Dominating Jake

By john smith

Published on Dec 30, 2002



The following story is a work of complete fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story details sexual acts between two teenage boys. If you do not approve of this, do not read any further.

Dominating Jake

My name is Jake and I'm a freshman at college. I live in one of the boy's dorms and share a room with a dude named Chris. He's a little over six feet, with dark hair and eyes. His body is very well-built, with strong arms and ripped abs, and from half-caught glimpses when he was changing I knew he had a tightly-stuffed basket. I'm smaller than he is, only 5'9 and 155 pounds. My hair is a very light brown and my eyes are gray, and my body could best be described as average: not too strong, not too weak, but just right. My one outstanding feature is my dick: it's 9.5 inches but not really all that thick.

Anyway, Chris and I got along fine for the first few months. He was a big partier and was out almost every night, which suited me fine as I had just discovered the wonders of the net. I would sit at my computer each night, downloading videos and pics and jacking off for hours before I came. While we weren't really friends we were polite to each other, and I thoroughly enjoyed my life at school. Until, inevitably, he caught me out. I had been surfing through some Yahoo groups, downloading some movies of guys fucking each other. I was naked in my chair, my cock was rock hard, and I had just started a fullscreen video of a cute young blond getting plowed, when I heard the lock click. Chris came stomping through the door, cursing, and flung his coat to the floor. He turned around, saw me sitting petrified at my desk, and went absolutely still. His eyes took in my bare chest, moved up to the moaning young man on the screen, and went down to my crotch. "Shit!" he snarled, ripped open the door and ran out, slamming it behind him. The mood pretty well ruined I packed it in, dressing and erasing the files on my computer (like it mattered anymore).

Things got bad after that. Chris would alternately ignore me or taunt me, and twice he shoved me hard out of his way. He would leave the room to change clothes and was careful to always be fully clothed around me. I don't think he told anyone, but he treated me with undisguised contempt in front of everyone. The atmosphere in our room got so unpleasant that I started to stay out of it as much as I can. Sometimes I couldn't avoid him, though, and this Saturday was one of those times.

It was drawing close to exam time, and I had to write a ten page history paper. I was working away at my computer at about eight o'clock when Chris came in, obviously drunk and sullen. He had broken up with his girlfriend a couple of days ago, and I guess he didn't feel up to going out. He flopped down on his bed and pulled a bottle of beer out of his mini-fridge, draining half of it in one go. As long as he was quiet I was willing to ignore him, but he seemed to have something on his mind. "Fucking bitch," he muttered, swigging his beer. "Fucking cunt. Goddamned whore." He reached for another bottle and drank deep.

"Jake." I jumped, caught off guard. Now what? "I got a problem, Jake, and you're gonna solve it."

"Yeah, Chris? What problem's that?", I said, figuring it was best to play it out.

"You see, Beth's a dirty fucking slut. She don't want me anymore. But I gotta cock. And my cock's gotta blow. I don't gotta girl. But I got you."

What? I turned in my chair, not sure what he had just said. He was sitting up and looking at me with slitted eyes. "See," he said, "you're a fag, and fags need cock. You're a fag, I'm a cock. You were made for me. And I need it now." He stood up, swaying slightly.

"Whatever man, you're drunk, just go to sleep ok?" I stood too, and began edging for the door.

"No, `cause you're a fag, and I gotta blow." With this he lunged at me, catching me at the waist and knocking me to the floor. I tried to struggle free but he was too strong, pinning me to the floor and climbing on top of me. He knelt over my chest, trapping my arms under his knees. I winced with pain and said, my voice giving a panicky quaver: "Ok Chris, you're hurting me, please let me go."

He leaned over and looked me in the eye from a few inches away, his beery breath washing over me, and said: "No."

He leaned back, the pain in my arms making me whimper, and unzipped his fly.

He pulled his half-hard cock out of his boxers and gave it a couple of strokes. He then reached one hand down to my bicep, his fingers finding a pressure point, which he squeezed hard. The sudden stab of pain forced me to cry out, and he smiled. Still squeezing, he said: "You're a fag, and you're gonna suck this. If you don't, I'm gonna hurt you bad. You understand?"

The pain was excruciating, and I gasped out: "Ok, ok, I'll suck you."

