Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 15, 2023


Rich's moving into tom's place marked a significant change for both of them. Rich, who had much more experience with lovers, had never lived with one. In the time that he spent preparing for the move, he gave a good deal of thought as to what the rules of their living together were going to be. On the one hand, they could very easily descend into an almost "frat boy" situation, given their ages, their interests, etc. He didn't want that and he expected that the much more buttoned up tom didn't either. So they were going to need a system for keeping the house running.

More important to Rich, though, was how he was going to keep a hot, sexy, bottom sub who could give classes in passive aggressiveness in line. He enjoyed thinking about that a LOT more, and letting tom know what the "law" was going to be, is where we begin this final chapter.

We begin on Sunday afternoon, and we begin by looking back to Saturday. The little things can be significant. On Saturday, Rich took tom to the apartment of a gay friend of his - someone tom actually knew - and his partner. Rich and tom had both been part of a group of high school boys who were part of what was called jokingly "the Catholic express." Over time, all of the Catholic boys' high schools had been built over the same stretch of land, separated from each other by about a mile. The same bus route stopped at all the high schools, and the guys would just head out as they got to their schools. tom's school was at the end of the line. He frequently took the bus with classmate named Stu. Stu and tom didn't hit it off - they were cordial, but not good friends. Rich and Stu, on the other hand, shared the same seat every day. They made a contrast, to say the least: Rich with his thick, wrestler body, short hair, and bright eyes. Stu, tall and thin, with wild blond hair, blue eyes, and a look that suggested the night before had been rough (frequently true) didn't seem to fit together. They shared an interest though: boys. Each had come out to the other. And Stu had a crush: a BIG one. Actually, he had two: similar boys. Football player types: John and Doug, as different as good be, but both drop dead good looking. Doug was much more the classic "he should model" type of guy with his pale skin, his perfect teeth, his light blue eyes. If you were more into a hot Clark Kent guy, John was for you. Stu was obsessed with both of them. "I'm gonna have to do something Z; I spend the whole day thinking about them." "You gonna ask one of them out?" "I think I'm gonna have to. Either that or I'm just gonna have to grab one, screw the hell out of him, and see what happens. Doug accepted. Their first date was at a MacDonald's: horny 16 year olds with no place to work out that energy, they had locked themselves in a MacDonald's bathroom and did what they could until the manager asked them to leave. They had been "together," either physically or psychologically since then. The roles they took in high school: Stu, the aggressive, dominant half, and doug the quieter, more placid, obedient one, didn't change. They lived together in one of the outer boroughs. Rich and tom had gone to their place for dinner the night before. It was the first time tom had gone to an invited event with a boyfriend.

tom learned a lot that night. He learned about the classmates who had paired up, and classmates who had hooked up with other guys. Z seemed to keep track with just about everyone. For example, the guy John who Stu had had the crush on? Well, he DID wind up with another man, but someone not associated with school at all. He had met him at a bar. The guy who tom always wondered about: also named tom - who had clearly been the sub of another student, had broken with that guy (Michael), and now was with an older, "old school" body builder. THIS tom still took his Martial Arts classes, but again, his partner (Siegfried), laid down the law. The big surprise for him was learning about Bob: Bob had been the javelin thrower on their high school team. GORGEOUS body: when tom hadn't been thinking about Z, he thought about Bob, who frequently took off his sweat shirt when he wasn't getting ready to throw. Bob had been a good student too: he had gone off to become an accountant, marry, and have three daughters. Then his wife found the phone with the guys who he was visiting when he "worked late." Since he got a late start, he hadn't settled down yet. At dinner, tom was taking all of this in and saying nothing, but the story of Bob was one that took him completely by surprise.

"You know guys. I wonder how many classmates there are who we DON'T know about. They didn't disappear from the face of earth. Freddie? Victor?" Z put his hand on tom's shoulder. "I suspect wales is gonna start a new project." Doug smiled. "Trust me wales. You're gonna need to make Z your new project. Dating is one thing, living together is another. " Especially with what Z had in mind. That's what they were going over now. "Going over" is generous. The time with Stu and doug had made them both horny, and they had fucked for about four hours after they came back from dinner. Now, on Sunday, they were moving into what was Z's plan for their lives.

