Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Dec 18, 2003


Hello everyone, thanks for all the emails in which you encouraged me to continue. So, the saga goes on.

Special thanks to Pat, who asked me to write this as a Christmas gift. My pleasure, Pat, least I could do.

I hope you all like. Enjoy!

Don't Get Caught

Chapter Eight

A millisecond after the Emir snapped his fingers, a guard appeared at the cell door. The Emir whispered in the guard's ear, and the guard ran off to comply with his orders. The Emir turned back to his slave. "OK, slave, tell your stomach that food is on the way."

"Thank you, Master", Rick replied

The Emir sat on his stool next to his new slave and began to rub his hands up and down the slave's body. Once again the Emir noticed his slave had something to say, "Go ahead, slave. Spill."

"Well, I just...all this is new, and I am not sure. When you rub me, do you want me to reciprocate or not or wait until you tell me...or...I don't know. You know what I am saying, Master?"

"Yes, I understand, slave. Double whammy for you; you don't know how to be with another man, much less with a master."


"I know. Don't worry, slave. Go with the flow. I will tell you if your behavior is not satisfactory. And if it's really unsatisfactory, you will be punished to help you remember not to repeat it."

"Yes Master"

Just then both men turned at the sound of the outer bedroom door opening and watched as the guard wheeled over a cart with food. Rick thought he recognized the smell but could not place it.

Meanwhile the Emir got up, shooed the guard away from the food and with a big smile, brought Rick his plate. Rick looked at what was on the plate and cocked his head a little. He could not help but to laugh out loud a little bit.

The Emir spoke, "It's a chili cheese dog. I am addicted to these things."

Rick was truly amazed, "Yes, Master, I know what these are. I just never expected to see something like this here, of all places." He toyed with the food, inspecting it.

The Emir watched his slave, "You don't like? Oh...dairy and meat together bother you? You have been good today, you can have something else if you want, just I thought maybe you will enjoy this as I do."

Rick smiled, "Master, I ate dog food for a week. I am not picky. I just never saw one of this so close before, I was looking to see what is in it." He took a large bite, "Wow, this IS really good."

"Yes", said the Emir, "Much better than those kosher things, your people are so fond of, with the sauerkraut and the spicy mustard"

Inside Rick's stomach was protesting while his brain was telling it to shut up and eat. And when the Emir began to mention the kosher hot dog with the trimmings, Rick's mouth started to water. "So, Master", Rick said between bites he pretended to enjoy, "You import these or something from the United States?"

"Yes, along with my imported...or maybe a better word is purchased, American cook to make them properly. Slave, have you not spent any time in America? Great food and culture, crazy government."

Careful, Rick cautioned himself, "I was there one time, Master. I didn't like it too much."

"Why were you there?"


"In what?"

Rick didn't vocalize the reply, instead his face read `what do you think'.

"I see," was the Emir's response.

Rick began to examine the brown colored drink in the clear bottle as the Emir watched with amusement. The Emir spoke "Yoo Hoo"

Rick looked up, "Yes, master?"

The Emir pointed, "No that...that drink...called a Yoo Hoo. It's like chocolate milk sort of."

The thought of washing down a pork dog with cheese and meet and beans with chocolate milk was horrifying to Rick, "Oh, I love chocolate milk, Master. Thank you for sharing this with me" He drank it down quickly, thinking the faster he drank, the less he would taste and the sooner his stomach could deal with it. He looked back at the Emir and smiled, "Excellent, Master."

The Emir lingered over his Yoo Hoo and began to reminisce, "Yes, I loved my time in America. And I miss visiting there. Ah well", he sighed, " day."

Rick cocked his head, "One day, Master? One day what?"

"Never mind, slave, just daydreaming. Now back to business. We need to get you outfitted and we need to get this cell set up. Although I wish I could be here playing with you all the time, I simply cannot. So, Nigel will take charge of your slave training, and as well, I want to outfit this cell with things that keep you busy and provide some benefit to me; like gym equipment. You can be trusted to work out on your own?"

