Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Feb 15, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Part 7


"How do I get myself into these situations?" I thought, as I watched the two young studs stripping off their shirts. The answer of course was Doug, and he was already moving quickly to take control of the situation. As the guy Doug had called Keith grabbed at his belt, Doug stepped forward and grabbed a fistful of my hair. He turned me to face him then started to pull downwards. I sank to my knees in front of him. His hard cock was only a few inches from my face. I looked at the thick shaft and large head, already shining with a drop of his juice. I didn't want to suck him while two guys I had never met watched, but I was hot for Doug and the man knew it. He held me by the hair, his cock just an inch or so from my face. I couldn't help myself and tried to lean forward and catch the head of his cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste this hot young man again and lap up the drop of precum like a dog. Doug just toyed with me for awhile though, obviously showing off his power over me for his pledge brothers. I would be allowed close to his cock, but even with my tongue out, was not allowed to taste it. I heard the guys laughing as they watched me and they moved to either side of us to get a better look. The guy named David was stroking his cock, completely naked, but Keith still had on a pair of boxers. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Doug sat down back onto the bed and pulled my head with him. I let his thick shaft slide into my throat as exclamations of disbelief came from the two guys watching.

"Holy shit!" David, the dark haired and dark skinned teenager was leaning forward, watching as inch after inch of Doug's thick cock disappeared between my stretched lips. I heard Doug let out a soft moan of pleasure as my tongue went to work. "I've seen this dude before, Doug," David continued. "Hell, I thought a jock like him would probably be pledging our house! I never figured him to be a cocksucker. Jesus, look at him take it! He's obviously done it before to take all your meat down his throat like that. Man, I can't wait to try out that mouth!"

"Fuck yeah he's taken it before, dudes. More times than I can count. I told you, he's my fucking slave. I made him into a total slut for cock in less than two days. He can't get enough of it. You shoulda heard him wail the first time I fucked his little cunt, but now he just whimpers and begs for more, like any good doggie." Doug patted the top of my head, which pushed my lips down to his blond pubic hair. "Shit, fellas, that first weekend with me, he learned what he was put on earth for."

"What the fuck happened, man," Keith asked. He was a black haired stud, whose trim body I had only gotten a brief glimpse of as he stripped. Sitting on Johnny's bed with David, he looked to have a good body. I could see he was hard in the boxers he wore, but couldn't tell how big he was. "Did he make a pass at you or something?"

"Shit dudes, I caught him checking me out in the shower one day. He tried to play it aoff and shit, but I knew he wanted my body. A couple days later, I decided to put him to the test. One look at my bod and my big prick and the little faggot was hooked."

"He's not that little, Doug," David said. "Shit, he is built like a jock."

"Yeah, and he was scoring with the chicks too, but once he had a taste of me, he found his true calling - being my fucking sex pig. He's a fucking hole that I use when I'm horny and there aren't any hot chicks to put out for me. Besides, I think he looks good on his knees, don't you?"

I felt my face flame red with embarrassment. Doug was talking about me like a piece of meat again, a possession that he owned. But there was no way for me to deny it. For one thing, my mouth was full of his cock, making any protest physically impossible, but also something inside me responded to this dominant stud's attitude. I did like what he was doing to me, even the way he was treating me. Hell, my cock was rock hard right then as Doug made me suck him with two strangers watching me. I even admitted to myself that the two young men were attractive. I tilted my head a bit to the side and got a look at David.

David was dark, but not in a latino way. He was more of a middle eastern coloring, with a cock that was a bit darker than the rest of him. His body was toned and nicely muscled, but his chest didn't compare to mine. Also, it was almost hairless, like Doug's. I focused in on his cock, which he was stroking. It was average size, about six inches and uncut. I knew I would be able to handle him without any problem. I tried to turn my head to get a better look at Keith, but Doug took my head in both hands and used it like some jack off toy, running my mouth up and down his cock, penetrating deeply. It forced me to concentrate on the job at hand.

