Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Sep 8, 1999


Dominated by Doug

Part 5


While I watched Seth strip off his t-shirt, Doug moved to the head of the bed and grabbed both of my wrists. I was still fascinated by the sight of my roommate stripping and didn't pay attention to what Doug was doing. I had seen Seth's chest a thousand times before, and I had seen him completely naked, but this was much different from any of those times. Suddenly I heard a small click and realized that Doug had moved my hands to the bar of the bed, the right over the top and the left under the bar and then clipped the two leather wrist cuffs together, effectively tying my hands to the bed. I had lowered my legs when Doug pulled out of me, but my rock hard cock was leaking precum and gave away my enjoyment at being used by Doug as a sex toy. I watched even more closely as Seth stripped off his jeans. He was wearing a pair of boxers underneath, but they quickly hit the floor and Seth was then naked, like Doug and myself. I saw his cock was still somewhat soft, but it was definitely on the rise. I had seen Seth's dick in our rooms over the past few months. Before Doug had shown me the pleasure I got from submitting to a dominant male, I had merely glanced at it. I was interested, but never planned to act on any desires I had. After that first weekend with Doug, I had taken a greater interest in my roommate's body, but had never had the chance to see him hard. When he had a chick over for a night, he would put a tie on the door handle to warn me not to come in until he was finished. I had spent plenty of nights sleeping next to him and some girl, but hadn't been in the room while he fucked her.

Now, Seth stood proudly in front of me, his cock fully risen. I stared at it admiringly. Seth was a well built young man, but wasn't developed like I was. I knew he had always been kind of envious of my body and my muscles, but in a good natured kind of way. I had greatly enjoyed his company since we had become roommates and had admired him even more after my initial submission to Doug. I hadn't even figured there was a chance of me getting together with him. While Doug was by far the most successful of the guys in my suite with the girls, Seth was pretty successful too. I had always figured on him being completely straight. His never wanting me in the room when he was with a girl had me convinced of his lack of interest in guys. Now, he stood in front of me, toned and muscled and very hard. As I watched, he ran his eyes up and down my body, taking in the collar, nipple clamps and my spread legs. Then he raised his head a bit and his eyes met mine.

"You cocksucking faggot! I can't believe that I had to find out that you were a cocksucker from Doug!" I was surprised. Seth seemed to be really angry. "He told me this morning that you were his personal faggot and I didn't believe him. Now I come in here and he's got his cock so far up your ass it's almost coming out your mouth. And he tells me you've been letting him plug you for weeks!"

"Well, ummm, Seth, I..."

"Shut up, faggot! You could have been sucking my cock all those days when I didn't have a chick to fuck. You could have been bending over for me too. But instead, you leave me to beat my meat and come over here to suck off Doug. Well, now you are gonna make up for your lack of attention." Seth climbed onto the bed, using his knees to spread my legs apart. I looked over at Doug, who was sitting on the bed across from us indian-style with his back against the wall. His cock was still rock hard and pointing straight toward the ceiling. I looked up to his face and saw his eyes were on Seth and me, taking in the scene. I saw Doug grab his cock and begin to slowly stroke it before Seth got my attention again. He had grabbed each of my ankles with a hand and was lifting them. I looked down again at his cock. It was around 6 or 7 inches long and very thick in the middle. I looked up at my roommate's face. His eyes were narrowed and he still had a mean look playing on his face.

"I'm gonna have to punish you a bit for not offering me your services when you should have, cocksucker. Doug and I talked it over and decided on what would be best. We figured the embarrassment of me catching you on your back with another guy's cock up your ass was a good start, but Doug suggested something more was in order. And you are about to pay for ignoring me." Seth looked over to Doug. "What did you call it, Doug?"

"A grudge fuck, dude."

"That's it." Seth looked me straight in the eye. "I'm gonna give you a grudge fuck, boy. It's gonna be something you'll never forget." Seth began to push his hips forward. I realized that he hadn't put any lube on his cock, not even spit.

"Please, Seth, put some lube on your dick! Spit on it or something," I begged.