"Of course, Master. And also I", Rick shrugged, "Never mind"

An angry look flashed across the Emir's face, "DO NOT do that again. Don't play with me. Either say it or don't, but don't you dare play me. What is it?"

"Well if maybe you put in here a musical instrument, you know, I could write you a song or something?"

"You play music?"

"Yes Master"

The Emir was surprised, "I wouldn't have figured you for musical."

"If I can ask you Master, why not?"

"Musicians are usually sensitive."

A cold look blazed Rick's eyes for a brief second, but his voice responded calmly, "Oh."

The Emir snapped his fingers, and four guards came running in the cell. One of them held some kind of device Rick had never seen before. But Rick was confident he'd get to know this device soon enough. The guards unchained Rick's legs, stood him up, and started to reach for his cock. At that point, Rick pulled back and started to struggle. He managed to elbow 2 guards in the neck, sending them to their knees out of breath. More guards ran in to help. Mayhem began to ensue.

"STOP IT", the Emir shouted. At the sound of his voice, all struggling stopped. The Emir looked at the guards, "No excessive force", then he turned to Rick, "No resisting. You are being fitted with a chastity device, the key to which only I have. There will be no getting out and no getting in, if you know what I mean."

Rick stopped struggling and allowed the guards to place his cock in the little cage and insert a butt plug, all held in place by leather straps and padlocks. There were a few extra loops around the main part of the belt to which Rick's hands were cuffed. When the guards finished, the Emir examined the handiwork, "Very good. Very very sexy. Now I needn't worry about anyone in this palace touching you without my permission, and you needn't worry either."

"Thank you, Master" It was obvious to Rick that the `anyone' in the palace to whom the Emir referred was Nigel, "I am sorry I struggled, it is a learned reaction."

"Yes", said the Emir as he motioned to the guards, "One I am afraid you will have to unlearn."

The guards grabbed Rick, half carrying and half dragging him over to the table with the straps. They strapped him down very securely, face up. So securely in fact, that Rick was unable to move at all. His mind raced to try and figure a way to get out of what was to come, but realized any attempt would be futile.

The Emir leaned in and kissed Rick hard, sucking and licking. Rick kissed back with all the feigned passion he could muster. He felt the Emir's hands on his nipples, pinching gently and caressing. Rick felt his body start to relax. Although he did not understand his treatment, it was better than the torture he had been expecting. As the Emir's lips, tongue and fingers began to work their magic, Rick started to moan. The Emir whispered in Rick's ear, "That's it, Mujahid, relax, go with it."

"This is hot, Master." Rick whispered back.

"What, you were expecting torture?"

"Yes Master"

The Emir responded with a snicker.

At that same moment, Rick became aware of a pressure in his groin, a pressure that was quickly becoming painful; it was his cock, straining against the confines of its new cage. The Emir reached for something under the table, and Rick felt a chill up his spine as the butt plug began to vibrate. "Ay, Dios", he whispered under his breath as he felt the pain in his groin mixed with the pleasure everywhere else.

"Not Dios, Mujahid; Master", the Emir continued to whisper in Rick's ear, "Accept that I control you. Your body, and your mind. You will do as I say or you will meet the fate of my choice. And I don't mind telling you that I find you at this moment so hot I almost don't ever want this to stop. Your body already responds to me, your mind must accept."

Rick groaned, the butt plug was sending waves all over his body as it vibrated his prostate, the Emir's hands on his nipples were sending shock waves right down to his groin. And his cock was straining against its cage. Now the Emir's snickering made sense. This was much worse than being whipped. All he could think of was cumming. He wanted to cum, he needed to cum. It was as if his body was electrically charged without any place for the electrical current to go. He needed his cock to be free. "Please" he whispered.

"Please what, slave?"

"Please, give me the strength to get through this."

