Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Dec 24, 2001


Dominated by Doug

Chapter 16


"Clay?" Matt asked, his voice expressing his shock. "Man! Doug told me his cocksucker was a normal looking guy, but I never would have guessed that it was you." His face broke into a wide grin. "So. You been helping me with physics cause you wanted to get into my pants?" I watched as he rubbed his crotch, a bulge beginning to grow.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was," Doug said. "Ever since I taught him what his mouth and ass were for, the guy's been a total cock whore." I dropped my head, looking at the floor. I realized that what Doug and Matt were saying was at least partly true. I had started sitting near Matt after my first week or so with Doug because Matt was such a handsome guy and had a hot body. I hadn't made a conscious effort to get closer to him, but looking back I knew that deep in my mind I had wanted to get to know him in the hopes that something might one day develop. Of course, I never expected him to walk through a door in his frat house and find me naked, on my knees with a raging hardon, surrounded by a group of his frat brothers. I am sure it was equally obvious that I had already sucked off each of the guys since they were lounging around the room half dressed, looking relaxed, and my face must still have been flushed since I was sweating from the action. And of course Rod still stood next to me, his cock hanging near my face in case Matt needed any further proof.

I looked back up at Matt as he spoke. "Is that true, Clay? Have you been wanting my dick all that time? Is that why you started sitting next to me all of a sudden, a month after class started?"

I decided there was no reason not to be honest. "I guess so, Matt. I had seen you in class before, but after that first time with Doug, I wanted to get closer to you. I didn't really think about why I was doing it though." All of the guys laughed at that.

"Well, its been almost two months now, Clay. You must be dying to get your hands on my dick. Or your mouth maybe. From the looks of that boner you're sporting, you have been loving whatever the guys have been doing with you. What's happened so far? What'd I miss?"

The question was directed to me, but I hesitated. Matt and I had become friends. We had gone out drinking and hitting on chicks together plenty of times and had played one on one basketball a bunch of times. That was on top of the help I had given him in the library and in his dorm room with math and physics. Now I had to tell him what had just taken place in this room. I took a deep breath. "Doug brought me up here a while ago. He let Josh fuck my mouth." I looked at Doug and the expression on his face told me to continue. "I swallowed his load before I even knew his name." I was just telling the truth as quickly as I could but all the guys laughed again hearing that and Matt chuckled too. "Then they started calling the other guys and I sucked each of them when they got here."

"So did you swallow all that cum, Clay?" Matt asked. I blushed and admitted that I had. "Did you like it? Do you like actually swallowing what comes out of another dude's balls?" I could tell that Matt was working himself up with these questions, so I gave a full answer.

"Yeah, Matt, I do. Ever since Doug shot his first load in my mouth and made me swallow it, I realized that I liked drinking a guy's cum. I even got off on the taste. I liked sucking the cocks of all your frat brothers here and loved their hot sperm when it filled my mouth. What's best though is seeing how much they liked watching me drink it for them." Matt's cock was now clearly outlined in his jeans. Rod was still standing near me, his jeans open and his cock now only semi-hard. He stepped back after this exchange, obviously seeing the same lust in Matt's eyes that I could see. Matt was probably the best built guy in the room as far as musculature, and I could understand Rod wanting to be out of his way. Doug was still the handsomest and the most naturally toned and well built, at least in my eyes. But Matt had a body that had been sculpted by hours in the gym. He could have been an anatomy model for muscles or a model for any line of clothes.

As he took a step closer, Doug spoke. "So, Clay, since you have known Matt for so long, and have admitted that you are hot for him, have you jerked off thinking about him?" I knew of course where this was leading, but there was no sense in denying it.

"Yes, Doug. I thought about Matt a lot of times when I jerked off."

"Hey, Matt, ever been the star of a fag's fantasies before?" Josh asked. Matt laughed along with the others.

"Probably," Matt replied. "There are a bunch of guys in the gym who seem to spend more time staring at me than working out. I'd bet some of them are fags. They probably go home and get their jollies like Clay's been doing."

"Well, then, Matt," Doug continued. "Ol' Clay here owes you." Doug looked at me. "How much do you owe him, Clay?" I glanced around and could see that the guys all looked confused, but interested.

"I would say probably twenty, Sir." I saw Matt's eyebrows arch when I called Doug sir, but I was reverting automatically back to what he had taught me.

"What the fuck's he talking about, Doug?" Matt asked.

"Explain," Doug ordered.

