Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on May 11, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Part 9


I looked at Mike as the kid stared at me. I couldn't help but think of him as a kid, even though he was Doug's brother. Hell, when you are 18 a difference of two years in age seems like a lifetime. How was I gonna let this boy do the things that Doug had done to me? The grin on Mike's face definitely had a leering quality about it, but I tried te be determined. I was the college man here! I was all male, solid muscle, good looking! Hell a jock even! No way was I going to submit to this cocky highschooler. Even standing there in only my shorts, pulled down to show my dark pubes, I tried to muster up some self reliance. It collapsed in an instant when the kid spoke.

"So fag, you one of those locker room sluts that sucks every dick he can find or are you really Doug's personal pussyboy like he told me? Looking at you, I would guess you're a cock slut. So which is it, faggot?"

His self assured cocky voice completely undid me. It sounded a little like Doug's voice, but definitely had a tone of its own. Also, he let his voice drip with contempt for me, making me blush as I heard him call me faggot, slut and pussyboy. My eyes, which had been firmly on his face, dropped down heading to the floor, but were arrested partway. Mike's cock was getting hard. Even covered by his jeans, I could tell that the kid had a big cock. My eyes locked onto it, watching it as it slowly swelled down the left leg of his jeans. Mike noticed where I was staring.

"Well, it is obvious that you like dick, boy. Now answer me! Were you the slut of your high school or did big bro bust your cherry like he said?"

"D- Doug, Doug was the first man to fuck me," I almost couldn't find my voice. "I had never even jacked off with another guy before I met him."

Mike's eyes narrowed. "You still look like a slut, collegeboy." The "collegeboy" part was a taunt not an acknowledgment that I was older. He was making fun of me and putting me down. I felt the now familiar feel of my face turning red as he talked. "I guess Doug has been doing a pretty good job. He told me he got you warmed up for me. You full of his cum, cocksucker? You got a belly full of my big bro's jizz? What about his roomie's? He told me that you sucked him off like some Las Vegas whore. You like swallowing hot cum, faggot?" He clearly expected an answer.

"Yes, I like to swallow cum, Mike." I said.

"You can fucking call me 'Sir' or 'Master', you worthless piece of shit, or you will never even get to look at this," he reached down and grabbed his crotch, "much less taste it or feel it up your little pussy. Got it faggot?"

"Yes Sir," I replied quickly. Mike was younger, but seemed much more experienced than I was when it came to all male sex.

"That's better, faggot. Doug told me you were a quick learner. I bet he had you begging for his cock even before he filled your pussy with his first load. Didn't he?" Mike demanded.

"Yes, sir. I begged him to fuck me that first time. Even before I knew how much I liked what he was doing."

That seemed to satisfy Mike somewhat. Some of the tension left his body but his still had a scowl on his handsome face. "Yeah, Doug ain't bad at turning you jock boys into fags. He and I did it to about a dozen guys back home. But he tells me that you've been one of the best. Even as good as my own slutboy, Rob. Old Robby discovered what a fag he was about 2 years ago when I got him in the locker room. He services half the guys at school now. We will have to see if you can perform as well as he does." Mike sat back down on the desk chair, his hard cock clearly visible, straining at the denim of his jeans. I felt my mouth water. No matter what I had originally determined to do, this young buck had established himself. He was the man in the room. Fuck, I wondered as I closed my eyes for a minute, how do these guys do this to me? When I opened my eyes again to see his lean sexy body, I knew the reason. Doug had made me into a cock loving faggot and his brother was a damn sexy young male.

"I'm hungry, shithead. Where's a good place to eat?"

"There is a good diner just a block away on the corner, Sir."

"Good. We are gonna go get a bite to eat. I'm gonna need some energy for this night's activities. Where's your room?"

"Back through the bathroom, Sir."

"Well move your ass, before I beat it black and blue, boy. I'd take you out dressed just as you are, but I wouldn't be able to get served, so we need to put a little more clothes on you."

I quickly moved my ass, leading him back into the dorm rooms that I shared with Seth. Luckily, my roomie was gone. I opened my closet door and Mike pushed me aside. He rummaged through my clothes, pulling things out and dropping them on the floor when they didn't suit him. After a few minutes he found one of my oldest t-shirts. I only used it while working out now. My girlfriend had seen me in it and told me it showed off my torso, but it was pretty ratty and so I never wore it other than in the gym. Mike handed it to me and told me to put it on. Somewhat embarrassed, I obeyed, feeling the tight material stretching across my back and my chest.

Mike stared at me a minute while I pulled up my shorts, covering up my pubes. He allowed me to do this, then reached out and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. With a quick yank, he ripped it in the middle, exposing my abs and navel almost all the way up to my chest. O could feel the cool breeze from the fan in the room brushing across my belly.

"You got any sandals to wear?"

"Yes, Sir." I leaned over, reaching into the back of my closet. Mike to the opportunity to feel up my ass, putting his hands on both my ass cheeks and squeezing them.