"No way, fuckboy. You're gonna take it dry. That'll teach ya not to ignore me again." He shoved harder and his cock stretched open my hole. It was painful, but since Doug had already been fucking me, there was some lubrication. I groaned as the inches of his cock slid deeper and deeper into me. I saw Seth grin with satisfaction. Then, finally, Seth had all of his cock buried inside me. He began to pull back and I could feel that his cock was now fully lubed. I moaned again with his next thrust, but more in pleasure than in pain. I watched the lusty look on his handsome face as he began to pound into me.

"Take it. Take my cock, faggot! Yeah, open up for me just like the cock loving fuckboy that you are. Oh yeah! You're nice and tight, pussyboy. I'm gonna have to fuck you a lot after this. Take me, bitch. Take my fucking cock up your tight ass. Yeaaaah, that's right. Squeeze my cock with your ass, fuckboy. That's the way. Keep it clamped down. Make me feel good, faggot. Make me cum. I'm gonna shoot my wad up inside your boy pussy. Oh yeah, not much longer now."

"Do it to him hard, Seth," Doug said. He leaned forward and unhooked my wrists so that they were free. Seth looked over at him, still humping me. "Make him jack off while you fuck him, dude. Make him blow his load with your dick inside him," Doug told Seth. Seth looked down at me.

"You heard the man! Jack off that faggot cock of yours, fuckboy. I wanna feel your ass clamp down tight when you shoot your load. I wanna look you in the eye when you cum with my cock stuck up inside you. Now do it!" It was an order that I was happy to obey. I reached down with my right hand and grabbed my hard cock and began to stroke it. I let my left hand run up Seth's arm to his muscular shoulder and felt the power there. When he didn't object, I ran my hand along his side and back, feeling his body and muscles flexing as he pounded into me. I was ready to cum almost immediately from the power I could feel in the young man's body.

"Oh, god. I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

"Look at me," Seth demanded.

I looked up into his blue eyes and found them staring straight into my own. He seemed to try to been penetrating me with his eyes as well as with his cock. My eyes locked onto his, my ass impaled on his huge cock, I began to cum. I let out a small moan of pleasure and my cock began to shoot my juice. The first spurt hit Seth's abs and my chest. The rest began to rain onto my own abs. Seth had never stopped his pumping.

"Oh fuck yeah! That is great! Your ass is squeezing my cock each time you shoot, fuckboy. Yeah. I'm almost there. Gonna fill you with my seed, faggot. Oh yeah! I'm cumming!"

Seth's eyes were still locked onto mine. I watched his face as he reached his own orgasm. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me, filling my guts with his cum. His blue eyes stared straight into mine, watching my reactions as he came inside me. After ten or fifteen seconds, Seth was finished. He let out a ragged breath and raised himself up some. His cock was still up inside me. I felt him pull it out slowly, enjoying the last of the pleasurable sensations my body was providing for his. Then Seth leaned back on his knees and let my legs drop to either side of him. I looked at his cock and realized that it wasn't noticeably softer. Seth had worked up a sweat fucking me, and if it had been Doug, I knew I would have been put to work licking his body clean. But Seth stood up and looked at Doug.

"You gonna finish in him now?"


"I'll be right back." Seth grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom. He pulled the connecting door shut, but it remained unlocked. I heard the shower start as Doug moved onto the bed. I looked up at the blond's handsome face.

"Doggie-style, fuckboy. I think I like that name for you. Fuckboy. Describes you perfectly. Now get into position!"

I scrambled around on the bed until I was on my hands and knees in the middle of it. Without and warning, Doug roughly shoved his thick meat back into me. I moaned with pleasure. As Doug began to slowly fuck me, the running water stopped. Seconds later, Seth came back through the door, shutting and locking it behind him. His hair was wet and he looked even sexier to me than before, if that was possible.

"Get in front, dude," Doug suggested. "Let's both do him at the same time."

"Sounds good to me." Seth climbed onto the bed on his knees in front of me. This put his cock right at the level of my head. He grabbed my head with both hands and roughly pushed the head of his cock between my lips. I licked at it, coating it with spit. Slowly but steadily Seth forced more and more of his cock into my mouth. The head hit the entrance to my throat but Seth didn't stop. I choked some as his cock forced my throat to stretch, but weeks of taking Doug's cock had taught me how to suppress the reaction. Finally, my nose was buried in Seth's dark brown pubes.

