Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Dominated By Doug

Chapter 12


The morning with Johnny and David after the fun with Doug, was quick. Both guys wanted quick blow jobs because they had class. I had expected and hoped for more, seeing them walk into my dorm room, completely stripped. But I found out later that Doug had told them they could have only seconds when he had finished and he had taken his time, enjoying my tongue up his tight little hole and my mouth on his cock. They left me all too soon. I was hard as a rock again, but without enough time to even jack off again, if I was to make it to my class. I would have gladly blown off my physics lecture if one (or both) of them would have stayed, but ended up taking a quick shower, turning the water colder and colder to try and reduce my hard cock.

I struggled into a pair of jeans and lightweight shirt with long sleeves. It had started to get colder now. Halloween was only a few weeks away and the leaves had started changing colors. It was a time of year I found I had been dreading without even knowing it as I walked across campus. Suddenly all those hot male bodies which had been so visible with nothing on but shorts and tight t-shirts were covered with more clothes, not giving me the feast my eyes had gotten used to seeing. As I rounded a corner, I saw Seth coming up the street. He flashed me a grin as I waved to him. He stopped just in front of me.

"So, Clay, I guess things are gonna be back to normal now?" At first I wasn't sure what he meant, but he continued, seeing my blank look. "You know, you taking care of me in the mornings again?" Suddenly it fell into place. I glanced down at his crotch and when I raised my eyes back up to his, I saw he had watched me check out his crotch. "I guess that answers my question," he laughed. "I will see you in the room, right after my six o'clock class. Got it?"

I mumbled my agreement as he pushed passed me. He was heading to his next class, I figured. I made my way on to my lecture and sat through it, bored. As I have said, I was good in math and science and had already read ahead in the book beyond what the professor was covering today. Finally, the time was up and I made my way out of the large lecture hall. I was surprised to see Johnny in the hallway outside. He walked up to me, threw an arm across my shoulders, just like a buddy greeting a friend and steered me toward the exit.

"Let's get some lunch, Clay." I nodded my agreement and he released me, much to my disappointment. I had liked the feel of his muscular arm across my shoulders and the way he determined where we were going. We walked together a few blocks to a small restaurant not far from the dorms. It was packed with college students, mainly guys, being as close as it was to our dorm, which was all male. The chicks who were in the place checked out both Johnny and me as we entered. I knew that we made a pretty good looking pair, me being the all-American looking white boy jock and Johnny being the more exotic Latino jock stud. We made a nice contrast, I thought, seeing our reflections in the mirror behind the bar. Johnny had apparently noticed the looks we were getting too. We sat at a small table toward the back.

"Getting a lot of looks from the chicks, Clay, and even from some of the guys." He grinned.

"Really? Which ones?" I hadn't noticed any of the guys checking us out. Johnny chuckled again. I was just kidding, boy. Damn you got it bad, don't ya? I felt myself blush and looked around to see if anyone overheard. He noticed and continued. "Seriously, Clay, some of them were checking you out too. You've got a good body that you have obviously spent plenty of time keeping in shape. You are bound to get some stares from both chicks and dudes. You got a cute face," he lowered his voice even more, leaning toward me, "though it really looks best with your lips stretched around my cock." He sat back upright "You and I know what you want from the dudes, don't we?" I just nodded my agreement, not trusting my voice.

We placed our orders and within a half hour had finished our lunches. When the waitress dropped of the tab, Johnny just stared at me, a look of superiority on his face. I sighed inwardly and paid the check. Johnny gave me a wide grin that more than repaid me for the money I had just spent on his lunch. As we got up to leave, Johnny said, "I fed you this morning, boy. It is only fair that you feed me now." I knew they guys at the next table overheard, but they had to be thinking I must have paid for breakfast or something. Surely.

