Donny and Toby

By silverhaireddad

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Though there is some basis in reality, this is a fictional story. Any resemblance to individuals or places is purely coincidental. Copyright 2023. Comments welcomed.

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Donny & Toby at the Roller skate drive-in

Donny & Toby had been best friends since elementary school. Naturally, they spent a lot of time together. Now it was summer, and Toby's parents had given him a used car, since he got his driver's license when he turned sixteen.

Both boys hoped to find some work during the summer break, but until they did, they planned to enjoy themselves. So it was no surprise that when Toby showed up at Donny's house and honked his horn, Donny was ready to go for a ride!

Summers in Florida are hot, and both boys were wearing typical summer fare: shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops. Though Toby's car had A/C, they left the windows down as they cruised through their neighborhood. They weren't going anywhere in particular and it didn't matter. They were best buds and they were out and about and it was summer! After some directionless cruising around, Donny suggested they stop by the root beer stand down by the river. The servers--mostly high school girls--came out to the car on roller skates with your order. You pulled into a parking place and used a system that looked like a drive-in movie speaker to place your order. Then a girl on roller skates brought your order to your car, placing it on a tray that hooked on to the passenger-side window.

Donny and Toby had been here many times. Actually, Donny kind of liked one of the girls who worked there, and may have had an ulterior motive for making the suggestion to get something to drink! But she apparently wasn't there this particular day. As both of the boys looked at the menu posted on a large board in front of their parking space, Donny said that he was going to pull one of his balls out of the leg of his pants and see if the server noticed it. The guys chuckled at this really creative idea--they were teenage boys after all.

After deciding on two large root beers, Donny said he wanted to "get ready" before Toby called the order in. So Donny kind of slumped down a little bit in his passenger's seat, and he fiddled with the leg of his shorts, opening the leg as wide as he could and reaching in, moving his briefs out of the way, and pulling his right nut out. He positioned and repositioned himself so as to clearly show his nut but without making it look like he did it on purpose. "Do you think this will work?" he asked Toby. Toby looked over and saw a couple of scraggly pubic hairs and most of Donny's right ball hanging out of the leg of his shorts. "Yeah, looks good," said Toby. Toby then submitted their order. Both of the boys continued to giggle at Donny's really marvelous idea. They couldn't wait for the server to bring their drinks to the car.

After a few minutes, the classic sound of roller skates on concrete was heard as the girl approached the car with the two drinks balanced on the window tray. Since the window was already down, she skated up to the passenger side, installed the tray on the window, and said "that will be $2.25." As she stood there, Donny was certain she saw his ball sticking out of his shorts, but she said nothing. Toby reached over and handed her three one dollar bills. She flipped the coin holder on her apron, dispensing three quarters which she offered back in change. "Keep the change," said Toby. "Thanks," she said. "Let me know if you want anything else." And she skated away.

"Do you think she saw it?" Donny asked with a giggle. "I don't know," said Toby. "She sure didn't act like it." "I wonder if I got a boner in my pants if she would see that?" "You could always try," said Toby. "You should get one, too, in case she is looking over at your side of the car." "Too dangerous," said Toby. "It'll make me want to beat off!" Both boys laughed out loud. They knew what happened when teen boys got boners! "Why don't we try it," said Donny. "We can order some French fries and have her come back by the car. Surely she'll see something then." Though Toby was hesitant at first, Donny was his best bud, and it did seem like a good idea.

So both of the boys started squeezing their teen cocks through their shorts. It didn't take long until Donny said, "man, I'm really hard...she'll see this for sure!" He looked over at Toby who was in the same state. Donny pointed down at Toby's crotch. "Position your shorts so that your hard dick shows clearly." He watched as Toby made his cock as noticeable as possible. He also noticed a visible throb as Toby got into position. Donny did the same with his shorts, making a tent that showed off his bulging teen cock. "Order some French fries," said Donny. Toby did. Both boys gave an occasional squeeze to their cocks to keep them hard and checked that their teen bulges were visible.

After a few minutes, the same server skated back up to the car. "Here are your fries," she said. "That will be $2.00." Toby once again reached across and handed her two one-dollar bills. "Thanks, fellas," she said with a smile. "Let me know if you want something else." She skated away. "What I want," whispered Donny as the server was leaving, "is for you to see the bulge in my shorts." Both of the boys laughed out loud. Again, either she didn't notice, or she didn't indicate that she noticed. Donny's idea didn't get the reaction from the server the boys had hoped.