tom went to church. So Z waited until he had come back and they had eaten a small lunch. Now, he pointed to a chair. "SIT WALES. Time for a quiet Sunday afternoon at home." One of the things that excited tom more than anything else, was feeling Z tighten the ropes on his wrists. He felt the ecstasy he didn't feel at church at that moment. Z wrapped a rope above tom's nipples, and one underneath, so that they pointed out. tom knew that meant clamps, but later. When Z pulled out the ball gag, he knew that "let's chat about rules," meant "I'm gonna lay down the law. Z bound his ankles too. It was difficult to see tom sweating through his dark blue shirt, but he was. You could see it on his bare forearms, exposed by the rolled sleeves. Z had tied him up more than once, but this was the first time since he had moved in. And, he had said they needed to "discuss" their living arrangement, but how tom was supposed to "discuss" anything with his mouth gagged was something he didn't understand. Rich came into the room, sitting in the corner of the sofa right next to tom's chair. Right after he sat down, he pulled tom's legs up onto his lap. "mmmmmmph" tom looked distress. He hated being tickled, and when Z pulled up his feet like this , it meant. He saw the wicked grin on Z's face. "You probably think I'm gonna pull off your church shoes, and torture your feet , don't you? "mmmmph hmmmmmph" tom shook his head yes. "Ha ha. Not if you behave . Not if you behave, wales. SO..... we got to talk about the way things are gonna be around here. Or, I should be honest, heh heh. MY rules. I'M the one in charge, ain't that right, wales?" tom hesitated for a minute, and he saw Z's fingers going for his laces. "mmmmph hmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmph hmmmmmmph" tom shook his head yes. "GOOD. I shoulda held out for a Sir, but that's ok. So, rent is not a problem. I'm gonna pay half. You good with that?" There was a nod from tom. "And all the other incidental expenses. Right down the middle. That's the easy part. What we need to talk about is YOUR rules. " "mmmmmmmmph." "I thought about them a lot wales. Lemme get to one that's been irking me. You still shave down for swimming don't you? Once a week? " tom shook his head. "And you've been doing it yourself. Well, that changes. I shave you from now on. Every Sunday." Hearing that , tom had mixed feelings. Being tied down and shaved by his DOM - that was HOT. On the other hand, shaving himself was something that always gave him a little thrill of being a "naughty boy." "You don't shave your pubes wales. We're gonna be doing that." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. tom began shakinghis head NO, and he saw Z going back to his shoelaces. "wales, I don't think you understand. These are rules. Not points of discussion." tom sagged in his chair. "Now I think we know the rules about sex. I top, you bottom. I tell you what to do, you do it. Easy, right?" tom's eyes got big. This one was gonna be easy. "One part of those rules. In the morning, you check to see if I need servicing. Before you get up, you check my cock. I expect to be EMPTY when I get into that shower. " tom shook his head. That meant morning blow jobs. He could do that. "We're gonna have to do a little remodeling on the bed. We need some REAL restraints down there. Something permanent." He smiled and ran a finger down tom's nose. "like us." Z's finger drifted to tom's nipple. "GOD if I knew how easy it'd be to just get a REAL submission outta you." tom began to moan as Z worked his nipples. He felt Z opening up another shirt button, and then another one and his nipples were out there , exposed. "I need a taste wales." Z put tom's feet down, got up and came over, nibbling at tom's nipples. tom moaned even more. His cock, hardening, met the cage Z had put on after their sex last night. He was relieved it was coming off this afternoon - but for shaving! Was it staying off?

