Dont Push Too Hard

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on Nov 25, 2003


Don't Push Too Hard, Part 2

(M/M, oral, anal)

This story contains consensual sexual situations between males of adult age. If you are not of legal age 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is not allowed in your community please do not go any further. This story and these characters are a work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely unintentional and coincidental. This story contains sexual situations of persons that may or may not be using condoms during sexual intercourse; please always use condoms when engaging in sexual activities.

Well with that out of the way, ENJOY THE STORY.. Let me know what you think of the story at: Jak8MS

(This story takes place approximately 4 years after Part 1)

The sun shone through the large windows in the bedroom illuminating everything with a golden haze. There on the bed were two bodies intertwined within each other, eventually a pair of eyes began to flutter open and the beautiful green eyes saw the birth of a new day. Boden Stewart began to rustle in bed, but trying to be careful not to wake the sleeping form next to him. As he rose from the bed, Boden stretched his muscular physique, trying as hard as he could to work out the kinks in his body. Boden stood an impressive 6'1" and weighed an impressive 170 lbs of pure muscle. He slowly ran his hands up and down his chiseled abs as he looked out onto the city below. The sun reflected from his pale skin, which gave him a golden appearance and made him resemble a statue from antiquity.

In the 4 years since Boden had met Craig many things had changed. Boden's dream came true; he was not playing professional football, he was the starting quarterback for the Knights. Life was good for Boden, he had more money than he could spend; lived in a great apartment, drove expensive cars, life was real good. He thought this to himself as he got down to do his morning pushups.

Across the room in the bed lay the main person in Boden's life, Craig Roberts. Craig was the person out of the two of them who had changed the most. He was no longer the gangly, awkward person he once was. He was now more confident, in great shape, and was a 1st year medical student. Craig had not just changed physically, he knew who he was now. A smile came over his face as he awoke from his slumber, and heard a distinctive sound.

"88, 89, 90" rang out throughout the bedroom.

"You really like doing those don't you?" Craig asked cooingly, as the sun rained down onto his bright face and blond hair.

"I mean they are ok, but I have to do them. You made me mess up my count." Boden said with a bit of irritation in his voice.

Craig just let that comment roll off his back; Boden got in his moods, especially the week before a big game. Craig goes up and walked into the bathroom, grabbing the toothpaste and his toothbrush. Craig was soon engrossed in the art of dental care and the things that needed to be done; at the same time Boden continued with his workout. Craig eventually shed his briefs, (which is what he wear to bed) and entered the shower. He let the water run over his body as he stood there, thinking. Soon he found his hand creeping towards his cock, he playfully teased the head bringing it to its full 6 «". Craig grasped the hard shaft and began to glide his hand up the slick pole when a pair of hands took his.

"Why are you doing that when you have got me?" Boden whispered in Craig's ear as he rubbed his mouth and stubble over Craig's ear.

Boden moved closer taking him in his arms, his forearms crossing Craig's chest. Boden's ever-hardening cock soon finding a home, resting in the crack of Craig's ass.

"Feeling really good." Boden said as he ran his hands up and down Craig's chest.

Craig then turned around and looked into Boden's eyes, and he could have just melted at that moment. Boden leaned down until his lips met Craig's; the feeling of their lips together was like magic. The smoothness of their lips combines with the heat of the shower sent Boden into overdrive. Their tongues began to dance a ballet they were both familiar with. Craig pulled away and looked at Boden, he knew what Boden wanted and he knew what he himself wanted. They were the same thing. Craig turned around and wiggled his ass at Boden and let him do the rest. Boden took his cock in his hands and moved forward, like a dagger jutting out from him. He ran the head around the hole he loved to please and loved to give him pleasure. He braced himself with the wall and began to push in, as Craig opened himself to Boden.

"Ahhh." Was the reaction from both as Boden's cock found it's home.

He just embraced Craig's frame, not moving an inch, wanting to savor the moment forever. Craig loved that feeling every time Boden was in him, that feeling of fullness, completeness. Boden then began to move in and out; just letting his hips do all the work, his upper body was still cradling Craig. The way Craig's ass gripped his cock drove Boden crazy milking his cock, it as like it did not want to let his member loose, he loved the wet warmth surrounding his cock. Craig loved the feeling of being impaled on it, feeling every hard vein as it was thrust deep into his bowels. They soon were in a rhythm, and kissing. After 15 minutes of heavy thrusting, it had to come to an end and Craig knew it. This was the part that brought them closer to one another each time, Boden tensed and Craig tightened his ass' hold on Boden's cock.

