Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Jul 31, 2003


Thanks again to everyone for your words of praise and encouragement, I appreciate them.

Don't Get Caught Part V

Rick was sitting in the corner of his cell, half awake, half in a trance, his knees bent in front of him, his elbows on his knees, and his shackled hands holding his head. He literally jumped as the doctor burst into the room and without stopping, grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.

The doctor spoke. "Come on now, we don't have a lot of time. We have found our little puppy a nice home."


"Yes, that's right, you are being sold."

"To whom?"

The doctor giggled. It was a giggle Rick didn't like, and one that made him very suspicious. "I can't tell you who your buyer is", the doctor said, "but I can tell you that I hope you appreciate the concept of irony."

Irony? What was the doctor talking about, Rick thought, as the doctor held his arm and led him, almost dragged him at their swift pace, into a room Rick had not seen before. This room was also clearly an examination room with the same sterile surroundings as the one to which Rick was accustomed. This one, though, instead of having a table, had a chair.

Rick looked up and noticed that there was a television mounted up on the wall, the wall you'd face if you were strapped into the chair. He looked at the image of the man on the screen. It was the Colonel, bound to a chair, gagged, and with all kinds of wires running from his body to somewhere that was out of view of the camera. Rick saw the writing on the wall, literally.

The doctor steered Rick to the chair and strapped down his legs to a place on the chair's feet designed for this purpose. He then strapped Rick's left arm with the cuffs attached and after his arm was secure, uncuffed his hands and strapped down the other one. Straps were applied to Rick's thighs, arms and neck.

The doctor spoke. "I will be nice and not strap your chest, but if you give me problems, I will do it. Now I must prepare you for inspection. If you are a good boy and don't give me any problems, I will not cause you pain and I will give you a treat. If you are a bad boy and cost me time, not only will you be made to pay, but your friend, the American, will be made to feel what you are feeling. And, as you can tell by looking at him, your friend is not doing too well. Not well enough for what I have in store, anyway."

Rick gazed at his friend and former teacher on the monitor. It was true, the Colonel looked like he had enough. He was pale, his eyes were shut, and his head hung. But, was this real or was it a show being put on to make him cooperate? Those soldiers found them in the parking lot too fast and too precisely during the botched escape attempt, and he'd held the Colonel responsible. How else could they have known unless the Colonel had tipped them off somehow?

But then again, the Colonel did not appear to have reaped the benefits of cooperating with the enemy. And this was a mentor, a teacher of his. He knew what the Colonel would tell him to do in this situation; he heard the Colonel's voice in his head, repeating the phrase he'd heard so many times in the past, "Save yourself, always save yourself. If you can get away you can save the others. If you risk yourself, then the others have no chance."

Rick heard a click from his right ear and saw the Colonel jump, try to scream, and saw a tear come out of his eye. The doctor spoke. "Just so you realize I am serious. Now let us get down to work."

The doctor shaved Rick's face and genitals, trimmed his hair, and cleaned all the bruises. When he finished he faced the chair and placed his arms on each armrest and leaned in. "Now, for your briefing. The buyer wants an American, so American you are. You will speak only when spoken to. You will be touched, explored and examined. You will comply or we will kill each American prisoner. One at a time, for every infraction."

Rick looked into the doctor's eyes, and the doctor recognized the familiar steely, angry expression. "What makes you think I give a shit what you do to the Americans? They have nothing to do with me."

"You will have their needless murder on your hands. These are young men with families."

"Families they will never see again. And don't make it my fault. You're the one holding the knife, not me. Those soldiers are pawns, assets. Nothing more."

"You know and I know that you will feel responsible. You know and I know that I will do it. And you know and I know that you will cooperate." The doctor said as he removed his robe.

Rick let out a loud breath of disgust. "Certainly you don't think that I am going to do that again."

"Why not? You seemed to enjoy yourself last time. I saw your cock. And this time, if you can please me as you did last time I will even allow you relief."