"Got it all in Doug." I felt Doug shove forward until his cock was completely inside me too.

"Me too, man. Now the fuckboy has over a foot of cock inside him. Think he likes it?"

"I bet his does. Check him and see."

Doug reached underneath me and I felt his hand grab my rock hard cock. I was past blushing or embarrassment. I had two men inside me and my cock was hard, but that seemed to be right.

"The faggot is hard as steel, man. He loves getting it at both ends! This dude was made to be used by real men like us. Shit, he cums when he gets fucked and we cum when we fuck him, so it works perfectly. Now, let's really put it to him."

With that, they both set up a pattern. At first they timed their thrusts into me at the same time. I was penetrated by both their cocks at once, feeling myself get filled in both mouth and ass. Then they would withdraw, leaving me feeling empty. Soon their thrust were speeding up and they changed the pattern. As Doug rammed into me, Seth would pull his cock out of my throat. Then as Seth sank back into my face, Doug would pull his cock almost completely free. I was lost in the sensation of the two big dicks plugging me again and again in different patterns. I moved my left hand down to stroke myself as the two teenage studs used me, but Doug slapped my wrist hard. Apparently I was not allowed any sexual pleasure at this point except that which I got from the two stud's cocks inside me. I lowered my hand back to the bed to support myself. My lips were numb from the friction of Seth's steely cock pumping in and out. My ass felt sore, but Doug was still reaming me out good. I concentrated and squeezed down on his cock. Doug let out a moan of pleasure.

"That's it fuckboy," Doug hissed. "Work my cock. Make me cum, faggot. Make me shoot my hot load up inside your boy pussy. Ohhh, fuck yeah! That's right cocksucker. Milk my meat and suck off your roomie's dick. Suck him real good so that he gives you a nice hot reward. Oh fuck yeah. I'm getting close, dude," Doug said to Seth.

"Me too," Seth panted. He had his hands firmly holding my head in place as his hips thrust forward and back. My nose was buried in his pubes one second and the next I was looking down the length of his shaft at the light brown wiry hair. Seth sunk his cock into my mouth and held it there. I felt him flex his abs and his cock twitched in my mouth. "Fuck yeah! I'm gonna cum, man. Gonna make this cocksucker drink my juice. Oh god yeah! Take it sucker. Take my fucking cum!"

Seth's cock let loose deep in my throat. I felt the shaft expand as the first volley of cum shot through it and out the tip. I could feel his hot cum coat the back of my throat. Then Seth pulled forward and held the head of his cock on my tongue. I used my tongue to lick at the head of his spurting cock, tasting the salty cum and it left his body.

"Don't swallow it yet, cocksucker. Hold my cum in your mouth!" Seth ordered. I let my mouth fill with the rest of the spurts of his cum. At the same time I realized that Doug was cumming. The familiar moan of pleasure came from deep in his broad chest, almost a growl. His strong hands clamped onto my shoulders and I felt him pulling me backwards. His cock sank into me as deeply as it could and Doug punctuated his orgasm.

"Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhhh!" I crouched there, on my hands and knees like a dog, mouth full of one teenage stud's cum while the blond filled me with his seed. After a moment, Doug collapsed onto my back, his sweaty chest rubbing against my skin. Seth had pulled his cock from my mouth and settled back onto the bed.

"Open you mouth and let me see," Seth ordered. I obeyed, my mouth still full of his cum. He laughed when he saw it. "You've got a mouthful of me, fuckboy. How does it taste?"

Doug's strong hand suddenly gripped my chin and he twisted my head to the side until he could look into my mouth as well. "Hot damn! A mouthful of cum. What a pussyboy! Swallow it, faggot. Show us how much you like what we're doing to ya. Drink down that real man's cum!"

I obeyed without question, savoring the flavor of my roommate's sperm as it slid down my throat. Seth watched me closely, a smirk on his face, obviously enjoying watching another guy drink his cum. I was bigger than Seth, and had always kind of ruled the roost in our dorm room. I knew that had changed forever. Here I was, the more muscular and athletic of the two and I was drinking this dude's cum like it was milk. I felt humiliated, but also excited. My cock was still hard and I desperately wanted to shoot my own load.