We left the restaurant, me trailing behind him and my eyes drinking in the beautiful lean body as he moved in front of me. "God," I thought, "I am totally infatuated with these guys!" We split up to go to our different classes and I watched his sexy form until he disappeared around a corner. It seemed that the rest of the day flew by, and suddenly it was time to meet Seth. I quickly made my way back to the dorm and let myself inside. It was about 7:45 and Seth's class would have ended at 7:30. But he wasn't there. I went into the bedroom to wait for him and saw the note on the bed. His girlfriend had called and he was going to dinner with her. Damn! I had not sucked off my roomie for more than a week and had been looking forward to it. I wondered about that thought for a second and what it meant. Seth was another guy I was infatuated with, but then I just accepted it. Doug had done a very good job in making me into a cock hound.

Thinking of him, I opened the door to the bathroom and knocked on his. I hoped that Doug would be there, ready for some more action, or at the least Johnny. I heard someone moving on the other side of the door and after a few seconds it opened. Doug stood there in all his masculine glory, shirtless and with a half hard cock straining against his khaki shorts. He looked at me, then smirked a bit. "Hmph! I should have known you'd show up, boy."

"Can I come in, Doug?" I knew my voice sounded like I was pleading, but I couldn't help it. I heard a voice come from deeper in his room and it wasn't Johnny's.

"Who is it Doug?" asked the female voice.

"Someone who can help me out, since you won't." Doug turned back to me. "Come on in cocksucker." Shit! He had said it loud enough for the chick to hear! Doug opened the door and stepped back a bit, giving me room to slide past him. I entered the room, not sure of what was going on, but saw a girl sitting on the bed, buttoning up her blouse. She seemed surprised and embarrassed to have me walk in on her, and tried to turn away, but Doug told her not to worry. "This dude has seen it all before, and a lot more. He'll take care of the problem you're leaving me with, Kay. So you can get out."

She looked puzzled for a second then mad. She stood up an and we both watched as Doug grabbed his crotch. I moaned inwardly, not wanting this to happen, but not knowing any way that I could stop it. Kay was quickly finishing the buttons on her blouse, but now had a look of curiosity on her face rather than confusion. I stood in the middle of the room, just a foot from Doug, waiting to see what he would do. As Kay turned toward the door, Doug reached out with his left hand and put it on my shoulder. Kay took two steps towards the front room, then paused to watch as Doug pushed down on my shoulder and I sank to my knees. My hard cock was obvious in my jeans. With his right hand, Doug undid the zipper of his shorts. I wasn't sure what she was doing after Doug's cock slid into my mouth.

"You can just get out, since you're nothing but a cock tease. I have other business." As he moaned, I heard the chick's footsteps, then the door open and shut. She had gone, but my face was burning red. I couldn't believe Doug had made me go down on him while his girlfriend watched. But now that I had his dick in my mouth, I found I really didn't care. I wanted to be on my knees for this stud, worshiping his body and his cock. Doug's hands held my head tightly, pressing on my ears and he forced his cock in more deeply. I tried to tilt my head so that I could take him, barely making his hands move. As he slid in completely, he was staring down at me and I savored the taste of his cock and the musky smell of his crotch as he watched me do it.

"You timed that just right, faggot. She had been promising me some action all evening, but when I get her back here, she got all shy and wouldn't put out. Fucking bitch!" I felt his cock throb in my mouth and throat. I couldn't breathe, but Doug either didn't know or care. "She was pissing me off! But you came along just in time." He dragged his hips backward, the shaft of his cock reappearing from between my lips, slick and shiny with my spit. I gulped a breath before Doug slammed back into my face. " Now you are gonna take it, faggot. She would have wanted it nice and gentle, anyway. At least I can fuck you like the worthless cunt you are." Saying that, he moved his hands to the back of my head, lacing his fingers through my hair. I saw the veins in his forearms stand out for a second before he used brute strength to force my mouth roughly back down to the base of his shaft. Even though I had already taken it down, his roughness and the new angle made it tough and I choked on his meat. That just seemed to turn him on more.

