Domination High School

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 24, 2021


Hey readers. Here's a little intro to this tale. You may have read my story "Domination Delayed," about two guys who had secret crushes on each other when they were wrestling opponents in high school. A chance encounter many years later gives our boys the chance to live out their crushes. When I wrote that story, I thought of all the guys in my all boy, Catholic high school, and all the lust that was simmering under the surface, all the time. I decided to write a series of interconnected shorter stories, detailing "what coulda been" with these guys. Hope you like it.


tom sat on the floor of the storage closet, his wrists tied behind his back, his ankles bound, a big cloth gag in his mouth. Harte hadn't even given him a chance to change that night, so he was still in his work clothes: blue cotton shirt, his red and white black striped tie, dark blue pants. tom was built solidly: he wasn't buff, but he was clearly an ectomorph. To the extent he exercised, it was martial arts. He had a black belt in two different schools of karate, which meant absolutely nothing with Harte. It was karate that had attracted Harte to him, back in high school, and Harte was better at it. That's why, to the extent he fought it, tom always lost. He was, no question about it, Harte's bitch. And he had been, for over ten years.

You know how there are "bad boys" and "good boys" at high schools? Well, Harte was the classic bad boy, tom, the classic good boy. Harte flirted with the school rules on hair length, he wore the required necktie, but always so loose that it was barely a "necktie. " He changed his shirt once a week, "whether he needed it or not, and it was usually flannel. His grades hovered somewhere in the low 70s. He was just barely passing, but he didn't really care. Harte liked having fun. He liked staying out late, and he hated studying. Notes got sent home to his parents more frequently than anyone wanted to admit, because of his attitude toward teachers, his falling asleep in class, his smoking in the bathrooms: you name it. If it broke a rule, he did it.

tom, on the other hand, was your classic "do gooder." Some people say you should get a haircut once a month: tom got his cut every two weeks. His thin blond hair was always over his ear. It was very pale, almost straw colored, and it set off dark blue eyes. Had it been a co-ed high school, there would have been a girl following him around all the time: maybe he would've had a girlfriend too. Problem was, tom had a temper: a bad one. He was ALWAYS right. HIS way was the RIGHT way, no disagreements. And he was more than a bit of a straight arrow: blue shirt or white shirt, every day, clean. He had a different necktie for each day of the week, and you could tell if it were Monday, or Thursday, or any day of the week, just by seeing what color necktie tom was wearing.

It was tom who made Harte realize he was probably gay. Harte and tom were in the same gym class. They changed in the locker, and Harte found himself staring at tom as he changed into his gym uniform every single day. The uniforms weren't flattering; but tom always wore a tight white t shirt that showed off his solid body underneath. tom wasn't very much conscious of his body, and he hated gym class. He was more than a bit of a loner, and the emphasis on team sports was not to his liking. No, he waited for the end of the day, because on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, he went to his dojo to train. tom LOVED martial arts. Once he put on his gi, he felt invincible, and to many people he was. tom trained hard, and he had the moves. One of his senseis had told him that he couldnt' remember a student who moved so far up the ranks so fast. tom had his black belt after two years of study. And now, he was training in a different discipline, going for a second belt.

That day in the locker, someone must have said something to tom, because he turned, after he had pulled off his t shirt, and Harte saw his naked torso. Harte, who didn't even wear a t shirt, was nearly undressed when he saw tom's bare upper body, and his cock shot out like a rocket. He didn't even realize it because he was staring at tom so hard. One of his buddies, Ron, another bad boy, brought him out of it. "Hey, Harte, I dunno who you're thinking of, but you better get that stick back in your pants. Harte was "gifted" there. Boys being boys, there had been comparisons. He was bigger than all his buddies, and that got him a bit of what they now call "cultural capital," because everyone figured that, when he was out at night, if he picked up a chick, she was a lucky woman. Harte didn't pick up chicks. He didn't pick up guys either. He just sort of got high, and then found his way home. "Hey, Ron, who's that nerd over there?" He pointed to tom. "Oh, Robson? Ha ha. Darling of the math club. Chem too. Kinda strange. Fills a blackboard with equations, checks to see if there's dust on his pants, brushes it off, and then sits down again. "Who's he hang out with?" "Dunno. Think he kinda sticks to himself. He's in my Non-West culture class. Studies karate. Good at it too. I saw him do a routine for show and tell one day. Pretty impressive snap kicks. " "Hmmm. Thanks. I may have to have some fun with him. I haven't tormented a geek in a while. "

