Donald Comes to Town

By Logan Prejean

Published on Jul 24, 2022


SO excited to hear from so many readers who enjoyed the first part. I so enjoy hearing from you and I respond to everyone who takes a quick minute to drop me a note! Please do let me know if you enjoy this story of Jeremy. or follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean

SUPPORT! Look, if I would have donated a $1 for each load I have dropped thanks to Nifty, well... I would be broke and homeless. But that said, please show them some love and give them what you can to thank them for what they do for all of us!

-------------------------------- Where we left off:

"Bro, things aren't weird right?" he says with a really concerned face.

"I have no idea why, but not weird at all. Don't worry I am not falling for you..."

"Why the hell not, I am a fucking package!"

"Calm down, you are not all that!"

I soap myself up and he hollers that he is going to go and grab us another beer as we wait for Donald to make his entrance.

Chapter 2: Donald comes to town (M/M, Anal, Bromance)

The hot water cascades over me and I am feeling amazing. After 10 years of marriage with Marc I honestly don't feel any guilt over what just happened. I also don't feel any different towards Jeremy - save he is a closer friend. Smiling to myself I continue to lather up as I hear the winds kicking up outside.

I do feel something though. I can feel his load inside me and I don't know why but, I don't let it go. I wanna keep it in me a bit longer. If for nothing else, I want to remember this a bit longer. I mean I am sure going to feel this for a bit longer as he stretched me wide open and now I really know what they mean by "re-arranging your guts" cuz - wow. Shit, I am starting to get hard again.

Crack - huge thunder rocks through the house and I figure I better get out of the shower. I turn off the shower and grab my towel and start to dry off and in the distance I hear Jeremy - "Your beer is getting warm dude - hurry up!"

I grab a pair of my favorite boxer briefs, you know the kind, the ones that have the pouch that lifts and separates your balls from your legs and has the compartment for your cock. I slide into those. I typically wear those around the house when I am here alone and as I grab a pair of shorts and a tshirt... I decided against putting those on - I mean hell he just rearranged my guts what a bit of a bulge between friends?

"What's the latest, bro?" I say as I roll into the living room. Jeremy has the local station on which the poor reporters are reporting live from all over Acadiana showing that the winds and the rain are kicking up. It's about 10pm now so it is dark out. Damn I hate when the hurricanes come in at night, makes it all that much more scary when I am here by myself. It makes me feel much more reassured with Jeremy here.

"Seems to be following the track that was projected earlier today - will be coming right up the ass of the Vermilion River. It's still only a 2 at this point, so let's hope it doesn't pick up any more speed" he says sitting over on the corner of the couch fully naked looking like he still has at least a simi. Damn, that man is fine.

"Well that is good, thanks for the beer man. I hope I got enough, you have reinforcements if we need em, huh?"

He shakes his head in the affirmative as he takes a big swig. "Yah, though you got the fancy stuff I like this Crying Eagle! This is the stuff you told me about that you tried at Charley G's a few weeks back?"

"Yup, one in the same. I like it too."

"So bro, tell me the truth, are you weirded out by all of this? Cuz I have to tell you for the past two or three weeks since we had the conversation of me needing an outlet... a nice warm hole to drop a load into... I have been thinking about you and me... and well..."

So a few weeks back Marc and Becky were working the overnight shift and I had gone over to Jeremy's porch to have a beer with him and we started talking shit. He was sharing how frustrated he was because as Becky was getting ready to leave for work she was changing clothes in front of him and gave him a huge case of blue balls. We had started to become closer throughout the last year as we spent more time together, I really liked the guy.

"She does this thing when she wants to get me all hot with getting dressed all seductively. Taking her time to put on her clothes, rubbing up against me. Asking me to put lotion on her hard to reach places. Bro - I pulled my cock out of my shorts and said `baby you just have to let me slide it in really quick we can have a quickie before you go in! Surely you an take 10 minutes!' She kept teasing me and it was killing me. She even came over, reached down and kissed the head of my cock, running her finger down to catch a drip of pre and then fed it to me!"