Doug suddenly raised himself off my back and I felt his cock slide out of me. I heard myself let out a small whimper as I was left feeling completely empty. Doug heard me and chuckled, then grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up until I was standing in front of him. He smacked my cock, hard, making me moan again. His eyes stared deep into mine for a second, until I dropped my gaze. "Let's get cleaned up, fuckboy, then we might let you take care of this problem." He smacked my cock again. Seth leaned back on the bed and watched as Doug removed the collar and other toys he had used on me. He let them drop to the floor.

"Why do you use all that on him?" Seth asked.

Doug shot him a grin. "Because I can, dude. Because I can."

Doug pulled me into the bathroom. I was glad the other guys were out for the evening. Doug shoved me into the shower and turned on the water. A blast of cold made me yelp in surprise, but Doug adjusted the temperature and stepped in with me. He handed me a bar of soap.

"I know you would prefer to use your tongue to get me clean, wouldn't you?" I nodded when he paused and a smile lit up his handsome face. I felt weak in his presence. "I thought so, but this time, use the soap and get both of us clean." He stood there in the spray of the shower, like some Greek sculpture brought to life and let me soap him up. I ran my hands over the muscles of his shoulders and arms, admiring the steely hard strength in them. Then I soaped his chest and abs. His cock stirred slightly as I soaped his crotch, but didn't rise to full mast. He pushed me to my knees and I washed his legs, then each of his feet. Doug turned around and I stood and began to scrub his back. I admired the powerful expanse of his shoulders and the tapered form of his back. The mounds of his ass, solid muscle, were encased in soft skin under my hands. I scrubbed them for a moment, then Doug turned to let the water rinse his body of the suds. I was still behind him. Doug told me to get back on my knees. I sank down behind him.

"You know what to do," Doug said softly.

Without hesitation, I pressed my face to his ass. I let my tongue lap between his muscular cheeks, searching for his entrance. Doug leaned forward a bit and spread his feet. This allowed me access and I began to lick at his hole. I enjoyed the low groan of pleasure that Doug let out. I was pleased that I was the one who was making him feel so good. He let me lick him for about thirty seconds, using his hand to push my face hard against him, then released me. His hand then grabbed my hair again and he began to pull me to my feet. As I rose, Doug turned and I could see that his cock was completely erect again. I felt my mouth water as I saw it. Doug had me trained completely now. I wanted nothing more than to suck his cock at that point.

"I'm hard again, fuckboy. Let's get back in the bedroom and you can take care of Seth and me one more time tonight." Grabbing my cock, Doug pulled me out of the shower. He nodded towards a towel. I picked it up and began to dry his body admiring his masculinity as I did it. I felt so privileged to be able to feel Doug's body while drying him. I was only slightly surprised at how sexy I found him to be. Just the opportunity to feel his skin, his muscles and dry him had me so aroused that my cock was leaking precum. When he was dry, I used the towel on myself, holding it to my face several times to inhale the scent of him as I did it. Doug watched me with an amused look on his face.

We moved back into Doug's room. Seth was waiting on the bed still. He was still hard and I quickly compared him to Doug. Seth's body was nice. He wasn't as muscular as Doug or myself, but he was toned and in good shape. He also didn't possess that natural athletic look that Doug had, but neither did I. Seth did have a very sexy face though. His dark curly hair was a contrast to Doug's sexy blond locks and the two of them together made me so horny I could barely stand it. Then Seth gave me his sexy grin again and I just about dropped to my knees right there. I realized dimly, in the back of my mind, that Doug had me trained as a completely cock slut, but I didn't care. I wanted both of these men in any way they would let me.

Doug definitely had a plan in mind. He motioned to Seth to get off the bed and stand next to him. I couldn't believe that here we were, three goodlooking college freshmen, well built and in shape and completely naked together. Doug and Seth were completely comfortable with it and as I watched, Doug threw a companionable arm across Seth's shoulders. They stood together facing me, both of them hard as rocks. With just a gesture of his head, Doug ordered me to my knees in front of them. I obediently sank to the floor in front of the two studs and looked up at them. I was amazed at myself and the sight before me. My cock was rock hard and I slowly stroked it as my eyes greedily drank in the sight of these two horny studs. They seemed to be models of male perfection. Smooth skin covering toned muscles. Taut nipples capping mounds of muscles on Doug's chest and a splash of brown hair on Seth's. Hard abs and tight waists, leading down to throbbing hard cocks. As I watched, they stepped closer, bringing their bodies within my reach.

