Donny and Toby

By silverhaireddad

Published on May 11, 2024


Donny and Toby 5

Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2024. Comments welcomed.

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Bright and early the next morning, Toby picked up Donny from his house on the way to work. Though Donny didn't officially have a job yet, Toby was certain he'd be hired. Sure enough, as soon as Toby's supervisor talked with Donny, he agreed to hire him. "Maybe you two will get this project done even sooner than we had planned!" He handed the warehouse key to Toby and told him to train Donny on how to help organize the materials. He gave them a ride in the golfcart and, as he had said to Toby the day before, announced he would be back to pick them up at noon.

Toby excitedly unlocked the warehouse door and held it open for Donny to enter. "This place is HUGE," said Donny as he scouted out the space. "Yeah," said Toby. "But the work is pretty straightforward. Let me show you around." Toby gave a quick tour of the warehouse, pointing out how things needed to be organized in the different sections. In the back of the warehouse, they walked past the restroom, and Donny stopped. "Is this where the pinup calendar is located?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot," replied Toby, though in fact he had not forgotten at all. (He was waiting for Donny to make a move.) Donny had already charged through the door. Toby followed. There, on the wall, just as Toby had described, was a sexy pinup girl calendar. Though the model was a little older than what the boys had viewed at the beach, the nature of the photograph was certainly intentional. "Wow," said Donny. "Look at those tits. You weren't lying! She's great!" He turned to look at Toby, who was also staring at the pinup. "I bet you beat off in here yesterday when you saw this calendar!" Donny exclaimed. "Um, no," said Toby. "It was my first day on the job so I pretty much just worked." "Well, you are gonna beat off today while you look at it!" It was almost as if Donny was ordering it. "Maybe we should get to work first," suggested Toby. "No better time than right now to start the day," said Donny with glee. "No one will be around here right now except for us. C'mon, get it out. I know you want to." Donny looked at Toby, who was blushing.

"Ummm, I thought you said it would be your turn when you started working," said Toby, not really sure how to react. "I technically haven't started working yet," said Donny. "So unzip those pants and get it out and beat off while you look at the calendar," ordered Donny. Just hearing Donny say that made Toby's cock swell up rapidly. He had to adjust himself in his jeans. Donny noticed. Since the boys were standing next to each other, Donny simply reached over and started tugging Toby's zipper down. "C'mon," said Donny eagerly. "We don't have all day. Beat off while I watch." That was all Toby needed. He took over from Donny and finished unzipping, then unbuckled his belt. He hesitated for a few seconds. "Pull them down to your knees," said Donny. Toby did so. His tighty whiteys revealed that he was fully hard. "Damn, look at that," said Donny, obviously referring to the bulge in Toby's briefs. He reached over and squeezed Toby's rock-hard bulge, then pulled the elastic away from Toby's body and down over the front, freeing Toby's cock to throb unencumbered. Before Toby could do anything else, Donny reached over and wrapped his hand around Toby's cock and began stroking it. Toby's knees buckled at the pleasurable sensation. "Get closer to the sink," said Donny, pulling Toby by the cock. "You need a place to squirt your load." Standing in front of the sink, with the pinup calendar on the wall in front of them, Donny continued to stroke Toby's cock. Donny wasn't being rough. In fact, Toby thought it felt like Donny's hand was making love to his teen peen. It didn't take long before Toby was moaning. He hadn't jacked off before work this morning, and this situation really turned him on. "You are going to make me cum, Donny," said Toby. "Squirt it in the sink," said Donny, changing the position of his hand so that Toby's cock was pointing more or less in the direction of the sink. "Oh, man, I'm right there," said Toby. "Squirt for me," replied Donny. Toby obliged, the first dollop of cum squirting past the edge of the sink, and several more coating the inside. "Yeahhhhh," said Donny as he continued to stroke Toby through his orgasm. Toby was in a daze from the exquisite feelings. Yes, shooting teen cum always felt good, but having your best friend do it for you was beyond pleasure. Next, Donny went so far as to milk Toby's cock to get any remaining cum. He pinched off the last drop, then wiped off his hands. "Let's leave this in the sink as a souvenir of the morning," said Donny. "What if someone comes in here?" asked Toby. "You said you worked here one will come in. Besides, we've got four more hours. I'm sure we'll add more to it." Toby shivered at that thought. "Aren't you going to do it too?" asked Toby. "Like I just said," Donny replied as he was walking out the door. "We've got all morning." Toby pulled up his pants, zipped and buckled, following his best bud out the door.