"Ahhh, here it comes." Boden exclaimed.

The feeling was like heaven to Craig, it brought them together and made them feel as one person, as close as two people in love can get. Craig felt the long, strong crusts of cum blasting deep into his guts, warming his insides with hot sweetness. Boden just stood there, his cock firmly planted in Craig's ass, just mixing their juices together.

"You know, you two look really cute like that." A voice exclaimed from the doorway of the bathroom.

Both Craig and Boden gasped in unison and quickly turned their heads; their fear quickly subsided when they saw whom it was. In the doorway stood a beautiful woman, almost statuesque in appearance. She had long blonde hair and wore a smile on her face; the beautiful woman's name was Christina Roberts.

"Damn Christina, you scared the shit out of us." Boden said with an edge to his voice.

"Please, from the looks for it, the only thing I did was scare the cum out of Craig's ass." Christina said as she was to the towel rack, handing Boden a towel.

"I need to get ready for practice." Boden grunted as he removed his cock from Craig's ass.

After Boden left the shower, Craig finished with his shower. He lingered under the water washing his thoughts away, pushing things out of his mind. He turned to reach for a towel and did not find one.

"Need this?" Christina asked holding a towel in her hands with a laugh about to burst from her.

Eventually Craig got dressed and went to the kitchen, where he found Christina eating breakfast.

"Where's Boden?" Craig asked with a strange look on his face.

"He left for practice already. Did he tell you about the team party tomorrow night?"

"No, what party?" Craig asked with a look of confusion on his face.

" Allen told me about it a few weeks ago, the players and their significant others are getting together to celebrate the good season is having. Craig I don't get it, everyone finally accepts that Boden is goy, it took a while but they have come to terms with it. I don't know why he never lets you participate in things with the team and the other players girlfriends." Christina said with a concerned look on her face, crinkling her nose.

"Just give him time, I know when he's ready he will include me in things associated with the team and all of you guy." Craig said with a hopeful smile

"I really hope you are doing the right thing Craig. You really mean a lot to me, you are my best friend. I don't want to see you hurt, even if that means cutting ties with that guy." Christina said with a look of remorse.

"Well, I have got to leave and get to class. Have a good day and stay as long as you like, since you have a key." Craig said as he ran out the door.

Craig got to school, and was just not into his classes, he did not want to hear about biochemistry or human anatomy. He went through the motions of writing notes and nodding his head. His mind was firmly planted on what Christina had said earlier and it really made him think. Were he and Boden moving in different directions with their relationship, were they looking for two totally different things? Were they..

"Mr. Roberts, am I boring you with this lecture? I am sure we can find something to catch your attention." Craig's professor said from the bottom of the lecture hall.

"I'm sorry Dr. Robeson." Craig said blushing and sinking into his chair as the people around him giggled.

Later in the day, Craig and his classmate Mason O'Neil were in anatomy lab working on their cadaver.

"What is wrong Craig?" Mason said as me looked at the body's lungs.

"Nothing.." Craig said very short, digging into the body between them.

"What has that fucker Boden done now?" Mason asked, almost in a whisper but with a lot of anger.

" He is not a fucker, well not in the way you are referring to. Anyway, He just is not including me in things with the team."

"Look Craig, you are my friend and I care about you, that guy is just using you. He wants to be the big football guy, and is just using you for sex." Mason said, his face turning red with frustration.

"Let's just drop this issue, ok?" Craig said looking Mason in the eyes with his now famous puppy-dog look.

Earlier that day and across the city.

Boden pulled up to the Knights training facility in his new Benz. Craig loved this; he was going to do what he loved best. Boden had a swagger to his walk, he knew he was the shit, and wanted everyone to know. His ego matched the large trouser snake that was encased in the jock he wore. He exuded confidence and loved it when other guys paid attention to him.

"What's up Boden? Hey Boden." The guys said as he walked by them.

