
By eric jones

Published on Jan 1, 2017


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  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------

Tariq could feel the hesitation.

Eric's tongue lightly and gently ran up and down his crack. Tariq could feel Eric's hands on the back of his legs, bracing himself, as he tentatively leaned in and pressed his face in to Tariq's butt.

The hesitation that Eric felt was clear in his touch, and the way he tickled Tariq's ass with the tip of his tongue. Hesitant, yes - but compliant. That was the whole point. The tongue on his ass was there not because it wanted to be, but because it had been told. But there was so much potential, Tariq thought... Willingness is half the battle...

Eric continued to explore, alternating between kissing Tariq's ass cheeks and letting his tongue trace the hairy crack. He was so gentle, like he was afraid he might break something.

It wasn't an objectionable feeling for Tariq, but it wasn't pleasurable either. He wasn't getting eaten out, he was being kissed and pecked on his ass. But, Tariq also knew there was more to being submissive than following orders. Again, willingness on the part of one to serve another is half the battle. Tariq was going to let Eric explore a little about himself. There was plenty of time. You can't break in a wild horse in one day. Baby steps.

He hadn't said no. And he did have this boy's tongue on his ass. That was a first for both of them...

Eric continued to lick and kiss Tariq's ass, keeping himself in roughly the same area and doing the same things for several minutes. Eric couldn't believe he was doing this. It didn't bother him physically, but his mind was racing with all kinds of conflicting impulses. This was something a man shouldn't be doing. This was a place where no tongue should ever go. But still... It wasn't that bad. Tariq obviously wanted it. It didn't doing anything to for Eric other than make him wonder what he was doing. It wasn't a turn on. And yet it kind of was. He wondered how many other tongues had ever tasted Tariq's ass before. Was this something that only he had ever experienced? Eric somehow knew that he was the only guy who had ever licked Tariq's ass. And that knowledge gave him a little prickle deep inside. It was... a feeling that was hard to pin down. Hard to explain.

Eric lowered himself a little more and let his tongue press forward to the bottom of Tariq's crack and then to the area approaching his balls. He was letting his tongue explore a little. Eric wasn't sure what he was doing, but he had been doing this long enough to want to show some enthusiasm to Tariq. To let him know he wasn't afraid. Even though he was. Eric had made the choice to go low, to press himself a little farther. But he made that choice to avoid the other option. He suspected he needed to pay some attention to Tariq's hole, but he was avoiding that for the time being. That seemed like a bit too far. But he would get there eventually.

Tariq could tell Eric was still playing with it. He had been going slow with this part of the lesson. But it was time to move on.

"Spread my ass with ya hands. Get in there. Eat it," Tariq ordered.

Eric reacted the way Tariq knew he would.

Eric suspected it was going to happen. He wasn't exactly opposed, but he wasn't exactly thrilled either. But it was time to act. Now or never. He had gone this far...

Eric pressed his hands against Tariq's full but firm ass cheeks and slowly pressed them outward. He pulled back so he could watch Tariq's ass open, hoping that would give him some sign of what to do next, some guidepost for what to expect next. In the darkness of the night it was like staring in to nothing.

But in he went.

Eric moved his head forward and pressed his tongue deep in Tariq's crack while pressing his cheeks open a bit more to ease access. He felt Tariq shift a little in reaction to his tongue, so he guessed he was doing something right. That gave him the nerve to forge in a little further. Before he knew it, his tongue had found Tariq's hole and Eric found himself with his face pressed completely up in Tariq's crack.

Tariq poked his ass back a little and groaned deeply. It was a sound he had never really heard come from Tariq, and it made him feel good inside in a way he didn't really understand. It all was the audible and physical encouragement Eric needed.

Eric licked up and down Tariq's crack, actually enjoying the sensation of his tongue brushing the stiff but now damp wiry hair that covered the deepest part. Each time he passed the hole he paused and flicked his tongue around the opening, noticing each time how it caused a shiver down the length of Tariq's body.

Eric didn't taste anything. At least nothing objectionable. Taste wasn't the point, he knew that the minute he started. The scent of Tariq's ass was what he thought would throw him off when he first began this task. But he was wrong.

The only sense of smell he had at this moment was that everything was fine. The scent was natural. Sweat, saliva and a little bit of funk. Tariq's ass smelled like he expected it would. He smelled like a man. It wasn't a turn on for him, but it wasn't a turn off either. As he pressed his whole face deep in Tariq's ass, running his tongue and face along the length of Tariq's butt, this most secret and private part of Tariq was his whole world. Eric was running a race now, and he didn't want to stop or come in second.

"Eat dat ass. Stop playin' wit it," Tariq growled, shoving his ass back on Eric's face and grinding in to him a little. "Go deep..."

Eric grabbed the edges of Tariq's ass and pulled his cheeks farther apart, and pressed his face even deeper and harder against Tariq. He used his tongue to more aggressively lick on Tariq's hole. He didn't know what to do other than press himself farther and lick harder and faster. It never occurred to Eric that Tariq might want a tongue in his hole.

