Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Aug 28, 2003


Here is chapter 7, sorry it took me so long. Thanks for your patience. As always, questions, suggestions, comments, etc. are welcome.

****************Dont Get Caught VII ************************

The Emir kissed his new slave, left the cell, and made his way through the large palace to another area, an area for slaves not as lucky as Rick.

As the Emir opened the cell's metal door with its small window, he could already hear the crying of the prison doctor. The Emir opened the door to see the doctor huddled in the corner, his hands in the air. The doctor's face and naked body were dirty and bruised. His hair was disheveled, he had three days beard growth, and his eyes were hollow and red from crying.

"Please don't hurt me, Emir. I will do anything you want,"

The Emir looked through the doctor, "You will do anything I want, irrespective."

The doctor cast his eyes down and cried more.

The Emir was disgusted. He walked over to the doctor and grabbed him by the arm. "Get up, you piece of shit." Two guards rushed over to assist the Emir get the doctor to his feet. All the while the doctor begged and cried for mercy.

The Emir gave the doctor a hard slap across the face and the doctor yelped. "Enough", said the Emir, "Shut up already. You're not a man; you're not even a woman. The slave you sold me, he's been through a lot more than you and he does not cry and beg. He's a man." The Emir shook his head at the doctor, "You, on the other hand, make me sick"

The Emir spoke to the guards, "Take him to the questioning room." Although he already knew who the slave was and the reason he'd been in the Emir's country. It was time to punish this doctor for what he'd done. And the punishment was going to begin with an interrogation of the same type the doctor had used on so many of his victims. It seemed only fitting to the Emir.

The doctor was dragged to the questioning room, crying and pleading for mercy all the way, while the Emir followed.

The questioning room was a small, dimly lit room, consisting of a chair to which the hapless victim could be bound as well as a table with a similar restraint system. The doctor was strapped to the chair as electrodes were placed on strategic body parts.

"Now", said the Emir, "Let us pick up where we left off. I want you to tell me again who is this slave you sold me."

"Please Emir, Please!!! I didn't know. I don't know."

The Emir pressed the button on the box to which all the electrodes were connected and the doctor screamed.

The Emir spoke, "Is this how you tortured him? Unlike you, I bet HE didn't squeal like a pig when you shocked him on the lowest setting for all of 2 seconds. I bet he never once begged for mercy, did he?"

"Please no more, Emir. Please."

"Did he? Did he beg for mercy?"

"No he didn't."

"And you? Beg me for mercy, let me hear it."

"Emir I beg you. Please have mercy."

"Beg me again!"

"Emir, I beg you. I am weak. I admit it. Please, I will tell you what you want."

The Emir shook his head, "You disgust me. Now who is he?"

More crying, "An infidel. From the land that was stolen from our brothers."

The Emir pressed the button again and again the doctor squealed, "Yes, we've established that. Why is he here in my country?" The Emir held his finger over the maximum power button for the doctor to see.

"He is an assassin."

The Emir hit the button and the doctor screamed bloody murder. The Emir raised his voice, "And YOU!! You sent an assassin TO MY HOUSE!?!?! To the place where my children and wives sleep?!?!?" Why would you do that?"

"I didn't want to. Please Emir, please believe me, I am the husband of your cousin", replied the doctor in between sobs, "The general made me do it."

The Emir sighed. "Greed and ambition made you do it, not the general. And as far as my cousin goes, she no longer has a husband. And from what I understand, she is pretty happy about it. And now I want to know about that slave, everything that happened. If you tell me what I want to know, maybe, just maybe your death will not be painful."

"He wouldn't talk, but I could tell I was really close to his breaking point."

"Really close? And how did you come to this realization?" The Emir's tone was dubious and a little bit mocking.

"To try to get out of the torture, he seduced me."

"Seduced you." The Emir laughed, "Tell me, how does a bound prisoner seduce his torturer?"

"He looked at me. I could tell he wanted me."

"Yes, he wanted you all right."

"He sucked me, he told me he liked it."

"And you call that being seduced?"

The doctor was whining. "He liked it."

The Emir narrowed his eyes, "You are stupid. A stupid weak animal who cries like a girl. No one would like sucking your nasty little cock. He didn't seduce you, he used you as he was trained to do. Don't you own a mirror? Look at yourself some time and ask how anyone can stand to look at your face, much less your cock. He is a brave man, touching that cock of yours. You were weak to let him do it. You fell for your prisoner, you let him walk all over you, and now you will suffer for it."

The doctor saw one last chance to try and save himself, "Wait Emir! There's something I can tell you; something about him which only I know. And... and only I can help with."

"Really", said the Emir in a doubtful tone, "and what is that?"

"He's mentally unstable."

The Emir laughed again. "No doctor, you are the unstable one." The Emir motioned to one of his ever-present guards and spoke, "Chain this piece of shit to the wall and whip his ass ten times every hour until I tell you otherwise."

