
By eric jones

Published on Mar 1, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

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Eric's family was known by everyone in Hidden Valley. His dad was on the Club's board of directors and his mom was a social powerhouse. They were at the Club all the time, and when Simms saw that picture on the profile, he immediately recognized the handsome, privileged son. He had waited on his table and served him drinks at parties more times than he could count. This was going to be interesting, if it really was him.

Within a couple of hours he checked his messages on BGC and saw a response from Eric's profile.

They chatted about bullshit, about how boring life in Hidden Valley could be, and about schools and some of the people in town they both might know. The more they talked, the more "details" about himself Simms released to Eric. The dialog got a little more edgy, talking about fantasies and interests and experience.

ERIC: That's awesome man. I didn't think there was anyone like you in Hidden Valley, lol. SIMMS: Ha, ya rite about dat mah dude. ERIC: Feel like I know you man & want to know you more. We should grab a beer, man. SIMMS: Yeah, we can do dat, 4 real. ERIC: What's ur real name man, I'm Eric. SIMMS: Just call me Daddy, ha. ERIC: Daddy? U gotta be kidding. SIMS: Nah, fuckin with you man, I'm Rick. BUT You can still call me Daddy. :)~ ERIC: Ok, daddy, whatever, lmao.

It was starting to become clear to Eric that this Rick was a little different, but hey, wasn't different what he wanted all along?

Within a day Simms had Eric's cellphone number and they were texting each other. It was so much faster, and so much easier than having to be logged in to a computer.

SIMMS: Sup boi? ERIC: Not much man SIMMS: You busy tonite? ERIC: Nope, mom and dad going to some party. SIMMS: Fo real? Where at? ERIC: Our club. Some kinda charity event. SIMMS: Ah, the party raisin $$$ for the hospital, you not goin? ERIC: Wow, you really do know everything SIMMS: Told yo azz ERIC: How do I not know u? SIMMS: How u know u dont ERIC: From ur description I think I would remember, man SIMMS: U know me, u just never noticed me. ERIC: Not noticed, how? SIMMS: Not blind, boi, just not lookin around. ERIC: When we meet Im gonna recognize u? SIMMS: Yup, lol. So u not goin to the party tonight? ERIC: No, r u? SIMMS: Nah.

Simms had the night off from the Club, which was unusual for a big event like the hospital charity party. Normally they would have had his ass bartending or something, but for whatever reason he was not on the schedule. Simms didn't care, he needed a night off anyway.

They had talked a little about fantasies, and although they weren't explicit or even all that sexy, it was clear to Simms that Eric was who he claimed to be. He knew it was Eric Clinton. He wanted it. He was a link in the chain around Hidden Valley he hadn't been able to get. This shit was gonna be fun.

SIMMS: So u wanna see it? ERIC: See what? SIMMS: My bad, wanna get together tonite? ERIC: Sure. SIMMS: Aight, bout time. lol ERIC: Guess so. Yeah about time to finally figure out who you are, Rick. SIMMS: Believe it, boi, haha. ERIC: Where and when? SIMMS: Where else, the Club. ERIC: At the party? SIMMS: Nah, lol. ERIC: Where then? The parking lot? lol SIMMS: Golf Pavilion, by 9th hole. Not shit happening out there tonight, round 9. ERIC: Not far from me, cool. At nine? SIMMS: Yep. U sure u wanna meet face to face ERIC: Yea, why not. SIMMS: K. See u at 9, dont be late boi ERIC: lol, ok SIMMS: U really gonna show up, haha ERIC: yep

Simms knew he would. He knew the type.

The Golf Pavilion was perfect. Everyone in town would be at the party, and the golf course would be deserted. The Pavilion was the farthest point from the clubhouse so they would be all alone, all night. Time to shower and get ready.

Tonight Simms was gonna have his own party.

Eric took a shower, put on more cologne than he normally would, and put on his preppy best khakis and Vinyard Vines buttondown. He reached for his gray New Balances, but then it was so hot he changed his mind and slipped on his leather flipflops. He checked himself in the mirror, and everything looked good.