This was a far cry from the initial reaction he received when he came out of the closet to him teammate and management. At first things did not go well, and to be honest things were downright hostile for a time. Eventually people learned to accept that their quarterback was gay, and they learned accept that he was open about it. What did Boden do to change them? He played as hard as he could, and helped them win more and more games. This is what shut his critics and the assholes that could not accept what he was. He had worked hard to get where he was, and did not want to go anywhere except up. Each time Boden walked into the locker room he got a small rush. It was really not a struggle for him to not have a hard-on. He just thought of each of the guys on the team as his brothers, this firmly stopped his cock from getting hard. There were a couple of people on the team that still could get him hot and bothered. All during practice Boden though nothing else by football, and that continued even when practice was over, he lived for football.

Boden did not try to hide his sexuality, this however made for awkward moments at times. There were instances where the guys on the team would go to strip clubs or other places like that, and he just felt out of place there. He spent most of his time working out; his body and specifically his arm were his weapons. Once he got tired of working out he would gather his things and head home, which was usually empty because Craig was studying in the library for a big exam. So, Boden would go into the refrigerator and get a meal the cook had prepared and sit down and relax.

When Craig pulled into the parking garage under the building at around 10pm, he felt and looked exhausted. He had just spent all night studying for a big exam and was just getting home at midnight. Craig walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the 20th floor, he leaned against the wall just trying to rest his brain. When the elevator doors opened all Craig could do was smile when he saw the front door to the apartment. After locking up and ditching his books in the study, he went through the rest of the large apartment turning all of the things Boden had left on. The light from the refrigerator cast a welcome light into the dimly lit kitchen, which warmed Craig's soul as he searched for something to eat. Settling on an apple he headed for the bedroom, but was stopped in his tracks.

There on the bed sprawled on his back, clad in only a jockstrap lay the sleeping Boden. Standing there in the doorway Craig watched Boden sleep. He loved the way he slept, the rising and falling of his powerful chest. His arms outstretched over his head, flexing, probably dreaming of a game. Craig did see the growing bulge in the pouch of Boden's jock. Craig slowly walked across the room and pulled on of the chairs from the table in the room. He sat down next to the sleeping giant and just continued to gaze at him. He reached his hand and began to lightly run his fingers over Boden's body, noting every muscle. Craig knew that he never had a chance with Boden, and then Boden saw him, and as they say the rest was history. When Craig finally left dreamland he opened his eyes and saw Boden staring back at him.

"Hey." Boden said with a sweet smile on his face.

Craig looked at Boden with apology in his eyes, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's ok." Boden said rising from his former position.

They now sat face to face, and a smile came over Boden's face. He hand began to slowly stroke the smooth skin on Craig's face, making Craig blush and get goose bumps all over his body. He then leaned forward and began to kiss Craig, soo softly, soo tenderly. They soon began to embrace, just enjoying each other's existence, never wanting for anything else. Eventually they fell asleep in each other's embrace, Boden's arms surrounding Craig, protecting him from everything. The problem was that soon these feelings of love would begin to fade and change.

The days past and soon grew into weeks, by that time Thanksgiving was around the corner. Craig was fully engrossed in his classes and in getting the best grades he could. Boden was fully into football, with more games coming up, his attention went there. This attention to other things by both parties caused their relationship to start to show signs of cracks in the fa‡ade. On this particular Thanksgiving, both sets of parents came to be with them. Craig's parents had been upset when he first told them he was gay, however, they loved their son and learned to accept that part of his life. Boden's parents had been different; he was their only child, their pride and joy. He was the big football jock and his parents had not been ready when he first told them. His mothers came around first, because he was still her little boy; but this was one of the few times Boden's father would see his son and Craig together.

The plan was to make an entire week of it, which would end on Sunday. Since the Knight's were not scheduled to have a game on Thanksgiving, this would mean Boden would be home for that day. That was the original plan.

"What do you mean you are going to go out with the guys?" Craig said hurtfully.

Boden just looked at Craig not moving, just staring at him. Craig on the other hand, began to walk around the kitchen venting anger.

"You mean you are going to be with them instead of here with me and our parents." Craig said, now shouting at Boden.

"Look, the guys wanted to go out. Some of them are spending time with their families and others aren't. I mean my father does not even want to be here, he can barely stand to be under the same room with me. I am sorry, but I have got to go." Boden said, the anger building in his eyes and face.

