Dont Have to Wait Anymore

By Dan B

Published on Feb 13, 2010


When I started college I had just turned 18. I was pretty nervous and apprehensive about being in a strange city alone. I also was a little nervous about who my roommate would be. We were just assigned roomies by the school and had no choice in the matter.

My family dropped me off at my dorm with all my stuff and once I was settled they went home. I paced around and tried to stay busy, waiting for my new roommate to show up. About two hours later a key went into the door and a kid walked in carrying some boxes. "Hey, how you doin?" he said. "Good, you got a lot of stuff?" "No, just a couple of more boxes and a suitcase, I'm good." He dropped the stuff and left. He looked too young to be my roommate. "Must be a younger brother," I said to myself.

A while later he came back with the rest of the stuff. He dropped it on the bed. "So where is your brother?" I asked. He looked confused. "My brother? I don't have a brother." "You're my roommate?" I asked. "I guess, are you Dan?" "Yeah, are you Steve?" He nodded and we shook hands. Holy shit! He looked about 15. "How old are you?" He grinned. "I'm 18, and yeah, I know, I look young. Is that why you thought I was a brother?" I grinned. "Sorry, stupid me."

I helped him unpack and was really happy. This kid was cute, really cute. He was about 5'9 maybe 145 pounds, with longish light brown hair cut so his bangs hung down on his forehead. He was wearing some well-worn jeans, tennis shoes without socks and a tee shirt. His face was as cute as hell and he seemed to be a really nice kid.

I was a little taller and heavier but about the same size body-wise. My hair wasn't as long as his either but the same color.

As he unpacked we chatted and soon the subject of drinking beer came up. "It's 18 here in Wisconsin isn't it?" he asked. "Yeah, I said 18 to drink beer." "In Minnesota it's 21 for both, so I'm legal here." "Let's take the bus downtown and see what there is for bars." Off we went.

There were lots of bars and four hours later we kind of staggered back into our room. "Wow, that's more beer than I've drank in a long time," he said giggling. "You won't puke will you?" I asked. "Better keep the trash can handy." We laughed and he said, "I'm gonna take a shower before bed." "I'll join you," I said.

We started undressing and I was pleased to see he wasn't modest. He stripped off his tee shirt showing a very nice body. He wasn't muscle bound but well built. He dropped his pants and kicked off his shoes showing very nice looking feet. He was wearing briefs and didn't even hesitate to drop them to the floor. Wow, he had a nice looking cock. His bush was nice and compact and full and below it his cock hung down looking about 4 inches soft. It had a little upcurve in it making me think he was one of those guys who's cock stood straight up when it was hard. His balls were well sized and hung down in a nice loose sack.

"You ready?" he asked. "Um, sorry, just a minute. I had my shirt and shoes off and dropped my jeans and my underwear. I noticed he watched me pretty closely and took a good look at my cock. Mine was about the same size as his with out the upward curve.

We both wrapped a towel around us and walked down the hallway to the shower room. The shower was one big room with spigots all over the place. I went in first and he took the shower next to me. We got our water adjusted and soon were soaping up. I watched him as much as I dared. Damn, he was gorgeous. He had long silky hair under his arms that I ached to touch and taste. When he was soaping up his cock and balls he actually boned up a little. When I saw that I got a semi-boner myself. He looked at my cock. "I'm half hard too," he said. "I do that a lot." I laughed. Me too, we'll make perfect roommates.

We shut off the showers and dried off. I watched as he bent over to dry his legs and saw his little pink butt hole. Oh my gosh, it was a beauty. We wrapped our towels around us again and walked back to our dorm room. When we got there Steve hung his towel up and then combed his hair and put on deodorant, still naked. His cock was flopping around and he seemed pretty at ease naked. "How do you sleep?" he asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean, what do you wear to bed." "At home I slept nude but I'll wear my underwear here." "You don't have to. I sleep naked too. I just didn't want to embarrass you." "Cool, naked it is."

