Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Jan 4, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Part 6


My Tuesday morning class had been canceled, so I got the chance to sleep in late. Seth had gone to his first class by the time I awoke. It was one of the first mornings since Doug had brought him in to double team me that I hadn't sucked my roommate's cock for him as soon as he woke up. I had my usual morning hard on and let my hand slip into my boxers to stroke it. Usually, Seth would have shaken me awake, his hard cock pointing towards my mouth and made me suck him. He must have been in a hurry this morning. I debated about jacking off. Images of Seth's hot body and cock ran through my mind and a flash image in my thoughts of Doug's sexy blond face nearly got me to go for it, but I decided to hold off. Climbing out of bed, I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water for the shower and then took care of other business while I waited for it to get warm.

By the time I had finished brushing my teeth, I checked the shower and hot water was finally spraying from the shower head. I adjusted the water temperature, shucked off my boxers and stepped into the spray. The warm water felt good coursing over my muscles. I was tight from working out the night before. Doug and I had spent more than two hours in the gym working mainly on our upper bodies. He had taken an interest in keeping me in the best shape possible. I knew it was for his own reasons - hell, he told me that often enough, but I enjoyed looking good and getting stares when I crossed campus. Both guys and girls checked me out. I had found that more and more, I was checking out other guys as much, if not more, than the chicks on campus.

Doug had gotten yet another girlfriend the previous week, as had Seth. While Seth had still been using my mouth most every day, Doug had been too involved with his chick. I had started dating a gal myself, but broke it off after just a few days. I had found myself having to picture Doug's hot body in order to be able to cum while I was fucking her. Musing over the latest happenings, I didn't even realize that someone else had come into the bathroom. I nearly jumped when the curtain to the shower suddenly was pulled to one side. I looked behind me to see the dark, lean form of Johnny stepping into the shower. He gave me a quick grin, a flash of his beautiful white teeth, and turned on the shower next to me. With mine already running, it warmed up almost instantly and he ducked his head under the spray. I took the opportunity to check out his body again. So far, I had only sucked him off the one time in his dorm room when Doug had decided to show off his power over me. Since then, Johnny had acted like nothing had happened. Of course, I knew that he had girls hanging off of him with his dark latin looks and probably all of the gay guys at school had the hots for him.

My eyes drank in the sight of the water cascading down the dark stud's back as he stood under the water. He turned slightly, giving me a better look at the front of his body. His cock was already starting to slowly get longer and harder. Just the sight of it brought back mouth watering memories of the time I had sucked him off in his dorm room. I wanted to do it again. I raised my eyes up his body, taking in the dark hair which the water from the shower had plastered to his firm chest. It get me even hotter. Doug was almost completely smooth, a real contrast to the stud standing next to me. Suddenly, Johnny looked over at me and immediately noticed the taking in the sight of my now fully hard cock. I saw a grin split his face, his white teeth gleaming in contrast to his darker skin. My knees felt weak.

"So, cocksucker, it looks to me like you want another taste of my dick. How about you get on your knees?"

As if I had no will of my own, I felt myself sinking to my knees between his feet, and between the spray of the two shower heads. The small partition running down the wall was completely out of the way as it was more for an attempt at privacy than giving any real privacy when two guys were showering together. I leaned forward, putting my mouth only an inch or so from the cock which was twitching up and down from the latin stud's crotch in time with his pulse. I leaned forward even more, trying to capture the head of his prick between my lips, but Johnny stopped me by grabbing a fistful of my hair. He pulled backwards, forcing me to look up at him. My eyes met his and I felt that he was looking straight through me and into my darkest desires.

"Tell me what you want to do, faggot," he ordered.

"I want to suck your cock, Sir." I had instinctively addressed him as Doug had taught me. "I want to feel your cock sliding in and out of my mouth and across my tongue, Sir. I want to taste your hot cum when you shoot it in my mouth, Sir." As I spoke, the grin on his face got wider and wider. He still stared down at me, his eyes drilling into mine.

"Open your mouth!"

I quickly obeyed and Johnny stepped a bit forward, letting the head of his cock pass between my lips. I moaned around the silky, hot skin as it sank deeper and deeper into my mouth, then my throat. Johnny didn't stop his forward movement until I felt his pubes tickling my nose. By then I would have been choking on his cock, had Doug not taught me how to deep throat men's cocks. When he was all the way in, Johnny stopped.

"You like my cock soaking in your craw, boy? You like being my cocksucker? Doug tells me that you are the best, and after the last time you blew me, I think he may be right. You are gonna show me how good you are now. Johnny released his grip on my hair, still looking me in the eye.

