Donny and Toby

By silverhaireddad

Published on Mar 1, 2024


Donny and Toby 4

Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2024. Comments welcomed.

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Donny & Toby Part 4

Toby, still dazed, continued his drive home, reliving every detail of the intense few minutes that had just transpired. His best bud Donny had taken over, ordering Toby to take off his shorts and underwear and then beat off! Toby shuddered as he still felt the experience in his sexual core. He LIKED Donny telling him to do that! He WANTED Donny to tell him to do it again! He began to fantasize about Donny telling him to do it again and realized that he was once again teen-rock-hard. He was about two blocks from his house, so he started thinking of his new job to make his cock get at least a little bit softer before her got home.

When he walked in the door, he noticed that both of his parents were in the living room with the TV on. "Hey," he said. "I'm home. I got a job today." "Come in here and tell us about it!" He quickly checked to make sure he wasn't showing too much of a bulge and walked into the living room, sitting on the edge of the couch. He told his parents about the job. It was part-time and not all summer, but he had managed to get it all on his own. They both congratulated him, and he could tell from their expressions that they were proud. "Well, I want t get a good night's sleep before I start, so I'm going to my room." "Sleep tight, sweetie," his mom said as Toby walked away.

Toby got to his room and immediately locked the door, stripping out of his pants and underwear like Donny had ordered him to do earlier. He looked at himself in the mirror as his cock started to fill out again toward full hardness. He still couldn't believe what had happened. Donny had insisted that Toby beat off! And he watched him intently, making suggestions that he thought would get Toby to his orgasm quickly. (It had worked!) Toby took off his shirt and stood naked in front of the mirror, his teen cock now fully erect and pointing at a 45-degree angle toward the ceiling. He wanted to relive what had just happened. He quietly went into his bathroom and pulled some toilet paper off the roll. Then he went to his bed and got in the same position he had been in at Donny's. Each word that Donny had said replayed in his mind as he stroked himself. And though Toby realized that Donny wasn't joining is, he got the distinct impression that Donny was enjoying making Toby beat off. (He was right.) Within seconds he repeated his orgasm, spraying his hot adolescent cum on the tissue laid out before him, almost exactly as he had done a short while ago. As he cleaned up and flushed the tissue down the toilet, Toby looked in the mirror and shivered. He liked what he had been instructed to do! He wanted to do it again! As he walked back to his bed and crawled under the covers, he dozed off, thinking about the look on Donny's face as he watched him.

Simultaneously, Donny was lying on his bed, thinking of what he would get Toby to do next. He really enjoyed ordering him to beat his teen meat, and something about that was a real turn-on. Oh, for certain girls were what Donny fantasized about the most, but he had just MADE his best bud beat off! There was some raw power Donny had that he had never realized before. Normally, as Donny dozed off, his thoughts were about teen tits and girls' pussies, but tonight his thoughts were focused on Toby's stroking hand and the creamy cum shooting out. Donny slept like a baby.

Toby didn't even need his alarm clock. He was awake really early the next morning, showered, and ready for work an hour before he had to be there! He contemplated masturbating before work, but in the back of his mind hoped he'd have the chance to tell Donny about his job, and maybe Donny would make him do it again! A quick shiver came over him. Toby made a bowl of cereal and was eating as his parents came into the kitchen. "Clearly ready for work," said his Dad. "Did you get enough to eat?" asked his Mom. "Yes and yes," he replied with a laugh. "I'm looking forward to it." As his parents had their own breakfast, Toby finished up and washed out his bowl in the sink. "I'll see you later this evening," he said. "Are you coming home right after work?" his mother asked. "I might stop by Donny's to tell him about the job. He's interested in working there, too, if another job is available." "Okay," his Mom said. "If we have already eaten, I'll leave you something in the fridge."

Toby was out the door and on his way to his first day on the job. He reported in to the main office, where his supervisor had a desk. His supervisor drove him out to the large warehouse on the back of the property in a golf cart, and gave Toby instructions and a key to the door. "I'll be back to get you about noon," he said. "If you need anything, there's a telephone on the wall right inside the door and my extension is 4."

