Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 23, 2023


Rich, or "Z", was overwhelmed with having moved into a neighborhood where Tom lived. "You never forget the first," he would mutter to himself, from time to time. Then he'd smile. He and Tom had been talking about how maybe Tom had a crush on Rich, and his losing all those matches was a way to get some physical contact from his crush. They hadn't talked - yet - about the crush Z had had on Tom.

Yeah, he didn't talk about it in high school: it just wasn't done.

Catholic school, a boy with a crush on a boy. Well, crushes happened, they happened all the time. What made his situation unusual, was that he had a chance for actual physical contact with the object of his crush: SANCTIONED contact no less. And he wanted it. When it was a long time between matches, he'd spend hours fantasizing about what he'd do to Tom if he had him... where he wanted.

Rich knew of two "pairings" as he called them at Tom's school: there were Mike and tom: the one that stunned anyone who knew about it. Mike: the "dead head" who fell asleep in class, barely pulled passing grades and washed his hair maybe once a week, and tom: the solid, built "good boy" from the German part of town. You could tell their relationship when you'd see them in the halls: when tom was with Mike, he always had his hands behind him, because Mike told him he liked the way he looked that way. Mike was good friends with Rich, and he would tell him about what he had done to tom that weekend: the bondage, the tormenting, the bite marks. Rich had asked Mike if tom liked any of it. He remembered Mike's laugh. "No, but he lost a bet, and he's an honorable man. Now I own his ass." They didn't last after school, but Z learned a lot from Mike, even though he never told him about his thing for Tom.

Then there were Fred and David. THAT was an odd couple: two top 10 students, who really didn't strike anyone as freaky. From what Z had been able to learn, David had jumped Fred once, and had kept him securely tied up and told him what he wanted. When fred said he wasn't interested, he tickled him every five minutes or so for 3 hours, until fred gave in. One time, fred refused to go home with David after school. The hallways rang with fred's laughter after David took him down and , as he put it "tickled the shit outta him."

Neither couple was affectionate around the school, but after class... "Wish I had been part of it." Z knew about one boy at the school who had a thing for Tom: Charlie. He had been at the building once when he saw Charlie in operation. Interestingly, Wales didn't seem to be bothered by his attentions. Z was terrifically jealous, but since he wasn't there at that school everyday (and his parents wouldn't let him transfer), he had to learn to deal with it.

Now, of course, that was all behind him, and he had the man of his dreams. He had to train him. Tom was great in bed: enthusiastic, willing, passive. But he had his idiosyncracies. One was the kissing. He really, REALLY did not like kissing and as Z put it, he'd have to go "full out DOM" to get a kiss from Tom. The other one that he didn't understand, was Tom's reluctance to climax in front of him. He smiled as he thought about that. "Well, that boy is gonna learn his place, and his place is jerking in front of his man."

