Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

By Michael Prymula

Published on Aug 4, 2022



Disclaimer: These characters are owned by Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon and Billionfold. This story is for entertainment purposes only and I do not make any money from it.

category: gay/celebrity

Timmy Turner was just a 10-year old average kid that no one understood, well except for his Fairy Godparents that is. He was so grateful they came into his life when he was miserable due to always being stuck with Vicky his evil babysitter every time has parents wanted to go out somewhere(which as a lot), in a weird way he was glad to have met Vicky even if she was a bad person, as he never would've been able to have so many awesome adventures if it wasn't for Cosmo and Wanda and their infinite wish granting powers. Normally his adventures involved going to far off places, countries, planets, dimensions, universes, etc, but this week's adventure Timmy embarked on was going to be a little more personal. Like most boys his age Timmy masturbated quite a bit, thanks to his wishes he had no shortage of jerk-off material, being able to get his hands on any porno film and mag he wanted and that led to him some nice spanking sessions with his johnson. By far his most intense orgasm though had come after Cosmo's class reunion, he wondered why he'd come so hard that day of all days. Timmy then remembered how desperate he'd been to pee at Cosmo's reunion, he'd pushed his bladder of steel to his absolute limits that day with the amount of lemonade he'd put away, he hadn't had a chance to go relieve himself before being poofed to Fairy World, but he reckoned it wouldn't matter as he could just go to the bathroom there, unfortunately the bathrooms didn't have doors to them since fairies could just poof in and out of solid walls(which didn't make sense considering other buildings in Fairy World like that one restaurant he'd been to with Mama Cosma had restrooms was doors on them, but he knew trying to make sense of the weird logic of Fairy World was a futile endeavor)so he had to hold it until after they left the event, which he figured wouldn't be too long, what he didn't count on was A-Cosmo getting so wrapped up in his lie of being the inventor of Wandos 2.0 and finally getting popular that he would keep them both at the reunion for way longer then intended and B- the theme of the event being "A Salute to Running Water" and all of that water and the punch flowing everywhere was pure torture on his poor bladder, the universe could certainly be a cruel mistress at times.

Cosmo was too distracted to poof him to the bathroom, and Wanda was too furious at Cosmo ignoring her and hanging out with the popular crowd that had bullied him all those years ago to take him, so he had endure the pain for over 2 hours with his legs twisted into a pretzel trying to hold back his raging flood of urine that could've drowned Noah's Ark several times over. Finally when he felt his last vestige of control starting to slip he had to think fast and he darted for the punch bowl, which was nearly empty at this point(usually it got magically refiled after it was empty) Timmy drank the rest of the punch feeling his bladder threatening to explode, he then took off his bottoms aimed his penis at the bowl and gave a loud-relaxing sigh as the terrible pressure that he'd been dealing with for so long was finally relieved, like a valve letting off steam, his deluge of piss seemed to go on for what seemed like an eternity while Cosmo was giving long-ass speech confessing his lie, finally his flow came to a stop, fortunately this was a magic bowl so it would never overflow, he quickly got dressed and put the bowl back on the table, mercifully with everyone paying attention to Cosmo nobody had noticed Timmy relieving himself. He marvelled at how good it felt to finally be empty, once he got home he did his usual masturbation routine and found himself surprised at how intense his orgasm was that night, he hadn't done any different techniques so for days he wondered what it is, then one day when browsing porn sites he stumbled onto something called Omorashi and it finally clicked what made him cum so hard that day-he'd enjoyed being desperate to pee.

Timmy would have to try getting desperate to pee again to see if it would still give him the same intense orgasm he'd had that day. So on this school day Timmy decided he was going to hold it for as long as he possibly could, he wished that if he did wet himself nobody else would notice it, now he was free to embark on his experiment without worry. He helped himself to several large bowls of cereal, several tall glasses of orange juice and even a big thermos of coffee. By the time he arrived at school he was already starting to feel the pressure, but he didn't stop his intake of liquids, downing several large sodas and milks at lunch-time and several large water bottles during gym class. By last period he was just as desperate as he'd been at the reunion and felt the same familiar intense pressure like he was volacano about to have a massive eruption, only this time he was doing it on purpose, and that made his penis get hard, he was getting butterflies in his stomach at the excitment of holding it. Also like before at the reunion the universe was deciding to play tricks on him by having Mr Crocker's lesson be about the Great Lakes, with how often water was mentioned Timmy was really squirming now, Crocker noticed Timmy's plight and taunted him about it, with his tenture he could get away with denying students hall passes and bathroom breaks so Timmy knew better then to ask, besides his wish would protect him from embarassment and he knew Crocker was probably trying to get him to reveal his Fairy-Godparents but he wasn't falling for it.

