Dont Push Too Hard

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on Nov 1, 2003


This story contains consensual sexual situations between males of adult age. If you are not of legal age 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is not allowed in your community please do not go any further. This story and these characters are a work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely unintentional and coincidental. This story contains sexual situations of persons that may or may not be using condoms during sexual intercourse; please always use condoms when engaging in sexual activities.

Well with that out of the way, ENJOY THE STORY..

Don't Push Too Hard

It was Craig Roberts first time away from home as a freshman in college he was naive. Craig was 18, about 5'7", with blond hair and blue eyes. He weighed about 140lbs and looked a few years younger, he had a great mind for math but was shy and gay. Craig had known since he was in high school, that he did not like girls but like guys.

Craig kept his secret will hidden from everyone in his life, and especially when he went to college. Craig went to a huge state school with about 25,000 students. He kind of blended into the crowd of people and went along with everyone else. The only good thing was that he had his own room, which meant nightly jack-off sessions. This was until he saw Boden Stewart in the cafeteria one day before classes. Boden was your typical star quarterback, big and handsome. Boden was a junior and stood 6'1", 185lbs of muscle, brown hair, green eyes, and according to rumors had a monster in his pants.

Well as luck would have it Craig and Boden were in the same calculus class and Boden was not doing good in the class. After a few weeks and the second test, the professor decided something needed to be done.

"Mr. Stewart, your test scores are terrible, you currently have an F in my class."

Boden looked with fear in his eyes." Dr. Talmont, I need to pass this class to stay on the team."

"Well Mr. Stewart, I recommend a tutor. I have just the person for you. His name is Craig Roberts, he is a freshman but he is a whiz at mathematics."

"Alright, I will give the tutor thing a try Professor." Boden said with disgust in his voice.

Well Craig had been contacted by the department and told that a student needed help. When he got to the study room, he set up his books, and who would show up but Boden.

"Are you Craig Roberts?" Boden asked quietly.

"Yess.." Craig said, his voice slightly cracking, as he looked into Boden's beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah, well I am here to `learn some calculus'. But I don't have all night, I have a party to go to at 11pm."

"Ok then." Craig said kind of hurt.

Well the tutoring session began and Craig tried to explain the finer points of calculus to Boden, he stared at him. He would occasionally look at his arms and his chest thinking about how good he would look without his shirt on. The session went on for another hour until Boden could take no more.

"Alright, well I have to go. Thanks for the help."

"When do you wan to meet again?" Craig asked with hope in his voice.

"Is Sunday night ok, around 7pm."

"Yeah sure." Craig answered with a smile.

Craig walked from the library over the large campus towards his dormitory with thoughts of Boden in his mind. When he gets to his room he threw his books down and went into the bathroom. He tried to let all of the stress of the day wash away from his body. He then lay down on his bed and started to watch tv, however, his mind was not on the tv, it was firmly on one thing Boden Stewart. Just thinking about him made him hard; he slowly slid his shorts down and took his cock in his hands.

Craig ran his hand around the head and then tasting his pre- cum. He fantasized about Boden being there and kissing him. Soon his hand began to move up and down the length of his shaft. Craig was about 6-1/2 inches, cut when hard. He reached down and started to tease and play with his balls causing him to shutter all over. His hand soon became a blur going up and down up and down his cock. Finally Craig's body and specifically his cock could take no more and his cock exploded.

"Ahhhh." Craig moaned in pleasure.

He collected the cum in his hand and brought it up to his mouth. He inhaled the unique smell and played with it with his tongue. Finally he lapped it up with his tongue savoring the taste of his man-juice. When he was finished he went to sleep dreaming of Boden.

A little later that night...

Boden was having a great time at the party; he had met this girl Leslie and knew he was going to get some.

"You want to come back to my place?" Boden asked while partially inhaling Leslie's face.


As soon as they got to Boden's apartment, they were ripping each other's clothes off.

"You want this don't you.. Yeah I know you do." Boden said as he grabbed his crotch.

Leslie was experienced and went right to work; she removed Boden's pants and his boxers and took his large organ in her hands. Boden was cut and about 8-1/2 inches when fully hard.

"Yeah baby, suck my cock." was the last thing Boden said.

Leslie took his cock in her month and went to town on it. But as she sucked Boden was having trouble concentrating, he could not think about the bitch sucking on his cock or about any other hot chick. All Boden could think about was Craig; he could not get his face out of his mind. He had to do something to stop this so he knew what he had to do.

"Stop, stop. You know you don't want this, lay the fuck down and get them legs up." Boden said forcefully.

Leslie took off her skirt and panties, while Boden rolled a condom on.

"Get ready."