"Did you see, wales, at Stu and doug's, how tight the shirt was that doug was wearing?" tom had: doug had always been a sexy dresser in school. Everyone wondered where he was getting the designer clothes (probably from the johns he was entertaining, but that's another story) . "Any chance you saw the little ring imprint on his shirt? Right pec?" "OH SHIT!" tom thought. He knew what that was: it was a slave ring. A couple of the swimmers had them, and when he saw their men come and pick them up , he knew. Z WANTED HIS TIT PIERCED? " Z must have seen the look in tom's eyes. He laughed. "Nah, no ring for you... YET. It may come. For now though." He reached into his pocket and pulled out two chain collars. One was made with a fine gauge chain and had a small padlock on it. The other was more substantial. "You're gonna wear the smaller one to work from now on wales. It gives a sign to 'our tribed': "I AM OWNED" It'll keep guys away from you . When you get home every day, you take that one off, and you put the big one on." tom tried to mutter 'yes sir." He'd have to get used to this. "Now, finally, wardrobe. You're a good dresser wales, but your wardrobe at home: shorts and t shirts. White t shirts. Shorts red or blue. Unless I have another pick. Got a problem with that? tom was sitting there, staring at Z's crotch and wondering: can I get some of that? So he took a deep sigh and shook his head yes. "OH, I forgot one thing. 'Sir' is great, but "Mr Z" will work also, among us. You refer to me as "My Master," when you talk to other people. I'm your boyfriend, I'm your lover, I'm your Top, I'm your DOM. Most of all, I'm your MASTER." Z looked serious. "DO NOT let me find out that you're not following that one. He got up again, and took the ball gag out of tom's mouth. "You are going to LOVE being my sub, wales. " "I already do Master." Z smiled as his hands slid to tom's nips, and his mouth moved to tom's neck. "Here's my recipe for making boy soup. Tweak tits for a few minutes, add neck nibbles. Makes one big bowl." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. But this soup is gonna eat you, Master." "Damn right you are. AFTER we get our Sunday afternoon task done..."

They moved to the bedroom. tom stripped down to his cage. Z didn't bother with locking his ankles, so tom spread them wide. tom had never been shaved by another man. In high school, none of the boys had enough hair for it to be relevant on the wrestling team, and in college, when he swam, he shaved himself. "Was that because I was afraid of erections?" He thought. Now, tied down, as Z took the clipper (tom shaved every week, so the bristles that appeared were always very short, and a regular straight edge wouldn't do), he felt that old excitement coming up. The man he had crushed on, for years, was shaving him smooth. "Such a sexy, sexy guy you are wales. MMMMMMM. I shoulda hunted you down the way Clayton hunted down freddie." "Sorry Sir? I don't know that story." "Another one from the high school days. I'll tell you over dinner." Z stopped the razor for a minute. He smiled as he produced the cage key. "You know what's next." "GULP. Yes sir..." "Lay very still wales. You're not gonna get a chance to use these, but you may not want to LOSE them. " Z moved the clippers with an expert hand. tom could tell he had done this before. He teased tom by varying the way his fingers pressed into tom's balls, and cock, and began getting him harder and harder. tom stopped talking, and he began to moan. He closed his eyes, and didn't see Z pull off his pants, or slick up his cock. He FELT the thick, engorged member begin to stuff him. "Never took you right after a shave. What a treat wales. WHAT A FUCKING TREAT." Z had stretched out, and he was licking tom's body, top to bottom. "No catching my tongue on hair, no nothing. Just me, you... and your moans. "OH FUCK YES SIR." Z had just shoved in hard, and tom began to shoot precum. "I've always had fast recovery time, wales. With you, it almost doesn't exist. I feel like I'm horny constantly. "Me too Sir. OOOOOOOOOOOH" Z was squeezing tom's balls in a way that always brought him to the edge. He began to make short, high pitched squeals as he got harder. "Gonna cum together again, wales. " tom's voice was way into the countertenor range. "Can we Master?

Sure can. Count of 10." "I can't wait that long Sir. Please... NOW....AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH. " Z laughed and shot his load into tom. "Close enough.' "Yes sir. Yes sir..." Z lay down on top, nibbling his ear. "Know what we didn't talk about today? THIS." He held up the cock cage. "You don't like it do you?" "No Sir. You don't have to worry about me misbehaving." "Oh, I'm not worried about that. I just want you to have some discipline. So...... how many days in a row do you think you should be wearing it?" Tom blushed. "No more than 2, Sir?" Z smiled. "Ok, we'll start with 4. Maybe we'll change it after a while. " tom sighed. There was no sense arguing. "Yes sir." Z began undoing the wrist restraints. "Let's get our church boy cleaned up. Maybe we'll do something fun this afternoon besides sex."


And so, gentle readers, we come to the end of our tale of Rich and tom (or, Z and wales if you prefer). Some thoughts after this installment: you saw me lay the groundwork for a possible story. Plot goes like this: tom's high school was a hot bed of gay experimentation: what are your thoughts on stories about those high school boys and the follow up when they became adults. I WISH TO BE CLEAR; I DO NOT WRITE ABOUT UNDERAGE ( under 18) HAVING SEX, EVEN WITH EACH OTHER. I'll lay the groundwork for their stories, and then write about "where are they now," in each chapter. Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoyed this tale. See ya soon

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