Donkey Cakes

By SC Walker

Published on Dec 25, 2021


DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between men. If you are under 18 years of age or not allowed to read such material in your jurisdiction, please be advised.

This story belongs exclusively to the author. No reposting or republishing without the author's explicit permission.

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Carlos blew a raspberry into the wind and tossed the newspaper over his shoulder like an annoyed child. Alright, I really gotta show up for this one. This is the only place left hiring in this hick town. He was so eager to come to the place and grab the job that he ran straight there from working out. The thought hadn't even occurred to him to change into something more formal for a job interview until it was too late. He looked down at his long-sleeve compression shirt for training, a pair of absurdly short gray sweat shorts, and some vans with long socks. Carlos discreetly sniffed his pits, and the sharp, musky scent stung his nostrils.

Carlos considered turning around and going home and changing, but this was his last chance, and he didn't want to lose it. He saw the "Help Wanted" sign hanging in the window. Who knows if he turned around and came back if it would still be there? In a small town like this, the few summer jobs get snatched up almost immediately, leaving the remaining teens to be bored and penniless all summer long.

Of course, it's not like he WANTED to work in a bakery. He peered inside the glass doors. The insides looked pretty nice, he guessed. It was mostly white, pastel colors. Nothing too girly or whatever. White tables with chairs stacked on top. The glass display case near the front was mostly empty, but had a couple of decadent-looking cakes. The place seemed like a completely normal bakery, except for the one thing...

What kind of name is `Donkey Cakes', anyways? Carlos looked up at the sign over the front doors. The sign was pink, with a caricature-like picture of a donkey exaggeratedly licking his lips over a strangely round-looking cupcake. Why a donkey? Do donkeys really like cupcakes or something? Carlos wasn't the brightest bulb, but even he was a bit confused. Well, more than he normally was. Carlos shrugged off his confusion, and brought his fist up to the glass door.

Stanley was in the back, getting everything ready for the big grand opening. The only problem was, he didn't have any staff yet. True, several people did apply, but he wasn't interested in working with any giggling teenage girls or bored, nosy housewives. Although it was a long shot, Stanley wished he could have had some eye candy to make his days go by easier. If only a hunky, big-booty jock could show up at his door... When he peeked out to see who was knocking, he had to wonder if someone out there truly was answering his prayers.

Okay Stanley, play it cool. He wasn't the hot stud he used to be in his prime. Now pushing 40, the stress from running his own business and simply the love of his own pastries didn't do much for his physique. He hadn't had time to shave or take care of himself in the rush to open the new bakery, so he was a bit scruffy. Still, Stanley found himself sucking in his gut somewhat as he opened the front door.

"Sorry, we're not open yet-" HOLY SHIT.

Stanley's jaw dropped and the air was knocked out due to the sight in front of him. Carlos had his back turned to the door, with his face buried in his phone. He didn't even notice that Stanley was there at first, giving the older man ample time to take in the young teen jock specimen that stood before him. The kid looked latino, with dark, curly hair cropped short, and a stocky, broad build. The kid's ass was like a work of art, two huge, round globes, with cheeks nearly the size of a soccer ball, the grey sweat shorts riding up a bit and clinging deep into the cleft of his ass.

Carlos finally sensed the eyes lingering on his body, and turned around to face man, giving him an opportunity to take in the teen's frontside. The tight compression shirt he was wearing seemed to lift and separate his ample pecs, which made them look like two enormous muscletits that jutted out significantly from his toned torso. Stanley couldn't help but think those were the kind of tits that made flat chested girls jealous.

"Uh... no sir. No offense but I can't eat sweets until the end of the football season anyway. Who do I gotta talk to if I'm tryna work here?" Carlos spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Stanley realized he had been staring a little bit too long, and wondered if the kid had picked up on his semi-hard chubby and the lust-filled gaze. He seemed to look confused, rather than creeped out, so Stanley figured he was still in the clear. The kid must have either zero preservation instinct or ridiculously ignorant self-confidence.

Stanley brought himself back to reality, swallowed his drooling tongue, and tried to will his stiffening cock down to regain his composure. "That'd be me. I'm Stanley, the owner and head baker. You're just in luck, I'm still looking for an assistant. Please, come in." Stanley held the door open and gestured the jock to step inside. He took another moment to admire the shifting, bouncing cheeks of the toned ass with each step. Damn, I can't believe how much it jiggles when he's just walking. Stanley knew one thing was true: He was going to do everything in his power to get his face between those cheeks.