"Get to work, faggot! Suck my cock and make me cum!"

I immediately began to try to give this hot lean latin stud as much pleasure as I could. I bobbed my head, up and down the shaft, taking it completely, then pulling back to the head. When there, I ran my tongue around the head of his cock, enjoying both the taste of the precum that I was lapping up and the way Johnny's entire body twitched from the stimulation. I kept this up for several minutes, completely forgetting where we were. Johnny had grabbed my head and forced it completely down the length of his cock when we both heard a door open.

It being the day and time that it was, we were both surprised that any of the guys were still around. Doug took a firm grip on my head and slowly pulled my head up his cock, then pushed it down again. The sucking noises which had sounded so loud just seconds before, were now almost non existent as I tightened my lips around his shaft. I carefully kept the suction tight to minimize the noise. I didn't know who had entered the bathroom, but as there were still four suite mates who didn't know what Doug had made me into, I didn't want to take chances. We heard the toilet flush and the water in the sink start to run. Johnny kept my mouth moving slowly up an down his cock.

The submission to Johnny had already gotten me extremely excited and I was submissively stroking my cock like a lowly faggot while Johnny used my mouth, but the added anxiety and fear of being discovered by one of the other guys was too much for me. Whimpering slightly around the thick meat in my mouth, I shot my own load onto the shower floor, where the swirling water quickly carried it away. I guess the excitement of another dude just a few feet away as he got blown by his jock dorm buddy was also enough for Johnny. I still had my head tilted upward and watched as his chest expanded and he clenched his teeth. With a muffled moan, he came, his cock throbbing in my mouth and his cum pumping down my throat. Johnny's body was rigid with the force of his orgasm, and I took the opportunity to run my hands up from his ankles to his muscular chest as he came. Unlike Doug, he didn't forbid my feeling his body. I reveled in the feel of his taut muscles, the hair on his shins, the feel of his abs contracting as he shot his load in my mouth and the strong muscles in his back and chest. All too soon, he was finished. Johnny pulled his cock back until just the head was in my mouth.

"Get every drop out, faggot," he whispered. I reached up and stroked his cock, milking the last of his cum out and causing him to twitch again. A thick drop of cum landed on my tongue before he finally pulled out of my mouth. I stayed on my knees looking up at the hot, dark skinned stud, until he turned again into the shower.

"Hey you guys, hurry up! I need to shower too and class is in 15 minutes!" The voice yelling was that of Craig. I quickly scrambled back to my feet and ducked my head under the spray. My cock had deflated with the scare Craig's voice had given me. I noticed that Johnny was soft as well. That ended up to be good, because only 10 seconds later, Craig opened the curtain halfway and told us again to hurry up and get finished. I quickly rinsed off and left the shower. Wrapping my towel around my waist, I slipped back into my dorm room and shut the door. I sat on my bed.

Thinking about what had happened in the shower got my cock stiff again. It was almost more public in the way events had progressed than the bookstore or the library. If Craig had pulled the curtain aside just a moment earlier, he would have caught me on my knees with Johnny's hard latin cock between my lips. He might have even caught me as Johnny was shooting his load into my mouth. Surprising me, the thought got my cock rock hard immediately. Unable to control my own sexual desires, I jacked myself off on my bed with a pair of Seth's underwear heaped across my face until I came again. I caught my load in my hand and licked it up as Doug always insisted that I do.

My first class that Tuesday was sociology. Being a core class, one that all students had to take, it was crowded. There were more than 200 other students in just that class. I was bored by the subject. I had taken sociology in high school and all the professor was doing was covering material I already knew. I settled back in my chair and let my mind wander. Almost immediately, the memory of sucking Johnny for the second time was in my mind. I could feel my cock stirring so I made an effort to shift my thoughts to something less provocative. By concentrating on my sociology text, I was able to bring my cock under control by the end of class. When the professor dismissed us, I stood and waited for the crowd to thin before trying to leave. As I made my way to the aisle, watching my step, I didn't even see that there was someone blocking my way. I reached the end of the row and saw the pair of leather loafers pointing towards me. Surprised, I looked up.

The face I saw brought back a flood of memories. The bookstore. How sore my knees were. The feel of this young man's thick cock in my mouth and the taste of his cum. I felt myself blushing and dropped my eyes back to the floor.

"I've watched you the last four times we had class." He paused, then added "cocksucker." in a low voice. "I've been wanting to ride you again, mouth at least. Let's go to my place and I will teach you some new tricks, doggie."

