Don Paco

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Feb 15, 2021



Don Paco --------------

Peter opened the sliding doors and walked out onto the terrace. He was in a flat he had rented high up on the 9th floor of the Don Paco flats in the south of Gran Canaria. He was 18 and just finished doing his A levels. His mind was blown after studying hard for several months. Now he wanted a break for a couple of weeks and was determined to make it a time to remember.

The flats at Don Paco had a fantastic view. To the right was the Amalfi complex and to the left was Argunigun. The Don Paco had its own little beach which although it was public was little discovered by tourists. It was 2pm and there were just a few people on the beach. It was mainly a few older couples, a couple of young families with young kids and a few single men or women. All in all no more than 30 people over 100 metres of golden sand.

He went back inside and quickly took his clothes off. It had been a long 6 hour flight from Gatwick and now he was hot and sticky. He needed to get down to the beach and had a cool swim.

He quickly found his shorts, speedos, a shirt and a towel. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit he was a hunk. At 18 he had a strong but not muscled body, a flat stomach, a perfectly symmetrical face, blond hair and blue eyes. He was what could be called a greek god. He knew it himself and smiled. That body did not come from nothing and apart from studying he did little else other than running, exercising and lifting weights!

Without doing anything more he left the flat 904 and went to the lifts to reach the ground floor and the beach.

On entering the beach most eyes glued on him. Firstly there was little change in people's scenery and for the second he knew he was a hotty and could turn the head of even the most hetroxsexual of married men!

He threw his towel down and ran into the water, gasping at the cold shock it gave him. It was like the months of study strain and stress were flowing out of his body.

After 10 minutes he got out of the water. As he walked up the beach he noticed once more he was the center of attention for many of the men and women.

He laid out his towel and sat on it without drying himself. He wanted the sun to do it. It was 30 degrees and although not so hot it was comfortable. He sat up and looked at those around him. It was obvious he was being scanned by a couple of the men and even one middle aged woman.

He smiled at them. They smiled back.

Peter was a bit special. He didn't really like girls and not even boys of his own age. No - he liked older guys - in fact much older guys. He felt they gave a sense of security instead of being silly and drunk like some of his friends. In fact Peter had never had sex. He was totally in the closet at school after a couple of the lads got so terribly bullied after being seen kissing one day. He pretended to like girls and even went out with a couple and had some light petting. However he always managed to find some excuse but was seen to "date" girls just enough to keep the suspicion off him. Now Peter had left school he was determined to change the current status.

He didn't really want to do the 20 minute bus trip that evening to Maspalomas and the gay clubs and bars. No, this evening he would rather find somebody local. In fact he did not have a lot of money so it would not do any harm if he could find somebody to buy him a slap up meal.

After 4 hours Peter left the beach. It was 6pm. He thought he would have a drink at the terrace cafe and then go up for a shower. He sat down at the cosy cafe. Almost immediately he saw one of the men that he said hello to follow him up the stairs and sit close to him at another table. Peter nodded once more and the man said hello.

"It's a bit hot on the beach" said the man

"Yes" replied Peter "I need a beer"

Pete did not drink a lot. It did not help his training but now he was on holiday he was going to have a couple of beers each night. He would just have to run a little further each morning.

The man ordered a glass of wine and Peter a beer. Their drinks came and the man said "Cheers"

They talked of the weather for a bit. After a little while the man said "do you mind if I come and join you?"

"That's fine with me" replied Peter.

The man explained he was often alone and he hoped that Peter would not mind the intrusion.

They talked of the Arginigun and Gran Canaria in general. The man was very pleasant and actually had a great body. He was probably about 60 but still in very good shape. In fact he had grabbed Peter's attention.

The man reached over and offered his hand "My name is John"

"Peter" said Peter

John looked over to him and said "You have got yourself a bit burned. I guess this is your first day and I did not see you using any cream."

Peter looked and felt his raw shoulders and the redness on his feet and legs. Worse was the area right next to his speedos. He knew he had to get some aftersun on it and soon.