Relieving that tension actually gave Toby an energetic start to his efforts. He had Donny work in the next section so he could check that everything was going well. Donny was also a good worker, and quick, and the boys made a lot of progress. After about an hour, Donny blurted out, "let's take a break." Toby surveyed what he had done in his individual section and was satisfied. "Come check this out," said Donny. Toby walked over and looked at the work Donny had done. "Good job," said Toby, "Check this out too," said Donny. Toby turned to his bud, who was unzipping his pants and fishing out his hard cock. "My turn," said Donny. Toby decided to do what Donny had done earlier. He grabbed Donny's hard cock and led him towards the bathroom. When they got in front of the sink, Toby's earlier deposit was still visible. "Pull my pants the rest of the way down," ordered Donny. Toby complied, unleashing Donny's throbbing teen cock from its confines. "Beat it for me," continued Donny. It was an order, and Toby didn't hesitate to begin stroking Donny's cock. "I didn't get off before work this morning and I need it now," said Donny kind of matter-of-factly. Toby did his best to replicate the gentle stroking Donny had given him an hour earlier. "Oh, man, that feels so good," said Donny. Toby continued to stroke. Since Donny didn't have to use his hand, and since Toby was standing right next to him, Donny reached down and groped Toby's crotch. Yes, Toby was also hard. No way to be soft when you were jerking off your best friend! Donny continued to rub his hand all over Toby's crotch as Toby stroked. "Point me towards the sink," Donny said, indicating he was ready to squirt. "Get me off." Toby went into overdrive to assure that Donny had the best cum possible. Donny didn't disappoint, as his first shot also went beyond the edge of the sink, and the rest combined with Toby's in the bowl. As Donny's orgasm subsided, Toby also did what Donny had done. He milked the last pleasure out of Donny's cock, squeezing the final drop with his thumb and forefinger. As he reached toward the faucet to wash his gooey hands, Donny said "use it." Toby stopped, unsure of what Donny meant. "Time for round 2 for you," said Donny. "Use my cum as lube."

If the pleasure of being jacked off by your best friend was supposedly the height of pleasure, being ordered to beat off using your best friend's cum as lube took Toby to another level. Toby used his free hand to start unzipping, but Donny took over and pulled Toby's pants and briefs down, leaving his cock throbbing in the air. "Slather it up and beat it," ordered Donny. Toby shivered as once again his fantasy was being fulfilled. Though he didn't have a lot of cum on his hand, he used it to cover the head of his cock. "Grab some more," ordered Donny. "Get it really wet." Toby scooped up some of the still-steaming Donny-cum from the sink and thoroughly covered his cock. "Beat it," said Donny, wanting the scenario to continue. Toby did as told. The only sound in the bathroom was the squishing sound of Toby's hand at work on his cum-covered teen cock. Donny's pants and briefs were still pulled down, and Donny absently played with himself as Toby beat off. The wet feeling made Toby go absolutely wild, and his moans were visceral. He started rocking back and forth as his rhythm took him toward what both boys desired. "Squirt your load for me, buddy," whispered Donny. "I want to watch you cum again." Toby continued to stroke. "Make it shoot while I watch," continued Donny, figuring by Toby's reaction that he was immeasurably turned on by Donny's talk. Toby's moan after Donny's last comment indicated he was close. "Shoot for me," cooed Donny. "Shoot for me." Toby obliged, his first spurt still quite strong, but in the bowl, and the next 3-4 layered over the first one. Finally, he was done, and the sigh of pleasure was obvious. "Wash up," said Donny. "We've got more work to do." Donny pulled his briefs and pants up as Toby washed up. "We'll do a final cleanup later," said Donny. When Toby had gotten the sticky goo off his hands, the boys got back to work, making good progress again.