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun plowing this ass, faggot. You got a nice bod and I wanna make sure that you show it off for me while we're out." With that, he smacked my ass, hard. I let out a yelp, more of surprise than from any pain. Mike laughed.

"Well, well. I see that you need to get some tolerance built up. Don't worry," he said as I stood back up and looked at him, "I'll make sure to take care of that later." That sentence both chilled me and made my cock grow even more in my work out shorts. They were fairly tight to begin with, but with the extra room my hard cock was occupying they were form fitting and showing everything. I stepped into my sandals, feeling not even half dressed with the clothes I was wearing. Mike looked me up and down for a minute, appraising my appearance.

"Hmm. Need one more thing, faggot, to complete the picture." With that, he reached out with his left hand and let it slide against my stiffening cock. I couldn't help but moan in pleasure and tried to press my crotch into his caressing hand. To my surprise, Mike let me do it. I kind of humped his hand a bit and he stroked my cock through the grey cotton of my shorts. I didn't have any jock, boxers or other underwear on and didn't catch on to the set up Mike was performing. After about two minutes, Mike pulled his hand away, and I stifled my groan of disappointment. Mike looked at me, and the wicked grin reappeared on his face. "Now that's perfect!"

I was confused until I looked down. There was a spot about the size of a quarter, dark grey with the precum he had milked out of my cock.

"We're ready to let you take me to dinner now, faggot."

"No, please, Sir. Let me change and put on some clean shorts! Please!" I knew it was hopeless, but I had to try. Mike just laughed.

"No fucking way faggot. You look just the way I want you to look. Now grab your wallet and let's go!"

I got my money and my keys and we left the dorm. I locked the door behind us, trying to will my cock back to softness. The activity allowed me to get my cock to about half mast by the time we had walked down the few steps and out the dorm entrance. There were four guys sitting on the wall across the street from my dorm. They were all talking and thankfully not looking our way. The diner was down the street to the left. As I pointed the way to Mike, one of the guys across the street glanced over at us. I saw a look of surprise, then amusement on his face. He nudged the guys next to him with his elbow and when the guy looked he nodded to us. I could imagine the scene all too well. A highschool kid, tall, blond and good looking, in jeans and a button down shirt accompanied by a college guy only half dressed in a torn t-shirt, ripped up the middle, grey work out shorts with a large dark, wet spot on them at the end of the outline of my semi-hard cock and bare legs down to my sandals. The first guy said something to the second which I couldn't hear because of some passing traffic, but they both laughed.

Even though I was humiliated, standing there with precum spotted shorts and most of my abs and chest exposed, I found myself checking out the two guys who were looking at me. The first guy who had noticed me was not much to speak of. It didn't look like he worked out, but had a cute face. His buddy, though, was clearly a jock and my mind stuck on what he might look like without the shorts and t-shirt he was wearing. God, I thought! What had happened to me. Now I was looking at every guy I saw like I would look at and rate chicks. I dropped my eyes to the pavement and followed my young master down to the corner. We crossed the street and walked up to the door of the restaurant. Mike stood in front and waited pointedly. I moved forward to open the door for him and held it as he entered. As I followed him inside, I glanced back up the road and all four guys were watching me. I couldn't imagine what they made of the display they had just seen.

Mike led me to a booth toward the back of the diner and sat facing the door and the main part of the restaurant, so that my back was to everyone. There were two booths past us, but they were unoccupied. I relaxed a little as I slid into the booth, grateful for a bit of cover. Mike grabbed a menu and I did the same. A few minutes later, a waitress came up to take our order. While the spot on my crotch and my semi-erect cock were now relatively hidden, she took a good look at my shoulders and chest and started to flirt with me a bit. Mike just looked amused. He took charge and started to order.

"I'll have a burger, well done with everything, some fries, a side of onion rings and a Budweiser. My friend here will have a hot dog, make it a foot long, an order of fries and a Budweiser too." The waitress gave Mike a look, obviously considering his age, since the drinking age was 18. But then she looked back to me and gave me a big smile.

"I'll be right back with your drinks, guys," she grinned and me and leaned in close to get my menu.

Mike watched her as she walked away. "Knew I would be able to get a beer when I saw her checking you out. You are proving more useful than I thought. She thinks you are hot, faggot. If only she knew that you like to get cock even more than she does....wonder what she would say?" I suddenly sat bolt upright in my seat as I felt Mike's foot push into my crotch. I looked at him in alarm to see that wicked smirk on his face again. His foot pressed against my cock a few times getting me completely stiff again and making me break out into a sweat. Seeing that, he dropped his foot. A minute or two later, the waitress returned with our beers. She set Mike's on the table, but handed mine to me.

"Here, honey, you better take a drink. You are looking pretty warm." I managed to thank her and she smiled at me before walking away. Mike was chuckling.

"You were looking more than warm, pussyboy." He took a swig of beer. "Ahh, this is good. I like a nice cold beer with a good meal before a major workout." He took another swig, and so did I. "And this is gonna be the biggest workout you've ever experienced, bitch."