He immediately let go and stood up. He reached down and hauled me to my feet, and then stumbled over to the door and shoved his dresser in front of it, blocking any escape. "Come over here", he said. Massaging my arm, I slowly walked over to him. "Strip," he growled, staring hard at me.

I pulled my shirt over my head, my eyes coming to rest on his protruding cock. He caught my glance and said: "Yeah, I know you want it. I've seen you watching me. Well, don't worry fag, you're gonna get all you want tonight."

Trembling slightly, I kicked off my shoes and undid my belt. My pants dropped to the floor, followed by my boxers, and I stood dressed only in my socks, holding my hands in front of my crotch. "Shit," he said, "is the fag shy? Take your hands away, let's see what the little fag's got."

I let my arms hang down at my side, baring my limp dick to his view. My dick is average looking when soft, only betraying its real size when hard. "Heh, look at the little fag, all shriveled up. Wanna see what a real man looks like? Get over here and take my clothes off."

I hesitated, and he snapped "NOW!" I moved over to him and started to unbutton his shirt. He stood smiling as I fumbled with the buttons, enjoying his power over me. I slid his shirt down over his arms and lifted his undershirt over his head. His beautiful muscular chest was bared, and I have to admit I enjoyed the view. His quarter-sized nipples were pink and hard, and there wasn't a single hair anywhere. I undid his belt, careful not to touch his jutting prick, and unbuttoned his jeans. I let his pants fall to the floor, and knelt to untie his shoes. As I tugged each shoe off, Chris balancing himself with a hand on my head, I couldn't help but admire his large, sock clad feet. After I got his pants from around his ankles I reached up and took hold of his boxers. His rock hard cock made pulling them down a little tricky, but at last I managed it, leaving him standing in all his masculine glory. For being such a fucking homophobic shithead, he really was one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. He tottered over and collapsed on his bed, leaning back against the wall with his butt over the edge, feet on the floor. The better to give me full access, it seemed, as he said: "Alright. Get over here and suck. No teeth!"

I crawled over to kneel in between his legs, looking up at his rampant prick. It was about six inches and was surrounded by a thick bush of dark hair. His balls were big and mostly hairless. I grasped his shaft with my hand and pulled it forward, slipping my lips over the head. His cock tasted wonderful, easily the best of the three I've sucked so far. I started to slide my lips up and down, sucking in more of his teen-jock rod with every downward stroke. I soon had the whole thing in my mouth, bobbing away and hearing him moan with lust. "Lick my balls, fag."

I let his dick pop out of my mouth and leaned down to suck first one and then the other of his huge balls. I was really starting to get into this, my dick growing longer and fuller. I jacked his cock with one hand and rolled his balls between my fingers, sitting back to take in the view. This stud had forced me to do something I would have loved to do anyway. The beer seemed to be catching up to him now, he was totally out of it, panting with the pleasure I was giving him. I had always had dreams about being in control of a hot stud like him. And here I am, at the other end of it, giving this smug fuck what he wants. Well, screw that. This jock thinks he's in control, but we'll see.

Still jacking his cock, I leaned forward and looked at the tight pick pucker hiding under his balls. I stuck out my tongue and cupped one of his balls, lifting it upward. I held his sack up with my hand, squeezing gently, as I prodded his hot hole with the tip of my tongue. Hearing a gasp I licked over the whole area, putting pressure on his rosebud as I passed it. I started to worship that tasty flower, working at it, covering it with spit and pressing in at the center. As I wiggled my tongue inside it I jerked him faster, feeling his hole stretch slightly to allow me even deeper. Soon I had my tongue as deep as I could go and I curled it, feeling the thick walls of his channel contract around it. His hole was sloppy wet now, and I pulled out of his ass to lave even more spit into it. My cock was rock solid and ready for a good long fuck, even with the prospect of a horrible beating if Chris objected. From his reaction so far, that might not be a sure thing. I stood up on my knees and sucked his cock down to the base a couple of times, just to keep him occupied. As I lined my nine inch rod up with his virgin pucker I started jerking him again and watched his face. His eyes stayed closed as I pushed the head up against his hole, and he didn't react as I slowly increased the pressure. I was pounding away at his dick now, and continued even as the head of my cock broke through. His eyes flew open and he grunted, but he didn't pull away. I pushed forward slowly, inch by inch, feeling the hot velvet passage grip my dick until my pubes came up against his nuts. I left it where if was for a few seconds before drawing back until my cockhead was just inside his ring. I pushed forward faster, hearing him groan as my shaft rubbed his prostate. Taking this as a sign, I left off his dick and increased my pace, fucking in and out of that tight man-cunt, and Chris was right along with me. He was sighing and panting, twisting his nipples with one hand and his other was a blur on his cock. I was slamming away, plunging up the hilt and back, even pulling out completely and ramming back in. Chris was mumbling now, saying "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." over and over. His nutsack tightened and streams of cum went flying from his prick, coating his face and chest with puddles of thick cream. Not missing a beat I scooped some up and licked it off my fingers, tasting the sweet, salty juice. Chris's ring had clamped around my dick and I couldn't hold back. I jammed my cock up into his guts and loosed a huge load. I felt my cum squishing around my shaft, dammed up in Chris's ass by the solid plug of my prick. Chris had his arm over his face, cum dripping down his cheeks and heaving chest. I stayed where I was, my softening cock still held by his tightly clenched asslips.

