Donald Comes to Town

By Logan Prejean

Published on Aug 18, 2022


So great hearing from readers! LOVE even the short "THANKS BRO!" to the more detailed ones where you count the ways you enjoyed the story! Yep, I even enjoy the notes on how to make it better and what you hope these characters get into next. Please be my next email, follow or DM! Love you guys!

Lets get further into exploring these straight guys and this very lucky gay man... or follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean DMs are open!

SUPPORT! Look, I can't even begin to guess how many... fulfilling and messy reading sessions I have spent with Nifty - and I know you have too! But that said, please show them some love and give them what you can to thank them for what they do for all of us!

P.S. This is my story, my characters which I have dreamed up in my dirty mind, enjoy them but don't be a dick please

Donald Comes to town, Part 7 ---------------------------------------- Where we left off...

"Logan, I have been thinking. I want you to fuck me. Once we recover a bit cuz I think I am firing blanks right now." I am just surprised, hell you could have knocked me over with a feather.

"Wow, if you are sure, it would be my honor Bro! Fuck, you sure?" I say to him as I never in a million years thought this would be happening. I am quite content with taking his cock and his loads every time, all the time.

"Yah, I am sure. Andre can't have all the fun... but I was thinking. You think Marc would want to watch?"

I can't believe that studly Jeremy wants me to fuck him. Jesus I have been looking at his fine ass for years now and never thought for a minute I would get to see his ass let alone... fuck him! Wait, I am going to get to breed my best friend. Holy shit.

"Logan, you think we could help them with that? Logan, hello?" Jeremy says looking right at me in front of Denise, a sweet neighbor that lives down the street. She had a tree uproot in the back and is blocking her back door and needs help moving it.

"Oh sure, sure Denise we'd be happy to help. Don't know that we have the time to haul it all away but we can certainly clear it so you can get out the back door with your pups!" I say, Jeremy looking at me weirdly.

Jeremy had loaded up his 4 wheeler and threw in some of his tools, we are both sweating our asses off. Man, this storm didn't do much damage but it also didn't cool us off at all. It's gotta be at least 94 degrees and barely a cloud in the sky. Fast as the storm hit us is as fast as it blew out of here. We make our way around to the back, Jeremy fires up his chainsaw and starts slicing through the old tree like butter. I pick up and start throwing the stuff he cuts off, leaving this for someone else to clean up.

Sebastian joins us, must have followed the sound of the chainsaw. Within 10 minutes we have cleared a path for Denise and she offers to go and get us some ice tea. We accept. Sebastian comes up beside me and slides his hand into my shorts and slides down to my ass and rubs his finger over my hole.

"Easy trigger, we don't want to freak out the neighbors, I don't think she could handle it. Besides, when did you get this bold young man?" I say and he just winks at me. Shit, I may have created a monster here.

Reminds me of the first time he mowed my yard. See he caught me outside getting the mail during a time where Marc was away at some sort of regional meeting in Baton Rouge. He was in these amazing white compression shorts and these dark blue short running shorts over top of them. Some Nike shoes and nothing else but a smile.

"Hey Mr. Logan! Dad says I need to earn some money this summer and I noticed that your old lawn company hasn't been here in almost 2 weeks. Want me to take it over for you? I could do the entire thing, keep it edged and take care of other stuff you need. Like the flower beds and stuff. I could do it for say $60 a mow?" Clearly, even asking this was painful for him. I don't think I have ever heard him talk this much since they moved in 3 years ago.

"Wow, well you are right I just fired my old company and was going to interview two others tomorrow. $60 is a bit higher than we have been paying, but hell look at my yard. I guess I get what I pay for. Well let me show you the back area, as I don't think you have been in our backyard. I wanna make sure you know what you are getting into. Here, come through the house."

"Wow, you and Mr. Marc have a nice house. He is a Doc, right?" Sebastian says. All of a sudden he is more chatty than I remember, he must need this money bad.

"Yup he is, he works a lot. So do I but I work from home. My office is right back in that hallway. So feel free to just let yourself in when you are done mowing each week, I'm sure I will have heard you mowing and blowing, and I will make sure I pay you and you can find out if we need anything extra that week. That work? Here let me show you the backyard." Jesus this guy is so good looking, but I realize i have no idea how old he is, and fuck I can't let my dirty thoughts land me in jail!

