Dont Old Man

By James Rogers

Published on Nov 22, 2011


My names joey and i was just an average 17 year old in his last year of school well more like the last few months. It was march and being a senior that meant ALOT!!! I wasnt a jock, but still i lifted weights and was extremely athletic. I didnt have cut arms and extremely swoll but i could lift 315 pounds like it was nothing. Now me being a strong guy most would think i was a mean guy, but i was more or less a gentle giant lol. I stood about 6'0 weighing 210 pounds but most went to my chubby butt which would not slim down for nothing. I was the average high schooler drinking, smoking, fucking girls then not really care about them after but i rarely went to party's unless i was going to fuck sum bimbo, drink, smoke then just leave which all in all lasted for about a hour.

My friends werent exactly the partying type neither, actually i was the only one who actually had a life, well of a lonely bastard who could not love a girl if his life depended on it. Here's where things turn, I have a deep secret that no one knows except a few people(all on the internet). I like watching gay porn and i mainly jerk off to it well whenever i get the time to that is. I found a couple of guys who talked to me. One was this young kid about 14, eh got tired of him. Then there was this old guy well 40 something he made me roleplay and i kind of liked it. Being the submissive little boy to his daddy, but i wanted to be top and he stopped talking to me lol. Then there was this crazy guy, i mean crazy he was actually babbling about some nonsense. When i tell you he was crazy.....he was crazy i didn't even want to explain to you how crazy this guy was lol. So i stopped talking to him.

Finally Ive started talking to this cool guy he was around 36-38. He can be a drag, but i like him all mean and stuff. We finally got close enough to where we would text each other. He hated my optimistic side to the extent he would not talk to me for a day...or week. But i kept bothering him not everyday but every once in a while to try and make him even madder

We have actually been talking for about 9 or so months. But not about sex, he told me i was too young to know about sex and i was just a little boy -_-. That pissed me off, so i called him an old man who couldnt even get a hard on. He got mad, we went back and forth but it was all fun and games. Then we started chatting

"So when are u going to tell me if ur a top or bottom" I asked him

"when you come out of the closet" he replied back I laughed

"Its not like im completely gay u'know. I mean I do love pusssy i think more than i do gay stuff...well maybe becuase ive never tried" i said honestly

"Then you should try it"

"I will.......n college"

"Thats no fun, its boring than"

"How is it is sex"

"Well you would have wished u started earlier" He continued than he started telling me how a guy can suck a dick far better than a girl could ever imagine. I found that hard to believe, but Hey!! ive never had my dick sucked before so i wouldnt know. Girls would either say "Hell no i dont do that" or " You must gon eat my pussy". The offer was tempting but i declined and said we could just fuck. This guy Thomas was a real cool guy and i kind of wanted to meet him. After all he knew my dirty secrets, and i knew his.

After 3 months of school I finally graduated and was off to the real world. Surprisingly my parents gave me a ton of money so i could take a trip to wherever. So i decided to take a trip to colorado, since thats where thomas lived. After i texted him about coming to see him, he was kind of skeptical at first then changed his mind afterward. I was going to be able to spend a whole week with him.

Landing in Colorado

As i exited the plane and into the airport I saw thomas there with a sign in his hands saying my name. He had his little boy with him, which was his son he had told me about. He looked rambunctious i thought i was in for a rough week.

"Hey Old man nice to see ya in person" i said smiling and waving A quick jolt of pain went to my arm and i rubbed it.

"Ive always wanted to do that sense i met you" he said laughing

"Im just surprised you can move your arms that quick and not hurt" i said still rubbing my arms

Thomas was an average guy he was well tanned and ripped. Even though he supposedly didnt work out, lucky guy.

"So you cant carry my bags"i said handing them to him

"Carry your own damn bags little boy"

"urggghhh i just turned 18 yesterday. So HAH"

"Ur still a wittle boi, can u even cum yet" he said walking to the car That blew, he just tried my manhood, he just tried my seeds, that got my balls churning like an ocean at high tide. I was going to fuck his brains out when i got the chance.

"Oh Ha Ha, ur just made cuz ur shooting blanks" His 10 year old son laughed and got into the car.

"So you must be alex" I said smiling

"yup" alex said in a cute way, thomas told me he was a little feminine, but he seemed like the trouble maker of the block.

We talked non chalantley getting into a few arguements about his age. He was real sensitive, then we finally arrived to his house. He lived in a good neighborhood, kids playing outside, thats when alex jumped out of the car to go play with his friends before being stopped. "Did u clean ur room like i told you to" thomas said demanding

"Uh huh" alex said starting to run again

" he better had or im going to leave marks on that little ass of his"

"ouuuu daddy seems up set" i said laughing

"shut up, come on in ill show you around the house" he led me inside the house and it was decent like most surburban homes.

