Domination High School

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 30, 2021


Harte backed off of tom after that Saturday night. He was in it for the long haul, and it would take time. The next step of his plan would happen soon. As he thought about it, he said to himself "sometimes, you even surprise me, Harte." It was a week and two days later. After school, just about after the school clubs would have finished their meetings. Harte had been working out - yes, he had begun training, and he was training seriously. Ron came up from behind and put his hand on Harte's left shoulder.

"Done. Left stairway, 2nd floor. " Then he walked on. Harte smiled. Time to get step 2 in action.

The school had three staircases: right, left and center. He took the middle stairway (students weren't allowed to use the single elevator unless they were injured), and walked to the third floor. Then he walked over to the left staircase. As he opened the door to start walking down, he could hear the sounds of struggle. "Perfect," he thought to himself. He walked down the stairs, and there was tom: his ankles were tied, his wrists were tied behind his back and there was a huge cloth gag covering his mouth . tom's eyes met Harte's

"TOM JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" He kneeled down and pulled the gag off tom. When he did, the jock strap, stuffed in his mouth fell out. "THANKS. OH GEEZ. I thought I was gonna be here till they cleaned the building." "One second, bud, one second. Lemme get your wrists free, then... we'll work on your ankles together. " "Won't be long before I'm doing the tying rather than the untying " Harte thought. He saw the wet spot on tom's dark blue pants. "THERE WE GO. Rub them. Get some feeling back. Lemme see... Yeah, I did bring my pen knife today. I'll get to work. "Harte, I'm so glad you came by when you did." tom felt each cord of the ankle bonds break. "Can you stand up? Need help?" " "Maybe a little help. I don't know how long I was here." "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TOM?" "I got jumped. I swear, I don't know why or who. I had just finished cleaning up the math club room, and I was heading to my locker. I think there were four of them ." "Five," Harte thought. "But that's ok." "Did you recognize any of them?" "NO. They had ski masks on. But I think they were waiting for me. One set "GOTCHA NERD" "Did they hurt you? " tom blushed. "They tickled me once they had me tied up but before they gagged me. But that was it." "Let's take a little walk tom. Maybe get some fluids in you. Hey, I drove to school today. You want a ride home?" tom was still catching his breath. "I think that'd be great. Thanks Harte. " Harte had his hand on tom's right bicep, as tom took the bannister with his left. "Must've been strong if they could take you down, Mr. Guns." Harte squeezed tom's arm, and tom blushed. "Too many of them. One, maybe two, ok. Four... No way. " "Uh, tom... I don't want to get too personal but... did you have an accident?" He pointed to the spot on tom's pants. "OH FUCK" tom groaned. Harte knew he had gotten to him: tom never cursed. "Hey, no worries. If you gotta use the can now, I can wait. " "No, no. I'm fine. It's just... SHIT." "Come by my locker first. It ain't great, but I've got an extra shirt. Wear it around your waist. No one will see anything. "

Ten minutes later, after Harte had poured a soda down tom's throat, and wrapped the old shirt around his waist, they were in Harte's broken down wreck of a car, on their way home. "Can we keep this a secret between us Harte? " "The stain? Sure" "No. All of it. I don't want anyone to know." "You don't want to report it tom?" "It wasn't that bad. I'm not hurt. Let me let it go." Harte sighed. "OK, Robson. If that's what you want. Hey, before I forget, you wanna hang out this weekend." There was a pause from tom. He was struggling for words. "Harte, I don't think that would be a good idea. " "Why not? Didn't you have fun? I did." "I'm... I'm not that way, Harte. I don't want things to happen." Harte sighed. "Well, nothing says anything has to happen other than some beers and TV, but I understand. Tell ya what? Let me let you out at your house. Or do you want me to stop a block away so your mom doesn't see who you're with?" tom blushed. "Don't talk like that Harte. I really appreciate the ride. " Harte smiled as tom got out. "No problems, no hard feelings. I like ya tom. If you change your mind, you let me know."

Thursday afternoon, after his workout, Harte was packing for home, and his books fell all over the floor. "FUCK," he exclaimed, trying to make sure no teachers were around. He started getting them together. "Let me help," he heard tom's voice. He hadn't heard him come up to the locker. He looked up and smiled . "Robson. Hey. What brings you to this side of the building?" "I was looking for you. I was just wondering.... is the invitation still open?" Harte grinned. "For Saturday night? SURE. Whatcha wanna do?" "Well, beer and TV, maybe pizza sounds good. "You buying?" "Well yeah, I'll buy." "Now it sounds better, Robson. What time works for you? " tom blushed. "Is 7 too early?" It was, but then again, if things didn't go well, Harte could catch the train and get into the City, maybe find a trick. "7's perfect. Hey, remember how you showed me YOUR moves? Well, I'm training now. Maybe I can show you mine?" tom broke into a big smile. "You're taking karate? Where?" Harte gave him the dojo name . "I didn't want to go to the same school as you Robson, I'd be embarrassed by how good you were." tom laughed. "I started teaching the beginners. I might very well have been your teacher." "Then it's even better. " He looked up. "Thanks for the help bud. I'll see you at 7, Saturday."

