Domination High School

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 31, 2021


So I guess you could say Rich "had my claws sunk into " fred. He did. Looking back on us a little later, we can theorize that fred he hated that he liked what I was doing to him, but on the other hand, he liked it so much - it made him feel good - that he didn't fight it. Not TOO much. Rich did push it a little bit. Like the time fred was talking to a small bunch of people, and Rich came up to the group, and gently took his arms at the crook of the elbow (he was kinda helpless when Rich did that) and pinned them behind him. People thought it was funny, and fred did not . He was sputtering after that. "DON'T DO THINGS LIKE THAT IN PUBLIC RICH . THEY... THEY...Rich poured oil on the fire by saying "make you hard?" freddy made an exaggerated huff and walked off. As he did, Rich called out. "freddy?" He turned around. "WHAT?" Classroom 301 this afternoon. 3:15. Don't be late. Most of our classrooms were designed so that someone could look in and see everything; but 301 was different. It was at the corner of a hallway, and angled oddly. You could go to the back, and no one could see us. That's where Rich used to inflict his torments on freddy, or anyone else. fred was his favorite, but there were others. "I don't know if I can," fred stammered out. "I think I may have plans." "Hey, no problem. I'm sure Don is available." Don was this slight, blond, blue eyed kid who owed Rich because he had written an English paper for Don. He was very ticklish too, and he had a sexy laugh. Rich pushed fred just a little harder. "Wonder if he'll let me nibble his ears again this time? Ah, who cares what he wants? Once he's tied up, I'll do what I want."

At 3, Rich stood up from my locker and there was freddy. "Where's Don?" He asked. "Haven't gone to get him yet." was Rich's answer. "I'm here" was freddy's response. Don't." Rich stood up. By 3, most of the school had thinned out, so there was some quiet. He reached to fred's torso and squeezed his belly flesh a little. "You coming to the classroom?" fred sighed. "Yeah, I am. " "Then let's go. Gimme your books, and put your hands behind you. You're my prisoner now." fred sighed, but he did it. Rich had something special in mind for freddy that afternoon. Not only was fred ticklish, but he had a big, BIG laugh, and he struggled to keep it under control: he didn't want people to know what was happening. Rich decided that he was gonna start gagging the big guy. By now, fred knew the "game" Rich played. He tied fred to the chair, and gave him 15 minutes to escape. If he couldn't, then the tickling began. "Today, fred man, not just ropes." Rich smiled after he had fred tied to the chair. "Why? What're you doing? " Then fred saw the twisted, big bandana in Rich's hand. "What? You're gonna gag me? NO. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. Rich had shoved it into fred's mouth and tied it. "Now, you don't have to worry about laughing all you like. And I'm gonna tickle you harder than I ever did." Rich got started. He began on fred's ribs, and moved up to his pits, both were hot spots for fred, and the moans from freddy got louder, and louder, as Rich moved his hands to other areas: fred's belly, his neck, even under his chin. Then... he pulled out another desk and while fred fought it, rich pulled his legs up on the desk. fred wore loafers, because it meant less time getting dressed in the morning, which made it very easy to get down to fred's socks. Rich knew from the look in fred's eyes, he had found a TRUE weak spot. "Ok, freddy. Here we go. Five solid minutes." Rich locked fred's ankles under his arm, and began running his curled fingers back and forth over the soles of his feet. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." was the best fred could offer. Rich stopped. "I think I wanna hear that laughter. I don't think anyone's gonna come by. He took off the bandana gag. fred gasped for breath. "C'mon Rich, STOP. STOP. I can't.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Rich stopped for a minute. "We gonna mess around after college starts?" "I dunno" fred answered, and the foot tickling started again. "YES! YES! I'LL GET ON THE TRAIN AND COME VISIT. YES! STOP. PLEASE." It had been nearly fifteen minutes since Rich had started. freddy was sweating and there were black stains all over his dark blue shirt. I moved his feet off the desk, and Rich moved closer. He was still tied to the desk and couldn't get away. "Gimme a kiss you big handsome lug" he said. "NO. That's not part of the deal." "It is now," and Rich put my finger inside his shirt, at his belly button. "OK OK..." He closed his eyes and Rich kissed him. Rich had intended it to be a small one, but fred had other ideas, when it started. Rich picked up on what was happening and put his hand on fred's crotch. The moan told him he did the right thing. He stopped, looked at fred and smiled. "You want another one?" "Yeah. I do." This time, fred opened his mouth. When they were done, fred looked at Rich. "I need." "So do I". They found one of the bigger stalls in the boys' room, and jerked off together, right into the toilet.

