Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Jun 15, 2000


Warning! If you not old enough leave otherwise enjoy it, it's fiction!

Well, well, well, we finally make it to the end of the second day. BYW the next day (days three) is already written. I bet this make a lot of people happy since the last time I ended a day I paused the story for several months. Not this time though I have a lot written and I am enjoying all of it. If you would however drop me a line and let me know what you think it would be much appreciated.

Again, read the other great series' out there. There are a lot of them and these are a few of my favorites:

Lonely Lance He's all I need. (I talked to him yesterday and he is writing more!) My surprise romance We admitted it Fixing the Backstreet Boy's Open Arm's

Drop me a line at

Don't Want You Back-Part 11

'Skeletons out of the closet'

By Grayson S Vellar


Last Time...

"Kevin we need to get home soon, so you want to go and." I started to say only to be stopped as I heard a gasp come from Howie. He was in the middle of turning around when he saw a very drunk Glen standing in the main doorway with a man I thought I recognized.

"What the Fuck is going on?" Howie shouted as he ran up to Glen. "I was just helping my friend Tony out with his date. They got into a fight and he slammed his car into the backend of another one just at the corner. He came in her just a second ago, didn't you see him?" Glen said out of breath as he lugged the heavy man over to a booth. "He can't be here, this is a private party," Howie shouted as Kevin and I walked up. "Not anymore," Kevin said looking down in shock at the passed out man. It was Jack Lyons from the Jive offices he was passed out from being in an accident with his boyfriend. There was the catch we needed. Here was our chance to make the wrong right. Here was our chance to live as we choose. But there was no boyfriend present? "I knew you would want to see this for yourself. I actually invited Tony to bring him here as soon as I found out where were to be. I figured this little piece of the puzzle would make all of you happy," Glen said taking hold of Howie hand. He was drunk and way past his sense of responsibilities. I could tell he was thinking through the alcohol. "Where is Tony?" I asked knowing who he was. "He is outside exchanging numbers and such with the other driver. I guess he," Glen said pointing at Jack. "Hit his head on the windshield," Glen said sitting down next to Jack trying to pull Howie down with him unsuccessfully. "Perfect just perfect, now we have moved a victim of an auto accident from the scene and he is probably going to die. My boyfriend is a alcoholic and I am losing my mind!" Howie said freaking out not even looking down at Jack. "Only if he's lucky," I said not joking at it all. "What did you say? This is not funny, it will ruin us," Howie said, I guessed immediately that Mr. shy Howie had, had a little to much to drink at this point. The whole while during our exchange Kevin had not said a word. He just kept on starring at the victim Mr. Jack Lyons. "Howie do me a favor and take a good look at the victim here," I said hoping he would catch on. As soon as he did, he went sheet white. "Oh, my God! It's him!" Howie shouted sitting down as if he had to catch his breath. "Is he always this perceptive after what three drinks?" I asked laughing at the situation. "Not always but when he is it always seems to make for an interesting evening," Kevin said finally looking over at me. "There you are the love of my life," I said grinning at him. "Um, excuse me but can I get my Boyfriend and get out of here," Tony asked with a grin on his face as he approached us. His tall lean body glided ever so gently over to the booth and he sat right down next to Jack. He touched the spot where the bruise had begun to form. It was just a light touch as Jack groaned in his restful slumber. I motioned for the guys to all get over into the next booth behind Jack as he started to come around. "Baby, I'm sorry please wake up," Tony said whispering into Jack's forehead as he kissed it gently. "I'm okay Tony. My head feels like it is on fire though." Jack said not opening his eyes as we all watched. I noticed the video camera in Nick's hand and had to stifle a laugh as he pointed it down at the kiss. "Baby, I love you I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm sorry we fought," Tony said trying to not sound as upset as he apparently was. "I love you too and I know you love me. I was just upset, I mean after she told me she was pregnant today that was it. What am I supposed to do it's not even mine?" Jack asked while crying out to his lover. "Love me," Tony said and then continued. "As you always have. We have been through a lot over the past 3 years and this is just another hurdle for us to overcome," Tony said. "Another hurdle that is going to set me up as the biggest fool to hit the music business," Jack said. A waiter headed towards the table with drinks in hand I motioned him to stop as he walked past us. He looked at me questioningly until I handed him a twenty-dollar bill and took the tray from him. Kevin looked at me in panic as I handed the tray to Howie. If this bastard was going to set us all up, we could at least play games with him. "All this shit with Miliken storming into my office and the whole blackmail thing has caused me to act funny tonight. I am sorry baby but what am I supposed to do? I