Model Romance

Thanks for reading

Don't Want You Back-Part 12

'Where is your mind at?'

By Grayson S Vellar

The next morning all was well as I found myself half covered in Kevin. He was sleeping close to me with his head resting on my chest. I was trying my best to be good, however I failed. He looked so peaceful and I just wanted to have my way with him or rather have him have his way with me. Either way the only way for that to happen was to wake him up.

"I wonder what a guys got to do to wake you up?" I asked playfully as I began to grope him in his peaceful sleep.

"You might have to do better than that to get me to wake up," Kevin whispered shocking me only for a second as I ran my hand over he already hardening cock.

"You might have to worry that I am hungry in the mornings," I giggled as I slid down under the covers.

"I might have a lollypop or something you could lick a little before we get out of bed," Kevin said smiling back at me as I lifted the covers and looked up at him.

"There is nothing down here that would take a little licking," I said back as I dropped the covers and took the head of his cock between my lips.

Kevin took in a quick breath as I slowly and gently swallowed him whole. My mouth was full my throat was full all I wanted was more. I began to pull back letting my mouth brush against the head slowly as I wobbled my head around increasing the feeling. He began to moan loudly, the louder the better in my mind.

"Oh, God Michael if you don't stop.. Oh God don't stop!" He shouted as I gently flicked my tongue along the edge of the head.

I swallowed him to hilt and stroked his balls with my right hand he was beginning to gyrate into my mouth. His motion only choked me for but a moment as he thrust his hips wildly. I reached behind him helping him push as I pushed him from behind and held him in as I stopped all motion and swallowed hard. My throat constricted around his cock working the shaft as I inserted my finger slowly into him from behind. As I hit his prostate, he let out an animalistic groan letting me know he was enjoying treatment.

I let him slid out of my mouth and farther onto my hand as I balanced the pressure and pleasure between the two. He was moving again but his breathing was labored as I took on final dive to the hilt. He screamed out my name "Michael!" as I ran my tongue around the head pulling back away. I could tell it was time as the bed shook from his body quivering against it.

3 healthy shot of cum volleyed into my mouth as I swallowed the sweet nectar greedily. More came as I withdrew my finger and began to squeeze it out with my hand slowly. He groaned several more times, as I continued to taunt him with my mouth and hands. Soon though, it was over almost as quickly as it began.

"Oh God stop, stop, stop! That is tickling the shit out of me," Kevin said out of breath as he collapsed onto the bed. I smiled up at him as another voice drifted down the hallway for us to hear.

"I wouldn't think it was shit he was tickling out of you!" Brian hollered down the hall from his room. I began to laugh as I looked up at Kevin's pouting face.

"You keep looking at me like that your face is going to freeze," I said sliding up his body to meet him face to face.

"And wouldn't that be cute," Kevin said.

"The just fucked look to a bunch of thirteen year old may make the wrong impression your looking for on stage," I laughed out, "But on you anything is cute," I said seductively kissing his lips.

Our lips soon parted to reach into one another's souls. We were expressing the moment. We were expressing the time we share. He greedily tongued my mouth no doubt tasting his seed as the remnants lay in wait for his hungry mouth. He pulled back smiling at me, smiling as a bad child does when it knows it is too cute to be in trouble.

"What?" I meekly asked.

"Paybacks are a bitch," he said slipping out of the bed and heading into the bathroom.

"Oh, really and what kind of a bitch would that be?" I asked and realized how stupid it sounded all the same.

"The kind that wants you to join me in the shower," Kevin said from inside the bathroom.

"That being as intriguing as it sounds, still can't get me off this comfortable bed," I yelled back at him as I heard the shower start.

"Oh really," he said as I heard him get in. I laughed to myself as I rolled over onto my stomach on the bed and closed my eyes.

"Really," I mumbled. If I weren't there, I would have never believed he could be so quiet. Too quiet is more like the phrase I am looking for. I didn't even hear him come back into the room.

"Really," he seductively said as he climbed onto my back and dripped all over me. "Come with me Michael," Kevin asked smiling.

"To Cum with you, we would have to make love," I said attempting to roll over under his weight.

"Could we really?" Kevin asked as I managed to finally roll all the way over.

"Could we? Of course we could," I said drawing him down to me and kissing him with the most passion, I have ever felt before.

Kevin's POV

Michael's tongue crossed mine as he pulled me closer. It wasn't just a kiss it was our connection. We both felt it. It was everything it was nothing it was more. If I had learned one thing about this man, it was that love was real. Love was all I ever dreamed of, love was all I could feel from him in moments like these. When not around I secretly long for his touch. 'Is that so wrong?'

