Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Feb 18, 1999


Dominated by Doug

Part 2


There was a knock on the door that connected my dorm room with the common bathroom. My roommate, Seth, got up from his bed where he was reading a textbook and answered it. I was sitting at my desk in the other room when I heard Doug's voice.

"Hey, Seth. Is Clay here? I wanna talk to him."

"He's in studying at his desk. Come on in, dude."

I turned around in my chair and looked through to the other room. Doug strutted in and made his way into our study room while Seth went back to the book on his bed. He threw a "Thanks" over his shoulder to Seth. I felt my cock twitch in my shorts as Doug came into the room in which I was sitting. He was shirtless, which was his favorite way to dress when it was warm. He had a great body and he knew it. He came up to the chair where I was sitting and the smirk that I had seen on his face, the night he made me his bitch was back. My heartbeat increased tenfold. What did he want?

"Hey, Clay, I gotta physics problem that I've been working on and can't figure out. Why don't you come over and help me with it?" Though it was a question, there was a tone of command in his voice.

"A physics problem. Okay, I can do that." All the guys who shared the bathroom with me knew that I was good in math and sciences. I got up and followed him through the bathroom and into his room. I admired the muscled in his back and the firm mounds of his ass as we walked. After he led me into his dorm rooms, Doug turned and shut the door which connected to the bathroom. Then he locked it.

"Ok, bitch. I broke up with Becky two days ago and haven't had anything since. You owe me, so you are gonna take care of me, right now."

I was not surprised that he wanted me to satisfy his sexual needs, but I owed him? That was outrageous! He had used me, mouth and ass, for an entire weekend, fulling me with his cum almost too many times to count and I owed him?

"You're crazy, Doug. I don't owe you anything. I'll admit I enjoyed what we did together a couple weeks ago, but I certainly don't owe you anything."

"Yes, you do, cocksucker, and you will start calling me Sir again. When you are here as my slut, you call me Sir. You owe me for all those times you've shot your faggot wad thinking about my body and what I did to you, not what we did together. I know you've beaten off thinking about me and you haven't been with a chick since that weekend. Admit it, you beat your meat and fantasize about my hot body and big cock. How many times have you shot your load with a picture of me in your mind, boy, huh?"

"I. Well, umm.."

"Don't fucking lie to me bitch, or it'll just make things worse for you. Now tell me! How many times!"

"Umm. Every day since that weekend. Sir. I've beat off every night."

"Just once a day? Or am I the object of your faggot fantasies more than that?"

"Well, Sir, I beat off twice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when Seth leaves first for his early class."

Doug's eyes narrowed. "That's what I figured. Little pussyboy beats off dreaming about my big cock and my hard body. Tell me. What do you think about when you actually shoot? My hot cum sliding down your throat or my big dick up your tight pussy?"

I felt myself blushing. His words were hitting the mark, but I couldn't, just couldn't actually admit it all to him. He wanted the details, I could tell, but I wasn't sure I could bring myself to say the words. I had been staring at the floor for a few seconds as I thought about what he wanted me to tell him. He commanded me to look at him. I raised my eyes to Doug's face, and a wave of submission rolled through me looking at the handsome teenage blond.

"I usually think about the way you made me take your whole cock down my throat and the way you pinned me on the bed and fucked me."

"What else!" he demanded.

"Well, Sir, I liked the way you took control of me," I continued, my face felt redder than Doug's cock when it was hard. "I liked it when you made me lick up my own cum after you had fucked me, Sir.

"So when you shoot your wimpy fucking cum all over your belly, you're mind is remembering me mounting you like a dog and fucking your face like it was a cunt. That's about what I figured, pussyboy. You like to have a real man take charge and use you. So in the last three weeks, you've used me to cum more than twenty times. I shot my load in you about eight or ten times, so you owe me, bitch. You owe me a bunch."

It was weak logic at best, I knew that, but my cock was already tenting out my shorts and he could see that clearly. I watched Doug as he ran his eyes up and down my body. He paused at my crotch, but I made no effort to try and hide my hard dick. He new what kind of effect he had on me and knew the power he held. My body reacted to his in a way beyond my control and he also knew that I had enjoyed his domination. He had made me admit that to him just seconds earlier. I felt myself blush again.

"You keep yourself in good shape, pussyboy. You work out?"