Blushing furiously, I began, "Matt, I have used you." The words hung in the room in a dead silence. It was a mix of confusion, but I sensed some hostility from Matt, too. I quickly continued. "I used you to make myself cum by imagining you naked and imagining us together. Me sucking you and umm, you fucking me. I have done it and cum probably twenty times with a picture of you in my mind. Doug told me that if I use a guy to make myself cum, then I owe him and have to make him cum an equal number of times." I was looking at the floor, but raised my eyes to Matt's face. Embarrassed as hell, I said, "So I have to make you cum twenty times to make us even." All of the guys howled with laughter, Matt included, and the hostility in the room disappeared.

"Twenty times!" Josh said. "Damn, Matt, you are lucky. I wished he owed me that many blow jobs. Let me tell you, he is one of the best cocksuckers, male or female, that I've ever had go down on me." I looked at Josh as he turned his face to me. "As a matter of fact, he is better at giving head than anybody I know. He took me balls deep without any trouble. If he owed me like he owes you, he wouldn't get out of this room for a week." Doug and the others chuckled and I heard a variety of comments about my cocksucking ability and what a whore I was, but my attention was back on Matt. He had stepped even closer when I had looked over at Josh.

"So, Clay, you gotta make me cum twenty times before we are even. That sounds good to me. But there is no way I am gonna be able to cum twenty times tonight. Four or five maybe, if you're as good as I'm hearing. I guess you'll be paying me back for the next few weeks." He grinned again. "Why don't we start the repayment right now?"

I watched as Matt grabbed the front of his t-shirt at the waist and pulled it up, hooking it over his head on the back of his neck. This gave me a clear view of his abs and chest. It looked like every muscle that could be found in a man's body had been meticulously worked until toned and hard. His torso narrowed above his hips, the tight muscles of his waist and abs standing out as he moved, flexing and tensing. Then he popped the button on his jeans and I heard the zipper slide down. None of these guys seemed to be the least bit embarrassed about getting naked in front of their frat brothers. I figured they had probably all seen each other in showers or lockers before and it wasn't a big deal, but the thought soon left my mind. Matt was wearing white boxers and as I saw them come into view, I realized that this was literally a dream come true. I had actually had dreams about Matt after watching him lift up the front of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face during a dozen of our basketball games, each time giving me a quick view of his tight abs and chest. Matt let his jeans fall open, and I admired his slim waist as he pulled down his boxers.

Matt's hair was a dark brown and his pubes were almost black. They were darker than the hairs that dusted his chest across his pecs and down a center line of his torso. The base of his cock came into view. It had been aimed down his left leg and as the boxers dropped lower, I heard myself gasp in shock. Matt's cock was huge. It probably wasn't as long as Doug's little brother's, but it was much thicker. "Beer can" went through my mind as he hauled it all out into view. Instead of being intimidated, though, I found myself leaning forward, ready to get it into my mouth. Matt laughed and grabbed a fistful of my hair, holding my head back. With his other hand, he began to beat my face with his cock.

"So this is what you've been wanting, boy? Been making nice to me so that you could get my cock down your throat? Well, fags like you need to be reminded of what you are. You stay on your knees there while a real man beats your face with his dick. Go ahead and open your mouth. Yeah, now stick out your tongue. That's right. You should see yourself, Clay - on your knees, me beating your face with my big fat cock and surrounded by a bunch of my frat brothers." He rubbed his cockhead across my cheeks, leaving a smear of precum. "You know that blond haired girl in the row in front of us in class? Her name is Julie. She's a friend of my chick. She asked me if I would introduce you to her because she thought you were so good looking. I was actually gonna do it for you too. Wonder what she would think if she could see you now? Obviously we can see there is no need for you to meet her. You've got what you want right here between my legs." The smacks and slaps of his cock on my cheeks were audible and in the background I could hear Sam, Rod and the others egging him on. They liked seeing their frat brother dick slapping my face. "I bet she wouldn't think you're so good looking with my cock juice smeared all over your nose and cheeks and your tongue out trying to lap it up."

I kept my mouth open, enjoying the treatment he was giving me more than I wanted to admit or show, especially in front of the other frat guys. I wanted him to beat my face with his dick. I loved the taste of his juice each time the head slid across my tongue. I especially got off on what he was saying. I knew the chick he meant. She was a hot blond haired girl, nice tits and a pretty face. Thinking of what her reaction might be to seeing me on my knees, head held in place by Matt's hand in my hair and his cock slapping me made me moan in submission and guilty pleasure.