"Fuck yeah! Suck me bitch. You little cocksucking faggot. You love it! Take it down your tight throat while my buddies watch. You want their cocks too, dontcha faggot? You wanna suck their cum down your throat, right, sweetlips? I know you do. Show them how much you want their cocks. If you wanna suck them, beat your cock, pussyboy."

Unable to even think clearly, I grabbed my cock with my right hand and began to stroke it. I was almost immediately ready to cum and somehow Doug knew it.

"Don't even think of shooting your faggot wad, boy. You drop your rod before you cum. I want the boys to see you shoot your wad when I shove my big cock up your tight little ass. Got it?"

I obeyed and released my cock. The only thing I wanted more than to cum was to please the dominant teenager using my mouth. I wanted to show him that I would do whatever he wanted to please him. If that meant showing his friends how he could make me cum by fucking me up the ass, then I would do it. Moaning around his cock, I fought down the urge to come.

Doug suddenly pulled my mouth off his cock, which slapped up against his tight belly, shiny with my spit. Doug gripped me firmly by the hair with one hand, holding me up on my knees while I panted, catching my breath. Doug released my hair and leaned back until he rested comfortably against the wall. "Go ahead guys. His mouth is all yours."

Suddenly, two cocks were poking into my mouth from both sides. David's dark meat competed with the huge cock which Keith proudly displayed. I licked at both the heads hearing the two teens moan together in pleasure. I tasted David's salty precum an instant before tasting Keith's. As David grabbed my head and turned it, forcing his cock between my lips, I realized that now I had seven guys inside me. By far the most was Doug. I had swallowed his cum at least fifty times, but there was also Lyle, Seth, Johnny, the black guy in the bathroom stall.

"Take it all the way, slut!" David demanded and rammed his cock into my throat. I meekly obeyed, realizing that he was right. Doug had made me a slut. I would suck any cock he put in front of me, if it pleased him for me to do it. Hell, I had even sucked off guys that had nothing to do with Doug. I only had time for these few thoughts before my head was roughly pulled off of David's hard cock.

Keith turned my head to face him and I got my first good look at his monster cock. It was by far the largest I had ever seen. As the head slid between my lips, I guessed that it was easily ten inches, maybe more. I couldn't see how I could take it all. Apparently, Doug was thinking the same thing.

"This I wanna see, bro," Doug said to Keith. "I wanna see if my faggot can take all of your big dick down his throat. Can the chicks do it?"

"Shit no. They whine about the size when I am fucking them. There is no way one of them would take it all in her mouth."

"Well, Clay will take it all," Doug decided for me. "Just keep shoving it in until there's no more to go. He'll take it all."

"Shit man," David complained, "I was close to cumming there!"

"You'll get your chance," Doug said, establishing his control over the situation. "I want to see my faggot take Keith's meat all the way." I could almost feel David taking a step away from me.

"Fine then," David said. "Fuck his face, Keith. Show the bitch a good time."

Keith hadn't waited for any instruction. He immediately had begun to force himself into my throat. Using all that I had learned in the time I had spent on my knees servicing Doug, I managed to let my throat relax enough to take him, though I still choked and gagged. Doug seemed to find this funny and encouraged Keith to try to make me choke. Soon, the long inches were pumping in and out of my mouth while Doug looked on from just a few feet away. I took the opportunity to check out the body of the young man who was using my mouth. He was easily six feet tall and the curly black hair on his head was also on his chest. He had very blue eyes that seemed to drill into mine when our gazes locked for a few seconds. I recognized the look. It was one I had seen in Doug's eyes many times. Keith was enjoying his domination of me.