A few minutes later, our food arrived. The waitress tried to flirt with me some more, but I was too distracted by the young stud sitting across for me to appreciate it. I couldn't believe that I was letting a kid almost two years younger than me dominate me in such a public fashion. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed Mike's foot play, but there weren't many people in the restaurant at that time. I watched as Mike dug into his food, admiring even the muscles in his jaws as they worked to chew his food. God! I just couldn't get enough of this sexy young stud. My cock was so hard in my shorts that I was squirming on the seat trying to find a comfortable position. Mike watched me with an amused look on his face.

"Why don't you start on that footlong, boy? You need to get some practice with long pieces of meat before we get back to Doug's room." I blushed again, making Mike laugh loud enough for the waitress to look over at us. He lowered his voice. "So, Doug tells me you can take every inch he's got down your throat. That true?"

I almost choked, but looking at him, saw he was serious. I nodded yes, since my mouth was full of food.

"Well, Doug's big, but I got him beat. I am gonna enjoy getting every inch of my cock down your throat. And believe me, you will take it, every fucking inch! Man, I can't wait to use those sweet lips of yours. I've had a lot of guys swing on my cock, but they've all been my own age. It's gonna be sweet to make you take my dick. Big college stud. Big jock. Big man on campus. Gonna be just my toy to play with tonight." I continued to eat, not having a clue what I should say. My cock was fit to burst though and when I wiped my mouth with my napkin, I discreetly ripped a piece off and slid it into my shorts to the head of my cock. I had to use something to soak up the precum I was leaking just from this boy's nasty talk. Fortunately, Mike was busy finishing his beer and didn't see me do it.

He ordered us another round of beers, which the waitress was happy to bring. She let her hand slide against mine when she handed me the cold bottle. Mike watched with interest. When she left again, he said, "She's hot for you, no doubt. But a fag like you doesn't need pussy. You got your own. And I am gonna own it tonight," Mike stared straight into my eyes. "In ways you've never imagined.

By now, I had finished my meal and my beers and Mike quickly polished off the last of his brew. He set down his bottle and signaled the girl to bring the check. She brought it over and perched on the edge of the table, close to me.

"How was everything?" she asked.

"He liked the long dog, honey," Mike said, "but I think he would have preferred it if it had been juicier." The girl gave me, then Mike a strange look. "Pay the bill, Clay," Mike ordered. I pulled out enough money for the bill and a tip. The girl took it and left, still looking confused about Mike's comment. As she walked away, Mike reached across the table, grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled forward. "Now it's time for me to put you through your paces, pussyboy. Let's get outta here."

I used my napkin to hide my bulging crotch all the way to the door where Mike noticed it. He knocked it out of my hand as we left the building. "Don't do shit like that, boy, or you're gonna piss me off. You won't like me if I'm pissed off. Got it?"

"Yes sir." I replied meekly. Mike had intimidated me as effectively as Doug or Lyle had done.

The guys were no longer on the wall as we walked back to Doug's room, but I felt like every person in every car that went by was staring at my barely clad body and stiff cock. I led Mike into the dorm entrance and we ran into a buddy of mine who lived on the floor above me. He stopped to say hi and I introduced him to Mike. They shook hands and I watched as the two studs chatted for a minute. Then Mason turned to say goodbye to me and caught a better look at me.

"I think you need to find yourself a chick, pretty quickly buddy. Your showin' a bunch." Mason nodded to my crotch.

"He needs more than some time with a chick, dude. Come on Clay, get in here." It was obviously a command and Mason gave me a strange look as I obeyed and followed the young stud into my dorm room. I knew that Mason knew something strange was happening. Mike shut the door and turned to me. Mike led me back through the bathroom to Doug's rooms. "You were covering your crotch on the way out, faggot. I didn't like that. Now, I've seen your chest and abs and you've got a nice build on you. Let's see the rest. Strip, faggot!" As I pulled off the t-shirt, Mike took off his own shirt. Then I kicked off my sandals and shucked off my shorts. The piece of napkin that I had used to soak up the juice leaking from my cock fell to the floor. I saw Mike face darken.

"Who told you to put that there, bitch?" he demanded.


"Shut your mouth faggot. You are taking too many liberties. I own your ass, you understand that? I fucking own it! Obviously you haven't quite figured that out yet." Mike sat down on the desk chair again. "Get your ass over here. NOW!"

I padded over to him on bare feet, my cock hard and jutting up in front of me, until I was standing in front of him. I wasn't sure what he had in mind. He made his intentions clear immediately. Grabbing my arm he pulled me to one side of him and the chair. He stretched up and grabbed my hair, then pulled me downwards until I was sprawled across his lap, my ass in the air and exposed.

"No way," I thought. "There is no way on Earth I am gonna let some punk kid whip my ass! I struggled to get up, but Mike firmly grabbed my balls and squeezed. I froze in place. Mike wasn't squeezing hard enough to cause me serious pain, but he now had my utter and complete attention, and of course my total submission. He gave another quick squeeze.

"You gonna behave and take what I have to dish out, faggot? It'll be easier on you if you do."