"Do it to him, Matt. I've bitch slapped him before but you are the first to do it today. The fucker is shameless. He'll let another dude beat his face with his cock and jack himself off while it happens. Drop your dick, Clay," Doug commanded. I hadn't even realized that I had begun to stroke my cock while Matt's dick slapped my cheeks and lips. I was so into what he was doing and so turned on that my hand had found its own way to my cock. I obeyed Doug's order, of course, and let my hands drop back to my sides. As I did, Matt aimed his cock between my lips and began to shove it in. I opened my mouth wider and wider, struggling to accommodate his thickness. I had thought my jaw had been aching before, but with Matt it was truly stretched and painful. But the pain was worth it to have this stud in my mouth.

Matt sank his cock into me in a smooth stroke, moving his hips forward until my nose was pressed into his pubes. The thick blunt head of his cock plowed its way into my throat as Matt's hands grabbed my ears. He pulled them forward though there was nowhere else for my mouth to go. I had him in my throat, which was spasming around the head of his cock and I fought the choking urge that gripped me. I let my hands run up his legs as I heard him sigh with pleasure until they reached his ass cheeks. I could feel the muscles flex there as he hauled his cock back out of my mouth.

"Ahhhh fuck yeah, Clay. Eat my meat. Goddam you're good at this." He thrust back into me. "Why the fuck weren't you going down on me every time we finished a ball game, cocksucker? You can bet that from now on you will be! You're gonna be sucking my big prick a lot! Fuckin' take it boy. Take my cock!" Matt was wasting no time in catching up with his frat brothers. His hips were ramming his cock in and out of my mouth. I had barely managed to get my teeth covered. I didn't want to scrape this stud's cock and face him if he was angry. Right now, the force of his face fucking and his grip on me felt like it was going to rip my ears off. The only consolation was that he was moving so fast that my mouth and throat were forced to expand to take him. He gave no thought to my discomfort, just blowing his load. His fraternity brothers urged him on to cumming.

"That's it, buddy," Doug said. "Fuck my cocksucker's mouth." I noticed his possessive statement even through the brutal face fuck I was getting.

"Yeah Matt. Make him take it all the way. You should see how he looks with his head forced back and your cock sliding into his face," Zach said. "Ram it to that cocksucker!"

"Oh fuck yeah. Fuck yeah! Ahh shit, I'm almost there!" Matt was nearly yelling and I realized that music was playing in the room. Matt's hands on my ears and his and the other guys' comments had covered it. That and my attention being focused on the cock pounding into my mouth. The music was loud enough to cover the sounds of what was happening to me in this room full of frat boys. I ran my hands further up Matt's back, under his shirt and felt the muscles tense as he pulled his cock out of my mouth. With a series of moaning grunts, Matt shot his load all over my face, still holding my head tightly between his hands. The first spurt hit me across the forehead. The next two hit my nose and cheeks, then the final two shot between my wide open lips. As I felt Matt's hot cum splattering on my face, I remembered Doug marking me earlier in the same way, claiming me as his property. I wondered if he had known this would happen to me and had made sure to mark me as his first.

Matt released my ears, pushing me away from him at the same time. I went backwards onto my ass, catching myself with my arms behind me. Cum dripped down my face and cheeks, running to my mouth. I licked it from my lips and heard the guys hooting with laughter as they watched me do it. Matt had shot his wad on my face and in my mouth and I was trying to lick up what hadn't gone straight into me. I quit licking and let the cum drip down onto my chin. The guys obviously found this to be hilarious.

Sam got up from where he was sitting and gave Matt a high five. Matt looked down at me, my face covered with his sperm and smirked. "Should've done that to you the first time I saw you." I just looked at him. "You'd have let me do it, too, wouldn't ya? Even covered in sweat after a ball game, you'd have gone down on me, right?" I dropped my eyes from his face, giving him all the answer he needed. Suddenly I felt a hand gripping my hair and pulling me upwards. I rose with it to my feet, my own cock still rock hard. Doug was holding me by the hair and kept pulling me up until I was raised up onto my toes.

"Watch this, dudes," he said. Without warning, he ran his other hand across my right collar bone, then down my chest lightly, tracing the valley between my pecs to my navel and then to the base of my cock. I couldn't help myself. Still held on my tiptoes by Doug's grip on my hair and with Doug's other hand no longer even touching me, I shot my load. My whole body twitched and jerked as my cock pulsed and shot my load three feet onto the tile floor in front of me. I moaned in pure pleasure as I came, full of cum in my belly and Matt's drying on my face. Being under the total physical control of Doug while I came made it all that much better. Soon, I was drained and Doug let me sink back down onto my feet. I probably would have collapsed back onto my knees, completely drained, but Doug didn't release my hair. He turned my head, forcing me to look at him.

"Come on, Clay. Time to get you cleaned up for the next round." He turned, pulling me behind him. "Josh, give me a couple minutes to throw him in the shower. You all can figure out what order you want while he gets clean. I'll be out in a second."