mean I am going to lose everything if I don't go along with his plan. But, at the same time, it goes against everything in me to not allow the guys to have relationships," he paused as Howie approached him and set drinks on the table. The whole time he never even looked up. "Jack, you could turn him in and save the guys?" Tony said. "I could, but I would lose everything I have worked for too. My own son doesn't even know I am gay. I have a girlfriend to keep up appearances to the contrary. I have made a mess of my life and here I am trying to make a mess of someone else's. I hate my life!" Jack screamed as he slammed him fist into the table. Howie rejoined all of us as we listened carefully to the conversation. There was a lot to be said for small restaurants and small crowds. You could have heard the whole conversation across the room if you wanted too. "Either way I will stand behind you one hundred percent. I always have always will. Now all we have to do is make sure the guys forgive you once you tell them. I mean once they know the truth they are bound to help you find a way around Miliken," Tony said with an endearing hope in his voice. "Forgiven as long as you help get Miliken," Kevin said into Jack's ear from our side of the booth. Jack spun around where he was setting and starred at all of us. There was a look in his eyes as he realized he was now being put on the spot. He was half in tears as none of us said another word about the situation. Jacks lower lip quivered as he tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. "Jack say something to them," Tony said in hushed tone. "I'm sorry. He has me by the balls. What should I do?" Jack said letting the tears fall now. "Nothing," Kevin said calmly. "We will take care of him and Manerva," Nick said. "Manerva?" Jack asked. "His actual accomplice," I said now putting all the pieces together. "I have it all figured out now," I said matter of factly. "What figured out?" Jack asked as Brian and Jerry joined Kevin, Nick, Chris, JC, and me at the tables. "You have it all figured out?" Jerry asked. "I have it all figured out that I want Sleeeeep I must sleeeeeepppppp," I said with a mock tired voice. "Okay, we get the picture. Besides we all need to talk about this tomorrow. There is still one more thing for me to do this evening." Kevin said grinning at me. Kevin stood up and strode across the room to the small stage. He was grinning from ear to ear as he picked up the microphone in his hand. There was quiet all through the room as he looked directly at me. I looked back at him with an intent stare. I realized that nothing in this world would ever make me not want to be near him. I smiled back as I watched him stand there deep in thought with a grin that could light up the stars. "Michael will you come up here for me please," Kevin asked. "Yeah baby. What can I do for you?" I said smiling as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I noticed immediately that Liz, Jeff, Chuck, and Tommy were now standing on the floor right next to the stage. On the other side were the remaining members of the BSB. Kevin immediately turned off the microphone and handed it to Howie as Nick filmed us with his camera. Kevin knelt down on his right knee as he looked up at me and held my hands in his. "We have said this all to one another a million times in the last two days. Maybe it is too soon to say it but I know it is real. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you more than anything else could ever be or become. You are the one I want to share my life with. You are my days and my nights now. Tonight I accept your promise," Kevin said reaching into his front shirt pocket and taking a silver ring out. "This is not a marriage proposal this is a promise to you that you will have one though. When you are ready, when we are ready. The time may be tomorrow the time may be months, but this ring is my promise. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and I promise some day to make it our life. We together will accomplish all our goals and we together will make life the fullest we can. I will never let others decide our life. I will only let you and I chose that path. I love you Michael and I promise to love you for the rest of our lives. Now I know the ring you gave me was from your father. And I must tell you this one is from my own hand. It now serves in balance to the ring you gave me because it comes from my heart where my faith in our love is as real your parents," Kevin said placing the silver band on my ring finger. I was crying as I looked into his eyes. I pulled him to his feet and I kissed him with passion and vigor as everyone watched us. Our hearts were right our souls were free. I leaned forwards resting my forehead against his as I began to whisper softly to him. "You know I wish we would have talked about this before hand," I giggled as he frowned at me. "We would have done it together instead of having the same idea and making everyone wait," I laughed as I leaned in and kissed him again. "This was supposed to be a surprise for you," he said pouting. "I thought it was and I know it was," I said seriously and kissed his pout away. "How bout we go home and share that tub of mine again," Kevin said grinning. With those words said I grabbed hold of his hand and began to make way towards the door. Everything was starting to end anyhow and there was no time like the present to get him home and naked. Francine's