Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Jun 27, 1999


Dominated by Doug

Part 4


It was morning. I awoke and stretched in bed then sat up. I had classes that day and needed to take a shower and get cleaned up. I showered quickly been made my way to class. I spent the majority of the day in the library studying for my history exam. Around dinner time I looked up to see Doug approaching the table at which he was sitting. I felt my cock begin to stiffen at the site of the muscular, athletic young blond. I raised my eyes to meet Doug's. Doug was staring straight at me. His green eyes seemed to penetrate straight into my blue ones. I dropped my eyes from Doug's but saw a grin spread across the handsome young stud's face as I did it.

"So what are you doing?" Doug asked quietly.

"Just studying," I replied.

"Well, shut your book I've got something for you to do." I obediently closed my book, keeping my eyes on the table. As Doug sat down, I quickly glanced at his lean body. I felt my cock throb in my tight jeans. Doug just sat staring at me until I raised my eyes. Doug leaned forward and spoke quietly, "You are gonna go get some stuff for me." Doug leaned back in his chair.

"What do you want me to get," I asked. Doug gave me a hard stare until I quietly mumbled "Sir."

"That's better," Doug said with a grin. "You know the store down on Walnut Street? I want you go down there and get some stuff for us to play with tonight."

"On Walnut Street? There are no stores on..." I felt my face turn red. There was only one store on Walnut Street. It was an adult bookstore. I had been by it plenty of times going from the parking building to class, but had never been in the place. I would have been far too embarrassed to ever enter that kind of a store. Now, as I watched, Doug slid a small piece of paper across the table to me.

"Pick it up and read it," Doug ordered.

I picked up the piece paper and unfolded it. There was a short list of items printed on the paper. As I read through the list, I was forced to shift in my chair to relieve the pressure on my aching cock. I moved until it was aimed along my left leg and dropped one hand to my lap to hide the bulge. I felt my face grow even redder than it had been. Butt plug, cock ring, vibrator, lube, tit clamps, and dildo were all listed. Quickly folding the paper again, I looked up at Doug. Doug's grin was still on his face.

"I, I can't go in there..." I trailed off. I knew I would go into the store. Doug had ordered it, so I would go in and buy the items. I couldn't imagine having to pay for a dildo and a butt plug, but somehow I would manage it. Doug watched my face and saw the rebelliousness change into acceptance. He smiled in satisfaction. I found out later that Doug had been in the store a couple of times. He knew he could always get some fag to blow him in the movie cubicles and before he had found me, he had taken advantage of that several times. Doug looked me over for a minute, then seemed to come decision in his mind.

"Come with me," Doug ordered. He stood up and looked down at me expectantly. I gathered my books and stood, holding them in front of my crotch to hide my hard cock. Doug saw this and chuckled. He turned and began to walk towards the back of the library. I followed him, happy to move between the stacks of books where I was no longer visible to the other students in the library. I followed Doug to a stairway, then down three levels to the basement. In the basement, Doug led me off to the left along the back of the library. He stopped in front of a wooden door, then turned and opened it. As I followed the lean blond into the room, I saw it was a men's bathroom. My eyes quickly took in the scene. Two sinks, two urinals and two stalls. The walls of the stalls started about eight inches from the ceiling and ran all the way to the floor. Doug led me over to the stalls. "Get in the other one," Doug ordered.

I watched as Doug stepped into the first stall and shut the door. Taking a deep breath, I moved into the second stall and shut the door. I looked over at the partition between myself and Doug and saw it was covered in writing. There were dates and times, even some phone numbers. There were drawings of cocks all over the wall and I felt my dick stiffening again. Then my eyes found the hole in the partition. I moved closer to look through and saw Doug's hands working the button and zipper of his jeans. As I watched, Doug pulled his still soft cock from his jockeys and stepped closer to the partition. I saw Doug's cock begin to lengthen. The harsh whisper came from the other side of the wall, "Suck it, boy!"

Without even thinking, I dropped my books and sank to my knees in front of the hole. I opened my mouth and let Doug's cock slide along my tongue and into my throat. I could feel the beat of Doug's heart as the cock in my mouth swelled. I ran my tongue over the head and heard Doug's quickly hissed intake of breath. I set to work. I ran my head all the way down, taking Doug as deeply as I could and getting the shaft of his dick wet with my spit. Then my forehead hit the partition. That brought me back to reality. I was on my knees in the men's room of the library sucking the cock of another guy! Anyone could walk in at any time! But I knew I couldn't stop now. Doug wanted me to get him off. Doug wanted to cum in my mouth. Until that happened, I knew I would be on my knees in this room. I set to work even more ferociously and felt Doug's body respond.