"Yes, Sir. I will behave, Sir." God I couldn't believe what I was saying, but the kid had me, literally, by the balls. Then he moved his leg a bit and the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. My cock had gone from semi-hard to a full blown raging hardon when he had bent me over his knees. Fuck, I actually wanted this. I wanted this highschool jock to whip my ass! Mike grabbed the back of my neck firmly, holding me in place. I felt him release my balls and it was only about two seconds before the first slap hit my ass. I yelped with an exclamation of pain and surprise. I thought I would die! Not from the pain, but from the humiliation of getting put over the knee of a sixteen year old and getting my ass whupped by him and from the knowledge that I was getting off on it! The next smack landed with a loud crack and Mike spread his legs a bit to capture my hard cock between them. The rough denim scratched at my dick as Mike landed blow after blow on my ass, keeping it up until I was begging him to stop. The friction on my cock was driving me crazy and the stinging pain of his spanking me was radiating all the way up my spine. Finally, it seemed Mike had released enough aggression on my ass and he stopped.

"That's better. I like a pussyboy's ass nice and red before I fuck it. You want me to fuck your ass, boy? You want me to put you on the bed and shove my big dick up inside you? Huh? Tell me what you want!"

Tears were streaming down my cheeks from the humiliation more than the pain as I said, "I want you to fuck me, Sir. I want you to shove your cock into me and fuck my pussy, Sir." God, I had said it, said it to a sixteen year old kid! Mike pushed me off his lap onto the floor. I landed on my side and rolled onto my back. Unsure what to do, I just lay there, watching him as he stood and unbuttoned his jeans. Mike kicked off his shoes and then slid out of his jeans. He had on boxers which were tented up by his hardening cock. I was surprised, after five minutes of beating my ass, the kid still wasn't fully hard! My own cock was leaking onto my abs from the turn on that Mike had given me. As I lay there, the cold hard tile soothing my ass and hurting my shoulders, Mike removed the last of his clothes. His cock sprang out, now fully erect and I knew how he had made guys into "locker room sluts" as he had called them. Hell, if I had been in highschool with him I probably would have found myself on my knees with that rod in my mouth.

It was longer than Keith's, who had the longest cock I had seen to date. It was also thicker than any other guy's I had seen. Actually, my own cock was pretty thick, probably thicker than Doug's and definitely thicker than Johnny's. But Mike seemed to be in a league of his own. I started to rise, but Mike lifted his foot, placed it firmly on my chest and pushed me back onto the floor. I watched as he grabbed his cock with his right hand and stroked it. My guess was that it was over ten inches. Mike saw my stare and said proudly "Ten and three quarter inches long and more than seven around at the thickest point, which is right about here." He grabbed a place about an inch or so from the very base of his horse cock. "Most guys squeal like babies when I get to that point inside them. But if Doug says you are as well trained as you are, you should be able to take it easy."

I was shocked. Sure, Doug had trained me to take cock and taught me to love it, but I hadn't taken anything this size. The closest was Keith's cock and that had only been in my mouth. My ass had never had anything that size. I wasn't sure about the circumference of the butt plug that Doug had used on me, but was sure that it wasn't the size or thickness of Mike's tool. I lay there, with his foot pinning me to the floor feeling like I was in some gladiator movie where I had just been conquered. I know that was the intent Mike was trying to convey. He was establishing himself as the dominant male, though in my mind he had already done so quite effectively.

"So, boy, you ready to slobber all over my big dick? I plan to shove it own your throat, so you better to be ready for that too." He took his foot off my chest. " Get up and in on the bed, faggot!" I obeyed and climbed onto the bed, laying on my back. Mike wasted no time climbing on top of me and aiming his weapon at my face. I didn't know how I was going to take such length, but looking up at the hot young stud, all I wanted to do was make him feel good, no matter how much it degraded or humiliated me to do so. Hell my ass still stung from being spanked by the kid. Sucking his cock was a step up from that humiliation. Mike moved closer, rubbing his cock across my cheeks and all over my face. Then he pulled away for a second and closed his eyes. His cock seemed to wilt a bit, but he thrust his hips forward and the head slipped between my lips. I started to lick and suck at the big head but he ordered me to be still.

I looked up along his tight body to see him still with his eyes closed. He seemed to be relaxing a bit and as I watched his eyes opened. He looked down at me and grabbed my head with both hands, holding tight. Then came the first spurt. I almost gagged. I had never expected this! The kid was pissing in my mouth! I struggled a bit, but my head was pressed back into the pillows of Doug's bed and Mike's grip was like a vise. Then he spoke.

"You spill a drop of my piss boy, and that little ass whupping you got will seem like a nice pat on the butt. And think what Doug will do if you get piss on his bed. Now drink it!" I had no other option and as he let the stream grow, I began to gulp it down. My face was red with shame and humiliation. Not only had the younger kid beat my ass like I was a baby, he was pissing in my mouth! I tried to concentrate on something else, but Mike kept talking.