"You are kidding me! Bro you tasted your own precum?"

"Get over yourself, of course I have. I have also tasted my own cum more than a few times! Focus Bro! What I am telling you is this is spousal abuse!" We both crack up laughing.

"Jeremy - wow, well I totally get that. Marc has a way of getting me all worked up to only to pull back. See I wear this really hot, lets say `package forward" underwear that leave little to the imagination and he always comments how hot they are... how good I look in them but rarely does he act on it!"

"These fucking teases are killing us!" We both crack up laughing and take another swig of our beers and we both were tipping them back a bit far so he gets up and walks inside to grab us another one and I get to see that he clearly must never wear underwear with his basketball shorts cuz he just flops all around. Hell is that all dick, or does he have a huge pair of low hangers as well? Lordy - straight guys.

"Hey thanks for this man!" as he hands me another cold one. These days he is drinking Canebrake which isn't my favorite but it is much better than most. He sits down and re-arranges his ample package. We are trying to be quiet cuz his kids are already asleep and his older boy frequently gets up if he hears his dad talking.

"Sorry Becky left ya like that. I mean what happened to a good ole fashion quickie? A good pump and dump! Man, I miss those so much. See Marc likes to have long build ups, an hour or two of edging and that just drives me nuts. Sure, fine from time to time. But just fuck me and dump a load and go!" To this Jeremy almost chokes on his beer.

"Dude. Warn me next time! But damn, you are right. I like a good hit it and forget it from time to time! I mean seriously, how many times do you jack off per day?"

"Wow, well... at least twice these days! Just need a release!"

"Yah, and it is so much better when it is in a nice wet hole! So much better than Rosie and her four sisters... or well... her 4 brothers in your case!" We both crack up laughing.

"Yup, I have been resorting to some toys now and again to try to scratch an itch that rarely gets scratching... if you know what I mean."

"Oh! You like it in the pooper, huh?" Smiling ear to ear, clearly knowing he is pressing things.

"Yah, well guilty. Don't knock it until you try it."

"Bro, I'll have to take your word for that... but having fucked a few of my Ex's in the back door, I have to tell you, I enjoyed it. Certainly tighter!" He says this while he reaches down and moves around his package that clearly has grown a bit. "But damn, she left me with blue balls today - what the fuck happened to quickies?"

"Yah, I agree. I miss that. Back in the day when I was single it was nothing for several of my friends and I to just help each other get off. It was great... not complicated. As you said, a nice warm hole is better than your right hand."

"Hell, I use both hands to spice it up!"

"Damn you are talented, bro!" We both crack up laughing and Jeremy reminds me to keep it down so as to not wake the boys.

"So like tell me about this arrangement with your friends? Like were you just dating a bunch of them or what?"

"Oh God no, I mean they were not really even my type, to be honest. They were just there... they had needs, so did I and we just fell into bed. Happened mostly when we were having dry spells in our dating routine. Two of the guys I enjoyed as they had nice dicks that could scratch that "itch" I told you about" as I wink at him. "The other two were just fun, good times. I guess I was helping them out a bit more than them. They both wanted to fuck me, then finish with me fucking them. You know, flip flopping."

"No shit, you guys do that?"

"Yah, it's a lot more common than you would think. Its fun to switch it up from time to time. Marc and I don't much, he thinks I am too big for him."

"Oh really? Well that doesn't seem fair!" Marc finishes off the last of his beer and listens at the door to make sure the boys are still sleeping. He brushes past me as I am standing up and taps my dick and says "Look out, big boy" and smiles.

I headed home shortly after this. I suppose this was the first time we got this graphic talking with each other... now cut to me having his fresh load in my ass.

"Oh really? Yah, Bro I am actually really good. LIke you said this isn't cheating any more than jacking off is cheating so I am good with it."

"Good I am really glad to hear that because..." and my phone starts ringing and I grab it.