Rick just stared into the doctor's eyes, his own eyes smoldering. "Why not? Because you repulse me. You are hideous and pathetic, so pathetic that the only way you can satisfy yourself is to take advantage of a bound prisoner. I'm sure it's because no one normal would even have you. And so you're clear, it was not sucking cock that repulsed me; it was sucking YOUR cock. You can punish that American until you are so turned on that you have to wank yourself in the corner for all I care, you sadistic fuck. But I am not doing that again, not with you anyway."

The doctor lost control and was furious. He had no time for this. He just wanted one last quick time with the prisoner. How dare this man, this infidel, speak to him in this manner? He raised his hand to slap the prisoner and stopped, remembering he could not mark him. There was a long pause as the hand remained in the air and the prisoner braced for it. The doctor lowered his hand slowly.

Rick smiled, "Yes I thought so, as much as you want to hit me, you can't. You can't disobey the General, can you, you sniveling coward. You're such a nothing, thinking I would ever really want to suck your tiny little cock."

The doctor took a deep breath to regain control and spoke in a soft voice as he recuffed his prisoner, threw a robe on him and dragged him out of the room, "I can't wait until you see your new home. It will be good for me to know you are there. The perfect place for a Zionist, infidel pig."

The general and Waleed stood up as soon as the slave was led into the room.

Upon first glance at his new property Waleed smiled, looked at the General, and said "Oh yes, I like." Waleed took hold at the robe covering Rick's body, looked again at the General and said "May I?"

"Of course." The General replied.

Rick eyed this new man, trying to size him up. I could take this man easy, he thought. He made up his mind to cooperate.

Waleed removed Rick's robe and looked into his eyes, trying to gage his expression, but saw nothing. His hands moved all over the new slave's body, and while he noticed predictable reactions as he touched sensitive parts of the body, the slave was for the most part, non reactive.

Waleed spoke English to the prisoner, "What is your name?"

The General quickly interrupted, "Speak Arabic to him, test him out."

"Good idea", Waleed said and asked the slave again for his name, this time in Arabic.

"Robert Vitale" Rick responded. It was the name the doctor had told him to use.

"I see" Waleed continued, "And where are you from?"

"New Jersey" He did not name the country, as the doctor had instructed him. Apparently, according to the doctor, Americans just named their city or state and expected that everyone else in the world would not only know it was in America, but exactly where it was located.

Waleed smiled at the doctor and the General. "He's perfect. I will take him."

Rick felt the prick in his arm and blackness came over him.

..."He didn't open his eyes. He didn't have to, to know his surroundings were new. And he felt the presence of some one else close by. Friend or foe? Foe, he assumed, for that was a safer choice. He realized his hands were still bound behind his back and very quickly the pain returned. Pain all over. Pain like he'd never felt before in his life. Every muscle and joint ached and his ribs; He wondered how many of them were broken...his ribs hurt constantly and kept him from taking a deep breath. He knew he'd been drugged but in a small way he was glad, it was the first sleep he'd had in many days and he was thinking more clearly"...

A foot nudged his chest and he groaned. "Open your eyes", a voice commanded him in English.

Rick rolled over a little and slowly opened his eyes, but all he could make out was bright light and the silhouette of a man standing over him, a very tall man, he noted. He closed his eyes again in pain and as a reflex to the bright lights.

The foot nudged him again, but this time harder. Rick yelped in pain and responded in Arabic. "Please don't kick me again", while gasping for air.

The tall man grabbed his arm and slowly helped his new slave to his feet. Rick's eyes finally cleared enough to focus and when he finally saw the face of the tall man, he could not suppress his surprise. He was standing next to one of his objectives. It was truly unbelievable. He'd never really believed in the concept of "God's Will", but how else could something like this be explained? The mission was still viable although in order to succeed, he knew he was going to have to do things he never learned to do in his training.

The tall man smiled and spoke in Arabic. "So, you know who I am?"

Rick looked around the room, half of it was an opulent bedroom and the other half, the half in which they were standing, was a cell. Spartan and with bars separating it from the bedroom area. The cell part, the part in which Rick assumed he'd be living was sparse, but not as bad as the cells he'd been used to in the prison. There was a real bed like one from a hospital, a lavatory, a shower stall, a bench, a table much like the one he'd been strapped to so often during his prison stay and some gym lockers. There were also loops all over the walls and floors. Rick wondered how long it would be before he'd find himself chained to one of them.

