Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Mar 7, 1999


Dominated by Doug

Part 3


It was a Thursday evening, and I had not seen Doug in about a week. Also, the girl I had been dating had made it clear that she wasn't going to put out for me at all. I was both frustrated and relieved by that. After my experiences with Doug over the last few weeks, I was unsure of what I wanted from a girl. I had found that I liked the way that Doug took control, dominated me and used me for his sexual pleasure. Just the thought of it had my cock stiffening in my shorts. The dorm room was hot and I was wearing only a white t-shirt and some Umbro shorts. I had a jock on underneath, so my hard cock wasn't easily noticeable, but still I felt uncomfortable sitting only a few feet from my roommate who was studying at his desk. I looked back down at my textbook, but my mind wandered back to the last time I spent with Doug. Pictures in my mind of Doug's tight, muscled body, blond hair and green eyes kept distracting me. Also the thought of his hard cock, and what he did to me with it were enough to make me close my textbook with a sigh. My roommate looked over at me.

"Can't study, huh?" Seth asked.

"Nah, it's too hot." I replied. That was kind of the truth. Actually, I was now too hot from reliving my time with Doug. Making up my mind, I got up from the desk and walked into the bathroom. I got to the door of Doug's room, and paused. What if his dorm mate was home? Here I was ready to knock on another guy's door and ask him, hell beg him even, to let me be his cocksucker and pussy. Now that I was there, I was embarrassed. If Johnny, Doug's roommate answered the door, what would I do? Still my raging hormones were in control and I found myself knocking on the door that separated Doug's room from the bathroom. I heard someone moving on the other side of the door and felt my cock growing even stiffer. Suddenly Doug opened the door. He took one look at me and a smirk appeared on his face.

"What are you here for, faggot?" he asked, quietly.

", I thought I'd see if you were busy or maybe wanted to hang out for awhile." I knew I sounded kind of lame, but the sight of Doug, with his arrogant, superior look had my knees weak. I wanted him again and was prepared to submit to anything he desired to have another chance to suck him, or take his cock in any way he wanted. I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his for a second before I dropped my gaze along his shirtless chest and down to his feet. He was wearing a pair of white sweat socks and tennis shoes. He had on a pair of football shorts, exposing his well muscled legs to my roving eyes. I admired the fine blond hairs on his shins as I let my eyes wander up the length of them to his well packed crotch. It appeared that he wasn't wearing any underwear. I suddenly realized that I had been staring at his lower body for over a minute and he had yet to say a word to answer me. I looked up at his face again.

"Johnny's out right now, pussyboy. You here for some more of my cock?" I nodded my head. Doug looked at me, his face assuming a stern look. "Not good enough, boy. You answer me when I ask you a question!" he demanded.

"Yes sir," I answered.

"Yes sir what? Tell me what you want, bitch!"

"I want your cock, sir. I want to suck you off and taste your cum. I want to feel you mount me and fuck my pussy hard until you cum. I want to taste your body, lick every inch of it and make you feel good sir." The words came in a rush. I was unable to control them or slow them down. But I was rewarded with a smile on Doug's face. I knew he enjoyed being in control and exerting his will and power over me, and a wave of submission rolled through my mind. I enjoyed his domination as much as he did.

"Good answer, bitch. Get your cocksucking mouth in here." He stepped back, pulling the door open wider and I entered his dorm room. He shut the door behind us and I heard the lock click. I began to turn around to look at him when I felt the palm of his hand hit me on my back right between my shoulder blades pushing me forward and into the middle of the bedroom. Doug released me and I turned around to look at him.

He issued a single word command, "Strip!"

I obeyed immediately. I quickly pulled my t-shirt over my head and shucked off my shorts and boxers. I was already barefoot, so I was standing naked in front of Doug in seconds. I felt my throbbing cock rising in front of me as I stared at the dominant young man standing in front of me. Doug had his arms crossed over his chest, which showed off the development of his biceps and shoulders. He looked me up and down for a second, smirking when he saw my already erect cock pointing towards him. Doug looked me in the eyes and snapped the finger or his right hand, then pointed with the same hand straight down at the floor between his spread legs. I understood the gesture and the command instantly. He expected me to drop to my knees on the hard tile floor just upon his unspoken command. Once again, the desire to submit to this handsome teenage blond stud washed through me. I stepped forward and sank to my knees before him.

"Yeah, you slut. You want it so bad you'd do anything to get another chance at my cock, wouldn't you boy?"

"Yes, sir." I answered.