I didn't know what to say or do. Here was the hot, muscular stud that I had sucked off in the bookstore, only a foot or two away from me, wanting me to service him again. He turned and began to walk away up the steps to the hallway. He didn't even look back, but somehow knew I was following him. It was if I had no will of my own, but had to obey him. I admired the firm mounds of his ass as I followed him up the steps. I wondered briefly what it would be like to slide my cock between his tight buns, but knew that was very unlikely. My cock was straining in my jeans from the sight. When we reached the hall, he turned and I was just a step behind him.

"Good boy," he said in the nearly empty hall. "I knew you'd obey." My dorm is across the street. We'll go there and see how many tricks you've been taught, doggie."

Not waiting for an answer or comment, he turned again and led me out of the building. I followed him across the street and into his dorm complex. After three flights of stairs, he stopped at a door, produced a key and unlocked it. He led me into a dorm room not unlike my own. However, instead of four rooms surrounding one bathroom, his room was on one large level that shared a large community bathroom with 20 or more other rooms. I followed him in and he shut and locked the door behind us.

"I'd been hoping to run into you again, cocksucker. I kept waiting for you to see me in class, but you never looked back my way. You did such a good job that other night that I decided to make sure you knew I was there today. I want to fuck your face again. Plus I want to do a lot more. You got a virgin ass?" He looked directly at me, expecting, even demanding, an answer to this very personal question.

Embarrassed and humiliated, I told him that I wasn't a virgin.

"That's not what I asked, boy," he snapped. "I asked if you have a virgin ass. I figure you've probably fucked some chicks, but has any guy busted you open?"

Blushing in even greater embarrassment and dropping my eyes to stare at his shoes, I mumbled, "My ass isn't virgin."

He laughed. "Didn't really think it was, judging by how good you suck cock, but I wanted to hear you admit it. How many guys have fucked you? For how long? You been taking it up the ass from your buddies since high school? I can just picture you as a high school freshman in a locker room, with a senior stud pinning you to a bench and pounding your pussy like it's a toy. Or maybe making you bend over in the shower and grab your ankles while the other men watched."

Stuttering with humiliation, I told him about Doug and how he had started having me suck him and more. I didn't tell him about the other guys. The guy listened with a growing smile on his lips.

"Sounds like you met a man who knows how to get what he wants and has been training you right. That's good. You won't have any trouble in giving up your ass to me then. I like to fuck guys like you. You're good looking, you've got a good body. The chicks all probably dig you, but we both know what you really want. Working out has given ya plenty of muscles, but you bend over for real men like me and this Doug guy. I'm gonna ream you out hard boy. Whaddya think about that?"

"I...I'd like that.....Sir." I finally said.

"Sir?" The guy chuckled, clearly enjoying his advantage. "This Doug really has been teaching you right. Well, I'm gonna add to your lessons. I've been bagging fuckboys like you since I was 15, and you're gonna beg me never to take my dick outta your ass. I can't wait to watch your face when I slide inside. But first we need to get me lubed up. Unless you want to take it dry. You ready for that?" I shook my head no. "Then why don't you strip, then you can undress me."

I began to pull off my clothes, folding them and setting them on a chair. My shirt and t- shirt went first and when my chest was exposed, the guy let out an appreciative whistle. "Nice chest, dude. I can tell you take care of your body."

I continued stripping, kicking off my tennis shoes and pulling off my socks. Then I unbuttoned my 501's and slid them down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and folded them on top of my shirt on the chair and then slid off my boxers. I never even thought about not obeying this hot young man. Doug had instilled in me the desire to obey, to submit to any dominant male. Also, I wanted another chance to suck him. My hard cock sprang up against my belly, already starting to leak a bit of precum. The guy was still in his clothes: a pair of khakis, loafers and a button down blue shirt. When he ordered me to strip him, I screwed up my courage for a question.

"Please, Sir. May I ask your name?"

The guy grinned at me for a minute. "Yeah, I guess you don't even know my name, do you?"

"No, Sir," I replied.

"Well, Clay, I found out yours by checking the seating chart in class. My name is Lyle. Now you know the name of the guy whose cum you digested not too long ago and who is a part of you forever. And I plan to add a lot to the cum you've already taken. Now strip me, boy!" The last was said with some force as Lyle took command again of me and the situation.

I reached out and began to unbutton Lyle's shirt. He wore no undershirt and as the buttons were undone, I could see his chest appearing between the sides of the cotton. Lyle was a total stud, but in a very natural way. He didn't have the surfer type look which Doug commanded, nor was he the bodybuilder type. After looking at him for a minute or two, I realized that I liked him, his body and his style, because it was a laid back ordinary style. This was a man who knew he looked good but didn't make an issue of it.

