Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Jul 22, 2003


This is my first foray into the world of erotic story writing. I hope you like it.

Dont Get Caught Part I

He didn't open his eyes. He didn't have to, to know his surroundings were new. And he felt the presence of some one else close by. Friend or foe? Foe, he assumed, for that was a safer choice. He realized his hands were still bound behind his back and very quickly the pain returned. Pain all over. Pain like he'd never felt before in his life. Every muscle and joint ached and his ribs; He wondered how many of them were broken...his ribs hurt constantly and kept him from taking a deep breath. He knew he'd been drugged but in a small way he was glad, it was the first sleep he'd had in many days and he was thinking more clearly.

And of course, now that he could think clearly, he was free to remember the events of the past three weeks, the worst case scenario, the one you train for but never think will happen to you, had happened. Incredibly, as good as security was, there was a mole. The enemy knew who he was and they had waited for him and found him. The enemy was good. Better than he thought they'd be, not as good as he was, but good. And for now, this round, they had won.

His assignment: assassinate the dictator of a small but wealthy country whose ambitions threatened the security of his small country, surrounded on all sides by enemies. He was no novice to this type of assignment, he knew the risks and the rewards, but he never expected to find himself here, in his present predicament.

He knew what he was supposed to do if caught and he did it, but they were smart and anticipated it, and fed him the antidote before the toxin could take effect.

They knew his mode of operation well enough to know where to look for him, the darker part of life in that small religious country, the place where gay men secretly met. Not that he was gay, but he had found that gay men made excellent assets, especially in a country where secrecy was paramount. Unlike in his own country where little attention was paid to the sexual activities of its citizens, he underestimated the interest that intelligence personnel paid to this part of their culture, in the paranoid dictatorship. Having had a `cover' as a model for years he was no stranger to gay men and had an open mind towards homosexuality although he was straight. But through his experiences he learned a lot about gay men and could pass easily for one.

Upon entering the country, he'd met Adel. The story was that his wife had thrown him out of the house upon learning he was gay. He'd met Adel at a clandestine bar, he purposely looked for an average looking man, working class with sympathetic eyes and it worked. Adel took pity and in the hope that he might be able to persuade this newly out gay man to be more than just a friend, let him stay. He'd found in his career that few could resist his well-built frame, curly black hair, olive skin, and dimpled face. It was true that he was shorter than he'd like to be at 5'6", but it never held him back: not from the modeling career, not from his job, and never from women. He knew how to work people, to work assets, and that is what made him good at his job.

Adel had come back from work one day and seemed out of sorts and he could see his asset seemed troubled. But Adel refused to discuss the reason. Suddenly, Adel looked at his watch, mumbled something about needing to meet some one, and ran out of the apartment. It only took him a second to realize he'd been compromised. The problem was, it was one second too late.

Just as the soldiers came racing in, he reached into his pocket as quickly as possible for the tablet and bit down, in his head saying his Lord's Prayer and apologizing to his wife and family, and quickly the dreams started, just like he was taught they would.

He didn't expect to wake up, but he did, and in a cell in a prison that looked exactly like he'd visited in his training. But, unlike training exercises, this was real and he knew it. He was lying on a cold cement floor in a cell that had some ominous looking chains on the walls and on the ceiling. There was light coming from the bars in the door and he could make out a hole in the floor, which he needed to use. He was naked and he knew a day had passed since his capture. He ground his teeth, in a subconscious gesture of concentration, and mentally prepared himself for the worst.

His expectations were met. In a few hours, two large guards entered the cell and threw a bowl at him. They laughed at him, "Eat, you Godless pig. You will need your strength." He didn't move. Instead he just looked at the two guards, sizing them up. After the guards left, he looked at the bowl. It was obviously meant to be eaten, but he'd never seen anything like it before, or maybe he had. Was it dog food? It didn't matter. You never miss a meal, he remembered his mentor teaching him, you never know when you're going to get another and if you get a chance to escape you will need all your strength. He ate it all and it was awful the sooner he got used to the slop the better anyway. It was all he assumed he'd be eating for a long time. And then his head got heavy. Mistake number two, he thought to himself just before he passed out.

Before he fully awoke he realized he was strapped to...something. Flat on his back, naked, and something was attached to his cock and his balls. He flexed involuntarily and realized that something was on his tits and stomach, too. And then a jolt as the electric shock hit his stomach.