"Yes, I know who you are." Rick answered softly and evenly and looked the Emir in the eyes.

"Your Arabic is quite good." Said the Emir, in an approving tone.

Rick put on his best confused look, "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, because most of your countrymen barely speak their own language, let alone one of a foreign country."

Again Rick tried to look confused, "But you already speak Arabic here."

Now the Emir was confused, "You're not American?"

Rick shook his head no.

"Where are you from? They told me you are an American."

"I am from Palestine. I came to your country as a student and I didn't leave, Emir."

"Master", the Emir said.

"I am sorry?"

"Master. To free men I am Emir. You will call me Master. You will only speak when spoken to and you will answer all questions directly and immediately."

"I see, Master. I apologize."

"I will let it go because just this once because you are new. From now on, all infractions will be punished." The Emir looked down at his new slave and narrowed his eyes. That was too easy, he thought. Usually they put up a fight before they accept their station. He was sure a fight was in store. He liked his new slave. Adorable, intelligent, and physically what he had asked for. But he was not western as specifically requested.

"Did they tell you to act like an American?"

"Yes Master."


"I don't know. I was told to do it or die so I did it, Master." Rick was having a good time with this and saw an opportunity to even the score with the doctor and the General. "It seemed strange because so many Americans were there in the jail with me."

"Tell me, slave, why were you in jail?"

Rick looked at the ground and faked a blush, " was because of a girl, Master."

The Emir walked Rick over to the lavatory and uncuffed one hand while he held the other behind his back, so that his slave could do his business. "If you need, I will take out your butt plug so you can do the rest", the Emir said as he reattached the cuffs.

"No, Master, I am good, thank you"

"Tell me all about your arrest." The Emir said as he walked Rick over to the bed, sat him down at the edge of it, placed a collar around his neck and chained the collar to the wall behind him. The Emir pulled up a stool and faced the slave. He rubbed his hand up and down his new slave's thighs and was surprised to see there was no resistance.

Meanwhile, a cart with food had been rolled in and placed in front of Rick by a large dark skinned slave. Rick had no idea how long his journey had taken, but judging from his hunger pains, it had been at least a day. The pleasant aroma of the food was distracting, but he ignored it and continued.

"It was the doctor's daughter. I was starting to date her and the doctor didn't want me around. He told me to leave her alone, but we kept seeing each other in secret and so he had me arrested and taken to the prison. And, when he told me to lie and tell that Pakistani I am American, he said it was revenge to you for his ugly wife or something like that." Rick cold see the veins in the Emir's neck start to pop out as his face turned red with anger.

The Emir pointed to the food. "You may eat slave and I must congratulate you. Had you grabbed for that food without my permission I would have taken it away and left you the dark and hungry for days.

He watched his slave eat and realized it was probably the first real food he'd eaten in days, since it was the Emir himself who had ordered that all prisoners be given dog food. In spite of his hunger, the slave displayed all the manners and eating habits of a proper Arab.This boy was no westerner, he was convinced.

The Emir gave Rick a pat on the head, "You did the right thing to tell me the truth, slave. You must never keep anything from me. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Now, I want you to lay down and rest a little. We can't begin your formal training until those ribs are a little better, so I want them healed as soon as possible. I will be back shortly."

Rick lay on the bed and closed his eyes, pleased with himself. The doctor would be called on the carpet and would never, could never explain the truth. That he had sent a professional assassin to the house of the President's brother, an Israeli no less. And he could tell from the look in the Emir's eyes that the Emir had believed his story.

When he opened his eyes again, he realized he must have slept, since the Emir was back on the stool, staring at him.

There was a kindly look in the Emir's eyes, a look Rick had never seen in any of the tapes or pictures he'd studied of this man. The Emir spoke, "Already you have become an asset to me, slave. A man in my position must know who his enemies are and must take care of them immediately. I had a nice conversation with the General and it seems the doctor tried to pass you off as an American to him as well."

"Now you and I", the Emir continued, "We have work to do. I will unchain you from the bed and we will go to the bars on the wall where I will chain you so that I can examine my new property. Don't fight or resist and you will be treated well. If in any way, you try to hurt me, the guards will be in here faster than you know it and you will be taught the hard way how to respect your Master. Understand?"