"Yes Emir", the guard speaking nodded his head.

The doctor started crying and begging again, "No, no really Emir, you have to believe me...he's crazy. Please, please believe me, you're in danger."

The Emir continued to speak to the guard, "And for heaven's sake, please put a gag on him."

And with that, the Emir turned and left.


Suddenly Rick felt a sharp pain hit him, coming from the bottom of his left foot. He opened his eyes but saw nothing. He smelled leather. And then he remembered; he was bound and gagged to the bed in his cell. As he gathered his thoughts and recalled his surroundings another sharp pain hit him, this time from the tip of his cock. He jumped.

The pain subsided and Rick was able to catch his breath. Suddenly, with no relation to the timing of the previous two shocks, another one suddenly hit him, this time on his underarm. Again he jumped. He tried to think, tried to remember...when did they put electrodes on me? How long was I out? And another jolt of pain, this time not as sharp and to his stomach.

Rick counted to see if he could time the shocks, but he had already learned that the severity and location of the jolts were varied, and now he was learning that the timing of the jolts was varied as well. Sometimes he got two jolts at once; sometimes he could count to over 100 before he felt the next one. Put your mind to work, he thought to himself. Do it, or you will go crazy. So he started to keep track of the jolts, the severity and the number of times he felt them categorized by each part of the body. 17 to my left nipple, 3 moderate, 14 sharp...10 to my right foot...all sharp, and so on. When the number of jolts finally reached over 300, his mind gave up, and he just lay there only peripherally feeling the pain.

His mind drifted off and he started to think again of his wife, his kids. He saw Jasmine running on the beach. She turned to him and smiled and waved. He smiled back at her. He looked over and saw his sister playing in the water with the boys. His little sister, so young when their parents died and now such a grown up lady. The lifeguard was blowing a whistle, and while all the other bathers ran out of the water, his sister remained with his boys. Jasmine was laughing and swimming out to the three of them.

People were screaming "shark". Rick looked at his family and called out to them to get out of the water, but they could not hear him. Then he saw the shark's head rise from the water and grab his son in its mighty grip. Rick screamed "No!! NO!!" And suddenly, blood and guts were everywhere as the shark squeezed his son's body. The other bathers were screaming as blood hit them.

The beach was red, the water turned to red. Rick tried to run over to his family but something was holding his arms and legs. He could not move. He struggled and screamed, "No, get out of the water!! Get out!!"


The Emir watched his slave, hooded and bound to the bed, screaming and bucking in his bondage. "Enough, turn the machine off", he yelled to Nigel.

"Emir, it's not on. It's been off for a half an hour"

"Oh God, well get him out of that hood. NOW!!!'

Nigel scrambled to remove the hood, the earplugs and the gag. The Emir pushed Nigel out of the way and grabbed Rick's head. Rick was still screaming in a language the Emir assumed to be Spanish.

The Emir was cradling Rick's head, "Shh shh, its ok. Come on, just a dream. Shhh."

Rick opened his eyes, still screaming. It took a few seconds for him to transition from dream to reality, as he did, his eyes focused, his breath and heart started to slow down. He looked up at the Emir, a look of relief to be awake obvious in his eyes.

The Emir spoke, "Well slave, that must have been some dream. What was it about?"

The color was slowly returning to Rick's face and his breathing was almost back to normal, "I don't remember."

The Emir didn't say anything. He just looked at Rick with a `come on you can do better than that' look on his face.

"Ok, I remember," Rick conceded, "But I don't want to talk about it. Please Master, just a nonsensical dream."

"About some one you love, perhaps? I didn't think they encouraged men like you to have loved ones."

"They don't, Master." Rick cast his eyes downward as a truly sad expression crossed his face. The Emir looked at his new slave and was incredibly turned on by how vulnerable he looked at that moment. As the Emir moved his face closer to the slave, both men knew what was going to happen.

They kissed for a full five minutes, as Rick welcomed the Emir's tongue. The Emir was surprised at how easy it was and how gently his new slave kissed him back. The Emir, who until this point had been holding Rick's head, now rested it on the pillow, and he caressed his slave while they continued to kiss. The Emir continued his caresses and spoke, "I know this is hard for you, and I must commend you. Considering your background and the fact that you are not gay, you are doing quite well. But I must ask you a question, slave."

Rick's head rested on the pillow, arms, legs, and neck chained to the bed. He relaxed as he felt the Emir's hands touch his body. He sensed no danger, "Yes master?"

"A man like you, used to being in control all the time. And I sense that somewhere back in your homeland you have a family, and you take care of them, you feel responsible for them. Yet, look at you now. You are not in control, but you are relaxed and calm. You're not trying to fight or struggle or outsmart me. Doesn't it feel good to not be in control? To not be responsible for anything? To allow some one else to take care of you? Admit it to yourself, you know it does. And this is the life I offer to you. A life of being loved, taken care of, with no responsibility, no more worries, no more stress. Don't you want that?"