We sat on our beds which were on opposite walls of the small room. There was about three feet of floor when the beds were pulled out from the wall for sleeping. "Well, I'm beat, time for bed?" he said. "Yeah, me too." Steve got up and shut off the light and we both got into our beds and pulled up the covers. There was still light coming through the curtains from the street so I could see him across from me. He turned onto his back and I could see his hand by his cock. Shit, he was playing with himself. I began to bone up. I turned on my side so I could watch him and played with my cock.

He turned toward me. "I don't want to embarrass you, but I'm sure you jack off don't you?" "Sure, everybody does." "I really like to jack off before I go to sleep, you don't mind do you?" Wow, I said, "No I don't mind, in fact I think I'll do it too."

I rolled over on my back and I could see his hand moving under his covers. Soon he tossed them back and there he was jacking off in front of me. His cock was about the same size as mine, about 6 inches and sure enough it was pointed straight up towards his belly. I tossed my covers back too and he looked over. "You've got a big cock," he said. "It's about the same as yours, maybe a little thicker." We laid there and watched each other jacking off. Soon he began to pant and then he clenched up and I watched a huge jet of cum squirt out of his cock and up onto his belly. Then about five more squirts shot out. He turned, kind of out of breath and watched me. It didn't take long and I came too, shooting cum onto my belly also.

When we were both done he jumped up and got his towel off the hook and then got mine and handed it to me. "You shot a lot," he said, looking down at my wet belly. "Not as far up as you did," I said. "Sometimes when I'm really excited I can shoot it in my mouth." Holy shit!

We both wiped up and then he got back in his bed and we said goodnight. Wow, this was going to be a great semester if the first day was any indication.

The next morning we both got up sporting boners. Neither of us was embarrassed because of the night before. We moved around the room pushing the beds back to the wall and getting our clothes out, with our cocks hard and bouncing. We went to the cafeteria and then went our separate ways to classes.

I couldn't wait to see Steve after classes that next day. I got back to the room and he was already there. He was sitting at the desk on his side of the room studying. "How'd the first day go?" I asked. "Lots different than high school isn't it?" We talked and I got my books out and began studying. We went to the cafeteria at 6 pm and ate supper and then back to the room. It was getting late and I was getting nervous thinking about the jack off session we'd had last night and if we'd do it again.

"Are you going to shower before bed?" Steve asked. "Yeah, it relaxes me, are you?" He grinned. "Yeah, I am. It relaxes me but jacking off before bed relaxes me even more." We laughed and undressed, grabbed our towels and shampoo and headed to the showers. As soon as we began, Steve was sporting a semi-boner. I boned up too and in no time we both were bouncing boners around in the shower like it was nothing special. Another kid from down the hall came in and kind of grinned when he saw us hard but didn't seem to think much about it.

Steve and I finished in the shower and then went back to our room with our towels wrapped around our waists. When we got there we hung up our towels. We were both hard. "You want to sit on the same bed together and do it?" he asked. "Sure, sounds good to me."

We sat beside each other on Steve's bed and leaned back against the padded bolster. We each took hold of our cocks and began slowly jacking off, watching the other's cock. "Feels good," Steve said. I nodded. "You ever do this with anyone else?" "Yeah I have a couple of times," I lied. Actually I'd jacked off with buddies hundreds of times and sucked them and even fucked. "Me too," he said. "You ever do each other?" I hesitate... what to say. "Yeah, I've done that."

Steve hesitated. "Want to do each other?" My mouth suddenly was dry. I nodded my head. "Let's change sides. You jack with your right hand and I jack with my left," he said. We got up and switched and sat back down. He reached over and took hold of my cock. Oh gosh, what a nice feeling. I did the same to him. His cock was so soft and smooth but hard as steel under that smooth skin. "Oh man, your cock is really thick," he said.

We began to jack each other increasing our pace and soon we both were beginning to moan and pant. "I'm about to shoot," he said breathlessly. Just then a big gob of cum shot out of his cock and landed on his left nipple. Then three more shot out and landed on his stomach, followed by several big gushes that ran down my hand. That set me off and I began to squirt. I shot out five squirts that landed on my belly and then covered his hand with the rest. We both laid back, our hands still on the other's cock. "Whew, that was cool," Steve said quietly. "Yeah, you really shoot a long way." He nodded. He let go of my cock and brought his hand up to his face. "You ever eat your cum?" I nodded yes. He surprised me and stuck his tongue out and licked a big swipe of cum off his hand. He tasted it in his mouth for a minute and then said. "Tastes just like mine." I grinned and licked some of his cum from my hand. "You're right, yours is very much like mine too," I said.