"It's Marc, I have to take this! Hey babe, how are things? Did everyone show up for their shift?" Marc proceeds to tell me that he thinks they are in good shape and is happy to hear that the storm isn't looking like it is going to be intensifying at all and that he and his team are set. He is going to try to grab a two hour nap before the storm hits. "OK, babe. Thanks for calling me and checking in. All things are good here. Jeremy came over to make sure I wired up everything correctly and helped me move that beast of a generator - he yells "thanks Jeremy" and i put the phone on speaker."

"No problem Marc, and thanks for getting the good Beer on your run! I may be drinking most of it, so thanks brother!" We all laugh.

"OK babe, I love you. Take care"

"He says they are all set. Literally the calm before the storm! So what were you saying?"

"I'm just glad we are cool, cuz that felt so damn good and I wanna make sure I can help out my best buddy from time to time."

"Of course you can! Dude, can I tell you something without you freaking out?"

"Bro, seriously? Nothing can freak me out! If fucking your lights out a half hour ago didn't freak me out... What is it? You aren't going to tell me you're pregnant are you?" We both laugh.

"Well, I still have your load inside me!" We both look at each other.. And bust up laughing. I get up and wiggle my ass a bit and clearly with my bulging underwear keeping no secrets, Jeremy can see that I am boning up again.

"Man, I am going to need another beer soon but first I need to drop another load inside you, cool?" To which he stands up and walks over to the love seat I am sitting on, pushes me back and pulls off my underwear. Pulls one of my legs up and places it over his shoulder. Rubs his cock head right on my rosebud, teasing me with it. "Bro, this is going to be a solid bro fuck, you ready for it?"

"Let's go, why are you getting all lovey dovey - shove it in!" Smiling from ear to ear he then breaks the seal and slides right in... and keeps sliding until I feel his pubes up against my ass. The only lube we have is his ample load which is helping keep things slick. He reaches down and places his hands behind my neck, interlacing his fingers and starts throwing a fuck into me like I have never felt before. I immediately start grunting because while I would like to say this was pure pleasure - damn his dick is huge and in this position he was getting it all inside me. Hell I had to reach down to make sure he didn't push his nuts inside too! I guess that is soon to cum.

"Bro, ... you are hammering me with only your... cum as lube! Fuck... this is hot"

"Oh shit, I am not hurting you am I?" to which he pulls out of me.

"NO! Dude I didn't want you to stop!... Dude, what are you doing?"

Jeremy then lowers himself apparently to inspect my ass to make sure it is OK. He starts rubbling his finger around my ass. "You sure you are OK? I wasn't hurting you too much? Only just my cum down here, huh?"

"Yah, I just showered remember... but I wanted to keep your nut inside me. It does make the best lube, you know!"

"Well, spit is a close second" and he leans down and tentatively licks right around my ass. He looks up and says "tastes like chicken... chicken and my cum!" To which he goes right to the center and starts doing some excellent tongue work - the likes of which I have never felt before! He only goes at it for about a minute and then right back up he comes, and slides right back in me in one slow, but strong push. "I love eating pussy, especially right after I fuck em... thought I would give it a go! Hope that wasn't weird."

"Bro, that was... that was fucking amazing. Shit anytime you wanna have a go down there you just go for it! Now fuck me, bro! We got a storm coming!"

Jeremy then lifted my leg a bit higher, which prompted me to move my other leg around the back of him to pull him in tighter and he moved down right to my face, smiling his goofy smile placing his forehead right against mine. In between strong grunts from him and his massive assault on my ass all he said was "bro, you the best friend I have ever had." He then moved his head to the side of mine pressing our cheeks together and his lips right at my left ear. Hearing his grunting right in my ear and feeling his hard breathing was an extra level of hot that frankly almost put me over the edge. With him having us scrunched up so tight, my left leg up over his shoulder and him pushing us so tightly together, I honestly felt like we were one person.

Next, he did something that nearly sent me over the edge. He licked my earlobe. My right earlobe has always been my hot button, well that and my prostate. But when you hit those two together like Jeremy was, I was just over the moon.

"Bro, you are ... bro this is amazing... dude you are hitting both my buttons at the same time - keep doing just this and fuck me harder, bro!"