"Boy and man" talked for half an hour. As it turned out John had just retired as a teacher of physics at Nottingham university and Peter wanted to do astronomy at London Uni. They had lots to talk about. John told that his wife had died some five years previously and to be truthful he was a bit lonely. He was very happy for Peter to talk to him for a while.

John said "may I be so bold as to invite you to eat an evening meal with me at the restaurant just behind us? The chef is actually very good and his spanish fish meals are fantastic. That's of course if you are not rushing over to Maspalomas to hit the nightclubs and all the pretty girls."

Peter replied "Well actually I am not much into nightclubs and girls I and I would love to but my budget is a bit limited and I cannot afford to eat out. I will have to make do with a sandwich in my flat."

"Don't be silly" said John "it was an invite and that means the treat is on me"

"Well if you are sure" said Peter "In that case I will delighted"

With that Peter thanked him for the invite and got up to say that he simply must have a shower and put some after sun on his red shoulders and legs.

"See you at 8pm?" said John hopefully

"Yet can bet on it" said Peter

John was as nervous as a first time lover. He picked up on Peter's words right away when he said he was not much into girls. John was gay.

Before John left to go up for a shower he made sure he booked the best table in the restaurant. A table for two not too close to the other tables but with a great view on the terrace. He was back down at 7.50, showered, shaved and smelly of aftershave! He was hopeful but not expectant!

Peter turned up on the dot of 8pm. He was wearing a lovely tight shirt and some dark blue cotton shorts. He looked a million without looking as though he tried too hard!

John had the grin of a cheshire cat

"Welcome" said John

They sat down at the table and immediately John said "I hope you like sangria. It's a typical Spanish drink here."

Peter said "well I have not tried it before, but i am on holiday and i will try anything once!"

Was that a flirt thought John?

They looked at the menus and ordered the local fish. John looked over and raised his glass and said "cheers"

They immediately fell into a relaxed talk. John talked of his career and Peter of his hopeful career. In fact they had a really common bond in the natural sciences.

John said "I am really grateful you chose to spend some time with me. As I said I am quite lonely and it looked as though i was going to spend another evening alone. I quite understand if you want to go off and party elsewhere after we have eaten."

"I am not really into that party drinking business. Some of my friends drink and drink and they get loud and aggressive. I really prefer to have a pleasant evening in an intellectual discussion with a man like you".

"I am honoured," said John.

John told of his wife. John was now 60 and his wife had died of cancer some 5 years ago. He had not thought to get involved again. His tastes had changed.

John took a chance to move the conversion on.

"Earlier you said you are not really into girls. What did you mean by that?"

Peter had resolved himself not to hide his true feelings both on this holiday and in the future. He felt a growing trust in this man"

"Well I think I may be gay!" said Peter.

"What do you mean think? Don't you know?"

"No not yet. I have just turned 18 and I have never had sex with a girl or boy. A couple of lads at school were really bullied after they were found kissing and I have hidden it until now. You are the first person I have told. I spend all my time studying or training."

"Yes I can see you have a fantastic body" said John

"Then how do you know? Many young men have different feelings for both sexes"

"I know," said Peter. "I have spent quite some time watching porn on I know what I like"

John smiled at the boy "Well thanks for telling me, I think it's wonderful you feel you are able to tell me."

"In fact" said John "I am also gay"

"But you have been married" said Peter

"That does not mean much. Many married man are gay. The sense of nest making is strong. We did have a son but he died of cancer when he was 10. We were never quite the same after. I have always wanted a son. A son like you would have been wonderful but that was not to be. Now as it turns out I feel attracted to men and more than that young men. I hope you don't mind too much"

"I don't mind at all" said Peter "In fact I find older men much more attractive. They have more to speak about and are settled in their minds. As long as they take care of themselves then that's fine. I always find myself looking at the porn between young and old"

"You have to follow your own mind or you will become miserable" said John

The two eat their fish. They were hungry.

Peter reached up to his shoulder.

"Are you burned?" said John.

