Donny and Toby

By silverhaireddad

Published on May 20, 2023


Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2023. Comments welcomed.

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Donny & Toby Part 2

When Toby got home after their escapades at the root beer stand, he couldn't stop thinking about the big squirt Donny had shot in the bathroom.

While both of the boys had talked about beating off and shown each other their boner bulges in their shorts when they were dirty-talking, neither had done it all-the-way in front of the other before. The bathroom scene that afternoon was the first time he had seen Donny's hard cock being pummeled in the open and definitely the first time he had seen it shoot. And what a shot it had been! It was clear that Donny had been turned on by showing off his ball to the server, even if she hadn't acknowledged seeing anything. And since the girl Donny kind of liked wasn't working that afternoon, Toby wondered if there might be a repeat of the scenario if they went there some day when she WAS working.

As Toby settled in for the night, the vision of Donny's cock squirting a massive load on the wall and inside the sink simply wouldn't leave his mind's eye. As he recalled over and over again watching Donny's teen cock squirting, his own cock swelled in his briefs. Toby liked to cum before he went to sleep, and he knew that this hot memory would fuel tonight's session--and maybe even more in the future! As he pulled down the front of his briefs, letting his hard cock free, he wondered what Donny might be doing right now.

As it turns out, Donny was like most other 16-year-olds. Beating his meat before he went to sleep was a regular thing. And he, too, was thinking about that afternoon. But his thoughts weren't about Toby jerking off next to him--they were picturing himself getting his ball out of his shorts to show off to the server. In fact, for this night's meat beating session, Donny wasn't thinking about Toby at all. He was envisioning the girl he liked peering in the car window and seeing his ball, and making a comment about it. In his fantasy, Donny unzipped his shorts and pulled them down, showing off his boner and his balls to the server. She looked both ways to make sure no one was watching, and reached in, squeezing Donny's hot hard teen cock, then stroking it. It only took her about a half-dozen strokes before Donny's cock squirted. He barely had time to lift his t-shirt before his creamy cum shot all over his stomach, coaxed out of his bone by her hand. She kind of cooed as she finished Donny off, then asked if he'd like some extra napkins. About that time in real life, Donny shot his wad again. That fantasy simply overwhelmed him, and the welcome feeling of cum-before-bed made for the perfect nightcap. He reached under his bed for his cumrag and was fast asleep soon after cleaning up.

Toby's memory kept seeing Donny's cock shoot its load. The vision of each pulse jetting out brought Toby closer to his own repeat of the afternoon. Toby's total mental focus was Donny's hand jerking his cock and the cum shooting out the end. His cock couldn't hold back any more. Toby shot up into his hair, creating a big mess. But it felt so good! Rather than being repulsed by the gooey mess, Toby was imagining it was Donny's cum in his hair. He, too, reached for his trusty (and crusty) cumrag, cleaning up the mess--and getting it mostly out of his hair. Luckily, it was summer, and he'd be able to take a shower when he got up in the morning, so he just rolled over and went to sleep.

The next couple of days rolled by with each of the boys doing their own thing. This was before cell phones, so friends weren't in constant touch with each other. But while Toby drove around in his car later that week, it wasn't surprising that he ended up in front of Donny's house again. He didn't even need to honk his horn--Donny ran out to the car almost as soon as it rolled up. "What's happening?" asked Donny excitedly. "Nothing yet," said Toby. "Want to take a drive?" "Sure," said Donny as he opened the door and hopped in. "I already told my mom we'd be gone the rest of the day!"

As might be expected, both boys were in their summer wear--shorts and t-shirts. It made the cruising so much more fun to be dressed for the weather. "Why don't we head out to the beach?" asked Toby. "Oh, wow, that's a great idea," said Donny. "I haven't been there since school was out." Toby took a turn at the next intersection and headed for the ocean side. Their chatter against the noise of the travel with windows down was incessant and mostly unimportant. The main thing was that they were headed to the beach!

As they got closer, the smell of the salt air took over their senses. As is the case with many beaches in Florida, cars are allowed to drive on certain parts of them. So when Toby and Donny got to the coastline, Toby simply drove over the small bridge to the beach and slowed down as he took a turn to cruise at the water's edge. Actually, it was pretty crowded this day, so Toby's pace was slow as they drove through the throngs. Donny's eyes were drawn to oh so many babes in their bathing suits. "Damn," he said. "We forgot to bring our suits." "Shit," said Toby. "I should have thought about that before we headed this way. We could go out into the water in our shorts..." "Naw," replied Donny. "Then we'd spend the rest of the day in wet shorts. Let's just scope out the action and come back for a swim another day." "Deal," said Toby, as he continued the slow crawl up the beach.

"Slow down," said Donny. (Toby couldn't be going much slower!) Donny was literally hanging out the window as he ogled some girls nearby. "Stop here for a while," said Donny. So Toby parked the car, and looked over at the group of girls Donny was watching so intently. They were silent for a few minutes as they took in the beach, the water, and the bathing-suit-clad girls. Since they were looking out the passenger side of the car, Toby had a full view of Donny and what he was looking at. It was because of that view that he noticed the bulge in Donny's shorts start to push out. Donny was getting a boner! Just knowing that his bud was stiff beside him in the car made Toby react in the same way. Neither boy said anything, but Toby knew what was happening inside his shorts, and he could see what was happening in Donny's!