Doug led me into Josh's bedroom. As the president of the fraternity, his room had a private bathroom. Doug pushed me inside with orders to get in the shower and wash Matt's sperm off my face. He told me I had three minutes. I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. When I stepped into the spray, Doug had disappeared from the bathroom. I let the warm water wash over me, feeling the soreness in my knees, neck and back from the rough treatment being eased by the warm water. I shampooed and soaped up quickly, despite my desire to just stand under the water and let it soothe my body. My cock was still hard, even after everything that had happened. I had just finished rinsing off when I heard Doug yell for me from the bedroom. Turning off the water, I grabbed a towel and dried myself. I had no clothes with me in the bath, so I wrapped the towel around my waist. My hard cock tented out the cotton, but it was better than nothing.

I stepped into the bedroom and was greeted by the sight of Doug sitting on the edge of the bed. On either side of him, like matching bookends, were Sam and Rod. Sam and Rod were naked and their cocks were rock hard, jutting upwards. Doug wore boxers, but I could see he was at least half hard, too. Inwardly I wondered how I would make it through the evening, but when Doug spoke, those thoughts left my head.

"Drop the towel, faggot. You're here to give us access to every part of you. You know what's coming, boy, so don't act stupid." I pulled at the towel and it slipped from around my waist. My cock sprang up, giving the guys all the evidence they needed that I was hot for them. Doug stood up and stepped to me. He grabbed my hair again, forcing my head back. I was surprised when his lips covered mine and his tongue forced its way into my mouth. He had kissed me plenty of times while fucking me, but this was a surprise. He was doing it with the twin brothers in the room. He broke the kiss but kept the grip on my hair making sure my eyes were locked on his. "You just remember who you belong to, Clay. Got that? My momma taught me to share, but you are still MY toy!"

"Yes sir."

Doug turned and pushed me towards the twins on the bed. "He's all yours boys." I stumbled forward and one of the twins grabbed my arm pulling me forward onto the bed face down. I heard the door shut and realized that Doug had left the room. The twins wasted no time spreading my legs apart, exposing my hole. I felt one of them climb onto my back, his hands on my shoulders, pushing me into the bed. His hairy shins forced my legs even wider, then his hands left my back. He knelt behind me and I heard him spitting. Suddenly, the head of his cock was pushing into me. I moaned and twisted, trying to accommodate him. He clamped his hands onto my shoulders, held me firmly in place and roughly shoved into me. I felt his cock punch into me and his body settle onto my back. I let out a loud moan of pain as he penetrated me.

"You like this, dontcha? You like it up the ass. You're nice and tight, boy." He whispered in my ear. "I'm gonna fill you up at this end too. My bro might have been worried at first about cumming in your mouth, but now we all know that's what you want. Don't we?" He emphasized this with a thrust into me. The warmth and weight of his body on mine, the feel of his skin rubbing against mine and the heat of his breath in my ear all had me moaning in pure lust. The feeling of his cock inside me overwhelmed me and I didn't resist when his brother climbed onto the bed in front of me, raised my head, and slid his cock into my mouth. I knew now from his comments that Rod was fucking me while I sucked Sam again.

"Hey bro, it's just like old times," Rod said. "Just that this time we're double teaming a dude instead of a chick." His breath was coming faster now. "Remember the first time we shared some pussy? We musta been 15. I always liked doing a chick at the same time you did, bro. Doing a guy is even better. Making this faggot suck your dick while I fuck his pussy is hot! I can't believe a guy like him would be suck a cock crazy fag. Matt tells me he's played basketball with him a bunch of times and the guy's pretty good. He said he had no idea that the slut here was after his body. Ohhh, fuck, he knows how to use his ass to milk a cock too!"

"How about we switch," Sam suggested.

"Sure thing, bro." The matching frat boys pulled their cocks out of me and they switched places. I took Sam's thrust into my ass, his cock lubed by my own spit as I began to suck his brother's cock clean.

"What a fucking slut!" Sam said. "I can't believe a dude would let two other guys buttfuck and face fuck him at the same time. What a whore!" Sam smacked my ass. "Take it, boy. You sure as shit ain't no man, regardless of your muscles. You're just a boy. You may have a cock, but you know that it's your mouth and ass being fucked and filled by real men that gets you off!" His talking apparently was making both himself and his brother hotter because they increased the speed and force of their thrusts into me. Soon, I felt Sam stiffen on top of me and he grunted with each spurt of cum he shot deep inside me. He rolled off my back and Rod yanked his cock out of my mouth and mounted me, quickly replacing him. He shoved inside me brutally as his brother lay beside us on his back watching. Rod slammed into me, shaking the bed with all three of us on it. Rod put a hand on the back of my neck squeezing hard. I continued to stare at Sam as he watched us, enduring the pain of Rod's fucking and the pressure of his hand. Almost immediately, Rod began to shoot, adding his sperm to his brother's load inside me. I watched Sam's sweaty chest rising and falling as he caught his breath and watched his brother fill me with his cum. I glanced at his sweaty face and saw the look of superiority on his face as he watched his twin mix his sperm with his own inside me.

