
By eric jones

Published on Nov 17, 2016


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  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Your feedback is welcome and appreciated... --------------------------------------------------------------

Eric led the way through his parents' back yard. The back yard was far smaller than the front, and the lot sloped down towards the river. Off to the edge of lawn close to the river there was a small building with large windows on two sides. There was a large paved patio on the river-facing side and the usual assortment of chairs and tables. A pleasant place to sit and enjoy the view during the day.

As they entered the building Tariq was hit with the smell of chlorine. There was some kind of pool in here. Eric walked over to the interior wall and hit a switch. The largest hot tub Tariq had ever seen sprang to life, lit from inside with pale blue bulbs under the water. The light from the hot tub illuminated the room enough to see around. Tariq walked to the windows to check out the view. The river was just barely visible in the moonless night. You couldn't see the house at all.

"This doesn't get used a lot. They put it in for my grandparents when they were alive and lived here. It's clean though. Staff make sure it's good as new."

"Must be nice," Tariq mumbled.

"It's a good place to be alone at night. I come here sometimes just to sit and think. I never use the hot tub."

"Expensive hideout..."

"Yeah, well it will come in handy tonight," said Eric, pulling his t-shirt over his head and tossing it aside. Tariq watched as Eric dropped his pants, kicked them aside and stood on the edge of the water. He looked almost alien, tinted blue in the shifting light from the water below. Wearing only standard white briefs, Tariq immediately thought he looked like a kid. Who wears white briefs at his age?

Eric leaped forward and was submerged up to his crotch in the swirling water. He located a seat along the side and sat down. The look on his face showed immediate relief.

"Come on," Eric said, "it's the next best thing to a shower right now."

Tariq wasn't in the mood to argue.

He pulled off his thin sweatshirt and the wifebeater beneath. He pulled his dreads up over his head and tied them up as best he could. Next came the boots, socks and pants. Now it was Eric's turn to see Tariq standing there, wearing nothing but dark boxers. The blue light from the tub also cast an odd glow on Tariq's dark skin. But Tariq didn't look anything like a kid.

Eric watched him step in, slowly, one leg at a time. Tariq lowered himself down to his neck and then stood, letting the hot water run down his body. This wasn't a bad idea at all, he thought to himself.

Tariq moved towards Eric and took a seat directly across from him. Both of them sat there for a few minutes, feeling the hot water swishing past them. Both of them were thinking they might fall asleep here and now. But, there was talking to be done.

Eric started.

"So, what happened tonight? What did you want to tell me?"

"Simms got arrested tonight. Saw him being taken away in cuffs."

The shock on Eric's face was clear even in the dim blue haze. "Why, what happened?"


"When was this?" Eric asked.



"At his house."

"You saw him arrested at his house tonight?"


"Why were you there?"

Tariq didn't answer. Eric tried a different tack.

"How'd you even know where he lived? Did you know him?"

"I know of him. He got quite a reputation. Flashy. Uppity."

"Had you been to his house?"

"Neva been before."

"How did you have his address?"

"Dude, ya know that shit easy to find."

"So you don't know why he was arrested, what he was charged with?"




They sat there for a while. Eric's mind was speeding. Tariq was thinking pretty hard himself too.

"So what were you doing at his house tonight, man?" Eric asked again.

Tariq still didn't answer. Eric decided to let the question hang there for a while.

After waiting way longer than he wanted to, Eric tried again.

"How'd you end up at Simms' house?"

Still no answer. The interrogation was going nowhere. Eric was getting frustrated.

"Look, I'm not going to get mad, just tell me why you were there."

"Ain't nobody worried about ya gettin' mad," was Tariq's response.

"So that's it, all you know is he was arrested? That's what you were going to tell me?"

Tariq nodded his head.

"I need a smoke," Eric said, his frustration unabated.

He stood up, turned and hopped out of the hot tub. Tariq kept his eyes peeled on Eric's ass as he rose up and walked across the room. His wet briefs were clinging to him, and the waistline was pulled down a bit from the force of coming out of the water. Tariq thought he could see the top of Eric's crack, but before he could tell for sure Eric turned and headed back.

From the front you could tell that Eric had a decent package. Not Tariq's league, but respectable. Tariq had never seen a white dude's dick. He didn't think tonight was going to change that. But that ass, though...

Eric sat back down, lit a smoke and leaned across to hand it to Tariq. He lit another for himself and they smoked in silence.

Eric looked over at Tariq, but in the dim light couldn't see any expression. He just saw a couple of his dreads loose and dangling in the water, framing his face. He seemed so calm. Eric wondered how he got his hair in the dreads. He imagined hours in a barber's chair, or hours sitting between the legs of some girl while the hair was twisted or whatever the hell they did. It looked complicated. He thought about asking, but there were so many other questions that seemed more important. There was a lot about this guy he didn't know. Hair wasn't high on the list.

Eric remember him standing by the edge of the hot tub earlier. With nothing on but boxers. He had a defined, muscular build. He was a good-looking guy. Without warning, Eric felt his dick hardening in his briefs. Yeah, he was that good looking. Eric shifted uncomfortably, and Tariq noticed. He couldn't see his erection, but he could detect Eric's restlessness.

