Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Apr 30, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Part 8


The day was hot and the sun was bright when I finally got out of my physics class. I had the rest of the day free and headed back to the dorm. It was Friday but still early afternoon. I had the rest of the day and all of the weekend in front of me. I crossed the street, only a half block away from my dorm entry when I saw him. Just the lithe physique was enough to get my cock stirring in my shorts. The blond hair gleamed in the sunlight and the light played across Doug's bare chest. He was tossing a football with Johnny, his latino roommate, in the courtyard next to my dorm entry. As I approached, Doug caught the football and held onto it. He was staring at me. Johnny, with his back to me, watched Doug for a second before turning around to see what his buddy was looking at. When he saw me walking up, a wide grin of bright white teeth split his dark complected face. I knew somewhere deep inside me, that the two of them were making plans for using me for some entertainment. As I got closer, Doug called out to me.

"Hey, Clay. What's up? Finished with class today?"

"Yeah I just got done," I replied.

"Good," Johnny said. "Doug and I have been waiting for you. Why don't you drop your books in your room and come on over to ours." All of this had been said in the presence of eight or ten other guys, who were either sitting on the wall talking or passing a frisbee around the courtyard. None of them seemed to think there was anything out of the ordinary and there was really no reason for them to, but I knew that Doug and Johnny had more in mind than just a friendly social visit and felt myself blushing.

"Sure thing, guys. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Make it two," Doug demanded. It was a show of his domination in front of the rest of the guys. Though they didn't know the subtler meaning that Doug's words carried, I certainly did. I quickly agreed with Doug, admiring as I always did his smooth, muscled chest, tapering down to his trim waist, the form of it making me even hornier than before as I made my way to my dorm room. Seth was still in class, so I just dumped my books on the bed and made a quick decision about what I should wear over to the two jocks' dorm room. I kicked off my tennis shoes and socks, switched from my khaki shorts to a pair of workout shorts and pulled on a tight fitting white t-shirt. I knew that Doug liked for me to show my own development when we got involved in our games.

I realized then, in my mind, that I no longer thought of them as games. What I did for Doug was much more involved. I was going to his dorm room to be his sex toy. Hell, even his fucking slave! But just the thought of that made my cock painfully hard in my shorts. Despite the humiliation and embarrassment I would have to endure, I wanted what was about to happen to happen. As I thought about it more, I realized that it was the humiliation, the submission, even the embarrassment in addition to the sexy bodies of the two hot studs that made me so horny. The last few weeks, other than giving Seth a few blow jobs had been pretty much devoid of any male to male encounters. I had spent one afternoon at Lyle's room pinned to his bed with his cock pounding me, but since Doug had found himself a new girlfriend he had pretty much ignored me.

Now, that was apparently about to change. The fact that I had also found a chick to fuck was also forgotten. I had been dating her for nearly two weeks, but admitted to myself that if Doug wanted me to play with, I would dump the chick to serve this teenage blond god.

I opened the door to the bathroom which connected my dorm room to Doug and Johnny's and knocked on their door. Doug answered and my mouth watered to see him stripped down to a pair of Calvin Klein underwear. The ripped muscles of his abs, the firm mounds of his pecs and the strong muscles which defined his arms all contributed to his dominating appearance. He was a male muscle adonis, golden and smooth and obviously horny. The thing was, I was at least as well developed as Doug. We stood roughly the same height, but to me, he was most definitely a god standing there in the flesh. The sound of his voice was enough to make me want to drop to my knees. I don't know what it was about the young buck that caused me to react in such a submissive fashion, but Doug clearly knew his effect on me and used it to his advantage whenever he felt like it. I knew it had to do with our initial encounters when he had established himself as the dominant person in our sexual activities, but there was something more. Something about his looks and his attitude just seemed to push all the right buttons in my mind and body.

"Get that tight ass in here, boy!" he ordered. I was quick to obey, moving past him into the bedroom portion of their dorm room. I found my hands wanting to reach out and stroke his beautiful body, but knew better than to make such a move without his permission. He ordered me to strip and stand between his bed and Johnny's. Johnny was sitting on his own bed, propped up with some pillows, bare chested. The sight of his beautiful brown skin also had me aroused. I shed my clothes, letting them drop onto the floor in a pile and stood there, my cock snapping to attention in front of me.