Rod collapsed onto my back, obviously spent. He kept his cock plugged into me as he lay there and I felt him turn his face to look at his brother. ""He's got a tight hole, bro," Rod said. "We're gonna have to use it again, together, if you get my drift." A wicked grin crossed Sam's face and I knew without a doubt what they meant. They wanted to both fuck me at the same time. I was too worn out to make any protest.

"We'll do it, but not right now," Sam said. "I know that at least Matt is waiting for a crack at this fag's pussy." Sam climbed off the bed and walked to the door as Rod pulled out of me. Sam opened the door a crack. "Next up!" he shouted. "Rod and I are gonna get clean." He shut the door and the twins disappeared into the bath. As the shower started, the door opened and Josh stepped in. I thought briefly of the other Josh, Lyle's roomie. But this Josh I couldn't picture with a cock in his mouth or up his ass. He was all arrogant frat boy - superior, cocky and confident. I wondered how the other Josh would do if he were in my situation.

Josh was wearing his boxers and a white t-shirt. I was still laying face down on his bed, and sat up and turned, watching him approach. His cock was stiffening, making his boxers tent outward. I was pleased with his reaction. I watched admiringly as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it upwards and over his head. This action emphasized the muscles of his chest, abs and arms and they all flexed and bunched while his body was in motion. I felt my mouth watering. Once again I thought about the transformation that Doug had created in me and wondered if I had always been attracted to other male bodies, but just didn't realize it. Josh tossed the shirt to the floor and kept moving towards me, breaking my line of thought. As he reached the foot of the bed, he yanked down his boxers and his cock slapped against his tight abs, snapping upwards. I focused on it as he climbed onto the bed with me.

Josh planted a hand on my chest between my pecs and pushed me back onto the bed, positioning himself between my legs. I made no move to stop him or protest, I was resigned to trying to satisfy these studs no matter how long it took. On my back, I looked up at him, watching him as he ran his eyes up and down my body. My cock was hard from all of the action that the twins had gotten. Seeing Josh, naked and hard, looming over top of me was an incredibly sexy sight which only made my cock even harder. I had already sucked the guy's cock and swallowed his cum, but seeing him above me like that, in a totally dominant position struck a nerve deep inside me. Josh grabbed my legs behind my knees and raised them pushing my things against my chest and bending me in half at the waist. Josh slid his hands up my calves to my ankles and gripped them tightly, spreading my legs widely as he pushed them back even further. My cock throbbed as this hot frat boy moved me into the position that was convenient for him to fuck me. He lowered himself down onto me, his face only inches from mine. Out eyes locked and the second they did, he rammed his cock into me. Even though the twins had just finished reaming me out, the force of his thrust made me gasp in pleasure and pain. I saw a grin spread across his face as he saw my grimace of pain an listened to my moan. I could tell he was enjoying his power over me.

Josh sank his cock completely into me in that initial push, filling me with his thick meat. I groaned deeply in my chest and it felt like the sound came from where the head of his cock rested inside me, he was up into me so deeply. His eyes drilled into mine as his cock drilled into my body. Josh told me to grab my ankles and released them as I did. His hands moved to my chest and I shivered as I felt them run over my skin. I watched him fill his lungs with air, the shapely curves and muscles in his torso expanding as his did so, and I had a second to admire the v-shape of his chest tapering down to where our bodies were joined. Then his fingers found my nipples. He clamped down hard on them, twisting and pinching them as he began to pull his cock back out of me. He didn't stop when only the head of his dick remained inside of me, but pulled out completely and then rammed back into me, pulling on my nipples as leverage. I moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure, not sure which was eliciting more of a response in me. The way Josh was taking control of my body for his own pleasure was similar to the way Doug treated me and my cock's hardness betrayed my enjoyment of his rough treatment.