"So, what's your name, kid? Why do you wanna work here?"

Fuck yeah, the spot was still available! Despite his excitement, Carlos's face remained stoic and disinterested. He walked past Stanley with a spring in his step... hardly aware of how the tight grey shorts rode up the crack of his ass and the heavy bouncing of his cheeks with every step looked so obscene. The inside of the bakery was cool, and Carlos stretched in the chilly air, his back muscles hugged tight by the thin fabric of his shirt. It felt great on his skin after a sweaty workout, though he was unaware his nipples were also reacting to the sudden change in temperature, poking right through the paper-thin material. Carlos turned around and almost stumbled as he reached out to give Stanley a firm handshake, making his tits, ass and thighs actually jiggle with the abrupt jerk. "I'm Carlos, sir. I'm in high school and honestly... I really want a summer job. I need some regular cash to buy cigs and stuff like that. My bike needs a new chain too.

Stanley chuckled to himself at the kid's candor. The kid was lucky he was so hot; if Stanley were not such a patient and... accommodating man, he would have failed the job interview right off the bat. Stanley gripped the kid's hand and gave it an extra-rough shake, just enough to make those tits bounce again. Stanley couldn't help but scan his eyes over the kid's muscles again, particularly making note of the pointed nubs poking out from his short. He was already devouring this kid with his eyes, and yet the jock stud seemed to remain completely oblivious, confirming his suspicious that the kid was likely dumb as rocks. "Tell me, Carlos, do you have any experience baking or serving customers?

Carlos stood, obviously clueless and off-guard with the question, like a deer in headlights. He slowly put his hands behind his back and averted Stanley's gaze. "Uh, yeah for sure." He lied, "I'm kinda rusty with the baking but like... I can serve whatever." Can't be too fucking hard, he thought to himself. Despite being 18, Carlos had never had a part-time job before. He was always too busy with sports.

The teen's bluff was obvious, but everything was still going according to plan. "Great, let me tell you a little bit about my shop here. I'd like to see if you're a good fit. At Donkey Cakes, the most important rule is service. I want each and every customer to leave these doors completely and fully satisfied. Whether they are looking for one of our dense and decadent dark chocolate cakes, our bouncy, jiggly cheesecakes, or one of our creamy, rich puff pastries. Every customer should always be given exactly what they want, what they need." Stanley spoke those words like they were the nastiest, most pornographci sentences in the English language, every syllable positively dripping with innuendo and lust. He wondered just how far he could push this, how dense this kid could possibly be, or if he was just playing along. "How does that sound to you Carlos? Do you think you can perform to that level of... service?"

Carlos's eyes glazed back a bit during the whole speech. His eyes had wandered and he was trying to take discreet peaks of his phone in his pocket. This was obviously one of those bullshit rara talks about a business's motto or whatever the fuck and Carlos was already tuned out as soon as the guy started in about cakes or service or whatever. Fuck it, he would just say he could do whatever the guy asked and he'd get the job, how hard could it be?

Carlos's phone buzzed with a text. "Uh, just a sec..." he muttered, reaching in his pocket to pull out his phone. His biceps strained against the sleeves of his shirt, and his shorts were so tight that he had to really dig into his pocket to pull out the phone. He wiggled his hips a little to help him jostle it out, which only caused his shorts to ride up and pinch his crotch. Even from the front, it was impossible for Stanley to ignore the kid's enormous tree-trunk thighs and the boy's cheeks jerking side to side as the teen hunk adjusted himself. After answering his text, he finally put his phone away and realized the older man was waiting for his reply. "Uh, I don't think it'll be too hard, you can count on me, boss-man."

God, this kid is killing me! He has a worse attention span than a goldfish. Still, Stanley wasn't going to waste this opportunity. "Well, Carlos, I think you certainly could be a huge help around here. There's a couple of things I want to check before you're officially hired. Please wait here a minute."

Stanley went into the back room, scrounging for the boxes where he kept the employee uniforms that he had ordered. His hands lingered over the one labeled Men's Large', knowing it was the likeliest fit for the muscle-bound teenager. But, he had an even better idea... Stanley picked up the Women's Small' uniform, quickly cut off the tag, and brought it out. The scruffy man could only imagine how the normally tight v-neck tank top and pink cotton shorts would look on the teen...

