Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 31, 2023


It was taking tom a few days to fully "process" what had happened recently. He had been quietly single, not really thinking about sex at all, less than 3 weeks ago. Now, he was giving up his ass to an old school rival, calling him Sir, and loving it. Z had made him cum in front of him, and the world hadn't ended. He had shown tom that tom really liked being tied up and "broken" before sex. All of this was new to him, and he took a few days to think about their last "date." Every time he tried to think about it objectively, he got so erect he had to jerk off. He would think about some of the things Z had done to him - like shoving his tongue up his ass - and the memories were so strong, that he couldn't help himself.

It was Thursday, and he was at work. When he dressed that morning, tom had dressed as if he were seeing Z that night, even though he wasn't. They WERE seeing each other on Friday: Z told tom he wanted him to meet some of Z's friends. That thought made tom a little apprehensive, but also excited. He didn't know who these people were and, well, he didn't have many friends. Maybe they'd like him.

On Wednesday night, when he got home, tom found a delivery of a box, and a selection of Z's clothes. There was a note: "For the weekend stud. Open the box at your own risk," with a smiley attached. tom DID smile. He brought the stuff to his apartment and hung Z's shirts and pants in his closet, and put the socks, the briefs, etc, in a pile on a table. Then he opened the box. Restraints. Nipple clamps. Two different kind of gags. A vibrator. No, two vibrators: a big one, and a small one. tom found himself apprehensive, and also eager. Z had told him nothing about what he was going to do, but on Wednesday night, as he fell asleep, tom jerked himself off, thinking about what Z MIGHT have planned.

His phone buzzed, and tom looked down at the text from Z: "Send me selfies of what you're looking like today. Make sure you send a shot that shows your sweet ass." When Z sent texts like that, tom couldn't help himself. He wanted to do whatever he could to please Z, but also to perhaps avoid punishment. He smiled as he thought about when Z "punished" him. He liked it. He liked struggling against him, and losing. It was like high school wrestling all over again, only better.

tom had worn a dark green dress shirt with white buttons that morning: very form fitting, with a black tie and a pair of black slacks that showed off his ass advantageously. He went to the bathroom at his office, made sure no one was around, and took the shots. Then he forwarded them to Z, without comment.

Z didn't answer right away, and tom was anxious about what his reaction was going to be: did he not like them?

He got an answer after about an hour. Z liked them. "HOLY FUCK YOU LOOK HOT. I want to come to your office and fuck you right now." tom wrote back "I don't think that would work." The answer was: "then maybe you should watch out when you get out of the train tonight. Handsome guys like you should get kidnapped more often." tom felt his cock strain against his pants. He had a kidnapping fantasy, and had since high school. Generally, the fantasy simply involved him being captured, and held for ransom. In the fantasies, he was tied up in different ways, sometimes without a shirt, sometimes gagged, but there had never been sex involved. Now, those fantasies had evolved into fantasies where Z was the kidnapper, and there WAS sex. tom wondered if he should share the fantasy with Z. Another text came in. "You're gonna wear that outfit for me this weekend Wales. DAMN, is there anything you wear that doesn't make you look hot?" tom sent him back a blushing face emoji.

Z was sitting in the lobby of tom's building when tom got home on Friday night. He stood up and grinned. tom tried to look serious, but a smile formed across his face. "Hi there," he got out, in a very low voice. "Don't worry, no matter how much I wanna kiss you right here, in the lobby, I won't. Not yet anyway. But if you don't get us to the elevator NOW... I'm gonna make you get on your knees and suck me, wales." "yes sir," tom answered. "Let's go."

Z was playfully banging tom from behind as he opened the door to the apartment. tom was laughing, but hoping that one of his neighbors didn't come out. "Can't you wait, Z?" "It's been nearly a week. You want me to wait more?" The door opened, and Z nearly pushed tom in as he slammed it shut. "Now, are you gonna split your legs for me, or am I gonna shove this down your throat? Because one way or the other, he needs to be taken care of" Z had on a pair of 501 jeans that fit him REALLY well, and left no questions about his assets. tom got down on his knees, and began opening the buttons. Z smiled. He actually wanted to wait until later for some butt fucking, so this would do just fine. tom wrapped his tongue around Z's cockhead, and began to lick. When he heard Z sighing in pleasure, he began to take more of the cock in his mouth, moving slowly. Z, eager, and impatient, shoved harder, and tom teased by pulling his head back. "YOU BETTER TAKE THAT COCK BITCH OR YOU'RE GONNA PAY" Z raised his voice, and tom looked up at him smiling. He was thinking "ya promise?" When he continued to tease, Z said to him "If you don't get to work, I'm gonna drag you into the bedroom and shove my wet cock in you and NOT take it out. " This time, he grabbed a handful of tom's hair, and pushed his head forward. "OH YEAH. A wales bj. How many people can say they've gotten one of them? I bet I'm in a club of one." "MMMPSSIRMMMPH" tom shook his head yes, and the motion got Z even harder. He began to push down tom's throat, further and further. All the pent up horniness of the week was coming out. He pumped faster, and faster and then pulled out and shoved his cock back in. The semen started flooding tom's mouth. "HOLY SHIT! You have gotten SO MUCH BETTER WALES" "Show's you what a demanding teacher can do," tom winked and Z smiled. "Oh, you have no idea how strict the lessons are gonna get. "