Scheduling for two young professionals "is what it is," and Rich and Tom set up a date for drinks four days in the future. It was the soonest they could both make it. Since it was on a "school night," they stayed close to home, which meant a standard bar, rather than a gay one. They found an outside table, and settled in. "We still good, Wales? I'm glad you said yes to drinks." Tom blushed a little. "No, no, we're fine. I'm still processing what we did, but... I actually think I'm good with it. " That got a smile from Z. "That's something I'm glad to hear, because I'd like to see you again, Tom. Maybe even date you?" "OOPS. Too fast" thought Rich, as he saw a bit of a nauseous look go over Tom's face. "I want to, it just feels, well, funny." "Ha ha. Like the first time we put on jock straps. Remember that?" "Uh, this is sort of not like that Z" "SURE IT IS. You got used to it, I got used to it. Maybe we never got to like it, but...." He knew that taking Tom's hand would've been too much so he just lowered his voice. "I'd hope you WOULD get to like being my boyfriend, Tom. " He paused. "Can I let you in on a secret?" "I guess. I mean... sure." "I had a crush on YOU all those years. That's why I wrestled you so hard." Tom's mouth dropped a little. "Wait... you mean YOU had a crush on ME?" "Who didn't Wales? We ALL had crushes on you: every gay boy, every girl, most of the teachers, EVERYONE. We used to call you 'icy tom' because we never saw you with anyone, and we all thought it was a horrible waste." "So... " "I looked forward to tournaments with you. It meant I could get skin to skin with you, and do what I still love doing: taking control of you." Tom smiled for a minute. That night with Z had brought up all kinds of fantasies he had, since high school, of being under another man's control. He couldn't recall ever fantasizing about that man being Z, but... now that it had happened. " Tom decided to try a little flirting. "What makes you think you still could?" "Ha ha. The other night." Now Tom was getting cocky. "You don't know if I LET you do that or not." "Oh, you LET me do it, that's for sure. But even if you didn't..." He grinned. "Wales, you wanna see if I can get a slot at my wrestling club? Right now?" Tom began to pull back. "I got half a drink in me. I'd be easy pickings." "Well good. Then how about coming home with me? " "I can't spend the night, Z." "Who's talking about spending the night? Hanging out, fooling around, shit like that. " "Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine too. I can't make you do what I want... " Then he pause and grinned. "Yet." He saw Tom's face: a mix of delight and nerves. Yeah, he was there. He had him. Z could almost predict the answer Tom gave. "A few hours. Nothing heavy. " Z smiled. He had a surprise for Tom, but he wasn't saying.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Z's apartment was a little bit smaller than Tom's, and a lot messier. It wasn't dirty, but there were few people who were as much of a neat freak as Tom was. Add that to the long hours he worked, and it just all added up. It was the first time Tom had been in Z's apartment, and the first time he had ever been in a man's apartment to "mess around," as Z referred to it on the way back. Tom began to get nervous when he saw Z take off his sweatear, and then start unbuttoning his shirt. "C'mon Wales. Skin on skin. You can do it." "I don't know Z. It's just.' "TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIRT OR I'LL PIN YOU TO THE GROUND AND RIP IT OFF YOU." "oh. If you put it that way," Tom thought, as he felt his cock get bigger. It had started to grow when he saw Rich's body again, and now, being ordered to do something.... he wondered what else he was gonna be told to do. "SIT. Right there. On the sofa. I'm joining you as soon as I hang that nice shirt of yours." When Rich came back, he sat next to tom and draped his arm around his shoulders. He stared into his eyes. Then his finger began running up tom's torso. Tom sucked in his breath. "Oh geez. MMMMMMM" "Like that Wales?" "Yes.. yes I do... MMMMM" Z leaned in to kiss tom, and tom moved his head to the side so that Z got his cheek. "Hey. Is there a problem? Is my breath bad? " "No... you smell like scotch. I like the smell of scotch, but..." "Listen Wales. If you're gonna do this, commit. Pretend it's the last 50 of one of your fly races. You don't have to do much. Just open your mouth..." Tom sighed. Z went back to tom's lips and this time, tom didn't move. When he felt Z's tongue begin to push, he opened up. Z stopped, looked at him and smiled. "Nice, but a little more. My tongue needs more room to... operate." "yes sir," Tom whispered . Rich wasn't sure he heard it, but if he did... this was a good sign. A REAL good one. tom opening his mouth wider was another good one. " Rich continued to French tom, reacting to the sounds tom was making. He was enjoying it. That was clear. When Z began to retract his tongue, and Tom went after it, Z was confident: he had him. He moved his fingers to tom's nipples and began squeezing. The moan that came out of tom was music to Rich's ears. "OH. My boy likes that? " He twisted his fingers a little and tom moaned louder. "That does something to me Z. I don't know what to call it. " "How about... makes ya hard wales?" Rich pushed his knee to tom's crotch and yes, tom's generous endowment, was becoming more generous. Keeping his fingers on tom's nips, Rich reached in and whispered "Let's go to my bedroom. I have a surprise for you." "yes sir." THIS time Rich KNEW he heard him use Sir. "On the bed thomas. On your back so I can climb up and treat you the way you should be treated." "If I don't?" "GUTWRENCH" Z put an old wrestling hold on tom's