"Yeah, faggot, choke on my big cock! Your fucking throat is nothing but a pussy for me, boy. Just like the rest of you. Yeah take my fucking meat! Ahhh fuck that's the way, cocksucker. Suck my dick like you mean it, cunt! Suck me hard!" I was doing my best to obey, but Doug wasn't waiting for me to use my tongue or try any of the techniques I had learned while sucking his cock. Instead he was roughly ramming his cock into my throat, then using his solid grip on my hair to drag my lips back up his shaft. I would get enough time to suck in a quick breath through my nose before he forced his way back down my throat. My forehead hit the steel button of his khakis each time my nose sunk into his pubes. Doug kept this up for several minutes, grunting deep in his chest with each thrust in, while I tried to use my tongue and lips to give him more pleasure.

Suddenly he yanked his hips back and my head off his throbbing cock. He gripped the hair in the back of my head more tightly with his right hand and pulled face up, so that I knelt at his feet, looking up at his eyes. He seemed angry and turned on at the same time. With his left hand, he grabbed the base of his shaft and began to beat my face with his spit soaked cock. This was not a light slapping either, but hard blows from his iron hard cock. "Stick your tongue out, fuckwad!" he ordered. I quickly obeyed, kneeling at this stud's feet, tongue hanging out of my mouth like a slut while he beat my face with his dick and rubbed my spit and his precum all over my cheeks, forehead and lips. I knew from the way my face was stinging that his cock had to be as well. But at least in this position, as humiliating as it was, I could look up and watch him.

His face was shiny with sweat, as were the muscles of his pecs and the smooth skin of his tight abs which stretched tightly upward out of his khakis, a thin line of darker hair running up from the material above the button to his navel. His eyes were staring in to mine and his nostrils flared each time his chest swelled with his breath. The biceps in his arms were bunched up and straining as he held my head and his cock. Doug's dick slapped my cheek and I felt his precum dripping into my eye, but I didn't want to close it on the incredible sight of this muscular stud standing over me and dick slapping me. I had never seen anything so sexy. My cock was so hard in my jeans I thought it would break in two.

Finally he took a deep breath and I lustfully admired the way beads of sweat formed in the valley between his nipples as his chest expanded. He released his cock and the back of my head, then used his left hand to shove me backward. I fell back against the bed, losing my balance. I sat there, unsure what to do, watching Doug breathe heavily. His eyes were closed, but suddenly flew open. He stared down at me.

"Fucking strip, faggot. Now!" It was a command, delivered in a tone that I had never heard from Doug. I quickly stood and shucked off my socks, jeans, shirt and boxers. Naked, I didn't know what to do, so I dropped my eyes from his and slowly sank back to my knees, my throbbing dick betraying to him how much I was enjoying this treatment. Doug raised his left foot and ordered me to remove his sock. I did that, then removed the sock on his left foot. Now he had on only his shorts and underwear. "Unbutton my shorts, you worthless faggot." I reached forward to his waist, but he smacked my hand away, hard. "No fucking hands, dammit! Use you teeth!"

I dropped my hands to my own crotch, not even thinking, and leaned forward to try to get the button undone with my teeth. "Goddammit!" Doug swore, "I said no hands, you stupid fucking faggot. Shit!" He stepped back from me and I realized my mistake. I had used my hands on my own cock. Doug walked to his closet and pulled out a necktie. He moved behind me. "You should know better than that, you stupid shithead. Now put your hands behind your back, faggot." I didn't even really hesitate, but I guess I didn't move quickly enough for him because suddenly his hand was gripping my throat. His mouth was close to my ear when he spoke again.

"When I said hands behind your back, faggot, I wasn't kidding around. Now you either obey me, boy, or I will kick you out into the hall, naked, and you will never ever get to touch me again. Which is it going to be?" I could tell he was pissed off by the chick he had thrown out of his room.

