Published on Dec 24, 1997



Organization: St. Dismas Infirmary for the Incurably Informed


Don and the Dildoe

While Jack was in San Francisco having the hot time you have been reading bout, Don was having some weekend adventures right here in L.A. ............

Don was getting restless this Friday night, so decided to check out one of his favorite bars, the Oxidized Nail, a hangout for leather types in the area. I guess that I should explain that Don tends to exaggerate things a bit, but as we shall soon find out, that trait sometimes gets him into trouble. Anyway he walked into the bar, checking out the specimens of manhood partaking of the brew. There were some bottom types, just in T-shirts and Levis, the Levis ranging in spectrum from practically new to faded and torn so bad it's a wonder they even would stay on the firm asses of their owners. On the top end the majority were in full leather: Boots, chaps, vest, jacket and cap. One exception omitted the vest and any shirt, but just had a harness under his leather jacket. It is this person who caught the eye of Don, who wandered over to where the Harness Man was sitting on a case of beer. "Watcha looking at, ain't you ever seen a harness before?" said the Harness Man in a gruff voice. "Sir, I was just admiring you physique". replied Don, surprised by this sudden turn of events. "I see you got you keys on your right", said Harness Man, continuing, "You probably haven't got what it takes to get it on with me, I like to go heavy." "Well, if you're into FFA, OK I'll agree, I'm not into that, but I've taken some fairly big dildoes in my day" Don replied. I'll bet, just how big have you taken?". Don considered for a moment and remembered the 9"er that had reamed his ass the night before, but it was a rather skinny cock, then he remembered the time someone had him cram a butt plug up his ass & wear it for a couple hours. Now how big around was that thing, Christ, it must have been 3" in diameter. "I've taken nine inches by three around". "Ha, I'll bet!, I don't think that ass of yours could even stretch to accommodate 'tiny meat' over there", Harness Man smirked while nodding his head towards one of the patrons sitting at the bar. "How much you wanna bet?", said Don, now getting rather perturbed at the Harness Man's attitude. "I don't take bets", growled the Harness Man sharply, "I just want to see it happen. You look like you might be fun to have as a slave for awhile. Ride over to my place and we can try it out, but let me warn you, I have no patience with bullshitters, so If you come over, you are going to take the nine by three dildoe, no matter if you cram it in or I." "OK you're on", Don said, "What's your name anyway?". "You will address me as SIR, understand?", said Harness Man.

It was a short ride to the West Hollywood residence of the Harness Man. As soon as the door was closed Harness Man ordered Don to strip, addressing him only as "slave".

He led Don into his "dungeon", a room in the center of the building about 12 ft square with no windows. There were hooks in the ceiling and pulley arrangements about. There was one other door leading out of the room. Harness Man went out this door and came back without his jacket but still wearing the harness. In one hand he was holding some object that Jack couldn't quite see as his large hand almost totally enclosed it. The other object was in plain view however. A conical shaped object that could be none other than the dildoe that Don claimed he could take. It wasn't shaped like a cock however, it was a geometrically perfect cone, except the tip was rounded like a butt plugs tip. Don gulped, the thing looked huge; could 9" be really that long? 3" that fat? As if the Harness Man had read Don's mind, he revealed the tape measure that he was holding in his other hand. He extended it from the tip of the cone to the base, where it then became a cylinder extending about another foot. The measure read exactly 9 inches. He then measured the diameter at the bottom of the cylindrical section, exactly three inches. "Nine by three inches exactly", said Harness Man, "now cram it up your ass!". "Hey, I said nothing about taking it dry!" exclaimed Don. "You didn't specify any lubrication either, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt". said Harness Man, who found a can of "Lube" and handed it to Don. "Now CRAM!". Don took the monster dildoe and greased it and his bunghole. But try as he might, he couldn't relax enough to get it much more than half way in. The Harness Man smiled wickedly as Don struggled with the asshole toy. "You don't leave this house until that dildoe is crammed a full nine inches up your lousy butt!" said the Harness Man.

At this point Don got down on the floor and lay on his side, trying to get that prod up his hole, but by now he had gotten the lube all over it, including the part he was trying to grip with his hand and his hand kept slipping. "Well, I guess I just can't do it after all", said Don sheepishly. "Remember the agreement, that thing is going up your ass, one way or another, even if I have to do it for you, but there still may be a way to make you still do it yourself."

The harness man went out the second door again, locking it behind him.