Rick closed his eyes for a moment and looked up at the Emir with no reply. But the longing in his eyes was there. And it was unmistakable.

The Emir spoke again, "I thought so. Slave, there is nothing stopping you but you."

Rick looked into the Emir's eyes. The Emir had hit a nerve. How nice it would be, Rick had often thought, how nice, to go back to that time in his life when others cared for him and he was able to live irresponsibly, day to day. The truth was he was tired of his job, tired of the constant pretending, the ever-present danger, the pressure, and the violence. But no one before the Emir had ever guessed his thoughts so completely, had ever discovered his weakness. Not even his wife. Rick found himself wishing that it was a different time, a different place, and that he could actually consider the Emir's offer.

And then Rick's inner voice, the voice of reason, caught up with his thoughts. I must go on, he thought. Millions of people depend on it. And if I don't complete my mission, some one else will have to come and do it for me and maybe be killed in the process. Maybe that person has a family. And what am I thinking anyway, I love my family and they need me. I have to kill this guy and get home. I have to.

And all the time, while Rick's thoughts were racing, the Emir's hands were moving about. The Emir watched his slave's face, and although the facial and eye movements were subtle, the Emir could tell his slave was doing mental battle with himself. The Emir's hands moved down to his slave's groin area and began to massage. Rick groaned and closed his eyes, he felt the Emir's face next to his and they kissed again. A long wet kiss with lots of tongue. The Emir took Rick's head in one arm and continued to stroke him with the other. He could feel his slave's heartbeat quicken and he could feel the sweat on the slave's body. The hand that had been caressing his slave now also was holding the slave's head gently.

The Emir kissed Rick's forehead and spoke, "I would like to unchain you, but frankly I am concerned about what could happen if I did."

"I understand, Master", Rick replied, "I don't even know what I would do if you unchained me, to be honest."

"Hmm", the Emir responded to the unexpected reply, "Well I guess then I should thank you for your candor, as well as leave your mobility restricted. But I would like to continue." A look shot across the slave's face and the Emir knew his slave had something he wanted to say. "You may speak your mind, slave"

Rick hesitated a minute and took in a small breath before replying. "Thank you, Master. Tell me what you want me to do to continue. But...there'"

"There's what?"

"It's just concentrate...and know, because I didn't eat now for so long."

The Emir's expression changed to one of amusement, "Slave, are you, in some kind of awkward fashion, trying to tell me that you're hungry?"

Rick smiled a little back at the Emir, "Yes, master. I am not so good at expressing myself when I am not blunt, and I wanted to ask you nicely, and it was...I was...I didn't do it too well."

The Emir laughed, "And you just did it again, too. Adorable. It's ok. Humility takes time to learn."

Rick looked at the Emir with something to say at the tip of his tongue, and both men knew he was not going to say it. The Emir spoke, "Well, humility takes time to learn...or at least... that is what I've been told."

Rick nodded his head a little and smiled. It was the first real smile the Emir had seen from his new slave, and it was a beautiful one. The Emir traced Rick's lips with his finger and spoke, "I tell you what. We will finish this and then I will have my cook make you something to eat. If you are a good boy, you can pick what you want. If you are bad, then you will eat Spam." The Emir laughed.

Rick cocked his head, "Spam?"

The Emir was still smiling and had a kindly, joking look in his eyes to let his slave know he was only kidding, "Yes, Spam. You know, the Americans eat it. Comes in a can? All mashed up ham held together by God knows what. Yes, if you are naughty, Spam on white bread."

"I don't think I ever saw Spam but it sounds really nasty, Master, I better be good then."

The Emir tousled Rick's hair and smiled back at him. He could see that his slave was starting to relax and he hoped it was not an act. His body reactions could not possibly be an act, but the Emir hoped that his slave's mental reactions were not an act either. It would be so much easier and more pleasant to have a happy slave, especially an intelligent one such as this. One with whom the Emir and Nigel could joke and converse as well as use to their delight. And it was not outside the realm of possibility that this slave was tired of his life, tired of all the control and ready to relinquish it. Time will tell, thought the Emir. And control will be relinquished irrespective of the state of my slave's readiness, he added to himself.

The Emir began to run his fingers very lightly over Rick's newly pierced nipples. Rick braced, thinking that the Emir was going to cause him pain, but the rubbing was light and actually felt good on the sore nipples. The Emir spoke, "You pull back, Mujahid, like you think I will hurt you, but I will not. And if I were to hurt you, you must trust that it's for a reason. I will ask you to do things to please me that will be difficult for you, and I will help you to do them. Sometimes I will help you by explaining and sometimes I will help you with pain. And you will learn to enjoy all these sensations as I enjoy giving them to you. Now I am going to climb on the bed and straddle you. I want you to show me how hungry you are, ok?"