I was more scared by Doug's threat of never letting me touch him again than being thrown out in the hall, and I know he knew it. "Please sir, here are my hands." I crossed my wrists behind me at the small of my back. "Please let me have your cock, sir." The thought of never touching Doug's magnificent body, of never again tasting his skin, his sweat, his cum had me ready do anything to obey him and please him. Apparently my response met with his approval.

Not saying anything, Doug wound the tie around my wrists and tied them tightly. Fortunately, it wasn't tight enough to cut off my circulation. He then stepped back in front of me. His chest was still heaving from pent up anger or frustration. I wasn't sure which. "Now get these clothes off me, you worthless cunt!"

I leaned forward, pressing my forehead against the warm skin of his abdomen. I could feel his ab muscles flexing against my face as he panted. I managed to use my lips to pull the material of his shorts back and then grabbed it with my teeth. Twisting my head, I popped the button free, though I was sorry to break the contact I had with his skin. Since Doug had already undone the zipper, the shorts fell to his ankles when I released the grip I had with my teeth. Doug kicked them away and stared down at me.

"Now my boxers, faggot! Do I have to tell you everything??" Actually I knew what he wanted, but with his strange mood, I was afraid to do anything before he told me to do it. I leaned forward and used my lips again. Basically, I got to kiss the area three inches below his navel until I got a grip on the cotton waistband. Then I used my teeth again to pull it away from him, then down his lean hips. His cock sprang up, hitting me on the chin and cheek and I heard Doug chuckle. The sound was music to my ears. I had to move my entire head downward to pull the fabric over the hard muscle of his butt and along his thighs, but eventually they too fell to his ankles. Doug kicked them away in turn. I sat back on my heels, looking at the hard cock which had made me into the pussyboy I was. I wanted to take it into my mouth again, but looked up at Doug, begging him with my eyes for permission.

Doug looked down at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. Instead of letting me take his rod back into my mouth, Doug stepped back and sat on his bed, his legs spread wide. His cock stood up tight against his abdomen as his sat back against the wall. I saw his balls were still hanging low. I remembered how they had been in my mouth and felt my mouth water. Briefly, I wondered again at my total conversion into Doug's sex toy, but when he spoke again, his sexy voice dispelled those thoughts.

"Crawl over here, faggot. Stick your face in my crotch and show me how much you want my dick in you. Come on boy. Show me what a pussy you are for a real man." Doug crossed his arms against the wall behind his head, showing off the muscles of his V shaped torso. I moaned like the slut he had made me and crawled forward between his legs. I bent over letting my face fall against his hairy balls and hard dick. Doug laughed over me.

"Jesus, Clay, you should see yourself. I tell you to shove your face in my crotch and you are ready to suck my balls before I even get the words out." He chuckled again. "You have turned into a better fuckboy than I had ever hoped. Guess the time Mikey had you helped. I told the kid there were no limits with ya. One day I will have to get you to tell me everything you let my highschool punk little brother do to ya, collegeboy fag." I heard the derision in his voice. It was not quite contempt, I guess because he enjoyed what I was doing too much, but he was definitely speaking to somebody he considered inferior.

"Now look at you. Hands tied behind your back, stripped naked and slobbering over my dick like some cock hungry hooker. You want my dick back in your mouth, boy? You wanna suck my big fat cock?"

I looked up at him. "Yes, sir. Please. Let me suck your cock, sir. Please!" I didn't even try to keep the begging out of my voice. His skin still glistened with sweat. The dorms had turned the heat on a few days before and the rooms were now pretty much burning up unless you kept the window wide open for air. Doug's window was closed, for which I was thankful or else anyone walking in the courtyard would be able to hear this. But the heat was building in the room and both of us were sweating, Doug more than I after his exertions.

"You can earn the right, cocksucker. You can earn to right to taste my cum. That's what you want, isn't it? To feel my sperm shooting down your faggot throat?"