Boden rammed his cock up her pussy. He tried to get Craig out of his mind, but the harder he fucked Leslie, the more he thought about Craig. Finally after about 20 minutes of heavy fucking, Boden came. After that Leslie kissed him, she got her shit, got dressed, and left. Boden spent the rest of the night thinking about why he had that fucker Craig on his mind. Now Boden was not completely a virgin to the homosexual life, in high school he had let a couple of guys suck his cock, but it never went beyond that. However, in Boden's mind he thought about guys more than he thought about girls. He just fucked a lot of girls to compensate for those feelings.

The next say of class Boden could not even look at Craig, every time he did it make him that about that night with Leslie. Well Sunday rolled around again and it was time for another study session.

"Hey" Craig said as Boden walked into the study room.

"What's up?" Boden responded, trying to keep his distance.

Well the study session stated and was going pretty well until Boden noticed something in Craig's book bag.

He took it out as he said, "Well what is this?"

It was a sci-fi novel, and Boden began to look at the cover.

"Sooo, I guess you like sci-fi."

Craig lowered his head and began to blush "Yeah I am."

Boden began to smile that perfect smile he had, "Cool, me too."

They spent the rest of the time talking about things related to Sci-fi.

"Well Boden, I need to get back to my dorm."

"Yeah, I need to get back to my apartment, see you in class tomorrow." Boden said.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Craig responded.

Well the weeks went by and the tutoring sessions continued. The 2 guys actually started becoming friends, then one day after class Boden approached Craig.

"Craig, how about we have out study session at my place. I have this new movie and I wanted to know it you would like to watch it." Boden said, kind of sounding like a guy asking someone out for the 1st time.

"Sure" Craig said with enthusiasm.

Boden gave Craig the directions to his place. When Sunday evening came around, Boden heard a knock on his apartment door. Boden lived in an older building that had been restored and lived in a gigantic loft in the building. Boden smiled when he opened the door and saw that it was Craig.

"Hey, I thought since you were providing the movie, I could at least provide the food." Craig said as he showed a gigantic pizza in his hands.

They spent the evening, studying and eating pizza. They finally ended up on the couch with their eyes glued to the tv screen and the movie. Every once and a while, Boden would glance at Craig. He was just noticing how great he looked. The guys Boden dreamed about were always the guys like him, bug and muscular. However, there was something about Craig that Boden just liked. So he decided he would take the plunge and do it. He turned towards Craig and reached out and grabbed Craig.

"What, Boden. What are you doing?" Craig asked with fear in his voice.

He pulled Craig towards him and then began to kiss him. Boden embraced Craig and continued to kiss him. Craig could feel Boden's lips against his, he could feel his arms and the large muscles flexing in them as Boden embraced him. Craig pulled away to the other side of the couch.

"Mmmm, I think it is time for me to leave." Craig said with doubt in his voice.

"Did, I do something wrong?" Boden said with a look of confusion on his face.

"No, no. I just think that it is time for me to go. I will see you in class tomorrow. Thanks for the night, and I will talk to you later." Craig said with regret in his voice.

And with that Craig walked out of the door and Boden shut it behind him. After Craig left, Boden stood around for a while. He needed to work off some steam, so he went to his weights and started to workout. He tried to replay things in his head trying to figure out what happened. After getting a shower, Boden sat down at his computer to get some work done, when he noticed an instant message on his screen

Mathboy> Are you there?

Jock 21> Yeah

Mathboy> I am sorry about running out on you

tonight. I was just surprised when you kissed me.

Jock 21> Look, I am sorry. I did not realize that

you were not gay.

Mathboy> I am. I was just not expecting you to do


Jock 21> Something just came over me.

Mathboy> I just got scared.

Jock21> I should not have been so forward, I should

have asked you before I kissed you.

Jock21> Would you like to try to meet again?

Mathboy> Sure, when?

Jock21> How about my place, tomorrow night, at 7 pm.


The next day they met at Boden's apartment to see where things would go. Boden was getting out of the shower when he heard a knock on the door. He ran to catch it, grabbing a towel on his way out of the bathroom and wrapping it around his waist.

"Hey" Boden said as he opened the door.

"Hi." Craig began to say as he saw Boden in nothing but a towel.

Craig's eyes went up and down Boden's chiseled features, noting his rippled abs and strong chest and arms.

"What?" Boden asked curiously as with one eyebrow raised.

"You are magnificent, you are like the perfect specimen of man." Craig said as he walked in and closed the door.

"I'll wait here while you get dressed." Those were the only words Craig could get out of his mouth.