Harte opened the door. tom was standing there, wearing a tight white t shirt and jeans. "I didn't even know you OWNED jeans Robson. They look good on you." tom blushed. "I got them the week after I was here. Seemed like the thing to do." "Come on in. Check to see if there's something you wanna watch, or look at the pizza menu first, whatever." tom heard the fizz of the beer bottles as Harte opened the top. That was the first time he noticed Harte was shirtless. He had been too nervous when he came over. He took the beer Harte offered him. Harte let his hand linger just a second longer than was necessary and smiled. "I"m glad you came Robson." "Me too. I don't get out often." I guess not. Sit. Sofa, arm chair , whatever you like. tom took a seat in the corner of the sofa. Harte leered. "You aren't afraid of me attacking you?" "HARTE. WOULD YOU STOP THAT? COME ON. I'M NOT GAY. ATTACKING ME ISN'T GONNA DO YOU ANY GOOD." He took a swig of beer. "Drink up tom. If I get you drunk enough, maybe you will be. By the way, I'm not gay either." tom nearly spat out his beer. "AFTER THAT WEEK? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" "Hey, careful Robson. I'm the one who got sucked, you did the sucking. " tom stopped speaking for a minute. "Can we just talk about something else? Or pick a pizza, or something. " "Sure. What kind you like. Sausage?" Harte began to laugh. "Well, actually, yes. Sausage and pepper. " "One large sausage and pepper to come." He put the order in over the phone and then he sat down next to tom. "So, tell me about yourself smart boy. " "Well... not much to tell. " "SURE there is. I turn 18 in two months. Am I older than you? "Yup. About 4 months. " "AH. Good to know.. Good to know." "Why is that, Harte?" "Well, there's so much more we can do when we're both legal. Like drink without worrying about getting caught, maybe I can take you to a titty bar for your birthday, you know, shit like that." tom was silent. "I may be up to my neck with schoolwork. " "You going to class in the summer?" "Maybe. I'm trying to get a jump on things. " "You're such a nerd. You COULD spend the summer cruising around, spending time with me, but you're gonna go to some stuffy classroom." tom's voice got higher. "I can STILL spend time with you Harte. If you want me to" His head bowed down. Harte took the risk and he put his arm around tom's shoulders. "Why wouldn't I wanna spend time with you?" "Well... I just assumed that... you wanted me to do what I did a few weeks ago, and...." "Do you wanna do what you did a few weeks ago, tom?" There was a pause. "I dunno." Harte jumped up. "You're so fucking cute you dumb blonde. You think I only want you as a sex object?" tom laughed. "I hope not." "HELL NO. I wanna get to know you better than knowing you like sausage pizza. Speaking of..." There was another ring at the door, and Harte went and got the pie. tom was reaching into his pocket and Harte shook his head. "NAH. I was just checking to see if was worth a pizza to you. It's on me."

They sat at a beaten up table as old "Buffy" reruns played. "Harte, can I tell you something? Promise not to repeat it." "I GUESS. If it's juicy thought. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OF COURSE . I'll keep the secret." "Last week, when I was tied up?" "Yeah, that sucked." "Well... no... not completely. I think I kinda liked it." Harte felt his cock stir. "YOU LIKED IT?" "Well, yeah. I mean, when I do karate, there are holds when the guy controls me, but they don't last long. Being tied up there for , well, however long it was, I could test myself. And I couldn't get out, and.... what can I say, it felt good." "I won't tell anyone tom. But now, you gotta think about this. How are you gonna get that good feeling again?" He blushed. "I... I had an idea." He looked up. He looked deadly scared. "You want me to tie you up? " Harte tried his best to look shocked and surprised. "I ... I think I do. Would you?" Now Harte smiled. "I dunno. What's in it for me?" "Welllll.... tom hesitated. I could suck your dick again, Harte?" "That's a start. I have an idea though. I have an idea for something else. "What's that? " "Finish your pizza. Then we'll go down to the basement. TV sucks. This'll be more fun."