When Stanley came back, he was shocked to see that Carlos was once again absorbed in his phone. Stanley cleared his throat to get the teen's attention. "Carlos, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see how you look in the uniform. As you know, branding is very important, so I have to make sure employees represent the right image for Donkey Cakes." Stanley handed the obviously too-small scraps of fabric over. "Er... please don't mind but I didn't expect someone of your... physique to apply. This is the only size I ordered. I'm sure it will still fit, the material is meant to be very stretchy."

The teen grabbed the uniform without really looking and held it up, giving it a quick look over. Damn, it was small. He was used to wearing pretty tight stuff, though, so it didn't bother him too much. He looked around for a place to change.

"Oh well, the bathroom isn't done yet, so if you don't mind, you can just change right here." Carlos shrugged. The suggestion of changing right there made no difference to Carlos. They were both guys, and he was definitely used to changing in front of other guys in the locker room, so it was no big deal.

But, as he held the uniform up, he cocked a brow and turned his head to the side a little. "Hope you didn't pay much for this, it's pretty goofy looking." He flashed a boyish grin at the older man. He set the uniform down on the counter, and didn't hesitate to literally peel off his shirt. The stretchy material seemed to cling to his body, especially due to the sweat. Sometimes, he even needed help from one of his bros on taking it off after a workout, but he managed it by himself this time. Stanley's eyes traced over the kid's torso, appreciating his mound-like pecs, his hairy and sturdy mid-section. The kid wasn't super cut, he had more of a beefy build, but he was made of pure power.

Carlos then turned his back towards the older man. No need to flash my dick, he thought. He undid the strong on his shorts, then slowly bent over to carefully slide them over his thick thighs and pull them off. The thick teen had accidentally ripped many pairs of shorts before, so he was being extra careful. As he stepped out of the shorts, the only thing left was his sweat-stained jock. Stanley could clearly see the tight straps digging into and dimpling the soft and bouncy asscheeks. Carlos made sure to keep one hand over his pouch, but clearly forgetting to cover his ass, as if the thought that anyone would stare at his bare jock-framed ass had never even occurred to him.

His massive cheeks were bare and in plain view, rippling and bouncing slightly as he reached back over to grab the uniform. The thin white cotton shirt had the "Donkey Cakes" logo on the front. Carlos struggled to fit it over his head and pull it down his body. It was somehow even tighter than his compression shirt. Carlos tried to be careful as he swore he heard the threads tearing once he fit it over his hefty pecs. He somehow was able to get it onto his body, but the fit was... odd. It fit almost like a football crop top, not a feeling he was unaccustomed to. The v-neck was over-stretched wide, with the kid's enormous pec-meat almost popping out of the opening, the white fabric so thin that it was practically see-through. Stanley could see Carlos's perky brown nipples clearly through the material. The shirt ended near the top of Carlos's abs, just barely covering his pecs and hanging several inches in front of his torso. His entire flat yet beefy stomach, including his treasure trail leading to a bushy set of pubes, was fully on display.

As he bent over again to step into the shorts, Stanley had to stifle a gasp. He was at just the right angle to see the kid's ass cheeks part at the perfect angle, exposing one of the tiniest, tightest virgin holes he had ever seen in his life. It was slightly hairy, and tanned like the rest of his body. Carlos tried to pull the shorts up his legs, but they got caught on his thick thighs. He almost fell over trying to slip them up his legs. Not to be discouraged, Carlos persisted, even as the threads holding the shorts together audibly stretched and loosened. Finally, he triumphed in getting them over his thighs, and they hung on his legs right below the ass. He wasn't sure how he was going to do this... There was simply so much of it. His ass was formidably huge and almost disproportionate, even to his tree trunk legs. He used one hand to grasp the back of the shorts and pull them out and up as hard as he could, while his other hand pressed down on his ass, squashing it down so it could fit into the small gap in the shorts. Finally with a SNAP he released the shorts, which were clearly barely able to contain his jiggling assflesh. The top of his ass hung defiantly over the waistband, creating a muffin-top like shape, while the bottom half of his cheeks jiggled, completely exposed. The shorts appeared to be the size of briefs on the poor teen, digging into his flesh. The bottom of his ass, supported by his jockstrap, was fully visible. Carlos groaned and shifted his legs. He was used to wearing tight shorts, but these were kinda uncomfortable. Still, he wanted this job, and apparently wearing the uniform was super important.