"So here is the backyard, patio and the like. I love tropical plants so I keep adding to my collection, it would be great if you could water them for me when you mow, at least that way I know they get watered each week. Make sure you blow off any grass or leaves from the patio. Let me know if you do any of these extra things as I want to make sure I pay you fairly."

"This all sounds good, I really appreciate you giving me the shot." Sebastian says as he reaches down and moves his hand into his compression sorts to scratch or adjust, fuck I have to look away.

"So just make sure you don't start before 8am and not after 8pm. It would be great if you can have a regular day, but I'm flexible." I say as I pick up my yoga mat and roll it up.

"Yah, when I am out playing basketball next door I see you doing yoga, you certainly are flexible. Shit, I am 17 and I couldn't do half that shit!" He says to me, So panic flashes through my body on this one. I guess I never realized he could see through the fence, but as I look over there, shit of course he could if he were playing basketball. The way his hoop is placed on the extra slab they poured. SHIT SHIT SHIT. See, the issue is I am always naked when I do YOGA back here.

I immediately spoke up, "Oh shit, Sebastian I had no idea people could see me back here. It's so relaxing for me, I just had no idea." The thing I was not saying is I always get hard doing yoga and always blasted a load out while I ended my session. I mean what better way to relax! Fuck, best not to mention that.

"Mr. Logan, I don't give a shit. This is your house, you paid a lot for it. If you and your husband want to get all freaky back here, that is up to y'all. I really don't care. Hell as I said, I wish I was as flexible as you. Perhaps you could train me sometime. Anyhow - I have to run, I can start tomorrow if you like."

"Sure, that is great. Thanks Sebastian, see you tomorrow." I said as he let himself out through the gate and ran back over to his house which is right next door to us. I can't believe I was so careless. Fuck, did Marc and I ever have sex out here? Not since they moved in next door. Anyhow, kids today he likely doesn't give a fuck. So why should I?

Snapping back into the now, Sebastian pulls his hand out of my underwear and brings his hand up to his nose. FUCK this boy is trouble.

We each have our ice teas and we move on to survey the rest of the neighborhood and Andre joins up with us along with two other guys he got. I don't recognize the one guy, he is kinda cute, but short I would guess him to be only 5'7", looks pure cajun. Deep tan, dark brown hair, but a tight little body.

The other guy I recognize, but fuck if I ever got his name. This guy went last halloween as an Olympic Diver for Halloween. He wore the tightest Speedo, and painted the olympic rings on his bicep. I got to talking to him when he went past, he told us he was taking his nephew trick or treating as he was babysitting so his sister and her husband could have a date night. He claimed that this was his competition speedo from college and was all he could come up with for the night. I didn't care at all, in fact Marc kept catching me flirting with the guy. I mean fuck he is hot, clearly straight, but fucking hot as well. Denver was his name, fuck I almost forgot that. Denver.

"Denver, I barely recognized you with all these clothes on!" I said as I laughed and everyone else caught the joke. Which was made all that much funnier because he stood there in a pair of board shorts and flip flops. "Good to see you though, your place made it through OK?"

"Yah, we are fine. Wanted to come out and see what my work out bro was up to, turns out as usual Andre shows up whenever the work is just about done!" Denver says and pushes Andre in jest. We all get a kick out of that, but interesting that they are work out buddies. Maybe Denver would like a personal invitation to our club. Denver see's Sebastian and calls him over!

Denver says to Sebastian, "Hey man, I didn't see you this week for the church softball team practice, if the storm didn't ruin the whole season, you planning on coming this week? I can pick you up again."

Sebastian leans in giving him that bro handshake thing where it's a half hug, half handshake. Shit, I always mess that up and by doing so out myself as a homo.

"Hell, we can but I really hate this church team, we have nothing in common with them at all, I would rather we get back into biking like we did in the spring. I would just rather hang out with the boys than deal with all these clingy girls that want me to spend all my money on them and get nothing in return. You feel me?"

Denver agrees and says "Oh thank Christ, I hate those bastards... if I have to hear any more of their fake prayers and their bullshit I was going to explode. I just didn't want to leave you hanging, man.

"Bet," Sebastian says. "Hey maybe you can come by Logan's this week, I think he said the bro club is getting together to watch a game." I almost got whiplash turning my head to see what the hell this kid was playing at. But hell, I would love to have Denver join the club. Could I ask him to wear the speedo? Shit, I have to be careful with this, I have gone for selibit Cecil to horny Henry in just 24 hours!