Well just like a couple of kids with ice cream, we both cleaned up our hands and then Steve leaned over and wiped cum from my belly and ate it too. I did the same to him and when it came to the gob on his nipple, I leaned over and licked it right off his nipple. "Oh shit, that feels wicked," he said as I did it. "That's why I did it," I said. We sat there, limp cocks resting, the glow of fresh sex on our faces and grinned at each other. "I think I'm going to like this college shit," he said.

Steve got up and got his towel and wiped me all off, then himself. I got up and got into my bed naked and Steve got into his naked. "That was fun," he said. "I liked it too maybe we can make it a nightly thing." He grinned.

The next day we went to classes, got back, ate supper, studied and headed to the shower. Now we strutted around in the shower with boners and didn't mind at all. We went back to the room and sat down on my bed just as we had the night before and began jacking each other off. We were going along nicely when Steve looked at me and said, "You ever kissed?" "You mean a girl or a guy?" "Either." "Yeah, I've done both actually." "Really?" he said. "I've kissed some girls, but never a guy. Is it a lot different?" I shrugged. "Want to try it?" He nodded.

We stopped jacking and turned to each other. We slowly leaned forward and soon our lips touched. It wasn't much of a kiss as they go but we touched lips for a few seconds and then pulled back. "That was ok," he said. "Want to try again?" He nodded and leaned in and put his lips on mine. This time we both opened our mouths a little and I felt his tongue touch my lips. I stuck my tongue out a little and touched his tongue with mine. We pulled apart and he grinned at me. "Now that was more like it."

Somehow in the next few minutes, we ended up with our arms around each other, kissing passionately, and with our hands on each other's cocks jacking off while we made out. We were grinding and sucking each other's tongues and soon I felt my cock begin to tickle. Steve was jacking me off perfectly and I began to shoot cum all over his belly. His cock began to throb in my hand and I felt his cum shoot up onto my neck the first shot. We milked each other as we continued to kiss. Finally we were both empty and pulled back. "Holy shit, that was intense," Steve panted. "Wow, wow, wow." Was all I could say.

We lay back against the bolster and grinned at each other. Then Steve leaned over and began licking his cum off my chest and belly. He licked my neck and then kissed me. I returned the favor and when I got to his now semi-hard cock, I took hold of it and licked the cum off the piss slit. He gasped when I did that and then broke out in a smile. "Lean back, I missed that spot." I lay back and he took my cock and licked the cum off it.

We sat quietly for a minute. "Is this too gay for you?" he asked. "I didn't think about it as that," I said. "I thought of it as something very beautiful that we did that gave each of us pleasure." He smiled. "That's a good thing then." I nodded.

We finished wiping up and then got into our beds and went to sleep. Steve fell asleep first and I looked at his adorable face, so sweet and innocent looking, as he slept. This kid looked like an innocent baby, but he was a raging sex maniac in reality. I liked it.

The next night when we got back from the shower, we dropped our towels and began making out standing in the middle of the room. Our cocks were mashing together and we were caressing each other's body as we kissed. After several minutes, our cocks were leaking. Steve sat down on the edge of his bed. He took my cock in his hand and milked it and a big drop of precum oozed out. He leaned forward and licked it off and then looked up at me. "Ok?" he said. I knew what he was asking and my knees got weak thinking about it. I nodded my head. Steve opened his mouth and took my cock into it. He got about half way and gagged but then worked back to the head and sucked up and down on the first half. "Fuck, this thing is so fat, I can only get half of it in." I laughed. "Damn that feels good," I said. "Let's switch, I want to try it on you."

