Dont Cry Over Spilled Coffee

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Feb 17, 2004


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in the story, and I do not know the true sexuality of them either. This is a work of complete fiction, and you must be 21 to read it.

Hey Guys! I am attempting to write another story. I felt like I was waiting for new chapters to come out on other stories. So, I thought I would give it a shot. If you have any questions or comments, or ideas, please e-mail me at Feedback will be necessary for me to write this story. I need to know what you like and what you dont like. This story isn't meant to get you off. So, don't write asking for sex scenes. A lot of the things in this story are based on my ideals, and I am a virgin (so not alot of action)!

Chapter 1

"Grande Mocha Latte!" I yelled out as I put the drink on the counter. I was working a slow afternoon shift in one of the local coffee shops. "Grande Mocha Latte on the counter!" I yelled out again. I get so pissed when people let their drinks get cold at the bar. "Grande Mocha...." I began to yell, but was cut short by a gorgeous man grabbing the coffee. Hegave me an apologetic smile and grabbed his drink off of the bar.

"Sorry, I was using the bathroom." He said with a grin.

"I'll forgive you this time." I joked. "Enjoy!" I said letting him get on his way. People never dwindle at the bar and try to talk to me. Why would they? I am just a 20 year old kid making their drinks.

"Thank you." He said flashing me his killer smile. Hell! Most people don't even say thank you even more.

"No Problem. Come backby soon." I doubt he will be back here.

"I might. I am on vacation for a few more weeks." He told me. I looked him up and down, and I was quite impressed with what I saw. He was about 6 foot with a skinny frame( I dont know how tall he is sorry). He had on black pants and a Armani Exchange shirt. The shirt was black with a a brown AI in the middle. He had on a brown coat with a fur trim and a brown hat. He had on black frames, and he definitely was looking stylish.

"So, where are you visiting from, and why Charlotte, North Carolina?" I asked flashing him a smile.

"Well, I was visiting a friend in Tenessee, and I thought I would come here since i really never spent any time here before." While he was telling me this, I was trying to figure out where I knew this guy from. He just seemed familiar to me somehow. At that point, My relief showed up.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I need to get some stuff done before I head home. Come back and see me sometime before you leave." I said while heading to the back office. I know it was rude for me to just turn around and leave like I did, but I have learned not to get my hopes up in sittuations like these.

"Hey Jackson." My coworker sara said. "Could you bring me up some stuff so I can stock before you leave?"

"Sure Sara." At that, I turned around and headed to the back to finish some paperwork. I am a manager at a local coffee shop here in Charlotte, and I always have some sort of work to do after my shift. As you already heard, my name is Jackson. I am 20 years old, and I am gay. I don't really go out that much because I hate how the gay people in Charlotte can be snobby. I am 6'1" withbrown eyes and light brown hair ( I wear it in a Fo-Hawk if anybody knows what that is.) I weigh about 170 lbs, and i am built well with a nice tan. I definitely catch the eye of guys and girls alike, but I rarely give anyone a chance to talk to me. They just end up hurting me somehow. Unlike most people, I am a virgin, and I want more than just sex. So I tend to close myself up so I wont get hurt. I am queeny in a way, but not to bad. I am definitely not your butch type, but I really don't care what people think of me. I finished up with my inventory when I saw that guy drop his phone and coffee. I ran up to help him. His back ws turned to me, so I quicky picked up his phone and coffee cup. "Sir," I said tapping him on his back "Is everything okay?" When the guy turned around, I saw that he had tears coming out of his eyes and sort of a blank stare. My heart instantly reached out to him. Gay or straight, I was going to help this guy. "Hey," I said getting his attention. " I am going to clean this up. You want to sit down for a minute?" He gave me a slow nod, and sunk into the chair behind him. I headed to the back with the phone still in my hand to get a mop.

When I was in the back getting the mop, I heard someone over the phone yelling. I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello. Who's there?" I asked into the phone?

"My name is Justin. Who is this?"

"Jackson here. What's wrong with your friend?" I asked Justin.

"Josh's mom just had a heart attack, and I need to get him on a plane to Baltimore." He told me. " I can get a ticket ready if you can get him a taxi or something. He needs to get there right away. They don't know how long she has." My eyes started to tear up at the thought of what Josh was going through.

"Wow, poor guy. I will get him to the airport. Anything else?"

"No man, thanks for your help." He said trying to rush me off the phone so he could make ticket arrangements for Josh.

"Alrigth. Bye." I said into the phone. I got the mop, and turned to my friend Sara. "Could you clean up that spill, that guy needs a ride to the airport. It's an emergency."

"Sure." Sara said as she took the mop. I headed over to Josh was and kneeled down in front of him. I slowly grasped his hand in mine and made eye contact with him.

"Josh," I spoke quietly" I am going to take you to the airport so you can get on a plane to Baltimore. I am Jackson." Josh gripped my hand a little tighter and nodded.

"Ttthanks." He stuttered out. I slowly stood up expecting Josh to let go of my hand, but he didn't. I slowly led him out of the coffee shop, and into my car. The only time he let go of my hand was when we had to get in the car. As soon as we were both in the car, he grasped onto it again. I slowly rubbed his hand with my thumb as I drove him to the airport. As we were driving, tears started falling down my cheeks as well. It was almost as I could feel his pain. We pulled up to the hospital and parked. As soon as I got out of the car, I went to Josh's side to help him out. He grabbed my hand while he was getting out, and I pulled him up to me. When he was standing in front of me, Josh pulled me close to him. He cried for over ten minutes all the while still hugging me. I cried with Josh, and I could feel his tears against my neck. "I am sorry." Josh told me trying to be strong.

"Shhh. Don't be sorry" I whispered." You have every right to cry right now." He broke away from me, and we head into the terminal towards the ticket counter. "There should be a ticket here waiting for my friend going to Baltimore." I told the ticket lady.

"And what was that name?" She asked.

"Joshua Scott Chazes." Josh answered. While she was checking his ID and pulling up his information, It all started coming to me. Josh was JC from N'Sync. I wasn't a huge fan or anything, but I knew enough about him. Celebrity or not, I was still going to help him. After we got done with the tickets, we headed toward the terminal. There was only so far I could go before I was stopped because I had no ticket. I pulled Josh off to the side.

"Josh," I said grabbing his hand gently. " I can't go any further. Can you get to the terminal all right?" I asked. "I put my number in your phone, so call me if you need anything at all. Even if you need someone to talk to call me. Justin is meeting you in Baltimore. So, You should be okay." Josh pulled me towards him and buried his face in my neck.

"Thank you, Jackson. I promise I will repay you." With that, he gave me a soft kiss on my neck and looked me in my eyes. His kiss sent jolts through my body. It almost look like he wanted to kiss me again in front of the whole airport. Instead, he just smiled. "I will call you soon. Bye." With that, he let go of my hand, and headed on his way. I felt like something happened with us, and I was tempted to call his name and tell him I wanted to go with him. Instead, I just walked away trying not to get my hopes up.

Next: Chapter 2

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