From the other side of the partition, I heard Doug moan a bit, then whisper again. "Suck it, faggot. Eat my fucking cock." Doug's hips were moving now, forcing his cock in and out of my mouth. I knew the signs very well. Doug was about to cum. With a loud moan, Doug let loose, his thick cream spurting onto my tongue, coating it. I lapped at the head, sucking down Doug's hot cum as fast as he could produce it. I swallowed a second time and heard Doug sigh in satisfaction. I realized that I was rubbing my own cock through my jeans and was close to cumming myself. I pulled my hand away and concentrated on milking the big cock filling my mouth. After a few seconds, Doug stepped back, pulling his softening dick out of my mouth. I leaned back a bit, panting. Then I heard the outer door open. Two male voices came from over the stall partitions, talking about sociology.

I clapped a hand over my mouth, to stifle the sound of my heavy breathing. Through the hole in the partition, I saw Doug slowly zipping up his jeans, as if there was no one else in the room. I heard the urinals flush and the water run at the sinks, then the door opened again and the voices disappeared. Still on my knees, I saw Doug step to the door and open it. I scrambled to my feet and left the stall. Doug was standing a few feet away, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"You did a good job, boy. I almost asked those two dudes if they wanted a crack at you, but you've got some business to take care of for me." Doug ran his eyes up and down my body. "You're hard still, cocksucker. That's good. Now I want you to go to the store and get the stuff on the list." He turned and walked over to the sink. "Oh, and by the way, I told some of my buddies that my cocksucker would be there today at five. That gives you about fifteen minutes to get there. I'm not sure how many will show up, but I want you to treat them right. The back room where you watch the porn flicks have walls with glory holes like the one you just blew me through. I want you to take care of the studs. You know what to do now. So get you're butt out of here and when you are done, come straight to my dorm room. Johnny won't be home until late, so we will have plenty of time for some fun." Doug walked out of the men's room.

I waited a second, then went over to the sink. I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was flushed from the effort that I had put into making Doug cum. I took a minute to clean up wondering if people could smell Doug's cum on my breath, then left the library. I passed the dorm on the way to Walnut Street and dropped off my books. Seth was there and I told him I was going out for a while. He was studying and didn't say much. I left quickly and began the walk to the bookstore. It took about ten minutes, but all too soon, I found myself at the corner of Walnut Street. The bookstore was halfway up the block on the left. I tried to imagine myself walking into the place, but kept watching the people on the street, driving or walking by me. How many would see me go in? What would they think? Then I thought of the list that was in my pocket and felt my cock begin to grow again. Screwing up my courage, I quickly walked up the street and turned into the bookstore.

I opened the door and quickly stepped inside. There was a high counter running along the right hand side of the store with a handsome man sitting on a stool behind it. I looked at him for a second and watched as he ran his eyes over my body. I felt myself starting to blush, so I moved further into the store. There were racks of books and magazines standing in the middle of the store in rows. Along the walls were all types of sex toys and a whole wall of VHS movies. On the right wall was a doorway, which I assumed led to the movie booths which Doug had mentioned. Fortunately, other than the man working in the store, I was the only person there. I walked back through the racks of magazines. They showed men and women in various positions having sex. As I neared the back, I reached the gay section. There were all types of pictures on the fronts of the magazines. One showed a large black man pinning a smaller white man on a bed on his back, his large black cock shoved halfway up inside the white guy. My cock was rock hard now. I looked around and saw the guy behind the counter wasn't watching me, so I slid my hands into my jeans and pulled my cock up towards my belly, relieving some of the pressure.

I moved to the wall and looked at all of the different dildoes, butt plugs, vibrators and other items. Them walked to the entry to the movie booths. As I approached, the man behind the counter called out to me that I would need to buy tokens to watch the movies. Nervously, I walked up and handed him a five dollar bill. He gave me twenty tokens. I noticed that he was a good looking guy, about 23 or 24, with curly black hair and a sexy build. I quickly gathered up the tokens and moved into the back area. On the wall was a glassed box with the covers of the various movies that were being shown in the booths. About half were all male, the rest were straight or were even more bizarre than I had imagined. One showed either a guy or a girl, with both breasts and a cock. I noted the numbers of some of the movies showing the hottest looking guys and turned to start down the passage to a booth. Suddenly one of the doors to a booth opened and a muscular young man about my own age stepped out. He immediately began to stare at me, openly checking me out.