"Just think, you cocksucker. You are getting to drink the beer that you bought me after all." He laughed. "It's just been through a fine filter first." I was drinking it down more easily now, just ignoring the taste and gulping as fast as I could. "That's right, pissboy. Swallow it all down. You need to learn that if it comes out of my cock, you are to worship it. I figured Doug hadn't made you drink his piss. He isn't much into it, but I know what you fucking cocksluts need. Ahhhh, fuck yeah. I am just about dry, fagboy. See, you take to it like a natural." I was obediently and even willingly swallowing his hot piss. "Shit! You are as good at this as I am sure you are at sucking dick. Ahh, one more squirt! That's it. Now, get that mouth moving, cocksucker. It is time for you to work out that load of cum from my balls that you know you want." He leaned back a bit and grabbed my cock, which as always, betrayed me, being hard as a rock as I drank this boy's piss. "See faggot? Hard cock while you drank my piss. You know you love it."

I couldn't think of anything that could be more humiliating, but I obediently went to work, slowly working my way further and further down the length of his cock. At about seven inches I began to choke and gag, but Mike just pushed harder, forcing the thick head of his dick into my throat and then down deeper and deeper. The angle to take such a long cock wasn't the best, but Mike didn't care about that. He planned to get every inch into my throat and nothing I could do would stop him. Actually, I was bigger than him in a physical sense and certainly stronger, having two years growth on him, but he had mastered me mentally just like his brother had done. Even though I could overpower him physically and force him out of my mouth, I knew I wouldn't do it. I would submit to this invasion and deep inside something in me admitted that I wanted to taste the boy's cum. I wanted to feel it spurting into my mouth and hear and feel him get that ultimate pleasurable release. And, more importantly, know that I was the one who had provided it.

I began to use my tongue on the head when he pulled his hips back, lapping at it and teasing it the way Doug liked me to do it. When he sank the shaft in, with a quick thrust of his hips, I clamped my lips tight onto his cock shaft, milking it hard. I was totally into it now. I wanted to make this young stud cum. My throat was full and I was gasping for air in between his thrusts. He just fucked harder. My eyes were watering from the assault and I felt like I was going to pass out, then Mike pulled back to let the head rest on my tongue and I sucked in a few deep breaths of air. "No passing out, bitch. At least, not until I blow my wad down your throat."

He began to fuck again. He was using my mouth like some pussy, hammering his cock in and out. I managed to keep my teeth covered, not wanting to face what might happen if I scraped his cock. I also tilted my head a bit upwards. This not only let me look at more than just the hair of his crotch, it gave a slightly better angle for his thrusts. Mike was quick to take advantage of it. Moaning steadily, he pumped and pumped and pumped. My whole face seemed numb from the battering it was taking, but as I looked up at him, Mike had his eyes closed in contentment. His hips seemed to be on automatic. This continued for another four or five minutes until I noticed a change in his breathing. The rate had been steadily increasing, but now he was gasping. I knew he was going to cum.

Mike let loose with a wild shout of pleasure that I was sure could be heard even through the thick walls of the dorm. "Take my cum you fucking cocksucker!" he screamed. I felt his cock, which he jammed completely into my throat, pulsing and knew his seed was being pumped into me. After what I guessed to be four or five spurts, he slowly pulled back his cock until the head was in my mouth. I looked down the length of his shaft, covered in my spit and some of his pearly white sperm and took three more blasts onto my tongue. "Jesus," I thought, "the kid tastes even better than his brother!"

I greedily added more suction and used my tongue to lick at the slit where cum was still emerging. A smack to the side of my head stopped me. "Goddammit! My cockhead gets sensitive after I cum, you dumb piece of shit! Stop using your tongue!" I immediately stopped moving and let him soak his cock in my mouth as a few more drops dribbled out of the head. I carefully swallowed them, after looking up and getting his nod of approval. He grinned as he watched the muscles of my neck and throat work to take the last of his load to my stomach.

"Gave you a good load there, cocksucker. You should thank me." He pulled his cock from my mouth and stared down at me, obviously waiting.

"Thank you for cumming in my mouth, Sir." The size of his grin grew even larger. I looked up at him with new respect. He had dominated me in ways I hadn't even imagined, just as he had promised, as I had actually enjoyed it. I wanted nothing more than to grab my cock and jack off with his cock still in my face, or better yet, back in my mouth. I still had the taste of his cum lingering, but knew better than to reach for my cock. To my delight, he ordered me to clean up his cock and I used one hand to hold it, so that I could lick the remains of his semen from the shaft and the carefully from the head. When I had him cleaned up, Mike climbed off the bed and looked at me critically.

"You've got a nice body, boy. Nice and fuckable. That round in your mouth was just for starters. Now I will last a lot longer in your tight little hole. Watching you drink my piss had me hot enough to want to blow a quick load. I still can't believe you fucking pussyboys will drink a guy's piss! You fucking sick faggots just can't get enough of real men. My slut back at school is the same way. Oh, he struggled a bit at first, but the next day he was fucking asking me for it." He sneered down at me. "Now, I am gonna take your hot little hole, but I want you trussed up for it. Doug told me you dig getting tied up, so go get me some stuff to do it with. Right now!"