Craig was about to respond to that comment when Boden turned and walked out of the kitchen without so much as a word.

"Mom, Mr. And Mrs. Roberts; I am really sorry but I've gotta go. It is a team thing and I have to be there." Boden said, trying to put regret into his voice.

Boden's mother looked at him as he hugged her, "We heard."

Once Boden left, Craig reentered the dining room and tried to maintain some bit of a regular Thanksgiving, well as regular as they were going to get. Later in the evening, everyone had finally gone to bed, except for Craig. He had been roaming around the darkened apartment and finally settled in a big, comfy chair in front of one of the large windows in the den and just stared out at the city. He looked at the bright lights, wondering what was happening in each of their lives.

"It's beautiful isn't it? Almost reminds you of the night sky." A voice said form the shadows.

Craig looked back and saw Boden's mother appearing out of the darkness.

"Mrs. Stewart, I hope I did not wake you." Craig said, his face almost that of a small child.

"No I wasn't' able to get to sleep. Craig, stop calling me Mrs. Stewart; call me mom. I actually think of you as a son- in-law." Boden's mother said with a bright smile on her face.

"I don't know what is happening. It is like Boden is pulling away from me; we see less and less of each other. I know I'm in class a lot but he's just pulling away." The pain was rising in Craig's voice.

"I don't think it's your fault, it took along time for Boden to come to terms with his sexuality. It took all of us a while to. I just think that he is scared of what other's think, even though he knows most of them are ok with it. Be there for him, it may take some time. However, don't let him run you over. In the end you may have a difficult decision to make." She said with a concerned smile and a warm hug.

Craig looked up at her, into those same deep green eyes, the same ones he saw every time he looked into Boden's. They were warm and comforting, he just smiled at her. Craig sat in the chair for a while longer, but eventually got tired and went to bed. Even later that night or early the next morning, whichever you look at it, a shadow entered the front door. Dropping clothes as the person walked through the apartment. Finally the person got to the bedroom and went into the bathroom. He removed the remainder of his clothes and stood in front of the floor length mirror and flexed his muscles. Boden just stood there smiling, running his finger tips over his abs and smiling.

"Ohh yeah.." Boden growled.

He walked to the bed where the sleeping form of Craig lay. He stood over him, stroking his cock, made hornier by the alcohol. He reached down and pulled the sheets back from Craig and saw that Craig was sleeping on his stomach. Boden smiled, he had a look of hunger and lust on his face that would not be satisfied easily. He went to remove Craig's briefs, but that was not going to happen.

"What the . Boden stop!" Craig shouted.

"Come on, just a little. It will be quick, and I won't bite."

"I fucking said no." Craig pulled away from Boden, finding strength to get away from the athlete, in the process ripping his underwear.

He jumped from the bed, grabbed a pillow and a pair of shorts. He stopped in front of Boden, his face wrought with anger and a lot of fear.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but I am going to sleep on the fucking couch." Craig said as he walked out of the room.

After that night things between Craig and Boden were never the same. Day after day, Boden went to practice and on the weekends he had his games. Craig went to class, and tried to spend as much time as he could in the lab and in the library. They spoke less and less, and tried to avoid each other as much as possible. The apartment no longer had the light, happiness to it; now it possessed a dreary feel to it.

The week of finals had come and gone and Christmas was fast approaching, but nothing had been done. There would normally be a large tree, decorated to the top in the living room. In every room there would be wreaths and garland strung everywhere. However, this Christmas there were no decorations to be seen. The night of December 20 would prove to be the defining moment in their relationship.

"Come on another drink?" Boden yelled to his friend Aiden.

Boden had decided to go out with his friend from the team. Aiden Walsh was the only other gay person on the team; he was still in the back of his closet to the world. He was one of the kickers on the team, and a knockout also. He was a guy from Florida, with a great tan; he stood about 5'10" and weighed about 140lbs. He had a playboy looking face and always kept his hair nicely done. Aiden's best features were his eyes, which were gray.

"Come on, let's get out of here. I am hungry. I could go for a burger." Aiden shouted to Boden.

Somewhere in a different part of the city.

