Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Aug 29, 2001


Dominated by Doug

Chapter 15


Doug looked at me and gave me a sexy, cocky grin. I knew that grin well. I usually saw it after Doug had finished in my mouth or ass. At those times it said, "I just filled you with my cum, pussyboy, and we both know you loved it." Right now it said, "We both know you are hot for my dick, so get on it and I'll shoot a load down your throat."

I stepped over to Doug and dropped to my knees on the floor in front of him. He was still bare chested and I drank in the dight of his taut abs and the mounds of muscle in his chest. I let my gaze drop, taking in the faded blue denim of his jeans and the bulge in his crotch. I saw he was wearing a pair of tennis shoes without socks and just the sight of his bare ankles, the strip of leather encircling one, made my cock throb again. I looked up to his face. Doug was staring down at me, watching my reaction to being on my knees in front of him. I thought he would reach for his zipper, but instead, he continued to stare at me, his hands at his sides. I watched his hands for a second, my mouth watering at the sight of the veins standing out along his forearms. I wanted to lean forward and suck his fingers, but wasn't sure what to do. I looked up at his face again.

Doug's grin was still there. I just waited, staring up at him. Just as I was about ready to beg, his right hand moved to the top of my head, while his left unzipped his jeans. The trail of hair running down from his navel widened as he opened them and pulled down his boxers. His cock was already hard and sprang upward. I felt his fist tighten in my hair as he began to pull my mouth to the shiny head of his cock. I let it slide between my lips, tasting his salty precum. It was a taste I had learned to love. I heard myself moan in pleasure and then heard Doug chuckle above me. In what was now a well practiced move, I let the length of his manhood slide into my throat. The brutal face fuck that Johnny had just given me actually made it easier.

Doug's chuckle turned into a sigh of pleasure as his cock sank home. He held my head firmly, his cock soaking in my mouth. I turned my head upward a fraction and looked up his tight belly and chest to his face. Doug's eyes were closed and I wondered how long I would have to hold my breath. I managed to move my tongue along the underside of his shaft a bit and was rewarded when Doug's body twitched. He slowly pulled his hips backward, dragging his cock slowly out from between my lips. I watched as it appeared, amazed that I was so turned on by this stud's cock in my mouth. But I was in heaven, I couldn't deny it. I wanted nothing more than to make this man cum and taste his hot load as it spurted out of his cock onto my tongue. Briefly the thought went through my head that I shouldn't be so infatuated with another man's cock, or even another male for that matter, but I banished the thought and went back to work.

I obediently took Doug's thrust into my mouth, working my tongue as best I could on his head and shaft. Doug forced my lips to his pubes, then pulled out again. He set up a steady, but slow rhythm, leisurely filling my mouth with his length, then leaving me empty. I lost myself in the feel of his cock sliding over my lips, the brief tastes of his precum as the head of his cock slid along my tongue. After a few minutes, Doug's slow thrusting began to speed up, his cock taking my mouth and throat faster and faster. I watched the muscles in his right forearm flex as he held my head in place and my desire for him grew even more. I clamped my lips harder around his shaft, milking it the way he had taught me, and heard him draw in a breath in appreciation. His hips moved even faster and I felt his balls, which had been slapping against my chin, begin to draw up. I could tell he was about to cum and I wanted nothing more than to bring him off.

With a loud groan, Doug began to pump his cum into my mouth. He kept up the movement of his hips through the first few spurts. They hit the roof of my mouth, shot along my tongue and down my throat. Then he suddenly pulled his spurting dick from my mouth. I knelt, mouth still open as he pumped another five large spurts onto my cheeks, forehead, eyes and lips. I took it like the obedient cocksucker I was, enjoying the taste of this stud in my mouth and the warm cum dripping along my cheeks to my chin. Finally, Doug's body relaxed and he slowly let his softening cock slide out of my mouth. I sat back on my heels when he released my hair, panting from the effort. My cock was still rock hard and my hand moved to it involuntarily.

"Save it, faggot!" Doug's sharp words stopped my hand before I even got a hold on my cock. I looked up at him. He was slowly zipping up his jeans, a picture of pure masculinity in front of me. Stifling my desire to cum in favor of my desire to make Doug happy, I let my hand drop to my side. Doug flashed me his superior grin "That was me marking what's mine so that you will remember who owns you, cock, mouth and asshole. Get it pussyboy?" I nodded, cum dripping onto my top lip. I licked it off unconsciously. Doug smiled again. "You really like the taste of my jizz, don't you guy?" I nodded again and Doug told me to get up and get cleaned up. I obeyed, forcing my stiff cock into my shorts and heading for the shower.