"Yes" said Peter "Actually I think I overdid it a bit on the beach and my shoulders, and thighs are pretty red and I did not have an after sun with me and the shops are closed now"

They talked for 30 minutes more. They dropped into a comfortable discussion about their lives to date and the problems they had faced. Peter listened hard to Johns stories of living as a gay man in a marrage. He was always faithful but it was very hard for John mentally. Now she was gone he had time to make up. He would love to find a young male companion to treat like his son.

John was really warming to this boy, he wanted more.

John looked up. "Can I make a very bold suggestion?"

"Please" said Peter

"Maybe you would like to come back up to my flat. I have some aftersun you could use. We could have coffee and sip some rum and maybe you might like to see one or two of my porn collection. I think I have some of boys and men!"

Peter smiled

"I am sorry if I have offended you" said John.

"No no " said Peter "I would love to come up with you. I love being pampered."

John paid the bill and led the way out. John's heart was racing ....

They reached the flat and entered. Peter walked over to the terrace and looked out over the ocean.

"Yes it is a fantastic view" said John.

Peter smiled "Do you mean my backside or the sea?"

"Both," said John. The boy was flirting with him

John went into the bathroom and fetched the aftersun.

Peter had sat himself on the terrace sofa and waited for John to come back.

"Here you go" said John, passing the creme to Peter. John went off to make coffee.

Peter opened the tube of aftersun and spread it over his arms and face.

Peter stopped after a while.

"Opps - can I get a bit of help?"

"Yes" said John.

"I should have taken my shirt off first. Now I can creme all over my hands. Can you lift my shirt off for me?"

"Of course" said John, almost slobbering at the chance.

Peter lifted his arms and John pulled the shirt up and off. The shirt smelled of boy. He lingered with the shirt in his hands.

"You are well built" said John staring at Peter's six pack and chest.

"Can you put the creme on my back please?" said Peter

John smiled. Was this a flirt again? Was Peter making the lead?

John took the cream and poured it onto Peter's back and shoulders.This was the very first time he touched Peter and there was a spark between the two of them.

John rubbed the creme in. He took much longer than needed! He massaged Peter's neck. A little groan came from Peter.

"That feels great. The plane ride was long and I have got a bit stiff. I love being pampered."

"Well maybe I should give you a massage later?" said John.

"That sounds great," said Peter. "I will look forward to that"

After a couple of minutes more the creme was rubbed in and John said "Is that enough?".

"Well we have forgotten my legs" said Peter "I am afraid you will have to take my shorts off or they will get creme on them"

John could hardly believe the pace of events. Here he was in his flat with a half naked boy asking him to take his shorts off. He did not argue.

He went round to the front of Peter, got on to his knees, and went to undo the belt. He saw Peter was rock hard.

Peter said "As you can see my neck is not the only thing which is stiff" They both laughed.

John removed the belt and undid the zip. Peter's shorts fell to the ground. Peter stepped out of them. John started running cream into the boy's legs. The cock was pulsing and the head was poking out of the top of the white briefs. John did not touch Peter's cock. He did not dare. He came close and made sure the cream covered right up to the crotch.

"Take my briefs off" said Peter

John did not hesitate "He carefully pulled the waistband off the top of the cock and pulled them down Peters legs.

The boy was naked in front of him!

Peter's cock was now standing out only a few inches from John's mouth. He could smell the boy!

Peter simply put both his hands behind John's head and pulled his head towards the stiff penis. John swallowed in one go down to the root. The boy's long cock touched the back of John's mouth.

Peter let out a great sigh of relief.

John bobbed up and down. He put his hands up and round the boy's buttocks and Peter held onto Johns Head.

Peter was groaning with pleasure. John could not believe his luck. He was in heaven.

After only a couple of minutes Peter said "I don't think i can hold it much more"

John simply held onto the boy's cock and pulled him tight with his hands on his arse cheeks. Peter lasted only a few seconds more. He raised his head in the air and almost screamed as he shot his load in John's willing mouth. The cum spilled deep into Johns throat as was willingly swallowed.

