Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Dec 10, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Chapter 13


Doug laid on top of me, his cock filling me, for a good five minutes until his breathing was back to normal. His dick had never gotten completely soft and I felt it slowly begin to harden more. My arms and cock were aching with the weight of him on me, but it still felt delicious. Finally, Doug moved his head, the stubble on his chin scraping across the back of my neck. He put his hands down on the bed and lifted himself up over me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him staring down at me. He moved his hips in a circular motion and I moaned in pleasure. His hard cock probed into me at all angles hitting spots deep inside me that made my own cock leak even more.

"You even get off on this, dontcha, faggot? You like me just laying on you and using you for a cushion." He twisted his hips around again. "And you definitely like my big cock up inside you." I felt abandoned when he pulled out of me and groaned in disappointment. "Shut up, cunt. You're gonna get it again soon, don't worry." I felt his hands at my wrists, undoing the tie. When my wrists were free, I pulled them up above me to rub them, mindful of how he had used this instinctive move against me before, but Doug did nothing. After a few seconds he climbed off the bed.

"On your back, cocksucker. You're gonna give me the head that bitch should have earlier." I obediently rolled onto my back twisting sideways on the bed until Doug's cock was pointing at my mouth. He wasted no time sliding it between my lips. "Ahh fuck yeah, faggot. You give it up to me any way I want it! I can fuck your twat then shove my cock down your throat the next second. And all you do is get hard and leak your faggot juice from your faggot cock while I put it in ya. Suck me boy. Suck my big cock!"

I really wasn't getting a chance to suck him. Doug had bent his knees and pulled me forward until my head dropped over the side of the bed. I had been in this position before. It was Doug's favorite way to skull fuck me. He began to pound into my throat. His balls slapped against my eyes, the hairy sack scraping against my forehead. Despite the roughness he was showing, I was still in heaven. This jock stud had fucked me into submission and now was using my mouth for more pleasure. Not caring about the consequences, I grabbed my own cock with my right hand and began to jack off. I knew I wasn't supposed to jack off without permission, but I heard him laugh.

"You fucking worthless cocksucking cunt! You dig this so much you are beating off while I do it to you! Damn! What a fag. Go for it, faggot. Jerk your pussyboy cock while I fuck your throat. I wanna see you shoot your cocksucker load while I fill your belly with a real man's cum!"

I was beating my meat even harder now, listening to his words. They seemed to sink deeply into my mind. I was there to please him. My mouth was there to please his cock and the rest of my body was there to please his ego. I was just a fuck toy to him, but I was ready to do anything to give him more pleasure, make him feel more manly. I wanted to give him my body for him to use and both of us were getting off on my submission. My ass still was sore from the rough fuck he had thrown in it. My boypussy as Doug called it. He had certainly used it like a pussy, even called me a cunt. The thoughts just made me even hotter.

As Doug pulled back and then thrust in again, I could taste some of the precum he was leaking again. The jock was a damn cum machine! He seemed always ready to shoot another load. But hell, I was always ready and happy to take it. I began to moan around his cock giving him a hum job without even having to work at it. I was so far gone that I couldn't control myself. My whole world was contained in this room and the center of it was the muscular jock who was fucking my throat. I could only barely hear his words.

"Yeah, bitch. Take my dick, cocksucker. Eat my fucking meat! Yeah, boy, take it all! You are the best, faggot. You suck dick like a pro. You are a better cocksucker than any chick I've ever had! You're gonna suck the cum right outta my balls boy. Gonna make me cum in your mouth! Fuck yeah! Do it boy! Work it. Work for my cum, you faggot. Ahhhh, that's the way. You'll get my sperm soon, suckboy."

His words, the tone of his voice, husky with lust were too much for me. Moaning loudly around his pistoning shaft, I began to cum. I felt my balls draw up and then I was shooting. Doug's hand were suddenly on my chest, holding me in place for his thrusting cock while my whole body twitched and shook from the force of my orgasm. I felt my cum splattering against my chin, then on my chest and heard Doug laughing.