When I had dried and dressed, Doug told me to follow him as he pulled on a shirt. We left the dorm, walked to the sidewalk and turned to the right, heading up the hill. I tried to act nonchalant as we walked along, but I was dying to know what Doug had in mind. As we turned onto another road a few blocks later, I began to get an idea. My cock, which had softened from the shower and the walk, began to grow again. We were walking along a street lined with huge homes of all kinds of styles - Frat Row.

Sure enough, just a few blocks later, Doug stopped on the sidewalk in front of his frat house. I looked at the place. Two guys were passing a football back and forth in the front lawn and called a greeting to Doug. He replied and then led me to the front door. I was having trouble pulling my eyes away from the sight of the two frat studs. One was shirtless and I was enjoying the sight of his smooth pecs and his biceps flexing as he tossed the ball. He had a beautiful V- shaped torso and my cock, already hard, twitched at the sight of him. His buddy ws equally well developed, but wearing a shirt. Still it hung off his chest and back in a sexy way. I forced myself to look at Doug and followed him onto the large front porch of the frat house. Doug opened the door and I followed him inside.

There were several guys in a room to the right watching television. I was worried I was going to start drooling. I knew that Doug's frat was known to be a "jock" house, but I hadn't had the chance to see so many of the studs up close before this. Doug led me long a central hallway heading straight back through the house to a door part way along on the left. When we got to it, Doug stopped and knocked. We only waited a few seconds before the door was opened by a dark haired stud. He said hello to Doug, then glanced over at me. I saw his eyes narrow and watched as his eyes traveled down then back up me appraisingly. The guy stepped back and Doug moved into the room. I simply followed.

We entered a large sitting room, complete with a couple of couches, a desk, chairs and a TV. As I looked around, I heard the guy ask with a tone of disbelief, "Is this the guy, Doug?"

"Sure is," Doug replied. The guy had shut the door.

"Damn. He doesn't look like a cocksucker." I felt both proud and embarrassed. I wasn't sure what a cocksucker was supposed to look like, but I was glad I didn't fit the mold. Still, to hear this complete stranger call me a cocksucker made my face go red. The guy saw that and laughed at me.

"He wasn't until he met me," Doug said.

"Don't worry, kid. Doug's told me all about you." His hand dropped to his crotch, massaging the bulge in his tight jeans. "I got something here that I'm sure you will like." Watching him rub his crotch had my own cock now completely stiff.

"Well we can both see how much you want it, Clay," Doug said. "Why don't you get on your knees and show him just how good a cocksucker I've made you?" It was more a command than a suggestion and I knew it. Still, seeing this hot stud looking at me expectantly had my hormones ruling my judgment. I took two steps closer to the guy. He was cleancut, his black hair cut fairly short. As I approached, he smiled and I was completely lost. My eyes locked onto his blue eyes as I sank to my knees. I tore my gaze from his eyes and took in what must have been two days stubble on his face. If anything, it made him look even sexier. I dropped my gaze further to his crotch which was now just a few inches from my face. The guy put his hands on his hips and just stood there. I hesitated.

"Get to it, boy!" Doug ordered. I immediately reached for the button of the guy's jeans. I popped it open and pulled his shirt upwards. This gave me a glimpse of his abs and a thin line of dark hair which ran down the center and disappeared into his jeans. I wanted just to lean forward and lick his abs, just worship his body with my tongue. As I worked the zipper, I did it, my tongue lapping at his slightly salty skin. I heard him laugh again above me.

"Shit Doug! This little faggot is hot for me." I had the zipper undone and slid his jeans down. The boxers he was wearing were pulled partway down as I did it. I could feel the heat from his crotch and the sexy musk nearly overwhelmed me. I continued to lick at his abs while I pulled down his boxers, then felt his cock hitting against my chin. Not wasting any time, I pulled my head back until the frat boy's cock stood proudly in front of my face. I risked a glance up at him and our eyes met again. He was staring at me intently. I watched a smirk form on his lips as I opened mine and let the head of his cock slide between them. As I closed my mouth around his cock head, his eyes closed in pleasure. He threw his head back and grabbed my head with both hands. I tried to adjust as his hips moved forward and he forced his cock into my mouth, then my throat. I tried not to choke as he sighed in pleasure. He had a good seven inches which were thickest just behind the ridge of his flaring head. I got a quick taste of his precum, which in my opinion was not as good as Doug's before he forced his cock deeper.

