Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Aug 11, 2003


Thank you everyone, for you kind words of encouragement. Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it.

Again, comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Don't Get Caught Part 6

Suddenly, all the lights went on. Rick closed his eyes to shield them. Seconds later, four guards rushed into the cell, unchained him, and led him harshly to the toilet/shower area. He was shoved over to the toilet.

"Do your business, slave." One of the guards shouted at him.

As uncomfortable as he was, using the toilet in front of these men, Rick made no outward signs to show it. He looked these guards over. They were all very large, almost as large as the Emir and all bore the uniform of the Palace Elite Guard unit, one of the most highly trained and dangerous groups of men in this country.

When he was finished, the guards grabbed him and threw him against the shower wall. Rick groaned as his ribs smashed into the hard tiles. The water was turned on, and Rick was glad to feel that it was cold. He preferred cold showers and today was especially grateful for the cold water's effect on his aching muscles and foggy head.

Suddenly, one of the guards, the biggest one, kicked him in the groin. Rick yelped and bent over. The guard yelled at him, "Shower yourself, you piece of filth!! Surely you don't think we are here to do it for you. It's bad enough we have to come down here and watch you piss and shit. Hurry up."

Rick got up angrily, grabbed the soap and began to wash himself. Although told to hurry, his muscles were starting to feel better and he took all the time he could, letting the cold water soothe him.

In another part of the grand palace, in a large den that the Emir used for entertaining, the Emir watched the monitor and saw his new slave showering. The Emir loved to see naked fit men showering themselves. There was something sensual about the way the water dripped down their bodies and the way they soaped themselves. And his new slave looked very sexy indeed.

The Emir looked up when he heard the clinking of glasses as his old friend Nigel entered the room.

Nigel spoke to the Emir in English, "Right mate, tea with lemon, no sugar", and handed a cup to him. He saw what his friend was looking at, "Oh my, what have we here?"

"New slave."

"Nice. Say, do I get a crack at him? And when I say crack, I mean it literally." Nigel laughed

"Of course, my friend, "The Emir was laughing as well, "You are part of the plan. How could I leave you out of the fun?"

The Emir smiled at his friend Nigel, the former Englishman and now proud subject of his country. Although a citizen now, he still looked out of place. It was not just his short blonde hair and blue eyes; it was how he carried himself and how he dressed. He looked British and always would, but he was dear to the Emir. The two had met at university, in America. They were roommates and became quick friends and later discovered that they shared a mutual interest in men. They became lovers and would find other men that they could dominate for mutual pleasure. At graduation time, the Emir had begged his friend to come back with him to his country, but Nigel had refused, breaking his heart. A year later, Nigel showed up at the Emir's door, wanted in his own country for the rape of a young man. The Emir gladly took him in and the two men lived together ever since. Nigel had attended medical school in his new country and became the physician for the President and his family. And he had become

an invaluable asset to the Emir, as his partner, his lover, and his counselor.

"Look" The Emir pointed to the television screen and both men watched as the new slave was roughhoused over to the examination table and then bent over and bound, his feet on the floor. They watched as the guards prepared an enema and then roughly inserted it into the slave. They saw the slave attempt to resist every move. And some of his moves to resist were almost successful.

"Wow, that one is a fighter. Where did you get him?"

"Waleed found him. He is the small one we wanted. He is not a westerner I think, but otherwise he is what I asked for."

"Where's he from?"

"I am not sure", said the Emir, "He says he is Palestinian, a student, but he seems a little too...slick. He thinks that by cooperating, I won't break him, but he's wrong. You see the fight he's giving the guards and with me he is all `Yes Master, No Master', there's something about him...I don't know...dangerous. He will stay shackled for a long time I think."

"Do you plan to learn more about who he is?"

"Yes. I have the prison doctor downstairs, that man is such a coward. I will have him singing like a bird before lunchtime. Also, I have ordered the paperwork from his arrest, and his picture is circulating amongst the police and the intelligence community. We will know soon enough who this new addition to our family is."

"Good plan, Emir."

The Emir stood up, "Let me get down there and move this along." He started to leave the room.

Nigel stood, too, "Let me come?"

"Not yet my friend, first have your tea."