I found myself doing the same to him. He was certainly a handsome specimen of young male sexuality. He was dressed in a muscle t-shirt and had the body to wear it with pride. While I was toned, as was Doug and Johnny, this guy was obviously more of a body builder. Even through the shirt, I could see the outline of his pecs and his washboard abs. He had sandy brown hair, parted on one side and cut fairly short. The muscles of his thighs were very developed and caught my attention briefly before my eyes found his crotch. The young man was obviously hard. I could see the outline of his cock through the cotton material of the khaki shorts he was wearing. He must have been watching a movie in a booth and jacking off his cock. He moved closer to me and I figured he must have been one of the friends that Doug had told me about earlier. I was still in front of the movie listing and he came over and stood next to me. Just the nearness of this sexy young man had my body responding.

"So, dude, what do you think of number ten?" he asked, referring to one of the movies showing. The picture on the front of the box showed a young blond guy, on his knees sucking off another young man with reddish hair.

"Pretty hot, man," I replied.

"You into that? You wanna be in the position the blond guy is in?" He turned to me and rubbed his crotch openly. "You wanna suck my cock, guy?" I could only nod, not trusting my voice. "Then get in booth number three over there. Now." I obeyed, stepping into the booth. I thought he would follow me in, but he moved into the booth next to me and I heard the door shut. I shut my own door and dropped some tokens into the machine. I heard him doing the same, then saw the light from his TV shining through a hole at crotch level. I knew then what was expected of me. Glancing at the picture on my screen, I saw a young guy bent over a motorcycle. He was getting fucked up the ass by a handsome man while another fucked the guy's mouth at the same time. My hand found my cock and I began to rub it through the denim of my jeans as I watched the man get taken at both ends. Suddenly I heard a rapping and looked at the glory hole. The guy on the other side had knocked on the edge of the hole to get my attention. Without much thought, I squatted down in front of the hole, much as I had done just a bit earlier for Doug. The guy already had his cock out of his shorts.

As I watched, he leaned down a bit and saw my face at the hole. Satisfied, he stood up again and stepped forward, his cock sliding through the hole in the wall. I only debated for a second. He was a stranger, but he was very sexy. I moved my head forward and took him in my mouth. I began to slowly work my way down his shaft, pulling back a bit, then taking more. Soon his cock was completely wet with my spit and I began to slide up and down it as I had done for Doug so many times. The guy tasted good. His cock was thick, but not as long as Doug's so I had no trouble taking it. I was busy bobbing my head up and down his cock, so intent on my job that I didn't notice that the movie in my booth had cut off. Suddenly the guy jerked his dick out of my mouth and his face appeared at the glory hole. For a brief second, I thought he might want to suck me. "Drop some more tokens, you stupid cocksucker!" he growled. "Otherwise the guy out front will be in here banging on the door in no time. I only need about four more tokens and I'll blow my load."

I dropped the tokens into the slot and went back to work on the teen's cock. True to his word, within about a minute I heard a groan from the other side of the wall that was louder than that coming from the TV. Spurts of cum shot from the guy's cock, filling my mouth. Trained as I had been by Doug, I meekly swallowed the young man's cum, drinking it down. After five or six shots, the guy was finished. He pulled his cock back through the hole and I watched as he zipped up his shorts. He leaned down again. "Good job, faggot." I saw the light coming through the hole increase as he opened the door and left. I was still stroking my own cock through my jeans. Now I opened them up, undoing the buttons and pulled my dick free. I turned my attention back to the screen. It showed one young guy being blown by another, so I hit the button to scroll through the other movies. I didn't even pause on the straight movies as I would have once done, but went only for the all male shows. Suddenly I clicked onto one showing a black guy pushing a blond white boy onto his knees. As the big black cock slid into the blond's throat, I began to jerk my cock more seriously. I watched the oral action, getting closer to my orgasm, when the movie shut off. I had to fish in my pocket for the last of my tokens.