Craig sat in a little coffee shop going over things in his life, and specifically in his relationship. He just could not being himself to go home, facing that situtation was not what Craig wanted just at that moment.

"Hey" a voice said softly from across the room full of tables.

Craig looked up and notices Mason heading his way, with a large smile and a large cup of coffee in his hands.

"Hey, I thought you'd already left, weren't you going home to be with your folks?" Craig said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, but I knew you would be here, alone. Craig that guy does not deserve you, you are better than that." Mason responded

Craig looked at Mason, and saw something in his eyes. He had only thought of Mason as a really good friend, he could not cheat on Boden. No matter how much that "fucker" got on his nerves, he did still love him. He just could not, he liked Mason, but he could not.

"Mason, I am sorry. You are really a good person and great friend. Even if I were not involved, I would not want to fuck up our friendship. You have really helped me, but I love Boden, even if he is difficult at times." Craig said as he stood up and began to pack his books.

"You will have a good holiday?" Mason asked looking like someone had just run over his puppy.

`Yes, don't worry about me. Go home and enjoy the holiday. You know we've got another difficult term coming up." Craig said as he turned to walk away.

Across the city in a darkened apartment.

Two bodies began to intertwine in each other's embrace. Their lips met for one long passionate kiss after another, their lust overwhelming each other.

"Click" a light is flipped on.

There was Boden embracing Aiden, sharing the most intimate of things, that until then he had only shared with Craig. Aiden pushed Boden against the wall very forcefully, showing an aggressive side.

"Whoa, someone is very frisky." Boden said very calmly.

Aiden slowly removed Boden's shirt, exposing the man's sculpted chest. He kissed his neck, then moved to his chest, his tongue running over the toned pecs. Aiden teased both of Boden's sensitive nipples, tugging on them a little. He ran his tongue around the hardening nipple, causing Boden to shiver allover. Aiden lifted his head and stared into Boden's, the animal passion could be felt by anyone in the room. Aiden took the front of Bodens' slacks in his hands and lowered himself to a kneeling position. He moved his face into Boden's crotch, then in one swift move the pants were gone and Boden was only in his briefs. Aiden shoved his face into Boden's crotch, smelling the sweet smell of a "real" man. He slowly allowed his tongue to lightly go over the surface of the fabric. He soon found a wet patch, and he was rewarded when he determined it was precum, this sent Aiden into high gear. He could contain his hunger no longer; he ripped the briefs off Boden and out popped the monster. Aiden's eyes lit up, this was his first time viewing the snake attached to Boden at full mast. He grasped the shaft in his hands, and watched a drop of precum emerge from the tip.

"Mmmm, yummy." Aiden said glaring up at Boden.

He opened his mouth and took the monster into his mouth. Boden was enjoying every moment, the smoothness of Aiden's lips wrapped around his cock. His tongue caressing the shaft, wanting everything he had. Boden hadn't felt this good in a long time. Aiden just kept the suction on the large cock, taking it deep into his throat whenever he could stand it. He had lusted after Boden for a year, watching him when they were in the shower, dreaming about him.

"Mmmm. I want you, I want all of you Boden." Aiden said with a mouthful of cock as he tugged on Boden's balls.

"Well, get the fuck up and get ready. I'm going to tear that hole wide open." Boden said with a grin.

Aiden jumped on top of the bed with his ass high in the air. Boden stopped and just stared at the waiting hole in front of him. He knew he could fuck any guy he wanted, he fucking wanted ass. The next thing Aiden knew he felt something wet against his ass, but he could tell that is was not Boden's monster. He looked back and saw Boden face-first in his ass. Boden ran circles around that hole, slowly teasing it with quick jabs then slowly fucking his tongue in and out of that bubble ass.

"Ohh, yes. I want you soo bad Boden. Soo fucking much." Aiden pleaded, wanting him to shove that cock in him.

Boden had gotten tired of playing around and wanted to get down to business. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and a full bottle of lube. His eyes intentionally did not linger on the photo of he and Craig on the nightstand next to the bed.

"You ready for this meal?" Boden asked with his cock firmly in his fist.

"Ohh yes, give it to me." Aiden pleaded, reaching back and spreading his cheeks.