Boden grabbed Craig around his waist and with enormous strength pulled Craig towards him. He then proceeded to kiss him passionately, letting his towel fall to the floor. Craig could feel the monster he had heard so many girls talking about against his leg. Craig let Boden do whatever he wanted to do, and Boden did just that. He began to kiss his forehead and nibble on Craig's ears. Craig nuzzled Boden's face taking in his masculine smell, and drowning in the sexuality coming from his body.

"Come on, follow me." Boden said as he took Craig by the hand and lead him to the bedroom.

As they walked to the bedroom, Craig watched Boden's muscular ass flex as he walked. When they reached the bedroom, Boden approached Craig and started to undo his shirt. Once his shirt was removed he leaned down and ran his tongue around Craig's smooth chest. He then reached down and undid Craig's jeans letting them fall to the floor. With Craig clad only in his white briefs, Boden inched him back towards the bed, with Craig stepping out of his shoes and jeans. Boden gently laid Craig down on the bed, running his tongue up and down Craig's pale skin. Craig was in heaven; he was feeling emotions and senses he had never felt before.

"Haaah" Craig began to chuckle as Boden lightly ran his hands across his stomach.

"I think it is my turn, lay back." Craig said stopping Boden's love of his body.

Boden laid back and Craig went to work, their lips touched and it was like heaven. Craig kissed Boden all over his entire face; Boden could feel Craig's soft lips as they touched his eyes. Then Craig kissed circles around Boden's neck, then moving to his chest. He ran his hands over the tanned skin, feeling every muscle contract. He loved to feel Boden's strong arms when he flexed them. He moved his kisses to his stomach and abs, running his tongue over the washboard surface. Craig played with Boden's nipples as he moved to tease his bellybutton. Then Craig approached the monster, he took Boden's cock in his hands and moved to begin to enjoy it. When Boden stopped him.

"Craig, wait, wait!" Boden said with regret in his voice.

Craig let go of Boden's cock and looked up at him. "What?"

"I can't do this to you. The only other guys I have been with, I just used them to suck my cock. After I blew my load it was over. I don't want that to happen to us. Craig, I really want to know you; but at the same time I am really scared." Boden said with pain in his voice.

Craig looked and answered wit h regret in his voice, "I see what you are saying."

Craig then began to gather his clothes and put them on.

"What are you doing?" Boden asked with a confused tone in his voice.

"I think I had better go, I will talk to you later then."

Boden was left there on the bed wondering why he had stopped Craig. He thought he could answer the question but really could not think of a reason that satisfied himself. So he spent the rest of the night thinking, he eventually jerked himself off to get rid of the hard-on he still had. When he came he collected the cum in his hands and brought it to his face and looked at it. Boden looked at it and began to cry, he was in love, but did not know what to do.

Several days passed by, and Craig was getting frustrated. He would call Boden but would get his answering machine. He left message after message on both his answering machine and voice mail on his cell, but got no reply. He would email the jock also, but would not get any reply. However, the biggest irritation and slap to the face was when Craig would try to talk to Boden, but he would walk away when he saw Craig coming.

Boden was now spending more and more time with his boys on the football team. He heard all of Craig's messages, emails and his approaches. Craig had told him how he felt, that he was falling in love with him, but Boden just needed to be alone right now. Being with the guys on the team made him feel accepted on one hand, but made him feel really lonely now that he knew how he felt about another guy.

It all came to an impasse one day..

Craig was walking across campus one evening when he saw a group of guys from the football team. Craig figured he would take a chance, "Hey guys have any of you seen Boden?"

The group of guys stopped and looked at him, then one huge guy stepped forward.

"What the fuck do you want with Boden? Why don't you just leave him alone? No, you know what, I am tired of all of you faggots."

"I am not gay." Craig yelled.

The guy looked at him, "Ohh I think you fucking are. You are a fucking cocksucking faggot. You make me sick."

At that moment, the guy knocked the books that Craig was carrying to the ground. They then grabbed Craig by his shirt and threw him against the wall.

"Yeah look like we are going to have to teach him a lesson."

As fate would have it, Boden was walking along the same sidewalk when he saw the group of guys from the team. But it was when he saw someone being shoved to the ground he got curious. When Boden heard Craig yell "Stop, leave me alone" that kicked Boden into superhero mode. He ran towards the group and started pushing people out of the way.

"Guys back up, leave him the fuck alone. Back the fuck up!" Boden was yelling with fury and rage in his eyes.

They were messing with the guy that until that moment did not truly realize he loved, and he would fight each one of them to protect Craig if he had to.

"He is cool guys, just leave him alone." Boden said a little calmer.

The guys finally started to walk away, and then Boden turned his attention to Craig.

"Are you alright, they did not hurt you seriously? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Asked Boden sweetly.

"No, I am fine. Just leave me alone!" shouted Craig.

"What the hell is wrong?"