Finally, Chris's arm dropped away from his face and his opened his eyes. He looked right into mine and said quietly: "Fuck dude. That was awesome." I pulled my dick out, letting a flood of cum drool down his ass crack. I stood up and found his shirt, using it to clean off my dick. He sat there watching me as I pulled my clothes on and went back to working on my paper. As I typed I didn't hear him move for almost an hour, and when he did it was to get under his blankets. What was he thinking? Would I get beaten up tomorrow? I worked on steadily, calling it quits at around 2 a.m.

Chris was gone when I woke up, and hadn't returned when I got back from class. I fired up my computer and continued working, adding almost a page to my paper before I heard him come in. I didn't turn my head as I listened to him move around the room, hearing the thud of his shoes hitting the floor and the sound of his zipper being drawn down. He was taking his pants off? I tensed as I felt him step up behind me, and I flinched as his hand reached over my shoulder to place something on my desk. It was a half empty bottle of lube, and I stared at it for a second before turning around. He was naked, kneeling on his bed on all fours facing the wall. When he saw me looking, he said, a catch in his voice: "Please dude. I need it." His engorged prick was hanging down, and he used one of his hands to pull open his crack, revealing his hole. I picked up the bottle and stood up, walking over to him. His eyes followed me until I was behind him, then he closed them and turned his head away. Quickly stripping off my clothes, I opened the bottle and squeezed out a glob of lube, rubbing it between my fingers. I placed my index finger in the center of his pucker, pressing in and a feeling for his prostate. His cock jumped when I found it, and I worked my finger around to widen his hole, adding a second and then a third finger a few minutes later. He was shuddering now, body swaying in time to my finger fucking. With my other hand I poured a stream of lube over my cock, smearing it all over with my fist. I pulled my fingers out, his empty hole staring at me like an accusing eye, and lined my dick up, sliding it home in this stud's ass for the second time in 24 hours. I didn't bother to build up slowly, just slammed away like a fucking rabbit, my pistoning cock tearing heaving gasps out of his hot mouth. Too soon the familiar grip of his ecstasy-tightened ring clamping around my dick signaled his release, and the feel of it milked out my own load. I pulled out after a couple of spurts, letting the rest of my cum blast up over his sweating back. He went limp as his orgasm trailed off, collapsing on his side to reveal the puddle of spunk from his untouched dick soaking into his sheets.

I got up and again used his discarded shirt to wipe the mess off my dick. I leaned over and pulled aside up his ass cheek, using the shirt to clean the slime from his reddened hole. As I pulled on my clothes I heard his faint whisper: "Thanks."

Things were great after that. Remembering the terror I had felt when he had caught me I never hinted to anyone that he was less than straight, but he was so desperate to feel my cock up his ass that he would instantly strip and spread whenever I gave the word. Wherever, too, as he proved when I fucked him in various places around campus and the town. I had that hot man cunt in his girlfriend's suite common room, as she was taking a nap in her room next door; a hidden corner of the track team's lockerroom as his teammates showered up after a meet; and once in the bathroom of the most popular bar in town, so that when he went back out to dance he had a pad of toilet paper stuck in the back of his boxers to keep my cum from staining his shorts. Our first year is ending tomorrow, and as hard as it will be to give up my toy boy for the summer, we'll be back together for all of next year. I can tell that he can hardly wait.

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