I watched as Doug kicked off his tennis shoes. Then Doug lifted each foot and ordered me to remove his socks. They had been pushed down to around his ankles and as I pulled them off I realized that they were very long tube socks. When Doug ordered, I handed him one of the socks. I watched as he balled it up and held it in front of my face. Doug ordered me to open my mouth as when I did, he shoved the balled up sock into my mouth. He then quickly stepped behind me and used the other sock to secure my wrists behind my back. I felt my cock throbbing even harder and could see that I was leaking precum. Doug was back in front of me and noticed the same thing.

"You really get off on me tying you up, dontcha? What a fucking slut you are, boy. I watched him intently as he ran his hand over his chest, lightly squeezing his nipples, then down the muscular landscape of his abs and under the waistband of his shorts. I saw him wrap his hand around his cock and felt the sock in my mouth getting wetter and wetter as my mouth watered for a taste of his cock. Doug stroked his dick in his shorts for a second, teasing me, then pulled it free. My eyes focused on his hard cock immediately wanting to taste it, wanting to please it, to please him. I pulled at my bound wrists, frustrated that I couldn't reach out and stroke his cock for him. Doug watched me struggling and chuckled. I stopped, resigned to my position of submission to this young male and looked up at him. When I did, Doug leaned forward a bit and began to beat my face with his hard cock. I could feel the precum being smeared on my face as he did it. I knew from our time together before that he enjoyed this. He liked seeing another male on his knees, submitting to having his face slapped by another guy's cock.

There was no way for me to get his cock into my mouth, gagged as I was with the sock, so I simply waited for Doug to decide how else I could pleasure him. After a few minutes of dick slapping me with his cock, I could tell that he was getting very excited. His breath, calm at first, was now almost panting. I hadn't realized until then how much he enjoyed his domination over another male. I was in good shape and had been told I was a good looking guy. I had my share of girls, and had fucked many of them, but here I was on my knees, submitting to Doug's beating of my face with his hard cock. I saw that Doug was stroking his cock some as he slapped my face and as I watched, his body began to tremble. I knew the signs. With a loud groan, Doug began to cum. He shot his load all over my face and into my hair. A good six or seven spurts of hot semen coated my forehead, cheeks, lips and chin. Doug pulled to sock from my mouth and slid the head of his cock between my lips. He milked it a few times, and I was rewarded with a large drop of his cum on my tongue.

Momentarily satisfied, Doug stepped over to his bed and sat down on it, his back against the wall and his legs folded in front of him. His cock was still mostly hard and jutted up from his crotch. I continued to kneel there, his cum dripping into my mouth and down off my face, waiting for him to tell me what to do. Doug closed his eyes and relaxed for a few minutes, while I knelt, hands bound behind me on the cold hard tile. Then Doug opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I think I want to shoot my next load down your throat. You suck my cock better than any other bitch. I wanna figure out some way that I can fuck your throat as hard as I want. Stand up, come here and turn around." I obeyed and Doug untied my wrists. He handed me the sock and told me to wipe my face clean. I did as he said and then turned to look at him. He sat naked on the bed, still indian style, obviously thinking.

"I want a straight shot down your throat, cocksucker. Get over on Johnny's bed, on your back with your head hanging off." I quickly climbed onto his roommate's bed, enjoying the spicy scent of his Latino roommate's body which clung to the sheets. After I let my head drop over the side of the bed, I could see what Doug had in mind. He moved over and stood over me, staring down at me dominantly. I opened my mouth and Doug began to slowly penetrate my mouth and throat. As he reached the entrance to my throat, instead of hitting the back of my throat as he normally did when I was on my knees, his cock slid in deeper, stretching my throat around the thickness of his cock. Doug slid forward until his ball were hanging in my eyes and then held still, buried completely in me. I heard him moan in pleasure as every millimeter of his cock disappeared down my throat. My only regret was that, unlike when I sucked him on my knees, I couldn't look up to see the pleasure on his handsome face. Then Doug pulled back, the inches of his cock pulling back out of my throat and into my mouth.

"Hot damn, cocksucker. I like this!" he nearly shouted. I felt his hand on my throat, squeezing. I felt even more vulnerable than ever at that point, the young male who had his cock buried in my mouth and neck and his hand on my throat only emphasized his power over me. A few seconds later I found out what he was doing. "Shit, Clay, when I slide my cock all the way in I can watch your throat stretch and bulge around it. God that is hot! And now I can feel your throat expand with my hand on your throat. Shit, boy, your mouth is as good a pussy as your ass! Take my cock, faggot. Take it all the way you cocksucking whore!"