He wondered what this was going to be like. He had been chatting with this dude for a few days, and since they exchanged numbers the texts had been flying day and night. He knew a lot about him, but there was a lot he didn't know. Namely who in the hell this guy was. Rick. He said he would know him, and Eric had been wracking his brain for the last few days. He knew the guy was black, was obviously not a Hidden Valley resident, but he knew so much about everyone. Eric was intrigued. Tonight he was going to find out who this guy was.

He also enjoyed their chats. They both had fantasies, and it would be good to talk face to face with someone who wondered about the same stuff that Eric did. Maybe jack off occasionally to the same stuff Eric did. Maybe this dude would be like his brother. His dick got stiff and Eric sat down for a minute to think. He was really looking forward to tonight.

Simms didn't have to dig far in his wardrobe for the perfect outfit. He pulled out baggy gray sweatpants and fresh white new beater. Simple but appropriate. He was gonna thug it out completely tonight. He pulled out some chains and put a couple of bracelets on his wrist. He slid a durag over his braids, and stepped back to look over the whole package. Yeah, this was gonna do the trick. He pulled his sweatpants down a little and tucked his beater in at the front and the back, but left it untucked on the sides, a casual look. He wanted ole boy to see his dick and ass. He flexed his arms and chest in the mirror. This wasn't right though, he needed to show a bit more skin. He pulled off the beater and pulled another one out of his drawer, this one had bigger openings at the neck and was cut along the sides. From the side profile you could see his chest, and when he held up his arms and flexed a little you could see his pecks. "Yeah, dat's it," he said under his breath. His skin was still glowing a little from the shower. He sprayed some cologne on his neck, his back, and pulled open his sweatpants and sprayed some on his dick and then his ass. He smiled in the mirror - a wicked grin that so many peeps from Hidden Valley had seen before he planted himself deep inside them.

He looked at his watches, grabbed the biggest one, with rhinestones all around the rim, slipped it on and then pulled out his phone. He shot a quick text to Eric SEE U IN A FEW, CAN'T WAIT.

And he couldn't wait. This shit has his dick swelling already, and he felt a trickle of sweat run down his back and start to bead up on his forehead. He walked back to the mirror and checked to make sure his dick print was visible through his baggy pants.

The reply from Eric was immediate... EXCITED MAN, SEE YOU IN A FEW

They were supposed to meet in an hour, so it was time for Simms to rollout. He wanted to get there really early. There were things to do to make sure everything went as planned.

"Feels funny being in here at night like this," said Eric. "Funny for you, how you think I feel," Simms laughed out loud. "If I was in here dressed like dis during da day yo daddy would have my black ass fired, haha." "Nah, man," Eric said smiling, but knowing he was telling the absolute truth. He may have had cornrows, but the folks at Hidden Valley wanted their staff in tuxes and crisp uniforms at all time. Simms looked like he was about to play basketball or do a scene from a rap video, and that wouldn't have been "proper" in the Hidden Valley Golf Pavilion, or anywhere on the Club property for that matter...

"Look Imma bout to fire up another blunt, so letz take dis outside so I don't smoke up ya muthafuckin club."

"I think I need another beer before we go," Eric said quietly, as he sat his bottle on the bar. "Well, get your own boi, I'm off da clock now" Simms said smirking, and gave Eric a wink. Eric walked behind the bar for the first time in his life, but went right to the second cooler and pulled out another Miller. He had seen bartenders pull from that cooler so many times he knew it by heart.

"Lemme switch off dat light" Simms said as he walked back behind the bar. He reached in, turned off the light, and pulled the door back in to place. As Eric was coming back from getting his beer, Simms intentionally brushed up against him with his bare arm as they both tried to walk through the narrow opening in the bar. Eric could smell Simms cologne and feel the heat from his body. There was sweat on both their faces, as the heat from the hot room and the alcohol was starting to have an effect.