Rick felt the fluid push his guts to the limit; he dropped his head on the table and groaned in pain. Not only were his guts hurting, but the pressure on his insides was causing the pain in his ribs to be excruciating. And, of course, the more he focused on his pain, the more it hurt.

Finally he heard the water stop, and he tried to empty his guts but found he could not. His ass was slapped hard as the large guard spoke to him again, "You will hold that for a while", He laughed, "Its not like you have a choice about it." And the guards left.

Rick was alone in his misery, his upper body strapped to the table, his head resting on it. He was sweating profusely as he closed his eyes to try to think about something other than the pain. He felt a hand hold his and looked up to see the Emir holding it.

Upon seeing the Emir, Rick was reminded of just how much this man and his brother looked alike. The Emir was younger and in better physical shape, but it was unmistakable the two were brothers.

The Emir spoke, "That's it, good boy. You can do this. You look so hot like this I can't stand it."

Rick groaned.

With his free hand, the Emir pet Rick's hair. He continued to speak, "Just a little while longer. You can do it."

Rick's agony continued, while the Emir held one of his hands, and with the other stroked his body uttering words of encouragement. Finally, the Emir saw the sign he was looking for as tears began to well up in his slave's eyes. He motioned to the guards to come over and finish. They placed a bucket under the slave and removed the plug, enabling the slave to empty himself, and they repeated the enema process 2 more times. They then untied the slave and put his shackles on, and shackled him to the bed, sitting upright, collar chained to the wall. By this time, tears were streaming down the slaves cheeks. The Emir just watched, all the while playing with his moustache.

When his slave was finally chained and the guards left, the Emir pulled up his stool, but instead of sitting, he hugged Rick tightly. Rick went limp in the Emir's arms and started to cry uncontrollably, "It's ok" the Emir stroked Rick's back, "Cry. I promise it won't feel so bad next time. You have my word, ok?"

Rick nodded and the Emir sat down on his stool. The Emir wiped the tears away, while Rick regained control of himself. The Emir held his hand in the air and snapped his fingers three times. One of the guards appeared with a large cup of coffee.

"Now", the Emir said, "I am going to unchain those hands so you may drink. But I warn you; any funny stuff and you will be punished...severely. And, should you be so stupid as to try to hurt me in any way, you will be killed. Slowly, and in a more painful and heinous way than you can even imagine. I paid a good deal of money for you, and it would be unfortunate, should you meet your demise, but I will not and do not tolerate misbehavior. If you force me to kill you, all your suffering will be captured on videotape. And I can assure you I will find out where to send such a video tape if you force me to make one. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master." Rick understood the Emir and believed him, too. He knew he'd have to only one chance to complete his objective, wait', he heard his mentor's voice in his head, the perfect opportunity will always present itself, but you must never rush it. You will know when it is time.'

Rick's hands were unchained and he took the cup that was offered to him. My God, that coffee smelled amazing, and it tasted even better. Rick could not remember the last time he'd had a cup, He held the cup with both hands and drank it slowly, savoring the taste. The hatred and anger flowing through his veins, caused him to entertain a fleeting thought about throwing the hot liquid in the Emir's face, but he was able to dismiss it quickly. All the while, the Emir sat on the stool, watching him, while both hands rested on his new slave's upper thighs.

When the coffee was finished, the Emir took the cup and set it on the floor. He spoke, "Now, there is work to be done. This chain attached to the collar around your neck is to be your leash. I pull it and you will follow. Now give me your hands, I will attach your handcuffs, and then we are going over to the examination table."

Rick held out his hands in front of him, as the Emir snapped the cuffs. The Emir then took the leash from the wall and tugged, Rick followed behind. Two guards appeared from the other side of the room and forcefully got Rick on the table and bound him to it.

When they were finished, Rick could not move at all. Not even his head. The finishing touches were the ball gag that was forced in his mouth and the large dildo that was painfully and quickly shoved in to his ass.