The Emir was not quite certain that his slave was talking to him, "Hmm, not what I was expecting, but then again, a lot more manly than begging for mercy. Unfortunately for you, this will play out my way, in spite of anything you may say or beg for. The Emir began stroking Rick's hair as Rick let out a yell of pain and frustration. "Yes, poor boy, I know."

The Emir retrieved some vibrating nipple plugs and laughed as his slave's eyes rolled behind his head during their application. "So, you play the piano, then?" He asked the slave.

Rick looked at the Emir as if the Emir was crazy, all the while sweating, breath ragged, trying to move his hips, as if that would bring some relief.

The Emir responded, "Well? Do you?"

"Yessssss." Rick hissed out through gritted teeth.

The Emir folded his arms in front of him and moved his face as close as he could to his slave's without touching. "Yes?"

Rick, still with teeth gritted, let out a quick short breath, angry with himself for his mistake, "Yes, Master."

"What, slave? I can't hear you."

"Yes, Master!!" This time it was louder.

"I am sorry, slave, I still can't hear you."

Rick took in a deep breath. "MASTER YES MASTER!!!", he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Now that was music." Once again the Emir snickered as he departed the cell, leaving his slave to his misery.


The butt plug eventually stopped vibrating as did the nipple clamps and an exhausted Rick drifted off into a light sleep. He opened his eyes and strained against his bonds to see what all the sudden noise was about. The guards were shouting at each other and something was bouncing around on or hitting the floor. Rick listened for a minute and realized that they were moving a piano. What is next, he thought?

Eventually the piano was moved into Rick's cell, after much arguing, furniture moving and cell door opening. Rick could see it was a grand piano and he also could see that there were rings attached to the sides. He didn't like the sight of those rings. And moreover, he didn't like the sight of Nigel walking into the room.

Nigel smiled a thin smile that Rick associated with evil, "G'day" He pointed to the piano, "A gift from the Emir to you. You said you'd write him a song, he's counting on it. Personally, I hope you were bullshitting so I get to have my way with you. You know what it feels like to be a piano, slave?"

Rick squinted, as he always did when something made no sense to him, "What?"

"Tsk tsk tsk. I didn't think so."

Nigel began to roll several what looked like Intravenous Solutions hanging from poles towards Rick. He reached into his front pocked and took out a key. Laughing, he continued to speak, "Know what this key is?"

Rick let out a disgusted breath as Nigel continued, "Guess you do." Nigel released Rick's cock from its cage, removed the butt plug, and carefully so that Rick could not fight back too hard, he unfastened Rick's legs one at a time and fastened them to a bar hanging from the ceiling.

Next came the enema tube and the sounds, as Rick realized that Nigel was intent on filling him up at both ends. I can take this, Rick thought. We've been through it before.

The sound of Nigel's voice broke Rick's thoughts, "So what kind of music do you play? Classical? Jazz? What?"


"All? Really? Most impressive. Myself, I like the classics. Would you like to hear?"

"Sure, whatever."

Nigel smiled the smile that Rick dreaded so much, "So glad you said that."

Finally the bags were drained and Rick thought his stomach would burst. Nigel brought out another set of bags as large as the first. This was more liquid than he'd ever taken before and now it was going into his bladder as well. Rick groaned as he felt the pressure of more liquid entering his body. The cramps were starting to be unbearable, his head was starting to pound, and his vision was blurring. Sweat was pouring down his face. Nigel looked pleased as the second set of bags drained, or more accurately squeezed, into his victim. When he believed it was not physically possible to stuff his victim any further, Nigel disconnected the bags and clamped off the tubes coming out of Rick's body so that no fluids would escape.

Nigel motioned to the guards and several of them assisted him in untying Rick from the table and refastening him, face down on top of the piano, using the hooks that Rick had previously noticed were flanking the piano's side. An agonized and exhausted Rick put up a minor struggle but was no match for the guards.

