Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 12, 2023


tom began feeling something poking at his butt. Z was in bed with him, but it didn't feel like his cock. It was...longer, pointier, and it had worked its way into his hole and had begun moving around. It felt much better than it should have, and tom squirmed as it probed. "Remember that dirty book we used to share in the locker room, wales? The one about Melody and her big lover Phil? He was too big to take her from behind with his cock, so he used to finger fuck her?" "NNNNNNNNNNN. I remember.. NNNNNNNNNNNNN. I'm not Melody, Z" Rich continued to whisper "what did he call her: my BITCH? You're my bitch wales. My mancunt BITCH" He didn't understand why, but tom felt tremendously aroused when Z whispered that: was it the dark quality of his voice, or what it meant, or... was it just the finger - now the second finger - that was inside of him. tom remembered the book. No school had enough space for two locker rooms, so when there were meets, the teams would share the one locker room his high school had. Someone on one of the teams - he couldn't remember who - had gotten his hands on a "SELL TO ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 18 ONLY" paperback, and the horny wrestlers used to fight over who would get the book. They'd read it out loud to each other. He tried to remember the title: Girls in Heat or something like that. He remembered that section: Melody had been too tired to try regular sex, and "Phil" liked anal better anyway, but she couldn't take him. He finger fucked her. Tom remembered how he would imagine himself as Melody in the story: not for Phil but for... well, Rich. The way Phil was described in the story, he wasn't too attractive, but Z.... and now Z was doing something to him that he had fantasized about for years.

Z continued to whisper "No you're not Melody. You can take me. You can take all of me. Roll over, BITCH" He slid his fingers back and forth in tom. tom tried to protest "Z... it's it's 5 o'clock" "I SAID ROLL OVER BITCH" "Yes sir." tom rolled over on his back and Z grabbed his legs. Z laughed when tom was turned over. "Gee. SOMEONE was having a good dream." "It's your fingers Z. It's your... fingers..." It wasn't Z's fingers anymore. They were out. His cock was inside tom now, taking the ass he had taken not that long ago. tom saw the smile on Z's face as his own contorted, getting used to the bigger cock that was inside of him now, and Z stroking tom's cock as he pounded him. "It'd be so hot if we could cum together wales." "OH SHIT YES SIR. YES. " "Know what you are, wales?" "Your bitch Sir? Your manbitch?" "DAMN FUCKING RIGHT YOU SEXY BEAST." As he finished, Z pushed into tom harder, and tom felt his eyes begin to roll in his head. "GOD. What got into you Z?" Z was also teasing tom's cock: every time tom thought he was close to popping, Z pulled back, and he grinned. "I'm just thinking of ALL the things I'm gonna do to you this weekend, and maybe before." He pushed again. "I wanna come watch you swim wales. You gonna swim after work today?" "I was planning to Sir. OH FUCK THAT FEELS GOOD." Z was holding off on his own orgasm too. He began to stroke tom faster. tom began to groan, faster and faster as Z pumped him faster. "you ready Z? tom whispered. "Count of 5. 4. 3. 2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH" The two of them climaxed together and then collapsed into laughter as they embraced. "I'm gonna fall asleep at my desk today, Z." "No you're not. Cause I just fucked you so hard, you're not gonna be able to sit. " tom laughed. "This is a real possibility Sir." tom thought they were getting up, but Z grabbed him and pinned his arms down at his sides. "You're gonna do something for me today wales. You have a choice, but you gotta do one." "What are they Sir?" Z bent down and kissed tom. "Either, you're gonna have to keep a dildo in your ass all day, or.... you're gonna wear your new singlet under your clothes." "Are we gonna wrestle when we get home if I do Sir?" "Only if you promise not to throw the match." "Can't make that promise Sir." "Then you're gonna have to wear the dildo." "Ok, ok. I'll wear the singlet. " Z smiled. "Good choice wales. I've been thinking about wrestling with you for a while. You'll be nice and tired after swimming. Easy pickings." "Don't be too sure tough guy." Z laughed. "I'm as sure of that as I am that your ass is hot."