Though the clock said about 10:30, the boys had, in reality, spent about 30 minutes of their work time in front of the pinup calendar (though neither had paid much attention to the calendar after they got going!). But their solid efforts paid off, as they had made good progress--enough to suggest that they hadn't taken any breaks! After a few more minutes of fast pace, Donny once again suggested they rest. "Any chairs in here?" asked Donny. "Yeah, there are a couple of folding chairs leaning against the rack one aisle over." "Go get them," said Donny. Again, Toby complied. The boys unfolded the chairs and sat next to each other. "Thanks for getting me this job," said Donny. "I'm glad we can work together and then hit the beach after we're done!" exclaimed Toby. "Yeah," said Donny. "We need some sun and sand and salt water!" Both boys laughed. "You know," said Donny with a degree of seriousness that surprised Toby, "I did say I was going to have to catch up after I started working." "Huh?" replied Toby questioningly. Donny quickly stood up and shoved his pants and briefs down to his ankles. Though he wasn't hard, he was quickly boning up. "Go get me some paper towels or some tissues," he said to Toby. Toby got up and walked back to the restroom, where he pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser, then walked back out to where Donny was sitting. Donny was already hard. "Do me a favor," Donny said. "Sure," said Toby. "What do you need?" "Pull your pants down and let me look at you while I beat off." This was really the first admission from Donny that HE needed something from Toby rather than the other way around. Toby immediately stood up and his pants and briefs were around his ankles in seconds. Donny was already stroking, and Toby's teen cock was aware, as the blood began to flow and his cock began that rise up. "You don't have to do it," said Donny. "I owe you one like I said." So Toby watched while Donny stroked, though he occasionally squeezed himself as he did so. He couldn't help himself. Donny appeared to be lost in another world as he masturbated. It wasn't long before Donny's breath indicated he was nearing the end. He grabbed one of the paper towels and held it underneath his cock while he continued to beat. "Here it comes," he said in announcement. Donny's cock pulsed and then shot three healthy ropes into the paper towel before his cum began to ooze out. Toby was enthralled watching his bud, and his cock was throbbing as well, but Donny had asked him to watch. Finally, Donny was finished, and he wiped himself clean. "Pull your pants up, Toby," he said loudly. "We've got more work to do!" Then he laughed. Toby stood up and pulled his pants up. Before he tucked away, Donny reached over and squeezed Toby's throbbing cock. "Don't worry, we'll take care of that in a few minutes." The boys got back to work.

It's amazing how when you are focused on your work time seems to fly. Before they knew it, noon was approaching. Recognizing that there was still a mess in the restroom to clean up, Toby went back there as Donny finished up his section. Fortunately, cum is easily washed off, and the sink was clean in no time. Just as Toby got back out, there was a knock at the door, and the supervisor was there. "Let me see what you've gotten done," he said, and he did a quick view of the boys' collective progress. "Good job!" he said. "You are a productive team!" He took them back to the Main Building where Toby's car was parked. "See you in the morning," he said. The boys clambered into the car and headed out. "Want to go to the beach?" Donny asked. "We could," replied Toby. "Remember that we put towels in the trunk along with an extra bathing suit." "Let's do it," said Donny. "Maybe we'll see some hot pussy there." Though that suggestion didn't really appeal to Toby, he played along, because if that thought turned his buddy on, then he wanted his buddy turned on! During the ride to the beach, the boys just chattered. The radio was turned up loud and the summer weather was perfect. The boys had both cum twice that morning, but teen buildup is quick, and the thought of skimpy bathing suits at the beach may have been a motivator for their silliness as they got closer and the smell of salt air became apparent.

"Where do you want to change into our suits?" asked Toby. "Let's drive up and down the beach a couple of times and see if there's a good spot to stop and switch into our suits," said Donny. That's what they did. However, it was just shy of 1PM, and a really hot summer day, so there weren't a lot of people laying out on the sand. They'd be back when the midday heat lessened, but they were in short supply right now. "What do you want to do?" asked Toby. "Do you want to get in the water, or do you want to wait for a while?" "Let's wait," said Donny. "We haven't eaten yet. Let's get a couple of burgers and chow down. Hopefully when we're done more people will be around." They drove off the beach and found a burger place that had an indoor dining area, so they both got out to cool down in the air conditioning and fuel their afternoon. Not much was said as they ate. Nothing needed to be said.