The Emir stood watching, toying with his moustache. When the guards were finished, the Emir spoke. "Yes, good. You look very nice like that. Helpless", he laughed, `today will be a busy day for you. We are having to do things a little out of order, because of the injuries you received before you came to me. I prefer, when my slaves are injured, it is by my hand, so their pain is a reminder to them of me." The Emir moved closer to his new slave and jiggled the butt plug, so as to tease. The teasing had the desired effect; the slave's cock began to twitch. The Emir continued to speak, "You first will be examined by a proper physician, my personal physician, instead of that incompetent ass at the prison. Should the doctor choose to untie you, you will show him all the cooperation and respect you show to me, and if you don't, the consequences are the same as if you'd disrespected me. After the exam, you are the property of the doctor for the rest of the day. I regret I cannot be here to

watch, but I must go. I have an Emirate to run. Oh, and don't think I didn't forget, you are still owed some punishment." The Emir kissed Rick's cheek and left.

Rick's mind went into overdrive. An Emirate? What was the man talking about? His brother ran the country. The Emir was not really an Emir of anything. Rick had read intelligence reports suggesting that the Emir was delusional, but Rick had seen nothing in the man's behavior to suggest that. Sure, the Emir was a sick bastard, but delusional? No, I am missing a piece to the puzzle, Rick thought.

In Rick's world, the concept of illogical did not exist. There existed two kinds of things; things that could be explained, and things that had yet to be explained. The key to the Emir's mind was one of the things that had yet to be explained. But Rick was sure he'd figure it out, after all, he'd always done so in the past.

Rick's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the room. A man's face appeared in front of him and he was surprised to see it was an occidental, in western clothing. A light skinned man probably in his late forties, with short blonde hair and very light blue eyes. His skin was pale and he had a funny looking brown mustache, the kind with long ends and wax on the tips. Very old-fashioned looking. Rick knew there was a word in English to describe that kind of mustache, but he couldn't remember what it was.

The tall, thin blond man stroked Rick's cheek and spoke in English, "Well, slave, I am happy to meet you finally. The Emir tried to keep you from me. A bit inhospitable really, I must say. Don't you think? Lucky slave you are, you know. You're the first slave I can remember who has the honor to be examined by me. I am the royal physician, not a veterinarian."

Rick was surprised to hear not only English, but an English accent as well. Why was an English doctor here, working for the Emir?

Nigel looked over the slave's body. "No, this won't do I need your arms up." He looked over for one of the guards and addressed him in halting Arabic, "Hey, I need some help. Let's get the arms strapped over his head, yes?"

The guard came over and unstrapped Rick's left arm from its present position by his side, to up and tight over his head. He then unstrapped the right arm, but when he began to hold it up over Rick's head, Rick began to struggle and tried to scream.

Nigel held up his hand to the guard and the guard stopped pulling Rick's arm. Rick calmed down. Nigel spoke, "I see, so we have a great deal of pain on the right side. Hold still, slave I want to see what is causing it." Just to be sure the slave understood, he repeated in Arabic, "hold still I want to see."

With the guard holding Rick's arm as securely as a strap, Nigel began to probe the slave's chest. "Yes, I see, bruised or broken ribs. That must hurt. Now, the arm", as Nigel prodded and moved Rick's arm, the struggling started again, "I see. I wonder how long this shoulder has been dislocated. You should never, never let a thing like that go without seeking medical treatment. Only one thing to do about that, and I'm afraid it will be quite unpleasant."

Nigel looked at the slave's face to see signs that the English was being understood, but all he saw was wincing. Nigel continued to speak, "Not sure I can do this with you all bound like that, but we'll give it a go, and worse case, we'll have to do it again." Nigel put his hands on Rick's shoulder. "Take a deep breath...Ok now, on the count of three. ONE...!"

Rick took a deep breath and held it in, just as the doctor shoved his shoulder into it's socket, he screamed so loud from the intense pain that the gag couldn't even muffle it.

Rick closed his eyes and tried to breathe the pain away. He heard the doctor laugh.

"Yes, it works better if you do it before you actually get to `three'. I knew you understood English by the way."

The pain subsided somewhat as Rick realized his mistake. He was tired, hungry, and in pain, but he'd been trained better than that. He was so angry with himself that he barely noticed the next few items in his examination.

Nigel then had the guards assist, as Rick was turned over on his stomach and strapped down again. This time a pad was placed under his hips and his legs were strapped wide apart, thus raising his ass in the air and leaving him completely exposed. Nigel quickly examined Rick's upper body, so he could pay attention to the exposed ass. And what a nice, round one it was, he thought. He removed the butt plug and lubed up a finger, "Do make this easy on me slave, one way or another I will accomplish what I want."