That afternoon as he was reviewing some litigation documents in his office, one of Rich's colleagues and a friend knocked on the doorframe. "Jenny. How goes it?" He looked up. Jenny was two years ahead of him in seniority and had been his first year mentor. They remained very good friends, and tried to have lunch together at least once a month. "I'm good Rich. Hey, I have to ask you something: why are you so damn happy all of a sudden?" Rich laughed. "Did I seem unhappy before?" "Well, no," she answered. "Not 'unhappy' but very serious. You're smiling all the time now. " She paused. "WAIT A MINUTE. YOU'RE GETTING LAID AND YOU DIDN'T TELL MOMMA?" Rich began to laugh. "Well, you're right. Sit down, I'm gonna show you why I'm so happy." He pulled out his phone and looked for a photo of tom that was decent. He found a few. "Here he is. This is my boyfriend. tom." Jenny took the phone and looked. "OH MY GOD. He's GORGEOUS. Where did you meet?" "You ready for this? High School" "NO WAY. " "You have time? I'll tell you. If you're not sure, I'll make sure you stay: we met when we wrestled." "OK. This horny single gal has to hear now. Start talking." As far as Rich could tell, that was the first time he had ever called tom his boyfriend to anyone but tom.

He and tom had a date that afternoon: Rich was going over to the natatorium where tom swam. He got caught up in something and was a little late, but he got to the pool as tom was doing laps. He was swimming with three other guys, and then one said "OK. We ready to race?" "LET'S GO" he heard tom yell, and then they lined up like it was a meet. It was butterfly, and with tom's big long arms, it was no contest. He saw Rich waiting when he was done. He looked up and pulled off his swim cap. "Hey there. I didn't even know you were here." "Well, Mr. Michael Phelps, you were so focused on kicking ass you wouldn't have noticed me anyway." tom blushed. "I lied. I DID notice you but I had to try to forget you were here. I was distracted." Rich smiled. "No way I can kiss you on the pool deck can I?" tom shook his head. "Probably not cool. If you can wait about 20 minutes, I'll be done. " He smiled. "Actually, why can't you come into the locker room? It's not members only. " He winked. "I've got the singlet too." Rich smiled and whispered in his ear. "You're a flirt." tom only smiled.

As they left the swimming pool (tom had put on his work clothes over the singlet), Rich said to him "You know, I referred to you as my boyfriend today." tom smiled "Really? I'm flattered." "Well, I didn't wanna tell her he's my bottom. Or my sub." tom answered "well, only one is true." "OH, you're not my sub?" "I don't think so." "Well, we may have to change that wales. Maybe as early as tonight, after I pin the shit outta you." The thought of being pinned by Z, just like back at school, was revving tom's motor. This was gonna be good. And he knew he was in better shape than Z, so maybe this time, he could give him a better fight.