"I fucking tell you how I feel about you Boden, and you won't even talk with me. You blow me off and hang with those assholes on your team. I though we were friends." Craig said with tears in his eyes.

"I am sorry, can we go back to my place and at least hear me out?" asked Boden.

Craig looked into those beautiful green eyes and could not say no. When they go to Boden's apartment, Craig just sat on the couch and let him do the talking.

"Look Craig, I am soo sorry about ignoring you. I just got really scared because I did not know how I felt. I got scared, but now I know, I am in love with you. When I saw those guys hurting you, I just wanted to rip them apart and take you in my arms to make everything ok." Boden dropped his head, finally relieved he had poured out his heart and soul.

Craig just look at Boden for a minute then rose up from the couch. This was an odd couple, Craig slender and small standing next to Boden's muscular physique. Craig just looked deep into Boden's eyes and embraced him, pulling him close to him.

"I have always loved you since the minute I saw you." Craig said as he kissed Boden's lips.

Boden then took Craig in his arms and picked him up. They walked to the bedroom where he placed Craig gently on the bed. Craig reached up and started pulling Boden's shirt up and undoing his pants. When Boden was in nothing but his briefs, Craig took off his own clothes.

They explored each others body, until Boden got to Craig's waist, he slowly removed Craig's underwear and saw Craig's cock pop out. Boden looked up at Craig's face as he took the cock in his hands. He opened his mouth and ran his tongue around the head; this caused Craig to shiver all over. He then took the cock in his mouth. It took Boden a few minutes to get use to it, even though it was not a huge cock. He teased Craig's balls and asshole as he partook of the lovestick.

After a while, Craig could take no more and he exclaimed, "I'm cumming!"

At that moment Boden's mouth was flooded with Craig's juice. He swallowed as more come out. When they were finished they just looked at each other.

"My turn!" pronounced Craig.

He had Boden to lie down and slowly removed Boden's briefs; this was when Craig came face to face with the monster. He just looked at the slab of meat for a moment then began to work on the head, wanting to give Boden the most pleasure he had ever felt. He then engulfed the cock, or as much of it as he could take in his mouth. His head bobbed up and down up and down, as Craig rubbed Boden's chest and stomach. Boden was in ecstasy, this was the best blowjob he had ever received, and he was soon just blabbering gibberish and moaning.

It then came to that moment that Craig had been waiting for, when Boden's cock erupted and showered his mouth with god nectar. He spent the next few minutes trying to make sure he did not spill any of Boden's cum; he wanted it all in his mouth and down his throat.

Boden just smiled and said, "Roll over."

Craig had a pretty good idea what was about to happen, but had not idea it would feel soo good. Boden began to flick his tongue across Craig's asshole; this sent sparks down both of their spines. Boden grabbed each of the juicy globes to either side of his head and dug in. His tongue exploring parts of Craig's body that had never been explored. Craig was in heaven, he did not ever want this feeling to end, and his body began to shudder under the weight of pleasure.

"How was that?" Boden asked as his head came up and he smiled.

"That was great. But I want you to do something that both you and I want to do. I want you to fuck me. Please."

Boden looked scared, he loved Craig and wanted to make him feel great and give him all the pleasure he could. However, he knew his cock was big and did not want to harm Craig.

"Craig, you know my cock I big, I don't want to hurt."

"I know, but I want you to. Please." Craig said with wanting in his voice.

Boden turned Craig over and lifted his legs up. He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a tube of lube. He then reached in and grabbed a condom.

"I want you to do it without a condom." Craig said confidently.

Boden looked at Craig and said. "Ok."

After lubing up his cock and Craig's hole he got ready. Craig could feel the heat coming from Boden's cock as it approached his asshole.

"You ready?"


Then it happened, at first all Craig felt was pain, but he did not cry out. Craig just shut his eyes, and felt the feelings. After a few minutes of work, Boden had his entire cock up Craig's ass.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I feel full."

Boden began to move in and out, in and out. His cock hitting places Craig did not know existed, and causing him to almost cum right there. He was like putty in Boden's arms, and they just looked into each other's eyes. Craig had never felt anything like this before, Boden had never felt as close to anyone as he did right now with Craig. He started to increase in speed, soon almost ramming his cock in and out of Craig's hole. They were of one mind, when Boden thrust his cock in, Craig shoved his ass back. After about 25 minutes, Boden got ready to give Craig what he had been wanting.

"Ohhh, I a going to cum."

The next minute, Craig felt Boden's load shoot into his guts. This was a feeling they both enjoyed. After Boden finished, he collapsed on top of Craig, and that was where they remained.

From that day forth, Craig lived with Boden and continued to live together once an NFL team drafted Boden graduated from college. After that they continued to live together.

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Next: Chapter 2

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