Josh began to pick up speed, pulling completely out of me each time and grinning with every moan and groan he forced out of me with his fucking. It seemed that he was enjoying my discomfort as much as the sensations of pleasure coming from his cock. His hands moved from my chest to my throat and he gripped it tightly. It wasn't enough to cut off my air but our eyes met again and it was clear to us both that we knew he could do it if he wanted. He squeezed a bit harder then lowered his face closer to my own until his lips covered mine. I was surprised at this and then his tongue forced its way into my mouth, claiming it the same way his cock had claimed my ass. Filled, covered and controlled by this hot frat stud's body, my own body reacted. My cock was caught between our abs and was being rubbed against his silken skin as he brutally thrust in and out of me. The force of his fucking, the friction of his body against my cock and his tongue down my throat were enough to set me off. The tight grip on my throat only added to the eroticism. Apparently Josh realized what was happening because he suddenly pulled his tongue out of my mouth and raised his face until it was about eight inches above mine.

"Do it, faggot!" he ordered. "Shoot your pussyboy wad while I ream you out like the slut that you are. You are such a whore for cock that all it takes is a hard fuck and you cum without even touching your dick. You fucking pussyboy. You worthless faggot! You cocksucking, cum swallowing slut! Shoot your wad while my dick is up inside you. I wanna feel your tight little hole milking my cock while you do it." I began to shoot uncontrollably, my whole body tensing. Josh's cock suddenly felt five times thicker as my ass clamped down onto it tightly in response to my own orgasm. I grunted out a series of moans as my cum jetted up onto my chest. Josh kept ramming in and out of me, enjoying the extra tightness around his dick. His hands left my throat and ran across my shoulders and along my arms, feeling the tight muscles, all flexing together as I came. I couldn't stop myself.

"Oh, fuck. Oh god! Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me harder. I'm cumming with your big cock up inside me. Jesus it feels so good!!! You are fucking the cum right out of my balls. Oh shit it feels great! Your cock up my ass feels so fucking incredible!! Don't ever stop, sir. Please! Fuck me harder."

"Way to go, bro," I heard from across the room. I glanced over and saw the door to the bathroom was open and the twins were standing there, hair still damp, wearing only their underwear and watching my reaction to their frat brother's brutal fucking. "I guess we musta warmed him up a bit for you, Josh. Rod and I are definitely gonna have to double team his ass. I wanna feel him shoot his wad with both our dicks up inside him." I don't know if Josh was listening or not, but I heard their plans. However, I couldn't respond as Josh let out a loud series of yelps as his cock expanded inside me, filling me with his hot jock cum.

Sweat dripping onto me onto me, Josh held himself still, his cock buried as deeply into me as he could get it. I watched him closely, enjoying the look of pleasure on his face, even enjoying the look of masculine superiority that was evident there as well. Finally, his body relaxed and he slowly pulled his cock out of me. I released my grip on my ankles and let my legs fall onto the bed on wither side of where he knelt. I felt completely drained, having been fucked at both ends by the twins, who I noticed had disappeared out of the bedroom and now having survived Josh's twisting me into a pretzel and his athletic pounding of my boypussy. I heard laughter from the other room as Josh climbed off the bed and looked down at me with a smirk on his face.

'Well, cunt," he said with a sneer on his face, "I've never seen a dude actually cum just from getting it up the ass before, and I've fucked a few of you pussyboys in the past. Seen some of the brothers do it too and none of the fags they plugged blew their loads. You really are the lowest of the low, bitch. You get your rocks off with a hard dick up you. You are really gonna enjoy what's up next." I watched him as he walked to the door and opened it. "The slut's all yours now, bro," he said to someone in the outer room, then shut the door.

He disappeared into the bath as I lay on my back on the bed, too exhausted to move. A few seconds later the door opened and Matt stepped inside. He looked at me, shaking his head. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and his hard cock was obvious.

"Were's Josh? In the head?" he asked.

"Yes, in the shower, I guess."

"Well, we're waiting until he is done. I'm not fuckng you while you are covered in cum and smelling like a fucking cum rag. When Josh gets out of the shower, you get in there and get clean, then I will treat you to the fuck you've been wanting for the last few months." He sat in a chair near the window and looked at me. I couldn't imagine what kind of sight I was. Cum drying on my chest, covered in a mix of the sweat of Rod, Sam and Josh, as well as my own and I was filled with their seed. I felt myself blushing, something I thought I was long past, but dude in the chair was someone who was a good friend of mine, with no idea of what Doug had made me into until tonight. Soon the shower stopped and a moment later, Josh stepped out into the bedroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and I found my eyes drawn to the muscles of his chest, arms and abs. Even though I had just cum, the sight of both him and Matt was enough to get my cock hard again.