Doug began to ram his cock into my mouth faster and faster. I could feel his cock forcing its way into my throat time and time again. My throat began to feel raw from the rough treatment that Doug was giving me, but I was loving every second of it. I could hear Doug moaning in pleasure above me as he mouth-fucked me rough, fast and hard. I moved my own hand to my cock, but Doug grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away. I was to give myself no relief as he used my mouth like a pussy, fucking harder and harder. His balls, which had been slapping against my forehead and eyes, were now drawing up to the base of his cock. Suddenly, Doug's thrusting slowed. I didn't know what he had planned for me next, but my throat was glad to get even a moment's break from the very rough fucking it was receiving. Then suddenly, I heard what had made him pause. Keys were jingling at the main door into the other room of Doug's dorm. Doug's pace slowed considerably, until he was almost lazily running his cock in and out of my throat, but never pulling completely from my mouth. I struggled suddenly, trying to pull away from him, but Doug pinned my arms to the bed, holding me in place and keeping his cock in my mouth. I managed to twist my head just enough to see him grinning down at me. I knew that Johnny was going to walk in and find me pinned to his bed, on my back with Doug fucking my mouth.

I struggled, trying to break free and get up from the bed, but there was no way I could break free of the dominant position over me which Doug had. Doug was still moaning, but not as loudly as I heard the door swing open. I knew that from the main door, no one could see into the bedroom where Doug and I were, and I felt my cock get even harder than it had been during Doug's rough treatment at the thought of being found with this blond surfer stud's cock buried down my throat.

"Hey, man. Sounds like you got a chick in there. You want me to come back later?" It was Johnny, Doug's Latino roomie. I prayed that Doug would send Johnny away.

"No way, dude. You gotta come in here and check this out. If you want some of this action, you are more then welcome to it." Doug was exerting his greatest domination over me so far - offering my services to his roommate. I heard the door swing shut and the sound of a bookbag being dropped on a desk.

"You sure she won't mind..." Johnny cut off in mid sentence. "Holy shit! What the fuck is this, dude?"

"What's it look like, buddy? I'm fucking my personal cocksucker's hot mouth. I was just about to fill it full of juice when you came through the door."

"Clay? Clay is a fucking faggot? Damn! I never would've suspected him. He's always been one of the jocks."

"Yeah, well I found out a couple weeks ago that old Clay here, prefers his nose in another guys' jock, than being a jock. He's a fucking hole, Johnny. A fucking hole."

I felt my entire body turning red as I heard Doug describe me this way. I was just a hole for him to use. Doug had begun thrusting again, and he was still close to cumming. Putting on a show for his buddy, Doug began to ram my face even harder than before, making me gag and choke on his cock as he thrust it in brutally. "Just gimme a second, bro," he panted to Johnny. "I'm gonna empty my nuts down this cocksucker's throat, then we can talk."

I could see Johnny move around and heard the creak of Doug's bed as he sat on it and watched me get my mouth fucked by his blond teenage roomie. It didn't take Doug long after that. Apparently having an audience to witness his domination over me turned him on even more. After just another minute, Doug let out a loud groan and his body stiffened, driving his cock deep into my throat. I felt the pulsing of his shaft and he shot his load straight down my throat.

Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Yeah, bitch! Swallow my fucking cum. Fucking cocksucker! Drink it all! Oh Yeahhhh!!!" Doug's body relaxed and he pulled his cock slowly from my mouth. Holding the head only an inch or so from my lips, he stroked the shaft several times until a silvery drop of cum appeared at the slit on the head.

"Lick it up so Johnny can see what a slut you are!" Doug demanded. My face flaming red, I stretched my neck out and lapped up the drop of cum from Doug's cock.

"Holy shit," I heard Johnny say quietly.

Doug grabbed me by the hair and pulled me off of Johnny's bed. He made me stand between the beds, naked, hard cock throbbing in front of me. He stretched out on Johnny's bed and I could see the sheen of sweat on his smooth chest from the workout he had gotten in my mouth. I looked over to Johnny, he was sitting with his back against the wall on Johnny's bed, his erection very clear through the cotton material of his shorts. I looked at him as he let his eyes wander up and down my body, inspecting me like a piece of meat. He was a handsome young man. The exact opposite of Doug, he had dark skin, a small moustache and goatee, and short black hair. He was well built, his muscled toned and his skin sleek and soft. His brown eyes met mine for a moment and I dropped my gaze back to the floor.

"Fucking in good shape for a cocksucker, Doug. I never would have thought. You think he'll blow me too?"

"He's more than just a cocksucker, John my man. He's a fucking hole. He likes to be used, and used rough. And he takes his orders from me. Once he had a taste of my cock, he's been a slave for it ever since. Hell, he came over here and knocked on the door, asking me to fucking abuse him! If I tell him to blow you, he'll be on his knees in an instant. You should have seen how much he got into licking my asshole the other day." I was so embarrassed I couldn't raise my gaze from the floor.

"Holy shit! He fucking licked your hole? Jesus! I never thought any guy would ever be so low. Hell man, I want my dick sucked too."