Toby felt a surge of excitement as he turned the key in the door and walked in. The place was huge! His job was relatively straightforward: to organize the many shelves of products and supplies, re-do some of the shelf labels, and count the number of items that were on each of the shelves. He debated whether to start at the front or the back, and decided to start where he was. So, he got to work. Even as he performed the relatively simple tasks, his mind wandered a bit...always back to Donny's words, "I want you to get it out and beat it while I watch." In reality, Toby's cock was mostly hard all morning while he worked. In the middle of the morning he had to pee, so he walked to the back of the warehouse where there was a bathroom. Inside, there was a calendar on the wall with a scantily-clad model on it that drew his attention, but his first thought was "I bet Donny would like this." He didn't even debate masturbating. He was still hoping Donny wanted an update on his first day on the job and would make Toby do it again. He went back to work. Toby actually made some good progress, though it was only a dent in the large warehouse. He looked at his watch and was surprised that the morning was almost gone!

A couple of minutes later his supervisor knocked on the door and Toby answered. "How did it go?" the supervisor asked. "Great!" said Toby. "I think I've got a rhythm going!" The words were no sooner out of his mouth than his mind took him to the rhythm of stroking his cock while Donny watched. He had to shake off the thought to keep from boning up in front of his new supervisor. "Good," said the supervisor. "I can see the progress you've made already." "Do you think there might be enough work for my best friend to join me?" asked Toby inquisitively. "He's a hard worker (again his mind wandered) and he's looking for part-time work this summer, too." "Why don't you bring him by tomorrow and I can chat with him and see if that might be a good idea," said the supervisor, recognizing that there was a lot of organizing to do in the warehouse. "I'll do that," said Toby. "Thanks." The supervisor drove him back in the cart to the parking lot by the main office. Toby got in his car and knew he'd drive directly to Donny's with the promising news.

It didn't take too long before Toby was at Donny's house, and he parked his car on the street and walked up to the door. Before he could ring the bell, the door opened and Donny stuck his head out. "How the working man?" he asked with a smile on his face. "He's tired after a long day at the warehouse," said Toby with a smile back. "And I might have gotten you a job as well!" "Holy shit," exclaimed Donny. "Come in and tell me. Toby walked into the house. Donny's dad was at work and his mom was out for a hair appointment. "Come on up to my room and tell me the details," said Donny.

In Donny's room, they both sat on the edge of the bed and Toby described the work he had done. "That sounds pretty simple," said Donny. "Do you think I'd be good at it, too?" "Yeah," said Toby. "I think both of us working together would make a good team for getting it all done and still have time this summer to play!" "Then count me in!" said Donny. Toby gave him the details on when he'd pick him up, etc.

Out of the blue, Toby asked, "how are you going to celebrate?" That was the question that had started yesterday's intense fun. "Hahahaha," said Donny. "I haven't started the job yet. Remember I said until I got a job, you'd have to do what I told you." Toby nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Did your first day on the job make you horny?" asked Donny. That's when Toby told Donny about the calendar in the bathroom, leaving out the part about how he immediately thought of Donny ogling the model on the calendar. "Awesome," said Donny. "That will make the job even more fun." Then there was a moment of deep silence. Toby looked over to Donny, who was staring at him intently.

"You know what to do," ordered Donny. "Huh?" said Toby, startled at the directness of Donny's instruction. "Take your pants and underwear off and sit back down on the bed," said Donny. Toby shuddered as he contemplated what was about to happen. He was really glad he hadn't stroked it this morning. What he had hoped would happen again WAS happening again! Toby stood up, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans and dropped them to the floor. As he was stepping out of them, he asked "is your Mom going to be gone for a while?" Donny said, "don't worry about her. You've got more important things to do. Take your briefs off." As Toby began to slide his briefs down, his cock was already on a rapid rise to full teen hardness. As he stepped out of his briefs, his cock stood at attention. "Sit back on the bed right next to me," said Donny. Toby did as instructed. "Play with it," ordered Donny. "I want to watch you stroke it." Mesmerized by Donny's command, Toby once again began to stroke his throbbing cock. He looked down at his cock as his hand began its pleasurable journey, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Donny adjust himself. That gave him a butterfly in the pit of his stomach, knowing he was being watched. "Let me go get some tissue," Donny said. "Don't shoot anything until I get back" Donny jumped up from the bed and went into the bathroom as Toby continued to beat his meat. Donny was back in a few seconds with tissue.