I let my hands move from his hips around to his ass, feeling the muscles clench as his drove his cock into my head. He pulled his hips back, dragging his cock out of my mouth, then spiked my throat again. I moved my hands up his back feeling his soft skin covering his tight, hard muscles and the center line of his spine. His body moved under my hands as he slowly fucked my face. He didn't seem to mind me feeling him, so I ran my hands around his sides to his chest. His hips were moving faster now and the taste of his precum was filling my mouth. My fingers explored the ridges of his abdomen, then the mounds of his pecs. He let out a low moan as my fingers toyed gently with his nipples.

"Oh fuck yeah...." he moaned. "That's it, boy. Suck my cock and rub my chest. Oh fuck yeah! That's it. Keep that up, cocksucker. Ahhh!" Before I knew it, this frat stud was unloading in my mouth. I tasted his salty cum as spurt after spurt shot onto my tongue. The guy kept pumping his dick into me, not stopping while he shot like so many guys did. Several spurts hit the back of my throat, almost choking me. His hands had tightened almost painfully on my head, but with his cock filling my mouth, there was no way for me to protest, even if I had wanted to. So I knelt there in this frat boy's room, sucking his cum down my throat as he fucked my face. Finally, his hips stopped moving and he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He was still rock hard.

"Damn, this boy sucks like fucking Hoover, Doug! I never blow a nut that fast."

"Yeah, I taught him right. I've made ol' Clay here into a first class cock slut."

"You said he likes it up the ass?"

"Almost as much as down the throat. He fucking shoots his pussy wad if you fuck him hard enough."

"Hot damn. You can bet I'm gonna get me some of that. But I guess that will have to wait for later."

Hearing them talk about me like I was something to be used got me even hotter than I had been with this guy's cock shooting in my mouth as Doug watched. My cock was leaking precum like crazy and I could feel the wet spot forming in my shorts. My lips still tingled from the friction of the stud's cock pistoning in my mouth. I suddenly realized that I didn't even know the guy's name. Hell, I hadn't even met the guy for thirty seconds before I had his body in mine. Now with his cum in my belly, he was in me for good. I felt my face flush, but screwed up my courage to ask.

"Um. Uh. Doug, can I ask... Um." I looked up past the hard cock to the guy's face. "What's your name?" He burst out laughing and I heard Doug chuckling too.

"So once you have a belly full of a guy's cum you want to know his name?" he asked me. "Kinda presumptuous, aren't you?" I didn't know what to say and let my eyes drop down to his feet. Doug made the introduction.

"Clay, I want you to meet Josh, the president of the fraternity."

I wasn't sure what to do, being on my knees, but I put my hand up to shake with him. Josh gave my a grin and patted me on the head. I let my hand drop and it went unconsciously to my crotch. I squeezed my cock through my shorts as Josh petted me like a dog. Josh pulled his jeans closed and saw where my hand was. "You better save that, cocksucker. Unless you like sucking dick after you've blown a load."

Doug spoke as I let my hand drop to my side. "You'd be surprised, Josh. I've fucked his pussyboy load right out of him plenty of times and he still is as cock crazy as ever. He can't get enough."

That was only partially true. When Doug made me cum during one of the sexual marathons he liked, there were plenty of times that I would have preferred to just collapse on the bed and sleep, but he had trained me to keep going to please him regardless of how I felt. But it was true that I was cock crazy. For the thousandth time I wondered how he had made me crave cock the way I did. But then I looked at him again and the wave of lust that washed through me wiped the thought from my mind.

"You can be damn sure I'm gonna get some more of this. I'd have never thought a guy like him would be a cocksucker if I hadn't just blown my nut in his mouth. Fucker swallowed every drop too! Shit, he's built well and I guess is good looking enough. How'd you know he was a fag, Doug? He make a pass at you?"

"Hell, all I had to do was watch his eyes. I caught him checking out my body a couple times, so one night when I was horny I put my suspicions to the test." Doug looked at me. "Took both your cherries that night. Remember Clay? I loved the way you whimpered like a little girl and then even tried to fight me a little when I made you a pussyboy. You loved it too. Didn't you?" I didn't say anything. "Well?" he demanded.

"Yeah, Doug. I loved it too. I didn't think I would and it hurt at first, but I loved it." Admitting this in front of Josh was embarrassing, but I didn't care. Hell, I had just blown the guy. This wouldn't be any surprise to him. Doug and Josh exchanged an amused look.

"So," Doug said, "who did you line up? I decided on two, myself."

"Zach, first. Then Rod and Sam," Josh replied.

"The twins?" Doug asked. "I hadn't considered them. You already talked to them?"

"Sure did."