A few minutes after they finished their lunch, Donny suggested they go back to the beach to see if it was better-populated now. They walked out to the car and drove the short distance to the beach entrance. As they drove onto the beach, they noticed a few more people setting up their areas, though the crowd still wasn't large. As they got to the end of the driving space where they had to turn around, Toby asked if this was a good place to stop and change into their suits. Donny agreed, so they parked and got their suits and towels out of the trunk. Though they were at the end of the driving space, it was still very public, so the boys decided to change inside the car. They got situated in the front seat to change when Donny came up with an idea. "Here's what you need to do," said Donny--again an order rather than a suggestion. "Have your suit next to you but pull your pants and underwear off so you are naked from the waist down. Then you are going to drive the entire length of the beach and back. No one but the two of us will know your dick is hanging out!" Toby chuckled at the suggestion but secretly also liked the idea. "Are you going to do it too?" asked Toby. "Maybe after you do it first," replied Donny. Toby kicked his shoes off and bent down to take off his socks. He put the shoes and socks on the back seat floor. Then he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. "Here it goes," said Toby as he pulled down his pants. Though he had to maneuver a little to get them off, he did so pretty quickly, then folded them up and turned to put them on the back seat. Donny was watching intently. "Now your briefs," interjected Donny, still in charge. Toby slipped them off, also placing his tighty whiteys in the back seat on his pants. He was now naked from the waist down. This had all happened so quickly that Toby hadn't had enough time to think about sitting in the front seat with nothing on from the waist down. Now that this realization came to him, his teen cock started responding. Donny noticed. "Even better," Donny said. "Drive back up the beach now. No one will know you have your pants off and a boner on!"

The feeling was exhilarating to Toby as he began a slow drive back up the beach. The crowd was filling out some more. Though Toby wasn't fully hard yet--there was still a sense of risk as he drove up the beach--the idea of having his pants off as he drove was exciting. Donny both watched Toby and the beach, making running commentary. "Look at that family over there. I bet they'd freak out if they looked in the car," he said with fervor. They drove a little farther up the beach and saw a group that was about their age setting up an umbrella. "Stop here for a second," said Donny. Toby did as ordered. Without appearing too suspicious, the two teens watched as the group set up their area. Even though both the girls and boys were in their bathing suits, there wasn't anything really "sexy" about what they were doing. Suddenly, Toby felt Donny's hand on his cock, as he began manipulating it into full hardness. Tony shivered from the touch and was rock-hard within seconds. "Why don't you call out to the girls and ask them to come over to the car?" said Donny with humor, as he continued to stroke Toby's cock. "Hell no," replied Toby. "I don't want to get arrested!" But he didn't ask Donny to stop what he was doing. "Keep driving then," said Donny. Toby continued up the beach as Donny continued to play with Toby's throbbing tool. They didn't see any other promising groups. When they got to the end of the drive, it was time to turn around. "Guess it's my turn to join in," said Donny. "Park here for a second while I get ready."

Donny was in the passenger seat, so taking off his shoes and socks was quick. He also placed his on the floor of the back seat. Then Donny unbuckled his belt and unzipped. He lifted his hips and in one motion pulled both his pants and underwear off. As he turned to place them on the back seat, Toby noticed that Donny was also hard. "Looks like you are enjoying the beach too," Toby said with a chuckle. "Damn straight," replied Donny, as he grabbed his cock and stroked it up and down a couple of times. "Drive back the other way again." Toby pulled back on to the beach drive and slowly made his way back in the other direction. Now Donny was looking out his window and not paying attention to Toby, so Toby has a great view s Donny's hand continued to manipulate his hard tool. As they got near the group they had stopped to view on the previous run, Donny suggested they stop again. The group was still busy setting up their area, and thus weren't paying attention to the two horny boys, but that didn't stop the boys! "Let's beat it while we watch them," said Donny. Actually, Donny had been beating it all along while Toby drove. But since Toby was also hard, it was just a quick change of his hand position before it was wrapped around his cock. Donny stopped looking at the group and looked back at his bud jerking his teen peen. "I wonder if they have any idea what is going on just a few yards away from them," said Donny with a smile. "Wouldn't that be a surprise," said Toby. "Okay, keep on driving," said Donny. "Let's see if anyone else worth looking at has arrived." Toby continued driving up the beach, one hand on the wheel and the other squeezing his now-leaking cock. Donny was scouting out the window, but his hand was also very much at work. Both the boys were doing a lazy jerk. They weren't trying to cum at the moment, just stoking the fires. They soon arrived back at the end of the beach drive.