Keith's chest and torso was made of slabs of muscle, much more developed than David's and his abs were the proverbial washboard that I strived for in the gym, but could never quite achieve. Doug had the same type of abs, but his looked much more natural. He had been born with the genes that gave him his incredible good looks and killer body. It was obvious Keith had built his muscles in the gym, and they looked damn fine. I saw the muscles in his belly begin to twitch and knew that this young buck was about to shoot his load. I looked up into his eyes again and saw the same look I had seen earlier. This boy was going to enjoy flooding my throat with his hot seed immensely. Seconds after our eyes met, he reached his limit. Fucking my throat raw, Keith forced himself completely in and his body shuddered. He let out a quiet moan and his entire body twitched. I felt the thick tube of his cock expand in my mouth and my throat as he began to pump his sperm down my throat. Keith kept his cock buried deeply for the first two spurts, then pulled back.

"Taste my cum, fag boy. I want it to coat your cocksucking mouth, faggot! Yeahhhh! Take it bitch! Take it!" Two more spurts filled my mouth before Keith pulled out and shot another two volleys onto my face. I heard Doug chuckling from the side as he saw my humiliation. He knew that I didn't like it when he shot his wad on my face. He called it marking his property. Now this new guy was marking me too. I submitted to the indignity without protest. I knew that it was what Doug wanted. Keith let out a long sated sigh, then released my head.

I had no time to recover. Cum dripping from my cheeks, I found myself turned again and David's dick stabbed back into my throat. I thought of all the fuck flicks where some chick had been gangbanged by a bunch of men sucking one after another. Now I was in the place of the chick in the films. David was already panting, and sweat had coated his smooth chest. I could feel his balls drawing up, no longer slapping against my chin.

Keith had taken a seat on the bed next to Doug, his cock still hard and incredibly huge. I glanced at it for a split second before submitting to David's insistent thrusts. He was close to cumming. I was going to take another load down my throat in just a few seconds. I was surprised by how turned on that thought got me. I wanted this young stud's sperm. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to taste his hot cum on my tongue. With a loud groan, David rewarded my cocksucking efforts. He grabbed my head tightly and buried his cock as deeply as he could go. It wasn't nearly as deep as Keith had been, nor as deep as Doug penetrated, but it was enough to enter and stretch my throat. David held his cock there as he came, shooting his wad straight down my throat. I ran my hands up and down his legs, even across his tight buns, stroking them as he came. All too soon, it was over. David pulled out slowly, and I got a taste of his cum as he dragged the head of his cock across my tongue. It was saltier than Keith's, but I liked it. Still, I liked the taste of Doug's cum better than any other man I knew.

Cock softening a bit, David stepped away and sat on the bed on the other side of Doug. I looked at the three young men, all naked, all of whom had used my mouth and were inside me. Keith and David had the familiar sheen of sweat worked up during their quick fucks of my mouth. Doug was definitely aroused, but had not put that much effort into his penetration of my throat earlier. I knelt on the cold, hard tile, waiting to see what else Doug had planned for me today. My eyes found his eyes, then I felt a wave of submission roll through me and I dropped my eyes to his cock. It was still hard, but no longer glistened with my spit. I felt desire for this teenage man well up in me. He had taken me, put me on my knees and given my mouth to his friends, but I wanted him more than I ever had before. I glanced up at Doug's face again, and that sexy smirk, both arrogant and playful was on his face. I felt my desire to please this hot male grow even more. His body, even next to the very well built Keith, seemed to glow with health, vitality and sexuality. I knew then that Doug had transformed me. I was his to command, to use, to abuse.

"I think it is time my pledge brothers see what kind of pussyboy you are, Clay." I felt proud that he had called me by name, even though it had been in a sentence describing me as a pussyboy. I knew that Doug was going to fuck me up the ass in front of his pledge brothers. He was going to demonstrate his power over me and his ability to make me take his cock in any way he wanted. Doug looked me over carefully as I knelt in front of the three young men, awaiting his next command.

"I think I'm going to take you doggie style, right where you are. I want the boys to see your face when you feel my cock slide up inside your pussy. How about that, faggot? You want me to fuck you in front of my pledge brothers?"

I knew he wanted an answer, so I replied, "Yes, sir."

"Yes sir what?" he insisted.