Mike sat back on the bed and watched me as I got up. My face felt hot and I knew it had to be red from the abuse my mouth had just taken. I started to reach for my shorts, but a command barked at me stopped me. I was to go to my room, naked, and bring back restraints. No longer resisting and even feeling kind of turned on by the thought, I made my way through the bathroom to my rooms. As I rummaged in my closet, I saw a piece of paper on Seth's bed. It was a note. He was spending the night at his girlfriend's place. I was kind of relieved, though I had thought that maybe his presence would be a calming factor with Mike. Now that was out of the question. I found two ties and a long length of rope that was stashed with my camping gear. I grabbed it all and snuck back through the bathroom to Mike.

He was still sitting on the bed, relaxed and stroking his fully erect cock. "Where's your roomie? Doug says he likes to play and that he is a real man."

"He left a note, Sir, that he was spending the night at his girlfriend's."

"Poor cocksucker. I can tell you are disappointed. I bet you wanted to get it at both ends at once from us tonight. Well, don't worry. I am more than you will be able to handle. Now, give me that shit."

I handed him the ties and the rope and he examined them. He tossed the ties away, then rose, went to Doug's desk and cut the rope into four pieces. He turned to me.

"These will do just fine." The tone of his voice had changed and gave me a chill again, though the sexual tension and excitement in my body overrode any concerns. I wanted this young man. Hell, he may have only been a high school punk, but he had proved his manliness in more ways than one. I had a load of not only his hot cum in my stomach, but his piss as well. Remembering that made my cock stand up and throb even more.

"Shit," I thought, "what were these guys making me into?" I knew the answer, of course, but still found it hard to admit it, even just in my own mind.

"Get on the bed, on your back, faggot. It's time that you got a good feel of what it is like to get plowed by Mike's big dick." He grabbed his cock and stroked it again. Desire for it and for him welled up in me. I simply obeyed, getting onto the bed.

Mike walked over and leaned over me, his hard cock brushing my chest and making me shudder with desire. He took hold of my right wrist and quickly and efficiently tied it to the bed rail. As he tied my left wrist, I got the impression that he had done this more than once. With my arms effectively immobilized, he began to play with my body. First he ran his fingers over my face, feeling my cheeks and my lips, then sliding first one, then two fingers into my mouth. I took them and sucked at them like the good little faggot he wanted me to be. Then both his hands moved to my throat. He clamped them there tightly. It wasn't enough to cut off my air or hurt me, but the feeling of his power over me tripled in that instant. Our eyes met and I knew that he did, in fact, own me at that point. And I realized that I was enjoying his ownership.

Looking into his eyes I saw Mike measuring me, taking an inventory of his toy. His hands traveled to my chest and I heard him mumble a comment about my muscles looking good. My chest swelled a little hearing that, and Mike took that opportunity to grab my nipples and squeeze, hard. I winced in pain as he began to twist them too. Soon, they were both hard and Mike released them, only to flick them again and again with his middle fingers, driving me crazy.

By now I was writhing on the bed, but unable to free my wrists. I was just going to have to take whatever he dished out. Finally, to my immense relief, his hands moved further down my body, pulling at the hairs on my chest and that grew in a line from my navel down to my crotch. At first he just pulled, but then he grabbed individual ones and plucked them out of my skin. The little nips of pain weren't really enough to cause me real discomfort, but the humiliation of having this kid actually pulling hairs out of my body was totally degrading.

I looked at Mike's face again and saw how much he was enjoying his treatment of me. Still, my cock remained hard and leaking precum. I couldn't very well tell him that I wasn't enjoying what he was doing, but decided I had nothing to lose.

"Hey, Sir. Enough of that." I said, trying to add some authority to my voice. Mike just laughed and grabbed another hair. Slowly, almost agonizingly, he pulled at it, harder and harder, until it finally broke free. I looked at him with resignation, admitting defeat. Apparently, that was what he had been waiting to see. He grinned at me again.

"Now it's time to fuck that tight little hole of yours, pussyboy. I know that Doug has stretched it out, and I guess Johnny has too. Doug even said you had let some other guys have a crack at it, but you've never had anything like I am about to put to you, faggot. I am gonna ream you out like the pussy you are." He grabbed his huge cock and massaged it, milking some precum onto the head.

"Get ready to open up wide for a real man, pussyboy!" he ordered. I spread my legs on the bed for him.

I had to admit that the kid was very good looking. His body was well proportioned. A bit on the thin side, but kind of lanky and lean. His muscles were pretty well defined and I could tell he had spent time with weights or involved in some high school sport. I was almost ashamed of myself for liking his appearance so much, but as he grabbed my cock again, I surrendered to my desires. I wanted to feel this kid mount me, just like his big brother had done and fuck me into submission. I knew with a cock his size, it would be easy for him to do it. I briefly wondered about the pussyboys he had mentioned earlier, especially that 'Rob' he had talked about. Trying to imagine taking that cock in highschool, and being a slave to it until graduation both excited me and scared me. Obviously, there was at least one guy that was taking it regularly. I watched Mike as he moved again onto the bed. He used his knees to spread my legs even wider, getting me ready for the ultimate in submission. I was actually going to have a highschool punk fuck me up the ass! I had no way of stopping him and realized that even taking into account his size, I wanted what was going to happen.