They had a few more sessions like that before graduation. At the ceremony, Rich wanted to be romantic with fred, but their parents were there, and it really wasn't gonna work. There were graduation parties, and they went, but there wasn't a chance to get together alone. But one day, Rich got a call from home. "Hey, it's fred." "Wow. I thought you were done with me" fred laughed. "So did I but... well, I'm not. Your folks go to work don't they?" "Yeah, both of them." "Well, my dad does but my mom stays at home. Can I come over?" Rich smiled. "Sounds good. Tell me when." They set up a date, and all was set. It was a municipal bus that freddy took and there was no reason for Rich to meet him there, but he did. It was mid summer, and hot. He wore a white t shirt that we have to assume his sister picked for him, the way it fit him, and blue shorts. Rich's mind got to work right away. One word repeated itself, over and over: "hogtie." "No ropes today Rich, and no tickling. I thought we'd just spend the day together. " "Well, sure. Have anything in mind, freddy?" "Not yet. Let's hang out a little . Show me what you've got for moving to college. " Both of them had picked colleges in the city, but they were far enough from their suburban homes to live near campus. Rich took fred to his bedroom. He had his own air conditioner, and it was pleasant. Small, but pleasant. freddy sat on the bed, and Rich pulled up his desk chair opposite him. "So, you still planning on chemical engineering?" "I think so. I really can't imagine anything else. How about you?" "I think I'm going pre-med. Research in biology doesn't thrill me." freddy laughed. "Well it shouldn't. You were always such a mess in lab." He picked up one of Rich's pillows and threw it at him. Rich's eyes got wide. "OOOOOH. You shouldn't a done that freddy. You just broke the truce." He grabbed the pillow and began pummeling freddy with it, moving in , attacking him, and his fingers were all over freddy. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. STOP IT. STOP IT.! I GIVE. I GIVE. " "You gonna let me tie you up?" Rich had one hand buried in fred's ribs, and the other one on his belly. "YES YES. JUST STOP." "Roll on your belly big man." Rich got to work, and soon, freddy was wrapped up. Rich pushed him on the side. "Know what I never did? I never did something I wanted to do. Look at these little pencil erasers sticking out of your shirt." "What? What are you gonna do?" freddy was apprehensive, but then, when Rich began thumbing his nipples, all he was was, well... blissed out. "Kiss me while I'm doing this." Rich ordered, and his bound friend complied. It wasn't hard. It was clear that fred was hungry for the affection. They kissed for a while, and fred thought he felt himself dripping. Rich KNEW he was dripping. Then he opened his pants and pushed his cock to fred's face. "You game? Put it in your mouth? See if you like it?" "I don't know Rich. I..." Rich smiled. "Where are your feet going? Under my fingers? " "Ok. I'll try it ." fred was a natural. Rich got his first blow job, and fred gave his first one. Rich's voice dropped. "If I untie you, and I lay down next to each other, can we jerk each other? " "Yes," was all freddy whispered. Two 17 year olds, going on 18. It didn't take long. Then they spent the rest of the day hanging out, playing chess, and wrestling .Neither one wanted to say goodbye when it was time for freddy to get moving back home. They met a few more times that summer, but nothing was ever as intense as the first time. Then late August came around and the craziness of becoming college freshman overtook them both.

Rich didn't hear from fred, and he figured he was fitting in. Rich was having some difficulties acclimating, and he didn't really feel comfortable until just before Thanksgiving. That's when he got the call. "Hey, it's fred. I was wondering. Think we could get together once before Thanksgiving and finals? I can just jet up on the train." Rich felt things expand in his pants. He took a deep breath. "Pack an overnight if you like. I turned 18 last month." freddy paused. "During the summer for me."