When I got the movie back on, it showed the black man taking the blond's ass doggie style. This really turned me on and I watched as the black man fucked hard and fast. He was calling the white boy his bitch, just like Doug did to me, and that was enough to bring me off. Moaning a bit, I shot my wad onto the floor. I was panting now and sat back, catching my breath. I buttoned up my jeans and watched as the black man pulled his cock out of the white boy and shot his load all over his back. A few seconds later, the screen went dead again. I got up, planning to leave. I made it to the entry to the back room of movie booths when suddenly I remembered Doug's list.

I pulled it out, still out of view of the main room. Butt plug, dildo, vibrator, cock ring, lube, leather cuffs and tit clamps. I had seen most of the stuff on the wall, but not all of it. I stepped out into the main room and the guy behind the counter watched me as I moved to the other side of the store. I looked over the dildoes. There were ones that were made to look like cocks and others that were smooth plastic. One of these was also a vibrator. I grabbed a medium thickness dildo, made to look like a real cock, then a smooth butt plug with a strap. The vibrator I got was one to be used on a cock, to stimulate a guy without any effort on his part. The leather cuffs were on a rack next to me and I picked out a black pair that had a link in the middle which would allow them to be connected. The lube was on a shelf nearby and I grabbed a bottle of something called "Wet", then looked for the tit clamps. I didn't see anything meeting that description. I held all of my items and moved through the store again, the guy behind the counter still watching me. I knew I would soon have to face him, and buy all of this stuff from him. When I glanced over, I saw that there was a display case in the counter. I walked over to it and looked inside.

"That all you need, boy?" the guy asked. "You sure got plenty there. All for you? I bet it is. Judging by how happy that boy looked who left here a few minutes ago, you must be pretty good with your mouth." He chuckled as I blushed.

"N-no, sir, I need some tit clamps, too." He grinned at me and moved down the counter and pointed. I saw what he was showing me. Metal and plastic clamps, connected with chains, for the most part.

"How much can you take, boy?"

"Umm...what do you mean?"

"Never mind. I can tell you are fresh meat. I will get you an adjustable set, but ones that won't get too tight. Unless you're gonna use them on yourself?" I shook my head. "Didn't think so," he continued. He reached into the case and pulled out a set of smooth metal clamps that had small screws on them. He explained that they could be tightened, but not too much. "The guy who puts these on you will have plenty of fun with them, don't worry." I blushed again. As he rang up the purchases, he said "I wouldn't mind trying out those sweet lips of yours sometime, boy. Just stop in sometime around 10 p.m. That is when I get off work." I paid quickly and grabbed the brown paper bag.

I slipped out of the store and no one seemed to pay any attention to me. I walked quickly until I was well away from the store, then tried to act like I was just carrying groceries or hardware. Before I knew it, I was back at the dorm. I went up to Doug's room and knocked on the door. He answered, wearing nothing but a pair of tight boxers. The sight of his beautiful body was enough to get my dick stirring again. I was suddenly aware that I was responding now more to other men than to women, sexually. Just the sight of Doug nearly naked had me excited and horny. He took in the sight of me with the bag in my hands and ordered me into the room. I stepped inside and he closed and locked the door.

"Strip, bitch," came the familiar command. I quickly shed all of my clothing and stood before him, naked and already hard. I had cum not less than fifteen minutes before, but being in Doug's presence and once again submitting to his will had me hard as a rock. Doug was rummaging through the brown paper bag, pulling out the items I had bought. He set them out on his desk, then looked at me. "Good job, faggot. What happened at the store?"

I told him about meeting his buddy back in the booths and giving him a blow job through the glory hole like he had ordered me to do. Doug burst out laughing. I was confused and watched him laugh so hard that tears began to drip down his cheeks. Finally he regained his composure and looked up at me, wiping his cheeks. "You blew a guy in the booths?"

"Yes, Sir," I answered, still confused.

"I didn't tell any of my buddies to be there, you dumb bitch. You just blew some complete stranger. Sucked off a guy neither one of us has even seen before in our lives. Did you even get his name? Did you swallow his load?"

I was shocked. "No, sir, I didn't get his name, and yes, I swallowed his cum, sir."

"Perfect! I knew you would find some guy to blow. Now you've got a belly full of cum from the balls of a guy whose name you don't even know. You are turning into one helluva cock slut, Clay." I hung my head, ashamed of what he had tricked me into doing.

"Now it is time for use to use some of these toys that you bought and I will add a couple of loads to the one that guy already deposited. Sound good to you, cocksucker?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

Doug was up and grabbed my chin with his hand, forcing my face up. His own face was just inches from mine. "What did you say, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. He released my face.