Rick felt the doctor's finger try to invade and tightened up, the finger was relentless as it pushed its way in. The butt plug had been larger, but the finger was moving around the walls of his hole and although he didn't want it to, it was sending quivers up Rick's spine. The finger was then removed and Rick felt something larger try to go in...two fingers. This time Rick tried to relax as best he could, realizing that there was no stopping the invasion.

The doctor spoke, "Good boy, relax. Yes, very good." As the fingers moved all around. Rick felt the doctor's other hand reach under his stomach until it grabbed his cock, "Nice and hard. Perfect." As he drew his hand away. The fingers continued their assault until they found their target. Then, they stopped moving. Touching his prostate, but immobile.

Rick groaned and tried to move. The doctor laughed. "Now, don't rush things. Lay still boy. You realize from my present position I can cause you lots of pleasure or lots of pain. Now hold still. The fingers touching his prostate moved ever so slightly, causing Rick's heart to beat madly in his chest. All other sensations were gone; Rick's focus was entirely on that finger inside him. So much so that he never heard the sound of the paddle until it hit his left ass cheek. Rick tried to jump, but couldn't move at all. As the pain hit, so did the intensity of that finger, as Nigel had begun rubbing it again. Rick had never felt anything that intense in his life, the pain and the pleasure merging into one sensation.

Swat!! This time on the other side of his ass. As the finger and the paddle continued, Rick felt that feeling start at the base of his thighs. In seconds, he was cumming and twitching and the while the unrelenting finger and the paddle continued their assault.

Finally the finger was removed, as Rick fought to catch his breath. The doctor spoke again, "Well, that was indeed a wonderful response. You are one lucky slave, I find you physically fit to serve the needs of the Emir."

Rick heard the Englishman snap his fingers, and felt the two guards turn him over and strap him again to the table, immobile. His ass burned from the friction with the table combined with the effects of the paddle. He was getting very tired and his head was starting to fog over. Nigel saw the attempts the slave was making to remain clear, his eyes going in and out of focus. Nigel smiled, "Now come on boy, we have so much yet to do, stay with me."

Rick watched the Englishman walk over to the gym lockers and pull out what looked like medical equipment. An IV, a needle and some other apparatus. Focus, he thought, stay clear, you can beat the drugs; you know you can do it.

Nigel spoke, "No, it's not what you think. I think you are a little dehydrated, maybe tired from spending the night in such an uncomfortable fashion. This IV is just a little something to help you stay with me." Rick felt the prick in his arm, braced himself and waited for what was to come next. Nigel then held up what looked like 2 silver rings and spoke again, "You like, little one? Platinum. One for each of those very nice nipples. Emir's orders. We don't want the new toy to have an infection and we can't play with him anymore." He stopped to laugh. Rick looked at the nipple rings. These things looked huge and he knew this was going to hurt. A lot. Nigel continued to speak, "Yes, I know they are so nice and big, it will show the other slaves how important you are. And it will remind you of how important you are to us, there will never be a moment that you will not feel them pulling on those sensitive nipples, never a moment that you will forget the generous gift your owners have

given to you."

Rick closed his eyes; he had no desire to watch this. All during his career, he'd been so careful not to mark his body in any way. No identifying marks. And now, this Englishman in the Emir's court was going to pierce his nipples. He lay there helpless, immobile, bracing himself for the pain.

He felt the Englishman's hands on his body, first stroking his cock gently, and when there was no reaction, he felt the hands begin to play with his nipples. As much as he wished his body wouldn't react, it did. And all the while the Englishman was speaking, "Oh, yes, very nice".

Suddenly, Rick howled into his gag, as a slap landed across his cheek. The Englishman spoke, "You want to keep your eyes closed? Ok, let me help you."

Rick opened his eyes, to see the Englishman with a blindfold made from leather. Rick tried to move his head, but to no avail, and suddenly he was without sight. Blinded and speechless, hungry and exhausted. Reliant on the mercy of a madman. Come on, he thought to himself. Come on, you can do this. They can't leave you like this forever. Two stabs of a pin and the piercing is over. I can do this. I can do this.

It was right then that he felt the Englishman pinch his nipple, and then a sharp stabbing pain that started in the nipple, and traveled straight down to his cock. Every muscle in his body tightened up, and that just added to the incredible sharp pain that ricocheted from the nipple out everywhere and back.