"Yes Master." Rick was ready for the Emir. He'd known for some time that this was eventually going to happen, but he never expected that when it did happen he'd be ready for it.

The Emir stripped his robe, climbed on the bed, placed his knees on either side of the slave and held onto bars of the headboard. He was aware of the slave's injuries and was careful to get himself in a good position without causing pain.

Rick began to lick the Emir's cock softly and gently. He was not sure what the Emir wanted, so he licked the Emir as he would like to be licked himself. Suddenly Rick felt his own cock massaged. It was Nigel; Rick had forgotten that he'd never left the cell. He felt Nigel's mouth on his cock and picked up on the cue. Whatever Nigel did to Rick, Rick did to the Emir. As his cock head was massaged by Nigel's tongue, Rick massaged the Emir's. As his cock was licked up and down, Rick licked the Emir's cock in the same manner. The Emir was moaning with pleasure and this sent further chills up Rick's spine. Rick often thought of having sex with more than one woman, and had done it several times, but this...two men, this was every bit as exciting, maybe more,

"Open your mouth" Rick heard the Emir say. Rick opened his mouth as wide as he could, aware that the Emir's cock was quite large. He gripped the bars of the bed head tightly. The Emir shook Rick's arms and spoke again, "Relax, slave. I will teach you how to do this. We will go slowly, it's ok. I promise."

In the meanwhile, Nigel was doing his best on Rick's body to help the slave relax. Between the sensations of the Emir now pinning down his already chained arms, the cock in his mouth, the dull pains that he still felt from his injuries, and the intense pleasure resulting from Nigel's handiwork, his mind started to jumble again.

It took several tries, with a patient Emir and a slave who got angry with himself for not getting it right each time, but eventually Rick was able to overcome the gag reflex and he was able to relax and try to get his breathing right, while the Emir pumped up and down, using his slave's mouth, and deriving a lot of pleasure from it. All the while, Rick's body shuddered in ecstasy, as a result of Nigel's ministrations. Each time Rick thought he would cum, the sensations slowed down and each time he forgot about his own pleasure and focused solely on the Emir, the sensations became more intense. Suddenly, the Emir's body tensed and Rick knew what was coming next. At that same moment, the sensations coming from his cock and balls were too much to bear, and the Emir and his slave came in unison. Rick was so engrossed with his sensation of pleasure, he was barely aware of the fluid shooting down his throat and its taste.

After a brief resting period, the Emir spoke, "Lick it clean, slave."

Rick licked the cock and balls that were held over his face, and unlike the previous night, this time he did not hesitate. This was the first time he actually tasted the cum, it was sweet, a little salty, much like he would have guessed. Although he could not see past the Emir, Rick felt Nigel doing something with his leg chains. The Emir kissed Rick lightly on the cheek and got off the bed. Rick saw that Nigel was smiling, holding his leg chains and using them in an attempt to move Rick's legs toward his head.

"NO!!" Shouted the Emir. Rick turned to see the Emir looking at Nigel and holding one hand in the air.

Nigel smiled "Oh come on, mate."

"I said no" The Emir's tone was very severe.

"Look at me, mate, come on." Nigel looked down at his own huge erection and back up at the Emir.

The Emir stared Nigel down. After a long pause, Nigel continued, "Ok, then, I will just use his mouth."

"No. I mean it. He's had enough. He needs to be fed."

"I propose to feed him." Nigel smiled.

But the Emir was getting more and more angry by the moment, "NO! And I WILL NOT TELL YOU AGAIN."

Rick observed the two men with intense interest.

Nigel replied, "Oh I see, you both get it. And I get to walk around like this", he pointed to his still hard cock, "So, what...I am the slave now?"

The Emir rolled his eyes, "Nigel, really, don't be so childish. There are over 100 slaves here who can take care of that. Run along and find one, for heaven's sake."

An angry look shot across Nigel's face as he threw Rick's leg chains on the bed and blazed out of the room. Rick watched, taking everything in that had just happened and realizing that should he be left alone with Nigel in the near future, it was not likely to be pretty.

The Emir shook his head in disgust, walked over to the bed, reattached Rick's leg chains to the bed's foot,unchained his arms, and readjusted his neck chain so there was more slack. Rick sat up, slowly and painfully, rubbing his wrists where the cuffs had been. Finally, Rick sat up straight, his arms down at his sides, palms flat on the bed.

The Emir sat on his stool and rubbed his slave's leg, "Now, I promised you something to eat. What would you like?"

Rick thought for a minute and spoke, "Lunch", he said matter of factly.

The Emir thought he saw a faint smile at the corners of his slave's mouth. He nodded his head and smiled, "Ok...lunch it is."

Next: Chapter 8

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