I brush my hands across his chest in hopes for his arousal. I want him inside me, I want to feel him deep within. I want to give of myself to him. Never in my life have I felt such a mix of pain and pleasure as I did our first night. Now it is all I want when we are alone.

"Take me please," I say as Michael looks at me with lust filled eyes. My secret desires are now known as he rolls us over on the bed.

He is so gentle in he gestures as his body caresses mine. Where is the demon within him? Where is the spirit that he shows so often? He cares so much for me and all I want is for him to take me. I want him to show me the reason I love him so much. I want to feel the thrust. I want to feel...

"Kevin you're so tight," I love to hear his words as he looks down on me. I feel my body filling from within. I feel his cock slid deeper into me with each thrust of his hips.

"God Michael that feels so good!" I shout feeling him hit the spot buried deep within.

I feel my body warming with each thrust he is stroking me from the inside. I feel my cock growing in pressure as my cum is building again. I look into his eyes as he leans forwards kissing me hard. There is no passion here; there is only this raw energy of shared private obsessions. He is clearly ready to explode as his shoulders begin to shake and his pace begin to weaken. I remove my ankles from his shoulders and wrap them around him drawing him deeper within. He sees the look of ecstasy on my face as I feel him hit my well-earned pleasure.

"Oh god I'm going to cum!" Michael shouts as I feel his cock twitch inside of me. My own cock begins to twitch as I cum on my own stomach. My legs remain tightly wrapped around him as he drawn down to kiss. I feel no passion only sweat and raw release as our lips meet. We are one yet he has given me the pleasure of letting the control go. Letting him be the one to trust. Letting him be the one I give my release too. We lay silent staring at one another.

'No thoughts of deceit, no thoughts of remorse.'

"I love you Michael," I say as he looks at me with quizzical eyes.

Michael's POV

"I love you too Kevin," I say and think about the passion of the moment.

"This... We... Are you happy with me," I ask still not sure why I'm asking this question.

"More than anyone could ever guess. You make me feel so secure in what I want. You make me feel the way I always longed to feel. I love you," Kevin says as his legs release me and I begin to roll off of him. We cuddle for a few more minutes until we hear Brian in the hallway.

"Kevin we need to get moving. I already started to set up for the meeting today," Brian said out of sight in the hallway. Kevin begins to shift taking one last look at me as he heads back to the bathroom where the shower still runs strong.

"I'll be down in a minute," Kevin shouts as I see the door close behind him and quickly open again. "You want to join me Michael?" He asks with a smile.

"No, if I do we will never make it out of that room," I returned with a smile on my face. I rolled over on the bed onto my back and began to fall back to sleep. I never heard him exit the bathroom. I never knew he went ahead down stairs to make the calls for the guys to get here. I never heard a thing until I was suddenly pulled back to the living by Brian.

"You know, he's right, you are so cute when you sleep," Brian said leaning on the doorframe to the bedroom.

"Huh?" I asked intelligently still clearing the cobwebs from my brain.

"You sleeping, it's like watching an innocent child," Brian said taking a step into the room. "Kind of makes me want to protect you," Brian said mischievously.

"You can ask Kevin I am not a child at all," I said with an evil grin right back.

"You better get up he sent me in here to wake you," Brian said grinning as he came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You, think he would get mad enough to come back in here and join me," I said smiling the whole while he edged forwards.

"He sent me in here for that," he said leaning down towards me. I quickly sat up and slid off the opposite side of the bed.

"What do you mean by that," I asked standing firm watching his every move.

"Well now, you're no child I can surely see that. I can also see why he loves you so much," Brian said sending his eyes straying all over my naked flesh.

"Oh, Shit!" I screamed and ran into the bathroom slamming the door shut as I cleared it.

"Gotcha!" Brain shouted as he stepped out of the bedroom closing the door.

"I'll get you both for this," I shouted to the closed doors not knowing weather or not I should get my clothes. However, the shower did look inviting as I stepped over to it and turned the water on.

Down Stairs.

"No Keith I don't understand what's going on with you," Kevin said into the phone.

"Oh never mind just get over here by 11:30. That's a half hour from now!" Kevin shouted into the phone before he slammed it down into the receiver.

"Okay, I take it that didn't go as well as me waking Michael up," Brian said walking back into the kitchen where he had left him 10 minutes before.