It took some while for Peter's body to stop shaking. "I told you I like being pampered," he said.

After a minute or more John pulled off the boy. Peter was still hard.

"I am sorry" said Peter "you are the first to do this to me and i was just so horny. I had hoped to make my first time last a little longer and I need more pampering"

"That's just fine" said John "I am sure we can find some way of relieving your little stiffness"

"I hope so" said Peter

"Shall we get your shorts on again" said John

"Well if it's alright with you I quite like the freedom of being naked so if i may i would like to stay this way"

"I would love you to stay that way" smiled John

Peter sat down on the sofa stark naked and they sipped at their coffee and rum!

After a minute peter said "why don't you get naked as well?"

John did not hesitate. He slowly removed his shirt and shorts. Peter smiled and said "pretty good"

They sat there in their birthday suits. Peter was still rock hard.

"Shall we do something about that?" said John, looking at Peter's erect penis.

"I would love to simply snuggle up with you. Can we put a film on?"

John got the remote. The TV was connected to a NAS box. John found a lovely man/boy video and started it playing.

Peter snuggled in under John arms. John put his arms over and round the boy.

"I like to be pampered," said Peter.

Peter moved one of John's hands to his rock hard penis. John got the idea and gently massaged it. John knew better than to let the boy blow his load straight away this time.

Peter loved the film. The boy in the film was taken care of. He was wined and dined and then taken to a bedroom and fucked in 10 different positions. Peter was loving it.

In each scene John would massage Peter near to a climax and then stop leaving his cum in his balls. This happened at least 10 times. Peter was being edged! Peter looked up at John. "May I cum please, please let your little boy cum sir"

John's heart just melted away. This boy was pure gold and pure sex.

"Cum anytime you like my boy"

John took a firmer grip on the cock and stroked up and down. The boy in the film was on his back with a cock deep into his arse. He was wailing and groaning and the man on top of him plunged in and out.

Peter arched his back, then shot after shot of cum shot from his cock into the air and landed over a meter away on the floor.

John kept still and let the boy recover. His cock went flacid.

"I needed that" said Peter

"Happy to help," said John.

"Can we do that next?" said Peter

"What?" said John

"Just like the film where the boy gets fucked" said Peter.

"Ah .. " said John. "Yes I would love that, but maybe we should keep that to tomorrow"

"OK" said Peter "but only if can sleep here with you"

"I would love you to stay" smiled John "and yes I promise to fuck you just like in the film"

John fetched more coffee and a little rum

As they sat sipping Peter left the sofa. He kneeled down in front of John.

"My turn" said Peter

And with that he engulfed John's cock with his mouth.

He was like a duck in water. Although he had never done it before he had seen it many times. He pleasured John for 15 minutes. Eventually John was ready to cum. He tried to pull Peter off since he was not sure he would want cum in his mouth. Peter resisted and John shot deep into the boy's throat.

John was startled. He had just been sucked off by an 18 year old in his flat.

Peter got up and sat back beside John.

"Fair is fair," said Peter. "I have to get some as well"

They sipped their rum and listened to the lashing of the waves on rocks.

An hour later they got into bed and slept for 9 hours.

John was woken by the lapping of the waves on the rocks below. It was very soothing. He looked over to Peter who was in light sleep and slowly waking. They lie face to face. Peter opened his eyes and John greeted him with a kiss on the lips. This was the first time they had kissed. Peter moved closer to John and wrapped his arms around John's waist.

"You are horny again!!" said John. He felt Peter's rock hard cock again.

"Yes" said Peter "it happens all the time. I can cum 6 times a day "

"Well I have read that young guys your age can cum many times in a day. I can only manage once or maybe twice so I cannot really keep up with you"

Peter smiled "Well you do have two hands, a mouth and a cock. Thats at least four times a day you can pamper me"

John realised he was using the word pamper to mean have sex.

"Will you pamper me now? At least with your hand?" said Peter.