"That's it boy! Shoot your wad while I fuck your throat. You know your place, boy. You cum with my cock in ya. Now it's my turn! Take it bitch! Take my fucking load! I want you to taste it!" His cock exploded in my mouth. I opened my eyes, staring at his ballsac, not even an inch from my eyes, up against the base of his cock. I could see his balls held tight inside and knew they were emptying into me. I sucked even harder, trying to get every drop. Apparently Doug felt it. "That's the way, boy. Work for my cum! You are a goddam cum vaccuum! Oh fuck yeah..." He trailed off and I felt and saw some of the tension drain from his body. The pressure of his hands on my chest relaxed a bit and he slowly ran his cock in and out of my throat, not forcing it as he had been doing. After another minute, he pulled his softening cock out of my mouth completely and stood up.

I looked past his spit soaked cock, up his muscular chest to his face. He was staring down at me with a smug grin on his face. Seeing that was enough to allow me to ignore my sore throat and ass. Just seeing the satisfaction and arrogant look on his sweaty face seemed to make everything worthwhile. I was full of this young buck's cum at both ends and couldn't have been happier.

"Get up," Doug ordered. I twisted around on the bed and sat up. Doug took a step back and sat on Johnny's bed. God he looked so good! Even sweaty and flushed with exertion, he looked good enough to eat. I found myself wanting to go down on him again. He must have seen the thought in my eyes because before I could even move he said, "You want more, don't ya, faggot?" I could only nod, my voice not ready to work after the rough throat fucking he had given me. He chuckled, his chest shaking as he did so. I found my eyes glued to the muscles moving there. I wanted him still so badly.

"Well, you are covered in stinking faggot cum, boy. I suggest you get out of my bedroom and into the shower. Now!" It was a command and a dismissal. Reluctantly, my eyes still drinking in his sexy physique, I stood up and went to the door. As I opened it, he spoke again. "Don't worry faggot, I am gonna use you plenty more. Just now I want some sleep, so get out." I slipped through the door and into my room. Standing in front of my mirror, I saw myself. My lips were red, as was my face. I was covered in sweat and cum was dripping down my neck and chest. I was suddenly embarrassed by what I had let Doug do to me. He had put me on my knees with a chick watching! Oh God! I dropped my eyes from the reflection in the mirror, grabbed my towel and went to the shower.

Three days went by with me watching Doug escort his latest chick around campus and in and out of his dorm room. I had found myself a cute girl and had spent one night with her, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Doug, even as we were fucking. I thought I would go crazy! Then I saw Lyle in class and decided to see if he wanted some action. After class ended, I caught up to him in the hallway.

"Hey Lyle," I called.

He turned and when he saw who it was a smirk crossed his face. He stopped and waited for me to catch up with him. As I reached him, Lyle turned and started walking again, forcing me to follow. "Whatcha want?" he asked shortly.

"Well, um. I .. uh... was wondering what you were doing later." I said lamely. I knew how I sounded, but hell, how did you just go up to another dude and ask him if he would fuck you? Regardless, Lyle knew what I wanted. He slowed some and the rest of the class moved on, leaving us behind. He stopped and looked at me. He wore jeans and a polo shirt that showed off his chest nicely. His eyes raked up and down my body.

"Yeah, I bet you were, boy," he said quietly. "I can guess what you're wanting, too. Do you want me to say it?" He grinned at me.

"No!" I said quickly. "I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe get a beer or something later."

"A beer or something. Yeah right. Where do you want to drink it?" The way he said it definitely had two meanings and he let his hand drop down to his crotch, rubbing it lightly. I felt myself blush, which made him chuckle. "Let me guess, my room?" I could only nod my head in agreement. Lyle looked at his watch. "It's one o'clock. Be at my room at four." He turned and walked away, leaving me admiring his trim form.

I wandered through my next class, not even following what the professor said. It took up time until three, giving me still an hour to kill. I tried studying in the student union, but saw Doug and his girl there. Doug gave me a wave, which I returned, but made no move to stop and talk to me. I watched him disappear into the student bar with the blond girl. Shutting my book, I went back to my dorm room, dumped my stuff and headed for Lyle's dorm. The walk took me about 5 minutes, so I killed another ten in the lobby. Finally, it was time. Trying to keep my hard cock from being too obvious, I went up to Lyle's floor and walked to his door.