I wasn't exactly sure what they meant by their conversation, but was getting an idea. Josh's comment about sucking dick after having shot my wad came back to me. I was suddenly nervous. They couldn't be planning on having me suck off all those guys, could they? I looked from Doug to Josh and back to Doug.

"Get up on your feet, cocksucker," Doug said. I rose to my feet, and stood there, shifting my weight from one foot to the other nervously. Josh did up his pants, moved to one of the couches and sat down. He grabbed the phone on the coffee table and dialed. Doug moved to a chair and sat, leaving me standing in the middle of the floor.

"Hey, Zach. It's Josh. You about ready? Yeah, I'm serious. Get down here and you'll see. Yeah. Alright. Oh, and by the way, he does a hell of a job!" Josh laughed. "Of course I did! Yeah, see ya soon." Josh turned and looked at me. "Your next meal is on the way." He and Doug both burst out laughing.

I didn't have to wait long. Apparently Zach lived in the frat house. The knock on the door came just a couple minutes later. Josh yelled out for Zach to come on in and the door swung open. The guy who came in was shorter than me, standing about five seven or five eight, but was incredibly well built. It looked like he had spent the past ten years in the weight room. Even so, he still was light on his feet and the muscle looked natural on him, not steroid induced. He shut the door behind him and turned to look at me.

"Looks normal enough," he said. His hair was blond, though not as light as Doug's. He wore it kind of long but it looked good. He walked closer to me, still eyeing me.

"He may look normal enough, but he is a cocksucker through and through," Josh said. I looked down at the floor. Zach walked up to me and I stared at his jean covered legs and leather loafers. I raised my eyes until I reached his face. I was looking down at him. He looked me in the eye for a minute.

"Strip and assume the position, Clay," Doug ordered. I obediently kicked off my shoes, pulled off my shirt and shorts, then sank to my knees as Zach's eyes widened in surprise. I was embarrassed to be buck ass naked in a room with three frat guys, two of whom I didn't even know and on my knees, to boot, but there was no disobeying Doug. Zach's look of surprise had turned to a look of pleasure as I took the submissive position at his feet. Zach wore a pair of khaki shorts, white t-shirt and sandals. He didn't wait for me, pulling open the button of his shorts and unzipping them. As his cock grew towards my face, I saw he wore no underwear. His cock was shorter than Josh's, but fatter. I leaned in to take him in my mouth.

"He's just gonna suck me right here in front of both of you?" He asked. "This dude has no shame."

"No, he's just been taught to be a good little cocksucker," Doug told him. By then, I had taken the head of Zach's cock between my lips and closed my mouth around it. I heard a hissed intake of breath then Zach's hands were on my head, guiding me down until my nose was pressed into his pubes.

"Damn. He can take it all. Fuck that feels good."

"Take yours?" Josh asked. "Doug tells me the cocksucker can take him to the root and you know how long his dick is. This boy was just made to suck dick. How's it feel?"

"Fucking great! God! The way he uses his tongue. He knows how to milk a guy's rod, that's for sure. Ohhhh, fuck yeah. Eat my dick you fucking faggot. Suck my cock and make me cum. You little shit. Don't even know me and you're on your knees with me skull fucking you. Worthless cocksucker. Milk me! Tighten up those lips! Yeah, that's the way. Eat my dick, dude. I wanna cum in your cocksucking mouth."

All the talk had one effect, at least on me. It made me hotter than ever. Doug had always been vocal during sex. Sucking Josh had gone by so quickly that I had just taken his load almost before I knew it. But Zach was definitely into this scene. He wanted his cum down another guy's throat and intended for me to know it. I let my hands move to his hips as I had done with Josh.

"Get your fucking hands off me, faggot!" he ordered. I immediately dropped my hands to my sides. "You are here to provide a hot wet hole for my dick. Not to feel me up like I am some toy for you to play with. You are the fucking toy, cocksucker. Just like one of those blow up dolls with the fake mouths. Only you've got the real thing and once I've blown my load down your throat, there won't be any washing it out. You will just swallow all my sperm and thank me for putting it in you. Oh. Fuck. Fuck! I'm coming!!"

I felt Zach's fingers digging into my scalp as he drove his cock deep into my throat and held it there. I could feel it throbbing as he pumped his cum into me.

"Drink it faggot. Swallow it!" he commanded. "Eat my fucking load, you cocksucking bitch. Ahhhhh yeahhhhh." The last was almost a growl of pleasure. I felt him relax and saw him visibly sag in front of me as the tension left his body. Still, he held his cock in my mouth for a few more seconds. Then he let it slip out, softening as it did. As I knelt there, looking at the part of this man which had just been inside me, Zach milked the shaft of his cock until a large pearly drop of cum formed at the slit. I looked up at his flushed face.