Eric licked and licked and licked. In the process of teasing Tariq's wet hole with his tongue, eventually he pressed in a little, just the tip. But it was enough. Tariq let out a deep, load groan and shivered. Eric knew he had hit a spot.

He continued to poke the tip of his tongue in Tariq's hole. Tariq continued the moans, but even more telling, he pressed his ass back on Eric's face each time he breached the opening. Eric knew he was giving Tariq exactly what he wanted. With his spit-covered face completely eclipsed inside Tariq's full, muscular ass, Eric felt a powerful rush. He wasn't just turned on, although his dick was stiff and leaking. There was something unexpected - a feeling.

Tariq reached around with one hand and pulled Eric's head towards him. When Eric slid his tongue a little deeper, Tariq took the opportunity to pull hard on Eric's head. Eric's tongue was deep in the hole now, and he wiggled it around, really tasting all of Tariq for the first time.

As Eric slid his tongue in and out in a fucking motion, the vibrations running through Tariq's body were unmistakable and even in his frenzied state, Eric couldn't help but hear the moaning and grunts of pleasure from the man above him.

"Ahhh, fuuuuuuccccckkkkkkk...." Tariq's whole body shook, and he bent over more, opening himself as much as he could. "Fuuuuccccckkkkkkkk"

With those deep, whole-body groans, that unexpected feeling stood out for Eric more than ever before. It was pride. He knew that he was responsible for the ecstasy that Tariq was experiencing, and that was the biggest turn on of all.

Without warning Tariq pulled away from Eric, spun around and started jacking his dick hard right in front of Eric's face. That dick seemed like the largest thing in the world at that moment, and Eric kneeled there, panting, watching and waiting to taste it again.

"Ya want this nutt?" Tariq growled.

"Yeah," Eric whispered in a breathless reply.

"Ya wanna swallow it?" Tariq spat out, jacking his dick furiously.


Tariq grabbed a handful of Eric's hair, tightened his grip and pulled so Eric's face turned upward.

"Ya want this cum in ya mouth?"


Tariq kept pulling Eric's hair and was one-handing his dick right over Eric's face, so close he was banging against his chin and nose.

"Say it," Tariq ordered.

"Huh?" Eric asked, confused...

"Tell me what ya want."

Eric couldn't think what to say. Tariq stopped jacking and slapped his rock hard dick against Eric's face a couple of times.

"Beg for it, bitch," Tariq commanded as he started jacking again.

"Cum in my mouth," Eric said, in a breathless but still pleading voice. He really wanted it now.

"Ya ready?"


"Ya want it?


"Say please, bitch," Tariq growled.

"Please... Please..."

Eric was whipped. Tariq knew it. But the lesson wasn't over.

"Nah," Tariq said, pulling on Eric's hair some more to keep Eric's face looking up.

"Keep ya eyes open. Fuckin look at me," Tariq said, as his body started to pulse.

Seconds later a huge blast of nutt sprayed Eric's face, from the bridge of his nose, across his forehead and up to his hairline.

"Fuuuccckkkkk" groaned Tariq, hunching over a bit. The lower aim meant the next even larger shot of cum hit Tariq's upper lip, up Eric's nose and on his upper cheek. The third blast sprayed Eric in the eye, which he reflexively closed to protect himself.

"Keep ya eyes open, look at me," Tariq ordered.

Eric opened his nutt-smeared eye as much as he could, blinking quickly, feeling the sting as his vision blurred.

"Yeah," moaned Tariq, as he shot his final burst in the middle of Eric's forehead. "Fuck yeah," Tariq sighed in relief, as he released his dick and fell back on the seat behind him.

Tariq rubbed his sweaty chest and belly trying to catch his wind, and propped a leg on the shoulder of Eric still kneeling before him.

Eric could feel the cum dripping down his face. The bleachy smell of Tariq's seed mixed with the other scents of sweat, ass juice and spit. As one patch of nutt fell from his forehead and hit him on the cheek, Eric instinctively reached up to wipe it away.

"Nah, leave mah shit on there. Don't touch it," Tariq instructed.

Tariq stood up and walked over to the bag of clothing. While Eric kneeled there waiting, covered in cum, Tariq slipped on clothing and shoes.

He walked over to Eric again, looking down on him, amazed as always that someone would obey a command to leave nutt all over their face. Getting your face painted was one thing, but leaving it there was a true act of submission.

He deserved something, Tariq thought. Tariq licked his index finger and then scooped up some cum from Eric's forehead and cheek and stuck his finger in Eric's mouth. Eric gently sucked the finger clean, savoring the taste of the cum and Tariq's skin.

"Now ya know," Tariq said to him. "Wait till I'm gone and ya can clean up. Imma see ya tomorrow."

And with that Tariq walked away. The lesson was complete.

As the sun started to barely lighten the sky, Eric painfully and slowly rose from his knees and sat on the bench where Tariq had been moments before. He was sore, he was confused, he was horny. He ran his finger across his face, and pulled a little more of the now slightly crusty seed to his mouth.

Eric pulled down his pants and started quickly jacking his own brick hard dick. As the first bright blast of morning sun approached the horizon, Eric came with so much force that he shot nutt like a sprinkler.

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