I sat down and Steve stood in front of me. His beautiful cock was standing up towards his belly, his loose balls hanging and a big drop of precum was glistening on his cock head. I took hold of it and pulled it down so I could get it in my mouth. I licked the precum off and then slid that pretty cock into my mouth. I'd sucked a few cocks before, so it didn't bother me a bit to go all the way so my nose was in his pubes. "Oh my fucking A," he said. I sucked up and down for a minute and then Steve gasped. "I'm cumming." I slipped back to his cock head and sucked on it as it began to squirt hot cum. He filled my mouth and I swallowed and he filled it again. I felt him get wobbly and held onto his ass with both hands to keep him from tipping over. When his cock began to soften I let it from my lips.

"Holy shit, that was amazing," he whispered, out of breath. "Like that did you?" I grinned. "Fucking A." He sat there dazed for a minute. "Let me do you now."

I stood up and he put my cock back in his mouth. He wasn't the best blow job I'd ever had but he did a pretty good job. Soon I felt his tongue working around my cock and I new it wasn't long for me to cum. "I'm about there Steve," I said. He mumbled something and soon I began to shoot. He held it in his mouth and swallowed and then began to suck more as I kept cumming. My legs got weak as he drained me. When I was finished he let me go and I sat down next to him.

Steve put his arms around me and we kissed tenderly, tasting our own cum on the other's lips. "That was the most sexual thing I've ever done," he said as he put his head against my neck. I rubbed up and down his back. "There's one more thing," I said. Steve pulled away. "You mean?" I nodded. "I don't think I can right now, I'm not going to be able to get a bone for quite a while." I laughed. "I didn't mean right now, may be next time." He nodded, kissed me and we lay down in his bed together and pulled the covers up, our arms still wrapped around each other and went to sleep.

The next morning it was Saturday, so we didn't have to get up for classes. A lot of light was coming in through the curtains when I woke up. I opened my eyes and Steve was lying there looking at me. "Good morning," he said. "What are you doing? Watching me sleep?" Steve smiled at me. "Yeah, I guess I was. I was thinking about what we did last night." I thought he'd had second thoughts. "Do you regret it?" He smiled. "Not one fucking bit. I actually think that was what I have been looking for, for a long time. I just didn't want to admit it." I leaned forward and kissed him. "I know I'm glad we did it and I'll never have regrets." We put our arms around each other and hugged for a long time.

Finally Steve said, "Let's go get breakfast and then come back, have a nice shower and get that last thing done." I looked at him and broke out into a wide smile. "You sure?" "I'm sure."

We went to the bathroom, brushed our teeth and washed up and then went and got breakfast. Steve filled his plate with eggs, hash browns and bacon. "Looks like you're hungry," I said. He looked around to make sure no one was listening. "I plan on needing a lot of energy. I'm gonna fuck your ass for you, maybe all day long." We ate really fast.

When we got back to the dorm we stripped and almost ran to the shower. There were two other guys in the shower when we went in and they both grinned at us because we both were sporting boners. "You guys look pretty happy today," one of them said. "You have no idea," I said. While we showered, I noticed that same kid was boned up too. It must be catching.

We went back to the room and dropped our towels and began to kiss. Our cocks were mashing into each other and we kind of fell onto Steve's bed. "Let's flip around and suck each other," I said. Steve grinned and jumped up and flipped around and we lay down with each other's cocks in the other's face. We began to suck each other and soon I ran my finger down Steve's butt crack. He moaned when I did that and raised his leg. I fingered his little pucker and then got my finger wet and slipped it in a little way. "Oh man, that's wicked," he said. Soon he moved down and began to do the same to me. We were fingering each others holes and I moved forward and began to lick the underside of his nut sack. He returned the favor. Emboldened, I moved farther down and licked his butt hole. "Oh my freaking mother's bananas," he gasped. I laughed out loud. "Your mother's bananas?" "Sorry, that just slipped out." We'd have to pursue that later.

Soon we were fingering each other's ass holes and licking them. "You want to do me?" Steve asked. "Are you sure?" "Positive."

We got up and Steve knelt on the bed with his elbows on the mattress and his ass in the air. I grabbed a bottle of hand lotion that I'd used for jacking off and smeared some on my cock and then lubed up my finger and slipped it into his ass. "Oh jeez," he said. I worked his hole a little and then put another finger in and soon I had three in. "I want you to be loose so my cock doesn't hurt too much," I said. "I understand," he replied.