Rick moaned as Nigel sat down to the piano, "Oh I never know what to play at times like this...hmmm...oh I know, you're Latino. How about Carmen by Bizet? Yes." Nigel laughed, "Now slave, I am not so good, probably you're a lot better, so you will have to excuse me if I make a mistake or two. Also, sometimes I get a little frustrated and I bang on the keys. Bear with me, won't you, chap?"

Nigel began to play, he was purposely heavy handed with the keys and each note, each vibration of the piano onto which Rick was secured, sent waves and waves of pain to every part of his body. The low notes and their vibrations were especially hard on Rick's overly full stomach and bladder, whereas each high note felt like a drill going through his brain. His head was spinning, he stopped thinking and just lay there, motionless, waiting for it to end. The pain in his head was beyond endurance and Rick started to see black.

The next thing he knew, Nigel was standing over him with smelling salts, "Sorry chap, didn't mean to bore you with my playing." He sat back down at the piano, "Now where was I? I don't remember. Well, I guess I need to start again. Stay with me this time, chap, or we'll have to do it again. I simply must have you hear my rendition of this piece in its entirety."

Rick passed out four more times before Nigel was able to finish. The final time, as Nigel was about to awaken him once more, the Emir called; he'd been watching the scene from his private room. "Enough Nigel. He's had enough."

"Aw come on, Emir. Did you see him quiver and moan with the vibrations? It was superb. Two times after he passed out, I had to wank myself before I woke him."

"I know, I saw. Enough. Besides, I need you to help me pack."

"When do you leave, Emir?"

"In a few hours. Come on, Nigel."

"Yes Emir." Nigel sighed as he instructed the guards to remove the slave from the piano, drain him, refasten the chastity device, and place the slave in his bed.


Rick slept for almost 12 hours. His body and mind had been spent. His sleep was tumultuous, full of nightmares, dreams, waking and sleeping again. He knew before opening his eyes where he was and he assumed, from the amount of artificial light coming through his closed lids, that it was daytime. The palace lights, including those in his cell were generally turned down or off during the evening, so Rick knew when it was day and when it was night. What time or what day it was, he didn't know. And he caught himself starting not to care.

Before he opened his eyes, he noticed a faint, unpleasant odor mixed with another that smelled familiar. Cologne...whose? Then he remembered, it was the doctor from the prison. He opened his eyes to see the doctor, in very poor condition, huddled on the floor, sitting against the cell bars.

Rick raised himself from the bed very slowly, testing to see which body parts were still hurting, all the while keeping his eyes on his former enemy, now presumably a prisoner like himself. "What are YOU doing here?" Rick sneered at the doctor.

The doctor had been humbled by his experiences of late, but was determined not to show it to his former prisoner, "Well, Israel, you look attractive", the doctor laughed, "Collar, chastity belt. I wish I had thought of that."

"Unlike you, you just look like shit."

"Better a shit than a tart."

"A what?"

"A tart, the Emir's little bitch."

"You better watch your mouth. I still owe you." Rick said through narrow eyes and in a low voice.

The doctor smiled and tried to act smug, although his heart was racing, "Once proud officer, from the proud nation of fierce warriors. I laugh. Look at you now; `master, yes, master', prancing around in a cock harness, crying when they punish you. No wonder the Mossad does not claim you, you're an embarrassment."

Wordlessly, eyes black with furor, Rick moved slowly towards the doctor, who had stood up while speaking. Rick continued moving to the doctor, his expression blank, his teeth clenched and his eyes blazing.

The doctor rambled on, "Stay away from me, bitch whore. Concentrate on the next time you will pleasure your beloved Emir. I bet you were always a faggot, pretending to be straight......and I bet....". The doctor's sentence ended mid stream as Rick had grabbed the doctor's head and twisted it, breaking his neck. He let go and the doctor's limp, dead body fell to the floor.

"Shut the fuck up already." Rick said, in English.

Next: Chapter 9

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