Eric decided it was time to get out of the tub. To make sure his stiff dick didn't draw attention he turned and stood at the same time, showing only his rear as he got out. Little did he know that his rear was what Tariq was curious to see again anyway. The move worked out to their mutual advantage.

Eric crossed the room, grabbed a long white towel and started drying himself off.

"Let me go to my room and get us some clothes," Eric said, before he started towards the door.

"I can jus wear my same shit," Tariq said, looking his way.

"It's no problem. I have some things that will fit you, I'm sure," Eric replied and disappeared out the door.

Tariq jumped up and out of the tub, heading towards the window to watch Eric's departure. We was walking towards the house, the towel draped over his shoulders. He could still see his ass in those white briefs as he faded in to the darkness.

"Damn," thought Tariq, heading over and grabbing a towel for himself. "I need to stop staring at this dude's ass."

But he looked so soft. Not feminine, but soft nonetheless. It wasn't really a bubble-but in the traditional sense. But Eric was so thin and had such a small waist it just made his ass look plumper in comparison. Tariq was an ass man, so he guessed it wasn't all that surprising he was taking a look. This was just a natural bit of research.

And he was doing him a favor anyway, looking out for him. Not that he ended up doing anything, but still, it's the thought that counts... And he wasn't shy about standing there in his underwear. Not that Tariq was either. But only one of them had hooked up with a dude, so Tariq had nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

If anything, this dude is probably going to make a move on me. He thought of Simms. He thought of that video. He clearly likes black dick, or he's not afraid of it. If he knew Tariq was checking out his ass he might get turned on - he might like the shit. Tariq decided to keep all this to himself. He just had to remember who he was dealing with. He tried to put the image of Eric's ass out of his mind.

Tariq walked out on to the patio and took a seat on the side facing the river. He could sit here in privacy. The air felt cooler now, and coming from the hot tub the breeze felt refreshing. He pulled his dreads down and sat back on the cushioned love seat, spread his legs, closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling.

Before long Eric reappeared. He had on dark pajama pants, a clean white t, fresh white socks and some athletic slides. A comfortable outfit for hanging out at home. And he could smell some cologne. Eric had freshened himself up while inside.

He was carrying a large duffel bag which he handed to Tariq. Tariq pulled out the contents, amazed at the pile before him.

Eric plopped down next to Tariq, brushing his legs against Tariq as he settled in to the seat. Tariq didn't even notice.

He had two different kinds of socks, pajama pants, dark gray sweatpants, a pair of soft baggy jeans, a black t-shirt, a white t-shirt. He even had two pair of briefs, one black and the other white.

He looked at Eric, sitting next to him. Eric was looking out towards the river.

"I just grabbed a bunch of stuff I thought might fit you, or that you might like," Eric said.

This dude was thorough. Any of this would work. Except those briefs. Tariq hadn't had briefs on since middle school. He'd go commando before he'd trap himself in those tighty-whities.

"Thanks," Tariq said, still looking at the pile. The night air still felt good. He wasn't in any hurry to get dressed.

They fired up smokes again, and this time Tariq broke the silence. There was something impressive about this little dude. Fat little ass aside.

"I heard da cop say 'the parents weren't gonna let him get away with this' so I think he got busted somehow."

Eric turned, trying to figure out the meaning of what Tariq was saying.

"Could anyone else have seen that video? Your parents?"

Eric shivered, but shook his head. "No. At least I'm pretty sure no."

"What else could it be?"

"If my parents knew they would have said something. I'm sure of that."

"Well then ya ain't the only one he's been messin' around with..."

"Hmm," Eric responded, deep in thought.

Tariq put the duffle bag and clothing on the ground next to him, and stretch out a little, turning slightly to face Eric. Eric had questioned him, now he had a few questions of his own.

"Imma ask you some shit, man, but I don't want ya to freak out. You ain't gotta worry about me. I'm not gonna say shit but I wanna know. I saw the video so I know what went down."

Eric turned away. "What do you want to know?"

Tariq started slowly, and kept his voice low and calm. "Ya said he ain't raped ya. But you was drugged, ya said. I know ya ain't defending him, but why ain't that rape?"

"I went there knowing something would happen. I..." Eric hesitated. He could say part or he could say it all. He looked over at Tariq, and saw him sitting there looking at him, waiting. Well maybe he wouldn't tell the whole story, but there didn't seem like there was any reason to not tell most of it.

"I wanted to be there."

"So you wanted it?"

Eric was having trouble coming up with the right way to say it. "No, I mean. I wanted to do... I thought..." He kept stumbling over his words.

Tariq put his hand on Eric's leg, and felt Eric shift, startled by the unexpected touch. He left his hand there. He leaned towards Eric slightly, trying to make him feel more comfortable. "Ya ain't gotta be embarrassed. Shit, we all done freaky things."

Eric was still embarrassed. There was no way around it. Parts of the Simms story weren't flattering. Tariq might be a freak, but he might not like hearing some of the things going through Eric's mind, even today.

But he couldn't avoid it completely. The warm hand resting on his knees told him it was okay.