He managed not to scream in pain as was his impulse and opened his eyes to see the room he was in. Some kind of laboratory or examination room. Dark with one light bulb in the center of the small room. A man in a robe holding a box with wires that led to his body, and two uniformed guards standing by the one, low, doorway.

"Now we begin, my handsome soldier. I am the doctor, your personal physician. How lucky I am that my superiors see fit to give me such a pretty boy to keep me company all day.", said the doctor with a smile. It was obvious this man was going to be enjoying himself.


Another jolt when he did not respond. This time to his tits, and again it was all he could do to keep from screaming. He started to breath hard to make the pain stop. "That was your chance to learn, if you don't answer again, you will please me very much, as I enjoy a little electrical training. You hesitate and I will jolt you, you lie, and I will do it harder and for longer. The choice is yours. Now, name"

"Ishmael" he responded. It was not a second later when the pain came, this time stronger, longer. And to his entire body. And this time he screamed. When the pain and agony stopped, the prisoner quietly said "Israel", while looking into the eyes of his captor.

The doctor smiled, " A clever boy I see. Good, you will see it's much easier to cooperate, since eventually you will answer anyway. Now, why are you here in my country, Israel?"

The prisoner looked back at him a little annoyed " I am not playing this game. You know why"

Another larger, longer jolt and more screams, "Temper, temper, now. I can see you are going to be a fun one. Handsome, smart and stubborn. I told you before, if you lie, if you hesitate, you will be punished. And now I will add one more thing, for attitude you will be punished more. Five minutes this time because the first time is only for demonstration purposes. I am a merciful man, after all. Are you ready?"

The prisoner spit in his face, and was immediately irritated with himself for letting his emotions gets the best of him. The doctor just laughed and flipped the switch. He screamed and struggled in his bonds, and passed out after a minute. When he awoke, his head was cradled in the doctor's hands and a cold compress applied to his forehead. When his captor saw he was awake he let go.

"Wow, you are a tooth grinder. That will give you an awful headache", he laughed, "That was one minute, four more minutes to go. You're a tough one, I think we need to make a lasting impression." The doctor walked over to a cabinet and took something long out. The prisoner was trying to figure out what it was. The doctor smiled as he attached an electrode on one end and suddenly the prisoner realized it was a dildo, now an electric one. The doctor strapped the prisoner's legs up and without hesitation or lubrication, shoved the invader into the prisoner's unwilling hole.

"You see, you have no choice. I control your body and as time passes I will control it more and more as well as controlling your mind. You watch this." The doctor worked the controls again and the prisoner braced for the pain, but this time he felt a strange vibration inside of him. The electrified invader was touching his prostate and he knew what the doctor wanted. And he knew he couldn't do a thing about it. So he lay there, strapped down, and relaxed while sensations he never felt passed through his body. The doctor was playing his body like it was a piano and he had no choice but to let him. Every time the prisoner was close, the sensations decreased and every time he started to go soft, the sensations increased. The prisoner was tiring; the doctor knew exactly the right time to let him explode. Spasm after spasm racked the prisoner's body as he came like he had never come before. And as soon as he was finished, the doctor pressed the pain button.

The prisoner screamed louder than he had ever screamed in his life, his defenses had been down and the pain was more than he could bear" Four more minutes" the doctor said whilst laughing, "You didn't think I would forget, did you?"

He passed out four more times. The last time, the doctor untied him, licked the dried cum off his prisoner's chest, and motioned to the guards to take him away. He looked down at his unconscious prisoner and said softly "until tomorrow, my little fighter" and kissed his sleeping head.

This went on for days, the prisoner knew he couldn't betray his country or his family, and the pain was unbearable as were the orgasms but there was nothing he could do. Worse, he knew that no one would be coming for him. As a captured assassin, he no longer existed. He wished he was dead, and he prayed that soon they would tire of him and he would indeed be killed. He didn't even care how. He just wanted peace.

The peace didn't come, but more torture did. The horrible questioning, the electric jolts, the beatings from the guards, the terrible food, the drugs that kept him from controlling his own mind. A couple of times, he noticed an erection under the doctor's robe. It's only a matter of time. He concluded.