"Shit, John, look at that. The faggot is already on the rise and just from being allowed in our room." Both Johnny and Doug laughed at me. I felt my face redden, but my cock, if anything, got even harder. Both young men knew that I enjoyed their teasing and even much more in the way of degradation and humiliation. I watched as Doug stepped up to me, standing only a foot or so in front of me. I could smell the clean odor of his body, slightly sweaty from tossing to football in the sun, but to me, the smell of his sweat was like cologne. I inhaled deeply trying to get as much of his musk as I could. To my surprise Doug reached out and grabbed my cock, squeezing it. I let out a moan of pure pleasure. Doug rarely handled my dick, except for a few times when he jacked me off while fucking me.

My whole body tensed with the pleasure of his touch and my back snapped to attention. My eyes drank in the sight of his toned body, his handsome face and then traveled down from his large shoulder, across his bulging biceps to his forearm, where veins stood out. Then my eyes reached his hand which continued to squeeze my cock harder and harder.

"Look at me, faggot!" Doug ordered. I immediately obeyed and raised my eyes to meet his. Just looking into his green eyes was incredible. I could feel the power of his dominant personality stabbing into me from the look he gave me. "We are gonna get you warmed up this afternoon, pussyboy. I have a guest visiting this weekend and I want you to be ready for him. You are gonna treat him like you would me. Like he was your god, and your only reason for existence is to obey his every command and every whim. You understand that, bitch?"

"Yes Sir!" I replied. A smile broke out on Doug's face, giving me a feeling of gratefulness that I had pleased him.

"You've been fucking that chick of yours for the last couple weeks or so and I want to make sure you still know your place." he moved his face to just inches from mine. "You were put on this earth to serve and please real men. Men like me and Johnny and Seth and your other guy, Lyle. Johnny and I are gonna make sure you are reminded of your place before my guest gets here tonight. Understood, faggot?

"Yes Sir!" I replied again. Doug increased the pressure of his fist on my cock, until I let out a moan of pain mixed with pleasure.

I heard Johnny as he got up from the bed and stepped around in front of me. He too was wearing just a pair of white CK's which seemed to glow with a radiance in contrast to his darker skin. Looking between the two studs, I saw that Doug had gotten some sun on his face, shoulders and chest, making him even sexier. Doug released my cock, making me gasp again. Together, Doug and Johnny each reached out and put a hand on one of my shoulders. They pushed me down and I sank willingly to me knees at the feet of these two so very different yet incredibly sexy studs. My face was now at the level of their crotches, still concealed by the white cotton of their briefs.

"You know what to do cocksucker," Doug said. I did know what to do and reached out to grab the waist bands of both studs' briefs. I pulled them down, exposing Doug's extremely familiar cock and Johnny's beautiful piece of meat, which I knew, but not nearly as well. Johnny had spent a lot of time in my mouth, but not nearly to the extent Doug had. Plus, Doug's cock had been other places too. I would never in my life forget the day he had busted my cherry ass and fucked me until I loved it. Also, he would never let me forget that he owned my cherries, mouth and ass. For that matter, he was the first man I had rimmed, among many other things. I knew his body as well as I knew my own, maybe even better.

I pulled the briefs down to both of their ankles and both studs kicked them away. Now all three of us were naked, but I was the only one on my knees. I looked up and saw Doug throw his arm across Johnny's shoulders. The move was carefree and natural, just two buddies. It also had the effect of pulling their waists closer together so that both of their cocks were now aiming towards my mouth. The sight of both of the studs' hot cocks had me ready to open up and start servicing them both, but I knew to wait for permission from Doug or Johnny. I opened my mouth, but made no move forward. I knew Doug liked to make the moves. He liked to feel he was forcing my head where he wanted it.

"See, Johnny boy? I got the faggot well trained," Doug chuckled. I looked up at the two young men, admiring their chests, tight abs and trim waists, letting my eyes finally move up to their faces. Neither of them said a word, but just stared down at me, obviously waiting. I knew what they wanted, but tried to maintain a shred of dignity. It only lasted about a minute.