Somehow by some miracle Timmy made it through last period, only for Crocker to keep him in detention due to one of his failing grades, the 45 minutes was pure torture like nothing Timmy had ever endured before yet he secretly loved it, Crocked down glass after glass of iced team to mock Timmy, finally detention was over and Timmy bolted out like the Crimson Chin rushing to the restrooms, only to find them both locked, he'd forgotten it was school policy to lock the bathrooms after everyone had left the school. Timmy was frantic now, thinking fast he saw the entrance to the boys locker room and rushed inside to the showers, feeling his control starting to slip. In one quick movement he yanked down his pants and underwear, unleashing a furious hissing golden stream for the ages, as his river of piss rushed out of his bloated bladder and pisshole, he took action stroking his penis and squeezing his balls, it felt combined with the relief felt sooooo good, finally just as the stream was starting to decrease in pressure, Timmy felt himself go over the edge of the plateau into pure orgasmic bliss with an even more explosive orgasm then he'd had the last time he'd been this desperate, he gave an animalistic growl of pleasure as he shot both large wads of cum and piss out of his peehole, both splattering on the tiled floor and heading down the drain, Timmy collapsed onto the floor in pure bliss, only to be jolted back to reality by the sound of footsteps, he quickly got dressed and turned on the showers to wash away the rest of the evidence then got the hell out of dodge to make it to the late bus ride home.

Timmy was elated that his theory proved to be correct, he had a fetish for holding his pee, now he had another question-what if he had full on wet himself? Then how much more intense would his orgasm be? He was already getting hard again just thinking about it, and fortunately for him his parents would be out for the night with Vicky watching. For once he didn't mind being stuck with Vicky as he could do his desperation session in peace, as Vicky was going to be too busy with her teen channel marathon to disturb him in his room, she seemed surprised at how Timmy hadn't argued with her at all when she installed an electronic lock on the bathroom door to prevent him from going in without paying money, but she shrugged it off as she settled in to watch her stories while Timmy retreated to his room and his fairies conjured up tons of liquids for him to fill his bladder with, soda, energy drinks, fruit juice, malts and shakes, watermelon, fresh water, iced tea, you name it. Timmy also wished to have the largest bladder in the universe so he could hold even more pee and it would make his final explosion of piss even more intense, he got goosebumps just thinking about how awesome it would feel. Timmy was wearing his old Ballhogs basketball shorts(the team was so grateful to Timmy for helping them avoid getting sold to Alaska that they'd let him keep his old uniform) as he loved how good the polyester felt against his skin(he wasn't wearing underwear as he loved how good the silky material felt against his penis) As the night went on his bladder swelled up like a balloon until he took up almost his entire room, Timmy wished for his arms to be longer so he could still hold his penis and stroke it while he was losing it. Timmy felt his control starting to slip and could feel himself about cum, finally he could no longer hold back the flood and he unleashed a massive tidal wave of piss while also shooting off gigantic blobs of cum from his most earth-shattering orgasm ever, drenching his purple shorts within seconds. Timmy felt like he'd been hit with a bolt of lightning as his orgasm ripped through his young body making him scream and cry with how intense it felt, it felt so good he nearly cried tears of joy, his piss was blasting out of him like a raging river and soon his room was filled to the ceiling with piss and cum, his door gave way and soon his torrent of piss and cum flowed out and the entire house was flooded, then his doors and windows gave out and soon as piss was flowing out and flooding the entire neighborhood, then the city, then the country, then the continent, then the world, finally after ages his deluge of piss and jizz came to an end with Timmy floating on his bed knocked out from the sheer blinding intensity of his orgasm, Cosmo and Wanda quickly woke up him up so he could wish everything back to normal and that everyone would forget his record breaking piss and orgasm.

That had been by far the most fun Timmy had ever had in his entire young life and he couldn't wait to try it again.

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