Z took a look at tom's wardrobe. "WALES. You still have beige cords. Wear those. And this: the striped polo. YEAH. Tuck it in. Shows what a great body you have." "Z, can you tell me where we're going, Sir?" "Wales, you are about to experience your first gay bar." tom froze. "Uh, Sir. I don't know if I'm ready for that." Z laughed. "Yeah, I know. It's gonna freak you out. But it'll do ya good. Got to learn to know my friends, my people. You know, they're gonna be YOUR people and all that jazz. Take your time getting dressed. Nothing's gonna happen for a while, and I get to see you shirtless. Always a good thing." While tom got ready, Z noticed for the first time: he had no hair on his chest or back. "Wales, you do wax jobs or something?" tom blushed. "Uh, yeah. I have a very hairy back. You couldn't see it in the wrestling singlet, but I never got much chest hair. Too many women made fun of my 'six struggling little trees' so, when I get my back done, I get rid of those too." Z was listening, but he was also thinking. "Hmmm. Wales, how did I ever not think of this. You still got a wrestling singlet?" "I think I have one from high school sir, as a souvenir. It won't fit." "Yeah... probably too tight, even though you look good in tight shit. " He smiled. "We're gonna get you a wrestling singlet this weekend. Actually two. One for your place, one for mine. I'm gonna love seeing you in one of those. " tom began to think of how much of his body would be exposed in a singlet: many of his hot spots out there, for Z to abuse at will. He got hard again.

A couple of hours later, they were sitting in a booth at "Buddies" , one of the two bars where Z was a regular. (The other, called Lasso, was rougher, and Z knew tom wasn't ready for that one... yet. "Buddies" was pretty much what the name implied: gay guys hung out, sometimes went home with each other, but usually it was just like a straight pub for gay guys). Two guys were sitting opposite them: Eric and Matt were Z's friends. Both were lawyers, starting out at a law firm, and at the DA's office. "So, tom, you're Z's new boyfriend?" Eric had a slight smile over his face. Z draped his arm over tom's shoulders. He answered instead of tom. "You could say that. It' hasn't been that long that we've been dating, has it wales?" He smiled and leaned in and kissed tom. "No Sir. Not long at all," tom realized what he had just done and wished he had taken it back. He saw Matt and Eric exchange looks and giggle. "Well, it looks like you're coming along fast, tom." tom felt Z's hand drop down to his left nipple and rub it through his shirt. "Yes and no," Z answered, and laughed. "I sound like a lawyer don't I? We knew each other as high schoolers." "Wrestling team?" Matt asked. "Wrestling opponents. We went to different schools." "He kicked the shit out of me every time we wrestled," tom got out, and Z squeezed his nipple a little. "What can I say? two sixteen year olds, with crushes on each other, Catholic school, wrestling... " "Did you ever...." Eric asked, and Z shook his head. "NO. Things aren't the same now as they were. Today, geez, they'd be in some room banging away within ten minutes. We didn't do anything until I moved into tom's neighborhood and saw him again." "He was relentless" tom smiled and Rich shook his head. "Sure was. I wasn't gonna let you get away a second time." "So how long for the two of you?" tom asked. Eric and Matt looked at each other before Matt answered. "Five years I guess. Happened at our first class in law school" Eric smiled as he squeezed Matt's hand. "I saw this pretty boy across the room and I couldn't stop staring at him. After class he came up to me and offered to share his notes, since I wasn't paying attention to the professor." "That night... We didn't get much studying done." Matt spoke. Z clapped his hands. "You know, we all knew it too. WE ALL saw Eric staring and we agreed "those two... first match of the year." "Still matched too. Us and Phil?" "Phil?" tom asked, and Rich smiled and answered. "tom is still new to this. They're a trupple tom. That means it's a real three way." He paused "Hey, where is Phil tonight?" "Working late. Papers due on Monday. That asshole of a boss didn't start working on them until today." "Lawyers suck," Matt added "Or, they get sucked," tom thought, but decided against oversharing. They chatted for a few more hours, before Z stretched out. When he did, his muscular body pushed up against his shirt, and tom began wishing it were on top of him right then. "Been nice, boys, but I wanna put some bad food into tommy before we go home." He smiled. "It's our first weekend together," then Eric overshared. "OOOOOOOOOH, tom, you better bring a pillow to work on Monday." "For sleeping?" "No, hahahahahahahaahaha. For sitting."