Rick nodded his head yes as his neck was unchained and he was led to the cell bars. The Emir chained his arms out to his sides. He also chained Rick's waist and legs, spread wide apart and he was unable to move very far. Then, the probing began.

The Emir moved his hands first up and down his new slave's chest. It was a nice chest, too. Defined muscles and shaved, just as he liked. Rick gasped as his nipples were pinched and pulled and he noticed a pleased expression cross the Emir's face. The probing then moved to his legs and thighs and finally his cock and balls. The Emir cupped Rick's balls in one hand, and stroked Rick's cock with the other. Between the sensation from the butt plug, his nipples, and now his cock and balls, Rick could do nothing as he helplessly watched himself get hard.

The Emir smiled, "Oh very nice."

Rick was surprised at how gently the Emir touched him. He'd expected it rough, as was the Emir's reputation. Instead it was gentle touches and caresses and Rick's body was responding as the Emir wished. The Emir continued to fondle Rick's balls as he stroked his cock. Rick's heart began to beat faster and his body started to give off a lot of heat. As soon as he got the response he was looking for, the Emir immediately took his hands off his slave.

"Very nice indeed" The Emir said, as he removed his robe.

Rick looked at the Emir's groin area and his heart stopped for a second. Unlike the doctor, the Emir's cock was huge. He thought about the Emir's cock and the places on and in his body that this thing was going to end up, and bit his lower lip.

"It's glorious, isn't it?" The Emir said, "And you will be trained to worship it. You will only be happy when I give it to you, and you will learn to beg me for it. And you will be trained to endure anything that pleases me in order to get it." The Emir began to rub his own cock.

Rick watched, his heart pounding. His head was in one place and his body was in another. This was it, he thought, and he prayed silently for the strength to get through it.

The Emir moved up to his new, bound slave, and gently kissed his ears while his body rubbed his slave's and the Emir was content. Although the look on his new slave's face was one of worry, the response of his body were perfect. The Emir stepped back and took his slave's cock in one hand and took his own in the other. As he rubbed the tips of both cocks together, each lubricating the other with pre cum, the slave gasped again.

The Emir put his chest to his slave's face, his cock on the slave's stomach. This was an easy task, due to the difference in height between the two and the fact that Rick's legs were spread, thus making him lower. "Kiss them", the Emir said in a gentle, but firm voice.

Rick kissed and then bit lightly on the Emir's nipples as he felt his cock being placed between the Emir's thighs, and his nipples tingled with the fsensations of the Emir's hairy front pressed against them. They continued like this, with Rick sucking, licking, and biting the Emir's nipples while the Emir ran his hands all over his body, Rick's cock, tightly held between the Emir's thighs.

Finally the Emir whispered in Rick's ear "Cum now, my slave." The sensation of hot breath on his ear was too much; Rick couldn't have stopped himself from cumming even if he wanted to. Spasm after spasm shook his body until he went limp, supported by the chains and the Emir. The Emir stepped back and Rick realized that he'd cum, too, all over Rick's stomach. The Emir took some of the cum in his fingers and brought them up to Rick's lips.

Even though he knew what was expected of him, Rick hesitated. Licking another guy's cum was gross. But, he knew what had to be done and he opened his mouth.

The Emir moved his hand away, displeased. "You ruined it, slave. I was going to reward you and you ruined it. When I want something done, it is done immediately. NO ONE hesitates when I command, especially not a slave."

"I am sorry Master. You are right, it won't happen again."

The Emir's face was red with anger, "What did we discuss about speaking when you are not spoken to? I did not request an answer. Now you have displeased me twice. The first time I would have excused, but two times in as many minutes. You will learn, slave, not to displease me. Your punishment will begin tomorrow morning."

The Emir stormed out of the room and turned out the lights, leaving Rick chained to the cell bars, covered with cum, and in the dark.

He was alone in the dark, with nothing to think about except the pain in his body and what lay in store for him.

I can't wait until I kill this guy and his brother, too, thought Rick.

Next: Chapter 6

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