"Why don't we put our suits on and walk back up the beach towards where we saw that group?" said Donny. "Maybe they'll see our boners and say something!" Now the idea of Donny seeing Toby's boner was a turn-on, but he was a little shy about showing off his horny bulge in public. "Why not?" said Toby, even though he wasn't convinced. Both boys slipped on their boardies inside the car. Donny stretched out the fabric in front to emphasize his hard-on. "See?" he asked as he showed off his boner. Toby did the same. "Let's go," said Donny, as he opened the car door and stepped out. He walked around to the front of the car, and Toby saw through the windshield that Donny's bulge was noticeable. Toby then got out himself. Donny looked down at Toby's crotch and said, "that should be something everyone sees! Let's go." They started walking back up the beach toward where they had stopped to look at the group. However, they had only gotten a few yards away from the car when the heat and humidity began to overwhelm them as they walked through the thick sand. The physical effort had made their boners go away, so they were no longer as visible in their suits. As they visually scanned the distance between where they were and where they were headed, both boys came to the same conclusions: stop! "You want to get in the water instead?" asked Donny, somewhat sheepishly, since it had been his idea to walk back up the beach. "Why not?" replied Toby. So they shifted direction and walked toward the waves. Though the water was also somewhat warm, it was refreshing as they waded in. Toby was the first to take a dive into an incoming wave. Soon, both boys were swimming about in the waist-deep water. The combination of physical exertion and the water made them forget about their insistent penises, and it was clear they were enjoying themselves as they splashed about. They kind of lost track of time until Toby felt the impact of the sun on his shoulders. "I think I'm getting burned," he called out to Donny. "Yeah, me, too. Let's go back to the car." The boys made their way out of the water. As they got to the ankle-deep edge, both boys looked at each other simultaneously. Their boardies were like a second skin while wet, and the outline of their now-softened junk was clearly visible. "We've got to make these hard again," said Donny, nodding his head towards Toby. Then he began running toward the car. Toby followed. When they got to the car, Donny dared Toby to take off his suit before he got in. Toby looked around and thought it wasn't a good idea, since the beach crowd had gotten larger. Then he got an idea. He reached in and got a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Then he slipped off his wet suit under the towel, and got into the car with the towel still around his waist. Donny watched from the other side of the car and then did the same. "That was smart," said Donny, fully realizing that the beach crowd had gotten larger. "Though I'm sure someone would have enjoyed seeing your scrawny body in the nude!" Both of the boys laughed as they settled into the front seat with their towels around them. "Let's undo the towels and make another drive up the beach!" said Donny excitedly. Toby liked the idea of uncovering his junk in front of Donny, hoping that something else might happen. He started the car and began the slow drive back up the beach.

Just sitting in the front seat on top of the towel, naked and still a bit damp, was all it took for both boys to begin to swell. But apparently that's what both boys wanted as they made their drive back up the beach. By the time they got close to the group they had stopped to look at before, both boys were fully hard again. "Stop and let's look," said Donny. Toby stopped and they checked out the group. Some of them were in the water apparently, and maybe four or five were still on their blanket under the umbrella. One girl had on a two-piece bathing suit--not a bikini, but revealing. "Look at those tits," said Donny, looking across Toby out the driver's side window. The girls being ogled were apparently completely unaware that they were being watched. As the boys leered, Toby felt Donny's hand grab his already-hard cock and begin to stroke it as they looked. "You like that, don't you?" asked Donny. Toby wasn't sure If Donny meant Toby liked watching the girl in the two-piece or Donny's hand around his cock. So he just replied, "yeah." "Let's see if there are more further up the beach." Donny continued stroking slowly as Toby drove. Though they saw a number of new people on the beach, none of them stood out to the boys, and when they got to the end of the drive, Toby once again stopped and parked. Only when he parked did Donny remove his hand from Toby's cock. "What do we do now?" asked Toby, looking over at Donny. Donny was slowly jacking on his cock as he looked out the window. "Well, the beach is dead, it appears. You want to head home?" It was about 3 o'clock. "Sure," said Toby. "Let's leave our suits off until we get home!" said Donny excitedly. "Why not," replied Toby. "They are already off!" So the boys began the drive back home with their suits off and their cocks still throbbing. Toby had to drive, so he didn't play with himself. Occasionally, he looked over at Donny, who was also hard, but apparently staying that way because of his imagination, since he wasn't playing with himself either. As they drove into Donny's neighborhood, Toby said, "we'd better stop and slip our suits back on." That's what they did. The damp suits were now cold, so they boys shivered a bit as they slipped them on. While that softened their teen cocks a bit, both boys were still mostly hard, as teen boys often are. As they drove up to Donny's house, neither of his parents appeared to be at home. "Why don't you come on it?" said Donny. Toby parked, and the boys got out, grabbing their towels and their dry clothes and going in to Donny's house. His mom had left a note. She was out and would return about the same time as Donny's dad got home from work.