"Cool, I am totally down! Just let me know when and what to bring. I have a light rotation this week through my clinicals, so I have most nights free." Denver says and again with the bro handshake/hug thing. Jesus this guy is hot, he has the body of a superhero with all the abs and muscles, just without the suit. AND he doesn't even act like he is hot, just a regular guy.

Jeremy walks over to me and whispers "If you want him, we will get him for you. No problem." I just grin at him and said "aww shucks, you are so good to me!" He pushes me and I look over at Sebastian and he just winks.

So we finish our rounds through the neighborhood. Andre is gone, and the rest of us break up and all head back to our homes. Jeremy and I both got texts from our spouses that they were soon on their way home.

As Jeremy and I get back to our houses, he says - "Hey, I may come over to see you and Marc tonight since I am sure Becky is going to want to sleep off this 24 hour shift. That's cool right, you still have beer right?"

"Sure, Marc may be tired too, but absolutely come on over." I say.

"Oh he will want to be awake for this, trust me. I'm giving you my cherry ass. I may wanna do it again, I may not. But after you bust inside me, if I can take it, then I am going to bust in you and since Marc likes to watch us so much ... he can watch all of this. No touching, as this is a founding BroClub, Members only session. Cool?" Jeremy says, as he turns around and walks to his house. He yells back - "Founding members ONLY!"

"Fuck, bro" is all I could manage to say. I can't believe he is serious about this. Watching him walk away that perfect ass walking away from me, I can't help but starting to chub up, fuck I need to get into the house so nobody sees this.

I check my phone and Marc says that he has to stay a bit, they had multiple injuries incoming due to dumbasses hurting themselves trying to clean up. Downed power lines and weekend warriors who have never used a chainsaw before the likely culprits. I tell him that I have a surprise and I hope he hurries home. Jeremey has a surprise for him and me.

All I tell him is, "why watch it on camera, when you can see it live."

His return text...

Marc: No. Fucking. Way. I'll hurry, no way I will miss this!

Smelling terribly after being out in 90+ degree weather and working to help clean things up, and being kinda sore from using muscles I didn't even know I had, I decided to take a soak in our big tub.

I put on the Harry Styles recent LP, and settle into my bath with bath salts and some essential oils and just relax. I turn the jets on for a little bit and they message me in all the right places. Feels so good. I finally hop out after soaking for a good half hour and hop in the shower just to rinse off... and rinse out a bit to prepare for tonight.

I then lay down on the couch and fell asleep. Next thing I know Jeremy is walking in the front door of the house. I stretch and instinctively just say "Hey stud" - I have been saying that to him for weeks now, though I admit it takes on more meaning now since I have taken so many of his loads.

Jeremy says "Honey I am home!" and comes in and heads right to the fridge and grabs two beers one for each of us and he comes right up to me, drops his shorts and sits down right next to me.

"Yikes, you stink bro!" I say to him after catching an especially strong whiff of him. Clearly he had been doing some more work outside and hadn't showered.

Right then I hear the garage door start to open, Marc is home. I get all these goosebumps wondering how this is going down, if Marc is really OK with this. I will know as soon as I see him if he really is ok with this, or if he was just saying that because he caught me.

There he is, my partner in life, my soulmate. He looks me in the eye and everything is good. I can tell he is just as turned on as I am. In fact, looking at his browsing history I know he has a voyeur side to him.

"Jeremy it's good to see you and I am glad you made yourself comfortable. Seriously, Jeremy, and I mean this. You are ALWAYS welcome IN our house and you are welcome in my husband." OUR eyes get really wide and we all crack up laughing.

Jeremy says "Marc, I am so glad to hear you say that. You know I am going to ultimately need your help with telling Becky, I KNOW she will be happy that I am not always trying to force her into sex, so there will be that byproduct. But I don't want to hurt her and I know you all are close."

"I think you are right," Marc says, "I think she will ultimately warm up to this. But we will take it slow and ease her into it. Is she home sleeping now? She was very short-handed on her unit during the storm."

"She was sound asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Look Marc, I wanna be clear on the ground rules here. Logan is my best friend, I share a bond with him that no other person in the world has. It isn't romantic at all, as I know his romantic heart belongs now and always with you. But we are best friends. Secondly, I am 100% straight. I have no romantic feelings for Logan at all and I am not attracted to him in a romantic way or really even a sexual way. What I do want is for my friend to feel good. I want to feel good. He and I both have needs and it is fucking amazing that you are cool with that. This all said my third point. I want to try getting fucked and I would only trust my best friend with that. Clearly this has me feeling vulnerable but at the same time I thought you might wanna watch. So, you can watch, you can groan. Hell you can even shoot a load or two. But no talking with us or to us, this is just about Logan and I and him helping me experience life. I don't know what may happen in the future, but for now, that is how it needs to be. Are you ok with that?"