Mike lifted my legs from behind my knees and put them on his shoulders. This was a position with which I was familiar from many times with his older brother. I felt the head of his cock poking at my ass.

"Feels like you've got a tight hole, college-man," he said derisively. "But with a dick my size, all the holes are tight. You're about to get a real treat! Doug says you've got a girlfriend. Wonder what she would say if she saw you right now?" Saying that, he began to shove forward.

Just the head of his cock felt like some guy's arm. I felt it stretching my hole, wider and wider, until I cried out in pain, then it suddenly popped in, my tight ass clenching behind the flared head. Mike let out a moan of appreciation and pleasure. Without any warning, he immediately rammed all of the remaining length of his cock into me. Inch after inch sank into me getting wider and wider. I thought I would pass out and my wail of pain could certainly be heard beyond the confines of the dorm room. Then the widest part of his cock slid into me and my hole clamped onto the base of his cock. Mike held himself deeply inside me as my guts tried to accommodate his invading cock. My eyes were watering from the penetration and as I looked up at Mike, he laughed.

"No need to cry, collegeboy. You've got it all in you. Nice and quick. How'd you like it?"

I couldn't even answer. My breath had been forced out with his thrust. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me with his heartbeat. I managed to let out a groan of pain, stuffed so full I thought the head of his cock was lodged in my throat again, but from the other end. Mike watched my face closely and began to move his hips in small circles. This caused his cock to poke into me at different angles. I moaned this time, my ass beginning to get used to Mike's invading monster. He must have seen the change in my eyes or in the look on my face because he grinned at me.

"Yeah, you like my big prick poking you, dontcha boyo? My big fuckstick making your tight little pussy stretch out wide. Fuck yeah, boy, you are hot and tight. Just the way I like 'em. And I got these to play with while I fuck." He grabbed my nipples again, which were still hard as rocks. As he squeezed them both, he began to pull his cock back out of me. Involuntarily, I let out a sound of protest. Mike laughed again and stopped his hips.

"You fucking whore! You don't want me to pull it out, do you? Do you!?"

"Ohh, god, no sir. Please. Leave it in me." The fullness of him inside me felt incredible, but Mike was not about to be denied his fuck. Still laughing, he yanked his cock backwards, my ass stretching at his widest point, then tightly milking his shaft down to his flared cockhead. He stopped with just the head in me, looked into my eyes and sank back into me. I moaned again in pleasure.

That was all Mike needed. He began to stroke his cock in and out, using small jabs, pulling out maybe two or three inches before ramming them back inside me. He worked the whole length of his cock this way. First I had all his length in me, jabbing with small strokes, then just the head and a few inches, then somewhere in the middle. I was lost in the feel of it all and the look of satisfaction and pleasure on his handsome face. The jabbing fuck continued for at least five minutes before Mike pulled the entire shaft out of me and sent it back in with a long stroke. He did it again, making me moan. My arms pulled at the bindings, trying to break free and reach my cock. I wanted nothing more than to stroke my dick and shoot my load with this boy's dick up inside me.

Little did I know that was exactly what Mike wanted too. Long dicking me, he let one hand slide down from my chest, feeling the muscles of my abs. Then, as he thrust into me again, he grabbed my cock. I let out a gasp of pleasure as Mike squeezed my dick, forcing precum from the head. I looked up into his eyes again.

"Feels good, doesn't it, faggot? You like me playing with your stick while I pump your pussy. I can tell. Well we got a long way to go boy. A long way." I was too lost in the pleasure to really listen to what he was saying. Mike pulled his cock out of me completely.

"You want it back in?" he asked, stroking my cock slightly. I nodded. "Then say it, bitch. Tell me what you want!"

"I want your cock back in me Sir! Please fuck my ass Sir!" I had said it and I meant it. I was so turned on by his fucking and his playing with my own cock, I would have said anything.

Mike forced his dick back into me. His left hand continued to play with my nipples, alternating his attention between them and keeping them hard. His right hand began to stroke my cock in earnest now. I knew it wouldn't be long before I blew. I was moaning loudly now and Mike was chuckling at me. His cock stroked in deep, then pulled out completely, then stroked in deep again. With each thrust, he pulled completely out of me. My hole was so sore, but I was in complete heaven at that point.

"Shoot it for me, boy. Shoot your wad for you Master. Come on faggot! Shoot your damn cum!" His hand seemed like a blur on my cock, milking it faster and faster.

"Oh! OH! OH SHIT!" I cried out as I came, shooting the first spurt up onto my right cheek. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" I nearly screamed, as Mike's hand and cock worked their magic. My orgasm seemed to last forever as Mike pounded into me and pounded my cock. Four, five, then six more spurts shot onto my chest and abs. My whole body was tensed and my hole had clamped down hard on Mike's cock which continued to plow into me mercilessly. Mike's whole body bucking. "Ahhhhh." I moaned again, spent.