My phone had started buzzing with alerts, it had to be about the storm. If it were Marc calling or texting it would make a sound - besides I was too distracted by what was happening in my ass!

Whispering in my ear between grunts he manages to get out "You got it, ... but you are about ... to get it! This is intense man!... I can't last long inside you"

I reach my arms up around him to hug him tight, I lean into his ear and say "Bro, you neer have to hold back with your best bro!" And I nibble on his earlobe. "Jeremy, you are going to make me blow... bro! Imma blow hands fucking free this is so good! Fuck! I am cumming! Hammer me! Im cumming!"

"I can't... fucking... believe you... are gonna... fuck that is hot bro! This is too... too... fucking hot. Shit, I'm gonna blast so deep inside you! Logan, here I come Bro!

I guess this position had Jeremy at least an inch deeper inside of me and the feeling was indescribable. I could feel the head of his cock expand inside of me and every single pulse of his cock I could feel. It wasn't even an hour ago that he blew a huge load up in me, this one was at least as big as the last and most certainly it was deeper.

I held him as tight as I could in this position, hugging his entire body. He was right up against my ear struggling to capture his breath and about every few breaths I got a solid "bro" and "sweet ass" and finally as his breathing came back to close to normal he said - "You are seriously the best friend I have ever had. I love you, bro. Just don't get weird!"

He pulled back from the embrace, and we could feel my load that I shot between us, without hands at all but a solid assist from his rock hard abs, getting cold. "Wow, I shot one hell of a load - damnit. Sorry got it all over us."

"Fuck, what the hell are you appologizing for? This was hot as fuck, bro. Being bros means never having to apologize! Especially for a mind blowing orgasm! Damn you sure did shoot a lot and fuck - did I do that to you? My cock alone did that to you" Which at the same time he is saying that he is pulsing his cock in my ass as he was still balls deep inside me.

"Ok, fuck. I hate to admit this - but yah. You did this. It was the trifecta that my body couldn't handle. It was your cock pounding me deeper than ever before, you finding my weak spot which is my right earlobe and fuck those rock hard abs rubbing up against my cock... it was too much. And... not afraid to admit this - that was the single best orgazm I have ever had in my life."

"Seriously? Well it was damn close for me too... "

The emergency alert system goes off on the TV. Yah, no shit we have a hurricane coming, why keep sending these damn alerts that shatter your nerves!

"Yup, the storm is getting closer... Seems like the wind is picking up but it's still coming and going so this is likely the outer bands still huh? I think I heard during all of our extra curricular time, that it has just barely made it to a hurricane 3, so by the time it makes it back to us clearly it will have slowed a bit back to a 2 so we should be fine.

"Is there anything else we need to do to get ready?"

"Well, you may wanna pull your dick from my ass!" We both start laughing which only pushes each of our buttons again. But sadly he starts pulling from me. I clamp down as I don't want to get any cum on the love seat! As he stands up, with a bit of jello legs, he then reaches down and gives me a hand to pull me up and he pulls me right into a hug. As he does this he pulls are heads close together, side by side and just holds me.

"I am serious what I said as I was nutting deep inside you. You are the best friend I have ever had and I love you. So don't get weird about it,... but thank you. You really have been a great friend listening to my gripes about work, the kids... Becky. Knowing I can count on your shoulder... and now your ass... well... I love you bro! He pulls back, looks me square in the eyes and leans in and kisses me on the lips! Rather like you kiss a friend, hell like gay guys do frequently... but this is a straight man, showing his vulnerabilities and showing that under that tough exterior that he is a really good guy.

"Bro, I never thought I would have a close friend like you. And if I did I never thought he would be straight. I love you too bro..." allowing for a big pregnant pause then added "... No Homo" and we both busted up laughing just as the power went out.

Part 3? Let me know if you wanna hear what happens next. You can also follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean and I will flag you when I have new stories posted there... I may also show you more of what Jeremy looks like... and who knows what else.

Drop me a note, and let me know just how much you enjoyed this!

Next: Chapter 3

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