"Please, Sirs, may I suck your cocks. I want to taste them so badly. Please let me suck you!" I had done it. I had thrown away the last of my dignity and begged on my knees for these two college jock studs to let me suck them like some cheap whore, but I didn't care. I just wanted them to let me take their cocks in my mouth. Doug laughed and reached down to milk his cock, only inches from my face. I watched as a large drop of precum appeared on the head.

"Go ahead, you fucking worthless cocksucking faggot. Lick the jizz off my dickhead." That was all I needed. Actually now enjoying the fact that I was in the control of these two young bucks and ready and willing to service them in any sexual fashion they wanted, I leaned forward and licked the salty sweet cum from Doug's thick meat. Just the taste of him was enough to finish off any remaining inhibitions. I was now completely in their control. I moved forward to take Doug's cockhead between my lips, but he planted the heel of his palm on my forehead and held me back. I heard myself let out a whimper of frustration which made both teens laugh.

Johnny was stroking his cock now and after a minute a drop of precum appeared on the head of his cock too. I licked my lips unconsciously in anticipation, something that was not missed by either of the studs towering over me.

"Jesus, look at the faggot!" Doug said. "Licking his lips cause he wants your juice so much, Johnny. Think you ought to let him have it?"

"Fuck yeah, that's why I'm here. I want to see this big muscled guy sucking my juice straight outta my cock, dude!"

"Cool, then. Go for it, cocksucker," Doug told me. I leaned forward again and lapped up the salty drop from the head of Johnny's darker cock. I felt Johnny's hand gripping my hair, even though I kept it cut very short and pulling my mouth down the length of his cock. Having sucked him before, I was able to adjust my mouth, then my throat to his penetrating cock fairly quickly, though the few chocking noises I made obviously pleased them both. I heard Johnny let out a moan of pleasure as his cock disappeared down my throat and it was music to my ears. The guys let me bob up and down his length for a minute or two before Doug roughly pulled my head off Johnny's cock and shoved it onto his own.

I sucked my master's cock with every ounce of skill that I had, teasing the head with my tongue, lapping at the piss slit and milking the shaft with my lips. My reward was Doug's body twitching in appreciation and his sigh of pleasure. For a solid ten minutes I alternated between the two cocks, taking them deeply and tasting the juices of both teen studs as I did it. Somehow, my own body betrayed me and my right hand moved to my own cock. I didn't even realize that I had done it, but Doug saw it immediately. He yanked my head from his cock, a line of saliva stretching out between my lips and the head of his cock.

"Did I tell you to touch your cock?" he demanded. I immediately released my dick, but it was too late. "Fucking faggot," Doug said to Johnny, "just thinks he can do whatever he wants. Pisses me off!"

"Whatever, dude." Johnny replied. "I just wanna cum in his mouth. I love watching this guy who everybody thinks is such a stud swallowing my jizz and loving it. Do whatever you want."

Doug stepped to his closet and pulled out a tie. He moved behind me and roughly pulled my arms behind me, crossing my wrists. The tie wrapped around and secured my wrists behind me.

"Hey, dude," Johnny said, "I like the way that makes his chest stick out. Makes me wanna fill his mouth with my cum even more!"

"No problem there, buddy. Why don't you go ahead and get your nut."

"Alright!" Johnny grabbed my head and held it tightly between his hands. He used his hips to drive his cock between my lips and down my throat. He started to give me a rough mouth fuck, demanding me to cover my teeth when I accidently let them scrape his cock. I obeyed, my lips getting numb from the friction and my spit dribbling down my chin. I had closed my eyes at first, but now opened them, looking up Johnny's body, seeing the sweat forming. I moved my eyes up his body, admiring his chest and then reaching his face. He was staring down at me, his dark eyes staring straight into mine. I knew he liked to look me in the eye when he shot his load in m mouth and could tell he was getting close.

"You ready?" he panted, to Doug, not to me.

"Ready, pal!"