"Yes, sir, I want you to fuck me up the ass in front of your pledge brothers." A huge grin split Doug's handsome face and I felt the desire to submit to this stud rise up in me again. It had been embarrassing to admit what I had just said in front of the two young studs, even though they had already cum in my mouth, but being taken by Doug would be even more humiliating. I knew that Doug would not be gentle in his fuck. He would put it to me hard and rough to show the boys, as he called them, just how much control he had over me. I didn't care. I wanted to feel him penetrate me, fuck me, cum in me. I wanted to hear him moan and gasp in pleasure and know that I had been the source of his pleasure.

Doug stood up and walked behind me. "Throw me that pillow, Keith." Doug said.

Keith grabbed the pillow and tossed it to Doug. I felt it hit the floor between my ankles.

"Lean forward and put your hands on the bed frame between the boys, faggot," Doug ordered. I obeyed, putting my hands on the bed, only inches from the legs of the young men who occupied it. In this position, bent forward, my face was no more than two or three feet from Keith's or David's faces. Doug took up position behind me, kneeling on the pillow to soften the impact on his knees. I heard him spit a half dozen times on his cock and felt the head sliding against my hole. Doug's hands roamed over my body for a minute or so, pinching my nipples, slapping my cheeks, his fingers probing into my mouth as Keith and David watched in mute amazement. I submitted to everything, Doug's cockhead still lodged at my entrance. At one point, Doug even let his hand brush my balls and squeeze my cock.

I felt Doug's chest move against my back, warm and familiar. I was suddenly in heaven. Doug was going to mount me and fuck me in front of the two studs sitting on the bed. His mouth was next to my ear.

"You gonna cum, when I put my dick in you, boy?"

"Y-Yes, Sir. I am going to cum, sir."

"Fine," Doug breathed.

Doug pulled me upward, away from the bed and more upright. My cock was now clearly visible to the two young studs who sat on the bed, naked and hard. Doug must have looked at them because their eyes moved from my body to a point next to my face.

"Watch his cock now, boys. You're gonna see what a real man can do to a fucking cock slut pig like Clay here." As soon as Keith and David were watching, Doug slid his hands up my chest to my shoulders and gripped them from the front, holding my body tightly to his own. "Now!" he yelled, and thrust his cock inside me. The familiar feeling of being mounted by Doug set off my own cock which was hyper sensitive after all that had taken place that day. As Doug's thick inches forced their way up inside me, making me once again his pussyboy, my own cock exploded, untouched. I cried out in pleasure as I came, the force of my orgasm making my whole body twist, but Doug held me tightly in place. As I shot my load onto the floor between the feet of the young men on the bed, I could see their faces. David was clearly awed by what Doug was doing to me and the fact that being fucked by the blond adonis could make me shoot my load. Keith's face showed calculation. I could see he wanted a ride like Doug was taking. The desire to dominate another male in the most ultimate way, the desire to fuck another guy up the ass was clearly written on his face.

As my orgasm subsided, Doug began to put on a show for his pledge brothers. He pounded into me, fucking me like a dog. His fingers probed my mouth again as his cock reamed me out deeply. After a few minutes, Doug forced me forward again, giving himself deeper access and pushing my head between the two studs on the bed. Keith was the first to take advantage. Scooting over closer to David, he placed his crotch directly under my face. Doug's hand on the back of my head forced me down onto his long, thick cock. I took it in one long slide, used to its length after Keith's earlier rough fuck of my face. Doug controlled all movement. He kept pounding my ass and used his hand to pull my head up Keith's cock and then force it back down. Keith began to raise his hips and try to fuck my mouth, but Doug ordered him to stop.

Glancing up, I could see a look of rebellion in Keith's eyes, but he obeyed. Doug slowed the speed of his fucking and timed the shoves down on the back of my head to the thrusts of his cock up inside me. He effectively had me taking cock at both ends at the speed he wanted. And, of course, David sat thigh to thigh with Keith, slowly stroking his own cock. I had never felt more used than at that moment when Doug controlled the use of both my ass by his own cock and my mouth by Keith's. I knew I would take another load from the guy soon and that Doug would then force me to suck David again.