Soon the sharp pain subsided and was replaced with a more dull one and Rick knew the ring was in. Rick was panting and he felt the sweat running down his face. The Englishman spoke, "There now, that was not so bad, was it? You should see how pretty it looks. Not too much blood either. Now relax for one minute. I think this time I would like to hear your screams, so I am going to take off this gag. What do you think?"

Rick lay there, just breathing, trying to will the pain away, aware that he was going to have to go through it one more time. He heard footsteps and then the Emir's voice, "Well Nigel, what have we here? Taking your time today, aren't you?" Rick felt a hand touch his hair; he assumed it was the Emir's. The Emir continued to speak, "How is my brave little Mujahid? So pretty your new nipple. But I think we need to take off this blindfold, I want to see your pretty eyes when the doctor here puts in your other ring."

He felt the blindfold being manipulated and finally removed. The Emir was standing over him, still playing with his hair, while the Englishman removed the gag. The Emir looked at his English friend, "Now we can continue. Hey, how much you want to bet me he doesn't scream?"

Nigel looked thoughtful, "Hmm. I hate to contradict you, but I think he's a screamer. I'll bet you...hmmm...", his face lit up as an idea came upon him, "I know...winner gets him for the afternoon."

The Emir laughed, "You are on."

Rick looked up at the Emir, who winked at him. Suddenly, he struggled in his bonds and was able to free a leg. At the sound of the commotion, four guards ran into the cell. It took all four to overpower the mostly bound man and replaced the restraints that had loosened. All the while, the Emir looked on, playing with his moustache and wearing an expression of amusement.

The Emir spoke to Rick. "You amuse me, Mujahid. Just where do you think you would have gone? You don't honestly think you can escape from here, do you? This is not a second rate prison for wayward American GI's, you know." The Emir changed language from Arabic to English. "No, there will be no escape for you, my little Cuban friend."

Rick looked at the Emir and said nothing.

The Emir continued, "You had to know I was going to make enquiries. You are the one they call the Cuban are you not?"

Rick hated being called that. Calmly and evenly he responded, "Yes"

"You grew up in Cuba and now you work for the Israelis."


"You are personally responsible for the deaths of some of my very close associates?"


"And you came here to try to kill me and my brother?"


"And now you are my little slave"

Rick did not answer. The Emir motioned to Nigel who prepared the other nipple for piercing. The procedure was quick, and although it was just as painful as the first time, Rick kept control, he did not allow his muscles to tighten, he did not scream out. But he was having to work harder and harder to keep his eyes in focus and his mind clear -- to keep out the blackness that was circling his head.

The Emir motioned around the room, "You know, there are cameras everywhere. I am going to take the most delightful pictures of you and send them back to your government. Look what I have made out of your big time secret agent." He laughed.

Rick met the Emir's eyes with that same smoldering look he had used on the prison doctor, "Bullshit", he said in English, peppered with a Spanish accent. "You will never do it, if you did, you know they will come here and find me."

The Emir looked over at his English friend, "You know what Nigel? Although I won the bet, I think I will let you have him for the rest of today. I still have more to talk about with that piece of shit prison doctor." He turned to Rick "Oh little one, I am sorry for what you will be going through in the near future. But don't worry. Now that I know who you are, it makes me want you all the more." He kissed Rick's forehead and left.

Rick turned his eyes to look at the Englishman. He was smiling as he held up the leather hood for Rick to see. "Now for some sensory deprivation therapy", he said, "Tell me, you're the secret spy agent, is it true that impairing one or two senses alters the brain such that the subject is unable to think properly? I think I read that in James Bond novel. Let's see if it's true."

Rick tried to struggle but the Englishman was successful in placing earplugs in Rick's ear, a gag over his mouth, and the hood over his head. He was cuffed at the ankles and wrists and picked up by some one large, who slung him over the shoulders, carried him across the room, and laid him on the bed. His feet were then chained to the bottom of the bed and his wrists to the top. When his arm was pulled up, he tried to struggle and yell from the pain, but all he got for his trouble was a hard slap on his cock.

As he lay there, unable to move, see, or hear, he allowed his mind to succumb to the blackness.

Next: Chapter 7

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