
By eric jones

Published on Dec 6, 2016


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  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------

He wanted him to do it again?

Tariq was surprised, confused, all sort of things at once. Dude got drugged, fucked and videoed. Wanting that again didn't make shit for sense. He kept his cool though. No point in showing any surprise. Tariq sensed there was valuable information here. He just needed to keep digging.

"So, what ya mean, you want him to do it again?" Tariq asked, trying to not sound judgmental.

"I don't really know myself," Eric confided.

"Well ya gotta mean somethin, dude."

"I know," Eric said. "It doesn't make a lot of sense to me either."

Tariq sat there a while. Close to Eric. He didn't pull away or act surprised or act upset. He decided he would wait and see if Eric started talking again on his own. He didn't know what other questions to ask anyway, so waiting was a good option all around.

Eric looked out at the river, deep in thought himself. This was the conversation he really never wanted to have. These were thoughts and realizations that he didn't want to come to himself, much less share them with someone he didn't really know. Yeah, there was a connection with this dude sitting next to him, and it could be intense, but it was still new - still uncertain. This was something tearing at Eric anyway. The idea that as he figured shit out he had to open up to Tariq made the situation more precarious.

But still, there was something there. Something about this guy. At a basic level he felt safe with him. He didn't know why. He was attracted to him. His masculinity. His dark skin and long dreads. He wasn't just a guy, he was a man. Eric had just recently come to the conclusion - eerie that that it was - that it was a man he was attracted to. Not just any kind of man. Not a man like himself. This kind of man. The kind of man who was sitting next to him in his parents back yard, in the middle of the night. Sitting here in boxers. Waiting for him. Listening to him. Here, right now when all these things were becoming so clear.

The message came through from a most unlikely source. It came from Simms. Simms brought something out of Eric that he didn't know was there. Not just an attraction to men. But an attraction to a certain type of man. And not just a black man, but a certain type of black man. The type of man with unquestionable strength, but also with an easy, smooth approach. A yin and yang that didn't make sense when he tried to think it through. But it was a desire. A desire that was starting to become clear.

All Eric could think about was the impossibility of it all. He could feel the heat from Tariq's body next to him, and could feel him looking at him. He didn't need to turn to look. He knew. Yeah, Tariq was sitting here when he should have left a long time ago. He probably shouldn't have even come here. Shouldn't have stayed. But Eric's brain was telling him not to read too much in to his presence. It didn't have to be attraction that kept him here. There were a million other reasons. Eric was about to walk out on a limb.

"I had never really been with a dude before," Eric began, speaking slowly and quietly.

Tariq could hear him, but he leaned in a little just to signify his attention and his interest. His arm was now touching Eric's.

"I hadn't really thought about it much," Eric said. "I mean I had fantasies or whatever you want to call them. You know, from porn? But it wasn't a real thing for me. Not really. I've been with a few girls. And I always had a good time. I didn't feel all that much, I mean feel that much for them. But it seemed like the right thing to do. It felt good. They seemed happy. It just seemed... normal."

"Guys were just a thing I thought about some. But it was like something on the other side of a wall. I didn't think I'd ever go over that wall, so I didn't worry about it. Like wondering what it's like for a woman to have a baby. Something you think about, wonder about, but you don't get too wrapped up in it since you know it's never going to happen to you."

Tariq couldn't help but chuckle a little under his breath. The giving birth analogy was a little weird, fucked up even.

"I realized in the last couple of days that I never really went through with anything with a dude because I was looking for the wrong type of guy. I was looking for guys that look like me, that act like me. People like my friends from school. People I relate to. And I think that was the problem. I didn't find anything I really wanted, because I was looking in the wrong place."

"And then there was Simms. I met Sims. Or hell, I guess Simms found me."

Tariq expected the shiver or shudder or some reaction in Eric's body at the mention of Simms. But Eric didn't flinch.

"And when I really saw him. Saw him naked. Saw him walk up out of the darkness with nothing on, it turned something on in me that I didn't know was there."

"You're first black guy, huh?" Tariq asked, wanting to let Eric know he was paying attention, but already sensing the direction they were headed.

"Well, yeah, but it wasn't just that. Not really. I mean I was definitely attracted to him. I'm sure his skin color was a big part of it. I know it was. It wasn't just his color, or his dick, or anything else I could pin down. It was a combination of things. There was immediately this... this... potential. I felt there was a potential to do things with him, a potential from touching him and being close to him, that I hadn't felt before."

"He turned ya on, man, nuthin wrong with that. We all like what we like," Tariq said.