"Honey, I know this is a lot, but seriously are you good with this? Please tell me if not" I say as I grab his hand and hold it.

"Logan, I am sooo good with this. I thought I was only going to get to watch the video from the security system ... and I was trying to think how I was going to get to install cameras in the bedroom. You guys letting me watch is something so special, so intimate. Really it's an honor and I promise you I will abide by your rules."

"GOD I love you" I say as I kiss him and start growing hard.

"Cool, and the last thing I will say on this is this - Logan and I tell each other we love each other and we do, we kiss each other... you sure you don't have a problem with that Marc, because you will hear that and I don't want to upset you." Jeremy says with a real look of concern on his face as he looks at me and winks.

Marc looks at me and says, "Guys, I would have it no other way. No way would I want my husband to be taken advantage of or abused. I can tell from the start that you two would become good friends and that is amazing. I know I am not home as much as I like and that Logan has a sex drive that would scare any normal 18 year old... so I fully support this and I know it will bring us even closer. So that is all I will say, I am going to go and take my seat in the bedroom."

I grab Jeremy's hand and say let's hit the showers, as I begin to lead him back to the bedroom he pulls down my shorts and says "You may be getting my ass tonight, but you know I am going to have to fill you with at least one load of mine too, right?"

"I am not letting you leave until I get at least two of your loads, son!" I say and we get into the shower. Marc strips down to just his briefs. He is an old fashioned kind of guy, he likes the older Jockey briefs ... they leave NOTHING to the imagination at all, as they are basically transparent. But he likes them and they hold his junk so that he isn't swinging around under his scrubs.

We get in the shower and I start washing Jeremy, he is already smelling better... I wash up his ass really well, slipping a soapy finger in and out and then I get the shower wand and turn down the shower temp just a little bit and insert it into him, holding his hand, fingers interlaced. I let water start to flow inside of him and he gets this huge smile on his face, and all he says is "holy fuck, what are you doing to me Logan?" and he starts laughing as he releases the water from inside him. Fuck, I am going to be inside him soon.

I get down on my knees and I open up his cheeks and I see his perfect asshole. CLEARLY this is virgin territory, you can tell. His ass is perfect. I get in there and tongue fuck him really good as I can and he is moaning - this straight dude is totally into this! Fuck this is so hot. He tastes amazing. I reach around and he is hard as a rock, fucking hard as I have ever seen him. He is sooo enjoying this.

I stand up and push him up against the wall and slide my cock between the most perfect ass cheeks that I have ever seen. Slightly hairy, almost peach fuzz type hair. I rub up and down and squirt a little lube on his cheeks that lands ultimately on my rigid cock.

"Hey Marc, you are missing it brother, you can come in here" Jeremy says as I keep working his cheeks and running my hands all over his body. I keep pushing my cock back and forth and push Jeremy to lean forward a bit. In doing so the head of my cock taps his hole right in the middle. I am leaking so much, I start to tease his hole with the head of my cock.

The head of my cock is kinda large. It certainly is wider than my shaft, so I know that once he has the head inside, that is as much of the stretching he will need to do, then it is just about getting used to feeling a 7.5" pipe in your ass.

I push my head at his hole and apply some pressure. "Fuck Logan, that feels really good!" Jeremy says. Clearly the warm water of the shower is relaxing him. I push a bit more, reaching down and grabbing his hands and pushing them up onto the wall. We naturally interlace our fingers and then it happens. The head of my cock slips into his beautiful straight man.

"I'm staying right here, I am not moving. Bro, god I love you. I am so honored you are giving me your ass. Fuck this is amazing. Are you OK?" I say to him leaning in almost whispering in his ear.

I hear him say "Fuck, yah... oh fuck yah this is intense," as I hold my head just inside him. I then say to him "You've got just my tip, bro" To which he starts laughing, and by doing so he pushes back onto me for at least two inches. "OH fuck, I am sorry, I didn't mean to..." I say to him feeling bad and hoping I didn't hurt him.

"Fuck you, stop being such a fag." and he laughs. "I got about 7 inches of yours inside me, right? You are bottomed out, right?"