House... Francine showed up at the door there was a silence that nothing could break. Judy was flabbergasted to say the least. She took a long look at Francine as she stood on the front porch. '16. no 17 at least, what am I thinking?' Judy asked herself. "I'm Francine your Judy right," Francine said hesitating thinking she was at the wrong house. "Yes.. I am. I'm sorry I just wasn't sure it was you. I mean we have never met before," Judy said motioning Francine to step inside. "Yes, and the fact that I am 16 has something to do with the look of shock on your face. I guess there is a lot to explain though," Francine said stepping into the family room. As she walked into the house Judy realized something strange about the girls demeanor. "You've been here before haven't you?" Judy demanded to know. "Yes, of course I have. I spend more time than you do here," Francine said shocking Judy. "My question is what gave it away?" Francine asked. "It's just when you walked into the room you set you bag down on the hall shelf. You checked the candy dish as you walked by. I have noticed lately that it has been a little less full than normal," Judy said dropping off in thought. `How could she know my house. How could she know to not step on the third tile to the right? If she had of stepped on it, it would have cracked further. "Your Stuart's girlfriend!" Judy shouted as she saw what she was missing all along. "Um, maybe this was the wrong time for me to come here," Francine said trying to turn away. "Oh no you don't. What has Jack gotten you into," Judy asked. "It's not his it's Stuart's," Francine gasped out as Judy abruptly pulled her into the house. Judy immediately stopped as the words sank in. Why would Jack be acting as the father then? It didn't make sense it just couldn't all be true. Stuart, Jack's brother had died less than 4 months ago in a car accident. He was the one they should have stopped at when having children too bad it was after Jack. 'Jack what's been he to all of this. Where was he to explain all of this?' Judy stood staring at the girl for another moment before breaking down in tears. On the way home... "Kevin have I told you how impressive you are?" I asked while snuggling into his arm in the front seat. "Not until just now," Kevin said smiling at me. "You know we could just tell Jack to forget about Millie and hire him to take care of Fatboo if things get ugly," I said not knowing of the other situation brewing out of control with Francine. "I don't think that would be a good idea," Kevin said deep in his own thoughts as we pulled into the driveway. "So what do we do then?" I asked hoping he would have a quick fix and laughing at the thought at the same time. "Let Trey handle it like he always does," Kevin said without missing a beat in his words. "Okay, but who is Trey anyhow?" I asked. "Trey, how do I explain Trey?" Kevin asked himself in deep thought. "Trey is by chance my oldest friend. I mean I have other friends who I have known as long. But, there are just some people you can trust and then there are those you tell everything too. He is one of those that you tell everything to. I've been telling him everything since I was twelve years old," Kevin said as I nodded my head in understanding. "Trey used to come to the camp my father ran. We saw each other every summer, and even wrote music together. K & K production is what we called it. We grew up together with a lot of the same dreams. It was so long ago and when I first met him, I must admit I had a crush on him. But, that is all in the past now. I mean sure when I moved out here and hit it big he followed to help with things. Like the house for instance, if we are away he checks it everyday. If we have personal trauma like we are having right now, he is there. He is a security specialist out here in Orlando. I used to think it would be a great idea to take him on tour with us. But, with us being so close, the label never would agree to it. Trey is like my other brother. That's another person you will be meeting soon. Jerald is by far one of the greatest guys you are going to meet in my life. Older brothers mostly are pains in the ass but not Jerald. You are really going to like him," Kevin said stopping the car in the driveway waiting for the garage door to open. "I know I will be seeing more and more of your life as time goes by. I just wish I was knew it all now. Kevin I feel like I have never been away from you. It's almost like we have always been together," I said leaning over to kiss him on the cheek as he stopped inside the garage. "I love you Kevin," I said climbing out of the car and heading in the side entrance to the house. Back at Jerry Studio... "Brian I want to thank you for a great evening," Jerry said leaning over to kiss Brian as the two smiled at one another with nervous intentions. "Jerry, it was my pleasure. Thank you for coming with me," Brian said taking Jerry hand in his as his gently kissed Jerry back. The two pulled apart and looked at one another giggling to themselves. "Look I need to get up early in the morning and talk to Trey about everything that is happening," Brian said looking down at their hand. "Can I call you tomorrow after everything is settle with him?" Brian asked sheepishly. "Of course, I will be looking forwards to it," Jerry said quickly kissing Brian's cheek and letting go of his hand as he stepped out of the car letting Brian head home. Glens Apartment... "Howie are you going to come