I paused at the door. I could still walk away. I could just turn around and go back to my dorm room and call my latest chick. But I found my fist knocking before the thought was finished. Anxiously, I waited for the door to open. When it did, the sandy haired dude whom I had seen in the hallway when I left Lyle's room the last time stood in front of me. He was in shorts, with no shirt. He had a tight build. Not hugely muscular, but defined and trim like a swimmer. His muscles and smooth skin looked good, not as big as Lyle was, but a nice body regardless. Before I had stared to long I found my voice.

"Um, is Lyle here?" I asked.

The guy opened the door wider and stepped a bit to the side. "Come on in." I obeyed automatically, expecting to find Lyle at his desk or on his bed but the rest of the room was empty. I turned to look at the guy as he shut the door. He was staring at me, his eyes obviously evaluating me.

"Where's Lyle?" I asked. "Are you his roommate?"

"Lyle is out for an hour or two. My name is Josh. He told me you'd be here and that I could do whatever I wanted until he got home." He waited, staring at me, to see how I took that statement. I didn't know what to do or say.

"What..what did he tell you about me?"

"I know he fucked you and that you blew him. Apparently you blew him in that fag bookstore!" Josh laughed. "You must have really been hard up for it!"

While that wasn't exactly the truth, I didn't want to tell him about Doug making me go there. Then I remembered Lyle's words. He had fucked this boy the first night they roomed together. "Yeah, well, he told me he fucked you, too." I managed to say.

"Maybe he did, maybe he didn't." Josh took a step closing the distance between us. "But we both know he fucked you, and to judge by that bulge in your jeans, you came looking for more. Well, you found me and I'll be happy to oblige." As he said this, he reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand to his crotch. He rubbed my hand against the cotton shorts and I could feel his cock growing. "Lyle said you were a hot one. I can't wait to put my cock in ya." I let my hand grip his hardening cock through his shorts. He felt it and gave me a grin. "So why don't you strip, Clay?"

I wasn't even surprised he knew my name. Lyle had decided to give me to his roommate to use. The feel of his hardening cock decided me. With my free hand I grabbed at the neck of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Josh let out a low whistle and released my wrist. I kept rubbing his cock and looked at his face. His brown eyes were focused on my chest and I felt his fingers grab my nipples. I dropped my shirt on the floor and moaned as he squeezed my nipples.

"Yeah, nice body so far dude. Why don't we get outta these clothes and get a good look at you." His hands went to my belt, undoing it as I yanked at his shorts. They fell to his ankles and I saw he was wearing no underwear. His cock, a good seven inches of thick uncut meat snapped up at an angle from his crotch. Josh had my jeans undone and I kicked them away. He pulled at my boxers and I heard them rip. In seconds they were off me and I stood there naked with him. His eyes roamed my body as his hand grabbed my cock. I moaned again. "Definitely a hot one, guy," he said as he began to push me backwards.

I fell back onto the bed and Josh came down on top of me. Our hard cocks rubbed together as he covered my mouth with his own. I felt his tongue against my lips and let mine part. He quickly snaked his tongue inside my mouth, exploring at will. He moaned into my mouth, his hips humping our dicks together. I thought the friction was going to make me cum! Reluctantly, I broke the kiss.

"You better stop that, or I'm gonna shoot, Josh," I panted.

"Not yet, buddy. Not for awhile yet." Josh moved forward on the bed, bringing his cock to my mouth. I opened for it willingly and heard him moan softly as it slid between my lips. I ran my tongue over the head, working it under the foreskin and felt him twitch. "Yeah, cocksucker. Show me how good you are!" I went to work, both with my tongue and my whole mouth. I was bobbing my head as best I could, while looking up at the stud above me. He was definitely a hot dude and I loved the feel of his steely cock in my mouth.

I felt him sink in deeper and ran my tongue along the veins on the bottom of his shaft. He moaned again in appreciation. Then the head of his cock hit the entrance to my throat. He punched against it several times chocking me some. Then, keeping his cock partway in my mouth he rotated above me until he knelt over my head. I felt him slide a hand under my neck and lift, pulling my throat into a straight line for his cock.