"Fuck yeah!!! I'm cumming in your mouth you fucking faggot!" I felt his cock expand and the first jet of cum shoot against the roof of my mouth. At the same time I saw an explosion of light and heard the whirring of a motor. Johnny let go with two more salvos of cum then abruptly pulled his cock from my mouth. The next burst splashed across my cheek, the bridge of my nose and onto my forehead. Another explosion of light appeared and the motor whirred again. I was so caught up in getting Johnny off that I didn't even realize what was happening. The third blast of light appeared as Johnny slowly slid his still spurting cock back between my lips. He kept his cock in my mouth, milking it with his hand until I had taken every drop of his seed. Then he pushed my head away and stepped back.

Cum running down my face and dripping from my chin, I looked over at Doug. He was holding three polaroid photos, waving them back and forth to dry them. I felt my gut tighten with worry. I knew what the pictures would show, but hoped that maybe they wouldn't turn out. Of course, I was in no position to stop them from taking as many more as they wanted, with my hand tied behind me. Doug looked at the photos and Johnny moved around to see them as they developed too. Both young studs still had hard cocks and my attention was divided between their handsome bodies, their hard cocks and the pictures that were developing.

"Looks like we got a winner here, Johnny. What do you think?"

"Hell yes, look at his face, man. It's obvious he is loving it!"

"And look at the shot of your cum across his face. He looks like he is in heaven."

The fucking faggot always is when he's got my dick in his mouth, buddy." Both of them laughed.

I was still on my knees on the hard tile floor, my cock dripping precum. I could only imagine what the pictures showed, then Johnny grabbed one and turned it so I could see. The picture was clear and was a close up of my face, lips stretched around a large dark cock. You couldn't tell whose cock it was, but it was clear that I was sucking it and apparently enjoying it. Johnny showed me the next picture and my humiliation grew. Again my face was clear, but this time my mouth was open and my tongue was out, coated with cum. A spurt of cum was stretched in the air between the head of the dark cock and my face. Some of it had already landed on my cheek. I felt my face reddening with embarrassment. Johnny showed me the third picture and it clearly showed me, cum dripping down my face, opening my mouth to take the spurting cock back inside. Now the boys had physical proof of my cocksucking.

"Pieces of artwork here, Johnny."

"No doubt. Definitely shows the boy likes to suck dick and drink cum." I watched as Johnny took the three pictures and walked into the other room. When he returned a moment later, he no longer had the pictures. "Now how about some nice photos of his other talents?"

Stroking his long cock, Doug said, "I am more than ready, man, more than ready!"

Doug grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to my feet. He spun me around and I felt him untie my wrists. As he did so, he put his mouth next to my ear. "We're gonna get some pictures of you taking it up that tight faggot pussy of yours. No restraints. We both know you want it and the pics are gonna show that. Now get on the bed. I'm gonna take you doggie style."

I had no choice but to obey and climbed onto Doug's bed, assuming the position he wanted, on my hands and knees, my legs spread a bit to give him room. Doug had fucked me many times in this position and I knew how he liked to position me. Doug wasted no time, climbing onto the bed behind me. "Toss me that lube, Johnny."

I watched as Johnny opened a drawer, pulled out a bottle and tossed it to Doug. I felt his squirt some between my spread ass cheeks and then heard him massaging it onto his cock. I watched as Johnny grabbed the camera and moved over to sit on his own bed, across from us. I felt the familiar feeling of Doug's cockhead against my hole and heard him tell me to look over at Johnny. As I did so, Johnny snapped a picture. The camera spit it out and I felt Doug start to apply pressure. Johnny took two more pictures as the full length of Doug's cock moved into me. Doug seemed to want to cum without wasting any time and began to fuck me hard, almost violently. His hands gripped my shoulders and he pulled me back against him as he pounded his dick into me. It only took a few minutes before Doug let out a moan and I felt him cumming inside me. He used his hand to grab my hair and pull my head up and back and I heard the camera again. Then Doug lowered himself onto my back. I could feel his sweaty chest expanding and contracting as he caught his breath with me supporting his weight.