"Nope. Took you long enough to wake him up," Kevin said smiling thinking of what they had just done.

"Now, I know your in love you smile just thinking about him," Brian said walking over to the refrigerator.

"Love comes in all sizes and shapes. I see how you look at Jerry," Kevin said thinking to the two of them and their confessions yesterday.

"That would be correct if we were in love," Brian said laughing under his breath. "Which reminds me I need to head over to see LeighAnn for dinner. Dee and her are going to make me dinner while we discuss our plans for the next few months to figure out how we are going to cover up my gayness still," Brian said turning around and heading back up the stairs to his room. He had to change, he had to make it all worth while. He was going to call Rowan. His mind was racing at how good he felt right now.

"Gayness?" Kevin asked up the stairs to which Brian stopped.

"Okay, my gayness is something we still have not talked a lot about. But, I can tell you I have known as long as you have," Brian said heading half the distance back down the stairs and sitting to talk to Kevin. They were close almost to close at times. However, they were cousins and the only family they had within several hundreds of miles. They were here for one another and they both knew this time was now.

"I knew already. I was kind of waiting for this whole world changing discussion though," Kevin said sitting down on the lowest step.

"We talked about me being bisexual possibly but never the fact that I have come to the conclusion that I am gay," Brian said thinking of all his nights of asking himself questions establishing who he was first before having this conversation.

"So, this whole thing with Jerry really set things into perspective for you," Kevin asked.

"No, not really. Sure Jerry is what everyone would consider my first real interest but I have had other um... interests. I just have never openly talked about it. You all knew about James and his coming over. But what you didn't know is. Well, you remember last year when I went on vacation without anyone else." Brian asked making sure he was not revealing something, Kevin had not already thought about.

"Okay, so now the truth comes out. I knew that there had to be a reason you were smiling so much after coming back from Vancouver. After you came back, everyone figured it was because of the vacation time. I know you though and I figured there was a reason. I also figured you would have told me before now though," Kevin said looking up at Brian where he was sitting.

"James was there with me. We had a great time, but ever since we have not seen each other, he has been kind of running the town. I found out from a mutual friend of ours. I loved him because he was my real first love. He made me happy. The other night watching you and Michael reminded me of what I want in my life," Brian said.

"So, Michael's and my relationship has helped you figure out what you truly want? Now that is cool," Kevin said stopping before asking his next question. "So, you and Jerry are not that, I take it?" Kevin asked no longer looking up a Brian.

"He still has feelings, strong feeling, for his ex-lover. I think that maybe with Leigh's help I may be able to put them back together. She tells me about how Rowan has helped her so much and so on. She babbles about this great single guy she wants to set me up with. She says he is in love with his ex-boyfriend and that she wants to break the depression. Jerry still loves him very much. He was almost in tears when he told me about him the other night. So, I figure what's best is to not compete with a memory of something he wants back when it is only across town. We're going to talk about all this later. Leigh, Dee, and I of course," Brian said standing up at the sound of the phone ringing in the next room.

"I've got to get that but Brian. I wanted to tell you that I know how hard it is to be alone. What your about to do is something I would hate myself for later. If you are sure it is right then I will help you in any way I can," Kevin said hearing the phone ring again. "I have to get that Bri and you have to get ready to play cupid," Kevin said smiling at him as they each went their separate ways along the staircase.

"Hello," Kevin said answering the phone.

"Hey Kevin, AJ and I are just getting ready to leave we should be there in about 20 minutes at most," Howie said from his own living room.

"Okay we're just going to eat here and talk all this out. Why don't you guys plan on using the pool latter too," Kevin said.

"Would we not when we are going to be there on a hot day like this," Howie said reminding him of all the times they had all shared there.

Soon enough everyone had arrive and all was to be good from what I could tell. Keith/Trey had not talked to Kevin since he had gotten here; but then again, it wasn't as if the other guys had really let them speak to one another. They all meant well but it was obvious to me at least that they were monopolizing his time on purpose. Every time he and Kevin were about to talk to one another one of the guys would suddenly ask him a question. Weather it was, his performing or some security idea, there was always a distraction. They meant well and when they all had run out of topics, it was time for them to start talking. But, unexpectedly AJ's eyes lit up and he was offering the food he and Howie had stopped to pick up on the way over.

Soon, we all sat around the formal dinning room in our shorts and tee shirts trying to swallow down McDonalds and cokes. It was hilarious watching all of them. It was as if they had never eaten. 'I have to make lunch next time' I thought watching them. Trey put his burger down and I was sure it was to begin. Every eye was on him as he took the last drink from his cup and stretched wide.