"Now what should we do?" asked Donny, indicating that he was thinking of another round with the server. "About the only thing left for me," said Toby, "is to beat off this boner you made me get. I don't want to do that where she can see!" Again, both boys laughed, and Donny looked over at Toby's crotch. Toby squeezed it openly. "I told you this would happen," he said. Donny watched for a few seconds as Toby's hand manipulated his hard teen cock through his shorts.

"I tell you what," said Donny. "Why don't you go around to the back and go to the bathroom there and take care of your problem. I'll try to get her to come back and pick up our tray and see if she finally notices my bulge." Toby said, again, "I told you this would happen. I'll be back in a few minutes." He got out of the car, carefully adjusting himself as he stood up, and walked around the building to the back, where the bathrooms were located. Luckily, no one was in the men's room. He entered, and locked the door behind him. He leaned against the sink, once again groping himself through his shorts. He was amazed at how little it took to get him excited enough that he had to masturbate. This was one of the true challenges of being sixteen.

In the meantime, Donny lifted up the flag on the window tray, indicating that it was ready to be picked up. He made sure he was positioned carefully so that if the server looked, she'd see his bulging shorts. But the same server didn't come by. Another server skated up with a tray already in her hand, and grabbed their window tray, quickly skating off. She really didn't even look! Donny was disappointed.

Figuring that Toby was done by now, Donny got out of the car and walked around to the back. The door to the men's room was locked. Donny knocked. "Toby, are you still in there?" "Yeah," he heard back from inside. "Let me in," said Donny. "I'm busy right now," said Toby. "I don't care...let me in," responded Donny.

After squeezing himself through his shorts while his mind wandered, Toby had just gotten his hard throbbing teen cock out and begun slowly stroking it when Donny knocked on the door. Reluctantly, he stuffed his cock back into his shorts and unlocked the door. Donny barged right in. "Are you done yet?" Donny asked. "I was just getting started," replied Toby. "Well, she didn't even come by again, and the server who picked up our tray didn't even look," said Donny in a rant. "Sorry," said Toby. "So go ahead and get done and let's go," said Donny.

"Ummm, that's gonna be tough with you standing right there," said Toby. "What the fuck," said Donny. "That was gonna be my fuel for the next time I beat off. I guess that's gonna have to be now." As Toby continued to lean against the sink, he shorts still bulging with his boner, Donny undid his shorts and pulled them and his briefs down to his knees. His cock stood straight out as Donny as he started to stroke himself. "I'm going to at least leave her a load in the sink in case she has to clean the bathroom."

Donny's hand started that familiar movement. Toby, caught by surprise but still majorly horny, joined in. He, too, pulled his shorts and briefs down, his own boner throbbing in the air. He grabbed it and started beating off, twisting toward the sink as he did so. Both boys didn't say anything as they continued to stroke. The feeling of a teen beat off session can be overwhelming, and nothing really needs to be said. The only sound in the bathroom was the rhythmic stroking as each boy, driven by adolescent need, continued to masturbate.

"I'm gonna shoot," said Donny. "That bitch is gonna have to clean my cum if she won't look at me." With that, he thrust his hips forward, and his first squirt of splooge flew over the sink and dripped down the wall. Several more shots coated the interior of the sink. "Yeahhhhh," moaned Donny as the intensity of the cum-feeling overcame him. Seeing those shots being pumped out sent Toby over the edge as well. His first dollop of teen cum landed directly on the faucet handles, with the rest joining Donny's in the sink. "Yeah, make a big mess for her to clean up," said Donny in appreciation of Toby's shots. As both the boys came down off their cum-high, Donny grabbed a paper towel and wiped his cock and hands off, throwing the towel in the trash. Toby did the same.

"Here's hoping she remembers this day when she is cleaning up in here at the end of her shift, and she looks next time." said Donny as he opened the door to exit. "Yeah," said Toby as he followed Donny out the door. But Toby's thoughts were on that massive squirt of teen cum that Donny had shot onto the wall. He had never seen Donny do that before, and that vision would fuel any number of subsequent masturbation sessions Toby gave himself.

Next: Chapter 2

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