"Tell me about the model on the calendar," Donny said. "What was she wearing? Did she have big tits? Did seeing her make you want to fuck her?" Donny's questions startled Toby, as he had hoped the attention would remain on the commands he was given. But for Donny, it was also a foil. Yes, he couldn't wait to start working with Toby and get a chance to see this calendar model, but he also had other plans for right now. "I want you to slow down and squeeze your cock really hard and see if you can milk out a drop of pre-cum." Toby knew that wouldn't be an issue, as usually after a couple of minutes of stroking he was also leaking. He did as instructed, wrapping his thumb and forefinger around his hard cock and squeezing while he milked himself. A big drop of pre-cum bubbled out of Toby's cock. "Rub it all over your head and make it wet," said Donny. Toby complied. "Now beat it some more." Toby again complied. Once more, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Donny squeezing himself through his shorts. "You can get it out, too, if you want," suggested Toby. "I'll do that when I'm ready," said Donny. "Keep beating your meat." Toby's hand continued the journey of great pleasure up and down the length of his teen peen. While he remained focused on the feeling he was giving himself, he also notice that Donny was jacking himself through his shorts. Donny's cock wasn't out, but he was clearly jerking it.

"I'm not going to last much longer," Toby said as his hand continued up and down. Donny picked up the tissue and laid it out on the floor in front of Toby. "There's your target," Donny said. Toby kind of moved to the edge of the bed, though his cock was still pointing straight up. "No, I want you to do it like this," said Donny. He reached over and swatted Toby's hand out of the way, grabbing Toby's cock, and pointing it toward the tissue on the floor as he stroked it. That did it. Toby's cock immediately began to pulse while in Donny's hand and started squirting. Almost naturally, Donny kept stroking Toby's cock as his orgasm continued and hot teen cum shot out of his cock onto the floor. When Toby was done, Donny squeezed it one more time, just as if he was doing it to his own cock, and then removed his hand. "Wow," said Toby breathlessly. "That felt really good."

Before those words were fully out of Toby's mouth, Donny had stood up and pulled his shorts and underwear down to his ankles, his own throbbing teen peen ready for action. "Your turn," said Donny. "What do you mean" asked Toby. "Make me cum just like I did it to you," said Donny. It was both a plea and an order. Toby didn't hesitate. He reached over and grabbed Donny's turgid tool and began stroking it. "Point it at the floor," said Donny. Toby did. Almost as soon as Donny's cock was pointed at the goo-covered tissue on the floor, he erupted. As Toby continued to stroke, his eyes bulging wide at what he was doing, Donny's first shot went at least a foot past the tissue. Another half-dozen shots covered Toby's cum with a new layer. Donny's cock felt red-hot in Toby's hand as he stroked him. After maybe a dozen or so pulses, Toby had the sense Donny was finished. As Donny had done to him, he squeezed out a final drop and then took his hand off. "Good job," said Donny, who had stood up and pulled his shorts and underwear back up. "You can get dressed now too." Again, it was an order.

Sitting back on the edge of the bed. Donny continued as if nothing had really happened. "What time are you going to pick me up in the morning? What should I wear? How much will we get paid? When will we get paid?" Toby replied as best he could. "Thanks," said Donny sincerely. "I look forward to working with you." He winked at Toby as he said that. "I've got some chores to finish this afternoon, so I'll see you in the morning." Toby stood up, and stepped over the cum-covered tissue on the floor. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that," said Donny, noticing Toby's look.

As Toby walked out the front door, Donny said, "now we both have jobs!" And he had a big grin on his face. Toby grinned back, wondering what was next on the agenda. He got in his car and drove off, waving to Donny as he did so. Donny went back to his room, wadded up the still wet and gooey tissue and put it in his drawer. What had happened hadn't really been planned, but it had worked out. Donny was looking forward to more. That was exactly the same thought Toby was having on his drive home.

Next: Chapter 5

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