After the shirt, I undid his belt and he kicked off the khakis. Now he stood before me in just socks and boxers. I could see that he was already hard and I wanted to feel his dick in my mouth again. Lyle wasted no time. He stripped off his boxers and socks and stepped up to me. Lyle was a few inches shorter than me, but still was the man in control. I knew that in a test of muscle and strength, I could best him, but his will seemed to just overpower mine. I felt his hand caress my cheek and thought that he wanted to be gentle, then he forced two fingers into my mouth. I sucked at them greedily, watching the pleased expression on his face as I submitted to this indignity. After about a minute, he pulled his fingers from my mouth, moved his hand to the back of my head and pulled my mouth down to his. I felt his lips on mine and my mind reeled. Then his tongue played across my lips, then slid inside. I meekly accepted his exploration of my mouth with his tongue. The young man tasted good.

We kissed for several minutes, and as we did, he slowly backed me to the bed. The back of my legs hit the side of the bed and he forced me down onto it, on my back. I felt his cock rubbing against mine as he humped my body, forcing his cock against me, rubbing me with it. I heard myself moaning in pleasure. Suddenly he broke the kiss, pulling his face away from mine. I looked up at him, full of lust. His face was a mask of the same. Straddling my body, he moved up onto his knees until his cock was just inches from my mouth. I looked at the familiar shape of his long shaft and round cockhead, remembering the way it slid through the glory hole in the bookstore. Once again, Lyle wasted no time. He placed the head against my lips and used the force of his muscular frame to slide it between my willing lips. The tangy sweet taste of his precum filled my mouth as the head of his leaking cock slid across my tongue. Lyle immediately set a rough fast pace. He truly fucked my mouth, showing my no mercy, as Doug had done several times. It seemed that in almost no time, Lyle shuddered and gasped, his muscles tensing as he pumped his sperm into my mouth and throat. I had been stroking my own cock, but was not yet close to cumming. Yanking his still hard sock from my mouth, Lyle moved back down my body and grabbed my legs. He pushed them up, nearly folding me in half.

"I'm gonna fuck you now, bitchboy. Gonna ram my cock up your tight hole and show you how a real man fucks!"

My mind still trying to take in all the sensations this teenager was giving me, I managed to gasp, "Don't you want to slow down?"

"Don't question me, faggot!" he demanded. "My roomie will be home soon and I want to plant another load in you before he gets here. And I haven't used our pussy yet."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I understand. You don't want him to know."

"You don't understand shit, faggot. So don't presume to know my mind. I bagged him fifteen minutes after we moved in together. Busted his cherry on his own bed before he ever even slept in it. I just don't feel like a threeway right now." With that said, his cock, lubed by my spit and his precum found my hole and stabbed inside. It hurt like hell, but he clamped a hand over my mouth to muffle my shout.

"Take it faggot! Just take it! We both know this is what you want and we both know I'm not the first man here. So just keep quiet and take my fuck like the cock-loving punk that you are!" His eyes drilled into mine seeming to fuck me even as his cock was doing.

Just as he had done in my mouth, Lyle immediately began to pound my ass. The friction was incredible as he pistoned in and out like a demon.

"Yeah, I like a pussyboy who can take it hard and rough, especially a well built guy like you. Those little fairy, feminine guys don't do anything for me. But to take you, a well built guy who should be a man, could be a man, but takes cock like a whore is the absolute best! I'm getting close, you fucking faggot piece of shit. Gonna fill your little boy pussy with my hot cum! Oh fuck yeah! Not much longer now. Lyle placed his hands on my shoulders, pinning my body to the bed. I was pinned by his arms and hands and nailed by his cock. I was also loving it. With a growl that could have been an animal's, I felt his cock expand as he began to shoot his load. I moaned loudly, wanting to cum along with him, but unable to reach my cock with his taut belly against mine as he rutted in me. Lyle gave me four more hard thrusts, then held his cock deep inside me. He collapsed onto me. I could feel his pounding heartbeat from his chest against my chest as well as through his cock, still buried inside me. He was panting and his hot breath rushed past my ear again and again as we lay there, cheek to cheek.

Suddenly he pulled out of me and stood up. Grabbing my clothes from the floor he threw them to me.