Boden placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Aiden's ass. He inhaled, feeling like he was king and sank straight into the ass. Aiden's ass felt like it was on fire, and he swore he could feel his asshole tearing.

"Ahh, please go slow!" Aiden screamed.

Boden didn't hear him; he was in full "fuck" mode, driving it in hard. The way Aiden's ass felt was like magic warmth. Boden kept thrusting into him, wanting him to feel what he had been dreaming about. He was the fucking shit, he was the fucking top. No cock would be up him; he was the one always in charge. Aiden eventually began to relax and started to enjoy the relentless pounding his ass endured. Boden's body was covered in sweat; he held tight onto Aiden's waist, wanting him to taster his cock.

At that same moment, the front door of the apartment opened. Craig was tired and ready to eat and maybe sit and talk with Boden.

"Ahh yes; fuck me Boden, fuck me." A voice rang out from the bedroom.

Craig's face began to drop, and his eyes began to widen.

"Yeah, take this cock. Take it." A voice shouted that Craig knew instantly as Boden's.

Craig walked through the darkened rooms to the only lit one, the bedroom. He approached the doorway slowly, but almost collapsed when he saw what was going on inside the bedroom. On the bed was Boden fucking some guy. Craig did not know who it was because their face was turned.

"What the fuck is going on?" Craig shouted at the top of his lungs.

Boden and Aiden stopped in mid-thrust; they slowly turned their heads to face the voice at the doorway. Once Boden saw who it was he slowly removed his cock from Aiden's ass.

"Craig.." Boden began to say.

`Shut the fuck up. I will deal with you, "Mr. Stud" in a minute." Craig said as calmly as he could to Boden.

Aiden looked at Craig, not sure what to do, he just stayed right where he was.

"I want you to get the fuck out of my house. Get your slut- pussy ass out of my house." Craig just yelled, loosing control.

Aiden gathered up his clothes and headed to the bathroom to put them on.

"I said get out, I did not say put your clothes on. I want you out NOW!"

Aiden looked at Craig and saw that he meant what he said. Even though Aiden could have easily taken Craig out, he figured Boden would not let that happen.

Once Aiden skulked out of the apartment, Craig's fury turned squarely to Boden. Boden just stood there looking at Craig, not making a sound.

"Craig.." Boden started to say.

"No, I'm the one that gets to talk here. I don't know what the hell has gotten into you. You just what, threw away 4 years for some piece of ass?" Craig said, looking at Boden with disgust.

"Look, you have been pulling away. You were never around. It was a moment of weakness, I am sorry." Boden looked at Craig trying to plead with his eyes.

Craig just stood there looking at Boden, trying to find something to say. He could not move, he could not say anything. His mind and emotions were running in circles, on one hand he just wanted to yell and scream at Boden. On the other hand, he wanted to breakdown and crying. Craig looked at Boden and was disgusted with what he saw, the bastard hadn't even taken the condom off his cock.

Boden was going through a mix of emotions also. His were mostly those of regret and sorrow. Now that he thought about it, was getting a piece of ass worth it.

"Craig, please say something." Boden said with a look of pain on his face.

Craig did not say a word; he walked to the closet and got a duffel bag out. He began to pack clothes. Boden looked at him with surprise on his face. He walked over to Craig and looked him in the face.

"Craig, please. What are you doing? Stop, stop." Boden pleaded, trying to wrap his arms around Craig.

All Craig could do was smell Aiden and sex from Boden, and it disgusted him. He wanted to get away from him, to think and be alone.

"Let go of me." Craig said as he pulled out of Boden's grasp.

"I look at you and I don't know who you are now. I wont admit I have not thought about cheating on you, fucking around on you. I didn't though, because I love you, or at least I did, I don't know anything right now." Craig said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Please don't go. Please!" Boden pleaded.

"I need sometime to think and do through the stuff that I am feeling." Craig turned and walked out of the room.

When Craig got in his car, he finally let it out. He started crying, his body's only way of comprehending what he was feeling. At the same time and 20 stories above him, Boden sank to his knees. He just looked around the bedroom and locked onto the photo he had ignored earlier during his fuck fest. Then Boden did something he rarely did, he began to cry. The realization of what he had done finally hitting him.