When his hole was nice and loose I put my dickhead at it. "Ready?" He nodded. I pushed and he groaned and in a few seconds my dickhead slipped in. "Hold it!" he said urgently. "I'm not going to go until you tell me," I said. Soon he said, "Put more in."

I began to push and them pull back a little and then push again. Steve groaned but kept urging me on. Soon my balls were slapping his butt. "I'm all the way in," I whispered. "Oh gosh, it's so full feeling. It hurts a little but not as bad as I thought." I began to fuck him and soon I was going pretty fast, my nuts slapping his. I knew it wouldn't take long and soon I felt my nuts tighten up. "I'm gonna fill your butt with cum Steve." I began to shoot and I thought I was going to pass out. I'd never had such an intense orgasm. My cock throbbed six or seven times and then I knew it was just dribbling the last cum into his butt. I stopped and held it until it began to get soft. Then I pulled it from Steve's ass.

He collapsed onto the bed with me on top of him. "Holy shit you can't believe how that felt." "Did you like it?" I asked. "Shit yes, I loved it."

We lay there for a minute and then I rolled off him and onto my back next to him. He looked over and kissed me. "Your turn," I said. He grinned and got to his knees. I slid over to the middle of the bed and said, "I'm gonna lift my legs up, you fuck me from the front." He smiled. "Ok, no problem."

I raised my legs and Steve knelt down and began to lick my asshole. Soon he had me lubed up and was stretching me with his fingers as I had done. Then he took his lubed cock and put it at my hole. "Ready?" I nodded. I knew it was going to hurt a little but didn't care. I watched Steve's beautiful face as he pushed his cock into my ass. He concentrated hard and soon he was fucking me. I wrapped my legs around him and he leaned forward and we kissed as he fucked me. Soon he began to breathe hard and I knew he was close. "I'm about there," he said.

I squeezed with my legs as he slammed into me and began to shoot. I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass. He put his mouth on mine and we sucked each other's tongues as he had his orgasm. When he stopped throbbing he collapsed on top of me. We both lay there panting and sweating. I could feel his cock beginning to shrivel up and soon it slipped from my ass. He looked into my eyes. "I've waited to do that for 18 years." I kissed him. "You don't have to wait anymore my love. You can do it every day for the rest of the school year and then who knows." He kissed me tenderly. "You said `my love', does that mean you love me?" I nodded. "I loved you from the first minute I walked in this room." We hugged so hard I felt my back crack. "Let's go shower and then maybe a nap and we can make love again."

We got up and walked down the hall to the shower without even wrapping towels around us. Right then we didn't give a fuck who knew or what they thought. We were in love and fuck the rest of the world.

My other stories:

Encounters: Dec 24, An Evening with Adam

Jan 4, Skinny Dipping with Mark

Jan 27, The Highway Rest Stop

Young Friends: Oct. 14, A Kid's Game

Oct 15, Staying Warm

Dec. 19 Touching Tommy's

Jan. 8, Pit Hair

Feb 5, While He Slept* DIR

High School: Nov. 2, Deerhunting Sleepover

Nov. 5 Lifeguarding Bonus

Nov. 15 Camping with Terry

Feb 6, Kelly's Cute Armpits* DIR

Beginnings: Nov 25, What a Surprise* DIR

Jan 14, Seduced by Mike* DIR

Dec 16 Meeting Matt* DIR

Jan 2, Naked in the Woods

Jan 17, Sex in a Boat

Jan 25, Best Haircut Ever

Adult/Youth: Dec. 29, Running Naked* DIR

Oct. 26, Antique Store Experience

Feb 5, Paperboy Delivery* DIR

Jan 7, Casey Series* DIR

Incest: Jan 14, Chase Gets Hairy Armpits

Camping: Nov. 15, Camping with Terry

Jan 14, Chase Gets Hairy Armpits

Feb 1, Chase * DIR

Thanks for the emails. I'm glad to hear from guys who like the stories. Hope to hear from you too.

Next: Chapter 2

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