But Mike kept pounding. I looked up to see the wicked grin back on his face. The sexual tension had drained from my body. Mike had worn me out, but he wasn't finished. He kept fucking into my sore ass, pulling his cock completely free and stabbing back inside. I couldn't take it anymore. He was just too big!

"Please Mike. Stop. Please. I can't take it anymore."

Mike didn't stop and my arms pulled again at the restraints. My ass felt like it was being reamed out with a wire brush from the friction of Mike's huge meat. I let out a whimper of pain, which seemed to excite Mike even more.

"You think just because you shot your wad that I have to stop? You are crazy, faggot. I told you, we have a long way to go." He thrust in again forcing a groan out of me. I couldn't take any more! Mike continued to fuck, taking his pleasure in my distress. Then, he reached for my nipples again. Under his skilled fingers, they began to harden once again. They hurt as the blood flowed into them, but they responded, starting a reaction deep in my mind and body. Mike scooped up some of the cum from my cheek and forced his finger into my mouth. The taste of my own cum added to it. Unbelievably, my cock was starting to harden again! Mike played my entire body like an instrument, his cock never completely stopping. Though he changed his style of fucking to jabs, long strokes, circular motions and everything in between, his cock never stopped.

Suddenly, his right hand found my cock again, and my body completely responded to him. My moan this time was one of pleasure. I looked back up at Mike to see him staring intently into my eyes. He seemed to fuck me with his eyes just as he fucked me with his cock. Mike fed me more of my own cum. His hand squeezed my cock and he shoved completely into me again. He held himself there.

"Do you really want me to stop, faggot? Really?"

He had me and he knew it. My cock was throbbing hard in his hand and I wanted to cum again. "No," I admitted. "Don't stop." His grin was one of triumph and he hauled his cock back out of me. The pain was there still, but I was now hyped up again, desire filling me. Mike's cock reamed me out, making me gasp as he fucked me even harder than he had before. The entire bed shook with the force of his thrusts. Once again he milked my dick. He timed his rapid thrusts to the movement of his hand. I was lost in a mix of pleasure and pain in my ass and guts and pure pleasure from my cock and nipples.

I could feel my cum boiling in my balls again. I was going to explode again soon. I looked up at Mike's face. Sweat was beaded on his forehead and dripping off his nose. He moved his face over mine and let it drip into my mouth. The salty taste of this young buck was too much and with another loud moan, my cock blew for the second time. Four large spurts of cum shot onto my abs, much more weakly than my first orgasm, but still a large load. I knew the muscles of my ass were really milking Mike's cock from the moans and hisses of pleasure which came from his clenched teeth. But, for the second time, my sexual energy was spent and the fucking of Mike's large tool was like torture.

"Oh, god. Please, Mike, Sir. Please, I can't take it anymore. Oh, shit!" That seemed to be what he wanted to hear and I realized that he was straining not to cum, to force me to beg him to stop before he ever would. Every muscle in his neck and chest was standing out with tension. "Please Sir! Please, your fucking is too much! Oh my god! Please stop!"

With a bellow of pleasure and dominance, Mike let his load free. His cock continued to pound into me as he came, filling me with his hot cum. The friction eased a bit as his load lubed his cock, but still I was begging for him to stop. Mike's eyes locked onto mine and the wicked grin played across his lips. The pleasure of his orgasm was plain on his face, but so was the pleasure of his domination of me. I let out a grunt with each thrust. Mike continued in motion until my ass had milked every drop of his cum out of his long cock, driving me nearly crazy. Mike was breathing hard, almost panting with the effort he had put into his fuck and his punishment of my ass.

Finally, Mike thrust completely inside me and stopped moving. While still full, this was heaven compared to the friction of his huge cock. I moaned in mingled pleasure and pain. Sweat continued to drip onto me, mixing with my own cum. Mike lowered himself, allowing my legs to slide off his shoulders and down his sides. I licked at his sweaty throat as his cock softened inside me, enjoying the salty taste of his skin. After two or three minutes, Mike slowly pulled his cock out of me, staring into my eyes as he did so. I struggled to keep my face calm, but a twitch as he pulled completely free gave me away.

"Sore, faggot? You took it pretty well. Course you've had some training from my big bro. First time I did that to my fag at school, he passed out." Mike chuckled. "This is gonna be a great weekend. Mike raised up and let my legs drop to the bed on either side of him. Still on his knees he crawled up the bed over me and forced his cock into my mouth, making me suck and lick it until it was clean.

** Author's note: Thanks to all who sent emails. They are greatly appreciated and have been what has kept the story going past where I had planned to end it. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated. I had intended to write about the entire weekend with Mike in one chapter, but it will be easier to break up that time period. The first night with Mike has not even ended and Doug and Johnny returned shortly after this point. Please let me know if you'd like me to continue.**

Next: Chapter 10

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