The photos that Johnny took were staightforward. They showed me on my hands and knees, looking toward the camera with a man behind me, his hard cock poking at my ass. The look on my face wasn't of fear, revulsion or even humiliation, but instead it appeared I was enjoying it. The photo cut off Doug's upper body, so that he couldn't be identified, unless you knew his body as intimately as I did. The next two pictures showed my eyes widening and Doug's cock halfway into me, then buried completely. The last photo showed both of us sweaty, obviously at the end of a fuck, my head pulled back and held by the man who was fucking me up the ass. Of the four photos, it was the most humiliating. It showed me making no resistance to the man fucking me and letting Doug do anything to me that he wanted, even pulling my head back to an obviously uncomfortable position to use it as leverage to fuck me even harder.

Doug looked over the photos with a smile on his face. Then he looked at me. "So what do you think of our work, Clay?"

"You didn't need to take those, Sir. You know that I obey any order you give and do anything you tell me. Why did you take them, Sir?"

"Just a memento for Johnny and me to keep and a little insurance that you won't ever decide that you aren't going to be the good, obedient little faggot that we have trained you to be." He stared at me for a minute until I dropped my head, accepting his domination and control. Doug looked at Johnny. "You want a crack at his tight boy pussy? It's sloppy seconds, but the faggot is good and tight."

"Well maybe but I prefer to watch him drink my juice. I can't believe any guy would be so low as to swallow another guy's load of cum. But I really get off on watching and feeling him do it. Hell, I could cum in his mouth every day, three times a day, just to get off on that thrill."

"Know what you mean, buddy. Nothing like using another guy, a guy whose body is well developed, a guy that people think is a jock and a real man and making him your pussy boy or your cocksucker. You ever seen his face around campus when he catches sight of us?"

"No, what's up?" Johnny asked.

"He turns beet red, knowing that he is full of our cum." Doug flexed the muscles in his arms and chest, showing off his definition. "He gets a look in his eyes that just says 'I'm a faggot for that guy over there'. Watch for it next time you see him on the commons or in a hallway."

"No shit. You bet I will." Johnny looked at me. "You must have swallowed a couple billion of my sperm by now, cocksucker. Never really thought about the fact that you are digesting them and they are part of you." He reached out and felt the muscle in my right arm. "Hell this muscle is probably built from Doug's and my cum." He laughed. I just dropped my gaze to the floor.

"So," Doug said, "you wanna fuck him now? If you think it's a thrill pumping his mouth full, wait until you get your cock up his pussy!"

"Yeah, sure, I haven't done that to him yet. He's sucked me like a vacuum, but I haven't felt what his ass is like to fuck." Johnny looked at me. "You want me to fuck you, fag boy?"

There was no point denying it, my hard cock was giving me away. "Yes, Johnny. I want you to fuck me." I was pleased to see the grin on his face. Johnny laid on his back on his bed resting his head on his hands. His cock was hard and laying straight up towards his chest.

"Well, get over here and climb on, pussyboy."

I climbed onto Johnny's bed, straddling his lean body on my knees. I positioned myself over his crotch and looked down at his handsome face, his small moustache and goatee making him seem even more exotic and sexy. I reached beneath me and grabbed his cock. He let out a sigh and looked at me as I positioned it against my hole. He was pretty dry, but I was full of Doug's cum, so I knew he would be lubed after I got him inside me. Our eyes met.

"That's right, faggot, fuck yourself on my big dick. Jesus! I can't believe that I don't even have to make you take it. You want it so much you will climb on my dick and fuck yourself. Go ahead, boy. Take it!" I obeyed and let myself slide down the length of his shaft. I sucked in a breath from the pain of taking his cock dry, but that just seemed to make Johnny happier. I ground my ass against his crotch, feeling his cock moving around inside me. Then I raised myself up. There was another flash. When I settled back on Johnny's dick, the flash flared again. I was beyond caring.

"God what a fucking slut he is for cock," Doug said.

I increased the speed of my movement and moved my hands to Johnny's chest, feeling the hair on it and his warm skin. I could feel his muscles beneath his skin flexing as he moved in rhythm with my fucking. He began to buck his hips, forcing his cock up into me. I rode him, fucking my own ass on his big pole for about five minutes before he suddenly sat up, his cock still up inside me.