Donny turned to Toby. "Want to get out and go over and talk with them?" he asked. Toby wondered how they might react to two teens with tented shorts approaching them, and kind of chuckled. "I think I need to wait until this goes down," said Toby matter-of- factly, nodding toward his crotch. Donny looked and also chuckled, unconsciously reaching down and squeezing his own hard-on through his shorts. "Yeah, that's probably the smart thing to do," said Donny. "But they might enjoy seeing what we think of them!" He laughed as he continued to squeeze himself, turning back to the window to look again at the bathing beauties. Just about that time, a bunch of boys--obviously part of their group--came running up, carrying sodas. "Shit," said Donny, disappointed that whatever plans he was making in his mind now wouldn't transpire. "Let's go see if we can find some more girls to look at."

Toby continued his slow drive up the beach, his teen cock still rock-hard. Donny continued to hang halfway out the window, his own boner obvious as it tented out his shorts. "Stop here," said Donny. Toby pulled over. "Look over there," he said as he pointed to another group of girls. "Maybe they are the ones." In Donny's mind, he wanted to walk up to them, his teen peen hard and pushing out his shorts for the girls to see. He wondered what they might say. "Maybe they are the ones for what?" asked Toby, breaking Donny's fantasy. "Let's go talk to them," said Donny, as he started to open the door. Almost as if on cue, four adults came walking up to the girls and sat down beside them. They had apparently been walking on the beach and had just arrived back. "Double shit," said Donny, his fantasy of showing off his bone now squashed. "Keep driving."

Toby got to the end of the stretch of beach where driving was allowed and had to turn around. He began a slow drive the other way. The group of girls they had last noticed were still sitting with what appeared to be their parents. As they drove a little farther, the first group Donny had spotted was still with their boyfriends. "Fuck," said Donny under his breath. Toby continued to drive, but anytime Donny saw a promising girl, there was always baggage--parents, boyfriends, etc. Most of the rest of the crowd was families with young children. Donny's cock deflated as they drive along the beach until they came to the other end. "Want to drive back up the beach again?" asked Toby. "Naw," said Donny. "Let's head back home. Next time we need to bring our suits so we have an excuse to get out and get a little closer to any girls we might see." Toby headed toward the exit off the beach and pointed the car toward home.

After a mostly-silent trip, as they got closer to home, Donny asked, "hey, you wanna stop by the root beer stand and get something to drink?" "Sure," said Toby, adding, "do you think she's working today?" He was referring to the girl Donny had the hots for. "We'll soon find out." "Get that ball ready," said Toby with a laugh. Donny also laughed out loud. "Good idea," he said. As Toby parked in one of the slots, they scanned the site and didn't see the girl of Donny's dreams. "Shit," he said. "Let's get a drink anyway." "Are you gonna get your ball out this time?" Toby asked. "Naw," said Donny. "None of these bitches look as good as those chicks we saw at the beach." For a moment, Toby had dreamed fleetingly of a repeat of last week's session in the back bathroom. That clearly wasn't going to happen. So the boys ordered their sodas, and sat there drinking them, chatting about job prospects for the rest of summer.

"Let's go by the bowling alley and see if anyone we know if there," suggested Donny. Toby headed out to the local lanes, and they both went inside to see if any of their friends were there. Surprisingly, the lanes were empty. They did have one friend who was working there part time for the summer, so they stopped at the check-in desk to say hello. "Hey, nobody's here--can we plan a free game?" asked Donny. "Why not?" said their friend. "Just one game, though. I don't want to get in trouble." The boys got some shoes, picked a bowling ball off the rack, and went to one of the lanes, where they played a not-very-good ten frames of bowling. Both laughing at how bad they were, at the end of the first game they called it quits, putting the bowling balls back on the rack and returning the shoes. "Have a good one," their friend said as they exited.

By now it was almost dark. Since both of the boys had told their parents they'd be out late, they weren't concerned about missing dinner. If they were hungry when they got home, there would certainly be something they could grab to eat. Toby drove around for another while until he was close to Donny's street. He kind of automatically turned into Donny's circular driveway and parked the car. Almost as if second nature, Toby also shut the engine down. The boys sat there without talking for a few minutes, the sound of crickets filling the silence. "Next time we need to remember our suits," said Donny. "Yeah," agreed Toby. "We need an excuse to get out of the car and wander around." "Yeah, did you see the tits on that girl in the first group who was wearing the blue swimsuit?" Toby didn't recall, as he has been watching Donny's crotch instead. But he replied as if he did. "Yeah, she was hot." "Do you think she would have talked with us if we had gone over there?" "Not if her boyfriend was around." "No, I mean if she didn't have a boyfriend." "Maybe she would have." There was silence again as that scenario rolled through the minds of both boys. "I would have gotten my ball out for her," said Donny in a whisper, clearly fantasizing about showing off to her. "Yeah, I bet she would have enjoyed that," said Toby. He looked out the side of his eye and saw Donny groping himself through his shorts. Toby boned up almost immediately.