And one day, the last thing he wanted to happen, did. In the middle of another ten racking minutes of electrical pain punishment, he started to cry. Immediately, the doctor stopped and held his head. "There, there, my boy. It's ok. Let it out. I bet you have not cried for a long time, you're so alone, a little island. I will help you. You want me to help?"

The prisoner did not reply, he just looked up at the doctor, no malice or hatred in his eyes. The doctor looked back and saw a new look in his prisoner's eyes, a look he could only describe as `sultry'. He knew he had to have his prisoner. Today. Now.

The doctor's hand ran down his prisoner's body very softly, caressing. For a minute, the prisoner welcomed the gentle touch. "Think, he said to himself. Keep crying, pretend to like it. Gain some control. Ruin it for him"

Meanwhile the doctor was enjoying himself, I wonder how far this boy will let me go before the struggle starts again, I know I've not broken him yet. At least I hope not. He ran his hands all over his prisoner's body, skimming his genitals, and the prisoner started to calm down. He even closed his eyes and seemed to enjoy it. The doctor removed the electrodes and began to play with the prisoner's tits and cock. The prisoner was quiet, watching, cock hardening. He was prepared to do whatever he had to in order to gain more control of the situation. He was not going to give the doctor the satisfaction of his repulsion or of a struggle. He watched the doctor, put on his best poker face, and tried to control his breathing.

Meanwhile, the doctor was watching his prisoner's every eye movement, every twitch of his body, every breath and detected nothing but passivity. This was nowhere near as exciting as when the handsome soldier resisted, but it was exciting enough. He felt the pre cum dripping from his hard cock and could not wait any longer. He repositioned his prisoner's legs, so that he could easily...

"Brrrrrring brrrrrriinng" It was the shrill sound of the telephone, the red phone, the one that had to be answered immediately. With a quick expletive, the doctor left his prisoner and went to the phone. The prisoner looked at the ceiling and whispered "Thank you" under his breath.

While the doctor was still on the phone, 5 large guards removed the prisoner from the table, cuffed his hands behind him, chained his legs and took him away to another part of the prison. Don't count your luck just yet, he thought to himself, although he was relieved for the moment.

He tried to memorize the paths on which the guards were leading him, just as he had memorized the way from his cell to the torture room on the few occasions when he was conscious and led in chains. As the guards held him and led him along, he held his own, occasionally giving the guards a good shove with his body or an elbow in the ribs. For his efforts, he was rewarded with a couple of punches to the stomach and chest and a nice one on the eye.

Finally, they arrived at their destination. A cell with several men inside. The guards removed his handcuffs from behind his back and recuffed him in the front before throwing him in the cell. The leg shackles remained.

When he regained his balance, he looked around the room. It was not what he was expecting. There were four other men inside, all naked, just like him. Not one gave him as much as a glance, but he looked at them. They were all young, but one, younger than he was, maybe in their early 20's. The other man was in his early 40's. All had the haircuts of military men, American men. All were well built, tanned, and they all had the marks on their bodies that led the prisoner to believe they'd had an ordeal similar to his.

The room itself was unlike anything he'd seen so for in this prison. One wall consisted of bars and a door. Traditional cell. The opposite wall was a mirror. The two other walls were white with big barred windows in the center. And cameras, cameras in each corner. "It's a zoo", he thought, "I'm in a zoo". The furniture consisted of a picnic table with benches and five cots. Like a barracks zoo, he thought.

Finally, one of the men looked over at him. A very well built man, short blonde hair, and a large fat uncut cock, pointed at him. "How'd they git ya?" He asked in English with a serious southern drawl. Enrique just looked at him and cocked his head a little. He was not sure he wanted to give away that he spoke English, so he said nothing.

Another man, who had been resting on a cot sat up and looked at the older man. This man was also tall but dark skinned, maybe Latino. Also well built. "I don't think he's one of us Colonel he's kinda little" He looked at the newcomer "You speak English?" The prisoner shook his head no. The soldier pointed to himself "America" and then pointed at the newcomer. "Israel" he said, and sat on the floor to study his new surroundings.

The man who was addressed as Colonel looked at the newcomer for a minute and narrowed his eyes. It took a full two minutes to recognize the haggard, unshaven, and bruised man as his friend and former student, Enrique "Rick" Brandes, Cuban Jew Expat, trained in both Israel and the United States. now a Mossad agent, and the man who was supposed to be his contact on this ill-fated disaster of a mission, that went so horribly wrong.