"Now take it, cocksucker!" He slid the full length into my throat and I felt his hands playing again with my nipples. I was rubbing his legs and the mounds of his ass as he penetrated my mouth. Before I knew my nipples were as hard as my cock. His hands slid down my abs and past my cock. I moaned in disappointment, but they kept moving down, onto my thighs. Then I felt his breath, warm along the shaft of my cock. Before I could react, I felt his warm, silky mouth engulf my cockhead. Josh began to thrust slowly in and out of my throat as he slowly took more of my dick into his mouth. My whole body was thrashing and Josh pinned first my left arm, then my right under his knees. His hands clamped onto my shins and he set the pace of his thrusts into my mouth. His own mouth still teasingly sank lower onto my shaft. I flexed my hips upward, but he let his head move with it, not taking any more.

Frustrated, I let my ass fall back on the bed, resigned to taking his thrusting cock and whatever sucking he wanted to give me. To my surprise, he followed me down and took my cock into his throat. I was in pure ecstasy! Josh now started to move his head in time with his own thrusts. I knew there was no way I was going to last long. I was pinned underneath this dude, his cock down my throat and my dick in his sucking mouth! He kept up the pace on my cock and with his own, so that it almost felt like I was sucking myself. Then I felt my abs tightening and my balls drawing up. Just as I started to shoot, Josh pulled off my cock, letting my cum spray onto my chest and belly. His own cock continued to fuck my face. As I finished shooting my load, I heard Josh moan and his seed filled my mouth in six quick spurts.

"Swallow it, boy," he said, panting. I obeyed, letting his cum slide down my throat. Josh ran his cock in and out of my mouth a few more times, then slowly pulled out. He sat back on the bed, catching his breath. I sat up and turned to look at him. He had a big grin on his face.

"How'd you like that?" he asked.

"It was incredible!"

"Swallowing my cum or being sucked?"

"Both," I admitted, and Josh chuckled.

"Grab a towel over there and wipe yourself off. I want that hot ass, boy!" I stood and did as he ordered, then turned to him. Josh was still on the bed, his legs spread in front of him and his cock half hard. "Get over on Lyle's bed, on your back," he ordered. Again I obeyed and watched the sexy stud climb off his bed and stand. Still half hard, Josh climbed onto the bed over me and lowered his ass to my face. I knew what to do without being told and let my tongue lap at his hole. He went wild, grinding his ass on my face and encouraging me to do more. I rimmed him for a good five minutes before he suddenly pulled away.

His cock was fully hard again. Moving down a bit, he shoved it into my mouth again. I sucked for less than a minute before he yanked it out. Josh moved until he knelt between my legs. He reached under my knees and rolled me up onto my shoulders. For an instant, I thought he was going to rim me as well, something I had never gotten a chick to do, but he just spit on my hole four or five times. Then, looking me in the eye, he slid the head of his cock up to my hole. He paused there for a second, then using just our combined spit, slid his cock into me.

I groaned in pain and pleasure as this dude penetrated me. I could feel inch after inch of his cock slide into me and watched the look of pleasure that ran across his face as he made me his pussyboy. Within seconds, I felt his pubes against my ass and knew I had taken it all. Josh never waited a second. He immediately pulled back and rammed home again still holding me in position beneath him. He let my legs slide along his arms until the back of my knees caught at his biceps and he lowered himself onto me more. Now his face was just inches above mine. Both of us were shaking with the force of his cock pounding into me.

"Lyle told me you like it fast and hard. So take it pussyboy! Take my fucking cock!" Those words reminded me how Lyle had set me up, but I was to into Josh's fuck to care. Then he lowered his lips onto mine again and I was lost in his kiss. His tongue plunged into my mouth as his cock plunged into my guts. He moaned into my mouth and his hands gripped my arms, pushing them onto the bed. The rough fucking he had been giving me began to get more and more out of control as Josh tried to nail me to the bed with his dick. I sucked in a lungful of his breath as he fucked me wildly. My ass felt on fire from the friction of him inside me, but my hard cock was throbbing between us.

Suddenly his thrusting hips lost their rough rhythm and his mouth slid off of mine. I felt his cheek against mine as he moaned into my ear. Josh thrust deeply inside me and held there. His body shook, all of his muscles tensed and I felt Josh's cock throbbing inside me. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh, fuck yeeeeahhhhh!!!" he nearly screamed as he filled me with his cum. My own cock, trapped between our sweaty abs erupted again and I moaned in pleasure with my own orgasm. I realized that Josh's face was over mine again and he was watching my face as I shot my load. He was still panting.