"That's better, bitch. Don't you forget your place in this room. I own you, cock, ass, mouth and all. You are here to please me and don't you ever forget it!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied again. This was the Doug I knew. Dominant, aggressive and completely male. Doug grabbed the cuffs and put them on first my right wrist, and then the left. He examined the clasp, then pulled my arms behind me and hooked the cuffs together. Once again, I found myself as the bondage fuck slave of this eighteen year old stud. I watched as he examined the cock ring. I thought he would use it on me, but to my surprise, he stripped off his boxers and secured it around his own cock and balls. I watched as his cock hardened, getting redder and larger than I had ever seen it before. My mouth began to water at the sight of him, naked and hard.

Doug picked up the butt plug and pulled it out of the package. It was about 4 inches long, got very wide, then narrowed down to about half an inch, before widening again to a very thin inch, which I guess was to keep it from sliding completely inside. I tried to imagine the smooth plastic sliding up into my ass. It was wider than Doug's cock, but I figured I could handle it. To my surprise, Doug stepped up to me and began to push the plug between my lips. I opened my mouth obediently and the plug slid in until my lips closed around the narrow portion. Doug then tied the leather straps around the back of my head, stretching the corners of my mouth and holding the plug securely in place. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. But it was only the beginning.

Next, Doug got the tit clamps. He attached the first one to my right nipple and I moaned through the plug in my mouth in pain. He screwed up the tightness a bit, but it never got unbearable. Then he attached the second clamp to my left nipple, tightening it as well. The pain was intense again briefly, but like the right nipple, it soon somehow began to feel good. I tried to imagine what I looked like, hands secured behind me, mouth filled with a plug, lips stretched by the straps and tit clamps hanging from my nipples connected by a metal chain. I watched for a minute as Doug walked to his desk and opened the drawer. He pulled out a piece of short brown leather. At first I didn't recognize it. Then, as he approached with it, I realized it was a dog collar. Unable to resist, I stood there as he secured the collar around my throat. Then Doug grabbed the chain hanging from my nipples and pulled me into the bedroom. He led me in front of the mirror on his closet door.

The sight of myself, trussed up as a slave in a dog collar, with all the other items, made my cock even harder than it had been. Doug had mentally dominated me, then physically dominated me by penetrating both my mouth and ass with his cock. He had physically restrained me before with his socks, using one as a gag and another to bind my wrists, but now, I looked like some complete sex shop whore like in one of the magazines, ready to be used at his whim. I realized that was exactly what I was. The thought of this new, total submission to Doug's will made me even more eager to please him. Doug left me to admire his handiwork for a moment and returned with the lube. I watched as he rubbed the lube onto his cock, then stepped behind me. Doug moved in close, running his hands over my body, exploring it again as he had done before. He felt anywhere he wanted, and I was powerless to do anything about it. Finally he moved a bit closer and I felt his cock sliding towards my ass, parting the muscles of my ass cheeks. Doug kicked the insides of my ankles until I had spread my legs enough to please him. He pushed me forward a bit until I was leaning at a slight angle. Then I felt the head of his thick cock lodge against my hole.

Doug reached around me and grabbed the chain connecting the clamps on my nipples. He began to pull downward. The strain on my nipples caused me to bend my knees to relieve it and as I did, I lowered myself onto his cock. Doug was forcing me to fuck myself with his dick, while totally in bondage! I sank lower, feeling Doug's thick shaft entering me as I did so. I moaned even more as the familiar feeling of Doug's penetration of my body continued. He had taken another step in turning me into his total slut.

As I lowered myself onto his cock, he looked over my shoulder, watching me in the mirror. As our eyes met, he said, "That's it, bitch. Fuck yourself on my pole. Fuck yourself with my cock. Work me until you make me shoot my hot load up inside your tight hole, you cunt. Oh yeah. That feels damn good!" He stopped pulling down on the chain when his pubes were against my ass and I raised up until just the head of his cock remained in me, then Doug used the chain to pull me back down. He set up my rhythm this way until I was using the muscles of my legs to fuck myself up and down on his cock. He kept calling me names as I worked to make him cum. My legs were tiring after about five minutes of this action. I worked out, was in good shape, but had never been put through this type of a workout. And still his words "cocksucker, cunt, bitch, slut, whore, faggot, pussyboy" echoed in my ears. I watched his face, still admiring his handsome features, even as he abused my body and mind, trying to give him enough pleasure to make him fill me with his cum. As I began to tire even more, Doug reached in front of me and grabbed my cock. His hand still had lube on it and he began to stroke my cock. My whole body reacted and my movement on his cock increased in speed.