in, Nick here can pick you up in the morning," Glen said not knowing that Howie wanted nothing of the sort. "I am tired and have meeting in the morning baby," Howie said thinking he just wanted to get away. "Okay, call me when you get in to let me know you made it," Glen said as he turned and walked towards the house. Howie and Nick drove off and immediately the conversation began. "So, do you think we should worry about Michael and Kevin now or latter?" Nick asked. "What do you mean," Howie asked not taking his eyes off the road. "Trey," Nick Simply answered. "Keith oh he won't stop them from seeing each other. He learned his lesson the last time," Howie said remembering Kevin defending their relationship to Trey (Keith) the last time. "Yes, Trey D, Keith Robinson the one and only true friend Kevin has left except Jerrold and Tim. But, then again they are his brother that doesn't count here," Nick said thinking out loud. "Let's just let them worry about it," Howie said glancing side long to Nick sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Across Town At NYPD... "Hey Paul," Trey said sitting down at the bar of NYPD. This had become his home away from home. When he moved to Florida this was the first place Kevin had brought him "Hey Keith your usual," Paul asked not turning around only hearing the voice. "Yes, and I would like you to call me Trey," Keith said leaning on the bar. "I have known you as Keith for 5 years what makes you think you can just change your name?" Paul said handing a mug of Guinness. "I know you and I have been friend that long and we have talked about this. I really need to be known as Trey in order to keep my public appearances up," Trey said. "Trey or Keith what difference does it make what I call you. I know you so I will call you either way and I know your going to answer," Paul said pouring himself a mug of Coors Light. "Your right, its just Kevin and me and the whole K & K thing. I changed my name to forget the past and here I am doing it again. I just want to forget where I have been and try to live a normal life," Keith said taking a healthy mouthful of liquid. "Trying to forget the past when you never revealed it is kind of something you should be regretting not forgetting. Kevin never knew and still doesn't know how you feel. I just think it's cool having the both of you around and I am the only one the women have a true chance with," Paul said laughing. "You forget my friend I used to be able to at least date them," Keith said laughing. "That was before you became Kevin's Floridian sidekick," Paul quipped back. "Look it's getting late want to crash upstairs for the night," Paul asked while washing up his own glass. "You've been closed for an hour and here we sit together... You better watch out people may start to think you're gay," Keith said laughing. "Yeah but I would have chosen Jerald over Kevin," Paul shot back. "Yeah well at least I chose you in the end," Keith laughed as he followed Paul up the stair. "Okay mostly straight," Paul said opening the door to his upstairs apartment. "What do my ears deceive me?" Keith said in mock surprise. "They did in the past but not this time," Paul said pulling him into the apartment. "Your kidding me aren't you?" Keith asked in surprise. "Of course... not," Paul said ginning at him. "I'm going to call Glen," Howie said walking into the living room. He had gotten home and had been standing talking with AJ about Trey D. It was not the happiest of conversation since neither knew where Michael stood and both like him already. Nick's choice of conversations had made Howie very uneasy on the way home all he wanted to do was talk to AJ about it. He knew if anyone would have an opinion on the situation, it would be AJ. In all truth, they both would fight to keep Kevin and Michael together. Soon Howie came walking back into the Kitchen with a perplexed look on his face. "What's wrong Howie," AJ asked knowing this look. He gave the same one to AJ when Kevin had been hiding from him when they were seeing each other. "He's not home or answering the phone one," Howie said deep in thought. "He probably went to the store or something. He'll call you back. He loves you, you know," AJ asked hoping to bring him out of the funk. "I know he does. Otherwise he would have never asked Tony to come to NYPD," Howie said. "That's another thing I have been thinking about. Why the hell did Kevin invite Keith... I mean Trey to come there when he knew it would break his heart," AJ asked perplexed. The two began to head up stairs to their rooms. "Actually that has been bothering me too. I was wondering about that. With all the trouble that there is going to be between Keith and Michael why throw it in his face," Howie asked himself out loud. "Trouble for sure," AJ commented as he walked into his room followed by Howie. "AJ, you know what this means then right?" Howie asked in concern. "What's that, Michael is screwed when it comes to Kevin and Keith," AJ stated pulling his shirt off noticing Howie watching his every move. "Kevin wouldn't leave him for Trey would he," Howie asked still staring at the well-defined flesh before him. "Not for Trey but for Keith he would," AJ said. "Okay," Howie said deep in thought watching as AJ pulled his belt loose and dropped his pants. Per usual AJ wasn't wearing anything under them. A small gasp escaped Howie lips as he watched with hunger in his eyes. He closed his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the