"Get in the shower, faggot," Matt ordered. Stiffly, I rose and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the water and let the heat soothe my strained muscles and tendons again, grateful for the chance to get some relief. I would have stood under the water for an hour but after a minute or two, I heard Matt ordering me to finish up and get back out into the bedroom. I finished soaping and rinsing and shut off the water. When I got back to the bedroom, I was greeted by the sight of Matt completely naked, laying on his back on the bed. It was so close to the position I had been in just moments before that an image flashed through my mind of me mounting him. That was dispelled as soon as he spoke.

"Since you've been waiting it for so long, I figure you can just climb on and work to earn my cum, boy." He gripped the base of his cock, which was lying along his abs and pointed it upwards toward the ceiling. I knew what he wanted. I was to ride his cock and milk the cum out of him. Sore, aching and exhausted, I walked to the bed and climbed on, then straddled Matt's waist. I raised up high, and felt the head of his cock rubbing against my bruised hole. It suddenly lodged there, ready for penetration and Matt's hands grabbed my waist. He pulled me down as he thrust his hips upward and I found myself impaled on his thick cock. I groaned in pain and pleasure as Matt's cock stretched me wider than any of the other guy's had done. I felt myself settling down as he lowered his hips back to the bed and I sank down along with them. My ass was being scratched by his pubes as I half sat, half squatted over him, filled with his prick. I watched as Matt raised his arms over his head, grabbing the headboard. He gave a small thrust up into me. Then he pulled his hands down and rested his head on his hands. This showed off his well developed chest even more and I began to raise up without even being told.

I rose up the length of his cock, then let gravity pull me back down his shaft. My leg muscles ached as I began to move up and down his stiff spike, working it with my ass, milking it. Matt just lay there, hands behind his head, completely relaxed with a cocky grin on his face as sweat broke out all over my body from the effort of fucking myself on his cock. My whole body strained as I repeatedly rose up then impaled myself on his fat prick. Matt remained a picture of pure relaxation under me as I sweated and worked. After about four or five minutes, as the muscles in my thighs began to tremble from the effort of sluttishly fucking my ass onto his cock, I began to see signs that Matt was holding back his orgasm, making me work as long as possible. His cock was throbbing inside me and I saw his breathing start to deepen. I wanted to bring him off, make him cum inside me and clamped down hard on his dick as I rode it up and down, but suddenly Matt stopped me by grabbing my hips again and holding me fully impaled on himself. I thought he was cumming at first, but he had stopped just at the edge. He held me immobile until the urge to cum had receded, then allowed me to move again. That thirty seconds had been almost too much for me and I had to struggle to pull myself up his length again. Matt let me struggle for another moment before suddenly rolling me to the side, onto my back and viciously ramming his cock into me. It only took him another twenty or thirty seconds before he announced that he was cumming.

"Take my cum, faggot. I am filling your hot little pussy with my load! Take it, slut. Take it all!" I watched his handsome face as he shot his load into me, enjoying not only his pleasure, but my ability to relax for a moment. Matt finished with me and pulled out abruptly. He had cum and had no further need for me. I lay on the bed, almost unable to move as he walked to the door, opened it and announced that he was finished.. He disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door. I remained on the bed, wondering who else planned to fuck me.

The outer door opened and I expected to see Zach, hard and ready, but it was Doug who came into the room. He looked at me appraisingly for a long moment. "I should let the whole house have a go at you, but you look like you've had enough, at least for now. When Matt gets done, take another shower, then come out to the front room." He shut the door behind him as he left. Matt was out of the shower in moments, not even looking at me as he left the bedroom. I was unsure of what I should say to him, so I said nothing. I took my third shower, getting clean quickly and turned off the water. When I stepped back into the bedroom, my clothes were on the bed in a pile. I pulled them on, my entire body stiff and sore. Dressed, I walked out of the bedroom.

Josh and Doug sat in chairs, talking. They looked up at me as I entered. They were the only two in the room. Doug nodded toward a chair and I took a seat, my whole body aching as I settled into the comfortable chair. Josh and Doug just looked at me for a minute and I remained silent, unsure of what to expect next. Now that I was dressed and just the two of them remained I figured I was done servicing Doug's frat brothers for the night, but with Doug, you could never be sure. Finally, Doug opened a small refrigerator that I hadn't noticed and started pulling out beers. He handed one to Josh and tossed one to me before getting his own. We all opened them and took a drink before Doug turned to me.

"You did well tonight, Clay." He rubbed his crotch, seemingly unconsciously and I remembered that he hadn't fucked me so far. "I knew you could handle the boys and whatever they wanted to do. I kinda figured that Zach would want a go at your pussy too, but he was happy just with the head. That is what this discussion is about. These guys are my brothers. You are in your own fraternity, so you know what that means. I want the best for them and you provided that tonight. Did you like tonight's ....... activities?"