"Lick it off, boy. Show me what a slut you are for dick and sperm." I licked the cum off the head of his cock and enjoyed it. Zach zipped up his shorts and swaggered over to the couch. He sat down next to Josh. "So anyone else coming to this party?"

Josh picked up the phone again. In a few minutes there was a knock at the door. To my relief, as I was still naked and on my knees, Josh asked who it was. Rod answered and Josh told him to come in, but don't open the door too wide. A slim, tall dark haired guy slipped inside, followed by his exact double. I felt my cock, which had been softening during the wait, start to stiffen again.

"Damn!" said one of the guys. "He really is here. Shit. I've been looking forward to this!"

"Me too," chimed in the other.

They were obviously Rod and Sam. As they talked with Josh, Doug and Zach, I realized that they could tell them apart, but to me they looked exactly the same. Regardless, they were both hot men. Well developed jocks, which seemed to be the only type that could make it into this fraternity. I immediately thought soccer, just from the body type. A bit too muscular for swimmers, but not enough for football and too short for basketball. They stood about five ten or eleven, and had brown eyes to go with their dark hair and darker complection. Unlike Doug's tan, theirs was just their natural coloring. Not as dark as Johnny, but certainly not from Sweden either.

"No sense in waiting around," one of them said. He stepped up in front of me.

"Yeah, just go for it, Sam. He's obviously ready for it." Doug told him. Sam stepped up and I realized that he was the one wearing the white shirt. He dropped his shorts, showing hard in a pair of jockeys. He flipped them down and a nice seven inch cock appeared, pointing at my eye. Sam grabbed my head and with the lust and impatience of any college age guy shoved the head of his cock between my lips.

"Go for it, Sammy!" I heard his brother cheering him on. He was definitely going for it. Within a few seconds, he had pushed his way into my throat. He wasn't too thick and after what I had been through already, he was fairly easy to take. I heard him let out a moan above me and twisted my head back a little. I looked up his body. Even encased in his t-shirt he was a sexy guy. Of course, the fact that his cock was filling my mouth may have had something to do with that perception. Still, he had the look on his face of a confident, even arrogant, frat boy and I loved every second. He wasted no time, following his brother's coaching and fucking my face hard. I used all of the tricks that Doug had taught me, and soon felt his body stiffening. He wasn't a talker, like Zach, but he was enthusiastic. A few seconds later, he let out a loud sighing moan and began to pump his juice into my mouth.

"Oh shit!" he said. "Did you want that? I didn't mean to just cum in your mouth!" Doug burst out laughing.

"He was born to swallow cum, buddy. Fill him full. We all have, and Rod is waiting."

Sam was good for a few more spurts of tasty cum. He held his cock so that just the head was in my mouth and finished, covering my tongue with his salty cum. I lapped it up with pleasure. This guy tasted good. Not as good as Doug, but I was beginning to suspect that no one would ever taste as good as Doug. Finally finished cumming, Sam stood there with his cock soaking in my mouth. He was roughly pushed aside by his twin.

"Stop hogging the cocksucker, brother. I need to get off too!" Rod's jeans were open already and his cock, a match to that of his brother's, quickly filled my mouth. He simply stood there, not even moving his hips. I only took a second to realize what he wanted - the old kneel and bob. I began to work my mouth up and down his cock, sucking it for all I was worth. Honestly, I was getting tired. My jaws were aching, but Doug wanted me to do this and I wanted to taste Rod. To see if he tasted like his brother. Within four or five minutes, Rod was panting and I could tell he was about to cum. My skills were paying off with big dividends. Rod let loose with a torrent of cum, much more than his brother, but just as tasty. As the last spurts went down my throat, he sighed contentedly.

Sam buttoned up his jeans and plopped down in a lazyboy. "So are we the chosen few?"

"No," Doug said. "Matt will be here in a few." He looked at his watch. "I told him to be here exactly at..." There was a knock at the door. Doug grinned. "There he is."

Once again, Josh yelled and confirmed that it was Matt. He let himself in and stopped in his tracks after shutting the door. His eyes were focused on me. I would have been embarrassed except that I was stunned. Matt was a guy I knew. I had helped him on several physics quizzes. By helping, I mean that I kept my paper in clear view for him. Shit, with a body like his I would have typed the answers onto his paper if I could have figured out how.

**************** Author's note:

I guess I have asked for some support in the past and want to thank everyone who has written. I know this ends kind of in the middle, but it was getting too long to be manageable. Look at it this was - instead of this being the last chapter, now there will be at least one more. Anything comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 16

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