"Yes, Doug, please," I panted, leaning back. "I want you to cum in my mouth, sir."

"Just your mouth?" He demanded.

"Anywhere, sir. I want you to cum in me anywhere!"

"God, what a fucking slut you are. I should invite every guy in the dorm in here to plug your mouth and pussy. You know you'd love it. Fucking faggot cocksucker. How would you like that? Huh boy? How'd you like me to round up a dozen guys and see what fun they could have?"

I pulled at the bindings on my wrist, but it was futile. Doug could tie a knot. And, actually, I was kind of excited by what he was saying. I didn't really want to suck off a bunch of guys I didn't know, or get fucked by them, but the thought of it was still somehow exciting. Regardless, Doug was in front of me and it was his cock that I wanted, his cum. "Please Doug, sir, I want to suck you off. Please let me suck you off. I want to so badly. I want to taste your cum."

"I know you do faggot. You were born to be a cum sucking faggot. Never forget who showed you what you are. But you gotta earn the right. Why don't you kiss my foot, faggot. You want my body so much, you need to get more familiar with all it." He moved his left foot onto the bed in front of me. Like the slut he had made me, I lowered my face to it with a moan. My tongue snaked out of my mouth and I began to lick at it. Doug's skin tasted salty and warm. My own cock was leaking precum now at this latest degradation. I was so turned on by this hot stud making me kiss and lick his foot. I worked over every inch of the top of it, slowly moving down to his toes. I managed to look up at him and our eyes met. I knew from his look what he wanted me to do and I began to suck his toes. Doug let out a satisfied chuckle as I worked my way down them, then he presented me with his other foot. I took care of it as well.

Doug let his feet slide off the bed to the floor and my mouth was presented with his shins. I tongued them without hesitation, licking up his sweat and tasting his skin. He didn't allow me to stay there long, reaching down and guiding my head upwards along his thighs. I was pulling again at the tie around my wrists again, wanting to feel his hard body with more than my tongue and lips but it was useless. Doug seemed to get turned on more by watching me struggle.

"Stupid faggot. You're not gonna get free until I let you. Go ahead and try though. I like watching you squirm. Just like you squirmed when I busted your cherry that first time. Never seen a guy move his ass so much! Course, I wasn't gonna let you get away." He laughed. "And like I told you, you were loving it long before I ever even blew my load in your pussy." I was still licking his right thigh as he turned and lay flat on the bed, presenting me with his left side. His hand guided my mouth past his cock to my disappointment. He had me lick his chest and abs, spending a long time on his nipples. This was familiar territory. I had worshiped his chest before. Then he pushed my face into his armpit. The smell was funky but sexy. It still smelled totally of Doug. I licked at his sweat there, tasting it, lapping at the darker hair that grew there.

"Yeah, eat out my pit, boy. What a fucking piece of faggot shit you are. Sucking the sweat outta another dude's pit! I never met a guy so low. And your fucking cock is harder than ever! You pussy. You are getting off on licking my goddamn sweaty pit! Do it boy! Show me how much you dig my body. Lick it!"

I had no choice but to obey with his hand on the back of my head holding me in place, but I wouldn't have pulled away if I could have. I wanted to lick every inch of this hot stud's body. I had done it for him before and knew how much he got off on it. That was all that mattered to me. If it made Doug happy or gave him pleasure, then I wanted to do it. Doug pulled my face out of his pit and looked at me.

"You wanna suck my cock boy? You want it in your mouth?"

My lips and tongue were alomst numb, but I managed to mumble yes. He pulled my head back more, until I was forced to look at the ceiling. I was panting harder now. "Then you have some more work to do, faggot." Doug released my head. I watched as he raised himself up and turned onto his stomach. He spread his legs. "Go ahead, asslicker. Climb on the bed and show me a good time."