I dropped my cock and reached out to them. Taking a cock in each hand, I began to stroke the two teenagers, milking their cocks. Almost immediately, drops of precum formed on the heads of their dicks. Only inches from my face, I was able to study them both closely and compare them. Neither was better than the other. While Doug was longer, Seth was thicker. Without even thinking I moved my mouth closer and licked at first one, then the other. They tasted similar, but Doug's cum seemed slightly sweeter. I looked up to see them both staring down at me. A set of green eyes and a set of blue watched me as I licked and sucked at them. I felt hands on the back of my head and suddenly Doug's cock slipped into my mouth. I sucked on it a minute before he pulled out and Seth replaced him. I licked and sucked on him a moment when Doug began to force his cock in along with Seth's. I could only take the heads of their cocks in my mouth, but I did my best to take as much as I could.

"Having a sword fight in his mouth, dude," Doug said.

"Fucking A, buddy. He seems to love it." Seth replied.

"Damn right man. Feels good too, with your dick up against mine in the faggot's mouth. Won't take me long."

"Me either, Doug." Both young men were now stroking their cocks as I sucked on the heads. With one hand I stroked my own cock. I used the other to lightly play with their balls. I could tell that both of the guys liked this. Soon, they were showing signs that they were close to cumming. I lapped at the cock heads and Seth and Doug took turns poking into my mouth before pulling out to let the other in for a minute. I am not sure how long I spent on my knees trying to suck both guys at once, but it seemed only a second had passed before Seth let out a moan. I glanced up and saw his entire body go rigid. Every muscle in his beautiful body stood out as he began to shoot. Doug was still stroking his cock and just a second later, he too began to cum. Both young men aimed their dicks at my face, covering me with their cum. The feeling of these two young studs soaking me with sperm brought me over the edge and I emptied my own balls on the floor at their feet.

Panting, Doug and Seth broke apart and sat on opposite beds. I tasted cum as it dripped down my face and into my mouth. I ran my tongue around my lips, trying to get as much of it as I could. Their loads mingled together in my mouth, giving me a taste treat. Both of the spent youths watched me as I licked their cum up like some kind of cheap whore, but I couldn't stop myself. Before, after I had cum myself, I had felt embarrassed or ashamed at what I had done for Doug or had let Doug do to me, but I was past that now. I had enjoyed being used by these young males and I wanted to taste them. After another moment, Doug threw me a small towel and told me to wipe my face. After I had done that, Doug told Seth that we were finished for the evening. Seth gave him a grin, gathered up his clothes and padded out the door back to our dorm room. Doug told me I would spend the night in his room as Johnny would not be back that evening. I lay in Johnny's bed, admiring Doug's masculine form in the moonlight from the window and jerked myself off. I drifted off to sleep with the image of his smooth, muscular body firmly in my mind.

The next day, I struggled to remain awake through my economics class. Finally the bell rang and I packed up my books. I had over an hour before my next class so I decided to get some studying done for my psychology quiz the next day. I had spread out my text book and notes on the library table when suddenly the memory of the basement bathroom flooded my mind. I couldn't study. The image and excitement of sucking off Doug in the stall of the bathroom, hearing the other guys come in as Doug used my mouth and the thrill of Doug filling my mouth with cum made it impossible to study. It also had my cock hard as a rock. I struggled with the desire for a minute before I gave in. I packed up my backpack and made my way down the back steps to the basement.

I was suddenly very nervous. I wandered among the stacks, pretending to look for a book, but in reality I was trying to work up the courage to go into the bathroom. I didn't know if there would be other guys in the place, but just to see the stall again and relive the experience with Doug was too much to resist. I walked to the front of the basement floor to where the study tables were located. There were several people studying. A couple girls were whispering to each other and reviewing a text book. At another table was a black guy, reading over notes. There were also two whites dudes studying together at the front of the same table. Since the coast appeared to be clear, I turned and walked to the back of the stacks. I quickly slipped inside the men's room. One glance showed me that the stalls were empty. I made my way into the same stall I had occupied when Doug had brought me here.