I could hear Keith's breathing start to quicken and saw his balls drawing up to the base of his cock. I knew he was nearing his second orgasm. Doug slowed his thrusts into me while increasing the tempo of my mouth on Keith's meat. Doug was driving his pledge brother to orgasm using my mouth as the tool. I helped Doug by using my tongue as he had taught me to give the stud even greater pleasure. With a loud yelp, Keith came, flooding my mouth with his cum. This time he couldn't pull out of my mouth so I swallowed all of his load. As soon as his tensed body had relaxed, David was pushing at him, trying to get into position. I glanced again up to Keith's face and saw a flash of anger cross it when David tried to move him. But, after a few seconds of letting his cock soak and soften in my mouth, he moved out of the way.

David slid into position and held his cock upright with his left hand at the base. He didn't try to thrust up into my mouth, but passively waited for Doug to push down on my head. Doug wasted no time. His own cock was still moving inside me and I could tell he wanted to shoot his load. He confirmed this by immediately setting up a fast pace with my mouth on David's hard cock. I felt almost as if David was face fucking me with the force Doug was using. The speed of his own cock in me had increased as well. Again I was taking cock at both ends and it was totally controlled by Doug. Keith was lazily stroking his wet cock, back from semi- hardness to fully erect.

Within seconds of each other, Doug and David let out moans and shot their loads. As David's cum filled my mouth, Doug filled my guts with his own seed. I took both loads greedily, wanting Doug's more than David's, but willing to take the guy's cum if it made Doug happy. All too soon, they were both finished. Doug relaxed on top of me, the familiar feel of his nipples poking into my back and his sweat dripping onto me. Doug pulled my mouth off of David's cock and slowly slid himself out of me. I was exhausted, but hard again. Actually, with Doug's cock up inside me, I had never gone soft after cumming with his first penetration. Doug got up, pulled a chair over and sat down, his cock softening. I sat back on my heels for a second and looked over at him. The arrogant, dominant look was on his face again. I felt a thrill of tension and excitement run though me.

"Clean my cock up, boy," he quietly commanded, "with your mouth."

"No fucking way!!" David exclaimed.

"Shit, that faggot will do it," Keith said.

Knowing I had no choice, I crawled across the tile to Doug and took his cock in my mouth, sucking and licking him clean. My humiliation was greater than I had ever imagined it could be, having Keith and David witness this, but my desire to submit was even greater. After I had finished, Doug told me to get cleaned up and go back to my room.

"Wait a minute!" Keith protested. "I want a crack at fucking his ass!"

Doug looked at him with an arrogant sneer. "You're not fucking him, dude. I don't want you stretching him out with that big pole of yours."

"Come on, Doug. I want to fuck him. I've never done it to another guy before."

"Well, there are plenty of guys out there who will take it up the ass from you." I saw Doug's eyes flick to David. Keith caught it, but David didn't notice. "You just gotta know how to find them and then show them that they need to submit. Got it?" David was putting on his clothes facing away, and Keith and Doug both gave his ass hard stares.

"Yeah, I think I got it." Keith stood and quickly dressed. He and David thanked Doug while ignoring me then Doug showed them out the door. He returned to the bedroom and pulled on the shorts he had been wearing earlier. They made him look even sexier than he had naked. I wanted to get on my knees and suck another load from his balls, but Doug looked over at me.

"I thought I told you to get out, faggot. You deaf or something?"

"No sir. Sorry sir." I got up, grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist. I needed another shower. As I left the room, Doug stopped me.

"I bet Keith busts David's cherry before the week is out. I know I could get the guy in less than ten minutes. You wanna bet?"

"No, sir." Doug smiled. We both knew he was right. I turned and headed for the shower.

Author's Note: I wanted to thank all of those who sent me emails about the last chapter of the story. Without them, the story would have ended after 3 installments. With more, it may continue for a few more, at least until Doug's younger brother came to spend the weekend. All comments are appreciated. I hope you enjoyed it.

Next: Chapter 8

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