Karate... that means he can defend himself. Can he defend himself against 6? 7? May have to find out Harte laughed. He started obsessing about tom. Instead of girls following the boy, Harte would check him out whenever he could. He found out where tom's locker was, and decided to have a little fun. One day, he dropped a note down the top of the locker . It said "Hey fag. Wanna suck some cock? Bathroom. 3:15. Third stall. Friday." Then he went and his in a nearby classroom until tom came from a chemistry club meeting. He saw him open his locker, open the note, read it, and then crumble it up and throw it out in the nearest waste basket. As tom left the building, Harte walked by, smiling. "How's it going pretty boy? " he said and he kept on walking. "HEY. What do you mean by that?" tom stopped and yelled back at him. "Just that you're pretty. Have a good night." tom made a face, shook his head, and headed home. Just to see what would happen, Harte did go to that bathroom on Friday. So did tom. "YOU? The guy who called me pretty? It was YOU?" Harte was standing there, his pants down, his cock out. "You want some? " "NO. I don't" tom answered and Harte laughed. "Then why'd you show up, pretty boy?" tom's face began to get red. Fact was, he WAS curious about who wrote it. He didn't have any interest in sucking cock, and he had homework to do, but... "I gotta go. You're crazy." As tom stalked out, Harte called after him. "Hey, Robson, a few of us are hanging out at Rocky's pub tomorrow night. He doesn't check ID. Come join us if you want. "NO THANK YOU. " tom called out as he left. "God does he look GOOD in a white shirt," Harte thought as tom stalked through the halls. As he did his homework on Saturday, tom thought about Harte's invitation. He had done a five mile run, worked out , and then practiced the next kata he had to learn. Now, deep into calculus, he thought about Harte's invitation. He didn't drive, but the bar was close enough to walk. "Ma, some friends invited me to the movies, I'm gonna go after supper, ok?" His mother smiled. "You should get out tommy. You're only a teenager once. You need some spending money?" "No thanks mom. And please don't call me tommy. I hate it." "Aw, tommy, come on. Your mom can call you whatever she wants." tom went to put on clothes. He really didn't have casual clothes: his casual clothes were his school clothes without a necktie. (As he found out, Harte's school clothes were his casual clothes WITH a necktie). When he got to the bar, he looked around. He saw Harte at the bar. Harte saw him and waved him over. "You want a beer, Robson?" "Yeah, I think so. " Harte looked at the bartender. "tom's two months older than me, Paul. Just a beer. Like me." Paul brought over the beer. "Hey, where's everyone else? " tom asked. "Just me, Robson. Just me." tom began to get a little red. "You tricked me. You tricked me into spending time with you." "RELAX Robson. I wanted to get to know you better. You practice karate, right?" Now, tom wasn't used to someone being interested in his karate, so Harte had hit the spot. "Yeah, I do. I'm serious about it." "You any good?" "Black belt in one school, green in another." "Impressive. You wanna show me some of your moves?" "HERE? In the bar?" Harte laughed. "No silly. My place. Show me your moves." He smiled.