"Get dressed, faggot!" he ordered. I complied without comment. As I did so, he grabbed a towel and wetted it in a sink in one corner of the room which I had not noticed. He cleaned himself up and slipped his boxers back on. He looked so sexy with his hair dampened with sweat, beads of it on his chest and forehead and the hair on his chest matted, that I stopped dressing for a moment, enjoying the sight of his tough masculine beauty. Lyle noticed and posed for me for a few seconds, showing off his body. My cock, still rock hard, was desperate for relief, but it appeared that I would get no satisfaction in this room.

"Hurry up!" Lyle ordered again. I quickly finished dressing and stood. Lyle stepped up to me again and grabbed my wrist. He forced my hand to his crotch. I could feel his cock, still hard, even after having shot two loads.

"You want more of this? You liked getting it hard and rough, didn't you?"

I could only nod in agreement.

"Fine then. Here is my number. I am always horny. Call me when you need a man inside you, pussyboy. Now get out of here."

Lyle opened the door, and, full of his cum, I left his room. I walked a bit down the hall towards the stairwell, then leaned against the wall to catch my breath my ass twithcing from the rough fuck Lyle had thrown into me. As I leaned there, a good looking sandy brown haired guy passed me. He didn't even look at me as he walked down the hall. I followed his lithe form with my eyes. He reached Lyle's room, produced a key and let himself inside the room. I realized that we had finished just in time. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I made my way out of the dorm, heading back to my own room. I had to at least jerk off after all that had happened in the last few hours.

My jack off plans were not to be. As I got to my street, I saw Doug headed back to the dorm. He reached the corner of the building that led to the entrance to his room and stopped, obviously waiting for me. As I got close, he told me to follow him. As always, just the sight of his hot body, and the sexy dominant demeanor he projected, had me too excited to do anything but obey. He led me to his room and locked the door behind us.

"So, Johnny tells me you've gotten better with your mouth. I am glad you are learning, bitch." I felt myself blush. "I am ready for some action too. I feel the need to get off and you are the most readily available piece of ass around. So, why don't you strip?" He framed it as a question, but I knew it was an order. I quickly shed my clothes. Doug looked at me with a strange expression on his face, which quickly changed to amusement.

"Jesus, what a slut you are. You smell like cum and sweat, boy. Since Johnny told me you sucked him in the shower, you must have found another guy to service. I know Seth is in class so it had to be another guy. Who was it, faggot? Who did you let fuck you?"

I summarized what had happened with Lyle, and Doug laughed. "Well, you have met another real man, boy. Go take a shower. Since you seem to like variety, we will have to see what can be arranged to keep you satisfied."

Unsure of what he meant, I went to my room, got my towel and headed to the showers. I took some extra time, getting myself extra clean for the teenage man whom I considered my sexual master. I shut off the water after a good ten to fifteen minutes and grabbed my towel. As I dried myself, I heard Doug calling to me. He told me to come straight to his room. Somewhat embarrassed that one of the guys who didn't know what was going on may have heard, I obeyed immediately, wrapping my towel around my trim waist. I expected Doug would be more than ready for action, having waited for me to clean myself, but the sight in his room surprised me. Sitting on two chairs were two other young men! I stood in front of them, with only a towel around my waist. While I had spent plenty of time in locker rooms around other guys in a towel, I knew that Doug had called them and that he planned for me to service them both. I felt my cock start to harden. Doug was laying on his bed. He wore only a pair of cotton football shorts and obviously no underwear or jock. His half hard cock was clearly visible through the shorts.

"I want you to meet Keith and David. Guys, this is Clay, the cocksucker I told you about. Clay, these are two of my pledge brothers. All of us are horny and I promised them the best blowjobs, among other things, that they have ever had. Doug quickly sat up and pulled at my towel causing it to fall to the floor. My cock sprang to attention. All three guys laughed at me as they saw my condition.

"See, fellas? I told you he's hot for cock, mine especially, but also for other dude's dicks too. Hell, he's already had two guys today. Now the faggot is our toy to play with and as I told you, anything goes and I mean anything." Doug stood up and slipped his shorts down to his ankles. The cock I knew and loved so well was now only a foot or so from me. As I watched in shock, the other two guys also began to strip. I wanted to bolt from the room, but the sight of Doug, naked, his cock hard, kept me rooted to the spot. I would do anything for more of him. Unsure what would happen I watched the two young men strip.

Author's note: I have been asked to keep the series going by several readers. Without their encouragement, I would not have continued with this episode. Any comments are appreciated. Any suggestions are certainly welcome, though I plan to continue this pretty much as it occurred. Anyway, thanks for all the positive responses and if you want more, please let me know.

Next: Chapter 7

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