The feelings coursing through my cock and my entire body caused my as to clamp even harder on Doug's invading dick. With his other hand, Doug began to rub my balls. I knew I was about to cum. As a freshman, I was taking psychology and I knew that his causing my orgasm while in bondage and with his cock fucking me was a form of conditioning. I was learning more and more to associate getting my sexual pleasure by providing Doug with his, but I was too far gone to care. I focused my eyes on his face in the mirror. His blond hair was damp with sweat and his face was flushed. With that sight in my eyes, I shot my load. It was the best orgasm of my life. Hands bound behind me, mouth stuffed with a butt plug and ass filled with his hard, throbbing cock, I shot so hard that I hit the mirror in front of us. My orgasm drained me and Doug wrapped his muscular arms around my chest. I let my head drop forward and admired the muscles and veins in his forearms as they flexed as he held me, impaled on his cock. With a few strokes of his dick into me, Doug let go with his own orgasm, filling my guts once again with his seed.

Doug pumped in and out through his orgasm, then rammed in deeply, holding his cock inside me. I raised my head and my eyes met his in the mirror. As I watched him, he pulled his cock out of me slowly. I felt his arms release me and I sank to my knees in front of the mirror. I felt Doug untie the strap holding the plug in place in my mouth and pull it free. I gasped a few deep breaths. Then Doug ordered me to lick up my own cum from the mirror and his floor. It was difficult, with my arms still bound behind me, but I managed to obey him. When I was finished, Doug grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to his bed. He unhooked my wrists and pushed me onto the bed on my back. I saw that he was still hard.

"You want it again, boy? You want me to fuck your tight little cunt again with my big cock? You're on your back now. You want me to take you like a woman and fuck you like the bitch that you are?"

"Yes, Doug, Sir. Please fuck me again, Sir. Please mount me like a bitch and fuck me any way you want. Please sir. I want to feel you cum in me again."

Doug grinned his sexy grin again and lifted my legs. With one quick thrust, he penetrated me completely, his eyes locked onto mine. I felt as if his eyes were fucking my eyes even as his cock fucked my boypussy. He still had the grin on his face and I realized that when he flashed me that sexy grin, I would do anything this hot young man asked me to do.

"You like the humiliation, boy, don't you? You like to feel used. You like to have a real man abuse your body and use it for his pleasure. Admit it."

"Yes, Sir. I enjoy the humiliation you put me through. I like when you put me into bondage. I like when you cum in my mouth and ass. I loved it when you made me suck you in the public men's room. I don't know how, but you have made me into a total cock loving bitch, Sir. Please don't stop fucking me."

"Don't worry about that, bitch. I'm gonna keep fucking you. At least tonight. But I have another surprise for you. You're gonna love this."

As he said this, the door to the communal bathroom swung open and I realized that it had been open partway when Doug had shoved me onto the bed and probably the whole time I had been in his room. Doug had his cheek next to mine and I was looking down his well muscled back, past his butt which was rising and falling as he thrust into me and saw my roommate, Seth, step into the room. His eyes were wide as he took in the scene. There I was, his macho roommate, on my back with a dog collar around my throat, cuffs on my wrist and an eighteen year old stud humping me like a two bit whore. I could tell from his expression that he had heard every word I had just said. All of my admissions to Doug that I was his slut and his whore. Doug suddenly pulled his cock out of me and climbed off the bed, leaving me there on my back, legs spread. My hard cock said everything that my words hadn't.

"Holy shit," Seth said. "I thought you were fucking with me, Doug. I never would have thought a guy like Clay, who's fucked a dozen chicks this semester would really be a cock loving faggot!"

Seth was wearing a white t-shirt and running shorts and his cock was readily visible through the parachute material. I knew that I would soon be tasting my roommate's cum and would feel him mount me before this night was over. I looked over at Doug. He had set me up, made me admit all those things with Seth just outside the door, but still the sight of him made me so horny that I forgave him immediately. I shifted my eyes back to my roommie, noticing again how sexy he was and watched as he stripped his t-shirt off over his head. I wondered what all the two of them had planned for me for the rest of the night.

Next: Chapter 5

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