"How would you have started a conversation with her?" asked Toby, wanting to keep the fantasy alive. "Well, I would have said down in front of her and asked what school she goes to for starters," said Donny. "Then I would have stretched out so she could see what I had in my pants." As he did that, Donny cupped himself as if he was showing the girl in his fantasy. "What would you be doing?" asked Donny. "I'd be trying to hide the fact that I already had a boner from looking at her," said Toby. "Hahahahaha, yeahhh," said Donny. "Those tits would make anybody get hard instantly." "Just thinking about them did it to me," replied Toby as he squeezed himself through his shorts. Donny looked over at him as he did that, acknowledging that he saw what Toby was doing.

"We should have brought our suits," said Donny, realizing that an opportunity may have been lost--at least in his fantasy. "Maybe we both ought to keep a pair in the trunk in case we go to the beach again," said Toby. "Good idea," said Donny. "Good idea. Why don't we go inside and I'll get mine." "I don't think it's a good idea for me to go in where your mom might see me," said Toby. "Why not?" asked Donny, turning towards his bud. Toby groped himself again. "Because thinking of that girl at the beach has got me all worked up," said Toby. "The last thing I want is for your mother to see me with a boner!" "Then make it go away," said Donny. "What do you mean?" asked Toby, somewhat hopefully. "How do you normally make a boner go away?" asked Donny knowingly. "Ummm, I beat off," said Toby. "Well...." said Donny. "You mean do it right now?" asked Toby incredulously. "Why not?" replied Donny. "You know you want to. You got something to clean up with?" "I think so," said Toby, reaching into his console and fishing out some napkins left over from the root beer stand. "I tell you what," said Donny. "I'll go in and get my suit while you finish yourself off. When I come back out, we can store it in your trunk and make plans for our next trip to the beach." Realizing that Donny was serious and that he'd be leaving, it took Toby about five seconds to unzip and get his boner out before Donny had gotten out of the car. "Damn, you are serious," said Donny, looking down at Toby's now pumping hand. "Don't open the car door," said Toby alarmingly. "I don't want the light to come on while I'm doing this." Donny sat there looking at Toby as he masturbated. "Just imagine those tits," Donny said. "Wouldn't you like to see them? To feel them?" His encouraging words were egging Toby on. "Yeahhh," said Toby kind of raggedly. Then Donny kind of turned to the window away from Toby and said, "hurry up. I want to get my suit." Toby kind of gasped, realizing how close he was to shooting. He wrapped a couple of napkins around the end of his cock and pumped more rapidly. The sound of the paper against his cock filled the otherwise silent car. "Get that nut," said Donny, still looking the other way. "Let her see you shoot your wad." Toby erupted, his body flailing in the driver's seat for thirty seconds or so while he shot his teen cum into the napkin.

"All done?" said Donny, turning back to Toby. "Yeah, that felt great," said Toby. "I tell you what," said Donny. "You stay here in the car anyway, and I'll go get my suit and bring it out to you. That way you'll avoid my mom altogether." "Okay," said Toby, realizing that the look on his face was probably one that suggested he had just shot off. "Give me your napkins and I'll throw them in the trash when I go inside," said Donny. Toby balled up the wet napkins and handed them to his bud, as he stuffed his softening cock back in his shots and zipped up. "I'll be right back," said Donny, as he hopped out of the car and headed inside.

Toby felt kind of awkward at what had just happened, but the cum sure did feel good! He wished that Donny had joined in like he had done at the root beer stand, but maybe when they went to the beach together again that might happen. He kind of relaxed, enjoying the post-orgasmic feeling while he waited for Donny to return.

"Hi, son, did you and Toby have a good time today?" asked Donny's mom as he walked past her on the way to his room. "Yeah, we did mom. I'm going to get my swim suit and keep it in Toby's car so if we go to the beach, we can swim." "Take a towel, too," his mom called out, as she turned to her chores. Smart idea, thought Donny. He stopped by the towel closet in the hall on the way to his room and pulled two towels off the bottom shelf. Then he went to his room. He opened the drawer of the bedside table and put the wadded-up napkins in which Toby had just shot his cum in the corner of the drawer. He had plans for those napkins before he went to bed. Then he reached into his dresser and got a swim suit out. He took the suit and the towels out to Toby, who was still waiting in the car. "My mom is smart," said Donny. "What do you mean," asked Toby. "She said to be sure to keep towels in the trunk as well." "No shit," said Toby. "She IS smart!" Toby popped the trunk, and Donny put his suit and the towels inside. "We are ready for our next trip to the beach!"

The boys both laughed as Donny closed the trunk. "Gotta run, bud," said Donny. "Thanks for the ride today. Let's do a beach trip again soon." "You got a deal," said Toby. "Good night."

Donny watched as Toby drove off, waving from his open window at the end of the circular driveway. Donny hoped the napkins would still be damp as he headed inside.

Next: Chapter 3

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