"You heard the man, bitch," Doug told me. "Get down on your knees and treat his cock like you would mine."

I dropped to my knees and turned to where Johnny sat on Doug's bed. He spread his legs, allowing me access to his crotch. As I moved closer, Johnny reached over his shoulder and pulled his t-shirt over his head. This revealed his muscled chest and abs. They were covered with a light dusting of black hairs that I found very sexy and masculine. I had some hair on my chest, but not as much as Johnny. Doug, as I had explained, was nearly hairless, though it in no way diminished his masculinity. In fact it was a major turn on for me. I was now faced with a horny Latino stud whose cock was obviously trying to burst free of his shorts. I reached up and undid the snap of his shorts. He let out a moan as I slid the sipper down. He was wearing white boxers and he reached inside and pulled free his cock. It sprang up into my face. He was thicker than Doug, and about the same length. Johnny immediately grabbed my head with both hands and forced my mouth down onto his cock.

I tasted the spicy tang of his sweat as I inhaled the musky scent of his crotch. Johnny was in no mood to take things slow and easy. His hips began thrusting up into my mouth as his hands forced my head down again and again onto his thick pole. He was moaning and cursing under his breath, but apparently wasn't a talker like Doug was. I ran my hands up onto his flat belly, feeling the hair growing in a line up to his navel then spreading out across his chest. I reached his nipples and gently squeezed them. My saliva was dripping down to his balls as he gave me no chance to recover from the rough mouth fucking. All to soon for me, he began to cum. He was much louder when he reached his orgasm.

"Oh yeah! You fucking cocksucker! Take my cum! Swallow it you fucking bitch. Swallow it all! Oh god yeah! Ahhh! Ahhh! Eat me, faggot!"

I quickly swallowed all of the hot cum that this butch Latino boy was shooting in my mouth. As I did it the thought crossed my mind, "I've sucked off a second man and now Johnny is in me too."

My own cock was still throbbing, having remained untouched as I sucked off Johnny. Johnny pushed me back off his cock and I fell onto my ass between the beds. I watched as he grabbed his shirt and wiped my spit off his cock and balls. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly and I admired his sculpted form. He looked down at me, then over at Doug.

"Shit, buddy. He's one fine cocksucker. I wish I had time to have him lick my ass, but I have to get on to my next class. I really only stopped in to get a book for it." Johnny stood up, and closed up his shorts. I watched him walk to his closet and pull out a new t-shirt, admiring his muscular back.

"Too bad you have to leave, Johnny. You could have had a crack at his pussy. Watching you get your rocks off has me hard again. I'm gonna fuck the bitch's brains out!"

"You mean he takes it up the ass too? God, what a fucking slut. I'm half tempted to blow off class and stay for that, but I can't afford to miss this one."

Doug ordered me up onto his bed, then climbed on behind me, preparing to mouth me like a dog. "Just watch for a second, it will give you something to think about during class." I heard Doug spit on his cock a few times, then line it up with my hole. With no regard to whether I was prepared, he roughly shoved his cock into me, while Johnny stood and watched. He began to fuck me hard and fast. I was no longer embarrassed by being used by Doug in front of his roommate. Hell, I had the teenager's cum in my belly, there was no reason left to be embarrassed. But Doug was definitely putting on a show for Johnny of his domination over me. I felt his chest against my back as he lowered himself onto me. His hips never slowed in their thrusting. His mouth was next to my ear and he told me to jack off and catch my cum in my hand. Johnny was still watching, one hand rubbing his cock, which was hard again. I knew what Doug was going to make me do, but I was so hot that I didn't care. It took only a few strokes for me to bring myself off. My whole body twitched and I moaned in pleasure as my cum spurted into my palm. I felt my ass clamping down hard on Doug's large cock.

"Watch this," he told Johnny. Doug grabbed my wrist and moved my cum covered hand to my mouth. "Lick it up!" he ordered.

I obediently licked my own sperm from my hand as Johnny watched.

"Jesus, Doug, you really do own him." I felt Doug flex his cock up inside me as he confirmed Johnny's words. My orgasm had released my sexual tension and excitement and I felt acutely embarrassed again. Johnny watched for another few seconds as Doug continued to hump me, then said he had to get to class. I watched as he turned and walked away. As he shut the door behind him, Doug spoke into my ear again.

"Now you've got two masters, faggot. I am sure Johnny's gonna want to be were I am right now as soon as he gets back this evening. Now tighten that ass up and get me off, bitch!"

I obeyed and Doug redoubled his efforts. Soon, he let out a roar of triumph and began to pump my pussy full of his cum. He kept thrusting as he did it and my sore ass welcomed the additional lubrication of his hot cum. He let out another moan of pleasure and pulled his cock out of my body.

Next: Chapter 4

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