Carlos tried to tuck his ass more into the shorts. He was quite proud of himself for finally managing to do it, as if that was all he needed to do to pass the test and get the job.

Stanley couldn't believe the sight in front of him. With how tiny and stretched the material was, it seemed to enhance all the bouncing and jiggling of his pecs and ass. Stanley figured with the amount of bounce the kid had on his meaty behind, it wasn't going to be long until one wrong ass-quake made the entire pair of shorts rip into shreds. The older man just couldn't believe that the teen was so willing and eager to put on a uniform that was clearly way too small on him. He must have some self awareness, that he was basically showing off his body lewdly on a silver platter? The kid must have been eating out of Stanley's hands, and before long Stanley himself would be eating the teen jock's... somewhere else.

"Well, I think you look great Carlos, you definitely fit the Donkey Cakes image. What do you think?"

Carlos lifted his arms to test the stretch of the new uniform and looked over his shoulders at the back of the shorts. He wasn't too weirded out by how small it was, it was just a little uncomfortable. Carlos reached back and tried to dislodge the tight shorts from his ass crack and then adjusted the straps of his athletic supporter. He shrugged. Sure, the uniform was kinda goofy, but he figured most uniforms were dumb. Besides, this beat spinning a cardboard sign or dressing up as some stupid mascot. Carlos was the school's fullback and probably had the meatiest ass and thighs of any football player in their division. He was pretty used to things fitting tight. "Yuh, it's kinda silly. But I ain't uncomfortable, like I can work in this y'know? You're the bossman. You sure you don't got any larger sizes though?"

"I'm sorry to say that I don't. I can look into seeing if I can order anything for you, though." Stanley said, with no intention to actually follow through. Stanley practically eye-fucked the teen stud, paying special attention to his enormous ass and noting the jock straps holding up his rear.

That meant that the only thing separating the jock stud's tiny hole buried between his meaty cheeks was the thin pink fabric of the straining shorts. Now that he successfully got the jock stud INTO these incredibly obscene clothes, a plan started to form in his head to get teen OUT of those shorts. He needed to get this stud alone, away from the windows, where nobody could see...

"Well Carlos, one of your primary duties here will be washing the dishes. I would like to observe your... technique. To make sure you know how to do it properly. Please follow me." Stanley led Carlos into the kitchen, over to the large basin sink filled with crusty pans, baking sheets, and cake molds from this morning's bakes.

"Dishes?" Carlos groaned audibly. He wasn't expecting to be a fucking a dish boy. But, he really needed this job, so he decided to obey and beat the fuck out of a few pots and pans. The old guy must have been really anal about his dishes though. He was standing way too close, Carlos could feel his body heat radiating and Carlos could feel the older man bump into his jiggling assflesh. Carlos was used to that, it was hard to maneuver with an ass that size and it tended to get in people's way. Carlos reached in and started to lather up the soap and scrub away at the dishes.

Stanley leaned in closer, his hot breath on Carlos's neck, mouth inches away from the teen's ear. "Don't be afraid to really dig in deep. Those pans need lots of hard, deep cleaning. Use plenty of elbow grease." With Stanley's encouragement, Carlos started to scrub even harder. Stanley couldn't believe how much the teen's tits and ass jiggled as he toiled away at the dishes.

Stanley couldn't resist much longer. He needed to make his move. He casually rested one of his hands on Carlos's lower back, right above his ass, as if trying to steady and support the teen. The action barely registered on the teen's face, which just emboldened Stanley further. He dropped his hand lower, and lower... until he was fully cupping the massive meaty jock ass, grasping it and feeling his fingers sink into the soft, jiggly flesh.

"Woah, uh, careful with the merchandise." Carlos joked. He was used to getting his ass slapped by his teammates. They liked to make fun of how big it was and how easily it jiggled, so he didn't think twice about Stanley also wanting to cop a feel. But something about the way that Stanley palmed and pawed at his butt made Carlos feel a bit uneasy. "So, is this really gonna be the whole job? It's kind of a lot work not gonna lie... not to sound like a brat but don't you got anything easier?"

Stanley raised an eyebrow. Easier? Was the kid being dense, or was he playing along? Stanley had already crossed many lines, and any normal person would have run screaming about the dirty old pervert baker. Could it be that behind Carlos's innocent and oblivious facade, he was, in fact, offering himself? Was he even aware of how obscene he looked, was he perhaps even using his luscious body to manipulate a lonely older man into giving him money? The kid did say he was desperate for a job, and willing to do anything. Fuck it, he had to stop playing coy. It was worth the risk.