John moved his hands down to Peter's erect naked cock. Peter gasped as he was gripped. John kissed the boy gently and explored the corners of his mouth with his tongue. John moved his hand up and down and felt the boys pre-cum drip down over his finger. Peter's breathing was getting louder and faster. Two minutes later Peter's back arched and his cum shot out all over John's hand and dripped down his fingers.

Peter lay back satisfied.

After a couple of minutes John said " well what are you going to do today?"

"How about staying in bed all day" replied Peter.

John laughed "You are a clever boy and I think after a little while you will get bored with just that". There are plenty of things to do on this Island. You can go to Las Palmas, Maspalomas and big Gay center and the Jumbo or a short walk down to Arginugun. The biggest attraction here is the mountain ranges in the middle but that requires a car."

"OK OK said Peter. Let's have a cup of tea and then I will go out for a run. I will be back in a couple of hours - but if we get out of bed now will you promise to give me a massage later and be the first person to fuck me?"

"Well I would love to" said John but If i just fuck you it will hurt so we will need to warm you up slowly."

"Don't worry about that " said Peter "I have been experimenting with some dildoes so so will not be any problem"

And will that Peter reached down to John's cock and squeezed it. "See you later," he said.

"You are cheeky" said John. "I have a good mind to spank your bottom"

"Yes please" said Peter. "That sounds like fun"

Peter got out of bed and John smacked his arse cheeks as he stood up.

"That felt sexy" said Peter. He knew he was teasing John to the state of distraction. He loved it.

They both got out of bed and sat on the terrace naked and had a morning cup of tea whilst they looked down over the terrace as the day got going.

Peter left the flat for his run. He went back to his own flat to change in running togs. He was gone for 2 hours and got back about 10am. He was famished and John had arranged for a late breakfast. Peter came into the room and immediately took all his clothes off.

John said nothing of this and just enjoyed the view of the perfectly shaped young man.

John looked over to Peter and said "I simply cannot believe my luck that you want to be with me and even have sex with me. I keep thinking that this is a dream and that I will wake soon."

"This is no dream!" said Peter. He went over to John and kissed him fully on the mouth and held him tight.

John felt that he was hard again. "Jesus christ - you are hard again"

"Is that a problem" said Peter

"No but I may not be able to satisfy you all the time"

Peter pushed down on John's head. John got the message and got onto his knees and took Peter's erect cock in his mouth. Three minutes later Peter came in his mouth.

This time John had not swallowed. He had another plan. He got off his knees and got back up to kiss Peter. He shared Peters cum back into Peter's mouth. With their tongues they sworled the cum round and round until they swallowed what was left.

Eventually John pulled back and said "shall we have some food?"

Peter nodded. He was satisfied for now

They ate a simple meal of bread and cheese and coffee. They talked about the day and agreed to take a simple walk to Puerto Rico 3 km away. Here they had a light lunch and then strolled around the shops and then the beach. John saw Peter looking at the young men on the beach. John saw that Peter was being cruised by several younger and older men.

"You can go and join them if you like. You don't have to stay with me."

Peter squeezed John's hands. "They don't turn me on - you do"

With that they started the walk back to the Don Paco. It took about 40 minutes. It was 4pm. John said he wanted to take an afternoon nap so he could be fresh for the evening. Peter was happy with this since he wanted to do some body -training anyway.

Peter got back at 6pm all sweaty. John was awake.

"Can I get that massage now?" said Peter.

John smiled. "Yes get yourself in the shower and then come back onto the bed."

Peter was back in two minutes and lay on his front

John got some oil and gave a really good massage. He dropped the oil down the boys arse cheeks and moved his hand up and down the crack. Peter instinctively opened his legs to give a better access to the arse hole. John moved one finger and penetrated the willing hole. Peter gasped.

"Thats nice"

John knew the boy wanted it now. He put two fingers in and then three. The boy was ready.