He had a three bedroom house, so i could either stay in the guest room, with alex or with thomas. I guess I could alternate between thomas and the living room. Who nows by the end of the night he may have kicked me out of his room. It was getting late and i offered to cook.

"Nah im good id rather cook, im a vegetarian"

"Yu-Your a vegetarian" I nearly passed out, he laughed

"Yeah, i thought i told you that"

"I thought you were kidding, im going to go back home skinny and green...aww man"

"Stop being such a kid, its not going to hurt you" thomas said smiling

"Yeah, but my tummy needs meat and protein" i said rubbing my stomache

"If you want protein, i could give you some alongside a piece of meat"

"For real that would be awesome.....wait a minute that was a gay joke. Your sick"

"Your the one who wants to drink my cum"

"I never said that"

"It was implied then"

It got dark out and it was dinner time. Alex came in and had to take a shower.

"Come on joey, we have to go take a shower" alex said pulling my arm

I was a little nervous, but thomas just went back to cooking. As i was led down the hall way by this cute boy I couldnt help but wonder "why in the hell was i letting this happen". Me and alex arrived in the bathroom and he turned the shower head on and began removing his clothes. He had a tight little belly with a little baby fat, which made my dick twitch in excite meant. He took off his shorts and underwear reveiling his tiny little cocklet. It fit snuggly over his cherry sized balls. It made me want to taste them and take his boy cherry right there. He smiled and got into the shower I followed suit and got behind him. I watched as the water ran down his soft deledtuable butt. It was hard not to get a boner looking at this kid and i slowly began to rise. He turned around and gazed at my semi hard cock which was about 5 inchs semi. He looked like be wanted to suck it, but instead he blushed. I let it pulse in his face making it jump and plump up. He slowly reached his hand out and gripped the base firmly and jerked it a little before getting out giggling at me for almost falling. He was naked and just left the bathroom, i could see his own member was standing for attention. I would have loved to fuck his ass and jack him off, but thomas would have killed me...probably. I changed into some clothes and went to the dining room where thomas and naked alex waited for me.

"Uh Um why is he naked, dnt tell me he is the dessert" i said laughing

"No you perv, were nudists and dnt mind it"

"I wont mind, as long as you dnt mind my friend visiting" i said sitting down

"Yeah we probably wont see him anyway" thomas said eathing

I was going to say something that the boy shouldnt here, but yu know.

"This is amazing" i said eating what ever he had cooked I didnt know what it was made of, but still it was good.

It was around 8 o'clock and i did have a little jet lag, fighting it.

"Is there a gas station around here"

"What does this look like a hood or apartment complex" said thomas

"i didnt ask all that, lemme see your keys Please"

"For what?"

"To go to a gas station"

"uhh i shouldnt.....just make sure your safe Ok"

"Okay mom"

"Im serious"

"Okay dnt worry"

"Came I come" alex said still naked

"Ask ur dad"

"Sure, why not" thomas said annoyed

"Lets go little man, but i think u should get dressed first"


"Alex get your butt up them stairs and get dressed"

As me and alex got into the car he asked me all sorts of questions. Mainly about where im from and my hobbys and such. It took about 15 minutes until i found a gas station. It was an american gas station, not an indian one(No offense). So as me and alex walked

"Come on joey buy me this" he said holding up a snickers bar

"You sure ur dad will let you eat that tonight"

"He doesnt have to know, come on Please" alex said looking at me with his big blue eyes


"Yes, thank you" alex said then hugged me

"No problem man, now gimme a second" i said as i looked at the condoms ;). There was one that had extremely hot lube on the outside. I guess it stimulates the anal cavity, so i bought a pack of those, two swisher sweets, and alexs candy bar Now i was outer there.

As we road back alex, began eating the snicker smiling and giggling.

"Whats so funny" i said laughing

"I think my dad likes you"

I kind of went red for the moment.

"Why do you say that"

"Because dad doesnt really date people often, he says they were dumb and useless"

"well im not useless, but i can be a tad bit goofy just not dumb" i said laughing

I liked this boy

Not in a sexual way, but he reminds me of myself as a kid. We talked and laughed at how he says he is going to beat me in wrestling, etc. As we arrived home and entered the house, alex began wrestling me. He jumped on my back and started play punching me while Thomas was there watching a movie.

"Had fun" thomas asked nonchalantley

"It was ok" i said laughing picking alex up and holding him with his back on my shoulder. He laughed and i let him down after awhile and sat on the couch.

"Time for you to go to bed, tomorrows your last day of school"

"Aw man"

"Alex" thomas said angrily

"Okay dad, im going"

Alex walked up the stairs and we heard his door close and lock.