I told him that besides jogging, which we had done together, I also spent some time at the gym. I kept myself toned and trim, but didn't quite have the natural masculine beauty that Doug had. He just radiated it as part of his surfer style of walking, talking and acting.

"That's good, bitch. Just think, you've spent all that time in the gym, keeping yourself fit and it's all for me to use. You put in all that work to give other guys pleasure." He chuckled. "All guys need tons of sex, even pussyboys like you. But real men like me are made to do the fucking and when no chick is available, it's the guys like you who were put on this earth to take care of our needs. That's what you are in this room for right now. You're gonna take my dick again, any way I decide to put it to you. Understand, bitch?

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I knew that I would submit again to his sexual desires because he was right, I did want to make him cum again. I wanted to feel his strong body on me, in me. I wanted to see his face when he shot his load and know that I had given him the pleasure to bring him to that point. Doug told me to strip.

"What about Johnny?" I asked. "Is he gonna be back soon?" Johnny was Doug's roommate. A flash of anger crossed Doug's face.

"You don't fucking question me, cocksucker. You just do what I tell you. Now strip, slut." I obeyed. "Johnny will be gone for a couple hours. But so what? Even if he walked in on us, you'd just take his cock too, now wouldn't you?" I looked at the floor again, embarrassed. "Answer me, pussyboy!"

"Yes, Sir, I think Johnny is very hot and would suck his dick for him." Johnny was the opposite of Doug. He was a latin stud with black hair and sported a thin black moustache and goatee that he kept trimmed very short and that I found to be very sexy. I had seen him in the showers and his chest had a nice amount of dark hair covering the muscles he had built up playing baseball in highschool. I hadn't really thought about the other guys sexually until the weekend that Doug had shown his dominance over me. Since then each of the guys who shared the bathroom between our dorm rooms had been in my fantasies at one point or another. Johnny was one of the best looking and I had wondered what his cock would be like several times. Doug must have been reading my mind.

"You jack off thinking about him too, pussyboy? You shot your wad with a picture of Johnny in your mind?"

"Yes, Sir," I admitted.

"Well then you owe him too, boy. I may just have to tell him that you are lusting after him and let him use you for awhile too." I know I paled and my fear was obvious to Doug, but I was also very excited by the thought of making it with Johnny too. "Hadn't thought too much about that had you? All it would take is one word from me and I am sure he'd shove his cock down your throat. I've never seen him hard, but even soft it looks like he's longer than me. I am sure you would love it. But now it's time to take care of me. Get on your knees."

I sank to my knees, naked again. Doug didn't make me crawl to him on my knees this time. He shucked off his sweat pants and jockeys and his hard dick slapped up against his taut belly. I felt my mouth begin to water. I could see that his cock was already leaking precum. Doug was obviously very horny. Doug stepped over to me and grabbed the base of his cock. I just knelt there and accepted it as he began to slap my cheeks with his dick. As the precum smeared across my face, I looked up at Doug. He was staring down at me, the smirk on his face again.

"Bitch slappin' you, boy. Goddam! You get on your knees and let another guy beat your face with his hard dick. Don't even know any fucking whores who'd let a guy do this to them. You are one hell of a pussyboy! Take it bitch! Right on those baby-faced cheeks." He slapped my face for another minute or so before aiming the head of his dick between my lips. I let him slide it in and he gave me no chance to adjust my throat or the angle of my head. He just kept shoving it in deeper and deeper. The head lodged at the entrance to my throat, but Doug just used brute strength to force it in, making my throat stretch to accommodate his thick inches. I heard him moan deep in his chest as he sank his cock into me. He had completely cut off my air and I struggled not to choke on his thick cockshaft. I had learned how to do that a few weeks ago and it came back to me quickly. I let my throat muscles relax and the choking sensation subsided some.

Doug put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me backwards. I felt my back come to a stop against the mirror on the door of one of the closets. It chilled my back for a split second, but then my attention was again focused on the blond teenage male drilling my mouth with his cock. He had my head pinned against the closet door now and was basically jack hammering his cock into my throat. Several times he pulled all the way back until just the head was between my lips and he would milk the shaft with his hand. The drop of cum he squeezed out tasted salty and smoky on my tongue. Then he would drive in deeply again. I had managed to tilt my head back a bit, allowing him better access and also allowing me to look up along his tight body. I could see a sheen of sweat starting to form on his skin. I wanted desperately to run my hands all over Doug's body, but knew better than to do so without his permission.