The days went by and people tried to come to terms with things. Boden spent most of this time in the gym trying to work off some of the aggression he felt. Aiden tried to talk to Boden the day after it happened, it didn't go well.

"Boden, what happened?" Aiden asked Boden once the locker room cleared out after practice.

"Just drop it Aiden. "Boden growled.

"I mean, when that little fucker started yelling at me, I wanted to punch him." Aiden said as he ran a hand down Boden's chest.

As soon as Boden heard that comment, his eyes lit up with anger. He shoved Aiden's hand off him and pushed him against the way.

"Don't you ever talk about Craig like that. I don't want his name to come out of your mouth. If you ever say anything about him or come near him, you will fucking regret it." Boden said as he let up off of Aiden.

Boden spent those days alone just sitting in the apartment brooding. He was not one to cry, and had not since the night it happened. He would go to the gym in their building and workout. His mind was never on what he was doing, it was always on Craig. He had been having difficult practices and had finally told the coach that he and Craig were having problems. He thought this as he sat in a darkened living room staring out at the city when he heard a knock at the front door.

"It's open." Boden yelled out.

In popped a head of long blonde hair, it was Christina. She looked around the rooms as she went through them to find Boden. It looked like the maid hadn't been there for a few days.

"Boden, it's me Christina." She called out.

She saw him slouched in a big chair in front of the window.

"Have you heard from him?" she asked in as soothing a voice as she could.

Boden sighed deeply.

"He's at his parent's house. Every time I call, either his mother or father answers. He won't even talk to me." Boden said his voice wavering.

"Boden, he's hurt. Craig is trying to go through a lot of emotions right now."

"I really fucked up this time, didn't I?" Boden said looking up at Christina.

For the first time in that conversation Christina saw Boden's face. His eyes were red and tears streaked his face. He had truly come to realize the gravity of what he had done. He held a photo of them together on their vacation to Aspen in his hands.

"Yeah, hon. You really did fuck up."

"I never realized how much I needed him, how much he meant to me." Bode said, as he fidgeted with the photo.

"Then why are you telling me this, tell him. Boden, go to Craig; make him listen. Tell him how you feel."

The entire drive, Boden tried to think of what he would say to Craig. He kept coming up with a blank, unsure of what to say. He then thought of what Christina told him "look into your heart, you will know what to say".

Finally Christmas morning had arrived and everywhere people were celebrating the season. Craig was trying to keep his spirits, but they were pretty low. He had avoided talking to Boden, he was just not ready for that. He came downstairs to his brother and sister along with his parents in the kitchen talking. The doorbell happened to ring when he passed it.

"I'll get it!" Craig shouted.

When he opened the door, he saw the most beautiful site. There stood Boden, his brown hair peppered with snow, and dressed to die. He wore a long black trench coat, black slack and a dark sweater. That was not what made him gorgeous, it was his eyes. His eyes looked greener than Craig had ever seen them. He could see the remorse and sorrow in his eyes.

"Hey." Boden said, his voice deep but cracking with fear.


"Boden, I don't." Craig never got a chance to finish, Boden interjected.

"Craig, I need to say something. What I did was wrong, boy was it wrong. I hurt you, and that is the last thing I ever wanted to do to you. The last few days have been hell for me; I have been trying to find the right words to say to you. Baby, I am sorry for what I did to you, and how I hurt you and hurt what we had." Boden said, as he looked Craig in the eyes, never wanting to be apart again.

Craig absorbed all that Boden had said and tried to think of how to respond to it.

"Yeah, you really hurt me. Seeing you with Aiden was like you shitting on the last 4 years together. But I love you and always have. I missed you." Craig said softly.

Boden's face lit up and a smile and sense of happiness came over him. He reached and took Craig into his strong arms and looked at him. This embrace was unlike any they had ever had before. As soon as their lips met, it was like sparks flew. Craig then wrapped his arms around Boden, wanted to feel him close to him, to make sure he was real. Craig never wanted Boden to let go of him; he wanted to stay in this embrace forever.

Later that Night.

They spent the day with Criag's family, but decided to go back home and be together.