"Excuse me," Eric offered, always the gentleman. He put his hand out and touched Simms on his back, offering to let him go first. The touch was just instinctual for Eric, a gentlemanly touch like a handshake to let a man know he was there behind him, yielding to let him pass. But Eric felt his dick stiffen a little the minute his hand touched Simms upper back. The loose beater Simms was wearing left most of his upper back and shoulders exposed, so Eric's hand hit bare skin. His skin was so hot, but Eric left his hand there a fraction of a second longer than he normally would. Eric didn't notice the delay, but Simms knew his plan was working. "Mah bad, dude," Simms said, walking on through, "hot as shit in here" and he walked towards the entrance. Eric followed right behind, keeping his eyes on the man in front of him.

They walked out on the porch, and Simms walked down one step and leaned back on the railing. He pulled the durag off his head, wiped the sweat off his face, and then stretched with his arms above his head, like he was just waking up from a nap. As he stretched the beater was stretched open as well, and in the moonlight Eric could see the tats and thick muscles on Simms upper body. As Simms reached in his pocket and pulled out another blunt, Eric was looking him over. He had on unlaced Timbs, and was looking strong and relaxed at the same time. Eric's dick was still hard, but he wasn't thinking about that. Simms took a big pull and then reached it over to Eric, nodding his head at him. "No thanks, man, I don't smoke," Eric said with a shy grin. "Me neither," chuckled Simms, "smokin will kill yo ass..."

Simms could see him staring. Both of them were thankful of the moonlight, which allowed Eric to see Simms, and allowed Simms to be seen. "Hot as shit," Simms repeated, as he pulled off his beater and threw it over the porch railing beside him. He took his hand and rubbed it down his chest, then left his hand tucked in the waist of his sweatpants, pulling them down in the front a little and tightening them in the front at the same time. Simms could feel his dick pushing against the fabric, and he could feel Eric's eyes on it at the same time.

"So you disappointed, mah man?" Simms asked. "Nah, like I told you, I've been wanting to see who you were. I'm surprised, but you know I like you" Eric said in an honest, even tone. "You like me?" he laughed, "you mean you like me waiting at your table" with a big grin on his face. Eric blushed and tried to play it off. "I like chatting with you, and I want to keep talking to you. I don't have conversations like that without anyone else."

"You mean fantasies, mah dude?" "Yeah, I just feel comfortable with you, we seem to be different but apparently we share a lot of things in common" "Yo, you mean like dis Club?" "Well, haha, I guess in a way. You like to play golf?" "Nah, and just brought one CLUB with me tonight" Simms sneered grabbing his dick through his sweatpants and shaking it at Eric. Eric blushed even more, and sat down on the top step. Simms sat down too, and pulled both legs up his sweatpants up above his knees. "Wish I hadn't worn dees damn sweats tonight, hotter dan I thought." Eric saw a couple of tats on Simms calf muscle. It was big, but he couldn't tell what it was supposed to be.

"Gotta piss" Simms said walking down the steps and off towards the trees to the right. "Me too," said Eric, walking in the other direction.

Eric's mind was spinning, he liked being here with Simms, liked the look of him, like his cocky strength and big smile. He also like his dark skin, tats and big muscles. He just liked looking at him.

Eric zipped up his khakis and started walking back to the pavilion. Simms wasn't back yet, so he sat back on the steps and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. It was hot, Simms was right. Eric looked out at the golf course and wondered what was going to happen tonight, and whether he would be seeing a lot more of Simms. He must have wanted to meet, and he knew who I am, so he must want to be my friend. It wouldn't make any sense to do all this otherwise.

He looked up and saw Simms walking back. He could see the moonlight reflecting off the chains around his neck, and he had a swaying, assertive walk. So different from the walk of the other guys at the Club, so masculine and powerful. He didn't remember ever paying attention to a walk before, but in the moonlight he couldn't take his eyes away from the approaching figure.

Even with moonlight Simms got about 10 feet from Eric before he realized that he wasn't wearing any clothes. Timbs and jewelry and that was it. He sauntered up and stood there in front of Eric, just a couple of feet away. "Yo, you sure you ain't disappointed mah man?" Eric couldn't speak, he was stunned and felt his heart racing. Simms just smiled and scratched his nutts, his big dick sticking straight out and pointing right at Eric's face.

Next: Chapter 4

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