I struggled to my feet and looked down at him for a second. His head rested on his hands and he was facing the wall. His shoulder muscled were bunched up, tapering down along to the small of his back. His spine was well defined, running down the center of his back and leading my eyes to the mounds of his ass and the crack there. As I climbed awkwardly onto the bed, Doug spread his legs a bit more, giving me better access. It was difficult to lean over without using my hands and I found myself falling forward, my face into his ass. Doug just moaned.

"Use that tongue, cunt. Dig it in deep."

I wasted no time obeying. I lapped at the soft blond hairs on his ass before moving my face directly to his hole. I let my tongue tease it, enjoying the moans and what were almost whimpers that came from Doug as I did it. As I lapped at his hole, his whimpers grew into pronounced moans, then he began to speak.

"Yes, that's it faggot. Lick my hole. Ohhh, fuck yeah. Get nasty with me, asslicker. Show me what a fucking slut you are, licking another guy's hole just to get him to fuck you. Ahhh fuck yeah! Get me ready to make you my pussyboy again!" I felt Doug's body twitching as I rimmed him. "Yeah, that's it! Ahh yeah, up inside!" He moaned loudly.

All too soon, he pulled forward and slid off the bed. Doug grabbed my hair and pulled me forward until I landed face down on the bed, arms still bound behind me. In a flash he brought a knee down between my legs, then another. He scooted forward, using his knees and thighs under me to spread my legs open and raise my ass in the air at the same time.

"I'm ready now, pussyboy! Gonna fuck your tight hole." I felt one hand come down between my shoulder blades, pinning me to the bed. I managed to turn my face to the right so I could at least breathe. I felt Doug raise my hips up a bit more, then I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my hole. I turned my head more. Doug's chin was against his chest. He was looking down past his tight belly and his right hand was at the base of his cock, guiding it into me. I groaned loudly as his cockhead, lubed just with just the precum from my rimjob, stretched me open. I know Doug was having trouble, but he kept forcing it in harder and harder. "Take my fucking cock, faggot. Open that pussy!" Finally my hole gave way to him and his cockhead punched into me. Mercilessly, Doug slowly drove his cock in deeper growling as he did it. "Yeaahhh!"

I could only groan again as I felt his pubes against my ass. Slowly, he began to pull out. It was only a bit easier. When I could feel the flare of his cockhead stretching my hole, Doug rammed forward. I let out a yelp.

"Take my fuck, bitch!" Doug shouted. "My big dick will make you squeal! Fucking take it." Doug was pulling back and ramming in again and again. The friction was incredible to me and I couldn't see how he could last. But Doug surprised me. He pulled all the way out, and I could hear him suck in two deep breaths, then he punched back inside me. I yelped again, which seemed to spur him on.

"Fuck yeah, boy. You are gonna feel this fuck! You are gonna wail as I fuck you boy!" He pulled out and punched into me three, four, five more times, each time forcing a louder whimpering yelp out of me. Then he clenched my body to his.

Ohhh! Fuck!!! Take it you cum loving faggot! Take my cum! Filling your hot pussy!" I felt him ram into me and hold himself there, buried up inside me. I moaned in pleasure as I felt his body shake and his cock begin to throb. "Fuck! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Doug screamed out his orgasm, forcing and fucking me deeper into the bed as he did it. I could feel all his weight one me, his hips driving his big cock inside and his hands both on my shoulders. I reveled in it as he held me immobile and emptied his balls into my abused ass. Finally, I felt his body begin to relax and he lowered himself onto my back, forcing me onto my stomach. My cock was caught at a bad angle beneath me, but I never considered disturbing the dominant male on my back, his softening cock still penetrating me deeply. I would wait until he was ready to move before my cock would get relief.

Author's Note: Thanks to all who haven taken the time to write. I appreciate the email and you have kept the story going. I may have another chapter or two, but then I have to move to something that makes money (hopefully). Still, for what may be the last chapter, any suggestions? No promises on how the story goes, but always nice to get new ideas.

Next: Chapter 13

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