Stanley leaned in closer to Carlos. Being around this jock stud in such a skimpy outfit, feeling up his perfect ass, had made all the blood rush straight to his dick. The sizable piece of daddy meat was rock hard, bulging out of his khakis, with a small precum stain spreading. His unmistakable erection poked and prodded the bubbly asscheeks. "Easier? You want an `easier' way to earn your keep?" Stanley met Carlos's eyes and then beckoned his gaze downward. Carlos followed to check at what was now poking him, and the realization slowly dawned on his face.

"What the fuck?" The teen swore under his breath. Carlos's eyes went wide when he felt something... big and hard pressing into his asscheek. He slowed down his scrubbing as his brain finally put together the pieces, then suddenly stopped. "Uhm I... uh.." He had no clue what to say.

"You know, Carlos, I deal in the business of CAKE." Stanley dug his fingers even harder into Carlos's ass, causing the teen to wince in surprise. "I have to assure that every single of one of our cakes meets the highest quality standards." He was groping it openly and unmistakably. "And to do that, I have to thoroughly sample each and every one of them, taste them fully and completely. Including yours." The last two words Stanley spoke in a whispered growl directly into Carlos's ear. His fingertips prodded at the waist band of the shorts, trying to breach them to get his hand directly on the jock's ass, kneading it like how he kneads bread dough. "Do you understand what I mean, Carlos?"

FUCK. Carlos needed this job. There was nowhere else to work and he wasn't going to give up so easily. He inhaled sharply as the older man palmed as much of Carlos's cheek as he possibly could. He had never experienced someone directing this kind of attention towards him before. I mean, he'd seen porn but this was... Carlos looked back up at Stanley, eyes like saucers, in genuine confusion. "Uh... I don't know how to sample cakes sir...?" Carlos mustered. He knew, though, that if he wanted this job he needed to play along. And feeling the man's fingertips prod his waistband told him exactly what he needed to do. His hands, still wet and soapy, reach back at the short waistband. He struggled a bit to grasp it and pull it down, getting his left cheek out at first, covering it in suds. Soon, the right cheek popped out with a bounce. His ass took up so much space, Carlos bent forward slightly and stuck his hips out backwards. "Can you show me what you're saying?"

Jackpot. "I'll show you exactly how I'll sample your cakes, Carlos. You just hold on tight." Stanley growled. He grabbed Carlos's waist and pulled it back, then pressed down on the teen's lower back to make him bend over more. The hungry daddy kicked the teen's vans to make him widen his stance. The soon-to-be-slut was already getting into position nicely. Stanley knelt down, his face inches away from the bubbly cheeks. He grabbed the shorts, strung taught on Carlos's thighs, and violently pulled it to the teen's ankles.

Carlos barely had time to react before Stanley wrapped his arms around the teen's beefy legs, spread the ass as wide as he could, then BURIED his face deep inside the meaty asscheeks. His tongue roughly dove in between, licking as hard as it could, trying to dig deeper into the crevice in search of its goal: that tight, teen virgin jock hole. Carlos's cheeks were so big that they swallowed up Stanley's entire face as it was shoved deeper between them. Stanley licked and sucked, slobbered as hard as he could. Normally when he ate ass, he wanted to take it slow, savor the delicacy, but all the teasing had Stanley absolutely ravenous for this jock's cunt, and he needed to get his tongue into it as soon as possible.

He just COULDN'T though. It was too much goddamn ass!! His hands gripped both cheeks and he pulled them apart HARD, causing Carlos to let out a little yelp. He STILL struggled to reach the tiny pinprick between his phat cheeks. "Carlos, I can't get deep enough. I need to taste ALL of you." Stanley's throat was choking with lust as he spoke. "Help me find it."

Carlos took a deep breath. This was strange. The man was acting horny as hell and he was.. licking Carlos's ass. What the hell was happening? He held on tight and steadied himself as Stanley dove in. Carlos peered over his shoulder and he couldn't even see the old man's face anymore it was buried so deep. His cheeks bounced aggressively, and he was a little worried they might smother Stanley. An image from a nature show that Carlos had once saw popped into his mind, of a mother lioness cleaning her cubs with her tongue. The scenes were strikingly similar, is that what Stanley was doing? Honestly, he was confused and weirded out, but if this was how he was gonna get paid, why question it?