"Just like a straight man, inflating 3 inches to 7 inches. You are not even halfway there yet, bro!" I said to him, Fuck, I almost forgot, we are bros. This is the guy that I give shit to because he isn't man enough for his wife to open up her legs to him. That I give shit to when he can't open a jar of pickles. Yah, I am sliding into his virgin ass, but nothing is different here. Don't be weird Logan. Just fuck.

"OK, I am going to half way, here I go... fuck that ass of yours is so fucking tight. I mean it won't be for long, but it's so fucking tight right now." I said to him, he laughed again and I slipped further into him. I only have about an inch more to go so I just shove it in...fuck. I am balls deep inside my best friend. Inside this fucking hot straight man. FUCK he feel so fucking good. Jesus he is so tight that I wonder if he is going to cut off circulation to my dick.

"Fuck, I am balls deep in you bro. What's it feel like? Feel my balls up against your ass! Those are hairless balls up tight against your ass! Remind me I gotta teach you how to manscape."

"Fuck you, you like how manly I am... Logan, fuck dude. You are fully inside me. You are literally my best fucking friend ever. Fuck if you don't feel good inside me, bro. Yah, give me a few pumps"

So I do, I pull out about halfway and then slide back into him. I pull back out, leaving only about an inch inside and drip some lube on my dick, and then slide back into him. Gotta take care of this perfect ass. Fuck this feels amazing. I reach down and his dick is completely hard, fuck I am fucking this hot dude with a 9" cock. FUCK what is my life right now.

Marc is watching us and has a huge wet spot in his Jockey briefs. God, I know he is enjoying this though can't be nearly as much as I am.

I pick up the pace and start seriously fucking him and I hear him grunting each time I slam into him. FUCK, I am not going to last long in this ass of his. I can also tell that we are starting to pucker from the water... I wanna fuck him face to face... so I slide out of him and turn off the water and toss him a towel. I slap his ass and he leans in to kiss me and bites my lower lip... fuck I swear I almost came right then and there. We hurry and get dried off and into the bedroom as Marc takes up his watching perch in the chairs sitting right off the side of the bed.

Jeremy pushes me down on the bed and says, "Just so we are clear, I may enjoy taking your dick, but I wanna make sure you know my dick belongs in YOUR ass" as he says this he grabs the lube pulls my legs up over his shoulders lines up and pushes inside me. He doesn't ram it, but he also doesn't take his time. This is his ass right now, I am just here for a ride.

"Fuck your ass is so tight, my man. Listen up Marc, I'm going to fuck your man every day, I hope you are good with that. We both need this. Fuck yes Logan take my cock!" To which he is pounding me, he is fucking getting off on having Marc watch us. He is loving this and damn if I am not loving the pounding I am getting. I reach down to stroke my cock and he slaps my hand away. "My ass isn't done with that, I promised to take your nut, and I won't break my promises. Fuck your ass is tight. God I love this ass!"

Jeremy just keeps pounding me, this is the hardest and most intense fuck he has ever threw into me. He is on a mission and I love it. He leans down and kisses me again, biting my lip and then the fucker leans down beside me and takes my right earlobe into his mouth and I swear I see stars. "I'm going to nut in you... in 5... fuck... 4... 3... 2.. Firing fuuuuuuuck!" This load of his I can feel cuz he is shooting so hard inside of me. The pulsing of his dick, I lost count at 7 pulses. I can feel his hot spunk so deep inside me and it is taking everything in my power not to cum right then and there. His abs rubbing my cock and he stays laying down on top of me.

"I fucking mean it Logan, in addition to my wife and kids, I love you like no other. I fucking love you bro. My life is so much better since that first beer we shared and I caught you staring at my junk. My junk is 9" deep inside you. If you would have told me 6 months ago that we would be right here, like this, I likely would have thought you were a freak. I never knew two guys could be this close. Could have this close of a friendship. Now empty your balls in me. I gotta feel what that is like." He pulls out of me, way too fast and stands up on his knees on the bed and says "How do you want me, stud?" And he reaches down and slaps his own ass.

"On your back with your legs over my shoulders, we are going to repeat what you just did to me stud, cuz that was fucking hot as hell. And fair warning you are going to get about a gallon of cum in you when I nut cuz that fucking you just threw into me has me juiced up!"

He plops down on his back and lifts his legs. Jesus this is one of the hottest things I have ever seen. This straight jock, married with two kids, with his legs up to Jesus waiting for me to plow him. Oh yah, this is happening.