Rick met the Colonel's stare and said nothing, no hint of recognition on his face. The truth was he was angry. Angry with everyone. Some one had compromised this mission and until he found out who it was, everyone was suspect.

It was as if Colonel Andre Menendez read his friend's mind, but he also respected Rick's desire to be alone. So, he addressed his men with the words he wanted to say to his friend. "Men, I want you to listen to me. I know you are angry. I know some one has compromised our mission. But the mission is over and we find ourselves here and the mission now is to escape without being seriously hurt or made to do any more things than we have already done. We need to shift our focus and we need to show these bastards who took us what we are made of. And, in spite of what you've been told, we never leave a man. They will come looking for us, and we will be found and rescued."

Just then, two guards ran into the cell and grabbed the Colonel before he could stop them, and dragged him away. Two of the young soldiers began to cry. A man in an officer's uniform, maybe a General, thought Rick walked in and smiled a sadistic smile. "You men are not here to socialize. You are here for auction. Your leader is being punished for your disobedience. Any more disobedience and he will be killed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, General" was the immediate response from everyone except Rick.

The General turned to Rick and threw him a pack of Israeli cigarettes and a lighter. And then, in Arabic, explained, "These American bastards don't know discipline, they will have to learn the hard way. The doctor has informed me that you have been a good boy, after a struggle, but now you see the way. He has even offered to take you on as a slave himself. And that is quite a compliment." Rick lit the cigarette and listened while he smoked, "You are a smart one and you know our ways. If you behave I will see to it that you are sold to a humane master. If not I can assure you, you will regret it. There are always the organ banks. I will have to do a hard sell to get some one interested in a small Jew like you, so behave. I warn you."

And with that, the general left.

"Wow, wonder what that was all about", said one of the soldiers nodding his head at Rick. "Maybe he's like a spy or something."

Another soldier hit him across the face, "You want to see the Colonel killed? Shut the fuck up!"

Then, suddenly, the lights went out. It was bedtime. Rick wondered where the Colonel was and what was happening to him. But more so, he wondered what that General was talking about; selling him as a slave.

The next morning started with bright floodlights, all turned on at once. 15 guards entered the cell to ensure there would be no trouble and all handcuffs were changed from in front of the prisoners to behind them. The prisoners were also chained to each other at the neck and filed out of the cell. A stop was made down a hallway and the Colonel was brought out and chained to the rest of the prisoners. Rick looked him up and down and didn't see any marks, but the Colonel looked tired and had a blank look on his face.

The prisoner parade continued to the shower stalls. Rick was familiar with this place. He'd been allowed to shower every day, the doctor was fastidious about clean. This time it was different. The prisoners were led to the stalls and cold water was poured over them. They were then, one at a time, strapped to a bench, first on their back and then on the front and shaved in front of the others. The soldiers were horrified, but Rick didn't care, he was busy looking for a way to escape or at least make a distraction. But his moment didn't come. These guys were good.

The next step was butt plugs. Each prisoner was fitted with one, and with one yelp from each, it was shoved in roughly. Rick found it difficult to walk with it there and in addition he realized to his embarrassment that the constant stimulation to his prostate was causing him to get harder with every step he took.

The last step was inspection by the general. He looked over his auction items carefully. When he got to Rick, he had the guards hold him down while he shoved a giant ball gag in his mouth. Rick wondered why he was the only one who received this treatment, but he was in no position to ask. The gag held his mouth closed and the ball kept his tongue tightly in place.

They were brought to a room with seats and each was chained to loops on the floor.

The general spoke "This is it. You are each to be sold today. If you do anything or say anything to thwart the sale, you will be kept here for the rest of your lives. You will be in isolation and you will be raped and beaten brutally every day until you die or until I need to sell off your organs. " And then turned to Rick and in Arabic said, "You will be sold today or you will be killed here. By me personally. And consider yourself lucky, personally I think any one who tries to kill our great president should be killed painfully but my superiors think otherwise. You're smaller and not as nice as the Americans, so you better do what you can to help yourself out."

And with that, the general turned and left.

Then the bidders came.

If you'd like to know more, or you think I should stick to my day job. Please feel free to email me:

Next: Chapter 2

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