Don immediately ran for the first door, but found it to be locked also. Don looked all around the room looking for an escape and finding none, sat dejectedly on the floor, wondering what he had gotten himself into this time.


Harness Man came back in a short time later, carrying an armful of equipment. He grabbed Don by one wrist and strapped it with a wide padded strap to a four foot piece of angle iron at one end, before Don could react, he had fastened the other wrist to the opposite end of the angle iron. From a hole drilled in the middle, Harness Man attached a strong cable which ran through a system of pulleys from the middle of the ceiling to a winch fastened to the wall. Harness Man cranked the winch until Don was suspended by his wrists about a foot from the floor. He then screwed eyes into the floor about five feet apart, and attached anklets to Don's legs and secured these to the eyes in the floor, thus spread eagling Don in the middle of the room. Finally Harness Man took the dildoe, which Don had left on the floor, wiped it off, & screwed it to a stand, creating the proverbial "tower of power". He relubed the dildoe & took some extra lube and greased Don's butt hole real good. Then he slid the dildoe assembly under Don. The dildoe didn't quite touch Don's butthole, but that was soon to be changed. This tower of power had a screw jack installed in the base and Harness Man raised it until the dildoe had penetrated Don about an inch. Harness Man then addressed Don "You now see the situation. You cannot walk away from this one now, and If I so desire I can just screw that dildoe right up your unworthy butt." Indeed, Don tried to get away from the probe, but couldn't. He couldn't raise himself off of it since his feet were fastened to the floor. "But I still would get more pleasure out of having YOU insert the buttplug". Don didn't have long to find out what was going to happen next, as Harness Man walked over to the winch and started LOWERING Don. Don instinctively responded by holding him self up by his arms. "AH HA, EXACTLY what I expected you to do!" laughed Harness Man, who continued to lower away until Don elbows were at right angles. In other words Don arms were in the position yours would be in If you were doing long reach pull ups, and similarly he was supporting all his weight with is arms. Indeed, he was really between a rock and a hard place. If he relaxed his arms, his body would go down, plunging that dildoe right up his ass.

"I have set you up so you will know when you have accomplished your goal. When the heels of your feet touch the floor, the dildoe will be exactly nine inches up your ass, and your butthole will be at exactly the three inch mark on the pleasure cone." stated the Harness Man.

"Damn you", cried Don, "You know I'll have to give in eventually".

"Quite true, it will be fun seeing how long you can hold out" replied the harness man.

Don was fairly strong and relatively light, so he was able to hold this position fairly well, but as time grew, the expenditure of energy caused him to sweat profusely, beads of sweat streaming from his forehead, his tight biceps, his muscular chest, streaming down to join more beads of sweat on his washboard stomach, his broad shoulders, down to his stretched out legs, finally dripping off the ends of his toes.

Seeing Don suffer like this was really starting to get the Harness Man aroused, he took out his erect cock and started to fondle it a bit.

"You have held out almost longer than anyone, but you better not try to hold out too much longer, the dildoe will go in alot easier if you still have some control over your muscles" said the Harness Man who had stopped playing with his cock and was squeezing Don's biceps as he talked. "I think it's time to hurry you along a bit", continued Harness Man, picking up a cat o' nine tails from the floor. He started whipping Don's sweaty back, gave a couple of blows to the tense arm and chest muscles, at which point Don said "OK, stop, I'll do it now". Harness man continued the whipping with out comment. "Sir, please stop Sir!" pleaded Don. "That's better" said Harness Man, who stopped whipping Don and resumed playing with his own pecker again. Don's arms were so tired now and sore from both the strain and whipping that he was starting to have spasms, but was able to still control his descent onto the cone.

To his surprise he discovered that he had already pushed the dildoe 6 inches up to his ass already and the remaining three inches were not that difficult, now that his touchhole had spent some time being stretched. However the final inch was a real torture, actually the dildoe he had experienced before was only a two inch diameter, so he groaned & his whole body contorted with the pain/pleasure this monster was giving his butthole. Harness Man seeing this tension could longer contain himself, & started to shoot his load all over Don's stomach and chest. Harness Man was still shooting hot jizz when Don finally had his heels flat on the floor, and the tower of power now a full nine inches up his rectum, his sphincter now stretched to a full three inch diameter. Harness Man now lowered the angle iron until Don's hands were level with is shoulders, giving his arms a much needed rest.