Boden softly kissed Craig as gently as he could, nibbling on each ear. Craig didn't want this feeling to end, as he was held in Boden's strong arms. Boden removed all of his clothes, and stood there and looked at Craig. He took his hand and stroked Craig's face, slowly kissing him wanting to show his love. He pulled him close, their kiss getting deeper and more and more personal. He removed himself from Craig and began to remove Criag's clothes, starting with his shirt. Once gone, Boden started to run his tongue over Craig's chest, playing with both nipples, pulling on them and biting them.

Every few minutes he would come back up and kiss Craig. Their tongues eventually finding each other's and rubbing together. Boden looked into Craig's eyes, mesmerized by the blueness of them; this was the look of love. He slowly sank to his knees, coming face to face with Craig's crotch. Boden ran his tongue up and down the fabric of his pants, as Craig had done to him soo many times before. Eventually he removed the pants for Craig's slender waist and worked on his underwear. His tongue passed lightly over the fabric, teasing Craig's cock. Craig shivered allover, his body spasming form every movement of Boden's tongue. His mind a blur of what was happening, all he could see was Boden's face smiling to him in his mind.

Boden reached up and slowly removed the black briefs from Craig's hips, slowly caressing his thighs as they went down. He settled on Craig's ass, massaging both globes of flesh, wanting to give Craig all the pleasure he could. He smiled when he saw Craig's cock pup out to greet him. He gently ran his tongue around the head and up and down the sensitive underside of the shaft. Eventually Boden took it entirely in and went to town, grabbing onto Craig's ass, he took it firmly down to the base. His tongue and mouth worked in unison, massaging the throbbing organ in his mouth. Craig was in pure ecstasy; his body was on fire from the things Boden was doing to him. He could feel that he was getting closer, his body beginning getting that familiar tense feeling. But before Craig had a chance to come, Boden stopped.

"Why did you stop? I was close" Craig asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Because I want it in me." Boden responded with a smile as he fingered his asshole, licking it as he removed it.

For the first time in 4 years, Boden wanted to be the bottom. He had realized that he love for Craig was bigger than him keeping his cherry, Craig meant everything to Boden. He knew that Craig had given his entire self to him, why shouldn't Boden do the same thing.

"I will be really careful and really slow." Craig whispered in Boden's ear, massaging his back as they walked towards the bed.

Boden led Craig to the bed and lay down, looking up at Craig with his finger in his ass. Craig leaned down and kissed Boden, wanting to feel him close. He then reached over and got the bottle of lubricant, squeezing some out and lathering up Boden's hole. He knew that was Boden's first time and wanted to be really careful, he loved him and did not want to hurt him. He realized this was truly a big step for Boden. Craig placed the head of his cock to the entrance to Boden's ass, and slowly applied pressure, never taking his eyes from Boden's.

"Ok, now push out like you are taking a shit." Craig whispered to Boden.

When Boden pushed out, in came Craig. He had never felt anything like this, there was pain but that was not the half of it. Once the pain subsided, all he could feel was fullness as Craig remained still and let him get adjusted to him. Boden had never felt like this before and pulled Craig close.

"Are you ready?" Craig asked.

Boden nodded and Craig began to pull out, this drove Boden crazy. He felt soo many different things coming from his ass. He instinctively clamped his ass down on Craig's invading cock, wanting him to never leave. Boden could feel the curve in Craig's cock, even the veins that stood out. Craig felt Boden's chute grabbing onto his cock, almost fucking it, itself. He slowly pulled back; this time hitting Boden's prostrate. This drove Boden wild, his eyes shot open and he began to moan, never wanting this feeling to end. Boden went into a state of shock when he felt that hit. They slowly increased, Craig's thrusts and Boden's ass meeting each other.

Their eyes never left one another; they were locked in this closeness. Craig leaned down and softly kissed Boden, ever so gentle. The pace began to quicken, Boden large body covered in sweat, dwarfed Craig's. Boden loved this man; he knew he was meant to be with him. He then received a gift; he had never received like that before. Craig exploded deep within Boden, filling him with his seed. Boden could feel it coating his insides, finding it's way to his belly. Craig fell into Boden's embrace; breathing heavily he looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I hope this does not mean, my ass won't be able to get a grip on that monster down there anymore." Craig said with a smile as he gripped Boden ever expanding cock.

"You can have it whenever you want it baby." Boden responded with a grin.

The End.

Let me know what you think of the story, write to me at Jak8MS

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