"Okay here's what I know so far," Trey paused looking at Kevin just long enough for me to catch it. I don't think anyone else saw it. I don't think anyone else would be looking for it. Kevin sat looking down at our hand intertwined together lying on the dining room table. 'Is this really something that Kevin wants?' I had no idea why but suddenly I was questioning everything we had built. 'Was I interfering in his future?'

Over all most people meet and fall over time. I had to admit this was not one of those situations. Fatima had warned me from the beginning to watch out and be his friend first. Had I really gotten into a relationship with this man so quickly? I mean he says he loves me and I know what love is. We have committed ourselves to one another in front of a lot of people. But is it real? He loves me I know he does. Why else would he sit here holding my hand trying his best to ignore all that is going on here with Trey. I mean they are friends; that is all. Kevin loves me for me and I deserve to be loved. Kevin is strong; he will work out his friendship with Trey. But I will still have him in my arms at night. I was off in my own world when suddenly I was pulled back to AJ clearing his voice.

"So, you think Miliken was just a pawn in this too," AJ asked and looked at me like I would know different.

'I love Kevin' I finished my previous thoughts. 'I love me enough to know I am worth it. He loves me enough to know'

"Yes," Trey answered. I knew at this point that I had most certainly missed the entire point in this conversation. I would have to watch myself from now on or I would get caught again. AJ was grinning at me as he continues to grill Trey.

"So, Manerva was really trying to break up their careers and used the old man as a puppet, along with us," AJ said rounding out the topic of conversation.

"Yes," Trey said.

"Thanks Keith, this has gotten us no where so far. So what do we do?" Kevin pointedly asked. I could finally tell this was taking a toll on him. In all the time I had spent with the group thus far there was never a time when he made me feel so uneasy with a topic of conversation.

"Trey is my name so use it!" Keith shouted at Kevin causing him to draw back from the explosion. Everyone else including myself was in completely shock. Here all I had known about Keith would have suggested he would never treat Kevin in such a way.

"Okay Trey what do we do now," Kevin asked aggravated at his friend but still he was clam.

"We wait, I mean you wait," Trey said sitting back in the chair he was sitting in.

"So, we just sit here and get all agitated at one another fight and let them win," I asked.

"No, we relax and we let it be," Howie said for the first time joining into the conversation.

"I think I may have more news after I see Manerva today," Trey said.

"You're going to go see her," Kevin asked not looking up from the note pad on the table in front of him.

I sat silently staring between the two trying to figure out where this power struggle was originating. I suddenly realized what it was all about. If I left this room now it would stop. It would end immediately. After all the sidelong glances that they had been stolen, after all the private moments they had once shared. It was as evident as the nose on my face. Someone was in love, someone wasn't and here I was the one in between the two. Was this my place and who was initiating the call to arms. 'Could it be Kevin?' I asked myself as another question replaced it. 'If Keith has loved Kevin for so long why has he never told him, does Kevin know?' I was suddenly shaken about all of this. Here I had been living my life in this turmoil with all of them. Now, it was all being questioned, by past reflexes that I had nothing to do with.

"Kevin I think you two need to talk without any of us here. There are obviously other problems occurring between you and Keith that need to be dealt with," I said not stopping to think of the outcome this would bring. I had no idea what I had just said until it was done and over with.

"No I think we should just keep the past buried Michael. You have no right to interfere with our lives. It is your fault that all of this is happening in the first place," Keith said taking his pen in hand, as he stabbed at the tablet in front of him.

"Don't talk to him like that," Kevin spouted off.

"What's the matter with you. Your taking him over everything you have worked to gain?" Keith shouted at him. Kevin became enraged as I suddenly decided it was now or never to react. I had to stop this I had to stop it now.

"There is nothing up with him Keith. I can tell you are hiding something from him. Perhaps you have been hiding it a long time. Perhaps my being her set you off on you little pity party. But none of that matters now we have bigger problem to rescue ourselves from." I paused in speech, while standing up looking around the room to everyone sitting there. I let go of Kevin's hand and looked down at him with tears in my eyes as I realized how much I was about to lose if he didn't look up at me, if he didn't want me.