taunting to end. "Keep staring at me and I might thing you want this," AJ said gently stroking his cock through his boxers. "That and everything else. No need to gross you out though I'm going to leave," Howie said embarrassed as he walked out of the room "Sometimes I think I could taste the sweat of the heat of passion when there is no passion to think of. Other time I want the passion of flesh and fantasy with no hesitations to regret later. I have no hesitations in my thoughts and in my mind. Would you?" AJ said softly standing behind Howie in the hallway as he headed to his own room. Howie stopped dead in his tracks as he realized what AJ was asking. "Well I for one am tired so go to bed already and let me sleep," AJ said drawing Howie attention as his daydream ended and his long night of self-loathing was to begin. Thinking of a friend in such a way only made him hate his own mind. "Okay I'm going to bed. I think I might get up early and head over to the gym," Howie said as he closed the bedroom door. He only wanted to get away from AJ he couldn't believe he was thinking of him like that he almost wanted to go to the gym now to get what ever it was out of his system. As Howie walked into his room, he heard the familiar ring of his cell phone. There was an urge to pick it up but still he was in no hurry. He felt his legs give way as he walked across the room. He had finally crossed the line in his heart, as he knew he was doomed in every relationship he ever entered. He was demanding. He was childish. But, still he loved. He loved to the point of suffocation. Was it right to love so much so fast. He asked himself repeatedly in his head as he reached out with shaking hands to the phone. "Hello," Howie asked picking up the phone. "Hey, baby," Glen said into the phone having to stifle a giggle as he was still slightly buzzed from the drinking earlier. "I see someone has finally made it home tonight," Howie playfully answered knowing he really wanted to ask where he had been. "Oh, I was next door checking on Mrs. Riley. It's Friday night she has a hard time on Friday's," Glen responded. "Really why is that," Howie asked. "It's actually sad really. She lost her husband and son in a auto accident about four years ago on a Friday night after he just got paid for some contract he was working on," Glen said pausing. "I just check up on her every now and then. I know that's not something you would expect out me. But, hey even I have a caring nature about me," Glen said. "I never doubted your caring nature baby. I know what you have been through and I am sure I will learn more as time goes by," Howie said sighing heavily into the phone. "What's wrong Howie? Is there something I can do to make it better," Glen asked truly concerned. "No actually, I'm fine. What I need is sleep, but I already missed you and I kind of really wanted to talk to you earlier. Now knowing what you were actually doing I feel bad for wishing you away from her. I mean I can survive a night without you here. But, I was wishing pretty hard to hear your voice," Howie said smiling to himself. "I wish I was there Howie then I could make you feel really good," Glen replied. "Oh, really. Well, I guess it's to bad your intoxicated and all. Otherwise, you could be here with me," Howie said smiling even broader. "I could catch a cab I suppose," Glen said deep in thought. "No, you need your rest and we will see each other tomorrow right?" Howie asked knowing the answer already. "Yes you're right I suppose... But, I really would love to have you in my arms tonight," Glen said, trying to make Howie think about it. "Tell you what though. I bet you already have me in your heart and you do realize what that means," Howie said to him in reply. "What's that," Glen asked. "You have me in your heart, so if I am not there you still have me close to you. Because I can guarantee that I will be thinking of you and dreaming your arms around me until we see each other tomorrow," Howie said. "God Howie where were you all this time. No one has ever made me feel like this before," Glen said. "Right here waiting for you to show up," Howie said laughing to himself. "Night baby, I love you too," Glen said waiting for a response. "Sleep tight honey, and yes I love you very much," Howie said setting his own heart on fire as he said the words allowed. Everyone slept that night very soundly. It was the first and last time we would, all rest up in a long time to come. With everything in our lives on the brink there was to be little room for relaxing until it was all to be repaired. Kevin and I slept wrapped in one another arms after our hot soak in the huge tub. There was no sex tonight but there would be more time for that later in our days to come. Maybe many times I thought as I hugged him tight in our sleep. To be continued... Comments are here again... 1.) How many promises does it take to make you believe in love? 2.) OMG Jack Lyons is a screaming queen? LOL 3.) Judy has a X husband who is gay with a 14 year old son! 4.) Nick left Mandy at home! Where the heck is she? 5.) Kevin! Would he really leave Michael for Trey????? 6.) Is Paul Gay> 7.) Did Howie really just think of AJ Like that OMG! 8.) What would AJ think of that? 9.) Bearing with the rings, I think they make a cute couple so far. 10.) If the BSB ever does break up I guess Howie could wait tables for a living.

Next: Chapter 12

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