Z needed to get some more clothes because what he had at tom's were all soiled, so he headed to his place while tom got the living room set up for a wrestling match. He pushed all the furniture to the corners, tried to make sure there were no extraneous materials on the floor, and then changed out of his clothes so that only the singlet was on. His cock was raging. "Should I wear a cup?" He was thinking. He liked that Z could see how hard he was, and how his cock moved around, but he also knew: Z could play dirty. He decided to go with it. The doorbell rang, and it was Z. He had a bag with him, and he was wearing: a black leather jacket, no shirt, and wrestling shorts. "FUCK. I"M DOOMED" tom thought. Z knew it too. He was smiling as he brought the bag back into tom's bedroom. "OK WALES. And... a few toys... just in case..." He tossed a coil of heavy duty rope over in the corner, and he brought out the gag that he used on tom from the bedroom. "Ok, walesy. How do you wanna do this? One fall? Two out of three? Submission? Pin? Points. What are the rules?" "Winner's got to take down the other guy three different ways: pin, sleeper, submission." Z smiled. "Hell yeah. That sounds good to me. Ready?" "Ready to go?" tom got into the wrestler's crouch. Z was already sweating and tom was thinking about how sweet that sweat would taste. "Oh, am I gonna mop the floor with you wales." Z crowed as he dove in for tom's legs. tom got back, but Z had a hand on one of his ankles. "FUCK." yelled tom, because now that he had his ankle, Z could pretty much control him. tom had to break that hold, but every time he tried a new move, he felt like he was losing his balance. His concentration broke once, and Z dove in and got his other leg. Now, tom was on his belly, with Z on top of him, reaching under for his wrists. "I could fuck you just like this wales." He whispered into tom's ear. "Yeah and you would too!" tom fought, trying to prevent his wrists from being pulled out. It didn't do any good. Z had him chicken winged, and his legs were wrapped around tom. "WOO HOO WALES. Getting closer and closer to pin!" tom was frustrated! He didn't expect to be losing a pin this fast, but he found his back being pushed closer, and closer to the floor. He struggled, but the struggling worked against him and "PIN!" Z yelled. "One down. " "You got lucky Z. You won't get me that easily again." "You don't think so? I'll even tell you: this one is submission." "We'll see... tom tried to ruffle Z's receding hair, but Z grabbed his hand and laughed. "OH, you're gonna make this easy, aren't you wales? " Now he had tom's wrist, and he began twisting it behind tom's back. "COME ON FUCK. THIS SUCKS..." "No, you're gonna suck wales. And you're gonna suck really good. Now gimme that other arm. "GO TO HELL" "OK...." Z began pushing tom's one arm up higher and higher. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. OK OK. " tom put his other arm behind him. He didn't know what Z had planned, but then... he didn't realize how strong Z was, until he had his arms trapped behind him, and began lifting him off the floor. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. STOP. NO MORE NO MORE. I GIVE I GIVE." " heh heh. I should make you go and get me that rope so I can just finish you up real quick. "Yeah? You're not tying me up tonight Z." "Oh yeah, I am... Let's go.." Was Z getting tired? tom charged in and got him in a gut wrench and began lifting him from the ground. That's when Z fought dirty. He reached around and grabbed tom's crotch. "A CUP? You think THAT's gonna stop me? Ha ha." Z reached UNDER the cup and grabbed tom's "taint" . It only took a little bit of pressure, and he broke the hold. "Now wales... you are gonna get what you deserve..." Z charged like a bull and grabbed tom in a front bear hug. His hands snuck down to tom's ass, and tom felt his fingers probing his hole. "PLEASE Z. STOP DOING THAT. IT'S MAKING ME.. IT'S MAKING ME... " "Excited walester? You thinking of the cock going into your ass when I'm finished? It's not gonna be long. " He lifted tom off the floor and dropped him down. When tom was down, Z pinned his arms behind him and began pressing his temple. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" tom fought, even though he knew the more he fought the more oxygen he would use. He began to slow down. He heard Z whispering to him. "You're gonna wake up in a whole lotta shit wales. A whole lotta shit. " tom dropped off. Z looked at him on the floor. "This is gonna be great. Just fucking great. Z moved the furniture around a little so that the coffee table didn't block the sofa. Then he ran two lengths of rope around the front legs of the furniture. He stripped tom's sneakers, and then his socks, and then he got him out of the singled. Buck naked, tom was tied by his wrists to the sofa. Then Z roped his ankles up to the wrist restraints to tie them there. tom woke up as Z was shoving one sock into his mouth and then tying it there with the other one. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " tom was NOT comfortable at all. His cock was hard, and it was dripping, but his ass was totally exposed. He saw Z licking his lips and forming a fist . Was he going to...." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he shook his head NO, and Z laughed. "Isn't this funny wales? I COULD do that if I wanted to, but I don't. Know what I want? First, I wanna fuck you. And I'm gonna do that. Then, I'm gonna want you to invite me to move in. You want that don't you?" tom didn't try to say anything. He hadn't thought about that. They lived close enough to each other, but.... having a DOM to come home to every night. He decided to have some fun and shook his head no. "Ok, then maybe we just gotta do this." Z licked a finger, and put it inside tom. Then a second one. Together, they weren't nearly as thick as Z's cock, but the fluttering motion was driving him crazy. "Gonna let me move in, wales?" tom looked at Z with his big brown eyes. He was helpless, and he knew it. He wanted Z to live with him. He shook his head yes. 'BRAVO TOMASSO. Now get set for a good old fashioned fucking. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." tom squirmed as Z first ran his fingernails down tom's sides. Tied the way he was, tom couldn't move much in any direction. Z smiled and pulled nipple clamps out of his pocket. "THERE they are. There was something bothering me, so..." He pulled off his shorts and then, after running the clamps over tom's nipples, attached them. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH, " tom tried to scream as Z pulled them. "When we play for real, wales, you're gonna have this chain in your mouth and I'm gonna batter those balls until you drop it. For now though..." He pulled the chain as he began to slide into tom's distended hole. "FKKKKKKKKKK FKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" tom felt the cock pushing into him, taking him the way it had so many times in the last few months. "IT FEELS SO GOOD" tom thought as Z continued to pound him. He closed his eyes and thought about how sexy he felt in the singlet. He also thought of how good it felt to just have Z on top of him. The noise of Z's fucking got to a higher pitch as he got closer and closer to cumming. He pulled out, and aimed his cock at tom. "Gonna anoint you pretty boy. Gonna let you know, like a dog pissing on a hydrant. This is gonna let you know: the wales is MINE. He belongs to ME." Z shot all over tom's body. He smiled as he directed his jizz to as many spots as he could. When he was done, tom signaled as best he could to Z to take out the gag. When he did, tom caught his breath. "Sir Rich. Sir Z. You didn't have to do that. I DO belong to you. I did since high school. It just took a while for us to both realize it. I'm yours sir. I'm yours I'm yours I'm yours. Move in with me Make me your CUNT." And the next week, Rich did.

Next: Chapter 7

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