"My, uh, my center, sir?" Carlos thought for a few seconds. Finally, the dumb jock caught on. OH. "You mean... like this?" He widened his stance more and lifted one strong, beefy thigh, setting his knee on the counter while his other muscular leg stood firm. He balanced easily from years of football practice despite his size. Carlos reached back with one hand, gripping at his own ass meat and pulled his round cheek up. Between the two cheeks and surrounded in a light patch of hair was a tiny, little hole. Smaller and tighter than any pussy and never before touched by anyone.

As soon as Stanley saw that pussy, he lost it. Acting in total animalistic instinct, he attacked it with his tongue like a beast devouring a prey. It was funny that Carlos had thought of a lioness, for that was exactly how Stanley was behaving. Except he wasn't cleaning his cub, but more like a lion tearing into the flesh of a gazelle. Carlos's entire body jerked forward with the sudden pressure when Stanley's tongue met his virgin hole. Stanley's tongue stabbed at the tight opening. It was too damn tight, as expected so Stanley knew he was going to have to use his tongue to get ready. He roughly licked around the hole, sucking and nibbling at the assflesh around the tight ring, licking as hard and deep as he could to get it absolutely covered in spit and slobber.

Stanley was going to have to use every trick in his playbook to tongue this ass. He was an experienced rimmer, known to bring many men to the absolute heights of ecstasy with just his tongue in his youthful days. He flattened, his long, broad tongue and french kissed that pinprick teen jock hole, lips smacking and tongue slapping against it. Carlos's hole was so small and tight. It stayed completely shut at the intrusion and at first it just tickled. Carlos soon went from mild confusion, to sudden panic, to...

"DUDE... what are you... HOLY SHIT!!" Carlos gasped out. He had never felt this way before. Stanley exploring the untapped region between his fat cheeks was sending spikes of pleasure directly to his brain. His hole gave way and opened to the older man's tongue, and suddenly Carlos was in bliss. He felt a pressure in groin, as he realized his cock was now rock hard, straining against the sweaty jockstrap pouch. FUCK, why is my cock THROBBING?? With every movement of Stanley's tongue, Carlos could feel his little hole clenching and unclenching against his will, trying to let the old man in.

"Holy... holy FUCK!" Carlos couldn't find words as he stood there, moaning softly at first, then devolving into a moaning mess, sounding like the bitched he watches get fucked in porn. It felt amazing as he felt his sensitive teen cockhead throb and rub against the jockstrap pouch, staining it with precum.

"Please...holy fuck you need to stop..." he pleaded with the old man, be he wanted it to keep going. He still didn't know what was happening. But it felt so amazing that Carlos lost himself. With Stanley's tongue in him he lowered his knee off the counter and bent over fully. With the old man's face vulnerable between his cheeks, Carlos started to bounce and clap them around his face.

It started subtle at first. Gyrating his hips and jiggling them as the tongue was speared deeper into his insides. "Fuck what are you doing. Don't do that...fuck, don't." He didn't know if he was supposed to be enjoying this, but he was. "Really sir you need to stop-DONT." He yelled as his body twitched in ecstasy. "Don't, stop it, don't. Don't. Stop. Don't....stop. Don't, stop....don't stop....DONT STOP." Before he knew it his protests turned into begs as he was fully twerking his massive jock teen ass on Stanley's face.

That was all Stanley needed to hear. This reaction was better than he could have ever imagined. He knew his tongue was special, but now he knew it had the power to turn a studly straight teen jock into a moaning, twerking, begging SLUT. It was time for him to really go for it.

He flattened and broadened his tongue, getting it as thick and long as he could. He worked the tip into Carlos's hole, twisting and flicking it as the tight ring gave way and he finally breached it. His tongue started to enter Carlos's pink insides, licking the walls of his pussy canal. All the while, he worked his lips, smacking them against the ring, using his lips to separate the hole and keep it open so he could get his tongue in deeper. Finally, he was as deep as he finally could. Several inches of his tongue were buried inside that impossibly tight jock cock, as the kid threw his hips back at the deep penetration.