John boy off the boy and said "I want to look you in the eyes when I fuck you so get on to your back"

Peter did as told. John lifted the boys legs up and placed them over his own shoulders. Peter was not in any way scared. He simply smiled and said "I have waited a long time for this Daddy"

John moved his stiff cock to the entrance to Peters arse. He slowly pushed and it went in with a "pop". Peter felt the pressure and tears ran down his cheeks.

John was worried "are you ok?"

"Yes yes " said Peter "Dont stop. It's just I am so happy. It's finally happened"

John's mind was put at ease and he pushed forward and gently went deeper and deeper and then back to rock back and forwards. Peter used his own hand to grab his cock but John stopped him"

"When you are with me you should never have to satisfy yourself. That's my job"

John grabbed hold of Peter's cock and massaged it up and down.

This was so intense. John knew he could not last long and Peter felt his prostrate being massaged internally. John slowed down to give the boy more of what he needed and wanted.

Peter looked into John's eyes "I love you Daddy - give it to me - I need your cock all the way into my boy pussy"

"I love it when you talk dirty," said John.

John could hold out no longer than 10 minutes. Peter was also very close. They knew each other were close but John could control it better than Peter.

Peter's body arched once more. John knew he was a couple of seconds from shooting. John let rip. His cock swelled the last centimeter and filled Peter's hole. They both came at the same instance. John shot his cum deep into Peter's hole and Peter shot straight up into John's hair and face.

After a few seconds John released Peter's legs and they lay beside each other in satisfaction.

Peter was crying once more.

John knew why and held him tight.

10 minutes later John led Peter to the shower and washed and pampered Peter until they were both clean.

They both went out onto the terrace and John served coke and some biscuits.

Peter broke the silence. "Can I stay here with you for the next two weeks?"

John was a little surprised. He had expected this to be a one night or maybe one day stand. "Well shall we just take it one day at a time and see how it goes?"

Peter looked disappointed. "But I love you - he was crying"

John knew there was something deeper here.

"What's the matter Peter?" said John.

Peter looked up. "It's just I am so lonely. I dont like girls and I dont like boys of my own age. I want to be with you"

"What would you parents say?" said JOhn

"I don't have any" said Peter. "My father and mother were killed in a car crash five years ago. I have lived in a children's home since then. Now I am 18 I am going to college in London and will have to find some digs and probably be alone again"

John went over to hold the boy's hand. "Now now ... we can work something out. Things will probably change when you go to college but you can always come and see me if you want to"

The boys face lit up. "Can I come and live with you?. We can be like father and son or uncle and nephew"

"Well we will have to talk about that one but it may be possible"

Peter's smile got wider and wider and he stopped crying.

"Now" said John "Where shall we eat tonight?"

"How about your bed?" said Peter

"You can't be horny already," said John.

He looked down and sure enough Peter was erect again. He had not cum for over 4 hours!

"I would love a blow job" said Peter

John could not refuse this handsome young blond god. Peter stood in front of him and John satisfied him fully - even if it was only for a couple of hours.

Peter shot just as forcefully as the first time. He held Johns head tight into his groin and he hit the back of John's mouth with his cum. John swallowed it all.

John eventually pulled off Peter's flaccid cock and Peter sat down beside him still naked

"I love you Daddy" said Peter

John thought - there must be a God after all.

The next days went like a dream for them both. John never got tired so drinking cum and Peter wanted to cum six times a day. After two weeks Peter was to leave Gran Canaria. John trusted Peter. Peter had nowhere to go so quite extraordinarily he gave Peter his flat key and told him to move in. He rang his neighbour to let him know that his nephew was coming to stay.

John knew this would under normal circumstances be a great risk. However he had nothing of value to steal and this boy had stolen his heart.

John would be back in a week's time. John followed Peter to the airport and they had a sneaky kiss. Peter was in tears.

"See you soon uncle, I am going to be very horny if I have to go a whole week with getting fucked"

"You are so naughty, I really am going to have to spank your little bottom."

Once more Peter joined in the game

"I will hold you to that promise"

And with that Peter boarded the plane to Gatwick.

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