I wasn't sure what to say or if Doug wanted me to say something in particular. Josh was staring at me too, not with any hostility, but just seemingly curious. "Well, it was what you wanted me to do, Doug, so I enjoyed that. And the guys were pretty hot, too." I felt my cock stiffening. I would have thought I was too worn out to have any reaction, but apparently I was wrong. "I guess that I did enjoy the activities, as you put it."

Josh spoke up. "You sure seemed to like taking it up the ass from me. You shot your wad while I fucked you."

Doug laughed. "Yeah, Clay, you are turning into a first rate cock slut. To think you were just another one of the guys until a few months ago, until I put you on your knees that first time. I wonder what the guys in your fraternity would think of that?"

That question caused me some concern. My fraternity brothers were all good friends of mine and while I had to admit that I thought some of them were pretty hot guys, I wanted to keep this from them and just be another brother. If they found out that I was now the cocksucker for the fraternity that was our main rival on campus, I didn't know what would happen. "I don't know, Doug," I finally responded.

"Well we don't plan on saying anything to them," Doug said, "but Josh and I have been discussing your future here on campus. The first semester will be over in a few more weeks. We've been thinking that your services will be a big help until then and next semester too. You still owe Matt a lot, and he told me he intends to collect. What we have decided is that if any of the guys who were here tonight want to get off, you will do whatever they ask. Got it?"

"Yes sir," I replied simply. I had long ago given up any resistance to Doug when it came to sexual matters. If he decided he wanted me to do more for his brothers, then I would. I had submitted too much to make a stand now and while he had made no threats, I knew that he and Johnny still had the pictures of me.

"Well, Josh," Doug said. "I am taking him back to the dorm. I think he has had enough for the moment." Doug stood and I did the same. "Tell the twins to call me when they are ready. I know they want another go at him."

"Later, bro," Josh said. He didn't say anything to me.

I followed Doug out into the hall and then out of the house. It was dark as we walked toward the dorms. I was still sore, not just my ass, but all of the muscles in my body. Sex like that was a major workout. I was happy when we reached the dorms. I began to turn toward the entry that led to my room, but Doug told me to come with him. I followed him up the steps, my eyes taking in his lean form in the light from the street lamps. We entered his dorm room and Doug flipped his desk chair around and sat on it. Johnny walked in from the bedroom, wearing only a pair of white boxers. Against his darker skin, they seemed to shine in the lamplight.

"So what have you two been doing?" Johnny asked. He settled onto his own desk chair, the muscles rippling in his chest as he stretched. He must have been sleeping when we came in. I looked to Doug to answer his question.

"I was introducing Clay to some of my fraternity brothers," Doug replied, then grinned. "I think they pretty much wore him out."

"Really? How many of them?"

"Enough to give Clay a good workout." Johnny and Doug laughed.

"Well, I was just about asleep, but I could use a quick blowjob to settle me down for the night," Johnny said. He looked over at me. "You up for that, boy? If you are too worn out we can wait until tomorrow."

I probably would have tried to get out of doing it, but Johnny actually asking me if I was tired made me feel good and I wanted to make him happy. I got up, walked over to him and sank down onto my sore knees at his feet. I freed his familiar dark cock from the white cotton boxers and began to give him the best blowjob I could. I wanted to please him, but I was tired as hell and needed rest and sleep. Johnny rested one hand on my head as I sucked him. I played with his balls as I sucked since I knew that got him off more quickly and was soon rewarded with Johnny's body tensing and six large spurts of cum in my mouth. Johnny kept my mouth on his cock for another minute, then released me. I stiffly climbed to my feet and looked at Doug. I knew he had brought me in here for some of his own pleasure. He must have seen that I was hurting.

"Go on Clay. Get to your room and get some sleep. I will fill you in on the details of what Josh and I are gonna expect from you in the morning."

"G'night guys," I said, and went into the bathroom. Fortunately Seth had not locked the connecting door to our room. I stepped inside and collapsed onto my bed. With the taste of Johnny's cum still in my mouth, I fell asleep.

Author's Note: Thanks to all of you who have written asking when the next installment of this story would be posted and making suggestions. I try to incorporate interesting suggestions while remaining true to the original story. Finally, let me know if you want the series to go further. As I have said before, if not for the emails I have received wanting more of the story, I would have ended it long ago. Please let me know if there are any parts of the story you like in particular or which you would like to read more about in the future, be it characters, scenes or whatever. One last thing - I would like to know how far these stories reach. I have gotten emails from Russia, Spain, England and Australia to name a few. If you live outside the US please just let me know which country you are in, if you are in the US let me know which state. I would appreciate it.

Next: Chapter 17

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