"You two have been friends far longer than I could ever live up to. I am just beginning in his life Keith. If you can not accept me then I will back out of this room until you all are done. If you can not act civil to each other because of petty jealousy then I will wait until latter to spend time with him. Kevin I'm going up to your office I have some calls to make anyhow," I said, knowing no matter what I said right here and now he would never understand. I turned and started for the archway leading back into the living room only to find I was not alone Brian, Nick Howie and AJ followed me out quickly. Kevin called me back into the room.

"Michael before you do come here please," Kevin said stopping me in my tracks as I looked the others over. AJ smiled and nodded to the dinning room.

"Yes," I said walking back in to find him facing me. Keith stood with his back to me looking out of the window on the other side of the room.

"I just want to apologize to you from me, thanks for showing me that this is petty. I love you," Kevin said smiling at me.

"I know you do and I know sometimes I should not be here when things need to be said," I said taking the steps to stand above him. Just before I went to leave again, I gently placed my lips to his in a momentary kiss to show my true intentions to him. I showed him my love was to be understanding in all that we do.

"That was interesting," Nick said as I walked into the living room.

"Yeah," was all I said as I headed up to the office.

"What was that all about?" Brian asked looking at the others.

I wanted to be clear of the whole mess. If Kevin and I kept having problems, it was going to be from the outside of the two of us. I was not willing to make it worse. These two friends had been just that for years. No amount of our relationship should come between that. I wanted to go to the one place in this house where I knew no one would bother me. I wanted to go to the one place where I knew I would be able to step away to where Kevin would certainly come.

The room was dark from the moment I went in. The only light was coming from the open set of blind next to the piano. It was nothing spectacular. It was just Kevin's baby grand. It was just..

"What do I do now," I asked myself out loud.

I set down at the bench to the piano. I had at one time been called my home. Maybe not this piano but a piano none the less. His was just that his; did I have the right. I was thinking too much. I knew what he would say. I knew what his reaction would be and so I began to play. The less light the worse I played. I jumped as I saw Brian's head pop into the doorway.

There were footsteps behind him, several steps in fact. I was inwardly laughing. This was supposed to be the one place where I could be alone and yet they were here. I felt myself smiling at them as I began to play a song I had heard once. I knew they would not recognize it. I knew because I was there when it was incepted. Brian looked at me quizzically as if he knew the song. AJ sat down behind Kevin's desk. I failed when I hit the bridge and missed a key. Instead of stopping all together I took a deep breath and began to play again. I didn't care if they saw me make a mistake. I was not the one with the career in music. I was the one still left to my abilities to be me. The words to the song came into my mind as I remembered the night Stephen had played it for me. He taught me he wrote it before I left Los Angeles for the last time.

"Where are you?" I asked out loud, as all eyes suddenly were on me. I had known this song for months now. I was ahead of the pack when it came to Stephen. No on else had heard him until recently and still it was not this song. It was not his real name. I had after meeting him decided never to play again. I had never considered myself a musician. Sure I could play sure I could sing but in my heart, I was never good enough, for myself or anyone else. But still I sat here playing. From my heart and from my soul I knew it meant little to them to see someone else do this. It was second nature.

"Where did you learn this song," Brian asked listening to the melody closely as I played.

"From a friend in Los Angeles," I answered as I hit the bridge again and missed a key. "Damn, why do I keep missing that note?" I asked, but no one answered. Nick sat grinning at me as I began again. This time I was determined to make it through. This time I was even going to sing it to cover up the mistakes. It was not my song to sing but it for some reason was washing away my worries of Kevin and Trey down stairs. I was going to do this for me. Never for them but for me, I needed this.

Where are you?

Some meet in the strangest places Some meet in the place that they work in Some meet in their own back yards

Some say it was love at first sight Some say that they never could imagine They say that they'd find the right one

Where are you? When I'm calling your name, oh baby Where are you? When I reach out my hand, oh honey Where are you when I need you most oh babe Where are you?

Some meet at the supermarket Some meet on the summer vacation Some meet at the local bar

Some say it was meant to be them Some say they've been waiting for a long time They say that they found the right one

Some meet cause they like each other Some meet for a little bit of lovin' Some meet in their father's car

Some say their getting married Some say believe in trust and understanding They say that they find the right one

Where are you? When I'm calling your name, oh baby. Where are you? When I reach out my hand oh, honey. Where are you when I need you most oh, babe Where are you?

Where are you? When I'm calling your name, oh baby Where are you? When I reach out my hand, oh honey Where are you when I need you most oh babe Where are you?