tom was suspicious, but he was also vain. "Ok. maybe just a few. An hour?" "An hour's good. I live east of here." Harte put a 20 on the bar and he walked out. He put his hand on tom's shoulder and tom flicked it off. "I'm not gay, Harte." "Who said you were gay? GEEZ. I just wanted to give you a tap on the shoulder. " He faked indignation. "FUCK, never mind Robson, ok? Never mind. See ya in class on Monday." He started to head out. "NO, WAIT. WAIT. Harte, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I read it wrong. I thought..." "Yeah, I know what you thought. Well you said no once, I can take no for an answer. See ya." "HARTE! I'd really like to show you a few of the katas I know." "What the fuck is a kata?" "It's sort of like a dance sequence. Kicks, punches, got to all be coordinated." Harte was interested. "You can't do that in those clothes." "No, but heck, we strip in gym class all the time, I'll get these off and show you. Half hour later they were in Harte's house. His older brother was upstairs listening to acid rock, and his parents were... somewhere. "Ok, let's go down to the basement. It's dusty, but it'll do." Down in the basement, tom began to open his shirt. "Wait. Let me get you a hanger. Those are your good clothes. The floor's a bit of a mess." tom laughed. "Yeah, thanks. I was a little worried. " Harte sat down on an old lounge chair. tom stood in front of him. "Now this is one of the easier ones. it stresses good arm position." tom began going through moves that reminded Harte of the posing sequences he had seen on body builder shows. When tom finished, he wasn't even out of breath. he bowed the traditional bow. "That was GREAT Robson. You got anymore?" "Yeah, let me show you another one " tom went into one of the more challenging katas he knew. He was nervous because he saw Harte looking at him like he was... well, a gladiator fighting. He was nervous because he liked the feeling. He tripped up once, and started again. At the end of this one, he was panting a little. "NICE. You think it's too late for someone like me to start karate, Robson?" "Never too late. Let me give you the name of my dojo. It may not be the right one for you, but there are others. "Thanks. You got one more for me?" "You want one more? I know about 30 of them. " "Do a hard one. Do one that makes ya SWEAT. That's the one I want to see." Harte's tongue ran around his lips. He THOUGHT from the way tom had tripped in the second one, that he had him hooked. He was right. "This one'll make me sweat. Mind if I take off my t shirt?" "Toss it here." Now, he had that beautiful teutonic flesh in front of him in nothing but white socks and briefs. tom went into his third kata. He was concentrating, but out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Harte opening his pants. Then he was sure he was. And he was aware that, just like it happened in dojo at times, his bulge was growing. He finished the kata, and his body was covered with sweat. Harte stood up and clapped. His loose pants fell down and the monster cock shot out. tom just stared. "Offer still stands, pretty boy." Harte put his hand around his cock and held it out. tom walked forward. "What do I do?" "For starters. get on your knees and lick it. tom did exactly what Harte said. He concentrated, and he didn't see the smile go across Harte's face. It was a combination of triumph and enjoyment of tom's rookie blow job. "Now pull back your lips, and put your mouth around it. tom looked at him. "If you don't wanna, that's fine. " "No, no. I want to try." tom slipped his lips down Harte's shaft. Harte gave out a moan: this was HIS first blowjob too , but he couldn't let tom know that. He held his head on his cock. "KEEP IT THERE ROBSON. KEEP IT THERE UNTIL I TELL YOU TO MOVE."

Harte's cock began to grow in tom's mouth. Harte wanted to shoot badly, but he thought that if he went that far, this first time, he'd lose tom completely. When he was plenty hard, and he saw tom beginning to gag, he pulled out. He began jerking himself and then... shot across the basement floor. He smiled and looked at tom. "Want me to do you? " "I don't know." "Well, tell you what? Why don't you drop your drawers, and if you decide you don't want it, say something and I'll stop." tom gulped. He tried to limit his masturbation to twice a week, but that was hard. He saw Harte spit into his left hand, and then he felt that hand cover his his dick and begin sliding back and forth. tom had no idea how good it would feel if someone else jerked him off. He closed his eyes He was filled with pleasure and confusion. When Harte tightened his grip, he shot. He tried to bite his lips and not make any sound, but he yelled the same way Harte did. Harte smiled. "You want a cloth to clean up?" Confused, tom muttered. "no, no. It's ok. But I better get going. It's late. it's late. I gotta get home. Thanks for the beer Harte. " "Thanks for the show. You wanna come back some time?" "Uh, no. I don't know. I dunno. I gotta get home. Thanks again. " tom pulled on his clothes. "If you don't wanna stay, I'll walk you halfway home. "No, no, it's ok. Just show me where the door is Harte. I'm good. I'm good." "Ok, suit yourself. But you're welcome back here anytime. " tom hustled up the stairs, as fast as he could go. As soon as Harte heard the front door slam, he went upstairs and called Ron. "Hey, Ron, Harte here. Yeah, I gotta ask you and the guys for a favor. You know that asshole Robson? He ratted me out for smoking in the bathroom last week, just because I teased him about being pretty. So..." He laid out a plan. He wanted his buds to jump tom, tie him up and leave him in the school stairway "just for a little while." His plan, of course, was to find tom himself, and rescue him. He also had to call the dojo and ask for a different one: he didn't want tom to see him working out at the same school.

Next: Chapter 2

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