I lube up and play with his ass a little. I know that he likely snapped closed like a good virgin does, so I am going to have to make sure I don't hurt him, but I am also not for a minute going to take it easy on him. He just was making a point with the fuck he just gave me, and I will be damned if I will be shown up.

The head of my cock is teasing his hole and my precum has us so slicked up. He then starts pushing up onto me, so I know he is ready so here I go. I start sliding into him, the head... he grunts a little and closes his eyes tight. I notice his dick isn't fully hard anymore, I am sure that is going to change. Two inches now inside then three.. He reaches around and grabs my ass and pulls me into him. I am balls deep in him one more time, and as we all know. I am so much deeper in this position than we were in the shower. I clearly knocked the wind out of him. So I hold there, deep inside him.

"A gay guy has his 7.5" thick cock balls deep inside you macho man, you ready for a pounding or you need to take a break to check your hair?." He opens his eyes and stares right into my soul and says "Fuck I love you... let's go!"

While I have never had sex with a woman, I have had men including my husband who are very gentle, they like things to be soft, passion filled. What Jeremy and I are doing now is animalistic. There is nothing gentle about this. I am pounding his ass and his dick is rock hard again and he is already leaking like crazy.

"How's my ass feeling, bro?" Jeremy says, about out of breath with this devil of a smile on his face.

"Your ass is better than I ever could have imagined, holy fuck man. Thank you for giving me your ass!" I say cuz I still can't believe this is happening.

"Fuck that, I needed this. Fuck you are deep inside me. Yah... I fucking needed this. YOU fucking needed this. You needed time with your bro. Now come on fuck me harder but when you go to nut I want you to push all the way inside me and I want you to hold it there. I wanna feel you firing inside me like you keep telling me you feel from me. I gotta feel that and you better have a big load. I deserve a big load... fuck you feel good, bro. I deserve a big load for my first time!"

By this point I am so fucking close I can barely take it, so I lean in and take his legs up on my shoulders a bit more, leaning him back a bit so I can get even deeper and I lean in to him so that his cock is tight between us as I continue to pound him. I lean down and start kissing him again and tongue fucking his mouth. Taking a page from his playbook I bite his lower lip too and lean over and nibble on his right earlobe. I then whisper in his ear.

"Fuck, Jeremy. My best friend, my bro of all bros. FUCK you are so tight. I am going to nut inside you. Here it comes bro, shit I think I am already cumming... fuck fuck fuck I am cumming fuck Jeremy fuck!" I do just as he says, I slam into him so hard the bed shakes and I stay buried inside him as deep as I can go as I start pumping inside him... and I keep pumping, and pumping. Jesus this is a huge load. "Fuck yah, fuck yah!" I say and then collapse onto him. Fuck, I just need to catch my breath. I reach down and cradle his head in my arms, leaving my cock balls deep inside him. My cock will not go down, so I could stay like this for hours. Both of our breathing is returning to normal.

"Bro, that was un fucking believeable! Jesus Logan. FUCK. It was just as you described it. I could feel your thick cock firing inside of me, I am so full right now." He pulls me down and wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately.

"Jeremy fuck, that was amazing. Jesus, you are going to have to let me do that again." I say as I slowly start to withdraw from him, slowly. He lets me start to pull away and then there is this burst of energy from him and he flips me over onto my stomach and in one motion bottoms out inside me. His cock dives into my already well used hole and he is fucking me hard.

"Yes stud, give me your nut so we BOTH can sleep tonight with each other's nut. YES, fuck me bro! OWN this ass!" I am just in this zone, this is fantastic. And within seconds I can feel him firing deep inside me and as he does he pulls our arms up together, interlocking our fingers together as he fires another huge load into me. Loads after a good prostate massage are HUGE and this was his first, so I just let him collapse on top of me. Holding hands.

I look over and Marc is covered in cum. He clearly must have cum several times. He picks up one of our bath towels to clean himself up and just heads back into the bathroom leaving us laying there. Jeremy's full weight is on me, I feel so safe.

Jesus, I have the best friend and the best husband ever.

Part 8? Let me know if you wanna hear what happens next. You can also follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean and I will flag you when I have new stories posted there... I really enjoy hearing from you so drop me a follow or a note via email at!

You can read my other stories as well!

Straight roomies on lockdown

Two straight guys head back to campus and as soon as they get there, the entire campus goes into lockdown and the boys are cut off from everyone and stuck together in the smallest dorm room ever with no privacy at all.

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