There is this one song I can't stop in my head And I keep on going on and it's makin me stronger One song I can't stop in my head And it makes me feel good so I can hold on much longer

One song I can't stop in my head And I keep on going on and it's makin me stronger One song I can't stop in my head And it makes me feel good so I can hold on much longer

Where are you? When I'm calling your name, oh baby Where are you? When I reach out my hand, oh honey Where are you when I need you most oh babe Where are you?

"That was beautiful," Howie said leaning against the Piano.

"You should see him when he really plays," Glen said walking into the office.

"So, you play and you never told us," Nick said eyeing me with uncertainty.

"I just don't think I am that good anymore," I said, thinking of a time this was all I had to make me happy.

"He is far too modest for his own good guys," Glen said hugging Howie from behind as the two watched me uneasily continue to play a melody.

"Actually I am surprised he let any of you in here to see it," Glen said pausing long enough for me to look at him sternly to stop him. "He usually uses this as his secret place. I suppose you would call it," Glen said obviously remembering the times I would disappear to a friend's house playing when she was out of town.

Down Stairs.

"Kevin I have wanted to tell you something for a long time," Keith began.

"Don't. I already knew," Kevin said not changing a single bit as he realized this was going to hurt the both of them.

"I wont then. But, you have to know I am happy for you too. I just wish it was me and not him," Keith said taking a seat across from Kevin. The words sunk in and Kevin was angry.

"Keith you never told me and you always get this way when I start dating. You have no right to do this to me now," Kevin said in a harsh tone of voice. Standing up he nearly knocked over the chair behind him as he walked out of the room up to the office. I was still playing as he entered the room and saw the gathered group with me playing. He was listening as I ran through the end of the song again this time with Brian singing it for me.

Where are you? When I'm calling your name, oh baby Where are you? When I reach out my hand, oh honey Where are you when I need you most oh babe Where are you?

Kevin had tears in his eyes as he walked across the room and stood behind the guys. I carried out the tune with a follow up to the melody leading into 'We Live' another one of Stephen's songs. I had no idea he was standing there. Here I sat pouring my head into the song. Here I had found myself again. Here I had found the one thing that was going to keep me even in my thoughts and heart. I was never going to give it up again. Music was now a part of my life again. Whether it was my boyfriend's line of work or not this was the place I needed to be me.

"You play from your heart," Kevin said looking at me with my eyes closed. I stopped playing instantly hearing his wonderful voice.

"I hear it with my heart," I said looking up at him and everyone else cleared the room.

"I took care of that down there. Would you come back down if I promised to be good," Kevin asked as I grinned at him. I looked up at him and began to play a familiar tune to him. I had only heard it once. It was part of his soul. He had been working since his father had passed away on this very song. Kevin immediately came around to the other side of the piano setting down next to me. I continued to play until he placed his hands on mine and turned me to look at him with tears in his eyes.

"I love you so much Michael," Kevin said pausing as he gathered his thoughts. "I promise no more worries about me and Keith. We are friends nothing more. You will never have to worry about that again." Kevin said kissing my hands as he brought them to his lips.

"I noticed it the second he walked in the door. You two have known each other for so long. Here I come stumbling into your life suddenly with fires and all and you fall for me. He must really think the worst of me," I said shaking my head and then continued. "You have nothing to worry about or promise to be good. The guys on the other hand were being bad. Constantly changing the subject trying to keep him monopolized. It was obvious." I said trailing off starring into his green eyes.

"I promise I will watch them all closer baby. I had no idea you saw any of it. They were only trying to." I silenced him by placing my fingers to his lips.

"I know why they were doing it," I removed my fingers and just looked at him to see what all of this meant to him. I was half laughing as I suddenly realized I knew him this well and there was no questions in my mind he understood. He was so cute as he looked at me astonished realizing how much I pay attention to everything. I smiled at him as I stood up from the piano. I held out my hand to him to help him up which he took eagerly. We walked back down together in complete confidence that this was who we were to be. Even facing Keith was going to go better weather he liked it or not!

To Be Continued...

  1. Hey Little boy want a lollipop? 2. Wet naked Kevin laying on top of you an a bed.. (say no more) 3. James? Brian who the hell is James? (Later) 4. Protect the new guy! Sorry Keith but you get nothin here! (AJ shouts) 5. Gayness! Is that anything like ____ (you fill in the blank) 6. Trey/Keith can't you pick a name already? 7. Ann is on her way in to town soon... (lets get ready to rumble or not) 8. "Where are you" 9. Anyone know the name of the friggin song Kevin wrote for his dad? 10. Boys! There are no little boys here!

Next: Chapter 13

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