"So are you going to answer my question"


"why not"

"Because your a little boy"

"Im 18"


"How bout this you suck me off and ill suck you off"

"No, stop trying to do nasty things"

"Then can i go beat off"

"Sure, why not"

"How bout with alex"

"Fuck no you pervert"

"Me!! you grinch"

"You cant even come back with anything" thomas said laughing

Just then i began to feel wobble and I passed out. Next thing i remember was lying on the sofa. I woke up around 1 a.m and to my surprise my dick was hard.

"Its not even morning time dumb dick" i whispered

Then it started pulsing, so hey its worth a shot right. I crept through the house and found thomas's bedroom. He was sleep, so i decided to just smoke and jack off. I went to the backyard and it had a nice sized pool, a huge patio and a place for a barbecue.

I sat on a chair, rolled up and began to smoke. I watched as the night time sky reflected on to the pool making it shine. The sky was clear, no clouds in sight all i needed was a girl by my side and it would feel right.

"Hey joey" I heard a sleepy voice say It was alex, only in his underwear

"Gosh alex you nearly scared me to death"

He let out a sleepy giggle and walked over to me. As he rubbed his eyes I could see his little balls and cock bulging out of the tight underwear, he looked adorable.

He layed down and nussled beside me. His skin was warm, we layed there and watched the sky. Well i did he had went to sleep. I took off my shirt and placed it on him just incase it might get a little colder. Eventually i fell asleep, i was having a good dream until

"Woah What the fuck" I yelled falling out of the chair

"I thought you were awake" thomas said holding a bucket

"Why the hell would i fake being sleep and....DAMN that waters cold as ice" i said shivering a little

"Maybe because its ice water"

"You bastard" i said

"I see that got rid of your morning wood"

"Eh speaking of that weres alex"

"School its 9 o'clock asshole"

"Wow why i gotta be an asshole"

"because you slept with my son"

"I didnt sleep with him, he slept with me...and nothing happened anyway"

"Then why were you hard"

"My dick has a mind of its own. I cant control it"

"Get up, i made breakfast"

"You can make a joke afterall" i said laughing

"Huh what do you mean"

"You said you made breakfast"

"Yeah I did"

I started laughing somemore

"Yeah minus the eggs, bacon, waffles, and sausages. Did you make hash browns atleast?"

"Yes, i did, but since its so funny cook your own" thomas said walking away

"Come on i was kidding im hungry" i said getting up

The morning breeze hit my chest and it felt amazing. All i had on was a pair of black gym shorts.

"Wheres your shirt" thomas asked

"I think alex has it"

"And y would he have it"

"Because unlike the person YOU think i am, I put it on him last night so he wouldnt get sick r sumthing."

"Thats nice, so you have a heart after all"

"And you have a sense of humor"

This was going to be a long day, me and thomas couldnt have one conversation without saying a smart remark. But atleast the "breakfast" he made was decent waffles, hash browns, and...thats it....yeah I know.

"I think when i go home im going to skinny because of you" i said laughing

"Youd probably look more like a bottom that way"

That caught me off guard a little.

"Your the bottom"


We talked about nothing really. After we finished breakfast, we sat down in the living room and watched some Tv.

"Hey, you know what we shud do?"

"What joey" he said dryly

"We should jack off and watch some porn" i said slipping down my gym shorts

"Whatever, ive always wanted to see that little dick of yours anyway" he said unzipping his pants.

"whatever, its not gonna be small slipping into that ass of yours" I pulled down my underwear revieling my 5 inchs of soft meat.

"ahh thats cute" he said as he pulled out the biggest dick ive ever seen it had to be atleast 7in soft.

He began slowly stroking his dick making it even bigger. He was watching me as i watched his hand go up and down his shaft.

"Suck it, u know u want to"

I had no control over my body and i slowly went down over his dick. I put the head in my mouth and he let out a moan.

"Yeah come on boy suck it, suck daddys head"

Him saying that made me feel vulnerable, but i didnt care. As i sucked the head, he began pushing my head down on his dick more. It hit the back of my throat and i gagged a little.

"damn dnt throw up on my dick, Get up on daddys lap" thomas said with authority

I felt like a helpless child as i sat in his lap,my dick was pressed up against his stomach. I could feel his dick slid between my butt like a hot dog, more like a sausage. He started tweeking my nipples making me squirm in his lap, he kept doing that making my dick leak precum like crazy. He did this for about five minutes than the worst thing happened, his dick rubbed against my hole and i started cumming. It flew above us in a long stream just missing his chin.

Thats the end of chapter 1. I would appreciate feedback to help me decide whether or not to make another

Next: Chapter 2

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