"True," Eric responded. "But some of us don't even know what we really like. And some people - people like Simms - know too much. That's what kinda made me crazy. He knew something about me that even I didn't know."

"He thought ya'd be attracted to him, and he was right," Tariq said.

"Yeah, he did know. But he knew more than just I would be attracted. He knew 'exactly' what I'd be attracted to. He knew there was a side of me that I didn't know was there."

"What he know?"

Might as well go for broke now, thought Eric. This dude hadn't run yet. He didn't even seem fazed.

"I wanted to be taken. I wanted him to take control. I didn't expect it. Didn't know it. But he knew it. He knew he could take it and that as awful as it was, it was something I actually wanted. Something I actually wanted to happen."

Eric paused. He had said a lot. He wondered how this was registering in Tariq's mind.

"And now it kinda makes sense to me, in a way. The masculine thing that made me so attracted to him. I wanted him to be the man."

"Dude, it jus mean ya like to get fucked. Lots of dudes are down with gettin' fucked, it ain't a big deal," Tariq said reassuringly.

"Yeah, I mean I knew there was going to be someone fucking and someone getting fucked. I just always assumed I would be the one doing the fucking. You know, like I do with girls. I just didn't know I would enjoy being... being on the receiving end, if you know what I mean."

"Man, I know what ya mean. Trust me, it ain't nuthin I ain't heard before," said Tariq.

"But it wasn't just getting fucked, it was the 'way' he fucked me. The aggression. He just was so... I don't know. I keep thinking about how he just used me. Used me like a hole. It was like he didn't care that he hurt me, or that I couldn't stop him. It was all about him. And the more I thought about, the more that turned me on."

Eric stopped and shifted slightly in his seat. He was embarrassed. He just said out loud something he didn't even like to think.

"So, that's what I didn't want to tell you. What I didn't want to tell anyone. I liked it. I don't know why, but I liked it. I still like it. I still think about it. And when I do I get so damn hard I don't what I'm gonna do. I never felt like this before, not with any girls or from any porn. I know it sounds... sounds so trashy..."

"Man, you gettin' all worked up over nuthin. I've been fuckin broads for years. A lot of em like gettin dug out. They like an aggressive dude in em. Dominating. Some like kinky shit. I could tell ya stories that would make ya turn bright fuckin red, man. I know it seem like a lot of shit to ya right now, but ya need to just stop worrying bout dis shit and just like what ya like. Ya ain't the only one, trust... Lotta bitches like to get da shit fucked out of em."

"I understand what you're saying, man. But it's not the same thing. All those stories you're talking about are girls."

"Nah, I'm talking about bitches, Eric."

"That's what I mean, it's not the same thing."

"Nah, it ain't what ya mean, but ya missin' da point, dude. Ya still lookin' at it da wrong way. Ya thinkin' bout this shit like a damn dude. Start thinkin' bout it like a bitch would and then it all clicks."

"But, I..."

"Chill, bruh. U a bottom dude that like rough sex. Ya like bein' a dude's bitch."

"No, I'm not a bitch, man," said Eric, getting a little offended.

Tariq leaned in a little more. Making his point and also trying to let Eric know he wasn't turned off.

"Ya liked da idea dat he fucked da shit out of ya, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"And ya liked da fact that he didn't give a fuck whether ya liked it or not, right?"


"And ya dick hard right now just thinkin' bout that shit, right?"

"Yeah," admitted Eric, fully embarrassed but caught up in the moment.

"And if dat nigga called ya right now from jail and asked ya to come down there and give him some ass, ya would, right?"

Eric paused.

"Right?" Tariq asked again.

"Yeah," admitted Eric.

"Den I was right, you like gettin' punked by a dude."

"No, it's not that simple."

"Eric, it is dat fuckin simple."

"But it just sounds so awful, I can't..."

"The sooner ya just relax and fuckin accept da shit da better off ya gonna be, man."

"So, I'm fuckin screwed, that's what you're telling me. I just don't even want to think..."

"Don't fuckin think, dat's where ya getting fucked up." Tariq sat up straight next to Eric and tried to make his point clear. "Listen, there ain't nuthin wrong with what ya like. I like fuckin and you like gettin fucked. I ain't no better than you."

"So the only way I'm ever gonna enjoy myself with a dude is getting drugged and nearly raped? That's hardly something to just accept."

"It ain't gotta be dat way, dude. Ya can still do ya shit, but it ain't gotta be 100% all da damn time. Not every dude ya meet gonna have to drug ya to dominate ya."


"I can show ya better than I can tell ya..."

Next: Chapter 17

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