Finally, Stanley started to tongue-fuck. Stanley moved his face in and out, with all his might, meeting the kid's ass bouncing thrusts. He would pull his tongue out, leaving the tiny pinprick open and gaping, then SLAM his entire face back into that booty, burying his extra long tongue into the boy's crevasse all in one go. There was no doubting it: the kid was getting absolutely RAILED, fucked as hard as the big-titted bimbos he got off to in pornos.

As Stanley used his tongue to pound into the teen's juicy ass, the teen's twerking was turning into bouncing, as he started to push his ass back every time Stanley started to withdraw his tongue, as if he couldn't bear to have his hole devoid of the wet, slick, and surprisingly nimble muscle. Every time Stanley thrust his tongue back into Carlos's cunt, he did it with such force that the teen stud was pushed forward, so they built up a rhythm of Stanley pulling back, Carlos pushing his ass out, Stanley SLAMMING his tongue back in, and Carlos's asses getting pushed forward towards the sink.

The teen was completely rock hard, his jock pouch stained and saturated with his pre-cum. He was losing his mind. Not only was he on the edge of an ecstasy he had never felt before, he felt the cum churning in his balls. Fuck why was he SO TURNED ON!?

Stanley could feel Carlos's formerly virginal hole clenching down on his tongue. Damn, the kid was close!! This wasn't the first time he got a guy off hands-free with his tongue; it was only on rare occasions, and only on the hungriest sluts: the ones most eager to get their holes munched on. Clearly, Carlos was a natural born rimslut.

"Oh... OH FUCK!! FUCK FUCK!!" Carlos's moans and babbles were getting louder and more and more incoherent. He was losing his mind as the tongue worked it's way against his hole. The wet muscle pressed and pushed against his cunts walls, and Stanley started to flick his tongue downwards with surprising strength, right up against a bump or nub in his ass.

"HOLY SHIIIIIIIITTT" Carlos roared, that action sending electric shocks to his brain and directly to his dick. What the hell WAS that?? It felt better than anything else in his entire life. Carlos tried to bury the thought, but deep inside, he knew what was happening. He wasn't just getting his ass licked. He was full on, no holds barred, getting tongue fucked out of his mind.

A horrible realization came to him: he was gonna cum. He was gonna cum like a fucking bitch.

"FUCK STOP PLEASE, DON'T DO IT I CAN'T-!!!" Carlos didn't even get to finish the sentence. Stanley felt the teen's hole clench down like a vice grip, not even allowing him to remove it. It then started to twitch rapidly, in and out, winking fast. The teen's big beefy body shuddered, his legs shivered, and his hips thrust back. From his rock hard cock rocketed volley after volley of prime teen jock sperm. Soaking and saturating his jock pouch, overfilling it, causing it to spill out and drip onto the floor. He shot load after load of cum, the most intense orgasm of his life, like it just wouldn't end.Carlos felt like his world was turned totally upside down, he was seeing flashes of white as his eyes rolled back into his head.

As he continued to empty his balls with a tongue up his ass, his jock pouch now heavy with all the cum inside it, each load gradually got less intense in size. Finally coming down from his orgasm, Carlos's heaving pecs bounced as he tried to catch his breath. What the fuck just happened?

Even now after the orgasm had subsided, having a face buried between his cheeks was a new, amazing discovery. This felt better than the time he learned how to jack off. This was how Carlos wanted to get off from now on! Carlos was bent over with his upper body partially resting on the counter and his head down buried in his arms while he stood there drooling and dripping cum. He jiggled his ass a little like a defeated beast. Then turned around to look at Stanley. You could barely see the man's face behind his muscular arms. "So do I get the job?"

Stanley grinned. "Kid, as long as you let me do this to you whenever I want, I think we can work together nicely." The teen looked like a well-fucked slut. His brow was sweaty, his chest heaving, his jockstrap completely stained, and his shorts were around his ankles. If anyone saw him like this, they would assume the stud was a bottom bitch who just got the fucking of his life.

And they wouldn't be too far off, either.

Carlos didn't even bother to try and pull the shorts back up. He stepped out of them and slowly stood up, his jock still tightly wrapped around his ass stopping it from jiggling as much as usual. Drool rolled down his beefy thighs as he turned to face his new boss wearing nothing by the crop top and his jock. He looked a mess but he tried to pull himself together.

Stanley was entranced by the sight. Then, a thought came to him. Could an already amazing day somehow get even better? "There is one more thing. I actually need a couple more employees for the shop. Got any friends who might also be interested in our... arrangement?"

Next: Chapter 2

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