Doug's moans were getting louder and for a second I worried that someone might hear him, but then his cock stabbed into my throat again and I forgot about anyone else but Doug. I shifted my glance up and couldn't see much. He was leaning forward, his chest up against the mirror while his hips drove his long dick into my face faster and faster. Suddenly Doug's whole beautiful body went taut and he let out a very loud moan. His cock expanded in my mouth as a blast of cum shot from his balls and into my throat. Doug's hands grabbed both sides of my head and he pulled his spurting cock back. I felt his cum blast again and again onto my tongue, then up against the roof of my mouth, then to one side and the other. Doug forced my head to tilt back, so I was looking up at him. He was standing up straight again, his sweaty face looking down at me. Our eyes met as his cock gave its final spurt into my mouth.

"Swallow my cum boy. Drink down the millions of sperm I just shot in your mouth. I wanna watch you do it."

Obediently, I swallowed his salty, smoky load and watched as a pleased grin spread across his face. Doug put his left hand on the top of my head and forehead and held it against the closet door, then used his right hand to milk the last of his cum from the long thick shaft of his cock. I ran my tongue over the head of his cock to lap up the sperm he had milked out and his whole body twitched. "Stop that, boy!" he ordered. He stroked his cock a few more times, then pulled it out of my mouth and stepped back. I wiped my eyes as he walked over to his bed and sat down on it. They had been watering from the rough mouth fuck that Doug had just delivered. I looked over and the handsome, arrogant stud on the bed. His cock glistened with my own spit and still throbbed, red and hard. I figured I knew what he would want next. Doug proved to be more creative than I had imagined.

"So sweetlips," Doug said cockily, "how'd you like that hot load?"

"I... Well... It was..." I wasn't sure what to say.

"You dick says it all, bitch," Doug told me.

I looked down and saw that he was right. I was hard as a rock and precum had leaked all the way down the shaft to my balls. I looked back up at Doug and said kind of sheepishly, "I liked it, Sir. I liked the way you fucked my face."

My admission seemed to please him because he smiled again. Looking at me, he leaned back and stretched out on the bed on his back. "Why don't you bring that talented mouth over here, boy?"

I began to stand, but he stopped me. "You crawl on your knees when you approach me, cunt."

Once again, I crawled over to the dominant teenager on my knees across the hard tile floor. He was resting now with his hands under his head. The long blond locks on the back of his head were damp with sweat and covered his wrists. Lust swept through me as I looked at him stretched out on his bed. His hard cock was stiff against his tight abs. Doug's legs were spread a bit, allowing his now relaxed ball sack to hang down. His chest was expanding and contracting more and more slowly as his pulse slowed from the exertion of the fuck he had just thrown in my mouth, but was still covered with a sheen of sweat and even some larger drops. He opened his beautiful green eyes and looked at me. "Clean me up, boy. Put that tongue to good use." He closed his eyes again and settled back onto the bed.

I knew what he meant and leaned forward over him, still on my knees. I let my tongue lap across his left nipple and he let out a soft sigh. Encouraged, I began to lick more enthusiastically. His skin was salty and soft and warm. I licked until both his nipples were hard under my tongue, then spent some time in the cleft between his pecs, where some large drops of sweat had accumulated. I lapped them up eagerly. I felt one of Doug's hand grab my head by the hair and he forced my face into his left armpit. I licked there just as eagerly, tasting him, tasting Doug. I wanted this now as much as I had wanted his cum to fill my mouth only minutes before. Doug was moaning as I licked his body, moving down his chest and to his tight abdominals. I tongued his navel for a moment, then licked across the head of his cock, but Doug's hands forced me around his dick and further down. Ans I lapped at his ball sack, I heard him gasp.

"Suck them both into your mouth, cocksucker," he commanded. I obeyed and enjoyed rolling his large nuts around in their sack until he told me to go further. I licked at the skin between his balls and his hole. I wasn't stupid, I could see where this was going. I was surprised a bit when Doug grabbed his legs behind his knees and pulled them up to his chest. It was a position that I had been in several times, always face to face with Doug, his cock ramming in and out of my body and sometimes his tongue driving into my mouth. Now, my tongue was at his man hole. I licked tentatively at first, but then tried harder. Doug let out a loud moan of pleasure which really encouraged me. I lapped at his hole ten or twelve times very quickly. Doug was moaning constantly now. I felt his hand come down on the back of my head, pushing my face into his ass. I licked even harder.