"Let's shower and get this salt water off of us," suggested Donny. He walked into his bathroom and started running the water to warm it up. Toby was envious that Donny had his own bathroom. Standing in the door, Toby watched as Donny peeled off his wet boardies. Donny's cock was still plumped up. He turned to step into the shower. "Come on," exhorted Donny. "Get in." "Is there room for both of us?" asked Toby. "Plenty," replied Donny. So Toby peeled out of his boardies and got in the shower with his best bud. The warm water felt good, even though the shower did feel a bit crowded. Donny's head was under the main rush of water as he rinsed off, his back facing Toby, whose cock had a mind of its own as it rushed towards full hardness. Donny finally turned around and his own boner was readily apparent. "Do you ever beat off in the shower?" Donny asked. "Of course I do," replied Toby. "Makes cleanup easier." Both boys laughed, and Donny thrust his hips out toward Toby. It was swordfight time! At first it seemed stupid, but Toby soon realized he liked Donny's cock touching his as they played around. Both boys were rock-hard. Donny pushed his cock down and placed it on top of Toby's cock as Toby faced him. He began jacking both of them together. "Ohhhhh," said Toby, fully enthralled by this unexpected feeling. "That feels good." Donny muttered "yeah" under his breath as he continued. Both boys were watching their cocks as Donny jacked them. "I tell you what," Donny said. "What?" asked Toby. "I want you to finish up and shoot your cum on me. Then I will shoot mine on you--just to see what it feels like. Then we can wash off." It was a statement of fact, not a question about whether or not Toby thought it was a good idea. Donny turned off the shower. "Beat it," ordered Donny. Since Toby liked Donny telling him what to do, he immediately started stroking himself. Donny cooed. "Beat that meat, buddy. Shoot your cum on me." Toby was entranced by Donny's demeanor as he masturbated. He had never heard Donny talk like this before. It made Toby even harder. As he stroked himself, he was also watching as Donny beat his own meat while watching Toby. Both boys were transfixed on the feeling. "Where do you want me to shoot it?" asked Toby as he got closer. "On me," said Donny. "Anywhere?" asked Toby. "Wherever it squirts." Toby increased his rhythm and his hips began buckling. "I'm going to cum," Toby said. His cock squirted out a massive first shot that hit Donny right in the pubes. The remaining pulses covered Donny's cock with Toby's cum. As Toby's orgasm subsided, it was "turnabout time." Now Donny got to do what Toby had done earlier in the day. Donny's cock was covered in Toby's cum. He used it for lube. Enclosed in the small space of the shower, Toby could hear Donny's gasps as he continued to beat his meat, accompanied by the squishy sound of Toby's cum being used as lube. "I'm gonna shoot all over you," said Donny as his own pace quickened. Donny thrust his hips forward as he shot out, also hitting Toby in his teen pubes and also covering Toby's still-hard cock with his cum. The feeling was awesome...white hot cum covering that special area. Toby couldn't help himself. He reached down and started stroking again. Donny never got soft as he continued. Both boys were going for immediate second cums, something teens have no problem doing when they are turned on! It didn't take long either. Almost as if they were connected, both boys shot their second loads at the same time, the fourth in the same day for both of them. Though this cum didn't generate as much velocity or distance, it was clearly satisfying to both of them, as they were swaying back and forth as the intensity of their dual orgasms overcame them.

"Damn, dude. That was hot," said Donny. "Yeah" was all Toby could blurt out. "We have to do that again sometime," said Donny. "Yeah."

And the summer was still just beginning.

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