Johnny twisted me around until he could push me onto my back on his bed. My legs were in the air and he started pumping his cock into me. I looked up at him, moaning with each of his thrusts. He began to pound me even harder.

"Yeah, this is it! Forcing my fucking cokc up inside you, boy. I'm putting it to you now. Fucking you hard and making you my bitch. Say it faggot! Say it!"

"I'm your bitch Sir!" I moved my head up and licked at his shoulder, tasting his sweat. Suddenly, Johnny planted his mouth on mine and forced his tongue into my mouth. With a shuddering moan he began to cum, flooding my guts with his hot seed. I sucked on his tongue tasting his lips and feeling his moustache and goatee scraping at my face. His body was pressed against mine, both our abs slick with sweat. The friction of his body humping me and the secual tension of the last half hour was enough to bring me off and I moaned into his mouth as he finished cumming, spurting my load onto my belly and into the black hair than ran in a line down the center of his chest. Together we panted, catching our breath, and I heard Doug clapping softly.

"Good job, faggot. I like to see you treating my buddies right. How was it Johnny? As good as I told you?"

"Fuck yes! I never thought putting it to another guy would be such a turn on. But looking down at him, seeing him laying there, legs spread like a whore, taking my cock up his ass and loving it was such a trip. The faggot even shot his wad from the fuck I threw in him." Johnny looked down at me and flexed the muscles in his abdomen, moving his cock inside me. "Guess we know now who's the man on this bed, don't we, pussyboy. You can bet you're gonna feel my big dick up your tight hole again. And I got a couple buddies who'd like to put it to a nice piece of white meat like you. May have to set you up with them."

I had no response. Doug was my first master, but Lyle, Seth and Johnny had all shown they could dominate me. If Johnny brought some other guys along, I knew I would do whatever he told me to do to the studs. The thought of a couple more hot latin men even started getting my cock hard again. Johnny pulled himself out of me and moved up my body. "Clean me up," he ordered.

I didn't even hesitate, licking my cum form his chest and belly then taking him deeply into my mouth. Doug had made me do the same often enough that I was used to it. As I sucked, Doug said, "Next time pal, you're gonna have to have him lick your ass. Talk about a feeling of power and just plain feeling good. There is nothing like it!"

Johnny pulled out of my mouth and got off the bed. Doug ordered me to the showers and made me soap up his body first, then Johnny's before I was allowed to clean myself. Rubbing them with soap and my hands had me hard as a rock, but Doug ordered that I wasn't to touch myself or to cum until his guest arrived. After we dried off, I went back to my room and put on a pair of shorts. It took a while, but I finally willed my cock to go soft. Then the phone rang.

Doug wanted me over to his room on the double. I hung up and made my way through the bathroom. Johnny was apparently out and Doug met me in the bedroom. He looked me over then reached forward and pulled the front of my shorts down until my pubes were showing.

"That's better. Much sluttier." He led me into the main room. My jaw dropped at the sight awaiting me in the other room. Sitting at Doug's desk wiht his legs spread wide was a gorgeous young man, his blond hair cut almost militarily short. I had thought that Doug's genetics were good, but this boy's were perfect. He stood up, his lean body tall and straight. I found myself wishing that he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt rather than jeans and a button down so I could see his body better. He stood about an inch taller than me. His eyes were blue and his round face was incredible. My cock had grown instantly and was clearly visible in my shorts.

"Mike, this is the faggot I was telling you about. His name is Clay. You can see how glad he is to meet you." He nodded toward my hard cock and Mike laughed. "Clay, this is my little brother, Mike. Your gonna be his fucking toy, slave, slut, whore and pussy for the entire weekend. Mike's sixteen, but he's got some experience for his age and when I told him about you, he said he really wanted to fuck a college boy. So, I am gonna leave you two alone for a couple hours. Mike, do anything you want, and I mean anything!"

Doug left the dorm, closing the door behind him. I looked up at the young stud and saw him sizing me up. I straightened up not willing to be intimidated by a sixteen year old kid, but the wicked grin on his face suddenly had me unsure of what would happen.

Author's note: Comments are welcome and are what has kept this series going beyond the events about which I had originally intended to write. Please let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 9

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