"Stick your tongue in, bitch. Lick out my hole!"

I obeyed and drove my tongue up inside him. He let out a moan of absolute ecstasy. I drilled my tongue in and out of his hole for a few minutes before Doug pulled my head away. He quickly pushed me down onto my back on the bed and moved his ass over my face. He lowered himself down and sat on my face. I drilled my tongue up into him again. He moaned so loudly that I was sure someone would hear him.

"Lick it bitch. Lick out my hole you worthless cocksucker. Fuck yeah, eat me out. Oh damn that feels good. You fucking slut. Eating out another dude's ass! You love it, bitch. That's right, make me feel good, boy!" Doug's cock was now dripping precum onto my face and into my hair. Finally, Doug was so stimulated he lost control. He moved quickly, using his knees to force my legs apart. Once between them, he grabbed my ankles and rolled me up onto my shoulders. I felt the head of his cock at my hole for only a second before he rammed in, shoving his barely lubed cock all the way inside me in one savage thrust. I clamped my teeth shut to hold in the scream behind them. Doug held himself completely buried in me for a second, then dragged his cock back out of me. Much to my relief, Doug spit a half dozen times before ramming his cock back inside me.

"Take it bitch. Take it hard! I'm gonna fuck you like you've never even imagined a man could fuck. You fucking pussy! Take my big dick up that tight hole! Take it bitch, take it all!" Doug was in a frenzy, his cock pounding me without mercy. The spit had helped some, but the brute force of his fucking was moving my entire body back and forth on his bed. He kept up his dirty talk, calling me his bitch and his whore and telling me how tight and how hot my pussy was around his big cock. My body was responding now to the fucking even as hard and rough as it was. My cock had hardened again and was bouncing on my own ab muscles as Doug fucked me like a piece of trash whore. I could feel my balls drawing up as my own orgasm began to approach.

I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting from hearing his words. Being called his bitch and his pussy had my entire mind and body on fire. Doug's big cock burying itself again and again into me was pushing me over the edge. Suddenly, Doug lowered his face to mine and his lips covered mine. I felt his tongue probing at my mouth and opened to accept it. When I had kissed the girls I had been with, it was always my tongue in their mouths. Here, I was the one who submissively took any part of his body into mine that he wanted to put in me.

Doug's hands had moved to my nipples and he was twisting them both. My legs were now propped on his shoulders and I was folded in half. The sound of his breathing and heartbeat were all I could hear. The smell of his sweat, cum and body were all I could smell. The hardness of his muscles and his cock, and the smooth softness of his skin were all I could feel. My eyes were filled with the sight of his face and as he pulled his mouth from mine, I licked at his neck, tasting his sweat.

Doug drove his cock deeply into me again and held it there. His head was thrown back so that I was looking at the cords of his neck and could see the pulse of his heartbeat running through it. With the roar of a wild animal, he began to cum. Doug's entire body shuddered and twitched as his cock pumped my guts full of his hot cum. All of my senses consumed by this muscular, blond eighteen-year-old stud was enough to take me over the edge and I shot my wad all the way up to my chin, then onto both of our bellies. I moaned like a bitch in heat as I came, my ass clamping down on his still spurting cock. The force of our orgasms drained us both, and Doug collapsed on top of me for a minute, allowing my legs to slide off his shoulders. Then he rolled onto his back next to me on the bed.

I was panting, laying on my back next to the young buck who had completely mastered me. Doug was catching his breath too. I turned my head and saw he was laying with his eyes closed, panting quickly. "Lick your cum off me, boy!"

Sore as I was, I moved around and began to lick at Doug's chest and belly, cleaning my cum off of him. When I was finished, Doug told me to get off the bed. I obeyed and stood next to the bed for a second watching him. He told me to give him my shirt. I got it from the floor and he used it to wipe his cock clean. Doug opened his eyes for a second or two and looked at me. "I'm gonna take a nap, bitch. Let yourself out and shut the door behind you. I'll fuck your mouth again later." Then he rolled over onto his belly and drifted off to sleep. I watched him for a second, his gorgeous body laying there naked in front of me, then turned away towards the door to obey.

Next: Chapter 3

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