Again, Rich waited at the station for fred. There was only one stairway, so he was at the head of it. He saw the helmet of hair, the glasses, and the big smile... and the bag thrown over freddy's shoulder. "Hey." fred smiled. "I've been looking forward to this." "Me too." It was nearly 6pm. "You hungry fred? There are some good options here. Whatcha feel like?" "Is there good pizza?" "There is. Might be a line, but..." fred smiled again. "more time to chat." There WAS a line, but it moved fast. The place was popular, but no one lingered. Over a pepperoni and onion pizza, they caught up on the semester. No one really asked and they shared a bottle of chianti too. It was clear that fred wasn't as used to wine as Rich was. "I only have one bed." Rich's foot was curled around fred's under the table. "I was hoping that was true," was fred's answer. "You ready for the first time?" Rich smiled and fred smiled back. "Why do you assume that it's the first time?" Rich looked at him. "Because you promised me it was mine." "It still is. If you can take it." Rich kept the radio in his room tuned to the classical music station. At that hour, it played longer works. Rich had been taking a music class, and he looked at fred. "Tchaikovsky. Symphony 5." "It sounds very romantic," was fred's response. Rich sat down next to him and put his arm around fred's shoulder. "It is." Then he kissed him and began gently pushing fred down on the bed. fred was NOT Rich's first. He would be his fourth. And there was no question who was going to do what. "OH GOD. I've been dreaming about you in me since junior year Rich" "Let's see if it was worth the wait. Get undressed, you handsome devil" Rich had never seen fred completely naked before. Now, he was even more excited. All he wanted to do, was climb on him and just have him. He did. More kissing. Then licking freddy's neck, which made him moan. "You've got beautiful eyes. Got to take those glasses off you more." Rich kissed both of fred's eyes, and fred sighed. "No one ever told me that before." "I won't be the last." Then Rich moved his mouth to freddy's nipples. "NO. DON"T DO THAT PLEASE. I don't wanna cum until you... take me. " Rich smiled. "Then let's get to it. " "You promise to be gentle." Rich laughed. "No promises. There's lubricant on the side there. Hand it to me." Rich applied a nice amount of lube by putting it on his finger and then moving that finger inside Rich. It lubed him and opened him a bit. "Relax you handsome braniac. Tell me when you're ready. " Rich had two fingers in freddy and it was like nothing freddy had ever felt. He moaned. He twisted on the fingers. Rich felt a muscle relax and he knew, but he waited "I'm ready. Do it." Rich had lubed up his own cock, and he went in. He heard freddy inhale sharply. "Too much?" "No. Keep going. Please. OH MAN. OH MAN. Rich wasn't all that well endowed: maybe 6.5 inches. It was 6.5 inches more than freddy ever had, and it felt good. HE LIKED IT. He got into the mood of Rich taking him and he smiled. "OH GOD RICH. I think I'm gonna have your child." He laughed. "Maybe. " RIch shot a load into freddy. "Lemme take care of you bud. You did me and now... this'll be another first." Rich put his mouth around fred's dick and that night, blowjobs became fred's favorite form of sexual activity. (Although he felt that first one was the best one he had ever gotten. He concluded late in life: men gave better oral sex). When he shot, he didn't give any warning, and Rich was laughing as fred's jizz came out of his mouth. "OH SHIT. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Rich." Rich just smiled. "Glad I didn't have dessert with pizza. I just got a milkshake." He fell on freddy and hugged him . He whispered "Whatever else happens, I was your first. I'll always have a claim on you." "Yes. Yes you will."

freddy left to go back to his college the next morning after they had had breakfast at a local diner. "I won't press, freddy, but I don't want you to go. Will you come back?" fred smiled. "As soon as exams are over, I will. There's always Christmas break too." It didn't happen. In fact, college life overtook the two of them. Then graduate school. Then work. One day, 20 some odd years after college, Rich got another call from freddy.

"Hey. It's fred. Remember me from high school?" Rich was thrilled. "OF COURSE I DO. How's it going?" A general conversation started. After graduate school, fred had gone to work at a chemical company and had moved into New Jersey with his wife. They had three daughters. Fred had called Rich because his name had been in the paper. Rich had gone to law school and became a sought after litigator. He had just won a judgement of 20 million for a client, and it made the paper. "I've been too timid to call you Rich. I'm sorry." "Well, we're both guilty of not calling. No apologies needed." fred paused. "You seeing anyone?" "Off and on. Nothing serious. But just so you know: when I see people, it's guys, freddy. I'm happy for you and your family, but I'm gay. The kids at school who ragged me about it were right. " "I thought that was true." Another pause. "So, listen. Business sends me to NY about once a month. I was wondering." Another pause, and Rich didn't help him. "You were my first. I wonder if you could be my next." fred talked about how he had been on the down low since marriage, and nothing had been as good at that time in Rich's dorm room. "Well, my apartment is a little different than the dorm room. But I have a CD player, and the Tchaikovsky. " "Are you free next weekend?" "Uh huh." "What train station now?" Rich met fred at the station, like the first time. "He's even better looking," Rich thought. He embraced fred. "You're working out. " "Mostly running and a little weights work. " "Muscles are ticklish you know freddy." "Yeah, I do. " And things are a little different." "How so?" "You'll find out." A half hour later, fred was tied to one of Rich's chairs, a big ball gag in his mouth, with nipple clamps on his tits. That was before Rich moved him to the bed, tied him down, and used the electric toothbrush on his feet. The gag was still in Fred's mouth, so he couldn't make TOO much noise. And Rich was much less gentle than that first time. But the blow job he got was better than any he had had since the first time.

They became regulars. One weekend a month. Even when Rich found Evan, there was room for fred. Rich gave evan the opportunity to "play the field," which he did sometimes, or to join them, which he did more. As far as anyone knows, they're still doing it today.

Did you catch the reference to blond Don up top? Well, yes. He's gonna lead us into our next story, which isn't about Don himself, but his friend Greg, the high school javelin thrower. Stay tuned.

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