"Yeah, cocksucker. Shoot your wad for me! Squeeze my cock, faggot! Fuck yeah! Never fucked a guy until he shot his wad before. You are better than Lyle said." Josh didn't even pull out of me. He pushed me more into a ball, until his chest was over my face. He pushed his nipple towards my mouth and I raised my head to suck and lick it. Then I licked the other. That was enough to get the horny dude going again and I felt his cock start to move in me.

Josh fucked me slowly this time. My ass was still on fire, but the additional lube of his cum eased it some. Working slowly in and out, Josh fucked me, his face still just inches from mine. I groaned again and saw him smile. "Does it hurt, boy?"

"Oh fuck. It hurts, but fuck, it feels good!" Josh gave me a big smile.

"Good, cause this is gonna take awhile." He slowly moved in and out of me, working his cock at different angles and grinning at me each time he made me moan. After about five minutes, he pulled up off of me and I felt his cock slide out. I moaned in relief, but Josh pushed both my legs to the right and slid onto his side behind me. I felt his cock penetrate me again and moaned.

"Yeah, boy, take it. Take it all!" Josh moaned into my ear. I could feel his not breath on my ear as he humped me. "Raise your leg, faggot," he ordered. I obeyed and felt his cock slie in more deeply. His hands played with my nipples, then ran along my abs. I felt his fingers, covered in my own cum slide into my mouth and I licked them clean. Josh's hips were moving faster and suddenly he stopped, holding his breath for a few seconds. He let it out slowly, not moving. After about thirty seconds, he began to move in me again. I realized that he had been ready to cum, but had stopped so that he could fuck longer. It was something Doug enjoyed doing too.

Josh pushed me forward until I was on my stomach and he was laying on my back. His hips still drove his cock into me. I was moaning and groaning, his cock forcing sound out of me each time it slid in. I couldn't help myself.

"Yeah, got you moaning like a whore now, boy. You got a great fucking pussy! Fuck I am loving this. Big butch stud with my cock up his ass moaning like a fucking bitch! Take it, pussyboy." Josh's smooth chest was slick against my back with our sweat. It rubbed against me, turning me on even more. Suddenly it raised off of me and I felt Josh's hands on my hips. He used them to pull me up onto my knees, but when I tried to raise up on my hands, Josh forced me back face down onto the bed. He held me there, fucking me harder. His hips were moving faster again. I was moaning more loudly, the feel of his cock in me almost more than I could take.

I never even heard the door open.

"Sounds like you're giving him a hell of a ride, Josh." Josh's hips never stopped moving. I tried again to raise up, but Josh's hand between my shoulder blades held me in place.

"Fuck yeah, I am, Lyle. This guy is a total slut!"

"I know, I could hear him in the hallway. Sounded pretty wild." I heard music suddenly come on as Lyle adjusted the stereo. "How close are you?"

Josh, who had been fucking harder and faster, said, "Almost there. Gonna cream him again soon!"

"Again? How many loads have you pumped into the faggot?"

"On is in his mouth and another in his pussy. Gonna be a second one there soon." I felt the pressure from Josh's hand suddenly stop and raised myself up onto my hands. I looked around to see Lyle standing there, his shirt stripped off. As I watched, he pulled Josh's head to his chest. As Josh began to lick, he moaned loudly and I felt him begin to cum. Lyle released his head and Josh collapsed onto my back, his cock spurting the last of his load into me. Lyle let him rest for about a minute.

"All right, Josh. Time to pull out and clean up. The man is home and I expect some serious service from both you, pussyboys." Josh did as Lyle ordered, pulling out and climbing off the bed. I looked at Lyle again. As he stripped off his jeans, he looked at me. "How do you like being my faggot's pussyboy?" I could see Lyle's cock was already hard.

Author's note: As I indicated at the end of the last chapter, the series is drawing to a close. However, Josh seemed to need some time in the story, so this is not quite the end. Thanks also to all who have written with suggestions. Some will make it into the story. Whether there is one more chapter or two will depend on the response I get. If you are tired of the series, let me know. If you want it to continue, let me know that. Anyway, thanks again to all who have written.

Next: Chapter 14

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