He also found his cock now to be extended to it's full 8" and throbbing with desire. "Please, Sir, please take my cock sir", Don asked of the Harness Man. "Are you willing to pay the price?" asked the Harness Man. "What price?" asked Don. "As a slave you don't ask the price, you take it", said Harness Man, taking the whip and giving Don a couple lashes across the back with it. "I've heard about you and your bullshitting from another topman, and another boast you made was that you could take boots hanging from your tits for fifteen minutes, care to prove that boast?" before Don could interrupt, the Harness Man continued. "Just to show you I am not totally without mercy, I'll let you bail out of this one, If you can't take it, and judging from your performance so far, I doubt you are worthy to the challenge, and If you should last the fifteen minutes I will service your unworthy organ." While the Harness Man was giving this speech, Don tried to get up from the tower of power, but found his feet still fastened so he could not quite clear the dildoe. He was in the process of easing himself back down onto the butt stopper when Harness Man caught him. "Just where do you think you're going?" he said "You don't move unless I tell you!, for that a little more punishment!".

Harness man then tied his feet firmly to the floor so he couldn't get off the tower of power at all& then disappeared behind the second door again, to reappear later with more equipment.

He raised the angle iron again until Don's arms were outstretched again.

Harness Man then put a belt around Don's waist that had rings around it and used the rings to tie Don securely to the tower of power. "That plug is staying up your ass until I want it to come out" said Harness Man, who then unhooked Don's feet from the floor and tied them to the rings on the belt. Harness Man then took a belt and started whipping Don's soles with it. Don had never been foot whipped before so the electric shock like sensation was a total surprise which set Don to groaning loudly. "You do anything like that again and you get twenty of those, with a gag up your mouth so I don't have to hear your moaning!" said harness man. "Now for the tit work".

The Harness Man got some tit clamps that were two rubber pads at the end of a U shaped piece of spring steel, that had a sliding arrangement that brought the ends closer together. He attached these to Don's tit's who apparently wasn't bullshitting this time as he took them with out a sound. Harness Man then ran strings over the pulleys and attached Don's boots, one for each tit.

He then started a large photographic timer that he had also brought into the room with him, positioned so that Don could see it too. The first five minutes were uneventful. Going into the tenth minute Don was starting to give into the pain, but was able to fight it back and translate it into pleasure. A minute later it almost seemed as if his tit's were going numb, as the stimulation had been there so long, his brain started to ignore the pain/pleasure messages from his chest. Harness Man apparently sensed this too, as he started swinging the boots and rubbing the area around the tit clamps.

"Hey", Don started to object, but shut up when Harness Man gave him a couple more blows across the soles of his feet with the belt.

Minute 14 had him almost ready to throw in the towel, but Don was determined to hold out. He was now really getting aroused by all the sensation coming in at once; He could feel the sweat dripping down his body once again, the after sting from the feet whipping, the everpresent tower of power, still lodged nine inches up his butt, his arms aching, his thighs aching from having his legs stretched & fastened behind him, and finally the pinching of the clamps on his tits and the pulling force on them from the boots.

It seemed as if for a moment, that his arms were not carrying any of the load at all, but that his TITS were holding up his body weight.

He was about to protest loudly, but he knew that would only lead to more punishment. He had to be very careful as to how he phrased his request. "Sir, I believe the time is up Sir." Don said in a very submissive voice". "Quite right, I just wanted to see how much you could really take, and apparently you aren't such a bullshitter after all", said Harness Man. Harness Man removed the tit clamps and Don winced, they had been on so long they had dug in somewhat and it was painful to remove them. "I also want you to know that this master keeps his promises" said Harness Man, who got a belt, but started to suck Don's cock. While he was doing this, he then took the rough side of the belt & rubbed it back and forth over Don's tits, sending Don to new heights of pleasure. Harness Man was only on Don's cock a minute before he started cuming. Don had never experienced an orgasm as intense and as long. He just kept pumping & pumping jizz into Harness Man's mouth, and the Harness Man swallowed it all. Even after Don was finished creaming, Harness Man wouldn't let the cock go, but kept milking it for all he could get out of it. Don's cock was now so tender from all the action that it was almost a torture as bad as having his feet whipped to have the sucking continue, yet it felt oh, so good.

Finally Harness Man tired of sucking his cock. and raised Don off the dildoe by cranking him up again. He removed the tower of power from it's place and lowered Don totally to the floor. He then undid his feet from the belt & finally untied him from the bar. He unlocked the first door and led Don back to the entry way. As Don was putting his clothes back on harness man said, "You have done well for a new slave, and are worthy of another visit, you know where to find me".

God is a magician, Reality His trick, and it's all done with mirrors.

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