"I had hooked up with him earlier that night, like I think I told you before," Eric started the story. "He made me feel... different..."

Eric continued his story. He talked about the blow job at the golf course, the masculine energy of Simms, how enticing it was to have this strong, dark man wanting to give him pleasure. So boldly showing off his naked body. How he made Eric feel things he didn't understand.

Tariq knew the story. He understood that Eric was attracted to Simms. Knowing what he did about Simms now, he could easily see how Simms was seducing Eric, step by step. He had drawn him in with head, peaked his interest and then lured him in for the final assault. He was a trickster. Smooth with his shit, but a trick nonetheless.

"He turned ya on, made ya dick hard," Tariq practically whispered, trying to keep his voice calm.

"Yeah," replied Eric. "It was such a thrill, I hadn't really experienced anything like that. I couldn't believe he was doing that. Going down on me. He was so... He was such a big guy. It just didn't seem like anything he would ever do, or want to do."

Eric's head was jammed full of stereotypes and assumptions about gay guys. About what they do, what they look like, and more. Simms knew it too, Tariq realized. And had played him like a fiddle the whole time.

Tariq lit cigs for them both and edged just a bit closer. He didn't want Eric to think he was repulsed by his story or by what it revealed about him. He wanted him to feel comfortable. He knew that sitting so close would get his meaning across. This Simms story was on its way out, and this embarrassed boy sitting next to him was the key to it all. Tariq didn't think about his interest in the story as actual concern for Eric. He rationalized it was mostly about Simms.

Eric wasn't the only one keeping secrets from himself.

And Tariq didn't think anything was wrong or unusual about his technique. He kept telling himself that there was something fundamentally wrong with a dude like Simms, taking advantage of folks, using sex as a way to get what he wanted. But Tariq was still sitting there, wearing nothing but damp boxers, his leg intentionally pressed against Eric. Without even thinking about it, he was purposefully setting a scene that he knew or at least hoped would ensure Eric's cooperation. He gave Eric's leg a little squeeze, urging him on. He could sense Eric giving in. Mission accomplished.

Tariq took advantage of their closeness, of his own experiences and knowledge. He saw an opening and he took it.

"So, I know there's somethin' ya not telling me, somethin' ya afraid I might clown ya about, or think less of ya," Tariq said as soothingly as he could. He put his arm around Eric and pulled him in a little, like a father might do to a son.

"You like your thang and I like mine. We both men. Ya ain't gotta be ashamed just cause dudes turn ya on. I ain't gonna judge ya, Eric. We boys now. I jus wanna help." Tariq was trying to be his most generous and kind. He knew he was close.

"It's not that I'm embarrassed," Eric lied. "I'm just not sure I understand it myself," telling a partial truth.

"Well, what are ya tryin' to figure out?"

Eric ran the story though his head a dozen ways, and each time he ended up in the same place. No matter how he spun it, he couldn't come up with a reasonable lie for why he was so upset. He had already said it wasn't rape. Tariq might think he was crazy, but if he changed his tune now he would sound like a flake. His attractions were driving him nuts, and making him look at things differently, hour by hour. He couldn't explain himself with something small, or Tariq wouldn't believe him. It was only partially clear to Eric, so controlling the story was going to be hard.

As he thought about his predicament, he stopped to think about his situation. Here he was, in the arms of this beautiful man. He could feel the warmth and smoothness of Tariq's skin around him. Feel his dreads draping over his own shoulder. He clearly wasn't a threat. Hell, he had seen the video and knew the story. He was still sitting here, so maybe he wouldn't be grossed out and leave. Eric wanted him to stay. He didn't want Tariq to dislike him. He wanted to keep him close.

"I'm afraid to tell you," Eric confided. "I'm afraid if I tell you what really has me so upset you won't want to see me or talk to me anymore," he said with a sad, quiet voice.

Tariq hugged him a little tighter, leaned his head close to Eric's and tried to assure him.

"Boy, I already told ya, there ain't nuthin you can tell me that's gonna freak ya boy out. I prolly done or thought the same thing mah damn self. So, don't worry, man..."

Tariq thought it was gonna be the same old coming out story he had heard about so many times. Like touchy feely shit from a TV talk show. Maybe with the added drama of interracial taboo. He needed to hear it though. It was the next step in completely the Simms story. So he would wait, act surprised and genuinely concerned. Be a good friend, or at least act like one.

"So what's up, little man?" Tariq nudged.

"Well, you were right about it not being something I wanted. I thought he was going to suck me off again. I might look at him, maybe feel him. I had no idea he was going to... To... You know, fuck me like that. I didn't know he was going to put something in my drink. I was scared. It was so awful. There was so much pain and I could tell he was angry. It wasn't love. It wasn't... It was just..."

"I'm sorry, dude. I know you must still be so mad just thinking about it," Tariq said.

"But, that's the thing," Eric responded. He finally decided to come clean. "I'm not mad. Not anymore. I think about it all the time now, and I.... I...."

"Ya what, man? What is it?"

"I want him to do it again...."

Well, damn, thought Tariq. He is a little freak. And Tariq didn't think he could be surprised...

Next: Chapter 15

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