They were in a pizza restaurant not far from the bar. "He knows?" tom asked "Not about US, but about me, Wales. I only top. EVER. He's seen my past boyfriends, wanted to be one." "He's cute. Never happened?" "NOPE. Z's Rule Number 1: don't date lawyers." tom smiled. "Feel threatened?" "NAH. Lawyers aren't hot." "I beg to differ ," tom grinned, and he moved his foot on top of Z's. "YEAH, I guess you're right. We are. Some of us anyway. SO.... you wanna head home and... mess up the sheets?" "That sounds good to me," tom answered, and he saw Rich smile. "I have something in mind tonight. Not gonna tell you until we get to your place, but... I think you'll enjoy it. "

When they got to tom's apartment, after they had emptied their bladders, Rich looked at tom sternly. "Take off your shirt and stand up. Clasp your hands behind your back and keep them there." This was sounding good to tom. "Yes sir." He did what Rich had said. Then Z dropped his own shirt. "Point out those nipples." tom took a breath and again, did what he was told. Z began pinching them very lightly. At first tom held his composure. Then he began to breathe hard, and then, he began to moan. "KEEP THOSE HANDS BEHIND YOU STUD" Z barked when he saw tom beginning to lose position. He came up to tom and ran his stubble over his ear. He whispered. "Think you could break a bear hug from me?" "Probably not Sir. They were a weak spot for me . Always." "Well, we'll see. Now, I want you naked. BUCK NAKED. Then on the bed." tom had to wait for about five minutes before Z came in. He was smiling . "A nice massage is always good." He had a bottle of almond oil in his hand. He poured a little bit of it in a palm and then patted it on tom's shoulders. Then, one at a time, he pressed his fingers into tom's blades. It felt good and tom moaned. Then, he realized: this was a variation of the move that Z had used to beat him, time after time. "FUCK." he was helpless again. Z climbed up on top of him. He ran one arm behind tom's neck, and then covered his mouth with the palm of his hand. "Hand gagging is very HOT wales. You always think you can get out but if the guy knows what he's doing..." "MMMMMMMMMMPH. " tom saw what Z meant. It didn't seem like the handgag was all that tight, but Z's fingertips were just strong enough so that he couldn't get away. Rich had smeared just a bit of the oil on his own body and now, as he was on top of tom, the slipperiness and the friction was a new feeling to tom. He felt Z move his mouth to his neck and he yielded, not knowing that Z had something very devious planned. "GRRRRRRRRRRRR" he heard Z growl, as he tightened the hand gag, and began digging into tom's neck. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." tom was feeling something between light pain, and tremendous pleasure. The pain went up a bit as Z continued to gig in, making sounds of an animal eating, or a vampire sucking blood, always working the same inch of skin, always keeping his hand on tom's mouth. "MMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" came out of tom. Every now and then, Z would move back to tom's shoulder and do the same thing that he had done to overpower him on the bed - not that tom needed to be overpowered. If tom squirmed, Z dug in deeper, and that just made tom squirm more. tom was at a point where he could have passed out from pleasure or pain: the line had been erased. Then he heard Z. "You're gonna get FUCKED wales. FUCKED for the first time this weekend. Eric was right: you're gonna need a pillow to sit on when I get through with you." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPGIIDRRRRRRRRRRRRSIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" tom's squirming was getting Z harder and harder. The blow job earlier that night had emptied him then, but abusing tom like this was getting him hotter, and hotter. tom locked his legs around Rich, at the small of his back, to make his ass more accessible. Rich took full advantage and quickly slid his cock in. He still had his hand over tom's mouth, and the sounds turned to something different: something that got Rich more excited each time tom moaned. The smell of the almond oil, tom's neck under his mouth, the warmth of tom's breath and the softness of tom's lips, were pushing him closer and closer.. and then. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . FUCKING MY HOT BOYFRIEND." Z squirted into tom and it just kept on coming. He moved his mouth over tom's ear and whispered. "Shoot for me bottom. SHOOT FOR ME." He took his hand off tom's mouth, and tom let out a yell like an injured wrestler, as his own cum joined the drippings from Z "DON'T LET ME GO Z. DON'T LET ME GO. PLEASE. OHHHHHHHHHHHH. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OH FUCK. MY NECK IS GONNA BE SORE TOMORROW. MY ASS IS GONNA BE SORE. MY MOUTH IS GONNA BE SORE..." Rich whispered "But I'm gonna be in bed with you tomorrow." "YES SIR. OH GOD YES SIR YES SIR YES SIR." As he thought about it later it seemed to Rich that years of suppression, or denial, or something, had come out of tom that night. They were able to move to a new phase in their relationship after that. It started the next day. And to read more, you'll have to come back....

Next: Chapter 5

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