Down in the basement, Harte pointed to the old water bed in the middle of the room. "You have sensitive nipples, Robson?" "I don't know. No one's every played with them." "Let me see." Harte moved a thumb over tom's right nipple, and tom gasped. "Yeah, they're sensitive. Gonna have some fun. Lay on the bed. It's filthy. I could put a sheet down if you want. "No, it's ok." tom got on the bed, and Harte lay down next to him. "Now, I don't have any rope down here, so I can't do any tying, but...." He pinned tom's arm down with his body, and held down his other wrist. "I betcha you never noticed. I have double jointed thumbs." "No, I didn't know that." "Well, that means I can do something just about no other guy can do to you, Robson." Harte bent his thumb back , and he began softly, gently, rubbing the base of it over tom's nipple. "OH GOD. HARTE STOP. STOP. " "Why? Cause it feels too good?" "It's getting me excited. PLEASE. I don't wanna get excited tonight." "Well... whatcha gonna do Robson?" Harte kept rubbing his thumb over tom's nipple. tom began to moan louder, and thrash more. He couldnt' get away from Harte. "How do you like THIS kind of control, tommy?" Harte whispered in his ear. "FEELS SO GOOD. FEELS TOO GOOD. FEELS... WRONG.." "Nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong at all. " tom's hips were bucking up and down. "So I guess you're a virgin tommy. Never used your cock on anyone, never had a cock in you." tom gasped before answering. "No.... " He whined. "Have you?" "A few times. Most recently in a handsome blond guy's mouth. Same guy who I want to make me a promise tonight" "What's that... what's that? I'll do anything." Harte stopped work on tom's nipple for a minute and stroked his belly. "Promise me, Mr. Robson, that when you're of age, and if you decide you're gonna give up that pretty ass to someone, you let me get first crack at it." Then he began rubbing tom's nipple again. "HARTE. This isn't fair. THIS IS NOT FAIR." "Life is not fair tommy. You promise?" tom groaned. "I can't believe I fell into this trap." "No trap tommy, You want me to stop?" tommy's breathing got hoarser, before he whispered "No. No. And I wanna suck your dick." "You promise me I get to pop your cherry?" "Yes. Yes I do. " Harte smiled. "See how easy that was? Now, of course, if you never give it up, it's not an issue, but...." He rolled onto tom and squatted on his chest before he began squeezing both of tom's nipples. "I think you will." "HARTE I'M GONNA EXPLODE." "Well, let's take care of that then, shall we?" Harte stopped, and unbuttoned tom's jeans. He and tom slid them down far enough for tom's cock to pop out. Harte pulled up tom's t shirt a bit. He had a feeling this was gonna be big. "You want me to do you, tommy? Or you wanna do yourself. "Please do me Harte. PLEASE." Harte's expert hands got to work. "You've got a pretty cock tom. SO pretty. I wonder who you're gonna use it on." tom was licking his lips, and moaning. Harte had clearly done this before. Just before he was gonna shoot, he pulled away. "You still gonna suck me? " "YES. YES. " Harte squeezed and tom yelled. It may have been half Japanese or German, Harte didn't know, but the spume shot out all over, as tom started crying "OH GOD. OH GOD. OH THANK YOU. THANK YOU HARTE. THANK YOU." "Ok, Well, you gotta do one thing for me, before you get your lips on mine." "What's that?" "Gimme a kiss. I'll teach you how to French." "Please.. I'm not gay." "I'm just asking for a kiss. You gotta get used to kissing men tommy. Like this." Harte moved his lips in and pecked at tom's . He felt the resistance melt, and then tom's lips open for Harte's tongue. Harte invaded. tom liked it. He liked it a LOT. He was strong, and he pulled Harte in to him very tightly. "I never thought it would feel that way." "Got some bad news for ya tommy. The first one always feels better than the ones after it. But now... You have a job to do. And tonight, you're gonna take it ALL. No licking, SUCKING. There was no reluctance from tom. He got down on his knees, and because he didn't know any technique (that would come later) he swallowed Harte's cock completely. For that night, and for two high school boys, it was fine: Harte was so horny that he blew his load almost immediately. He lied when he told tom he was sorry he didn't get his cock out before he exploded. "There's some more pizza if you wanna get the taste out of your mouth." "I'm hungry, but I like the taste Harte. I do." Well, there may be more tonight. You never know. And there was. Ah, the recovery time of a 17 year old. They lay next to each other later and jerked off again, before tom headed out. "Thanks for the pizza. The beer . The lessons. " "Remember your promise tommy. I'm writing down the date..."

Next: Chapter 3

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