middle "Ok, ok. You win. I'll get on the bed." It took Rich no more than a minute to get on top of tom, and his tongue was back inside tom's mouth, and then on his neck, licking and nibbling. "You are so fucking hot wales. SO FUCKING HOT. How you're still available, I don't know." His mouth moved down to tom's nipples and he began chewing. "OH shit, Z. Please don't do that. PLEASE..." tom tried to sit up, but when he did, Z chewed a little harder, and tom was overpowered. "Ha ha. Why don't you want me to do that?" Z was straddling tom. "Please. Just don't." "I think I know, and that's why I got the surprise for you." "Yeah. What is it?" tom asked. Z smiled broadly. He reached over and pulled a leather strap from the bed post, and began tying tom's wrist. "HEY. WHAT THE..." "SHHH BOTTOM" Z pushed his knee into tom's crotch to take his mind off of the bondage. "Where's that spot near your shoulder I used to work? Always immobilized you... " "SHIT. You remember!" "Damn right I do." Z tied tom's second wrist. "And I'm gonna use it. In due time. In due time.... For now though... I've been thinking about our date tonight all day, as you'll see. " "I have too... sir" AGAIN, but in a much, much lower voice. "Gonna be tying you up a lot wales. I LIKE seeing you helpless." tom began to realize he liked the feeling too. He could feel Z undoing his slacks, and he hoped he was careful. He was fully hard. Z WAS. He didn't want this to end because of a "zipper bite," and moved very carefully. When he had tom naked, he held his balls. "Your ass recovered enough to take me again wales? " tom looked at him. "you're gonna take me anyway, aren't you?" Z laughed and playfully ran his fingers down tom's ribs. "And NOW, wales, you have kind of an idea of what our relationship is gonna be like. Now kiss me. Before I nail you." Z and his tongue started working their magic again, and he had tom moaning. Z had gotten naked himself, and he could feel the small amount of moisture gathering around tom's crotch, pressing against him. He didn't say a word, but just lifted tom's big strong legs. "Just wanna tell you something wales. If you ever decide to fight me on this... I'm not adverse to giving your feet a good solid tickle. "OH SHIT" came out of tom's mouth. He had an older brother who used to tickle his feet until he peed. He had been glad that he would wet himself because the tickling used to excite him. When his brother got married and then moved out, it had stopped. He sort of missed the feeling, but not the tickling. Now, with his feet up on Z's strong shoulders, he began to think about how Z's cock felt the first time. It felt better now. Tom had been moaning for a while, but as Z plunged in, his moaning got louder. Z stretched out over his body, trapping tom's cock between them. He stopped moving and he whispered. "You're gonna cum for me tonight Thomas. Now you know why those ropes are there." "NO Z NO. COME ON NOW." Z pushed a little harder into tom. "I heard you using a three letter word tonight. Begins with 's' ends with 'r' and 'i' is in the middle. I like that word when it comes out of your mouth. "yes sir," tom answered, and felt Z's cock expand. "You do what a Sir says... So you're gonna cum for me. I'm gonna help ya." tom sighed. "yes sir." "Oh, those nips are JUST TOO FUCKING TEMPTING." Z began squeezing them again, as he pulled back and slid further in to Tom. He varied how far he came out, and he kept tom guessing. Was this thrust gonna be gentle, or rough, or "FUCK THAT WAS HUGE..." Z had just gone all the way in, and fast, while he squeezed tom's nipples. Pre-cum began squirting out of tom. "I'm gonna shoot in ya know, tommy boy. If you give birth, we're gonna know who the father is... your Daddy." tom didn't think Z could get in any further, but he did, and then... he felt the waves of cum filling him. It was cooling. It felt... right. The butterflies he had had in his stomach since the first date felt "right." Everything felt "right," especially Z's light, sweet kiss on his lips. "Wales, you're great. You are so hot, so sweet, and so, so... much fun." tom smiled. "Thank you Sir. You're a great teacher." "Now I'm gonna teach ya to take as well as to give." Z rolled to tom's side. His hand went down to tom's fully erect cock, and he ran a finger horizontally up one side of the shaft, then the other. "So, why don't you wanna cum for me, wales..." "NNNNNNNNNNNNG. Because, because.. I'm not sure I'm gay and if I do...." Z leaned over to tom's ear and whispered. "You're gay wales. You're gay, you have a boyfriend, and you're a bottom. All true?" He had formed a circle with his hand and began a classic jerking of tom. "yes... yes sir. Yes. Yes.. FUCK YES!!!!!" tom's jizz began squirting all over. "OH GOD. OH. OH SHIT WHY DID I WAIT?" He began to cry a little. Z smiled. "You waited because you wanted the best... ME. " He was silent for a minute. "Now if I untie you, are you gonna try to kill me?" "Maybe..." "Maybe I'll tickle those feet after all." "No, no. I'll behave. I promise. I just.. I think I need to get home." "No spending the night, studmuffin?" "Not tonight Sir Z. Maybe next time?" THAT caught Rich by surprise. He smiled and kissed tom. "Any time you wanna wales. In fact...." He got up from the bed, and went to his closet. "I'm gonna send you home with a change of MY clothes for when I stay over during the week. You do the same next time." "This is good. Cause next time it's my place." Z got into the bed and they cuddled. "You good with this? You could with me taking control" "Take more control Sir. Dominate me. Like you did in wrestling." Z smiled. Something else he didn't expect. "Yeah, I could do that. "

Next: Chapter 4

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