Once again I read the messages scrawled on the partition between the stalls. There were all kinds of messages giving times and dates, telling about blow jobs and more. My cock swelled in my jeans as I read the messages on the wall. I let my hand drop to my crotch as I read, squeezing my cock through the denim. Suddenly I heard the outer door open. Shocked, I quickly sat down on the toilet, unsure what to do. I was even more scared when the door to the next stall opened and someone stepped inside. I heard the stall door close. Unable to control myself, I leaned toward the partition to try to get a glimpse of the guy. All I could see was a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt ticked into them. The body covered by the clothes looked trim and in shape. My cock, which had softened when I heard the door began to swell again. I suddenly realized that the guy in the next stall was facing the partition. He had seen me lean forward to look through the hole! I quickly leaned back, but saw the guy's crotch appear at the partition. Then I heard a hoarse whisper.

"You suck, dude?"

I didn't reply. All I could do was sit there, holding my breath.

"Come on guy. You wouldn't be in here staring through the hole if you didn't suck. I need to get off, man. Suck me." I watched as suddenly hands appeared, unbuttoning the jeans. I was even more shocked to see that they were black. Before I knew it, the jeans were open and a large black cock, about half hard, was poking through the hole. I didn't know what to do. I had seen plenty of black guys naked in the gym and showers, but had never even considered them for sex. Hell, up until a few weeks ago, I had never really considered any male for sex. But now, my outlook and desires had changed, or had been changed by Doug. The sight of the large cock was enough to make me forget all my inhibitions. As if I had no will of my own, I found myself dropping to my knees and my mouth moving toward the thick black cock. I heard a hiss of pleasure as I let my lips close around the big black dick.

"That's it, whiteboy. Suck my big cock. Do me real good whiteboy. Ohhh, fuck yeahhh."

I used all of the techniques that Doug had taught me. I used my tongue on the guy's cockhead, I used suction on the shaft and took the guy deep in my throat. His moans of appreciation were music to my ears. I began to bob my head, taking him deeply each time. Before long, the guy's hips began to thrust. It was slow at first, but then he began to move faster and faster. I finally was holding my head in place, chin against the partition, letting this black stud fuck my mouth. With a loud moan, the guy began to cum.

"Fuck yeahhh, whiteboy! Take my hot cum. Yeah, suck it all down, fag. Eat my dick and eat my cum. Oh shit yeah, whiteboy, you suck better than any chick I know. Drink me, faggot."

The words were like music to my ears. I had freed my own cock and was stroking it. Hearing this, I began to cum immediately. While I swallowed this unknown black guy's cum, I shot my own wad on the partition. Suddenly, the guy pulled back, his cock pulling from my mouth with a loud pop. I leaned back and grabbed some tissue paper. I cleaned up the mess I had made and stood up, closing up my jeans.

"Thanks, whiteboy," I heard before the stall door opened. Then I heard the outer door open and close. I was suddenly embarrassed again. I left the stall and moved to the sink. I could see in the mirror that my face was flushed. I waited a minute or two, letting my color return to normal, then turned and pushed through the outer door. As it opened, I caught my breath. There, leaning against a bookshelf across from the door, was a black guy in jeans and a white t-shirt. I realized it was the guy I had seen in the front of the basement room earlier. He was tall and lanky and his good build showed through the white cotton material. I felt my face blush again. A wide smile of white teeth split the black guy's face. He stepped close to me.

"You suck like a pro, whiteboy. I'd like another go between those sweet lips, boy. Here's my number. Call me when you need some more black dick." He pushed a slip of paper into my unresisting hand and walked away. I looked at the paper. All it said was "Leon 555- 1267". Almost numb, I left the library and went back to the dorm. No one was around so I lay on my bed. The sight of the black guy standing outside the men's room flashed through my mind again and again. Then my mind focused on the sight and the taste of the large black cock which had come through the partition. Before I knew it, my jeans were open and I was stroking my cock. As I came, my mind focused on an image of me surrounded by Doug, Johnny, Seth, the guy from the bookstore and Leon, servicing them all. The force of my orgasm shot my cum all the way to the headboard of my bed. Exhausted, I rolled onto my side and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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